Mini ANIMAL CROSSING in Real Life!

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This is so cuuuuute. But also as a polymer clay sculptor I'm so envious of Baylee's ability to be good at 20 different mediums D;

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/pamelahoward 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone so in today's video I'm sculpting a little scene from Animal Crossing pocket camp which is the latest Animal Crossing game it's available on mobile devices for free and I've been in love with it I actually have been playing it since the Australian launch which was a month ago and I've just been on a super Animal Crossing kick especially this week I guess I don't know I've been going back and playing new leaf it's weird because I haven't touched that game in a couple years and so I was just super motivated to make a little animal crossing sculpture and originally I was just gonna draw something I had a plan for this Friday's video and then on Wednesday I was like now I'm changing my mind I have two days I have time to sculpt this thing no no I put 20 hours into this not including any breaks and I was up super late Thursday night finishing it I don't know why I I don't know bad bad decisions mistakes were made I still like it I'm glad I did it but I definitely needed more than two days but now I know going forward I guess and originally I wanted more characters and props in my scene because I really only have the floor and then three items but I was gonna do more I wanted other little campers in my campsite and props and things but that's gonna have to wait for the future and I can turn that thing that kind of stuff into future videos I can maybe do two characters going forward per video or something something smaller now that I know how long it actually takes but yeah this is what you're gonna get for now and then you'll see more Animal Crossing stuff in the future maybe one maybe two videos I don't know probably won't go past two because I feel like my little scenes gonna fill up but who knows who knows guys especially with Arde Advent coming up which is me posting a video every day until Christmas in December like not starting now but starting in December I'll be posting a video every day until Christmas and so you might see a little sculpting video in there with a couple more characters who knows he knows the video was going to do was the apron girl redo so in the past I drew this apron girl and then I redrew her a year or so later and it's been years since then and so I wanted to redraw her again so expect potentially during the arty Advent as well because that's what was going to go up today until I changed my mind oh yeah this is super time intensive this backdrop you see me making for the ground that alone took five hours which was nuts because I thought oh it's just a simple floor this will take me no time maybe like an hour tops and then I can work on the other stuff no no it took a long time and with these clips I'm cutting out a lot of stuff as you can see it you'll see me start something and then it skips to me finishing it up because there's just too much footage also what we're going to say I'm trying to do this all one take so yeah also there are things that required multiple coats of paint that I just didn't even bother showing so Michael this is more of what you've already seen but everything required at least two coats and so I'd have to sit wait for it to dry and work on something else in the meantime and come back to it so it was a lot and then everything also got varnish at the end so lots of coats especially on this camper man oh my god okay hmm this thing I was really optimistic about it at first because I knew it'd be quite the undertaking I was like oh I'm gonna make a camper out of cardboard that's a lot of pieces to cut out but the measuring wasn't actually that hard and I was super excited when I was gluing the pieces together I was like oh my god this is looking great I was so excited about the camper but then it kind of went downhill from there so first of all my campers too long the campers in pocket camp are super short even when you expand the interior to be long the exterior looks super super short it's like a little chibi vehicle and mine's too long I don't know I didn't catch on to that at the beginning it wasn't until I was gluing it together that I was like oh this is long because when I saw just the side panel I was like this is fine and then I glued them together I was like no no it's too long I wish I could just squish it to be a shorter vehicle but oh well I still think it's really cool at the cardboard stage it's like yeah look I made a thing I mean a 3d object Wow I was proud of myself but then I decided I had to decide how I was gonna finish it off because obviously the edges are rough if I just paint it it's gonna be weird and so I thought okay I need to smooth this out somehow so initially I was thinking oh maybe I could cover it with clay I did some research online and found out you can put cardboard in the oven as long as it's at a low temperature and just don't overdo it but you can use cardboard as armature for polymer clay and so I was thinking of doing that but then I thought it might be really hard to smooth down the clay because I did that Easter plasticine art thing you know there's a couple bunnies and it's a flat picture but it is made out of plasticine that was so hard to do like it was hard to get nice flat surfaces unless I rolled something out separately and gently stuck it on after like I did with the bunnies faces but trying to get the background smooth is almost impossible even if use a roller even if you use a tool to try to smooth it out or your fingers whatever it's always a little bit lumpy so I thought okay maybe let's not do the clay I want it to be available Dorse a little bit more smooth so I thought I would try to paper mache this and I don't have newspaper so I thought okay paper towel is recommended and I actually loved the way it was easy to use as like yeah this is awesome and then I can just sand it after to get rid of all the bumps from the paper towel well after the first coat of paper mache I realized how stupid this idea because it was taking forever to dry and the cardboard was just getting soaked and soggy and I used a hairdryer to try to dry it faster I even put it in the oven for a little bit I was writing everything to get this thing to dry and even at the very end of the video this thing was still damp on the inside if I reach my finger through the wheel well and felt it I'm like this is soggy but if yeah I kind of regret not going to clear up but who knows how that would have gone like I don't know part of me wants to remake it though because I feel like it's all lumpy I wasn't able to sand it very much I added more layers of Mod Podge and paint in an attempt to create like just move that out a little bit and then sand it but it was still a bit rough at the end it's still not what I wanted I feel like the girl and the tree especially the tree they look quite polished and then the van just looks crunchy and gross so part of you must have read doing it part of me is like never again I don't have time to sink into making a new van but yes it's too long and it's it's like lumpy and stuff I don't know I'm still glad I made it and I'm like yeah I can't prevent it just doesn't look as good as the other stuff I mean even the character is not perfect but the tree the trees my favorite I'm like oh yes you turned out nicely for the tree I used some wire and aluminum foil as the armature just to bulk it up because if you're making something really thick you don't want it to be made completely of clay because it's not gonna be able to cook all the way to the inside so I bolt it up with that and then put the clay on top and yeah I really like the tree it turned out nicely it's my favorite and I decided to put apples on it and yeah that's the tree you're gonna see a lot of back-and-forth in this video first does work on the van then I was working on the girl sculpture then I was working on the tree and then there's I'm jumping back and forth because like I said I'd have to wait for stuff to dry or wait for the clay to bake so there's always something to wait on so I'd start on something else while waiting I could have used less coats of paint possibly if I had sculpted the characters in the colors that they were supposed to be I don't really like relying on the color of the clay for things because I feel like it always gets dirty I can never keep it clean enough and I know there's different tips and tricks to keep your workstation clean but I feel like I'm always getting something in the clay so I thought okay I'm gonna sculpt in one color and then paint it and that'll kind of make the sculpting process easier because I can blend different areas into each other without having to worry like oh I'm mixing a blue and a yellow together and it's messy looking you know I could just go in sculpt and then paint it after but even so like even if I did them in the proper colors I think it's a little been a little weird because her skin like I was using his fleshy tone clay but when I went to paint the skin the streaks from the pain like between the streaks you could see the color underneath but it looked really dark almost like I was painting over something black and I was like what is this this is so weird so I still needed three coats of paint on her skin even though I was painting over clay that was really close to the color of her skin it was weird so I was like when I saved my time sculpting and the color it's supposed to be I mean I probably because when I did the apples for the tree I sculpted the apples in red and then I only put one coat of paint on them well except for the bottom parts because for summers in the bottom of the apples or brown I don't know why it's like that in Mario 2 like Yoshi's apples I don't I don't know a Nintendo I don't know how to do their apples like that maybe there are apples that look like that in the world I don't know but I did have to do a couple coats for the brown just because the socratic paint is not super opaque I mean it is opaque but you still need at least a couple coats on every spot it's really nerve-racking painting the details on my girl because they're so tiny especially for the face I was super nervous I actually ended up redoing the nose and eyes because it was a little off-center so I had to nudge things over that's another thing that takes a lot of time with this is you get a little nick of paint where you're not supposed to or a little bit of paint from your fingers transfers and you have to repaint that section because you screwed it up so yeah there's a lot that went into this I'm like I'm super happy I made this but I'm not happy with how long it took especially because I started it on Wednesday and I was like why is this taking so long oh my god I'm not gonna have a video for Friday it's gonna be a mess so I'm stressing out the whole time because I just wanted it done and I was live streaming while doing this I live streaming for 18 hours that was a long stream from 10 a.m. until 4 a.m. and so I was just like I want to go to bed I want this thing done but I don't a rush it but I want to done give the struggle it's like a love-hate things like yeah I'm making an animal crossing thing but why this taking so long I need to go to bed what is this anyway that's all I really have to say about it I am happy with how it turned out but I definitely want to make more characters more props because my scene feels a little bit empty but yeah if you haven't played any Animal Crossing games I recommend you check out pocket campus it's it's free there's no harm and dang it Animal Crossing games are a little bit pointless to some people because there's really no end game you just harvest items and build furniture and wear different clothes and pay off your loans like there's really no end to it you just keep doing that forever until you get sick of it but I like it I really like Animal Crossing games and new leaf was actually the first game I ever streamed on Twitch that's what I started off with and so yeah memories anyway I'm just gonna leave you with a bit of music for the rest thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in my next video [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Baylee Jae
Views: 165,573
Rating: 4.9514875 out of 5
Keywords: baylee jae, baylee, tutorial, how to, how to draw, art, illustration, cartoon, comic, animal crossing, animal crossing pocket camp, pocket camp, sculpture, polymer clay, clay sculpting, sculpting, miniatures, nintendo, crafts, crafting, crafts for kids, for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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