Crumb Quilting Adventure - New Piecing Technique plus Digital Quilt | Ep. 5

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hi everyone it's me Darlene in one of my most comfy and old house shirts do love house clothes I am going to do a little bit of crumb quilting I have my handy dandy crumb quilt box I just love this box of crumbs before I forget I have I think enough blocks made I have 10 cut that I did with you guys I have probably four or five more that I can cut I might do that at the end of this video what I'm planning on doing is taking pictures of the blocks that I do have and making a quilt out of those blocks on my computer I know there's not enough blocks but I can duplicate some of those and turn them so they look different just to give us an idea and I can try doing it with sashing or without sashing I'm leaning toward no sashing I'm also leaning toward a different unconventional way of connecting my pieces I don't know if I will do it that way yet but even if I don't I will show you the way that I have made up in my head I'm always looking for easy but anyway stick around to the end of this video because I will have that quilt for you guys so we can see you know just get a rough idea of what I can do with this my plans are to make a small quilt but I might show you like a large version just because because I'm gonna feel like playing with the software so that's at the end what I plan on doing between now and the end of this video is going to show you a new technique that I kind of sort of just made up I'm sure things like this exist but I watch a lot of videos and I don't really see people showing you how to take big pieces and make it look like you started out with small pieces and that's what I like to experiment with I like to try to find ways to make something very easy look like it was really difficult and complicated so I'm gonna be showing you that and then like I said I might square up some of my blocks and show those to you and that might be it for tonight that is for my mother double ring and she picked up so let's just get started what I am about to show you is what I consider a very easy way to get a piece started and it looks like the pieces that you started with were little tiny crumbs what you need are four strips of fabric two can be you know kind of the same length they can be on the longer side same width if you want doesn't have to be the same width not too wide but you don't have to have something super skinny either mine are probably like 3/4 or an inch to maybe an inch and a half wide then you want to other strips they don't have to be as long so if you have some shorter strips put those together put two longer strips together we're going to sold the two longer strips together right sides facing quarter inch or whatever you like to use believe it or not there are no seam allowance rules either usually the most important thing about seam allowances that if you are making blocks where you're trying to match things up you you at least want your seam allowance to be consistent throughout but with this it doesn't matter you can do an eighth of an inch you can do a half an inch does not matter and you do not need long strips like this I just build multiple blocks at the same time so if I'm going to sit here and so I you know I make it worth my time I don't like to do a block at a time now take your two shorter ones and put those together and these aren't straight they're kind of tapered you're just matching up one straight edge on this side going to quickly press those open take your two shorter strips the little strip set that you just made I'm going to just even off the end I'm going to start with the right end of the piece first facing up and we're starting with this edge I'm going to take this guy and I'm going to take the salvage off that so I'm just going to even that up I am going to put this on here now do you see how I am this one's going this way this one's going up and down right here and I'm sewing the first piece right to the edge so we have the edges matching I'm just going to sew until I reach the end of the bottom fabric like that now you can pull your thread and snip if you want or you can just pull your thread and not snip and just leave your thread hanging we're going to trim this guy right here be a little generous to allow for crooked cutting you're going to take the strip again you're going to fold this guy back we're going to be sewing another piece you want to leave maybe you know maybe an inch of space do you see here we're going to fold this one back this is going to end up being cut so if you want just a little bit of fabric showing on this side you would put this guy kind of close if you want a little bit more showing kind of far you're good to leave like maybe an inch showing because you can always trim it if you want later so let's just say for the sake of this tutorial about an inch so you're just going to lay your piece down about an inch with this open don't leave this closed and go an inch away from that open this up an inch from that seam we're going to sew again I'm just sewing right on the edge of that fabric I'm going to pull this out I'm going to trim so this is what it looks like I have two pieces that are laying this way but when I open this one we see the fabric underneath now we're going to open this one we're going to lay our fabric here I'm just going to snip this thread because it's getting complicated for me to keep lifting it to show you so now I'm just moving those out of the way lift the flap lift the flap and let's put this again see I'm a whole bunch that will be matchy-matchy but it doesn't have to be the center of a block these matchy-matchy pieces can go throughout your quilt and if you want you can turn your strip in the other direction let me just even that up and it just switches the color combination a little bit so let's do that okay I'm gonna leave like less than an inch because I like my pieces to look like they were really little trim do it again now if you wanted you don't have to have this strip be all the same you could have several strips what I'm saying is this top strip you could have a whole bunch of those made and alternate so like maybe a blue and a red would be on top of this or a green and a pink would be on top of this it just gives you more combinations but for the sake of this video I'm just doing it like this now I'm going to push this back I'm leaving a space I'm going to sew the next one trim push this one back going to sew the next one actually the easiest way is to kind of like just pull it forward pull this back always remember to pull your fabric back or you'll end up with too much of a space and I'm gonna turn it again just to make it fit better and this will be our last piece now if I want since I'm sitting right here I can go ahead and just add other things there doesn't even have to be other strips like I have just this piece here so let me just add that just that one color and I think I have room to do it again fold this back one more all right we're gonna go press this I will show you how easy it is I just lay my strip down and I flip back to the first piece and press flip back the next piece and press flip back the next piece and press flip back the next piece and press do the same so now you can kind of like fold them down again start at your first one lift that guy we're going to cut just above the seam of the next guy so I'm going to cut right here now see that has made a little block that has two little pieces going this way and some go in that way so let's do that again I'm going to flip the next one and cut near the seam of the other one flip cut near this seam flip and cut near the seam and then these little guys are just a three patch and I can cut that wherever I want so this gives us the beginnings of something a very cute now when you have a bunch of these made in different colors using different strips you can start putting them together well you can put these together doesn't have to be all about a thousand colors like you can put like that I mean just any way you want but let me show you some of my previous ones for instance I have this guy most of the ones that I made are already put into pieces but you can just attach them in any direction to each other or you could you know put something different between them and then attach let's try putting something different between the pieces let me try some of this solid let me just put this here stitch that on normally I would put another piece right here but for the sake of the tutorial I'm going to save a little bit of time let me just trim it like this not being overly fussy and let's see let's go this way like that so I'm going to put it like this and you can see just how fast that all comes together and you know I like to sometimes just do something like this but but again I do a lot of chain piecing like I would probably take these guys and put them together somehow pass them through take two more pass them through or I'd have a lot of these pieces made and I would mix and match the different color variations now I'm going to make two strip sets of three different colors now let's say that I want this inner piece to be very narrow again I don't have to start on the edge I can move my fabric in if I want it to be more narrow and I can even move it in and let's see slanted so let's go like this you see how that turned out so even though there will be multiple pieces with the same colors some will have it narrow here and some will be wide or down here so let me put the other three together do that one wonky too so you can see it's wonky narrower wider to do that you just take your strip and instead of going directly on the edge you turn it a little bit you twist it like I'm going to show more of the color down here and you're going to sew on your top fabric you just follow the line of the fabric that's on top when little pieces when they're wonky once they're in the quilt it looks like there were such tiny pieces to begin with that you couldn't even sew them straight that's why they're like crooked love that here we go again if you have a shorter strip set that's the one that goes on the machine because you don't use as much of that one I'm going to start this way I'm going to even this off lift pulling toward me I'm going to trim this pulling it back you can decide how much you want to show of that other fabric you can leave a nice big space if you want let's see I'm just gonna go right there pull forward I like the pulling forward method and I can do one more and I'll turn this one this way I've got threads all over the place okay I'm just going to go an iron like I showed you I'm just going to take one and flip it back and press take the next one flip it back and press take the next one and press we have all this left that we can do other things with say I'm coming back I'm going to put those back down I'm gonna open up the first one and I'm going to trim near the stitch line open up the next one and trim near the stitch line of that one open up and then I get to decide where I want to trim here so now we have pieces with three fabrics on each side isn't that cool then if I wanted like I could attach one to here I'm gonna do that right now because I like it and I've got this going on do love very much okay that is it for the tutorial part of this video I'm going to go ahead and trim some of my blocks now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I just squared up seven blocks I hope the lighting was okay when I showed them to you we've just got a deal with it I had ten blocks already done so I have 17 blocks made already so I'm going to take pictures of I don't know all of them but I'm going to take some pictures of some of them and just copy and paste and turn them so they look like different blocks and we'll just see what it looks like on the quilt board so watch that I hope you enjoy thank you so much for watching this series has been phenomenal for me the best series I have ever started it came out of the gate hot and the momentum continues so I appreciate so much that you watch these videos just can't thank you enough and I'm just having so much fun with it and I hope you are too I know a lot of you are at least thinking about doing something with your crumbs we all save them for one of these days today's the day thank you so much for watching I will be back with more soon bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Darlene Michaud
Views: 122,849
Rating: 4.9206433 out of 5
Keywords: Darlene Michaud, Sanford Maine, Peanut Gallery, crumb quilt, crumb quilting, catwomanmn, darlene michaud quilt, crumb quilt tutorial, crumb quilt instructional video, how to make a crumb quilt, what is a crumb quilt, crumb quilt piecing, easy crumb quilt, quilting, scrappy crumb quilt, crumb quilt blocks, crumb piecing, sewing, quilt, crumb quilt block, crumb quilt square, crumb piece quilt blocks, crumb quilt patterns, wonky strip set, wonky quilt block, wonky crumb quilt
Id: KvDzA4fzAF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2017
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