Minecraft Xbox - Egg Challenge - Part 1

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30 and welcome back to another challenge video today we're gonna be doing the egg challenge which is not what you think it is I'm not gonna be going around collecting chicken eggs thank goodness because I've had enough of chicken eggs this is gonna be the dragon egg challenge we're gonna call it the egg challenge that's what we got to do is we have pretty much got to find an eye of ender pop it in the portal right there jump in the end kill the dragon and it's the first one to get the dragon egg puts it here on this lovely piece of blue wall with a sign that says egg on it and I'm against stamps as always and what's gonna happen is PvP is gonna be enabled in the end so we could pretty much kill each other if we're in the end together and stamps is about to get the egg I can kill him get there got him come back here that is totally fine we cannot kill in this world we cannot kill in the overworld we can only do a PvP when in this bubbly load of lava in the end and we got some tools as always and stamps is being a bit more generous just time thank goodness he's gonna salt more fish he's giving us six diamonds and a lot of iron some big golden apples and some arrows but you might be wondering there's no bow we have got to go and find as some spiders I get ourselves a bar because it's gonna be at one of the key things that we're going to need to take the ender dragon down is gonna be a boss so yeah we're gonna have to go and try and find some spider Rooney's to be able to shoot the ender dragon we've also got a blaze powder this is obviously Tamiya vendor so we need to try and find an Enderman it's gonna be really really really trickier this challenge because I can either go on the ground and get mining and get like full diamond diamond stuff like that because like if stamp let's get the things first if he goes in there first he's gonna have to still kill the N dragons I can catch up to him maybe later on so I don't really know what to do to be honest with you I think I'm gonna just go try and find a kid I'm probably gonna give it like maybe like the first video preparing cuz I don't think he's going to be able to kill the Ender Dragon within the first episode but we don't know we'll come back after like 15 minutes and check his progress but anyway these Suns going down and yeah we're gonna go and stir the challenge in the morning so I'm gonna go and hop to bed in a minute and yeah look this cars excited as I am we excited to do the choice opt it's not now Sorry mate I'm taking the mick out with him okay right let's show the doll let's hop to bed I'm gonna get all this stuff out of the chest first because we're gonna need it in the morning so yeah my little plan is going to be try and find myself some stuff s we're gonna go mining we're gonna try and get some more iron I don't if it's gonna be enough or fall down and down but we'll check in the morning we'll get all our tools I'm not gonna take the blaze powder obviously because if I lose that then I cannot get to the end I have to go to the nether first here we're gonna check all this stuff here and let's put all this in our inventory like so I've got all my tools but here when my tools are all backwards is so annoying he's get these arranged in the right order there we go and then yeah hey we'd ever never got enough of for line but we're gonna go and go mining in the morning there's a hotter there anyway enough talking and rambling and we're gonna go to bed now so see you in the morning guys right guys let's do it I've basically made over Alma and so far I'm going to get myself a chess player under helmet dunno why I did that I should've really got myself a pickaxe because I need that to mine diamonds and I've just majorly dipped out stops it off that way I'm gonna go this way let's try and find ourselves a cave remember we just need to try and find ourselves some armor and then wait till nighttime and then we're gonna yeah pretty much just kill some spiders and hopefully find some Enderman let's find a cave so far I think we've actually been given any torches which is a bit of a shock I'm gonna go on mine a tree first first pro call of the day we're gonna punch this tree like everybody knows in Minecraft let's go and do this now so yeah the wrist is up the wrist is on I don't think we need to really worry because I think I should I don't think I should leave stamps to try and get like the ender pearl stuff I'm just gonna mainly focus on getting myself prepared if I can get good enough stuff then I can just kill him in the end I'm feeling like stamps is are gonna be very good at PvP so think I'm gonna trick him I'm probably gonna get some laughter and stuff like that we're gonna go and may just roll in on this and I'm pretty excited doing is I really excite this little kid up there I'm not sure if this is one here I think it might it might be actually okay right let's go get some core stuff like that remember we're gonna leave ourselves like 15 minutes that's where we gonna come back up to the surface about 15 minutes in Oh iron straight away let me just double-check on my gamma because I know sometimes in Minecraft it likes to troll me and lower the gamma but there we go yeah we seem to be alright we've got ourselves as some more iron here which is very good and then we get a guy's have some coal get some torches and then see if we can possibly get ourselves some more diamonds we're already kid or we're quite good Armel this is the thing we obviously should get ourselves some other stuff maybe like a diamond sword stuff like that I could really do with enchanting some things but obviously I'm not gonna grow off good for all that trouble just to get any chat whatever cuz you need like books need like obsidian and then you need like diamonds and I don't think it's gonna be worth it in the end I think if I just yep I'll just go for a game plan which the little nighttime killing in Diamond Jubilee in Nepal get a lot of arrows and some balls and kill the Ender Dragon I think we should be good to go guys so yeah let's carry on girlist Karen let's try and get ourselves at least full iron armor I think that is a good a good place to be right now right I need to make some torches quickly let's do this so you guys annoying pitch-black I'm sorry there we go let's put one down there err we can see each other okay right carry on mining this iron how many pieces what twelve so far I think we might have enough now head to at least make our pants and maybe some boots we're not going to stop there we're gonna carry on going getting some some more coal coal is always good we need some call what have we got we got nine pieces let's get a couple more than we should there be good we can use their wood as fuel as well if needs be right hey some more iron we doing pretty good pretty pretty good okay let's get all this this should be enough and I guess except for lion armor we can make ourselves a diamond sword now maybe I don't know how do they need a diamond pickaxe doer we could get one okay let's go back up to the we should go back up to the surface in a minute we got ourselves 20 pieces which is definitely in enough we can be protected we can make ourselves on iron tools as well which is absolutely awesome let's just have a quick look around here that's a creeper hey MIT doc okay block there that's fine and he's dropped me some coal thank you good sir that is much appreciated horizon if your idea was a zombie I really wish there was a spider I could make myself a boss right away if you can remember we did kill the Ender Dragon with beds that is it's kind of dangerous but that is a very very fun way of killing the ender dragon by jumping in a bed when it's near and blowing it open it takes a bed damage which is pretty amazing but let's get some gravel X we need flint for some more arrows because we're gonna need a lot of arrows so let's grant covers some of this stuff here I really could do with some chickens and but you guys know my track record for challenges of chickens they don't mix slide chalk and cheese squid and chickens the don't mix I've spent too many hours of my life looking for chickens that are never gonna come to be honest with you I've accepted the fact that I'm never gonna be able to to get a chicken in these challenges they just I just don't like me for whatever reason I've done I don't know I just don't like me whatsoever and it's pretty up Sadie's cost me so many challenges in the past these tickets I don't know I've got a I'm gonna I'm gonna say I would like a funny feeling I might actually find one today but I'm not getting at my hot so you know what they're like the chickens just don't like me me and chickens don't mix right little bend down here's the Margaretville this go back okay goes back up to the surface now we're gonna put this iron on smelt for the time being and then at least we can have a for sale lion Armour to go in to the end with as the most sheep there so I could woo I could make some beds hmm I don't if I should make some beds or not because it does always the itec damage as well when I get born up so maybe it's not that good of an idea I don't know I've got two golden apples oh I mean what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create a bucket and go and grab some lava from back there and then I can use that as their some trolling a little bit of trolling I can use four right let's hop back into my lovely base and let's put this iron on smelt and then while i smelling i'm gonna go look for some lovely chickens is sixty four fuel already in the furnace that's pretty good that's very nice and stuff thank you stubs if you watching this that's very nice if you're very kind okay loads of cows as always no chickens as always it's just go for a quick look oh this is like a it's like a kid there's it should go down pretty deep i think and let's go over here see we couldn't find any fairly chickens for some feathers around here somewhere they probably isn't gonna be I don't even know why I'm looking to be honest with you I know there's gonna be absolutely no chickens whatsoever and but it's fine don't worry about we've already got sixty four hours so I'm hoping that should be enough there's a lot of cows though isn't there there's so many cows around here we just gotta wait till nighttime now guys to be able to get a buck could go in a cave and look for some spiders but I'm not really that bothered to be honest with you I think what I will do is I will try and just look and see if there's any like temple arms I've gone down a hall yeah I might see if there's any temples already excited we get quite good look with their the desert temples and stuff like that they seem to be in my favor so I'm gonna go for a quick look around you go for a quick nosy and see if I can see any villages or any temples like this I think I'm gonna enjoy this challenge I really do enjoy the PvP challenges especially when it's against stars I think Thomas is gonna be mmm is I don't know what he's gonna do because we did say we might have to team up together as down the Enderdragon because obviously that's gonna be the main goal is to try and obviously kill the end dragon first before we can get the egg itself but yeah we can play it pretty different that it's gonna be pretty good we can't troll that but like I can't go in the end and then pour lava on him soon as he gets there I can't be I can't troll that much when I control a bit we can troll a little bit alright also I just remembered that it's gonna actually tell me when stamps goes the end it's gonna pop up in the bar below its gonna say stamps to join the end so on I'm like no I'll know when to go back home and to actually yeah go after him look at this place this is pretty good I don't think I need any more iron although that is pretty good oh here we go this could be pretty good I can use this to put on my head and yeah not get seen by the endermans that'd be pretty good that's a pretty good little thing there so I'm going to use that at nighttime when I see some end of its gonna pop it on my head and then they won't see me and then I can try and kill them remember I've got a em for the feet and then they won't tell apart aware all right let's see do you see what I mean no chickens how long we'll be searching for literally no chickens anywhere I hear these challenges they just never give me any chickens when I need them all there's lots of pigs lots of cows I think if I get a chicken I'm just gonna like take it home and get it to poop eggs and then just make a chicken farm in my bed because there's this so rare the chicken look not a cow look at Kyle here this is amazing so many farm animals yeah we should go back now we should go back and see if our thing has finally finished smelling make all the rest of our armor we're gonna make a diamond sword and then we can it should be nearly nighttime where's that yes what's going down there will be spiders around so we kill them get string of the Enderman go to the end and kill the end rain get the egg and then sit down have a cup of tea and enjoy the victory it's probably not gonna go like that but I'm gonna cross my fingers right okay let's go and see if I finish my lid because we're gonna be wandering it over there if not and we're gonna go collect some buckets of lava as well so let's go let's go back to the base and see if it has smelt it I think I'm pretty good on our meals I think I've definitely gotten off so I'm super happy about that all right here we go 20 pieces ding-dang do we need to do doo doo doo doo doo doo where is it now we could wait can we create any solvent what's this disease there's four so we could create ourselves some diamond boots and a diamond sword think I might do that actually that'd be pretty good let's try and do that so diamond boots let's go over to the diamond sword like that there we go as let's equipped this here like that we're gonna put the boots on we're gonna create some pan with the rest of the iron that we've got where is it now ini nine there we go also as I mentioned are we gonna need a bucket so we're gonna get that there we go so we have got now pretty much obviously full set of a lion armor probably better than um as a crit myself an iron pickaxe while I'm here we have gotten if we are rolling in the materials so there we go we got ourselves a pickaxe diamond sword here we call ourselves some gone up as if we got ourselves a iron left as well which is pretty good okay let's go over to the lava look at some chickens and as well as yeah there might be some spider spawning at the same time fingers crossed it's gonna be a good challenge guys it's gonna be very very fun I'm not really sure of what else I can take to the end to be honest with ya I'm not 100% sure I don't really know what stamps has got he might have I don't know because he could get like Diamond Dharma but I don't know if that's gonna be any good like hmmm yeah anyway let's go scope over here let's go get this lava see if I can find any chickens I really do need to get myself some some feathers if possible I just don't know I have such bad luck with the chickens like honestly I mean you guys know you guys know watching this video like all the challenges I've done I don't think I've come across a single chicken when I needed it which is super annoying that a cup right we're gonna keep that in there that's gonna be our trolling lava uh yeah nighttime here we go we're gonna hop up to a mountain and just scope it obviously we can see anything over here and I don't know whether to actually hmm I don't because I don't really want to run out of arrows this thing because if I go to the end first okay go to him first kill the Ender Dragon okay and then I run out of arrows and stamps comes in he could easily just take the egg like I don't have anything to shoot him with I do have my diamond sword but I could really do with some battle this is the this is the reason why I'm worrying about others this is very very tactical right now I could create some traps but I don't know yet all right let me whoa I thought I went up further then I was like what um okay Skelly down there he could drop a ball actually I know the damage but yeah I'm not gonna I'm not gonna like say no to a bar like what's he got was he got my two more hours I would take the arrows every hour that I can possibly get let's just kill all the skellies that we can possibly see her righty-ho let's go down here I can't really go to the end without a bow that would just be a massive massive Niner I need her to be honest right it's carry on going down here there's always an Enderman okay we're gonna tip this off remember we're gonna say pop the pumpkin on whoo excuse me pop the pumpkin on sir there we go I'm sorry that your vision might be impaired during this little thing here but we're gonna do this this is good he's carrying a book when I down inside out doesn't see me cuz I'm way to pop him okay here we go doot doot crack mom come on come on droppin in pearl drop it oh he didn't drop an ender pearl a force on him drop on him but he didn't did it man what a guy what a guy that could be amazing we could've had a right head starting that stops over there spider selves my spider my spider my spider my scooter I saw it first hahahahahaha my spider Rooney likes a creeper is your stance is devily not mine you can stay in there with him you can stay in there with him Sir okay here we go I'm jumpin hahaha is he whack on I'm glitched hell oh that was oh what's this oh actually got killed then man I need to stop messing about anything in my head in the game this is a insane time I'm actually like I'm breeze through pers of super silly right now I'm gonna watch him he's track girl for an Interpol see if I can Nick it should see if we can Nick it guys let's go Oh creepers gonna blow off he's gonna go for it I'm gonna steal it off him oh girl oh he's gonna train should I kill him Oh where's he stops where's the end of first Alice the creeper is another skeletal that we're gonna kill this cuz I'm up for this guy can drop a bar but we could make a new one right about now he's like the is this like for real I'm still killing this guy but nothing is happening whoa work ethic it's just caught up did he drop anything you just dropped a few more balls could do weave killing these sputters uh I really need some more stuff I really need some string I don't think I think he's killed the spiders and I don't think I can get wait a minute wait a minute women it can he see yet we need to get some spiders guys can we see any cuz any spiders around here har please there's some slimes down there that's really weird this is scaling with the helmet on let's go kill this guy ow please no please drop a ball please drop a ball pitch over what it is drop nothing I'm panicking now we really see ourselves with string we really need to get ourselves from string guys I don't know if it's gonna be any spiders around here I can't see any corn mobs spawn please mobs come on Abbi best friend if you spawn come on come on come on come on come on point spawn spawn spawn spawn spawn me to eat we need to eat we are low on we have a low on hunger I don't see any mobs is this game serious right now see a zombie I need a skeleton under this me there I did it spider please get some stuff over there can we see any spiders around here I can't see in it I think stumps my enough haven't have enough to stuff to go to the end right about now we got two pieces string I need to get ourselves some more we dropped a ball okay it's badly damaged though we really need to get ourselves a repaired one come on spider don't do me like this where's the moon can the moon's fine we're doing we're doing okay right about now ah this is turns spiders please spawn please hope you're not spawning guys spiders I was born in I know oh and if stamps has gone to the end yet nothing's popped up I wonder if he's got it on screen on our wall looks like this lag it's like there we go it's just caught up I was insane okay we can the zombie there don't see any ah spider please drop a string but it is it like it okay it's not liking this is good come on man come on mate please doc string no you are joking me yes another one no dude I blow him up creeper creeper I'll fall out with you I will fall out with you if you blow him up please do come on good one here actually I don't need you go go go this one go this one trust dream Joe strain our les is gonna go wrong yes we've got string we got string guys we got mastering my string that we ever need okay let's kill this Skelly as well let's kill this dude we've got lots of XP but obviously we can't use it we're gonna get more arrows up from this guy how many we got another six arrows that's pretty good let's go and make a bun see where stamps is up as for all this stuff though and he we don't need these two I need these two he hasn't lit yet which is good hmm all right let's create ourselves and let's get ourselves a ball now let's do this let's get ourselves some of that and then we just go there I got a brand new bar this is absolutely amazing like so yes he hasn't gone to the end yes I don't know what we have to do I don't know whether we obviously need to go and get ourselves another end of it so I guess I know what I'm going to do guys is only end the episode there we're gonna join back in the morning I've been a recording like 24 so now so yeah I will see you in the next day we saw guys Oh
Channel: iBallisticSquid
Views: 1,357,698
Rating: 4.8804083 out of 5
Keywords: iballisticsquid, squid, minecraft, squiddy, stampylongnose, xbox, 360, pc, egg challenge, part 1
Id: Cx-NPjL1aFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2015
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