Octoprint Tips and Plugins - Octopi Images - Chris's Basement

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it's been a while since we've done a video on octoprint and i'm always learning new tips and tricks on how to better utilize it so let's take another look [Music] hello everybody chris here and if you don't know what octoprint is it is a very handy piece of software that you can use on a raspberry pi or other platforms to help monitor and control your 3d printer and saying that gina has done an amazing job developing octoprint over the years is an understatement as well as there being a great community surrounding it and we really don't need another octoprint octopi install video i have those but i did want to take a look at the newer version of octoprint as well as octopi and show you some of the things that i do when i use octoprint a lot of times i use it to host multiple 3d printers but i also have a method of keeping the image consistent so if something bad happens i can just swap out the sd card and continue on printing and there's a few different pieces that go with that so that's what we're going to do today we're just going to run through end to end and i'm going to show you my configuration of octoprint and the multi-instance octoprint how i use it in my basement so let's jump right over to the computer when doing octoprint the first thing we do is head right over to octoprint.org here you can find everything you need to know about octoprint including a download page a donate page and a merchandise page again this is great open source software and i'm sure they appreciate your support but let's head to downloads an octoprint is a program that can be compiled and ran on a linux distribution or you can use it as an image for a raspberry pi and it's much easier to use that way and we like to call that octopi that's the install we're going to be doing today now you'll notice the stable release is 0.17 most of the time that is the one that i'm using and it does support a lot of different hardware including the raspberry pi 4. now if you look below we do have a release candidate of 0.18 and the main direction of this one is so that we can support 32 and 64-bit architectures once we get to 64-bit things should perform a lot better even on the raspberry pi so in an effort to get my image up to date and just to try it out i'm gonna go with the release candidate of 0.18 you can go with 0.17 if you like it's going to work pretty much exactly the same this will take you to the github and i am going to go with 0 1 8 but i am going to stick with 32 bit that might seem a bit counter-intuitive but i don't want to try to work out any bugs that there might be in the 64-bit version so i'm just going to right click and download this zip once that download is complete i'll just go to downloads right click and extract all so the octopi image is meant to be used on a raspberry pi and that image is going to be flashed on an sd card all of the storage that you have available for raspberry pi lives on that card and when you're purchasing an sd card there's a couple things i like to look out for this is the one that i typically use because i can get them pretty easily and they're fairly inexpensive but you'll see that number 10 on the front of it that's the speed of the sd card not all sd cards are created equal and there are faster ones than these even but a number 10 should do pretty well with octoprint also as far as the size goes this is an 8 gig i wouldn't go much over 32 you might want to partition it out if you do but 8 should be more than enough for a couple of instances and some g-codes maybe 16 would be even better but we'll go more over that here in a moment now with that said this is not the sd card that i'm going to use to build my image i'm actually going to use this old sd card right here and there is a method to this madness this is just an old school 4 gig sd card i had laying around don't really care what speed it is i got time but i'm going to use the 4 gig card to build the image because it's easier to store that image when you boot the raspberry pi raspbian automatically increases the size of your card no matter what the image is so you put the image on and it takes it to the max volume of the card that's a pretty handy feature but it can also cause some problems if you're trying to keep the image small and you can't just flash the image because it will be too small you won't have any extra room for upgrades or plugins like that so you have to expand the card so i'm going to build on this one get the image then flash the image over to my actual sd card and that might not make the most sense i'm going to expand on it just a little bit but i'm using that 4 gig card because the octoprint image takes somewhere around 2 and a half gig to complete but a 2 gig card isn't enough you never see 3 gig cards so we went with the 4 gig and you can still get 4 gig cards but this is the easiest way that i've found to be able to have an image that's somewhat manageable if you use the whole card like an 8 or 16 and you pull that image then it's going to be 8 or 16 gig and it's a lot harder to store and a lot harder to share and i will make this image available if you would like to use it so that's the reasoning behind it let's head back to the computer so we're going to start with our 4 gig card to build our image and usually before i use the cards win32disc imager is what we're going to use to flash the image it will format the card for you but i do like to take a look at them in the partition manager just to see what's on them and it might make this just a little bit easier to understand so i'm going to come down to the windows key i'm just going to search for create and format hard disk partitions if you don't have this feature on your computer you can go to control panel and install it it's in the windows programs so now i'm going to plug in my four gig card and there's no partitions on this it's just one big block of space and that's what we want to see now disk imager can take this and do whatever it wants with it and i'll show you that after we make the image so let's open win32disk imager and there's a lot of programs out there that will do images you can put them on whatever storage you'd like i just like using win32disk imager because one it is free and there's not a lot of knobs here so it's kind of easy to explain and i'm just used to using it so that's what we're going to use but you can use other things like etcher if you wish but we're just going to go grab that image file that we downloaded this 1.8 image right here we'll open it up make sure that we have our four gig sd card selected e drive that's the only one i have and we're going to hit right it's going to ask if you're sure that you want to format that card because it's going to overwrite everything just hit yes now depending on the speed of your card i told you about the number 10 on my samsung card that i used for the pie this one's a number four so it might take longer on this older card but not a big deal we'll come back when it's done and our right was successful now remember to go ahead and hit ok on this because it's not actually done until you okay it and then we can get out of imager for now but we'll come back and you can see in the partition manager disk management how it divided up that card this is exactly the amount of space that that image requires you have this boot partition so you can read it in windows and edit the files then you have everything in linux i believe they do ext3 on these i don't remember exactly but we can take a look and then you have unallocated space this is everything on the card that it didn't need from the image so space that wasn't used so you can see we have a almost four gig card we have a little bit over a gig left and i will come back after the fact after we do the image of octoprint onto the sd card to show you what it looks like after it has expanded it but our image right is complete we do need to edit a few files so let's go to our sd card we wanted to go to the one that says boot because that's the one that is written in fat32 so you can talk to it from windows and we need to edit octopi dash wpa supplicant.text i suggest you edit it with something like notepad plus plus if you use regular notepad it might not work out so well now we need to enter our network and security information we'll just take the comments off of these four lines we need to enter our wireless network name remember these are case sensitive and your wi-fi password remember it's case sensitive and then down here at the bottom by default the wi-fi country code is united kingdom i'm going to put a comment on that and i'm going to uncomment the one for the u.s it's just good practice to go ahead making those changes so that's all we need in here we'll go ahead and hit save and before we mount the sd on the pi and boot up i wanted to show you one more file and that's the cmd line.text or command line.text so let's open that up as well and you can see this initialized script right here this init underscore resizes.sh that's what does the initial resize of the sd card when you do the first boot this actually goes away after that boot this line isn't here anymore but if you want to play around booting up without doing that automatic resize this is the script you'd want to mess around with but since we're using the four gig card we don't have to worry about it so much because we can just keep it small on that four gig and let it go ahead and do the resize we need a little bit extra space to get the full image installed with all the plugins we need just a note now we can unmount our sd card load it on our pi and boot up now a lot of you probably already noticed that the pi is going to use a micro sd card and the 4 gig card that i showed you is a regular sd card and that's not going to work directly with your raspberry pi of course i always like to have these sd to micro sd converters around these are really handy on 3d printers and working with pies and they're pretty inexpensive so that's how we're going to be using the 4 gig card just to get things configured for my image but you could also try to find a micro 4 gig sd card if you wanted so with the converter just from the back of the pi the pins will go towards the pcb then we can load in the sd card with our image then we can plug in our power adapter and go ahead and power up and let it boot you should have your red power led but if you have your green led flashing that's a good sign that it's able to talk to the wireless and now is a great time for me to remind you that you need to use the proper power adapter for your raspberry pi use one that's meant to power a pie not a phone charger or anything like that it needs to be at least 2 amp for the pi 3 and it needs to be even more for the pi 4 or it's not going to operate correctly so you've been warned i've said it a million times but i thought it'd be worth mentioning it again and if we got everything set up correctly you should now be able to go to http colon forward slash forward slash octopi dot local and here's our new image ready to go with the setup wizard i'm not quite ready to do that yet i want to do a few other things but we can access it now these dot local addresses don't work on every router there's a couple things you can do to try to get it to work but eventually you might need the ip address if you can't get them to go so one thing you can try is to install bonjour you can see it here in my program list basically that is just some file sharing services that might help these dot local addresses to work you can also install something like angry ipscanner and try to find the ip of the pi see which ip join the network last and try to figure it out that way or you can get into your router this is my router and all the devices i have running on it you can see all the different raspberry pi's down here and this one all the way at the bottom with a 254 address is the one that we just booted now i keep track of my test pi i use the same one over and over so i have assigned it an ip you can assign them static ips you can also in some routers do a manual assignment so anytime a mac address comes in the same one over and over will get assigned the same address out of the dhcp pool and there's a lot of pieces and parts to explain with that but basically if you can't use those.local dns names you're going to have to figure out what the ip is just to further show you what i'm talking about if you have a router and you can get into it look for something about the dhcp server and then something that talks about manually assigned ips you can see the one i'm using here at the bottom i assign it a two five four that so if i can't remember the dns name what it was called whatever dot local what i changed it to or i have more than one octopi octopi.local on the network i can always find it and we'll talk more about having multiple pies on your network in a moment and to just try to help you out even more if you have angry ip scanner put in your ip range a lot of times it's 192 168 1.0 to 255 and then just start a scan look down through the list after the scan is complete it should know that it's called octopi it's got port 80 and 443 open those are the http and ttps ports and that's the ip so then you can use that ip if the dot local address isn't working hopefully one of these methods will help you out now that we've got some of that explained there's a few things that i like to do when i build my image i'm not going to do a lot of customization because i want to keep it somewhat vanilla but i want to open up ssh on the pie with putty so we can enter a few commands so i'm going to open up the putty tool again there's a lot of great ssh tools that you can use a lot fancier than putty i'm just really used to using it it's free and i think it's easy to show people how to use it especially users that aren't going to use ssh terminal all that much so here in putty you can still use your octopi.local and we'll just hit open you might get an error but on your home network usually that's not a big deal we'll just hit yes and then we'll log in default username is pi all over case and then raspberry all lowercase yes it is case sensitive and now we're logged in now the first thing that i like to do with these projects is i like to upgrade all the repositories and then do an upgrade of raspbian the os that's underlying octopi now this probably isn't the best idea to do on an existing install but it shouldn't hurt too much if it's a brand new install and before i make the image that i'm gonna run with for a while i like to be up to date so i'm gonna do sudo apt update that will update all the repositories you do need your pseudo password which is also raspberry once that is complete we will do sudo apt upgrade and this will upgrade all of our packages it'll give you a list of everything that's going to be upgraded hit y enter to tell it yes and this will take a moment and our upgrade is complete we will need a reboot just for good measure but before we do that i wanted to take a look at the storage and just talk about it a little bit more since we're talking about partitions and sd cards i'm going to do a df minus h you can see right here our route is 3.3 because that's probably actual space on a 4 gig card how much we have used and how much we have available so it did the resize automatically and i'll show you that from windows as well in a moment but if you didn't do the resize you altered that init script or something you would be around 93 used so you really wouldn't have enough space to add your plugins or even do the upgrade so that's why i use the four gig card method so the next thing i want to do is start up raspi config so sudo raspi dash config and i'm going to go to system options number one and then go down to host name s4 this gives you advice on creating a hostname you can't use certain characters just be aware of that hit ok and you don't want to use spaces but this is where it calls it octopi.local that is the pi's host name if you have multiples on your network it's a good idea to change these make them something unique so that it can use a dhcp address and then you can go directly to those names there won't be two of them if there's two on the network it's going to get confused now for the image i like to create it with something named image so i know that i've used this image to build the pi and this also gets me away from if i have another instance that's named octopi on the network things don't get confused so i'm just going to name it octo img just so i know it's an image now stay away from spaces underscores the underscore you can use in the url you just leave it out it will find it but it's better if you don't so octo image for this one we'll tab down and hit ok and we'll come back in here a little bit later to resize but i won't show you that right yet so let's hit finish and we'll go ahead and let it reboot once the reboot is complete then we can just go to our new name so instead of octopi.local we'll do octoimg.local and here's our instance we're at the wizard again now i'm ready to go ahead and proceed with the wizard so we'll just click through next here you can restore from a backup now the backup and restore feature in octoprint is really handy but you have to reset up the octoprint instance to be able to use the backup so if something bad happens you can use that backup and restore on a fresh install if you use the whole image you don't have to have the backup but it can still be handy we're not going to restore from one right now we'll hit next access control go ahead and set up your username and password keep access control enabled we'll hit next anonymous usage tracking you can set this if you like but it does help the octoprint effort so i do enable it we'll hit next online connectivity check this is mostly if your pi is not connected to the internet it won't waste resources trying to get to it all the time so this checks to see if it can get to the internet we can go ahead and enable it but next plug in blacklist just to be safe we'll enable it and the default printer profile this is going to be generic for printer to printer because this is my image there are a few things that i like to change on every printer but the main one being the extrusion rate i like to go from 300 to 100 even though this is millimeters a minute it can get a little bit too high when you're trying to calibrate an extruder i just like to lower it by default it's my preference so we'll hit next and we'll hit finish and remember we're only changing things on this image that will be on every image if you scroll to the bottom we are currently on octoprint 1.4.2 there is a 1.5 version out there so that's the next thing i want to do is go to settings go to software update and you can see octoprint 142 there's a stable release of 152. so i'm going to go ahead and update that and we'll proceed after the update is successful it will restart your pi or at least the instance of octoprint and then you can go ahead and reload and now we're up to date on 1.5.2 now let's talk about plugins plugins make octoprint even more useful because users can create them to meet their needs and there's a handful of them that i like to put on every instance of octoprint and i think they might be handy for some of you so let's go over the ones that i like to use we'll head to settings we'll go plug in manager and then we'll hit get more now these are in no specific order they're just the ones that i really like the first one being resource monitor so we'll just search for resource you can go to the home page if you'd like details on it but basically it gives you a view of what the pie is doing at any time and when you're running multiples this can be pretty handy so you know if you're starting to tax the pie with multiple prints it just makes me feel better to be able to go look at it and get a quick look and make sure that everything's okay so we'll hit install on that one and once installed it should be in your tabs list or in your pull down over here we'll hit resource monitor it's just a quick dashboard to give you a look and see what's going on on the pi back to plugin manager next up we're going to search for navbar and i like the navbar temperature plugin it's just a quick heads-up display on the home page of the printer that you get the temperature of the cpu on the pi the tool and the bed temp it's just easy to browse through a bunch of tabs check this one line just to see what's going on so we'll install that one and after a reboot you can see those temperatures right up here at the top we don't have a printer plugged in yet so we're not getting readings for the better the tool but they will be right here this way no matter what tab you're in you can always see the temperatures up there at the top next up i like print job history we'll go ahead and hit install and then we'll take a look at the details but you don't know how handy it can be to have a history of how long a print took and what happened during that print all in a list if you do lots of tests this can really save you and this plugin comes with a lot of different pieces i only use the job history but there's a bunch of other things that you can do with it when you install that plug-in and it comes back up you can see that it's offering you all these additional plugins that fit into print job history like preheat filament manager all that good stuff i do like display layer progress we'll talk about that in a second and prusa slicer thumbnails but just go ahead and disable this if you don't intend to install all of them but those options are there so we'll close this for now and then we'll just open print job history it defaults to the list of your print jobs but there's all kinds of settings in this thing if we go back to settings scroll down to print job history under plugins you can set it to how you want it to save print history only on successful prints that's what i usually do after every print it's going to show you some dialogue at the end i usually don't have it do that but you can if you want it has a lot of information that it will give you after every print so i'm just going to uncheck this but you can also go into camera you can set it to take a snapshot after the print's complete so you even know what it looked like when you did the print that will be included in the history you can take temperatures from the preheat plug in you can export and import your history if you'd like to carry it on to the next pie how it stores all the history and then debugging info but it's a great plugin very powerful back to plugin manager the next one i like to do we just talked about it a second ago but display layer progress this can be a lot handier than you think and after it's installed you get a lot of this information up here in the nav bar as well as down here in the printer state it's going to give you the layer you're on and the current height and if you're troubleshooting things can start appearing at the same layer over and over so now you have a note of where it happened and you can kind of get an idea if the print time estimates aren't quite correct how soon the print's going to be done i've really come accustomed to be able to see the layer height i think it's a great feature and of course if you go into settings there's all kinds of different things you can do with this plugin there's an endless list of things you can tweak but well worth giving it a try and the last one that i really like is the prusa slicer thumbnail plugin because i do use prusa slicer all the time this one's just going to let preset slicer send the thumbnail picture of the print when it sends the file over to the octoprint instance so we'll install it back to settings you can take a look at the settings for the thumbnail how you want it to scale all that good stuff you can actually rescan the files if you install this plug-in after the fact just hit scan and it should pull in all the thumbnails we'll take a look at that a bit more after we do the final install and there is one more plug-in that i forgot to mention that i do really like so one more time back to plugin manager it's called custom backgrounds what this one does is allow you to use an image behind your temperature graph and that's all fine and good if you want to use an image on there but i actually find it really handy to put the name of the printer that i'm using in that image slot and it's really easy to do and after that one's installed you will have to reload and i'm not going to show you how to set the image yet because remember i want to keep this vanilla to make the image but that's all for the plugins so now that i'm satisfied with the install and everything's up to date i'm going to power down the pi up here at the top we'll just hit shutdown system i'm going to remove the 4 gig sd card and mount it back on the computer and if we go back to that disk management tool that we were using before to create the partitions now you can see we have the boot drive and all the rest of the space is being filled up by the other partition this is the partition where linux lives so that just shows you that the raspberry pi on boot is doing its job using the rest of the file system but now i want to create an image of everything we've just done so i can use it later in case there's an accident sd cards don't have the longest life span sometimes so once again i'm going to open up windows disk imager only this time i'm going to select a location where i want to store my image i'm just going to browse to my c drive and i'm going to call it octo underscore image underscore single and we can hit open and it's going to write to this file everything that's on the sd card so just use the letter of the boot device and it'll know what to do you can see boot down here is e and we're just going to hit read and after a couple of minutes the read is successful we'll hit ok and then we can go back to file explorer there's the image we created we should have punched in the file extension but we can go ahead and do that now dot img it doesn't mean it won't work it just means that win32 won't recognize it off the bat it's still a valid image file and you can see it's just a little less than four gig and you see some of these other ones these were images of eight gig cards so this does save you a lot of space in the long run again i can share this a lot easier now if somebody else wants to use it so that's the whole rigmarole with this four gig card you don't necessarily have to do it so now we have a good single image with all the plugins installed so we don't have to redo a lot of that if we want to reload it on our sd card in case something happens to our raspberry pi but as you've seen before i like to do multiple printers on each pie so you have to have a multi-instance install and i like to keep an image for that as well so if something happens to my install i can just use that image i have all four of my instances ready to go ready to plug all the printers back in but things have changed in the new version of octoprint and octopi so the install process for those instances is somewhat different now i don't work with cameras very often so i'm not going to show that portion today but maybe we'll circle back later in another video and do that piece but now i'm just going to show you the new way that i found in this version to install multi instances so back to the computer we're going to head back to putty and log in ssh and the multi instance install is actually just a little bit easier in my opinion you don't have to run around and make so many changes like we did before so let's just start by taking a look in our home directory let's do an ls dash als so we can see the hidden folders and we have dot octoprint right here this is the base directory for octoprint so this is where most of the configuration information is going to be held we just need to make a couple of copies of that and i don't have a script that does all this for you yet but hopefully i will very soon and you can just run the script you don't have to do all these different things that i'm going to do i will leave all these commands in a doc in the description but let's just make some copies so since these are owned by the pi user we won't use sudo we're just going to do cp dot octoprint we do want to use a dash capital r so we get everything in that directory and we're going to copy it to dot octoprint 2 and we're going to do one of those for each install we want to do so two three and four so now we need to create a service for each one of these so that we can start them on boot and assign a specific port for each one of these the easiest way to figure out how to do that is to use cisco till and just look at the existing service so let's do sudo system ctl status octoprint and here's the existing service that's already running and it's located right here octoprint.service so we're just going to make some copies of those so let's take a look inside there we'll just do ls on etc systemd system here's our service and let's just make some copies of that service so sudo cp and then the location of the service we'll just grab it from here octoprint.service and we'll just go one more time and just like before we'll make a copy called number two number three and number four and on those the new ones that we just made we just need to make a few quick edits there's not a whole lot in these files actually but we're going to do sudo nano to edit and we'll just go to etc system d system octoprint 2 dot service and we need to make a few quick updates by default the original instance is set to localhost but it doesn't seem to work if you have multiples you might be able to fix up the hosts file to get around this but it's just as easy i like to change this to all zeros and then we need to use a different port number because the initial instance is on 5000 so let's just set it to 5001 we also need to point it at our new base directory that we created so down here in x start we're going to start it in one of those other base directories so we're going to do dash dash base dir equals and then our directory location we created those in forward slash home forward slash pi that's the user that's the home directory we're in dot octoprint two for this one and that's all we need to do so we'll save this control x y enter to save then we'll move to the next one change your host to all zeros update your port we'll just make this one 5002 and add your base directory dash dash basedure equals forward slash home forward slash pi and this one will stick on dot octoprint three we're good there control x y entered save and then one more for octoprint four same changes change all your zeros we'll increment this port to 5003 and we'll add our base directory dash dashbaster equals forward slash home forward slash pi dot octo print four and we'll save this one now we only have to do one more thing we have to get all these enabled so they start up at boot and you can do that with a one liner again with system could tell we're going to do sudo system catel enable and then our new service names octoprint2.service three dot service and four dot service if you want to start them you can just call it by its service name now so we'll use cisco till but pseudo siski till start and then your service name octoprint two you don't need the dot service octa print three and then octoprint four and with all those started we can head back to our browser octoimage.local there's our first instance we'll duplicate this tab and then after you're local we're going to do colon 5001 we can log in they should be exactly the same as the first one there's our next one we'll do the same thing set this one to 5002 log in one more time five thousand and three and there are all four of our instances ready to go with all the plugins so we don't have to redo them and this is how i like to leave the image so now i want to take another image snapshot of this four gig card before i move to the larger card so i have an install image i don't have to redo all this work again so back to win32 disk imager i'm going to change the image name from octo image single to octo image multi so we're going to go ahead and shut down our octoprint instance there is one thing that i thought of before we do this that i like to update on the image before i make a copy if you go into settings and then go to server these are all the commands that you use to control the service and shutdown octoprint these don't get updated when you make the image so this is the initial one but i want to jump over to 5001 because that is where the octoprint 2 instance is so i'm going to go to settings go to server and i'm just going to tag a 2 right here so that way if i want to restart the service it just restarts this one not the original service so we'll save that and the same thing for the other ones we'll go to the 5002 this is number three server we'll tag a three on there and then the fourth one settings server tag of four on here i almost forgot about this now we're ready to shut down the pi remove the sd card and make another image of it with win32 disk imager so let's come up here shutdown system now i've got the four gig card loaded the one we've been building the images on i'm going to open up win32 disk imager one more time we have our e card right here remember use the one that's for boot and i'm going to browse and stick this new image on c drive and instead of single this time we're just gonna call it octo underscore image underscore multi and play it open and now we'll just read it all over again with all the multi-instance changes and now we have our new multi-image so we'll just go ahead and hit ok and we can exit now what we want to do is get this image we've already got one saved we're done with our four gig card now we want to put it on a larger sd card i've got my eight gig i'm just going to mount it on my computer you can take a look this is the new eight gig card it has partitions on it from a previous octoprint install i'm just going to delete these you can just right click delete volume again be careful when you're in disk management you don't want to hurt your main hard disk so all the partitions are gone off of here and i'm doing this so i can show you what to do now i'm going to load that image we just saved on my larger card back into win32 disk imager again we have our e device even though it's the new card i'm going to go grab that multi instance we just created this one right here we'll hit open and now we can write it on our larger media and now our write is complete on our larger card let's go ahead and hit ok we'll exit out of win32 disk imager for the last time we can refresh our disk management tool and now you see we have three partitions this is what the image looked like because we had it on a four gig card these two and then unallocated space now normally on boot raspberry pi the raspbian software would take care of this and just make it all one big card so it would increase the space of the image so you could use the extra space and if we go to file explorer and we take a look at that boot directory this is just added extra information we go to command line dot text take a look in there if you remember we had that init script over here beforehand right out here to the side we don't have that anymore because we've already gone through first boot but don't worry it's a pretty easy fix so now we're going to unmount our sd card our new larger one and put it on the pi our final micro sd card our 8 gig card that we built from the image and we'll power up once it has gone through the reboot you can go back to your web browser just make sure all your instances are still there our main one looks good we can reset our 5001. it looks good as well we should be okay but we need to go into ssh and make one final tweak we're almost done here so back to putty we will log in one more time and just for fun let's take a look at storage df minus h you can see root is still setting at 3.3 gig because of the old 4 gig image we still have lots of space but we want to use all 8 gig for the g code that we're going to put on here and the raspberry pi config tool will do this for us so do sudo raspi dash config go to system options go down to number six advanced options and hit expand file system root partition has been resized file system will be enlarged upon next reboot so that's good we can go down to finish use the tab key in this menu if you don't know how would you like to reboot now yes and once the reboot is complete you can just go ahead and go into the gui and see how much space you have down here under g code it gives you a rough estimate it does say 7 gig but it's going to be 7 and change but just to make sure let's go into putty and take a look at it so you know what to look for and we'll check that storage df minus h and there we go our root file system 7.1 gig we have 1.8 gigs now we have all the space on our card back and we are done now there are some additional steps that you have to take to get the raspberry pi the multi-instance install working correctly you have to build your usb rules file and i do want to show you how one of these plugins works real quick just so i can show you what it's going to be like because i think it is kind of handy so let's do a couple more quick things we are going to go edit our etc udev rules.d 99 usb rules file this is how you map all of your printers to a specific device so you can rename it something i'm just going to put in all these generic values i'm going to copy and paste all this information will be in the description but these are all the different attributes you can use if you've ever done a multi install you're pretty familiar with this but as you plug in your printers you can look in the messages file and it's going to give you the id vendor id product dev path all of this stuff that you want to use i will leave a link to a time stamp in a video that shows you exactly what to do when you set these up but just be aware you're going to have to build one of these files so we can save this for now and for the last thing that we do today let's check out some of those plugins real quick since we have everything installed now first off let's start with that prusa slicer plugin where you can see the thumbnails so let's just head to pusha slicer and let's just slice something real quick for a test for the mini this should work on any printer but we'll slice it and then we can send it over that octoprint instance if we have the api key so let's go back there real quick we'll go to settings get the api key and just a note on this notification up here you should no longer use just the global api key it does still work best practice would be to create a user id for each application that you wanted to access your pi it's not real dangerous inside your home if nothing's exposed to the internet just be aware of that that those settings are there now you can assign an api key per user id but we'll go for the global for now just for this test back to proof of slicer in printer settings we can set the name of the pie or the ip so we can do octoimg dot local and if you want to use one of the other instances just put a colon 5001 just like you would in the url bar it works the same but we're going to use the main one for now and then we'll paste in our api key right there you can test it connection works great so we'll send that over slice and then send and then back to octoprint here's our file down here and you can click the show thumbnail button and there it is you can also set it so it shows it off to the left of the file name they are kind of small but i think this is a really cool feature to have sometimes i name these files and i don't remember what the file actually was being able to see the quick thumbnail really helps me stay organized now let's take a look at that background plugin we'll head into settings we have this custom background plugin and i think these are really handy you can change how the image is seen whether it's auto to fill the whole screen or the center section i'm just going to leave it default so i can show you what it does but it allows you to overwrite this image here in the temperature section with an image of your choice and you can use a picture or whatever you might have but i think it's handy just to have a quick look at what printer you're using or maybe what location that printer is in so if you have multiple ender threes and you've got one on the top shelf or on the bottom shelf i like to put that information right here and it's really easy to do so whatever graphic editor you want to use i like to use i usually just create a new 800x600 image and we're just going to make it really simple but we'll grab some text let's just say this is for an ender three and i'll make it pretty much fill the center of the square you can make these as complicated or simple as you want i'm just going to save this off as a jpeg just export we're going to call it indo3.jpg make sure that jpeg or png or whatever you use is in lowercase or this plugin doesn't tend to like it so we'll export and then wherever you save that jpeg you can just drag and drop it like you would a g-code file so we'll just drag it into the window upload locally it's going to restart the ui you can see the jpeg down here and it did put it up in the window although it is a little big you can adjust that back in settings we'll just switch it to contain we'll hit save and there we go now it's better sized you can adjust the size in your program when you create it or you can move it around in here whatever you want to do but i really like these when i have multiple machines so i can label it this is the one on the left this is the one on the right just so i know which one's which i think it's a little easier to see even if you rename it or recolor them up here in the window i just like being able to see it large maybe even from across the room if i get the font big enough and i think that's more than enough octoprint goodness for one day and that's how we octoprint in the basement now a lot of this information you've seen before but hopefully you picked up a few tips or you saw some plugins that you might want to check out there are a few things that are different in the new versions of octopi and octoprint especially when it comes to the multi-instance install and i will go back over that in further videos so we can add in the camera stuff but this should get you started if you've installed multi-instance before so hopefully you found this helpful that is it for today and i will see you on the next one
Channel: Chris Riley
Views: 44,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, printer, Printing, 3D Printing, 3D Printer, ChrisBasement, ChrissBasement, Chris'sBasement, Chris Basement, Chriss Basement, Chris's Basement, ChrisRiley, Chris Riley, benchy, 3dbenchy, 3d, Octoprint, Octo Images, Raspberry Pi, Plugins, Images, Octo Tips, octopi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 57sec (2937 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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