Minecraft UHC but you can craft ORES with any DYE..

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in this video I changed all of the oils in the world to iron but I made it so players could only get diamonds by staining iron ingots would die why did I do that I have no idea this was probably a terrible decision but you know what isn't a terrible decision clicking that subscribe button and joining the 1 million other people that are sub to the channel and should also consider clicking that like button let's aim for four thousand nine hundred and twenty six lights on this video enjoy alright guys welcome to a UHC where every single or in the world has been replaced with iron and luckily we have some right here so if you guys have paid attention to the thumbnail you know exactly what is happening right here it's gonna be a weird run but thankfully I spawned at 0-0 which honest it could have been much luckier I don't know which flowers do which okay that's a light gray we don't need that for anything I need blue flowers right now I need blue flowers I need yellow flowers and also apologies for my voice I'm a little bit sick while recording this but you know the grind must continue we're gonna get this UHC doh and some more content for you guys so let's get oxide Daisy that's light gray this is not going the greatest so far red dye we don't need red dye okay someone tell me how a white tulip makes light gray dye oh okay I think these are the flowers that we need let's check on flower blue diet okay we'll take blue dye blue dyes good if I can't find any white dye then I might need to go and actually kill some skeletons which is totally fine but as soon as we get ourselves some light blue dye the game is gonna change we should also begin in this yellow right here as well and I'll show you guys why in just a second let's place on our crafting bench let's get ourselves some yellow dye now check this out if I put those like that and then an iron in the middle or gold ingot so we have access to infinite gold infinite diamonds infinite of any resource we want pretty much so by the end of this game everyone should be decently stacked and if they're not then yeah I don't know what they were doing for the last 20 minutes Oh lily of the valley okay that makes white this is perfect then we need to grab a bunch of these we need to grab a bunch of yellow and I think that's pretty much all we need maybe we might need some oh look at all of this blue right here yeah I think we might need some lapis for enchantments maybe oh we also need to go into a cave and get obsidian I'm just thinking I should probably get myself a book as well so let's garb as much of this as we can and then we got to make a move okay so that's definitely enough blue now let's get us off some white that into a bunch of light blue dye and then when we place the iron in the middle one two three four that is 16 diamonds just like that I didn't even need to go into a cave 16 times just like that let's get some more because we obviously want a full set of armor I would see me to make my tool still and we'll definitely get enough to do some combinations but for now we need to get ourselves some leather so let's just get some leather real quick from this horse thank you very much alright let's go grab some sugarcane cuz we 100% need to get ourselves an enchant table otherwise yeah there was no point in getting any diamonds because we're probably just gonna die anyway and luckily there's a swamp right here now that means that sugarcane is literally everywhere look at this what there's just so much of it wait isn't this that flower that gives you like blue dye why can I not find this in the udders why could I not find this in the flower forest let's head back this way regardless because we need to go and get more gold we're a hundred percent be more gold we might need to jump into a cave real quick as well just so we can grab some more iron and thankfully every single oar in the world has been replaced with iron so there's just infinite iron everywhere just grab this tree real quick and I think I see some yellow flowers out the corner of my eye so we'll grab this wood and then we'll hit up those yellow flowers because we're gonna get stacks on stacks on stacks of gold and it was only two flowers okay alright moving on let's go find some more okay so that's 15 yellow die let's keep going we need a lot more than that I think we need probably 60 we also need a diamond pickaxe I'm just noticing we need to get down into a cave now if we don't we're not gonna get that Inchon table and we need it badly okay here we go Oh a mineshaft alright this is perfect this is perfect right now let's grab all of the string that we can that's gonna give us a rod it's gonna give us a bow we don't actually need a bow but we do need a lava pool which I think I can hear oh yeah okay here we go this is what we needed right here I there we go this floor obsidian let's grab our water back and I think I hear a mob spawner through this wall this might actually be a mob spawner either that order to cave full of zombies that are just gonna absolutely tear me apart oh it is a mob spawner it is okay okay okay that's a lot of mobs okay come on now here we go let's break this take that XP and check the chest it had absolutely nothing gonna have string though which is quite good for us I get the feeling this cave was probably full of diamonds but as you can see everything is iron honestly it would be the one game where everything is turned to I and I find a great cave and we'll get a sharpness one diamond sword okay I'm just noticing I probably should have found this zombie spawner for some levels because I am all out of levels okay let's go thankfully oh I see someone there's someone on the surface above us okay there's someone right there luckily it's not pvp so they can't come down here and kill us just yet we do need to get to the surface after this though and grab myself some apples otherwise you're not gonna have any healing at all okay there we go that's four levels let's enchant these last couple of pieces of armor let's get protection one alright now let's get back to the surface and okay this is what we need to do now we're gonna just break the leaves I let's chop down a ton of trees let's try and get some apples maybe I could get some more flowers in the meantime PvP starts in three minutes okay we need to get ourselves some more yellow flowers in that case there's a nice open area right here with a bunch of yellow flowers over this way in a village okay this is perfect this is perfect right now let's do it oh yeah there's so many this is what we needed earlier in the game okay let's go we are gonna be absolutely stacked on gold right now more yellow flowers up here okay perfect even more over here okay keep it coming okay PvP starts in two minutes does this village have a blacksmith don't think so I would have been nice because it might have had some apples in it but there is more gold okay where there is more gold right here I'm just gonna start calling these flowers gold is that as basically what this is it's run back over to those trees check if we got any apples from it okay not a single Apple this is this is not good okay so there was some complaining in the chat other people haven't been lucky getting apples either so I've given everyone ten apples okay here we go please tell me you have enough iron okay we do now there's so much so much gold okay can we make a god Apple that's the question I think we can I think we can make a god Apple we can okay all right this is good right now this is really good right now okay ten seconds until PvP let's quickly craft up a rod there we go let's take that we've been healed and here we go okay there we go PvP begins we're at the flower forest where is everybody this is gonna be an interesting fight who's this over here okay I see someone right here this is gonna be good police don't be stacked oh oh they kind of staff they're these kind of stacked he doesn't have legs though which is kind of upsetting not for me I mean probably for him Oh oh my word when the sickness helps the players survive you know it's gonna be a good day for them this dude is movin though I thought is gonna jump to his death right now that's why I gasped here we go one more hit oh he's fighting back okay I forgot that everyone has a lot more help let's follow him across the water right here come on two more heads and there he goes okay interesting did he have any golden apples I don't think he did oh there's someone right here in full iron you only got four iron oh no oh I feel spoke bad okay you just have a Golden Apple though oh we need to kill him before he eats that go eat that nice okay two golden apples okay let's go back to this other loop pile because if we can get player heads and that's gonna be pretty good for us we'll get a bit more healing out of it it was this guy's head there it is there we go we got a nice amount of healing right now oh let's get back into zero zero and get tusslin again we don't have the most opioid but then again nobody's really had any enchants yet I've got to get feeling about this I definitely have a good feeling about this now what we need to do is find the players I can't see anybody where it's everyone okay I'm right at zero zero right yeah and I don't see a single purse okay doesn't the story oh let's go get him is he okay up there what is he doing oh I'm just taking fall damage I'm told that was up for damage what am i doing he said oh he said Oh No hello buddy okay is he gonna knock me down okay he's running he's running oh he's no way no way did he just do that okay clutch water bucket I see what he's trying to do how he's running for sure now he's dipping alright this is gonna be an intense chase let's get a water bucket as well he's broken flowers okay down a fight Nesta he's blocking my hits with flowers okay oh he's shredding he's shredding come on we've got him surely we've got him right here to be what he does he's poison himself okay let's get him one two three clicks and he is gone okay that was current intensity here a B let's heat this golden head right now they've got absorption on okay they have absorption particles this means they have golden apples it's person smart okay we're gonna be careful enough to die right here use this notch Apple here we go I don't know okay they didn't have one I had to use it right there cuz I was dangerously low here we go though Lex is ain't gonna what okay we got blocked off nicely get down here and block us off again I knew who's coming I'm okay it's the laughs what is it - laughs OH rest in peace they had diamond blocks they had okay yellow flowers only five though dang okay we use a lot of our healing for that and grazers right there we need to get this crafted now gonna be careful I know grace is lurking around here get away from there get into our crafting bench craft up this golden head now let's move order is coming there it is and fell from a high place Wow okay this zero-zero has been brutal so far everyone's just falling off of cliffs and stuff Oh creatures right here he has a notch Apple yes a notch Apple I need to force him to use it we don't have a notch Apple anymore okay the borders cover we're gonna move you stuck down in it okay stuck at the border I don't think he use this notch Apple though we got to keep him pinned to the border oh he's way out there what is he doing he use his notch Apple okay oh he made it into the border he made it in right here we go should I follow him into the cave though this is kind of dangerous he has a notch Apple he smells more golden apples as well all right this is the final border we got to find these last players we got Robin we got dum plays we got me and we go crazy where are they there that's the question okay there's one I see oh he's got eggs that's a smart move okay here we go I'm not sure if you just say a god Apple or not we'll find out that I'm sure okay might have been a guard Apple I don't know that okay he wants this tussle we'll take it oh that's a combo right there okay wait this guy actually might have a god Apple oh this could be bad why am I still committing I got a dip okay it was not a god Apple okay here we go grayza don't kill me please he's got me pinned I need to get this Apple off right now please please please I need to escape okay we got to escape we gotta escape we have two hearts oh here comes the other guy catch ourselves no gosh oh that's just going down it's happening it's going down we're going down Oh and there we go we've died oh I couldn't get my healing off dang alright that's a GG right there fighting down there if you guys want to find out what happens next go check out Grace's perspective in the description below I've been well I got absolutely shredded we did get four kills though if you guys want to see any more custom crafts of course be sure to leave them in the comment section below check out that playlist on the right to subscribe if you're new around here and I'll see you guys in the next video if bye
Channel: Kiingtong
Views: 2,390,562
Rating: 4.9326544 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft UHC but you can craft ORES with any DYE, minecraft but you can craft ores with any dye, minecraft but you can craft ores with dye, minecraft uhc but you can craft ores with dye, minecraft craft ores with dye, minecraft craft diamonds with dye, minecraft but you can craft items from any block, minecraft but you can dye ores, minecraft uhc, uhc, minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft uhc but
Id: IkUC1zPy1Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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