Minecraft UHC but if you are ELIMINATED, you respawn as the INFECTED.

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i think this is the first uhd where you have multiple lives because for today's uhc scenario there's going to be zombies and the infected basically what's going to happen is that if you die you respawn as a zombie although you won't be able to win you'll have five lives which means you the zombie can actually fight the remaining players since zombies have extra lives the amount of zombies will be so inflated that you'll be ending up witnessing a zombie apocalypse and there will be times where there will just be 50 zombies chasing a single player and that's honestly a funny sight to see so sit back relax get some snacks and water grab your mom and watch this uh unfold daily twitch streams boom merch boom sub blocking the both you want that's pretty much it intro done hi welcome welcome welcome that was weird anyways let's go and mind the thing thingamabob we're doing a normal uhd except the not normal part of this uhd which is obviously the zombies but it's normal when you actually like play up until the pvp moment because when pvp enables there's gonna be a bunch of zombies and that's kind of scary i'm not talking about obviously like the normal zombies that you know burn from the sun or whatever not those boring zombies i'm talking about players that turn into zombies players that are actually smart that are now zombies they could actually like respawn and stuff which is scary but it's it's kind of fun when you think about it if you're gonna be a zombie yourself anyways yes these zombies are gonna be still around the area even after they die i guess aka players but um that means there's gonna be a lot of people at the end of the game there's gonna be a lot of people just like vibing about like during meetup and all that like during like the end of the game as well there's just gonna be a lot it's just gonna be so so much okay anyways let's do this boom boom boom boom new viewers you're welcome okay anyways no that's a chat please what someone literally died right here someone died on purpose actually no no because they're going to respawn if you die out and he's a zombie ugh oh god yeah you got like zombie stuff too it's not just like you respawn with like nothing no no no you actually have a kit and like armor i could actually see this guy's like luke this is his inventory as a zombie you get a good amount of things honestly no fishing rod but hey you got silver fish eggs golden apple even a sword for yourself along with that leather chest but it's really good oh there's a nice opening of a cave here okay i'll just use this i'm gonna make even more crafting tables and then we're gonna go and make our first tool tada okay all right let's go make some stone tools as well why not then we're gonna do this let's go get the iron as well we should also get like orange stuff as well right let's do that boom boom boom boom okay bucket thingy one step oh hello i'm multi but we're one step closer to getting diamonds you just gotta actually go to the cave and find the diamond words for ourselves i'm gonna keep like skipping these like big massive cave openings because i feel like it will attract other players i do not want to share caves that would be gross no no no no i'm gonna go down i'm gonna mine straight down the smartest man in the world trust me oh my god okay we found a ravine let's go take the lapis any diamonds here hey i'm waiting there's more that ravine we gotta go explore that part too just five diamonds for enchants come on now we got this i believe we're in swordfish territory ew why is there like three of them like lined up here this is four dude where am i what is this dude a strong wolf disgusting magic diamonds let's see it come on game i know you could show me the diamonds i don't know what i cannot find any diamonds for my life the luck is absent today please luck please i'm now matching the diamonds i have your attention okay diamonds i know i've been neglecting it i've been spamming game can you stream or loot me like at least five diamonds before pvp come on [Music] i'ma twerk to give good luck all right well have fun with that [Music] the game isn't simp you know anybody what the heck joe oh okay just making sure dude that was a little creepy save me i'm being tortured by topple to edit videos some help you're editing this video i hope you realize that joe okay you're the editor of this video have fun more dude everyone's just feeding for diamonds aren't they just strip mine i have to strip mine after mine they just never ever stop i'm gonna be like a full diamond at zero zero i'm just gonna be vibing probably going to die i mean i could have like what one golden head in like two gaps it's gonna be a tough snowball definitely oh of course game i see you now come on two more yes yes is there any more there's no more okay that's it that's it that's it yo if we get one more patch we're good can we keep doing can we can we keep going here oh my gosh i'm gonna have to mine this way all right i made the pickaxe because i feel like i could do it i have the endurance to find the final diamond just one more little diamond no no now it's not starting to make sense why host these uhds stop please okay shrek okay not in this corner not in this corner okay there's no crafting tables nearby okay no no no no i'm i'm good i'm good i'm good i'll see you later yo hey hey aye yo yo what why come on shrek shrek i took all of them gg gg ggg ggggggggg retire okay you already got like three three movies or four movies or however many movies you have i'm done i'm gonna i'm gonna go bye shrek where's your swamp huh go back to your swamp let me go up let's go and we're up okay is there any cows any cows any cows i don't see any cows it's fine we're gonna go make full iron right now boom boom boom we have plenty of diamonds to do other stuff as well which is pretty awesome i'm super glad that i took this diamond pickaxe i am honestly a chad for that oh we could do a helmet right boom helmet i hope this was a good investment and also gonna do this thingy diamond sword i also need like a patch of obsidian i did not find obsidian unfortunately or i think i did and i just forgot so i could go and get the four obsidian that i need that plus also i could also get like a bunch of lava buckets when i need it anyways we're gonna keep running let's see if we could find some lava nearby oh it's starting soon here we go here we go oh here comes a lot of kills it's a lot of lightning left and right i also need to go and take like a bunch of oh and it dropped all the way down there oops sorry bye i get it i know we need to get like one more wolf so then we could go and get a rod that would be nice so i could like rot away all the zombies i'm pretty sure there's gonna be plenty of zombies that are gonna be around the area so yeah is that a cow ooh we could go and get enchantments oh there's a bunch of like leather opportunities here this is great okay hi hello leather leather leather oh there you go two string we got it thank you sheep now we got a fishing rod boom let's do um this two gaps there you go all right oh my gosh there's so much explosion of death i need to find obsidian come on i might have to mine down just to get it we'll see oh my god there's a zombies as you can see right there wait i heard dude this might be a person i can't tell is this a person or is it a zombie i seriously dude there's silverfish things right here is it a person i might fight this you know please no please don't get anywhere no no no no go go go do that guy inside or something i don't know dude what is that you yo he has so much loot oh my oh my god how do you mind that oh my christ ew ew zombies do something okay i i know you're trying to kill me but try to kill that as well all right just be aware that that brute of a man is in this place disgusting ugh full diamond enchanted coming to the surface like that oh my gosh i thought it was just a normal little like you know itsy bitsy stock iron you know a torchboy that finally got a full set of iron armor for the person no no no it's some brute that's so much loot i can't even imagine what a great mining session you had sir props to you but i'm going away hi clock so yeah you see the zombie pox up around the area yeah yeah it's pretty bad isn't it oh my god you want to go you want to go let's go we could fight let's go oh he pop dude he's probably a trapper i mean look at this oh god he's like going through he's like recapping look oh my gosh you want to go okay i'm going to pre-gap as well oh god look hey man i dedicated a gap to you you should fight me because okay there you go let's go oh my god oh my god cad all right there's two gaps i don't know why he's fighting like this oh he wants me to go towards him all right here i'll get towards you amen let's go let's just go let's just go let's just go let's just go for it got him gg fast swift kill we got the gaps as well good stuff oh he's oh dude he's a zombie i have to kill him now this way oh my god he's like a wooden sword and all that dude he turned into a zombie no oh oh zombie please please zombie please zombie i know i know i know i get it you want to like silver fish me or whatever okay whatever zombie go away okay now i need to get his loot let's go go go go go go go holy crust i think i got everything except for the books oh my god dude he has so many books for what reason is he gonna go for me no no no no no dude there's more and more zombies around the area what i still need to get the obsidian so i can enchantments and off these zombies quickly if i could get a very nice sword for me to actually like you know two hit to hit these zombies i have like nothing that would be great i'd be fine with that they're chasing me no i have to like kill them in a way where or they're gone period because they have they okay obviously they don't have they have five lives all right they don't have unlimited if they had unlimited i'd be screwed but i i can eliminate them but it will take a few lives to do it but by eliminating them it risks me to have less healing which sucks lava did not work i needed no i need more lava i need more lava oh yikes yikes yikes that's one hit [Music] oh why did i even bother you know what you're dead you're dead kiddo you're dead kiddo it's 2v1 i hate this i hate this i hate life oh my god hit me once hit me one more time hit me one more time dude they're not even going for them oh my god this guy is though stop get away okay i'm killing this guy too got him i'm gonna eat this and he's gonna respond right here oh my god then you here he is then this guy dude he's so screwed yo what is going on right now he's on four percent come here sir is this time for your pain oh yeah obsidian oh take the stuff before it turns into like bad person five gaps heads oh dude he's screaming out you super laggy i just use that they're all scary people okay let's get the enchant table oh my god they're all scary people let's get away no dude it's not worth is it even worth it to be here anymore i'm going to run i'm going to run dude it's not worth it it's not worth it i'm going i'm going i'm going if i dude if i had if i had lava i just pour on there and they'll just keep dying until it's over okay that's what i would do it's not worth it don't do exactly how many more do you need from me huh how am i gonna have any time for me to actually enchant do the things that i need to do i have 18 levels i could go and chat i could go like make you know protection maybe even like sharp3 because i have a bunch of books make my i don't know my diamond boots so i could be two fourths in diamond armor that would be also pretty awesome but i just can't do these just yet because these guys are wait dude it's like gta i had like five stars and now it's all gone it's at zero i'm good i'm good the cops didn't find me they're gone they're actually gone oh that's great all right let's go make the things done all right boom boom boom boom boots and we're also gonna wait i don't have any lapis oh there's always something there's always something i can't believe it oh there's more missing parts of the story i'll go down i will go down oh there's another guy right there no i don't want to go that way don't go this way oh smartest man in the world i'm going down dude oh hello oh no yes he has a no clean oh he's getting slapped by the other boys all right i'll let him come to me here we go come on come here who are you who are you who are you who are you oh it's floativs dude flow tips huh oh my gosh i'm here oh okay i just died rip well there goes that i did well boys i did well well now we could see the other part of this game oh boy i thought we're this loud oh super crazy looking zombie with a headband and what do i even have let's see what do i even have there's a hole in his stomach like a flesh on his legs and arms as well oh god there's even more in the back as well oh man this is this is not a happy zombie at all hi hi i'm gonna punch you okay because i want to see if i could actually hurt my fellow zombie mates hi let me test something oh oh dude oh dude that's good that's good there's if we group up can we group up can we can we rally up the zombies together and just go for one full diamond at a time can we do that hold on let's make a zombie like a rally i gotta let's go let's go to zero zero real quick you can't use a crafting table as a zombie but you can use the crafting inventory which is i could get a bunch of building blocks yeah if you're a zombie just stay put unless you died like five times already we could rally them up and make a big old zombie family and then just target one big old player at the time okay we could make a clan with the infected that would be amazing you know what you can do this is my plan okay we're gonna rally all of them up have a bunch of power like that oh dude they're already one step ahead this is awesome look at that there's a mcdonald's too we go here but your zombie boys right wow we haven't dude we have we have a base at zero zero holy moly okay okay this is what we're gonna do okay we have a plan we're gonna go see whoever's alive okay i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna type it i'm gonna type it so they'll it'll be direct communication we do kt and see whoever's highest kills alive then target them sounds good good good idea a a a who's number one actually it's real we need to find rahil and kill him okay or we could kill that guy first as a warm-up let's get yanks first follow me follow me everyone come here everyone everyone we're going to go follow the full diamond rally them up rally them up oh my god yo where are you going this way you dumbo's come on you dumb zombie brains i get it your brain has been eroded i think the full diamond heard what was going on from earlier so he dipped so we gotta go find the next full diamond all right there just find whoever whoever's next go go go go go get this guy get this guy get him get him get him he has invincibility for like three more seconds go go go go go come on zombies go go go get him get him oh my god oh my god he's going for me yo can we get him can we get him oh my god go this way go this way okay go go go go go go catch him catch these hands zombies is he dead i think we got him is there more good job boys good job zombies okay as zombies we can't take like these opie loots all we could do is have what we have who's the next victim this is so incredible oh we found him there is a guy right there there's a full diamond dude over on the other side past the valley we gotta go oh my gosh let's meet up now how does it even work for the full diamond be a full-timer versus all of us all like 30 40 50 60 of us i don't know how many people oh my god it keeps going yo that's awesome i didn't i didn't realize how many of us are here let's go to 500 500. follow me this is the plan this is the plan theoretically oh the board just got shrunk dude it already worked it already to the plan the plan worked when we go to border we'll find somebody and we did it go go go go go get to the guy go go go go go go get him get him come on boys come on boys nice good hit poop i'm at the head i'm at the head i'm on the front lines here he's not he's not fighting back for some reason he's scared dude he's screwed he's screwed you've done did it you've done it gg gg oh my god another one buses oh is that the full diamond oh there's another full diamond it's flow tips oh my gosh come on reunite zombies let's go let's go there's a full oh my gosh there's a full diamonds over there come on now revenge get him oh my god dude oh my god he plays so much so much lava he got me i'm gonna respond i have more i have three more zombie lives left oh he's right there oh my god get away get away what an insane sight to see i want to just like look at this whole entire situation this is awesome man oh he has no clean that's why it's helping him go go go go go keep going bud ow okay dude that took so much that took so much to my health i'm like a two hit now we're doing a good job we're doing what we can do right now okay which is throwing him off we're just throwing him off is he fighting like normal players probably yeah basically no he isn't he's not getting any loot the only thing he's getting is a bunch of damage on him there's damage on damage on damage ow ow oh oh my gosh he's actually killing so many though that's actually really funny are we good guys no one's hitting him dude this is bad this is backfiring this is backfiring he's using the no clean go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh my god christ oh he's going for me come here boys uh oh oh oh oh skywars skywars skywars oh wait i have my this is my last life go back to zero zero we gotta get maybe reheal we have to conserve this final life when we actually need it okay because when the board closes oh it's becky it's becky i have an idea i have an idea to make this interesting at 90 players i am going to turn off no clean they're all saying no i know your power now every one of you that's on the kill board i know exactly why you're still okay i want to make this a zombie apocalypse and to do that i am going to disable that scenario okay look at him no no no yeah you already got like 500 zombie kills it doesn't matter i have no empathy for you and no queen is now disabled gg hold on i'm gonna rile them up all right where are the zombies there's still so many zombies here we could do something we could make a big impact we just have to get all of them here every single one of them let's go make a zombie base go to the zombie base at zero zero it's time to reunite don't go for them save your lives up we'll fight at 50 at the 50 border okay that's gonna be massive all right get this thing ready boys we're gonna make this hideout an absolute mtv crib classic they're shooting us be careful pass this area up patch this area up oh god my axe is broken now um i gotta make do that's fine use what you have oh is there one careful boys fight fight him fight him fight and fight and fight him go go go go go oh my god oh my god is this the boost move flow tips he's going for all these people are you is this is this rip rip flow tips they all get respawned as well they come back careful careful careful flow boys oh no there's a second one too eric's trying to awesome as well oh my god careful careful careful oh my god eric what are you doing look at the silverfish oh my god go back go back back go back come back come back come back he's actually clearing them no no oh my god they're clearing them no way no way no way man man man man man right they're actually wiping them out what is that that's disgusting no no the species no they actually eroded so many of us they had the infestation of the zombies our base has been infiltrated to the highest extent and most of us have been deceased this is unfortunate oh my gosh we already died what else do you want there's so little of us now look what we did as zombies we had like a sky base a little like i forgot what it's called a safe haven and it says no fighting but well they even broke the rules too we have this thing the silver face is only the reminiscence of what friends you're killing the friends no no oh no every friend is dead there's only 15 players left all of a sudden would you look at that some of them are zombies some of them are not a lot of them are just these sweats they have so much stuff here the sweats are now finally hitting each other i love gail i love kelly you just like pooping a little sucker punch left and right no oh gosh they're really going very very far and deep into this cave my goodness oh my gosh some fat trades are you good sir seventy percent eight percent rip goodness logo plenty of stuff dude i'm pretty sure this is a sword that went through like like a hundred zombies there's no way that's actually funny look at that sword so it's gone that's so crazy oh god dude this is such a gross final eight okay yeah there's a just a bunch of these lads they have all this stuff right here and then what else we get people like uh like that unfortunately i think there's pretty much no zombies except for like people like this that are just like in the back doing nothing there's like little to no zombies i think we're at a point where there's more players in the game than zombies i honestly thought there would be more zombies than anything but no apparently they're too weak they got ripperoni and all these full diamonds are super stacked and they can just handle themselves absolute independent women i'm gonna close the border even further let's do it world border add negative 90 yeah we're doing a negative 90. top five is also pretty gross too oh my gosh flown to eric is just slam eric's gonna win this isn't he they're both gapping flow is oh my gosh barely getting out of that border here's some more shades oh flow flow's getting a combo yo three percent both that flow wins that was insane oh my god oh that's gonna suck you gotta take all that gold quickly or else the board's gonna yoink it hurry up hurry up hurry up do your thing do you think or else rahil might think take you you know oh and there it goes those goggles dude becky really wanted those gobbles but unfortunately he's also getting the slime as well here it is oh 16 dude it's getting so tiny look they're gonna go in the middle of our little base here now they're probably gonna fight this place dude eric is that a zombie yeah oh oh no top four here we go oh my gosh david are you okay poor guy poor guy man rip is he just gonna get killed over and over and over again oh i think he's actually done now that's a rip well top four i guess there actually is more how many lives does this guy have he's just gonna slowly die a painful death got flown becky oh god becky are you good rip okay nice nice nice eric is still a zombie oh my god make it happen here we go slam fights ooh lava nice oh my gosh that this is oh poor flow wake up ones that are not even in our community oh my gosh it's such a little fight oh that was fast that was fast okay gg and is he gonna respond i'm gonna wait for it honestly oh there's flows and becky's probably gonna spawn right here in about now oh i guess that was the last life oh there's that fight okay that was a good one of course real it's the w g g gg good fight good fight this is like alive or whatever it's because they're probably zombies all right anyways ip here twitter here discord you go check those out if you want to see some wacky issues in the future also if you have any uhc suggestions please comment down down below i'll be sure to look at them and maybe even do them who knows but that's pretty much it bye
Channel: TapL
Views: 2,420,978
Rating: 4.9358454 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Competitive Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, TapL, UHC, Ultra Hardcore, Crazy UHC, Insane Minecraft, Minecraft Minigames, Tapple, Tapple Events, Tapple Minecraft, Tapple Server, Tapple UHC, TapL UHC
Id: _hdPhbVfG3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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