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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's going on dudes it's Pat welcome back to lucky block bed Wars yeah so we are back for the weekly series once again and jet I wanted to tell you something right now before we even get into anything okay okay what is my bad stealing gold all right you know what it comes from a command block just an infinite amount but here's the thing this is what I was gonna I can't concentrate basically when you die today Jeb you have to move again because of what you just stand she broke my buns she just jumped up and died all right guys I reset everything back off and Jen whatever you die today and when you die you have to go oh no you do know when I went into this episode I was gonna say when we lose the round we have to fool me but because you did that every time you die you have to open you describe that twice accurate don't do that weird motion with your arms I didn't like it but I welcome back some bad words guys with lucky blocks it is better than normal bad words there is a diamond generator over there it does not generate diamonds it generates lucky blocks the Emerald generator generates of twice as quick the middle has super lucky blocks and Jen's gone is she like broker villagers from dying over and over again and yet you know how there's a special item in the middle every episode yeah what is it today it is a robotic hand it does over 500 damage that will instantly kill the other player making it really worth going over there I'm gonna go get that Nick you liar so guys lucky block you're using is the technic lucky block it is basically the robotic lucky block so what do we have in the chest Chad yes we get lucky blocks we have five very lucky blocks and five unlucky block all right Oh also news I want to let you know you will not see bad wars like this anywhere else so if you leave the show be sure to smash that subscribe button also smash the like button as well to let us know you're enjoying this but we have a bunch of trades to go over right now we have Kylie's useful items which is all kinds of useful stuff there is even potions which Jen used to go invisible last episode of broke my fake so we have a Golden Apple off the block strategist over here he's got everything to protect your bed because if your bed is broken and you die you lose so we have all kinds of useful items over here even iron pickaxe and then chuck norris all the lucky block overpowered stuff there is obsidian there is and sword through his chiseled sandstone a crafting table and some other lucky items and that is about it we can break any blocks that we wish to break and if we would like we can use the enchantment table please use me I'm so jet are you ready for this three two one go oh we were so in sync right there alright qbo got my blocks ready I'm going three upstairs to them see I always beat me upstairs alright because I'm the blocks are different colors oh yeah we just use these you remember them right okay I am getting completely destroyed upstairs and I just got a pink Peru key I have to open up downstairs why because there's too many aliens upstairs okay got an amazing weapon wait was this I don't even know what I just got the worst ever I can't even walk with it on oh that's good they can't even move that sounds pretty awesome to me yeah they say why do you sound so sketchy what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing I don't know to be honest with you oh I'm gonna get you I'm pretty sure that this has to hit a player to actually explode because it says it is a TNT core kid and but it doesn't do like an explosion if you get us at you oh okay um so don't don't mess with me alright alright so I know that you're gonna be able to come over to me anytime soon I got a bunch of chicken eggs I'm too afraid to open my normal blocks downstairs yeah it's called the hula hoop you just make everything up you just said I remember what the hollow the hollow sordid new and you have to keep make it sound the same because you couldn't think of anything else you like hole hole oh no wait that's what happened incident she had you read you're buying I knew what was going on both of us needed to reblog because all of our villagers were going from dying all right oh f three bad Jenna but you can't figure out which one's the right bad three beds hi Mike alright [Applause] you did have a hula-hoop how did I get there wait how did you really have a hulu I really saw Jen holding a hold I know what she's doing what are you doing oh my gosh oh my god wait stay away from my bed all right you need to figure out how you can get up here I'm just gonna I actually already yeah you don't you liar you've been trying to just got literally got pie 3.14 it says with my pie Oh oh my got some food I even build a better defense apparently all right I'm building a stronger defense because Jed is gonna keep coming over to my bed home I'm not gonna do all right okay good because I really don't know you came down kill me oh no he's trying to kill my villagers okay no matter what happens I got some rules I'm too scared like I keep thinking you're gonna do something to my base oh just got another weapon I have to constantly check out my window to make sure that you're so bad at this ability you just died so much you just keep losing your villagers I'm in so much trouble doing right now I'm just like I'm getting more good stuff yeah you're freaking me out you're my base no not at your pace you could have actually got in my bed stuck in a trap and I should take my way out I had to break metal with my fists hello hello what are you doing why are you speaking all right because you booked you got emeralds what you got emeralds and you pour the potion wait how did now your whole en Espana why are you speaking like a random NFL just sitting in my base chad you really please for my bad i really how many do you have where is it where did she go oh no I'm panicking I keep seeing some plant potion event but I can't she's going upstairs to jump on my bed Thrall I'm going to throw out yet I know that you're around here and I will sniff you oh you know what go for my bed but you won't even be able to figure out which beds mine I need to find Jen before she gets oh he's after you are you oh no wait and she's literally out this time I hope I hope she wasn't lying that you have that many more after all that alright so I am in so much trouble I need to win this round my whole time focusing on that my bed's not even protected okay you should really protect it really soon I do have an idea though put this over here durian best is that it's gonna your bets fine I'm not that kind of person I wouldn't like root everything on you okay oh no there's explosion wait no he's doing wait it didn't even blow up this useless blob one time but the second time it didn't blow up alright okay so she's trying to protect your bed yes uh maybe you would like to say to everybody no it has to start didn't make you say it the whole round you only say it when you die you forgot didn't you cuz I forgot I totally forgot all right it has to be really draw it out though okay nobody wants to hear me say it still win and we'll see in a moment all right dudes we are on to round two this time I will remember that you must move every single time you die oh no you're so good at it like legit like you're this this sounds just like roblox get ready for the meme mmm wait you're so good at I know I just sound stupid yes three two one go it is silica a really bad luck that round you played like so skillfully I think you would have won the round if you weren't holding banter pearl oh my god I got nothing good oh you have to say no did you say just get it all right sounds all right it didn't have the feeling that I like to hear all right oh I got some nice pants under hose in something like that okay so get there oh I'm really quick now oh oh my god don't buy that I got some cyborg boots oh just so you know Abyssinian is just not allowed today why would the boots no no you can't you're just you're just hopping and I'm watching everyone saw you do that here we go all right it's an enchantment levels that you see lapis to make my enchantment table very happy some pretty cool things the weirdest thing just happened I saw a diamond helmet go on the ground and then it just disappeared oh it's just reappeared in a different spot it's magical oh no it says on it don't push me on and it says don't tries on oh it says +32 mob follow race so if any mob spawn in every single bomb and the whole map will come to me oh yeah I'll be fine that's protection 100 I don't know if you'd kill me but I got Jen the special robotic hands 62 but it's awesome so I'm using it no matter why I got like coming towards me all right have you protected your bed because that's like the most important part of this game literally just started I have a whole protection around mine it's made of glass but it's not like the worst protection you could possibly way I'm gonna come to you right now no please don't cuz I'm not ready yet I wanna go to the go I should really go by my obsidian okay I'm gonna do that Oh before I get to your base I just don't how I don't know wait my villagers are dead wait what I'm stuck no idea what happened there dudes I had to reload completely because I couldn't like get out of the depths three oh yeah about technique way I only had one piece left I don't think I use this properly I love when you put it out wrong open hole in one spot in the middle um so don't worry don't worry I'm gonna go to the middle you're like no I want to see what's in the middle well I'll get some good middle stop no I always tell the truth I'm coming to the middle I just got some USB sticks with viruses on them I died again what does happen do you think it's the chest please oh my god remember I said not to put on the piece of armor it must be that alright guys I'm pretty sure it is because with the helmet it says it gives me negative 100 max health so somehow it randomly kills me in the middle okay so I need to go get some more blocks and I'm going for the middle all right wait I'm off in the middle to meet you in the middle okay help me you in the middle all right so I just need to protect my bed a little bit better what do you have around your bed Oh glass and wool nice it's all I have right now okay there's there's an opening in my barony to do something about yeah we said I have an opening in mind all right I'm going to the middle I'll see you over there chef believe me you're coming here are you oh no I'm not like that yes you are I need the super lucky lost I need better armor any better weapons okay oh okay I'll just come to you then you haven't convinced me okay you've convinced me to come here you're never allowed to teleport to anyone what what is happening you must build and you look really creepy by the way wait I just got some new really hungry oh I just got a nice chance wait jump off before I starve to death oh you remember what happens after you do that what you have to say something much better I feel better now if you did that nauseous and I just feel good a few weeks get your hand with my keyboard I like you every time wait are you gonna try to win any way possible all right so do you have blocks to build your way over diagonally over like of the happy place the blocks down just got a better pic what do you do I'm just gonna go to the middle all right want to see the most amazing thing you've ever seen yes no all right I'm gonna put on the 50 speed boots and I'm gonna see if I could run yeah here we go I'm not gonna work oh my god it did work but I went pasture-based oh okay I need to take the boots off I need to do this right I think that I can somehow run to Jan's base okay every spawn it would have looked so prett My Goddess American that's so embarrassing just 500 500 and you were making fun of me because you said my weapon was so bad well hollow sword tier 2 as well before this all day I can do it all thank you the question is who is quicker all right all I have to do is just have to mess you up by breaking everything you're never gonna get through my defense just and our chance now Jan I will just remove all of this because I don't want you going anywhere near my base do it stay away from me do what I want to do all right you don't need to stand there like a crazy person I'm not crazy why are you standing there like that I don't trust you know what away from it do it don't shoot I'm gonna get rid of this there with my base I'm going back you know what go to the middle go oh yeah go go go go back there no cuz you're not good in the middle you're a buyer yes I'm going to the middle I just don't trust it you're not gonna do any I'm not gonna do anything I'm just gonna go this way oh thank you you're welcome alright man can't we just be nice like this more often I'm watching you I'm not doing anything I'm watching I'm watching why are you getting because the only way I can watch you at the same time alright just watching my bed I don't have a lot of defense around it looking nervous feel I'm a little on edge if you can't tell oh thank you to get dead you got bad milk you go over there I'll break you yeah I'll bridge oh yeah you're crazy like the way you do these horrible things this you seemed so wrong I'm going for the middle right now I don't believe a second of what you're saying but I already got your bed so if you can't get to my bed in time it's going to be over no oh no oh no I already know that she's gotta get to my bed before I get there the only thing I can do is I can get to the middle and I can get better things and then I will kill her is that what you're doing - yeah of course playing the smart Jen okay and then just I made out of blocks it's kind of a problem all right I was building up this sad why over build it because I was nervous I was gonna jump over here like this and go to the middle and try to get the awesome stuff but doesn't matter I actually won all right that's a good one all right guys that is round two you got one more round to do still no one still made it but we'll see you guys for round three all right news we are on to the final round we've got all our blocks we're on our beds are you ready for that these blocks they don't seem a explosive so I'm not even going upstairs we but what are you in the aliens that would be horrible to get downstairs all right three two one kiddo I'm not getting this disadvantage I'm doing it - okay Oh pants pants off okay go what is that cyborg lagging lagging that's what they're called they make you bag when you wear them but not be really horrible oh and I got the Hans ertz's yeah all right that one's 200 amich yeah I got a keyboard to hit you with you didn't cool things wait you didn't you can get any pros right but you tend did you blow up your bed what did you even get what happened oh boy oh boy I can see you inside there so is there so everybody in the bed all the rounds of course the last one I get a crazy cyborg who's blowing everything up I didn't even know there was a mob they can blow things up in this that's pretty awesome good luck with that I need to get to the middle I refuse guys to end the video without one of us getting to the middle oh my god I found what I need I got a piece of dirt I got the coolest thing ever I'm not gonna tell you what it is though what is it okay so what it is no I can't do that no but I got a really cool long Oh what I just got a million blows I the stupid um pair of shoes with the extreme speed maybe go fly it off again okay defense is coming along pretty Abril E&T right now what are you using for defense all right I'm using a water bucket oh oh do something you say dad no oh all right okay you're getting better at it all right so need to go to the middle it is the rule one of us must get over there as soon as yeah I'm going for the middle right now all right so peace he's amazing at cool weapons I have a nice defense I pretty much everything I need to win bad worse do you have anything around your bed yes so full up sitting it's invisible away it's like this new age of City and you can't even see it if you go you'll be that what kind of citizens abseil alright I don't trust you and I see that you're going towards the middle you might be go enjoy my basement are you invisible wait jet if you go towards my base it would be a huge mistake because you'll be making a bridge for me basically and you have no defense oh yeah you P said a weird guess alright so I haven't gotten any poseable episode chick caught them before I feel like I deserve them yeah I got some lava as well I could use that to kind of throw a wrench into your plans oh she got love this what she's doing okay so I put a bunch of our out hopefully the lava doesn't somehow break my bed wait no I can't hurt the man okay alright okay so we need to get over to the middle oh there we go a B jump alright I think I have plenty of blocks to do what I need to do what is your weapon all right so I have a hollow sword I have the Dukes goes on I got the keyboard I've got all kinds of stuff at this point okay I'm not like I don't see you doing liar I guess you did you see a different kind that was happening let me have one last piece of dirt all right that's oh my god what did you do around your bed like what what are you doing here two more buckets you're never gonna get to my bed um okay yeah I don't think I'm ever gonna get to it because there's just love it I think I want to get to it at this point oh I do a bucket excess no okay Oh oh yeah it's right here okay all right your beds what no matter what you do don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me jab don't hit me you toy because I had thorns on it that was my plan you have eliminated yourself so basically Jet Li Panzer chespin that's beautiful it has 100 thorns on it so I knew all I had to do was break your bed eventually you will talk to you I can't that what's the plan plan wait you have two rooms to say oh one more one more all right no way that again dude the video if you smash that subscribe button also drop a like on the video if you want to see more and we'll see you dudes next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 5,309,130
Rating: 4.8870621 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, bedwars, bed wars, minecraft bedwars, lucky block bedwars, minecraft lucky block bedwars, robotic, lucky block, lucky block challenge, modded mini-game, minecraft mods, sword, weapon, armor, items, crafting, diamonds, emeralds
Id: n-M8gITjifw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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