5 Ways to Start Crumb Blocks

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hi everyone it's me darlene i am back with some crumb quilting if you don't know about crumb quilting obviously you have to watch this video but i have a whole series called the crumb quilt adventure the playlist link is down below in my description box warning it's an addiction once you start you will never stop but i thought that i would come up with a video showing you five different ways that i use to start my crumb blocks crumbs are meant to be tiny but i'm going to show you how you don't have to use just tiny pieces to make something look like a crumb block as long as your block ends up looking like it has a lot of small pieces in it it's a crumb block if your pieces are all big then that's more like patchwork or maybe crazy quilting but a crumb block is supposed to look like the majority of the pieces are crumbs we're going to be using some of my crumbs and i need to start putting these on ebay again i used to and i haven't been and this is just two trays that i have these are deep i pulled the top two off i have like a lot of this stuff so let's just get started with method number one oh yeah and if you like this video please subscribe i just discovered that this tray is actually two trays uh-huh the addiction is real you'll never throw away another scrap for the first method we are going to use actual crumbs these are just tiny pieces that you would normally you know most of us throw away even stuff this small i keep i have some here that has like a fusible that was ironed on in the back i can use those you don't have to trim these you don't have to iron them let's just go to the machine you simply take two crumbs you find two straight edges or they don't have to be straight you can just sew a straight line and you just sew them together right sides together don't worry about seam allowances or any of that take two more send them through and you just keep doing that they don't have to be the same size see this one sticking out once you have a whole bunch of those you just snip them you press them open and then you start making four patches again don't worry about the colors don't worry if they match up in size or not i have a four patch right here you don't have to match up your intersections in fact it's better if you don't so i'm just going to send these two through these little four patch blocks that are very uneven are really good centers for anything else you want to do even a two patch like this you can just make a bunch of those and toss them in a bucket and you have a center of a crumb block started but i like to go with four patches now if you have just crumbs and nothing else to use the way you start making bigger blocks because you can't just add tiny pieces around it doesn't work that way you need to start joining four patches grab any two i like these two together see this how the intersections don't match up at all that's what i love and again no trimming necessary at this point just sew two together and two more you can stop there and start collecting a bunch of these you know and trim them and sew them together or if you want to go bigger you just keep adding however they fit let me just sew these two together now you'll notice this looks very patchworkish it's not my favorite way i like to do some of these but i like other things in there strip sets wonkiness all of that but this is perfectly fine and it's an actual crumb block and like i said you can just keep adding pieces together until you have a size block that you want to trim let's go on to method number two method number two uses strips and crumbs very easy you take any scrappy strip you have you take a crumb you put it on your strip right sides together and you sew you add another crumb and another crumb and you just fill your strip when you're done you can finger press if you'd like or you can take it to the iron and just push back all your little pieces and then you're going to cut now if you use angles like this like i did you want to make sure you leave enough room because you never know you know which way it's going to go when you cut like here i would cut with this angle of this piece now we're starting to get into wonky i like that and just trim them they don't have to be perfect and you end up with centers similar to what we just made by putting just two crumbs together it's a good way to use up your scrappy strips i'll see this one i'm going in this direction if i don't have enough room to go in that direction then i can just change the angle you can use narrow strips like this or you can use wide strips you can also sew some of your two patches on there [Music] and even put an entire edge on a big piece like this in this case i would just trim one edge somewhat and just sew same thing you're just going to finger press and trim [Music] see this is the one where i sewed a two patch onto my strip and then this guy you have an edge on one side i do like strips in my crumb blocks again this could end up being way narrower when you're done because you could sew something right here or you could make it wonky or at any time you can trim these down even wonky and then just start building on that you know cut something and make it be a new center for a bigger block next method number three for this method we are going to use just scrappy strips most of these are the full width of the fabric but i like to cut them down to something more reasonable easier to handle and also we can switch up the the order of the colors so they're not all exactly the same so just whatever whatever you feel like doing and here's how we put these together we're going to send two through i use narrow i use wide you can use crooked it all works don't throw away these scrappies now i'm going to send two more through and two more once you have a bunch of these made we're going to start connecting them you just open them up you're just going to sew them together to create strip sets if you had a whole bunch of strips like this that are two together you would just keep sending those through until they're four together then you start adding those to each other i'm going to stop right here but i will open this one and add this guy strip sets like this are your friend when it comes to crumb quilting what i like to do is i like to use them as strips to just add to some blocks now this is just a very old piece that i found in one of those trays and i don't even have to trim this yet i'm just going to lay it down and i'm going to sew we'll trim everything that's sticking out on this side this is the beginning of another block this can be thrown away then you open this up and you look at it and you can decide how much of this that you want on there always better to go a little bit generous because you can trim that at any time look see see how cool that is you can make these strip sets as long as you want for method number four we are going to make another strip set but we will be using just crumbs this time you're going to take your crumbs just like method number one and just sew two together you would make a bunch of these you're going to open them up instead of making a four patch with another two you're just going to sew them together and you're going to make a long strip if you have a lot of crumbs that are about the same size well that's a good time to put those together but i don't mind trimming so let's just put this on this end i like to keep one edge fairly even that way there's only really one other edge to trim now again you would put two more through two more two patches lengthwise open these guys up and make them longer let's do it this way you have you know some nice long strips that are really quick and easy and again they can be used to go around one of your crumb pieces like see right there i can trim right here let's add that to here and look at that once again you can trim that and then when you sew something on there you get those little pieces of color let's do that see how cool that is see the little strip set here awesome for the fifth method we are going to use big scraps but we're going to make it look like they were small to begin with but we're not going to trim them first it's easier to sew with big pieces than to cut them all into crumbs and sew crumbs together you can even use things like leftover quilt blocks from other projects you know strips that are kind of wide whatever here's a wonky strip and um one thing is if you have some squares now these aren't the same size but let's do this i'm going to put the two squares together and i'm just going to sew on each edge now if i didn't have a four patch here let's say i had just two squares i could absolutely just cut down the center but i don't want to because i want to keep this intersection so i'm just going to cut like there now i only sewed on each side now let's open these guys up and see how we have something that looks smaller you would never know it started out big let's do something to this one but let's do it this way because it's wider i'm going to sew on each edge same thing i'm not going to cut down the center let's just uh cut here and here now this i can trim that little extra black now see how we're coming out with some nice little pieces it was very easy to sew that together we didn't have to start with tiny little squares same here now this guy this edge is a little bit wider i'm going to sew just down this side this was fun i don't think i've ever done it using a four patch now my black there's a lot there so i can just trim that if i want or another thing i can do instead of trimming this and having a little black piece just hanging out all by itself i'm going to attach something to it i have this perfect size i'm just going to sew that there and i could leave it like that or at this point i can go ahead and trim it like i wanted so that there's just a little bit of black on each side but see we captured that one i know i've probably done all of this in that crumb quilt adventure i will link to that down below i'll probably add this video to it also but uh you know i haven't watched that series in a long time i have no clue i think it's like at least a couple years old just thought i would show you some things again just to give you a little refresher and maybe if you've lost your crumb love maybe you'll get it again so there's just so many things you can do use pieces like this i mean just look at all the stuff you get here you get the gingham you get some color you get some black and you can just you know put something big with this and then just do like i showed you just cut things down it's all good it's all fun i hope you give it a try i'm very tempted to do something with this now i told you it's an addiction the strips were not even the same width but i just sewed them and now this one is wider so i'm going to cut it right in the center now i'm just going to sew some strips all the way down i'll show you i'll take another strip and maybe go about an inch down look i'm going to use this little tiny piece of um crumbs that are already put together another narrow strip again skipping about an inch this is a strip that has some crumbs attached super cool i'm going to cut close to this second stitch line right there let's just trim this stuff off here see see what we have see how cool right here see awesome trim next to this guy lucky lucky now they could have been closer together but i'm good with this and then last but not least we have this going on which can be trimmed oh my goodness i have to stop all right you guys thank you so much please subscribe because i think i want to do some more stuff with crumbs i almost always have scrappy strips and other things so always go check out my ebay my auctions for now always start at a penny with free shipping it's usa only go check everything out thank you so much for watching and i'll be back with more soon bye you
Channel: Darlene Michaud
Views: 164,056
Rating: 4.9195056 out of 5
Keywords: darlene michaud, sanford maine, crumb quilt, crumb quilting, darlene michaud quilt, crumb quilt tutorial, how to make a crumb quilt, crumb quilt piecing, scrap quilt, scrappy quilt, scrappy crumb quilt, crumb quilt blocks, crumb piecing, crumb quilt block, crumb piece quilt blocks, crumb quilt patterns, darlene michaud crumb quilting, how to make crumb quilt blocks, crumb quilt adventure, how to sew fabric scraps, fabric scraps ideas, how to sew with fabric scraps
Id: IMtLyM352Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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