Minecraft Xbox - Reach For The Star Challenge - Part 1

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hello this is stampy and welcome to a minecraft let's play video today i am doing a nother challenge against iballisticsquid and this is the reach for the star challenge and err this is a new challenge which other made up and it's pretty simple basically directly above me can you see that little speck on the indie the sky they Murphy are really close to your screen but there's a tiny little speck in the sky and what that is is that is a nether star it's basically a nether star or in on an item frame in a block of glowstone and it's all the way up there and what we have to do for the challenge is we need to go and get the star get back down safely and then bring it into our houses and then you win and that's literally the only rules to the game of course I'm against squid and it's going to be a race to get it and we're starting off with not very much we're going to have some basic tools and some food and things but we're not gonna have any blocks now that we can use to be able to pile up and we are allowed to fight each other it's going to be a PvP game which means that from the very beginning if we want we can try and attack each other so as I said you need to not only get the star you need to get it down and get it back into the the house without the the other person killing you because if you get down here and then you take out the the other person you can still the the star from them and then bring it back to your to your house so we're gonna stop now as soon as the the sun's gone down it looks like squid sir just about ready over there he's there showing off the other star to everyone watching his view as they yeah let's go and let's get ready then and let's try and formulate a plan I have a very bad track record with these challenges I've lost the the last two in a row back-to-back so I'm determined to win this one and this one there's gonna be a much bigger one so let's go and get my stuff ready at least then I got all of my stone tools here and then let's go and get these torches and the good thing about the the challenge is even though we could go and get it from the very beginning it's gonna be really tough to get it straight away because you're basically not going to have any blocks at the very beginning I know that squid can't get it straight away because either gonna have to dig a load of dirt or whatever in order to be able to get up there so yeah I know that even though we could get it straight away that's very unlikely to happen and if I die I'm gonna lose all of my stuff so I'm actually not gonna take everything yeah let's leave her let's leave her a bunch of fish and another Golden Apple in there just in case I do die then I can have something to at least help me when I respawn I've also got some cake of course you can tell I built the map when there's cake and then I got a furnace and a crafting table and that's about it let me show you the other houses it's kind of hard to see them right hopefully you'll see it better from above but they're indeed the shape of huge stars as well so hopefully if I do ever get up there we can look down and I can show you what the other houses looked like but yeah I can't wait any time because the the Sun is a just about setting which means that we can go to sleep and start in the morning and I think the first thing I want to do is I just want to get some equipment I want to get some weapons I want to get some armor I think a bow and arrow would be really helpful because you can imagine if squid was there piling up and I could just ping him off with a bow and arrow that would be really effective so I think that is gonna be my main strategy so for starters I'm gonna go and try and find the deepest cave I can and to try and get a load of iron and then I'm gonna bring it back I'm gonna smelt it all back here so then that way I can be keeping an eye on the other star and be watching out for squid I don't think I need to rush to get a bunch of materials in order to pile up with because it really doesn't matter whatsoever who actually piles up and actually gets to the star first all that matters is who that gets the star to the the house and so I'm kind of quite happy to leave it to squid and let him go and pile up and do with either hard work oh well I go and try and get prepared because if he gets like a diamond sword or diamond armor or something before me then it's gonna be very difficult in all I found some iron straightaway here I was only one bit if I found two pieces and was able to immediately get an iron sole here we got it's right here if I try them very quickly get an iron sword then that is already a big advantage over over squid and actually before I go too deep I should probably shouldn't put that back there I just got back I should probably cut down a tree first I probably start at the beginning of what everyone does at minecraft and I go and cut down a tree then that way I can make some pickaxes and stuff and my sword when I get further down this I'll get a little bit ahead of myself there on what looks like there might be a pretty nice cave and I can't see squid anywhere around here he can attack me right now there is nothing stopping him just running up and trying to kill me it probably wouldn't help him because he won't have anything better than me right now but that is literally what he could do and all actually I think would might be a good material to pile up with because for every block every wood block you can get four planks so you could actually get a lot of materials very quickly it's probably a little bit slower than dirt to get but that's definitely an option the only problem with wood is the fact that of course it's from all and so if there he went and got am a flint and steel and set fire to it then that would be a quite a big problem so that's the the only real big downside for wood but this should be more than enough probably for the the entire map so let's go back down to that cave I have no idea where he's gone and my guess is he's gone and found his own cave I might as well go and grab some some more food as well just while I'm here because I this might be a long haul battle this might be really really quick but I suspect that it might actually last quite a wall is what I'm assuming so I want to make sure I ever plenty of spare food and hope that was a quite a sudden drop there this is good though if I could get quite deep and possibly get diamonds that would be very helpful at the very beginning I mean if I got a diamond sword and he didn't have one unless he plays really well then there's not much he can do I could just take him out and then all I need to do is find a safe way to get up and down oh I know what I should do if I make an iron bucket then that way I could go and just put water down and then that way I could safely get down so then that way I don't need to worry about getting down as long as I make an iron bucket all I need to worry about getting up which is obviously gonna be the the hardest part and there's some coal here as well I'm gonna grow and grab this just so that I can actually go and start smelting as some of this this I into this is good I found a good cave and it's very close to where the other houses so what I might do is actually use a furnace down here and uh maybe jump hello hello skeleton hello where did you come from probably down in the dark cave of course that's my tepee the area a little bit all look at this K this is nice I like it here let's just live here right let's go back up here and try and grab that stuff that I don't need to tell you that that scared me did I yeah that was obviously very scary to be seen as I screamed right then let's go into carry on gathering up some more of this so as I said I don't need to worry too much yet I think I've got a little bit of safety time we're squid won't be heading up there yet because he won't have enough blocks to pile up my guesses he's kind of doing the the exact same thing that I'm doing so all I need to do is I try and do it a little bit better or at least a little bit quicker than he is so let's go and charge down here as fast as we can and let's see what else we can find all this cave is really good actually so what I'm gonna do soon as there's lots of iron and stuff together up here I'm gonna go and put a a furnace and that down here so I can go and start its melting and I'm probably gonna poke up and I just check that squids not there once I've got some some iron armor and I feel a little bit safer I'm gonna go and take a little bit over other peaks just to make sure he's not going for a surprise attack because a good tactic might be to just immediately charge straight up there well while the other person's not around and hope that they don't go to check so I just want to make sure that squid isn't doing that against me I don't really want to do that tactic because if the tactic doesn't work and then you don't have any good materials then it's gonna be really hard for you to do anything later like you could win very quickly possibly but the chances are that if you don't make it and then you're going to have no chance later on because the other person is gonna have way better stuff than you so I've got a little bit of AI now I want to at least make myself an iron sword and or did I even take the iron I don't think I even took and there we go now I've got a little bit of iron I can go and grab myself an iron sword and then once I got a little bit more I'll go and make an iron pickaxe as well just so I can do some of this mining a little bit quicker so there's no coal actually in the house either so I do wanna grab it a little bit more of this and once I've got that bit of iron there that I will go in to check on the the house quickly so let's have a little peek down here and just to see how deep this place goes I've got a and iron sword now so I feel a little bit more confident and then I did before because if this seems to go very deep I could possibly go for dimers and it does seem to keep going down and I can make my way back up the either cave quite quickly so I am definitely are gonna go and do a little bit of exploring down there in a minute but for now let's just go and try and grab a little bit more the sign there's some and either ceiling up here let me just go and pile up with some of this cobblestone then I can grab this and then I promise I will go back and checks I am getting a little bit nervous now cause if squid I was trying to do the the really quick challenge and try and get Astro straight away there's a chance he could have maybe be getting close by now but the good thing is as I mentioned he doesn't just need to get the star he needs to get the star back to the house and then that means I got a chance that's for when he's making his way back down I could just kind of wait underneath him hopefully were a bunch of iron armor and stuff and I try and take him out so let's go and let's go make the the armor first then shall we have already got my stampy style boots and of course she tell you what let's just grab this stuff and let's go back up to the surface and let's just make it make sure everything is okay because I am getting it a little bit worried we can maybe leave some more of that iron smelting in the other house because I could also be like a nice backup safety thing so that if I do get taken out I could maybe have a spare iron sword would be very helpful so now let's just try and make my way out of this this cave and it would also be quite nice to be on the other surface when it's dark but then that way I could maybe go after some spiders and so I could go and try and make the the bow that I want but let me just go and check and hopefully squid nugget is going to be nowhere around and yep I cannot see squid nugget anyway yeah this is good I was a little bit worried but it looks like he hasn't gone for the the quick attempt to try and pile up which means I probably have a little bit of safety time to go and carry on mining and possibly go and find some diamonds because that did seem to be a very nice cave so let's go here first and let's go and start smelting some of this iron here and I'm going to wait until at least one bit has melted so then that way I can go and go and make my pickaxe while I'm here before I go in to head back down and I can also go and um num num num num make the most of being home and eat some of this case there we go I can now make my pickaxe I got a little bit of armor I can make some more armor once I get back here but mainly I'm just gonna go back to the other cave and ER yeah go and carry on where I left off mining away so I don't need this actually tell let's put the the the stone pickaxe and sword in here for now because this can no once again just be some backup stuff for me and let's just grab a bit more iron while I'm here and oh let's go let's go into a head off back down to the other cave I still can't see squid anywhere around here remember although I can see him I can see him over there oh look he's got full lion armor right I don't think he saw me though I don't think he saw me but he has a full iron armor so I reckon that he is now gathering up blocks and that he needs to go in pile up so I want to be really really fast now he's obviously gone to a mine and he's come back up already I think he's literally done the exact same thing that I've done so I want to be really fast he hasn't even started piling up yet and I'm pretty sure that if he's been getting with those materials he hasn't had a much time to to gather up blocks to pile up with he's mainly been going for armor and things but I do want to be quick that has actually scared me a little bit has thrown a a little bit of a spanner into the works cuz I assumed he would still be mining and oh no it looks like this cave doesn't actually go very deep at all I don't know however I will be able to get any diamonds I would lot much like it to go even deeper than this I can quickly check there was a another side I could go to as well so I'm gonna quickly check that but if that doesn't work I'm gonna go back up to the the surface and I just watch squid and to make sure that he doesn't see me if I can ambush him once he's got the star and try and take him out and he doesn't know I'm there that could be quite effective and I could also if I wanted to I could try and block off his house the rule is is that you're not allowed to go and destroy the other person's house and you can't go in their house but you can if you want to block it off that's oh I can make it quite difficult I know when actually there's some gravel here I can make some flint and still if I just take this gravel to the surface I could do that on the the top so I can still see squid and if I mix that with some I and I could make some flint and steel so let's go home let's go and grab the rest of the iron and let's go and try and make some iron armor because as you can probably hear my voice I am a little bit panicked now let's go up here and let's see if he started to pile up or not I'm pretty sure there'd be no way for him to get fully upper and down again and nope he's still not started piling up I reckon that he is literally doing the exact same as I am right about now so let's go back into my house and hopefully he won't see me I think he's inside his house right now I could ambush him I could surprise him as he comes out his house if he is inside and he doesn't know I'm here I could wait outside and try and ambush him to do that I'm going to need a full set of iron armor so I still need a helmet and I still need some leggings so let's go and make them when I can go and put these on this is a very risky move though but hopefully it's going to pay off so I've still got more iron smelting there I could also go and make myself a a bucket and let's go and make myself a bucket here now let's try let's try the the ambush tactic then shall we let's see if I can try and surprise the Lord it's getting dark though right let's err let's do this but let's try and be very careful if I need to I can just scarper I think that he has pretty much the exact same as me and look like he did have full iron armor and probably an iron sword over no no his door doesn't have a window Allah darius darius darius did you see him I see him running he's going in he's going inside he's not wearing any armor either right let's go and sneak up and let's see if we can surprise him as soon as he leaves the helps not that if I just crouch down here I can try and surprise him the second that he exits oh he wasn't wearing any iron armor I don't know whether he doesn't have any iron armor or whether he just hasn't put it on yet but yeah looks like he wasn't ready if I could have caught him then then that would have been amazing so the reason I want to do this is because if I can take him out now then all of the items that he's gathered I can go and pick up and then I can use them for myself so that's the the reason I want to do this let's go and get my Golden Apple at hand as well and so I heard a chest I heard him opening a chest no here he is he's right here there is I get him I can get him I can get him oh no he went back inside I should have waited for him to walk further I am not allowed to go in the house after him I think I've just ruined my chances of getting him that probably terrified him then that probably scared the life out of him I should have waited I got too excited I just attacked him over look oh look here's a spider I can up that that's a cat I know that's a cow but behind the cow is a spider and so if I take out the spider am I going to get some string then I can make a bow and arrow no look I think that was enough string I think that was enough string to make myself a bow and arrow so I need arrows still but this is still very very handy let's go back to the other house and then let's go and try make myself at a bow and arrow because that would be a really big on did you even though I'm not be the best archer in the other world I think it would still definitely help me out quite a lot when battling squid and oh no I need one more piece I thought I got enough but I need one more piece of string that's not too bad though so let's go and get this a spare iron and then we can go and put it in there and actually I do want to try and make the the flint and steel don't I so what I can do for now while in the other house is I can just keep putting down the the gravel and destroying it again and then get some some Flint and then that way I can make some flint and steel so let's go and keep breaking this no go look I got two pieces very convenient and so let's go and I might as well make two pieces of flint and steel then so let's go and grab some iron and they'll go to pieces of iron and now I can go and make some so I'll make some now and then I'll have some spare as well in case I need some later on so there we go there's two pieces of flint and steel and so this is because if squid tries to pile up with wood or I don't know wall or anything flammable and beams that I could just go and I try and set it on fire so where where is squid I'm a little bit scared that he might roll her I can see him I can see him in his doorway he's leaving he is always going on his roof what is he doing it's look through the doorway he's climbing onto his room what's he doing is he trying to set up a central always piling oh I see what he's doing he's piling up from the top of his from his base he's trying to make a bridge what's he piling up with though oh this is so interesting let's go and investigate shall we if that's wood I could try and set it on fire so I can go on his house I just can't go in his house so I could try and burn it if it is what I think it is I think he's building out wood let's try and use my flint and steel and let's try and set it on fire but first and let's try and make the the bow shall I I think that might be a good idea if I try make the the bow now well I think then that way I might be able to shoot him off when he's high up I also want to take out the other skeletons because they drop arrows and I think one just actually dropped an entire bow then as well which is good it's almost destroyed though so I am are gonna go and make a different one instead and all I want to keep my pickets here let's go and erm or note that's have furnace I need crafting table there we go let's go and put down a crafting table here and then let's go and make myself er a bow so this is gonna be a big advantage I've only got few arrows for now but it would still help me out and look how high squid nugget is going right let's get on top of his house and let's try and burn it down shall we so I can't tap to touch his house and so I wouldn't be allowed to burn down his house but if I break away a few of the the blocks on top of his house and then set fire to the the next bit hopefully it's all gonna go and just start burning away so I want to make sure I won't set fire to his house cuz that's not allowed but if I set fire to that hopefully it's just gonna go and burn down the entire thing and while that's burning I'm gonna go and try and fill up my bucket here with some water and oh there's another skeleton there I really want to go out to leave the skeletons to try and get as many arrows as I can it's kind of hard fighting them in the water though --ks they keep pushing you back but there we go I could at the other water and then now I can go and try and take him out so I guess the the next thing we're four meter to think about doing is trying to get some blocks of my own so I could think about piling up as well just like squid nuggets doing I think dirt might be the the best thing to do because then that won't be able to be set on fire and it looks like squid stopped for a bit it looks like squid isn't going any higher and the fire is burning very slowly I don't know if he's got another way of getting down if he doesn't have a bucket of water he might not be able to get down in any other way and so he needs to get inside of his house so he could even go through the the door or through the the hole in the top of the other house but either way I could kind of try and stop him from getting there and thought that was a creeper that was a creeper having a little bit of trouble down here and let's go and try and make my way back to the the house oh no he's still building along he is still definitely building along so I think because I don't have enough blocks yet I think my best strategy is dual creeper creeper creeper out is to avoid the creepers and to try and ambush him when he gets down rather than trying to attack him now so that's gonna be my plan let me just first go in yum yum yum yum yum I eat up some of this cake and now let's to go back outside and try and get a good plan in order to try and ambush him then shall we what I could do was if I make a an iron shovel I could also start gathering up some dirt so if I do need to pile up at least a little bit then I could go and do it that way so let's go and switch out cobblestone and I've got my shovel here and a let's watch out through the the googly cuz they have been quite a pain but I've got quite a few arrows now and all he seems so he's building a little base up there he's building a little base up at the the top he's extending it somehow and looks like the the fire has now gone out right let's go and oh let's start gathering up some of this herd dirt then shall we and then I could think about piling up after him I told you if Ricky's run out of blocks he's not got any closer to where the dashing oh no wait where's the star has he got oh no he is why the star I was looking at my beacon okay he hasn't got down yet though I have no idea where he is let's go up to the the top of his house here and I'm not allowed to block that hole off because I can't block where the the beacon is and that's her against the rules but let's go here and let's try and make sure and that he's not gonna be able to get down I think he's got it I think he's heading back look I can see him he's walking along I don't know here if he knows yet and then I've set his thing on fire let's go now and let's try and set it even more on fire and so that is the the jump would be too dangerous for him to fool down so I could break it away with an axe and also try and set some more on her on fire if I can because he if he went straight down through that hole well then he would be the the winner this is getting really intense so let's go and break this away with the axe as much as we can and then oh we can go and just set the the next bit on fire again shall we so let's go into pile up with a few more blocks of cobblestone and then let's go in once again set this on fire and hopefully this burns her a little bit higher all right let's go and pole down and let's try and ambush him then shall we he was very quick at getting up - to get the start even quicker than I expected he would be but he hasn't won yet he still has to get it into his house and I'm gonna be here to stop him every step of either way that's the the plan anyway so let's go and a poll back down here and let's just wait and watch let's see what what's he going to try and do I have no idea what he's going to even attempt her to do here I got my bow ready and I can see him he's above me if he's got a bucket of water I think the first thing he's gonna do is trying to put it down - get down gradually but if he does I could try and shoot him with my my bow and arrow try and take him out that way so I would try and gather up some more blocks to pile up but I think it's too risky I think I need to keep watching him I do not want to allow him to be able to sneak inside and I can just about see him if you look really closely right there I can see he's kind of moving around a little bit he's he's trying something I think he's trying to build down he might be trying to build down his pillar but I think that because the it's burnt most of it away I think once he gets to there unless he has loads of armor I don't think he'll be able to survive the the fall and I could try and ER if I can a shoot amount of the the air as well so let's just organize my inventory a bit and I guess all I need to do is wait and what I am NOT going to go and leave this spot for anything but sadly I have just about run out of time in this episode here but do not worry there'll be a link in the description to the next episode as soon as it's online and now we can see how squid is going to try and get down from up there but that's it for this episode here I want to thank you very much for watching and I will see you all later
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 2,898,755
Rating: 4.8510289 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft (Award-Winning Work), Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), Video Game (Industry), Video Game Console (Invention), Lets Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Commentary, Stampy, Stampylongnose, Stampylonghead, Stampy Cat, Part 1, Ballistic Squid, Challenge, Reach, Star, Battle, PVP, Mini-game, Online
Id: A58Oqc5jxJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2015
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