Mingda Rock 3 PRO - 3D Printer - Live Build - Chris's Basement

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's do this what's up everybody how about some clapping for the start of the stream so uh there's a lot of people here okay music makes you want to dance but since also someone is hostile so that's always good to see uh i like i like the mix anyway this is the first string that we are doing on this channel in 2021 it has been over four months since the last stream that i did uh and it really feels like about a day and a half uh things have been super busy um a lot of you probably already know i've been sharing it on patreon that i'm working on a very large remodel project on that side of the basement right now and it's been kind of uh working me over pretty good as well as day job and making videos and all that good stuff uh but we've got some live streams coming up so the next couple of weeks should be pretty entertaining how is everyone doing um i hope you were doing well from the last four months that we have been separated but hopefully we'll have some more time to hang out see james or rushmore3d is here there's lots of people in chat clint sergio's here all kinds of folks pop has really missed the live streams well i appreciate that i'm i'm glad you enjoy it uh mike at never let the machines win is here and yes i totally agree day jobs can really get in the way of things you want to do absolutely so this the last the last stream we did i think it was the last stream we did we had a ming to rock three this is the ming dark 3 pro um i don't know much about it honestly i really haven't looked at it this this was kind of an odd one because it just showed up um i did talk to minga minda about their printers and we we go back and forth in the emails and i said there's no way i can get to this thing um anytime soon because there's just too much going on i'm not even planning on live streaming for a while and then they sent it and i kind of felt bad because it has been setting here a long time um so but we're gonna get to it today so if you're new here here's what we're gonna do we're going to open the box we're going to see what we get uh we're going to put it together and we are going to do our very best to get it working and get off a test print so we will be hanging out here and there will be a coffee break a mandatory coffee break somewhere in the middle uh derrick a hundred bucks that is huge uh thank you so much that's uh that is incredible that that helps out greatly with all the things that are going on i very very much appreciate that thank you for coming to the stream uh so yeah that's what we're gonna do um we'll have a couple of hours uh we use the print the benchy uh in it most machines it takes right around two hours this one i believe that the last one was pretty much just a gantry stand up and go so hopefully this one is the same but we'll take a look we'll look around at a few things and just see what we get now the streaming setup right now for some reason i still can't get the ceiling cam to work i don't know what's wrong with it sometimes it'll come on sometimes it will not but this box is so large it's probably not going to help you out much anyway so i will just try to uh explain what we're doing as best i can and then we'll show it on the table view after you get set up you should be used to this by now also a new twist the light that i have back here on this table no longer works and it just randomly turned off one day uh and i haven't replaced it yet so it's kind of back darker in the background than it usually is but we'll get through it one way or another all right let's see what we got so what is everybody doing uh during my time away from from the youtubes anybody have any interesting stories have they purchased anything interesting um what kind of 3d printer stuff are you doing i know uh the voron stuff is super hot right now those are cool machines um i really don't i mean you know the belt printers are coming out they're around i know more and more those are starting to show up do not remove before finish assembly that's good to know uh we got some paperwork they show us how to use cura how many steps does it take to put it together you know i can't do more than five nine nine is so many all right let's get some of this out of the way oh i it's already bonus points because it's black and orange power chord tools i like to see minges doing this as well artillery always gave you a little pouch of stuff ming now has the pouches with all their gear and screws and everything in it these are actually really handy because the first thing i do is lose everything that comes with the printer so when there's a pouch i stand a higher chance of actually holding on to some of that stuff starting of war on build two four nice uh haven't printed anything in two months i understand that sean rathbone is here working on the board too there's a whole lot of voron stuff out there right now got a prusa mini on order sweets see orange that's actually pretty nice it's kind of a flat powder coated orange i like that color spool holder it does have a filament detection switch on it set this aside because this is a really big box i believe this one is still 400 300 300 400 but we're going to find out here in a second finish the bear kit mark 3 nice i still have another bare frame i'm debating on i'd like to do that but you know with like all real high-end stuff unfortunately it gets really expensive when you start throwing duet at it and all that good stuff just for fun not that you would actually need it on an i3 like that but you know overkill builds are sometimes interesting all right now the always the tricky move getting the box off without dropping the printer there we go okay so let's at least get you set up with some sort of view here so you can see somewhat of what's going i don't on to turn it on yet i'll make you all sick trunks has a new assembly video probably it probably it might be you know trunksy has never contacted me after that i wonder why uh hold on front end 4k i don't know how tight you want that but this will at least give you an idea of what's going on okay we do have some hardware ender three-ish well that's kind of the go-to right now uh it does have a uh clone bmg and clone v6 hot and set up direct drive um it's that shiny molded plastic got a fair sized motor on it maybe like a 20. it's not a pancake motor it's a little bigger than that aj right back at you man right back at you um what do you say you want to open it and take a look inside just to see what's in there you want to take bets on what main board they use uh william thank you very much for the 20 that's much appreciated so i'm going to say i'm not going to look yet there is a vent in there uh yes it is very uh this is a very chunky base it is all bent metal and pretty heavy i'm going to say it is a makerbase robin nano yeah i'm going to go with that as what main board they use i don't know but that seems to be a pretty popular choice right now for some manufacturers to use so let's just have a peek that mks robin okay yep yep yep direct drive yes it is is direct drive i haven't done this in a while two trees bluer um the one that i received was not very good i'll be 100 honest it had some things on it that were bent it didn't do well out of the box but from what i understand um talking with them a little bit they have reworked it quite a bit so hopefully the one that you received is much improved over the one that i received i didn't get one of the original ones like when they first came out but it was a pretty early edition so good luck on it i wish you all the best mine wasn't all that great but i'm sure that they've made some improvements see if we can keep from losing most of these screws it does have a flange down here where it actually kind of slides underneath the sheet metal instead of just being held on by the screws i've noticed on a lot of these that that cover is always just a little bit off and it's like got a little gap you you remember the like you know old school pc cases they always had a had a sliding latch uh and i always thought you know they should really do something like that and this one kind of has that going for it so i would like to see that more more of a slip fit they just it's a little cleaner look in my opinion all right don't go anywhere don't go anywhere they do all screws have loctite on them the warranty seal has been voided boy there ain't much in there what is it no it is some sort of uh proprietary board thing it says mdd-301 on it it's kind of almost a little reminiscent of a melzy something something let me get you better in here there it is so i'm not sure what drivers are using they do have a sizable heat sink they have really nice pastel wires how cute uh nothing really jumps out it is grounded to the case their screen is a ribbon cable definitely proprietary what chip is that that is an stm32 f-103 it does have a port for an esp module it does take uh the large sd card which i like to see it has some open uart ports i know that these do all uh i'm never going to be able to pronounce that um we're gonna say sep sep thank you very much for the sub uh these all do run marlin i know fresh out of the box and they do have the source code available for all of these so take that for what it's worth it is a 24 volt system um so that's a dc powered heated bed which might take a minute but there you go that's what's inside it [Music] there's another one that came through but it hasn't updated on my screen yet uh eric carl uh and there was one before that uh info ductiva infoductiva geese mike uh mike is one of the best moderators around uh he does all the reminders and tells you to subscribe and like and all that he's the best uh yeah it's real clean under here absolutely i mean it's a real simple setup it's just a really large printer there is a cross member underneath here so it's not just slap to the case so that that's a that's a good sign so let's button it up for now and hopefully we don't have to reopen it anytime during this stream is here what is up that's a lot of screws what's up keith it does that's true lots of airflow travis stampers here what's up travis the power button connectors uh that's one thing we should check though before we get too involved here it is set to 110 so i can continue on putting it together they had troubles with them being loose so this has got a receptacle on it but i can take a peek at it real quick because we're not too far into this everything on this one is straight and it's hot glued matter of fact all the terminals on this are hot glue so they look fine i'm telling you mike is the best you guys are awesome john from south africa welcome to the stream it has been a long time since we streamed i got a couple coming up though um next weekend i'm not sure if it's going to be saturday or sunday i think it's going to be saturday same time slot as of it's looking like that as of right now next weekend we have an interesting one because comro they are some sort of they they're involved with creality somehow i don't know if they're the parent company or they work alongside reality not exactly sure what the setup is there but they sent me a really small like compact cnc machine and next week we are going to take a look at that the assembly there really isn't much to it but um it looks interesting anyway so and i think it when they roll it out it's going to be pretty affordable so definitely worth a look-see so we're gonna check that out next week jesse foreman i haven't seen you in forever will i be at murph if it happens on a new date uh yes so i am planning on um i'm definitely planning on being at earth and that's not until october but if er but if murph moves just a little bit further out i'll be there mitch from is here the world's record holder of printing fast benchies is in the house thank you for the plug uh men's play thank you uh speedy bed heat at 24 volts uh so when i say slow nowadays well let's not let's not talk about the past let's talk about going forward uh nowadays when i say slow i mean it's probably dc powered because those if you've had an ac bed you like with an ssr set up they are lightning fast so uh when you have a 300 300 or bigger bed um you know it's not like on the cr-10 when you had to wait 22 minutes or whatever but i'm sure it'll be fine at 24 volts no problem okay now that we've uh done our autopsy we can slap this guy together pretty much it's just going to be the same old same old right we got four long bolts here the first one is always the tricky one now this one has you putting them in from the side usually they will pull it from the bottom i need a couple extra sets of hands i don't like it on that side well on the other side it's going to interfere with the plug i like that a little better don't fall don't fall you can do it one of these days i really actually need to get like a different top on this table that might be somewhat level actually this one if i don't put it in the bottom what am i doing i'm making things way too hard and i just ruined the stream that's what happens when you have a stream deck you hit it with the printer you're working on yeah i like this design already so much better i would still feel more comfortable though if it had some screws that ran through the bottom what we got here i think we're gonna have to move the gantry up a bit might slide in there wouldn't wanna you know just force it in there that's not my style what you think i'm just gonna start hammering on it no i wouldn't do anything like that so what do we got um how far down is that on the extrusion i think that motor might be just a bit high to line up hmm oh my gosh and these are single start lead screws the wrong way around you're right obviously i haven't done this for a while that would work so much better this way see you should read the directions how's that look oh that's so much better when it's the right way that's uh i can't see i can't do i can't build printers that aren't live streams because i don't know how i have to have uh i have to have all of you to help me with it that's that's how i got started doing this that plug is a little the viking is here what's up tom how embarrassing for chris wait until he figures out dave randolph is always here to help that is not the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened uh if you think that that was embarrassing obviously you weren't here when the printer broke and hit me in the face ah that was a good day it's things like that that that makes dave really want to sponsor the content that i make it really makes him look good too when you short out the thermistor what burns out on a printer board it could be a myriad of things the most that i the the most common thing that i see go haywire on like anything like that if the power gets disturbed or sometimes you have it plugged into some sort of usb device or something something just bad goes wrong it's always the voltage regulator it always seems to be the weak spot so i don't know necessarily on a thermistor but if i had to take a swag i'd go voltage regulator directions are overrated i agree [Laughter] uh i have missed the live stream so i'm not gonna lie not gonna lie okay so they do have some t brackets here oh we i remember now i messed up this stream deck uh i really need to take out some of these sources you always want to add the sources you never want to take them out there's that uh there are some extra t brackets on here that we could throw these screws in just for good luck and they say for posterity that's right that's i can't what was the last printer um hmm now i'm trying to think it's marketing gold um have i put together a machine that wasn't live streamed recently i don't think so i think every printer that i've received we have done it live i don't think i've i have any that haven't been done on screen even the copies of the printers that i have you know i've got a couple of crucial machines i did all of them live even the printers that i built at events still i'm still counting it live how's the gtech i3 doing um great question it's doing well it prints better than it's ever printed before i don't know when the next video is going to be i'm trying to figure out what i want to do next because we're kind of so depending on the path that you like to take when you upgrade your 3d printer right um there comes a time where it's going to start costing some money and because there's so far on that project that that kit in 2016 or whenever i bought it was probably like 250 bucks and they're probably like i don't know 150 bucks now the basement cube was live streamed it actually was just over on patreon hello napan how are you um we'll talk about i3 machine uh so when you get to a certain point we're right now we really haven't thrown much money into it right um i've created a lot of parts we did buy some some lead screw motors that were a little bit pricey which helped it out greatly but now we're kind of in the area where should we go from here because we might need a main board i mean silent separate drivers is always a great upgrade so i'm not exactly sure where we're gonna go but i'll figure that out and we'll uh we'll get it done sooner or later the biggest problem on that machine is the frame i mean it's just an old acrylic frame there's not a whole lot you can do about it i guess we could flip it out to a steels you know one of those steel press sheets but that kind of defeats the purpose in my opinion of the path that we're taking on upgrading right i'm trying to do it cheap and not change everything all at once but i can't see this it's just a little bit too close to the metal there we go all right clipper yep uh clipper is on the road map it's on the road map somebody sent something to my phone what fan to buy johnny gardner you are in luck um spoiler alert hold your ears if you don't want to hear about what's going to happen um next week so i i don't know how people are going to feel about this content that i'm getting ready to release because it i don't know how i exactly feel about it um i thought it was interesting when i started working on it and then when i was done it was like not really sure that that was that wasn't just a waste of my time but i sat down and i decided that i was going to test every fan for a 3d printer that i owned and it turned out to be like 30 different fans and i tested them all back to back and i put it all together in the video and you will see that next week uh the results are kind of mixed i don't know um long and short though if you can get a sun on fan uh in the size and voltage that you need most of all of them are very good uh wit what size does that hero me set up use for an industry that content's fantastic i'm gonna give you that one uh 40 20 to winston 5015. um the there's a a sun on fan that's a 40 40 20 would probably be a little better but there's a sun on that it's a it's a 40 40 10 uh that is it's like 0.72 watt something like that it pushes out a lot of air and it's relatively quiet so it's a pretty good mix um what you want to see on a fan they're kind of hard to beat for the money plus you can get those from dave over at print solid not sponsoring this stream oh come on you know you want to line up let's just loosen it up a little bit the reason i thought there was only one at the bottom there's two id is here what is up id always has very nice things to say in the comments on my videos that's always appreciated this one might require a different range all my good wrenches are over on the other side of the room see if we can get by with one of these yeah now we got it well i'm glad you like the videos of course i remember you if i've seen the name i usually remember seeing it again the icons really help changing your icon just ruins my whole world then i don't know who you are anywhere most of the time where's your outtake video uh that would be one long video we did them all i need to like set them all aside for a whole season and then just show it all it'd be like a four hour video of me swearing at things this is kind of hard to see over is there a way to tighten up the bed springs are too short and there's no tension left about the only thing you can do is switch to springs and that's a really common thing especially on those printers there's some really affordable springs they're yellow i buy these by the tins uh i can show you one but these guys are actually pretty good uh i think you can get like a whole bunch of them for five bucks that's about the only thing i know to tell you to do is to switch out that spring to get you a little bit more travel are we done i think we're done i wonder if filament runout is enabled by default i guess we're going to find out together but i ever want to build a warrant i have all the parts to build a boron just no time to build it but i am going to get to it magic blue smoke episode one that sounds like an art film nice andre that's great to hear i'm glad they are helpful benchy time warons are cool borons are all the rage all the cool kids are doing the borons this is one thing that i really enjoy peeling this the cellophane or what plastic off of the screen but it's behind the bezel that's so annoying uh i'm glad they leave it on don't get me wrong but then it gets tears in it and it just looks horrible maybe they could like take the original one off the screen install it and then put something over it to protect it during shipping that would be a little better this is interesting i don't remember on the non-pro version of this but this this has like an ultra bass style coating on it it's a glass sheet hopefully they're not using masking tape as bed clips they do have a thumb screw for adjusting the uh the z end stop that's good to see uh an upgraded x1 it's close not gonna lie it's close belts seem pretty tight they do both have tensioners on them the bed could use a bit of a tweak not bad not as bad as i've seen but maybe just a little seriously all the tools i guess i could try to use one of these these are usually 10 millimeter yeah it's straight strain relief on the bed wires this um that concerns me a bit um especially with that style plug because those pins do tend to want to burn up on occasion and that's never good to see this one really isn't all that far off this x carriage is dead on uh the z needs a little help not this guy yep it's actually tilted a bit but i did manually move it tell you what let's uh let's let it home and get straight and then we'll tweak it a little bit more are we ready for power on no smoke no smoke no smoke get you down a little bit here what um i just saw a tool changer in chat and then i had a thought and then i lost it you all remember the sko project um the second kits uh he's he's going to release a new printer i believe it's called the tank which i think it's going to be somewhat pricey but and i'm sure it'll be nice he does a pretty good job um but uh oh it turned on any sounds no no music for us but he um but more interesting than his new printer which is going to be cool uh he's doing kits of just the custom parts for the sk go that are pretty affordable so the i don't remember exactly what's all in it but i know it has that x cross member that he uses which is pretty nice if i was going to build a kit like a hypercube or something like that that style and going right into the bed if i was going to build that style i would probably get one of those kits because they're really well done it is a very heavy base andy is here what is up uh doing well hope you are doing well gary thank you very much for the ten dollars that is much appreciated how far off were we kind of far off we could probably use a little bit of bed action does it play tech now i don't know yet maybe it does and it's a good tip somebody already mentioned that about the power connection we did check it it looks good everything on this one has been hot glued in place so it looks uh it looks to be okay i think it's tight too tight for a thumb screw go to your home let's see i might be able to live with that i can never find motors off in these configurations is the runoff sensor on runoff sensor is now off maybe that's because it doesn't have it not moved emergency stop but that doesn't do us any good and it didn't turn the current off i like that that should work oh the fan kicked on it must be heating bed still says 21 22 td all right i think we're in fair shape uh now that the z is somewhat lined up i want to take one more turn at this andy is here what's up the voron stream today they're going to announce a new printer i didn't know they were having a stream but if i think of it i'll look them up and try to watch it all right we're pretty good what filament do we want today we did purple not too long ago didn't we yep there's no strain relief on it hot pink um i do have some metallic red that's not it we have jesse piola blood red glitter is a pretty nice color has a sparkle in it what else do i have handy i think we did that purple last time safety orange gary misses log log is still over here uh i have a video coming up on that i believe neon brown let's do some of this it's a good color it prints well let's be lazy and use this one this is actually for five pound spools but it's going to work for us all the same it would be nice i wish the bmgs had an easier way of manually loading filament i mean you can kind of use the little gear but who has time for that doesn't want to grip it there you go tell you what rccnc is here what's up i'm gonna turn this off i don't like the shiny paper just have a quick look around yes uh i'm glad you like the videos to start out uh yes we will be doing a voron build and i think i'm gonna do as much of it live as i possibly can so it's on the way it's just uh i have no time to do it we even have all the parts i have a lot of builds i have to get to actually that i have the parts for we are going to do an idex as well but we got to get to it uh we're going to do the it's not the molebot that's the does he call it moldex i think he does uh john john molac has a design for an idex we are going to build one of those have you all ever heard of the pico hot end they were a kickstarter it's a tiny little hot end i found out something interesting not too long ago um the company that is manufacturing those their facility is like 20 minutes away from me and i got to go there and see how they did it and uh after you know things calm down from the world blowing up i think we definitely have to go over there and do a video tour so i can show you all because i don't i love machine work uh i love watching things get machined with machines running like that i love that stuff i find it very interesting so uh i think we definitely need to go have a video over there road trip how it's made absolutely takes forever to build i've heard that i'm planning on a zero of v zero for now i think they're adorable and i want to see uh just how fast we can go plus we're gonna do clipper and all that good stuff with it what i do with all my files telling you you stop streaming for five minutes i know i cleaned up the drive on this the other day but i didn't think i cleaned it up this much all right do i have a decent profile for this let's see pretty low retraction settings what's the speed let's try this one what is a voron so voron is an open source 3d printer design and it's it's all scratch built i think there are some kits out there printed solid has a lot of the parts that you can buy you know to build your own you still have to add a few more things but it's a really heavy built 3d printer that has potential for printing extremely fast it's just a really well-built machine and i'm definitely interested in building one um i think that would be a good time let's do a couple of loops angel thank you very much for the 4.99 just one see you building f-150 trucks they build f-150s here as well i you know i actually did that when i was a kid uh our grade school took us through ford and uh we did that whole tour it's really interesting but i would love to come to michigan um abs plus i'm not sure what's so plus about it um abs is okay uh i've pre uh printed a lot of it over the years this is seriously skipping uh oh it's because it's not heated yet let's bump it up a bit [Music] uh i don't know about abs plus honestly i'm not sure what what that what that all entails i've never really looked into it i have almost completely switched to asa for any anything that i want to print abs i use asa instead it stinks a little less it's to me it seems easier to work with and i like prusa mint and what's that other one i always forget the name of it i want to say polymaker but i don't think that's it uh abs it depends what you're working on the plus is the extra money derek thanks for the five bucks by the way let me now it's gonna bug me unless i look at the spool of asa to figure out what uh brand it is come with me we'll go on a field trip um where is it i put all this stuff on the same rack so that i could find it i don't think that actually worked out for me what am i breaking by moving this this is what happens when you put things away what is this oh it's push plastics so those are the ones uh asa i've been using precement and push plastic and they both work out really well um as far as petg i if i can use pet i use it first because it's a little more forgiving when you print it oh they had yellow filament in here but then if i can't use pet i will go to asa just my preferred that's what's always worked out best for me i do still have a lot of abs and occasionally i will print it depending on maybe if i need a different color or something like that okay now we need a slice a dice a julienne who's julianne sergio 49.99 you're too kind sir thank you very much for that i can pay my employee for another week she'll appreciate that see if we can get in one go look at that lay down oh i thought we were gonna have it i say we start it one more time what do you say it's actually a lot easier to see it i don't know we might we might pull this off this stuff sticks pretty well we're gonna let it run it's looking good okay um matt rhymes uh how long does it take to deliver appreciate uh i do the two-spool so they have a price break to the u.s for two spools um i do that and i can usually get it in like four days it's pretty quick okay so now it's time for the mandatory coffee break everyone i will put you on mute grab yourself a drink and then we will watch this thing crank okay so let's attempt to get caught up on chat so i don't miss any of your wonderful comments i don't know how far i need to go back uh huh dave has abs and ase on his timeline this year wow dave's hitting it hard where can you get that filament holder this filament holder right here was made by my good friend james over at print and play uh and it is available on thingiverse i like it because it is designed for five pound spools and there's not a ton of five pound spools out holders out there honestly and now i don't see it oh thingiverse the speed the earth shattering speed maybe i was smart enough to put a like on it so i can find it that way now that's not usually what happens but maybe come on yes i did where can you buy five stone spools um if you're in the u.s i get most of my filament from printed solid uh you can get the best filament in my opinion so i have a spool of it it's that right there in my opinion for the kind of work that i do i do a lot of iterative parts and all that you know prints after print after print for 3d printers and videos and stuff like that the best deal is this color fab economy petg you can get it in five pound spools it's fairly inexpensive it prints great um i they cut the economy comes in a couple of different colors if you're not too picky i have black red i don't know if i had white or not but um i buy that in the big spools because that's the stuff i run the most so i really like that one for an everyday printer parts and it's affordable so take that but for for what it's worth but i like that stuff uh scott sent the strain relief cool we'll work on that all in 2029 more extrusion lines dave man so where so dave i'm guessing you will have to purchase another building that has like more power feeds because from i don't i don't remember if we were watching a walk through or if we were just talking about it but you got to be like max on that building as far as power goes right the spool's five pound uncle ron is here what's up ron uh the spool is five pounds still 500 grams of filament harping on the stringer that's totally fine man we'll get one put on there for sure that's the part cooling on this it's still the 30 30 but not too bad um your max on street power another transformer i was gonna say uh you got a lot going on there man uh how do you deal with p-e-t blobbing on the nozzle um the biggest problem let me take these in order uh triali inter five silent board powers up bl touch cycles probe in and out probe does not stay out not active any thoughts well okay so when it cycles when you turn the machine on it should cycle down and up i think it does it twice and then it's going to stay up until you're ready to probe is that what's actually happening it shouldn't deploy until you run the g29 p-e-t so um it's it's the p-e-t is more about the process in my experience so i print it hot um maybe 241st layer 250 after that on about a 90 degree bed uh and you have to make sure that you're dialed in and ready to print okay so there's no adjusting on the fly nothing like that you're ready to go and you know it's going to work when you hit the button so get to that point when you're to that point uh make sure everything is really clean the nozzle is really clean a silicone stock will help greatly uh and make sure that your printer is set up in the slicer to not ooze so and what i mean by that is strike a prime line or something on the front of the bed before you go to print then retract some a fair amount and don't detract back to get ready to print until you get exactly where you need to go and you can adjust all of that in the slicer i know you can crucial slicer i'm sure you can on others but just that it's more the process of starting the print and then usually from there on out you don't see a lot of problems if you can get it laid down first layer right it'll it'll build successfully and print really well um i have a lot of luck with petg on powder coated sheets as well that helps and uh there was one more thing i was go oh dry it dry it dry it dry it and then keep it dry i mean even if you're in you know the desert it just all else fails get something to dry it out because that will help greatly so there's all my tips for pet which more i'm going to start with the v zero edmonton no i did not know that his own reactor what website do you make the 3d image for the 3d printer if you're talking about making stl files uh i still use fusion360 although i had a bit of a challenge with that this week um and if you're talking about slicing stl files to go on the printer to turn into gcode i use prusa slicer petg is a touch sensitive auto home nozzle runs into the bed so that means you're probably using the probe pins and not the z min pin that's a configuration issue and i get that question all the time you're definitely not the only one so i don't know what main board you have but in the firmware i would configure it to use use z minimum end stop pin as your probe pin that's the first option it's also the default use that then set up save home z safe homing so it will probe in the center to home z then make sure that you're using the three servo wires off your probe pen in the correct order which it sounds like you are because it does turn on and self-test and then the black and white wire make sure that they are on the ground and signal pins of z minimum in stop pins that's the the best way the most successful way to get that to work that i know of that's the safest config so check all that stuff i have not had a chance to use the lx the lg x yet they have been out of stock but they are in stock now so i'm going to get one v0 is the hardest one i've heard that what about blender i've i know guys like ricky tanner that are experts in blender it's a little more organic than fusion is i struggle with it i really struggled to learn it i start when i started doing the 3d printing stuff you know i used to use cad back in school and all that good stuff but uh when i started doing the 3d printing stuff i started with one two three d design uh and then when it started to go away then i jumped over to fusion 360. which they were somewhat similar they're both autodesk um so that's just how i got to start using fusion and i'm no wizard with it i can just i can get around and do the easy stuff uh but yeah i always kind of struggled learning blender so i never did they fix the bed cable issue good yes you definitely don't want to print at 110 on that machine if uh if that connection is going to be flaky heat press insert cool what sizes of the boron printers can be built boy there's all kinds of them right now i don't know build size on a lot of them i'd have to go look them up but i know there's a 2 4 there's a switch wire there's a there's another one that's relatively new i'm not sure the sizes on all of them somebody in the chat might be able to tell us furball kim love that name by the way hello free cat dave i'm i'm this close to just jumping to freecad and trying to learn it from scratch crucial slicer prime line is printing high off the bed so if you are depending on what what you do before you home or after you home when you come back to zero zero uh that's why it's printing too high so you're gonna have to tell it a z height so make sure you have something like z 0.2 in your prime line in that g code that's right i saw some twitter stuff for cocky and jordan did a in tandem v0 build so that's cool yeah tinkercad's not bad it's kind of an interesting way it has an interesting flow of doing things i've used it for a few projects over the years but the people that really like it really like it largest supported size 350 cube cool i set this one to 1.2 of length i think it's 40 millimeters a second um so fusion 360 earlier this week so i am still on the free version right i don't pay for fusion the cheapest the cheapest way to go is like 500 a year or something like that uh i think you can pay him 60 bucks a month and that's still just too far out of reach for a youtuber i don't make much money uh so i can't justify it and most of the time i get by with it okay i can deal with stl files i can do the 3d printing stuff the problem i had this week is i wanted to get some parts sent to send cut send so they could cut them out of aluminum and i can't get them the dxf file because they won't allow you to export that project you can kind of get around it with some tools online you can export just the sketch from fusion for free you can do that i googled about a million different answers i asked all the twitterverse people what they did but it's still kind of annoying so that's why i'm looking maybe i should just bite the bullet and go to freecad yeah i tried inkscape i just couldn't get anything to work really well not nothing nothing did a very good job of making what was that making a step file dxf i just couldn't get it to take no edu discount i i'm sure there is but i don't know what all the rules are to it rccnc that's uh that's mighty kind of you i did have someone else offered to do that as well and that might be i was trying to find an ultimate the ultimate solution for it you know so i could do it myself and i really never did so uh that might be what i have to do just when i need a part i gotta phone a friend nice started with free cad maybe you can make a goomba already 206 people watching this i used to have a little button on here that would tell me the viewers but it never seems to work anymore how is the stream quality today by the way because i did switch up the internet uh we went on a a household uh cord cutting cable cutting uh bin so we were all so no more tv we uh we turned down the speed on the internet to save a little money and uh you know we got hulu and all that good stuff so uh this the internet speed is actually slower than it used to be hopefully good enough for uh for the streams though quality is great cool well then we i haven't streamed on this on the new internet plan so it's good to know that it will hold up twitter youtube views yeah why don't you work youtube views let's see if i re-add it now it works so i guess it needs a reset every time i do that yeah if you missed it um over on project talk that stream that glenn and james do every sunday we pulled in uh mitch 3d and logan from uh battle the battlebots team for subzero and uh they answered all of my geeky battlebots questions it was it was a pretty interesting two hours i always kind of wondered how the whole thing worked i had way more questions than we had time for but uh it was a lot of fun so that was a good stream uh someday i will learn how to be a youtuber someday i've only been doing it how long now four years so by the time i'm 10 years i'm sure i'm sure i'll be a pro at this i tried the first shorts you know the youtube shorts thing for like the tic toc type of thing i tried the first one yesterday uh just to see if it would work because it's not actually there yet right it's still in beta or whatever and i tried to set it up like they said and everything but i don't know if i got it right where's the where's the bag uh dave sent me these air lock poly alchemy makes these air lock bags and you can get a little pump and pump the air out and it's just oh so satisfying to to uh pull the air out of it and watch it crumple up that's what it gets them i mean that thing is tight as a drum and it's been this way for almost 24 hours it's kind of satisfying to watch it re come back to life too but these are super handy like i was telling you before about pet any of your p e t's or nylons super handy to have these it's like freeze-dried coffee or something i don't know it's a really satisfying process to do these but yeah so i did that that's the first short video that i've ever done i don't know how they work don't know how to see the analytics on it don't know anything about it all i knew is it was a thing think i got it down yes now i need to find more cool little gadgets and stuff to uh to do short videos cool i'm glad you watched it yeah personally i don't watch the short videos it's like a death scroll you just keep going and going and going i don't watch them but uh that was kind of fun i enjoyed that i enjoyed the process of that it was kind of cool uh andy that that's a great question unfortunately i don't know the answer everything that i've seen to try over the years was extremely complicated um i don't know if there's a t something else that's like tinkercad out there i'd have to look around a bit somebody in the chat might know we need to get a 50k that we do um there that is a great topic um we will do a 50 000 subscriber giveaway uh i already have some good sized sponsors on board i'm still collecting some more i still have to talk to some folks but i'm hoping by the time we get around 50k we will be ready for the giveaway so it should be good and i am working on things for the international folks i know they always get left out because we're shipping stuff uh we have to ship stuff and it costs a fortune but i'm trying to work an angle for that as well so there should be plenty of stuff for no matter where ever you live so we'll be good how much are 3d printers they range wildly you can get a decent 3d printer for around 200 nowadays can't build from scratch i completely understand that oh nice so the short did work you see i i don't i didn't know i don't know how they actually become shorts i did a little bit of reading so that they they go in the right slot on youtube to get it there i don't know but uh what do i know about youtube don't try the bag on your head that that's great advice it also says right on it don't put your baby in there so so those are two things you should not do with that bag 200 to 200 000. that is a great response on shape i've heard of own shape i've never tried it absolutely it's it's the shipping is what cost us the most when we do the giveaways i think we gave away like uh like six or seven hundred dollars worth of stuff for the 25 000 giveaway and the shipping cost was almost that much still have the three three boxes of abs excellent anet et5 pro no i'm i think i'm done with anet i don't think i will be doing ada anymore and i'm glad you like the content you want your baby to stay nice and fresh who doesn't that d3 pro idex i missed the boat on that i had so much stuff going on they said hey do you want one of these and i missed the email because it really does look like a cool machine and then when i went back to them and say hey do you saw these they're like no we don't have them like oh i really i would have actually like to check that one out though keep up the great content i don't know how you want to se how you want to pronounce that but i will do my best to keep up the great content and learn how to pronounce things thank you very much for the 10 bucks surpreem we're gonna go with that uh what so all of you folks in the uk what's the status right now i know sometimes that they were having problems shipping any shipping things in and out because of all the goings on is that getting better this this printer is actually really quiet the loudest thing on it is the power supply fan you can hear cycling up [Laughter] all right well the the donation is appreciated but uh i do try to keep it up but we'll see how long i go right how many years can i go no problem shipping to uk cool that's good to hear [Music] supreme and it wasn't a request more donations if you don't keep it up uh at least this the text to speech is working today recommendations for a laser cutter i don't i've looked at i've bothered mr dave randolph many many times about laser cutters asking all kinds of questions and uh i've never really decided to buy one uh because the usually the last thing that dave tells me on those conversations is oh yeah and don't burn your house down and that's usually like eh maybe i don't need a laser cutter so no unfortunately i don't have any recommendations for the laser cutter the elegy fdm printer yeah that's a good one um they offered one of those to send one of those over and i don't know where that i don't know if i accepted it or not but they haven't contacted me again so not sure what happened at that shipping prices are really high need a shop yeah my i have a a shed it's a fairly like i think it's like 12 by 14 or something i don't it's not huge 12 by 20. i don't remember um but it's full of stuff too so they're checking the import in the vat more closely okay i have not seen the new monoprice delta min 82 i really love those little mini machines those are some of my favorites that i've had over the years not that they're that great they're just so compact and portable i really like them andreas absolutely uh you can have linear advanced enabled i that's what i suggest you do in fact enable it set it to set it to zero by default and then uh set your settings every time with your start g code or even better yet filament start g code so you can switch them out yes that's absolutely fine it won't uh if it won't impact anything if it's set to zero like that smash button most of it's storage yeah i hear that so here's my big plans um they are very cute uh fl sun speed racer that is one i have not seen do i gain any benefit if i upgrade upgrade motor pulleys later printer from 20 to 16. um on a prusa machine i'm going to say no you probably won't see any difference at all being at a tighter radius can cause some issues here and there um but probably on an i3 machine it wouldn't matter any bqb1 have you tried to resize it in a slicer to be more suitable um i have printed a smaller one i don't remember what the percentage was but it got real thin and i dropped it and it broke so i threw it away uh i actually didn't throw it away i put it in a bag and it's setting over there with all my other fail prints um yes i have successfully just sized it down a bit and it works great for these size spools uh but it is just a bit thin so just be careful with it you'll be okay uh that's the second one for fl sunspeed super racer no i haven't uh i'll need to check that out i guess see you later david q s is that the one i have i don't remember which which one i think that's it the little delta there's so many different model numbers i can't keep track of them all what is the servo pin number on most channels for i don't understand that question but if you're using servo pins the default is is going to be zero and you usually get three now you just get four zero through three i don't know what its pin number is in uh in the pins file i had to look it up what do i do with my filament waste at one time i was sending it off to be recycled because there was a place in missouri that would do it um now i'm storing it waiting to recycle it which is uh another thing i really need to look into as long as i'm not doing reviews i really don't have that much waste i mean there's there's always going to be some but it's the reviews and stuff going through all the different tests on these printers that cause the waste so it's okay right now but i definitely need to offload some 15-inch apollo rocket nice here it is how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood it almost got it perfect except for could it did pretty well uh dave you didn't have to do that man uh as you know but 100 bucks that's huge thank you very much and i appreciate it um see you later id have i tried endoscope with dr print i have um uh it works pretty well i never found the the absolute best endoscope camera for that setup it's hard to get it focused in the right amount of space so i never really did it very well but it does work you guys want to see it up close for a minute [Music] it's not looking too bad i'm gonna move some stuff around now i have another giant box that i need to take care of welcome to my world just piling up yeah that seems to be pretty common don't scrap the benches no i send all the benches to my friends as gifts same old shane is here what is up shane how are you doing if you didn't know uh our good friend shane is back with prusa working with their social media so that's always good to have him back however counted my benchies no i'm scared to count my benchies i could do it by weight maybe the endoscope is a whole lot of fun about 350 i would guess it did a pretty good job that time uh not g10 thank you very much for the 2099 canadian i appreciate that yes that's true tony ryan is here hello tony uh stefan did have a good setup going he had it on his tool changer i'm not exactly sure what his mount was or what camera he used but it does look really good he's uh he's like a top-notch uh videographer he knows all the ins and outs so i'm sure he figured out how to nail it you are welcome shane you are a celebrity in our community you you need an intro depends which end of the industry you're on yeah true ian ian with a uk uk shout out fuzzy skin nice jerome asking about flex drive extruders the only one i have experience with is the original zesty nimble and it was just really hard to get dialed in um once you did it seemed to work okay and it's a pretty interesting setup but the extra backlash like predicting for you know the mass of that cable spinning always kind of threw me i never got it set up exactly like i wanted to i haven't tried the newer versions and i know there's a lot of other companies that are making them i've heard mixed results some are better some are worse uh i never really got this sd dialed in all that well so i don't have really enough experience to say one way or another seems to have an oil slick around it [Music] that there is like very little i mean that duct might be a millimeter higher than that nozzle it is super low that might have to be changed up a bit why did i start drinking on camera no you are a celebrity i it has been said let it be so uh what do i use to clean the glass on the bed i use as high of a percentage of isopropyl alcohol as i can get um usually 90 you do want some water in there uh usually 90 is what i have available i use in a spray bottle clean it off works good now if i really want to clean them like i cannot get it to stick to save my life i'll take it upstairs and scrub it down with hot water and use dawn dish soap then go back and use the alcohol to clean it one more time that usually does the trick for bow limbs i doubt it petg is probably the sturdiest and most flexible at the same time that's probably the best choice dual ducts are nice if you can find a setup that works for you a lot of those fang fans and the hiromi fans a lot of that stuff is really nice windex uh what windex has ammonia in it right um i've never used windex to clean it i have however used windex for petg to keep it from sticking so well so it kind of has a reverse effect i'm not sure if there might be people in the chat that have had experience with it but i have never used windex for for cleaning i've always just used alcohol switches to everclear but not for the printer yeah that's when you just call it a day right oh where's the coffee at is there an affordable sls printer not that i know of there is one that's like five grand and then the the the washing station or the cleaning station whatever you want to call it to reclaim all of that is another five grand i don't remember what brand it was it came out sometime a while back that's the cheapest setup i've ever seen windex's alcohol blue tint so we'll get back to the mention in a minute so here's what i'm thinking so i've started to do all the remodel over on that side and we i will do a tour video by the way i'll put it out in a couple of weeks probably so you can see all the stuff that i've done so i've done a lot of work over there but on this side i'm thinking i got a roller tool box to put all my stuff in i think i'm going to push i'm going to get rid of all the shelving find homes for all of this stuff i have scattered everywhere and then push the table over that way just a bit and then uh i haven't decided what i want to do with the walls because they are just bare concrete on this side i have some like some masonite type stuff back here it's actually just paper board um but i was thinking about maybe doing a hardwood floor like get some furring strips and doing hardwood floor in this corner on the wall and then just using my toolbox for kind of my catch-all you know putting like i know the top of it will constantly be full of stuff but uh thinking about getting rid of the shelves all together give us a little more professional look i don't know yet i don't know exactly what i'm gonna do but i definitely want to change things up over here it's just always so loaded with stuff and it's just handfuls of stuff as as url makers you will understand this it's just handfuls of stuff that has no home like what do i do with you know five binder clips or or the the other nozzle to my torch i don't have specific locations for all of this stuff um i don't know we'll see what i come up with but that's what i was thinking i need to fix that light back there sooner than later it's kind of dark over there to the a30 pro i don't know exactly which one that is i will take your word for it your daughter says hi hello how are you i hope you're doing well today oh what is your first passion project that made you motivated it motivated you to learn huh that's a good question what do i think about the whole patent discussion with slice engineering and and triangle labs well for starters i really don't like to get involved in that kind of stuff i get both sides i mean i i get what's going on um and i can see the point uh on both sides of discussions like that but it's not a good thing by any means i mean when when something like that happens and you know i know the the guys at slice engineering uh i know them fairly well we've spent some time talking to each other so i mean it's not like it's a faceless company to me so i have some vested interest there um but the when it comes down down to it to the end at the end of the day there's really nothing you can do to stop it plain and simple um i in in our space what we do um you know we like to see open source as much as possible that helps things grow there's a lot of talented people out there that can help you work on it and that's a great thing i get why you would want to patent something i understand that but in our space i really don't think it's worth your time or your money that's a lot of money um if i were doing something like that just me personally i just open the whole thing up and let it happen i mean i think it's kind of a waste of time but that's just my opinion and i'm not a business owner or a manufacturer of anything either so that's just me talking from you know off the cuff i have no clue what i'm talking about but that's how i see it anyway how long have we been on today oh almost two hours in green screen it there you go that'd be way easier good call ron what happened rodrigo just became a patreon supporter at the ten dollars thank you very much that is much appreciated high back from daughter awesome put a couple of shelves i did think about shelves too because i do like this shelf but it's a little bit too big i thought about maybe getting a little narrower one just for all my knickknacks we'll see don't throw it away i'll need it that's what i keep telling myself and if i put it away i'll never find it again so john strand hello by the way any experience with warren no everybody always asks me uh oh that's the hot thing right now everybody asked about boron i don't have any experience yet but i will be building a voron zero sometime soon i hope disorganized yeah i uh i get that offer all the time go over here awesome you're getting your e3 rf today that board's a lot of fun um somebody told me too that there's a hack out there for the screen so check that out you might be able to use the lcd need a benchy window on the wall cost is a huge factor and i get that and that's also why i don't feel like i am in a good position to to throw out yeah i don't want to throw stones at people with patents or or people that are copying things because a lot of stuff that i get sent is for purpose of youtube and i don't have to pay for it so that puts me in a weird position because a lot of people out there have to lay down their hard earned money for this you know i just try to be as subjective on it as possible about the items and the price just kind of is what it is it costs a lot to make to make something in the united states uh and i get that benchy wall i might be able to cover up the whole wall it'd be very colorful how hard would it be to change the four star not not hard at all um it would just be a firmware change and you wouldn't have to do the firmware change you could just do it with a command yes we will absolutely do a tour you've got to see uh uh you've got to see the the silly stuff that i have in the drawers uh i have pretty much a full drawer of just main boards that i've tested so but with some of those boards you need a full drawer to get one that works you hear the printed solid guy have some boron parts yeah i heard that too heard that see some pretty nice uh extrusion uh it's all anodized different colors i do have the bed for the war on zero yes i have that i have a bed for it already i've got the i got the motors the bed the extrusion a few other parts that i can't think of right at the moment jerry at 3d printing and painting what is up that would be an awesome vinci wall that would take some serious time i can come to your house in italy how cool would that be thank you for the offer set up the basement like a dungeon well it's kind of set up that way now uh got second shot a bit ago nice dave heard that too that there's parts that printed solid absolutely we will uh we are going to have a tour i promise i need to finish up a few more things but in the next couple of weeks we are going to have a tour dave thanks for stopping by i hope you have a great day next build would be a white knight now that would be a heck of a build um carl and i have talked about that several times but uh it has never we've never been able to make it happen um and uh the outlay of cash to build one was pretty high i don't know what kind of you know economizing you could do to that kit to make it a little less expensive but i want to say we were talking like upwards 2 500 bucks to build one of those things is 3d printing addictive absolutely it was for me anyway it really snowballed on me fast what speed and slicer so this is prusa slicer uh it's probably i usually always use the same settings for all of these videos in live streams top speed is infill that's 60 millimeters a second but auto cooling is on and with the benchy auto cooling impacts it greatly so it's actually going to be pretty slow i got some friends out in the seattle way bob they said it was going to be great i guess they're going to go through a dry spell where um it's not gonna rain for like two weeks or something and that's just unheard of so enjoy it bob yep that's a lot of cash gary has nine printers awesome building 3d printers is addictive absolutely absolutely andy if i go to the uk or europe anywhere in that area i'm going to spend like a month there and just go to all the places i've always wanted to go i am not the best flyer in the known world i don't i really don't i've i've had to do it a lot over the years a lot of flying around places but i don't really enjoy it so if i have to fly to like some place like hawaii or to europe or something like that i'm going to stay there a while cartesian delta and corkscrew awesome yeah built the belt print surface because most of that is custom right i mean you gotta like built i think build tack made carl one um and then the drums yeah the drums that it actually spins on uh carl's you know he like hand turns those down uh those were pretty high cost if i remember correctly it's a tank too if you've ever been close to a white knight that thing is overbuilt i mean it's he did a really good job on it i forgot to ask him what one of those things weighs i bet it's pretty heavy will do tom i'll i'll announce the christmas basement world tour when it happens uh a month's worth of black t-shirts absolutely it a bunch for the black t-shirt that's just one shirt i just wear the same one every day build your own player it'll never be fully complete i know that can never stop messing around with it we'll see if i can get the war on build waiting for printer number four to arrive awesome i'm glad all this stuff helps help somebody that's uh that's uh that's always really good to hear france to hawaii oh yeah i don't want to think about it i was talking to jt um he's down in australia of course and his flight back for murph up to here and he was able to like get a seat where he could lay down so that wouldn't be too bad but 16 hours come on man that's so painful i don't even like to think about it the belt's 400 so that i don't doubt awesome uncle ron i'll keep that in mind uh yes all of the boron build will be done either live or we'll film parts of it we'll probably do a little bit of both but we'll probably start most of it on a live stream to make an appointment with bond tech now there'd be an interesting tour i want to do trinamic too i would love to walk through the tournament facility tony what is up have i lost some weight i don't think so i've in fact i thought i found it but uh but maybe i don't know i don't ever pay attention to it see you later john backup c130 yo about 17 hours wow yeah they're so roomy i don't know what the perfect height is to ride in coach on an airplane but it's not my height let's put it that way will i ever do a test print that is not a vinci have i ever done one i think we have not very many though um it's kind of a tradition at this point i feel awkward if we don't do a benchy so i don't know i would consider it i guess but i don't like change my beard lost weight that is true i did shave my beard a couple of weeks ago uh i have been working a lot more so maybe i did lose some weight uh remodeling things is hard you have to do a lot of carrying and lifting and cleaning up stuff so maybe my favorite guitar teacher i have been people's guitar teacher many times over the years vinci's do rule i agree in fact you want to see uh speaking of vinci's ruling i want to get a up close update here i think the camera is actually focusing on the sock on more than it is the print if we can bring it down just a bit i think this thing would probably go in even tighter [Music] a little bit of string in there again the retraction is really low it's like 1 1.2 length but it's a bond tech light extruder right on top of that hot end so you shouldn't need much that's the only problem is the printer shakes the table on the new table setup i definitely want to try to separate the camera from the table so we don't have so many of these issues i do have one of those cool rubber mat things to help with it but it doesn't completely get rid of the shake benchy on brother chris that's right benji on what is the block and nozzle on this printer uh i'm it's a knock off something something e3d i'm sure i'm not exactly sure what what it is where they got it from but it's a v6 clone i'm sure it is ptfe line yes it is four millimeter what is the most affordable printer with a 500 build volume that i do not know 500s are kind of uncommon uh what's the how big is this the shear on that's probably the biggest most affordable one that i know of how big is that printer tony wall mount the camera that's a great idea somebody asked me that question the other day and i looked but i don't remember what the price is we could look that isn't any cubic machine i think yeah any cubic makes a pretty good printer too all the ones that i've ever had were decent um amazon amazon how about from aliexpress do they have one from aliexpress it's 400 400 450 let me probably put that in 410 410 460 okay uh there's one on ebay oh that's 730 bucks that's too high the cheapest one i see is 599.99 so it's still kind of pricey oh no on the any cubic site it is 449. so that's a pretty good deal cr10 s5 is 500 cubed okay i can never keep track of my cr-10 it's driving your ocd crazy how many times i hear that uh that's i think it's kind of funny but i completely understand it 100 print surface workspace print workspace yeah it's gone up you paid 400 oh that's right somebody uh sent me something on my phone earlier and i never checked it what's up what's up all right makes an x5sa 500 my favorite vodka with sprite that sounds pretty tasty uh i mostly i very rarely nowadays would i actually drink um a mixed drink or anything like that uh i usually just stick with beer every now and then and uh that usually works out for me there's not very many beers that i would turn down i'm not not super picky steven lightspeed is here i will get back to your uh to your twitter message steven as soon as i get off of here it's laying down pretty good though i have to say the print don't look too bad especially for a first run that print fan though boy it is low maybe i could just like file the end off of it so it wasn't so sharp it's a profile alcohol without spray yeah that's my favorite drink to go blind to it's a bit it is a bit hairy a little bit but we've done worse right it has a bit of a quack to it i don't know if you can hear that in the microphone or not but i don't i think it's the x i was i was gonna say it was the extruder gear but i think it's somewhere in the x-axis i'll have to dig around on it and see if i can figure out what it is it's a little bit of a it's it's like a rattle it just does it every once in a while on quick moves i don't think the belt's too tight or anything no i don't know i'll see if i can find it there it was yeah that's what i'm talking about kind of weird one jet fuel what did i say quack it kind of sounds like a quack where do i put them all i've built custom racks for all of this stuff so i just find scrap wood and uh stick together a shelf every time i need to add more printers i'm up to like i have like four of them now but that will all be in the the tour as i promised it's probably just appearing missing his balls that's true that's true well we need to talk about that uh [Laughter] totally seaworthy they float they just put upside down last time i drank anything was last night uh so a couple of weeks ago i did a video on linear bearing maintenance and when i was watching it back i really didn't think about it much while i was making it obviously the the the words that i should be using to subscribe to describe things while i'm trying to explain it but there's a whole lot of you know balls and rods in that video and after i watched it i'm like uh i'm gonna get murdered in the comments for this but uh it actually wasn't too bad most of you were very kind about the whole thing but uh i found it pretty amusing because you know most days i'm like six but uh i don't know after the fact i thought it was pretty funny i i did not hear your last stat for your keyboard build what what was it what'd you do can you beat nitrom's benchy if you still have money for alcohol after upgrading yeah gotta gotta use that uh i much need to juggle yeah i i laughed pretty good as well it really wasn't intentional appreciate the content especially the live streams and the how-to vids andrew uh i'm glad you liked the content the 10 bucks is much appreciated thanks for coming to the live stream hopefully we'll have a few more of these in the next couple of weeks too so there will be plenty of opportunity to come hang out for a while kill 12 idler bearings wow yeah once uh once you shatter one of those or like the sleeve breaks on a linear bearing you'll be finding those little balls everywhere for the next three years i especially like it when they get stuck like in a spotted grease on another machine that's a lot of fun yeah i don't know that i'd ever get close to that speed that's crazy crazy speed we should find that video if you've never seen it um see if i can find it there it is this this is it's ridiculous just i don't even mind if you stop watching my stream to go watch this because it's um it's impressive to say the very least all it's quacked up to be i'll take that one [Music] you gotta have fun yes it is david it is blood red glitter jesse pla from our friends at printed solid you're waiting for the bqbx um it has a few the one that i have has a few issues but i'm pretty sure that they've corrected all that other than that um there's just a few little things here and there like like the integration with the screen and raspberry pi didn't go so smooth but i think they've got all that sorted out it's a different screen now than the one i have um i want to say there was like an extruder issue that a small one that they corrected as well but even with those issues mine is really good um the direct drive extruder they use on there is really decent for the price it's one of the better ender 3 clone low-cost machines that i've ever used it works really well and i and i don't say that often um but it's pretty top-notch i i really like it uh oh the on the other thing on mine that was uh that didn't go so well is the magnet that they used to hold the sheet on wasn't very strong and the sheet that came with it was really thin so it kind of wanted to slide around a bit uh but i think they corrected all that too so other than that pretty nice yeah yeah pretty much any printer i had would explode like that still waiting on the kadama obsidian yes i believe that i i think i picked it up on twitter or something but yeah i believe that's the one from reddit 3d print ducks and give them to the wife uh we have so many of those big tree tech ducks they're all she's got them all lined up on the china cabinet i don't even know how many are up there oh i missed some subscribers uh k rosen channel subscribe thank you and jason thank you for the sub [Laughter] uh yeah uh the bqb one was not good um i i liked where they were going with that uh to try to improve it over the existing like the inner threes i like the direction they were going but they did not nail it um it is it is not a very good machine the one i have at least did not turn out well the bx uh they they did it right that time it is it is like light years away from the b1 sweden's in the lead for the benchy race brian is here 3d print creator hello yes it has been a lot it's been over four months since i've been live so it's good to be back i don't show a lot of deltas you know honestly um the gap on delta's is very large so you either have the i've i've got three or four that we've done over the years you either get the really cheap ones which aren't bad and then you kind of jump to the really expensive ones that i don't have room for um so yeah i don't there's not a whole lot of deltas that i show um they're fun though i mean you know don't they're deltas have their place and i enjoy using them but they are it's a it's a different beast to get them to dialed in for sure you bought the one for because you of course because you get the duck you're actually just buying the duck the board's free absolutely crucial mark iii um and you know the mark iii a lot of people want to say whatever about the prusa printers but for consistency it's really hard to beat a mark iii yeah i was going to say i thought his was just one of the cheaper deltas that he's really souped up you know like because i think it's mounted oh there he is uh uh we just showed your video your speed video um it's i think i think his is like permanently mounted to the to the wood i believe is how he's got it designed [Music] jeffy uh which board did you get and i can tell you more about it for the woods and exco so exo skeletons sort of gotcha we're gonna do like a an interview on that printer and just go over it we should do that one of these days i'd love to see it it's a mini e3 1.2 and you want to know about stealth chop spread cycle let's just grab one i got one of those somewhere hold on i'll fix you up [Applause] let's see one two i know here it is one two okay so on a one two what did you want to oh you wanted to know about motor current is that what i think that's what you said well let me scroll back a second yes so uh on a one two uh you change the motor current with an m906 command that'll list them all and then you can change them however you want so there's that and to change from spread cycle to stealth chop uh focus you can do it maybe there you use that jumper right there so just this is stealth chop just put it on the other set of pins that'll stick it in spread cycle there you go nice and you're developing a 3d printer well thank you for joining the stream that is great to hear uh most metallic songs last longer i like that which pin there's a pin on it that that's the if you go back uh just step back a little bit in the video and i show that pin but there's a pin labeled spread cycle it's going to be default to stealth chop just move it to the other set of pins if you want to put spread cycle on anish hello is there a benefit to spread cycle versus stealth chop yes um it's all about it it's all about how noisy the stepper motors are going to be basically but uh the stealth chop is the quiet mode um and most for most applications most of the time on a 3d printers smallish 3d printers like these stealth chop you can get away with it no problem especially the newer versions of stealth chop spread cycle is going to be the higher torque mode but it is just a little bit loud so there is advantage to using a spread cycle in certain applications if you want to print really fast something like that or if you're just if you're seeing layer skips you can switch to spread cycle there is also a hybrid mode that will do it for you so if it senses that you know more torque is needed for a faster movement or something it will automatically jump it up what is that called i forgot what the mode's called but there is a mode for that it's in marlin all the torque voron log make one from scratch i don't even know where i'd start to give tips on that might be an interesting video though i always just start by buying things which is probably the wrong way to do it y-axis moving gantry system i'm not sure i understand the question octo dash can't retrieve layer progress error 404 not found huh it's missing a file somewhere i wonder if uh wonder if they had a buggy release or something your ender bench fan from pakistan hello tivo tarantula money first i would highly doubt uh what drivers are you using on that delta yeah um on these on this board i don't know that you're going to be able to get i don't know you'll have to try it i don't know that it's going to let you use the hybrid mode or to change them individually you'll have to try it from the firmware and just give it a shot i'm not sure that it's going to be able to get that information and switch them but give it a shot yeah it's really odd i'm not sure what file it's trying to search for uh this is a blood red glitter from printed solid jesse play 2130s there you go 2130s are not that old but there are a lot newer versions out now the build size on this what did we say 300 300 400 that's what we're going with how does it level the gantry it does not have two end stops it's only got one the z screws are connected with a belt at the top laughs question can't get the gantry level that is a problem and that has always been a problem on that on the old school cr-10 um i've had that same issue if i remember correctly i think i ended up changing the wheels on it to try to get it more even like some of the wheels on my original one were just a bit undersized what they should have been um you might pull some of those off and measure them and see how consistent they might be um what is the accurate size on one of those wheels i don't remember right off hand i just i had one sitting around here the other day let me grab one and i'll tell you what it is but if they're not close to that size you're not going to be able to get it adjusted to get that level um i think that's what i ended up doing on mine to fix it because i swapped out a couple of the wheels that were kind of wonky i think that was pretty common on the old school ones now i had to find a wheel now i have to find a caliper i thought it was over here this remodeling has really increased my walking everything's a lot further away from everything now so this one sets at 23.9 so if they're not close to that or they're not very consistent i try to grab a couple of extra ones and swap them out and see if that fixes it have i played with closed loop steppers i have in the past but i haven't i haven't done any with the the new style that you start to see with the little screen and everything i haven't done anything with those and i requested a set and never got a set so i'm gonna have to uh go back to that here you guys are ready for the bridge a little hot looks like it's printing just a little hot probably where our hairiness is coming from no these are uh a cheap amazon pair i don't even know what they are ea gems they work pretty well though set up a delta cleaned up too much yep now nothing is ever going to be found again um yep m569 um that will toggle the tmc mode so give that a try i'm not exactly sure how this board is wired up but give it a shot if you don't lose it it means you've never used it before how true you are welcome 3d jeff give it a shot see how it goes non-famous here hello well that's that's exactly what's going to happen too um everything will be on top everything i know my toolbox upstairs everything gets thrown in the top hatch and never cycled back down to the drawers uh johnny thank you i try to get to everybody and the comments are kind of hard to keep up with sometimes but i try to get everybody's questions answered that's what i'm here for it's why we do these things so we can chat this is a 0.2 layer height [Music] waiting for it to do that front bridge just buy new toolboxes toolboxes are so much more affordable nowadays than they were um it did one there's another one that's the most satisfying part nice handled it quite well um it was pretty cool so so if any of you know the story of craftsman uh which you all i'm sure you all do you know craftsman forever and ever sold was sold by sears and sears only also western auto at one time if you remember that but uh they got bought i want to say they got bought by the stanley company stanley tool when sears went under and now lowe's sells them and so i ended up with a craftsman box the this last one i bought just a lower cabinet to just kind of use it as a roll around toolbox to work off the top uh but all of those are assembled in uh sedalia missouri which isn't very far from me so it was kind of nice to buy something you know that was at least assembled here local so it made the choice of uh of which company to go with a little easier so that's kind of nice i like to buy you know i like to buy local if i can but it's very so very seldom that i get the chance to i'm here to help you i'm not here to help you napping i'm just here for everyone else everybody bye uh you know i don't know much about the ender six um inter five pro i hear a lot of good things about it but i think i think it's one of those that you really need a few upgrades out of the box because it's fairly large um my buddy dave wilson he's here local he loves the those ender fives and the pro but i know that he does a lot of mod work on it so i really can't tell you for sure i don't have a lot of experience with either one of them i do kind of like the design on them because they would be easy to enclose so unfortunately i'm not much help there but the sidewinder and the voron i'm sure are top notch i really like my sidewinder waterloo makes the craftsman toolboxes gotcha i have seen that brand before where am i from i am from kansas city missouri right in the middle yes it is definitely a cloned v6 if there's no option to change vref on the board for the stepper drivers is the only option to change the current from for the seven motors on using g-code yes if you don't have a trim pot depending on the drivers that you have if you don't have a trim pot on the driver your only option is software and if you're using mower line you do that with an m906 uh this one is printing at 210 i am in missouri yes oh napping i've missed you so dana's here what's up dan [Music] yeah they stick them together uh not too far from here twice as cool as the inner three i don't know time remaining uh do we get time remaining on this guy um no we don't but it has been running for an hour and 43 minutes so i would guess we probably have 10 minutes left you're in sedalia is that that's pretty close paddle fishing nice and sweet springs cool dragon and appeal touch all right love the mmu2 videos awesome um there's the oh it missed two three it's just a little too hot but not bad not bad we'll give it to it um interview two there was what there was somebody asking me something the other day like try this oh yeah um there's a really cool kit out for um now i'm drawing the you know the so the buffer that comes with an mmu2 that that put together buffer is a real pain to use and i don't like using it and the rollback spool holders work but sometimes they like to pull the filament out of the back of the mu2 so that's not a completely you know functional solution either but i saw a kit for a really cool buffer mechanism that you 3d printed the parts and they sell you the hardware or whatever uh i'm going to be taking a look at those sometime soon so there'll be a little bit more mu2 stuff coming i hope because i think that will really improve some of the reliability on that so stay tuned for that yeah i still i i hear you there i still have uh a lot of the stuff that i have let's call it procured from my dad uh so i got kind of a a heads up nice the uh the mmu-2 in my opinion out of all the all of the multi-materials that i've used chameleon one pallet ii mmu-2 um i've had the most luck overall with amu 2. now i'm not saying it isn't quite a pain at some times but once you get it dialed in and sorted out you can be pretty successful with it all the other ones i haven't had near as much success i do want to try chameleon 2 though it looks like it should be a lot more consistent than the original one but i haven't got around to that yet so maybe we'll see that enraged rabbit project i don't know that one father's the number one hardwood store in the world yeah uh my dad lives about an hour north of me now and he has for several years so i don't get up to see him as much as i used to but i'd probably still you know consider stealing something out of his toolbox if i really needed it uh i was calibrating e-stops noticed extrusion slows down for two to four seconds and then it speeds back up hmm that could be a whole lot of things but first thing i would look at is maybe the extruder gear isn't surround i don't know that it would be firmware causing that or maybe it's having some issue that it's causing it to skip a bit but it could be current i guess maybe you have a higher well that's a that's manually set i'm guessing though i don't know i would check that gear out first to see just how round it is where is chris's basement it is in kansas city missouri oh wait right so it's an mmu2 that runs clipper nice hmm [Music] like the run out sensor was triggered if you turn if you turn filament run out off does it still do it i mean is it like a bug or is it just something with the with the sensor it might be the noisy switch i i've seen when you flash to some of the newer versions i've seen some noisy switches start acting up because of that i don't know if it's actually related but i have i've heard of that it's probably just flip flopped um if that's the case if it was working now you have the new firmware it's probably just flip-flopped and i will tell you the name of the setting that you should go look for uh one moment fill underscore run out underscore state it's defaulted to low flip it to high and see if that fixes the problem thoughts on palette 3 pro with 8 colors i have some thoughts on it i really like the guys at mosaic um they're very nice they've been really good to me and and you know for some of the giveaways that we've done at events they've really helped support us i didn't have all that much luck with the palette too so jumping to eight colors versus four on the new palette they did change up how the buffer works a little bit but eight cup eight colors does complicate things um and it is quite pricey so i don't think i'm very anxious to try it anytime soon and let's just leave it at that um it looks really complicated to me but that's just my thought that's fine if you want to email it to me that's fine i i can take a look at it you have the palette 3 on layaway i'm anxious to see when they get in some users hands of how it turns out how they work because they did change it up a bit and all the best i mean eight colors would be awesome but i i don't know that i have the energy to do to do one back to the yard we'll see you later dan thanks for stopping by works fine when i turn off the sensor it's probably that that um run out state yep i totally i totally get what you mean about prusa at least they'll support it right at least they will try to jump on the chat with you and figure it out purge into infill and merging the model yeah that's one thing that's got to be conquered thank you mike i i try not to dance around that stuff i mean i'm really not trying to be dodgy about it it's just you know i applaud their efforts but it's just i think it's a little too complicated for me what is the password there shouldn't be a password it shouldn't have uh that image is set if i remember that's been a while if i remember the image should be set to before you run the wizard so you haven't entered the password in the credentials yet so it shouldn't have a password if it does it's probably password we do x40 idex i don't even know that one i would have to look it up there is a possibility i mean uh we could take a look i could contact the company in fact i'll look it up so i have it in one of my tabs and then i'll that'll remind me to uh to follow up what's it called we there you go kickstarter gotcha it's got a linear rail and everything fancy man they almost hit two well that was never mine i was gonna say that one's at two million dollars that's in uh hk yeah i can see what i can do about that dylan i am glad that the content has helped you out i appreciate that thanks for coming to the live stream wonder how popular the frusta xl will be i think it will be fairly proper popular just because it is a prusa machine there's a lot of crucial people out there but you're right it's going to be at a price point that might not be so attractive uh but we'll see they those guys always come up with something tricky so we'll we'll see what they do chimney time we might just have enough screen left that we don't have to move the camera how long did we take on this one we are right under two hours in fact i don't think i could give you an any more detailed look than you're already getting right now even when we do look at it missed it miss you just missed this one though there will be more um i will uh and bill jumping in here right at the end hello bill um that is true that that is important to remember boron is not a company it's a it's an effort um there will be more live streams that's what i was going to say uh next week we're going to check out a cnc and then uh the week after that ooh it beeps when it's done uh the week after that i'm not sure which one we're going to do but i'm pretty sure that we're for the next with this one next three weeks we will have a live stream so there'll be plenty of chances to come hang out it has finished these ones usually release pretty well yes they do was gonna start that one over but uh i think we kind of nailed the first layer have a look so it came out pretty good i mean a little inconsistent in spots we did get a little stringy i think it's printing a little hotter than it's saying it is i always like the color there's very light glitter in it but you know as far as ringing and stuff it don't look too bad i think with a little dialing in we could get this thing looking really good pop finish looks okay i'm happy with it i think it did a pretty nice job so there we go where's this one and there okay well how was the stream not boy was it religion uh so that is the minga rock 3 pro it did a fair job fairly easy to put together if you get the gantry the right way uh no real issues that i see but i will continue to test it and see how it goes and report back the strain relief on that bed is concerning so that is one of the first things that i will want to update and i will go check out uh the links and stuff that people have fed me to get that done in fact i should take the prints off of that so i can fire one up um try print potter and up experience absolutely kind of a cult two hours for vinci is a little long yes i don't know what the internal constraints are set to i let i let these machines do their own acceleration and stuff just to see what it's set at this one is a bit slow uh yes okay awesome andy i'm glad it makes your day that's that's great to hear so there it is um again we'll try to do this again next week uh we'll see what happens i'll report back on how this one's doing i like the orange color that's awesome thanks for everyone joining there were some huge super chat tips and some patreon supporters that came on today that is a huge help thank you all for that and everyone just in general that hangs out in the chat it's always fun to talk with you all we will see you all again very very soon everybody have a nice rest of your weekend and uh take care
Channel: Chris Riley
Views: 6,756
Rating: 4.9647579 out of 5
Keywords: chris's basement, mingda, mingda d2, 3d printer, live build, benchy, biqu, biqu bx, biqu kickstarter, bigtreetech, btt
Id: 5sPZ8LSk3fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 2sec (11162 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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