Minecraft UHC but COAL drops DIAMONDS, and DIAMONDS drop COAL.

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minecraft uhc but coal are diamonds and diamonds are coal yep we switched the rare diamond ore to the common color and vice versa me and my teammate wisp along with the rest of the players of the game will pretty much be getting diamonds very early this means that every player in the game is going to be very very stacked so sit back relax get some snacks in the water grab quick and watch this uh unfold daily twitch stream spoon apple.store boom and one more thing i'd really appreciate it if you go check to make sure you subscribe youtube can be weird sometimes and might even unsub you for no reason so yeah thank you anyways that's pretty much it intro done welcome hi hi hi let's share this tree you want to share the treat okay okay yeah we'll share that's fine sharing is caring man for sure what what's mine is yours that psych made you compared for no reason no wish i'm just kidding i'm kidding so i i'm playing uhc and there's there's him there's him we're playing with him okay so there's cole right here where are you all right we're gonna i'm gonna show you a demonstration okay i wanna i just wanna like i just wanna mention up everyone is doing fantastic today i hope you're doing well i hope you have water next to you so you could drink it at your disposal i love water it tastes just like lemonade where are you there you are okay buddy right here right here look look look i found the goods all right all right i'm gonna see look at me look what i'm holding what am i holding oh okay okay okay okay okay and i'm just gonna like is it gonna oh is that amazing wisp what if you chuck it out it turns into cold what oh my if you drop it it changes what [Music] why is it doing that i found we have found a diamond generator no no no it's just it's just switcher ruining that's all is that amazing though it's all turned into the diamond chest plate on the floor does it turn into a cold shoe no don't say that okay let's not get too further today welcome to curse minecraft and we're in 2019. oh yeah are we essentially 2020 essentially i feel like the scenario is like one year late i have 31 diamonds yeah dude i'm only full diamond i'm on the stack you're only get get upset all right i'm such a peasant look at me ugh nasty diamond oars uh worthless no i'm thinking about like iron and all that like we actually need to get stuff you know i'm thinking about like what can we do to get like iron and stuff what is the what is the complete opposite of it the complete opposite of iron is probably redstone so should we go find some redstone here let's go mine and do stuff also should i turn on team inventory boom all right it's on have fun look at me i'm i feel like a little bit of a peasant right now i have like stone tools i'm gonna turn all this into diamonds there you go that's much better if i'm only full diamond did you run straight south i don't think it'll matter we'll just meet up soon just go somewhere and find the cave wait iron gives iron wait is that because it's like the middle or is it actually i don't know that's my guess i don't know yeah i'm gonna mine straight down and to figure this one out that's kind of easy okay that's that's a given wouldn't that mean there would be another or that would be no no no no i don't know it's it's strange i keep forgetting that coal is just a massive bane of diamonds it's so nice that's so weird to think about you can get like essentially a 20 a 20 vein of diamonds yeah i got a 28 vane of diamonds on my first language i had everything i needed unfortunately it doesn't give me the xp however at least it gives you the ore not the xpml oh i found redstone what is it it's redstone it's just redstone and gold is just gold what it's targeted towards the coal and the diamonds and that's it let's go it's just targeted towards those two things i mean it is reversed technically technically you know technically that's mine oh i'm happy with that yeah i think we have a nice mutual agreement with all these orders it's gonna be a nightmare to pvp people oh you're right 100 dude everyone so many people are gonna have so many diamonds oh you should probably can you get at least like a book on the surface if you're still up there uh i can go up okay that would be nice thank you okay i'm just gonna go for my i'm gonna mine for diamonds forever i don't care we should you know we should get some crazy protection and some crazy armor wait wait that makes no sense yeah oh yeah we can't we can just remake the freaking oh we don't have to we only need yeah so no you're right you're right okay we're gonna get protection and then sharpness and then just combine everything and we'll end up having like sharp four or five or something stupid thing what happens if you chuck the iron out does it switch no it just turns it just it's just iron about redstone it's just normal diamonds and diamonds is called that's it what a great idea harvey thank you it's very balanced don't worry yeah just get a lot of cool just a staggering amount of cool the main thing that is going to be difficult that we should pretty much work on if we want to get all these crazy items and crazy enchantments and crazy stuff to use for the envelope is to just get a bunch of xp so any ore is nice i agree oh it's golden retriever as well your dog oh dude i just made a diamond shovel i felt like such a waste of diamonds right but it's absolutely like it's nothing like a shovel would probably be more value than the actual diamond like the sticks would be more value oh and literally the second i came up find cows and kane love it nice nice put in this yeah and i'm gonna go straight into making this enchantment thingy i'm gonna go make the anvil as well gorgeous gorgeous there you go all right let me know what you put in the ti thank you there's in a boom it's time to make the enchants and baba boom i got the italian this is too quick i'm not used to this i just made i just made eight diamond swords like it's nothing because that really is nothing oh we need lapis yeah that's one vein of coal sorry one vein of diamonds also um yeah i need to find some lapis do you have any no not yet okay i'm struggling on that right now all right let's make let's mainly get like some crazy thing of sharpness i'm going to just go and fill our ti with a bunch of diamond swords all right here we go here i'm going to enchantment thank you oh i'm right next to you again nice one two three four four in a row okay that was the easiest sharp three oh no that's knock back actually huh let me switch that do i still have fire resistance until pvp yes this is so easy everything's so easy all right all right all right i'm gonna give you a gift okay christmas is coming early for you here take this add these two together oh my and that is your first sharp three you can keep that we get sharp three diamond swords under 10 minutes it's amazing oh my god it really is oh and there's some coal here perfect so i'll just nab that easy peasy lemon squeezy oh by the way we should not sleep on the protection you know oh yeah for sure for sure oh my gosh my armor is so weird right now it's time for me to get sharp too nice how much gold do you have zero i feel like one of us should like leave this area so then we could like cover more ground i will i'm just gonna keep going straight i'm gonna try to find some diamonds right now like honestly strip mining strip mining is just kind of useless you think about it like y11 strip mining for diamonds it's just kind of it's not the way to go just look for why 40 caves yeah exactly you just want to get gold instead there's no point peaking off my seat counters off if i go upwards let's do it for the for the lulls i'm going to try to find some diamonds though they put like extra blocks and stuff and like if you have extra um iron turn it into buckets so then we could turn it into lava buckets lava buckets are so nice in this come on give me diamonds i've never been so excited for something so so so boring something so inadequate come on give me that inadequate item i'm essentially going to be it's it's like the the equivalent of going up to like a surface cave and seeing some coal and be like oh my god come on give me come on give it get it ugh all right i'm gonna go for sharp three another sharp two goodbye i don't know what everyone's gonna be really stuck where's my diamonds i found diamonds i found diamonds it's cold baby look at me go oh the top of the world i got coal it was literally just oh there's another one [Applause] yeah give me that worthless inadequate item you are nothing i've never been so proud to be nothing i will get sharp three now okay we should at least get prop 1 shark 3 before we go up you know do you stand bing no no i stand bts i love k-pop i don't know how to feel about that if i'd have k-pop in my life i just feel lost harvey i don't know how to feel about that without without k-pop i would be nothing honestly you know the dances they do in their singing i just that's me every single day of my life i just relate to it you relate to the dancing and singing yeah i just i watch and i think this is my church church well i mean i could respect that for a certain degree i'm glad you do a lot of people find it strange but it's love it's love yes love you don't choose who you fall in love with i didn't choose bts you know they were just there the hard times bts chose you well i mean not personally obviously i'd have screamed and fainted if they had liz can you give me the uh the enchantment table please and the lapis uh yes one moment please there you go put it in thank you and the lapis oh yes sorry sharp sharp rot rott yes sharp okay okay okay okay things are happening what if i get sharp for him just what if what if come on i'm full pro one for now coal gives you no xp i don't know if i should be bothering with it i mean if you have nothing else might as well you're very wise harvey like a young owl i'm not free owls aren't furry harvey i feathered well i'm talking uh that's true you know who is a furry fundy fondy exactly so glad we agree with something happening i was really worried that this was gonna be really awkward but now i know we're gonna be best friends forever exactly sharp threes i have two sharp threes now i need ten levels and then we're out of here okay so yeah i'm gonna give you stuff to enchant and and all that before we go this is gonna be a feast when we go out there and kill people it's gonna be so easy for us aquafinity yikes it's okay you have like all the cool um um i mean diamonds in the world to replace it i would be down to like 1v1 somewhere in that cave honestly really yeah i'm feeling cautious with my mighty powers and and and slash kill you know that's true actually yeah can i can i have a power tool that when i hit someone with it does slash kill and then their name um for the content obviously i wouldn't oh yeah yeah yeah yeah like if you die i'll respond you of course oh pvp is enabling holly someone's digging to man i don't know if it's you oh nevermind come on oh there's a ravine this is perfect okay i could get this level 10 sharp four and then we're gonna slam we're gonna slam whisp that's slam are you full proc 2 no i'm part one okay i've got two chest plates i feel ready to go up and kill people how much gold have you got i have six okay i've got eight you get golden heads by killing players i'll do that i'll do that we just have to drop somebody and that's it that's it we're good it's it's killing time you hear all those people dying there's a reason why they're all dying go fast this is a race for resources swiss wait i need one more level i'm trying my best to get where's that anvil give me that envelope you want it i got it four let's go i'm going up now i can almost combine the sharp twos as well so i've got two sharp twos nice one more level and then ten levels so yeah with kills we'll get that easy peasy thank you random you okay what are you doing dogs oh i was reading a donation uh oh harvey thank you oh my gosh okay oh harvey oh he will take this thank you thank you thank you how many gapples do you have zero oh dude you need it take it no no no no no no no no no you take it you take it yes yes yes well here i'll take your six gold back then because i had eight gold so i would have made one gap we gotta go we gotta go with it let's do it let's do it oh the name look up look up the cup where we're right here where wait up follow me i see him i'm gonna eat him alive let's do it together yeah i'm gonna eat this follow me is it solo what is that it's a solo let's do it okay okay yeah i i think they might see us as well careful chances oh they have numbers in their name oh no oh no they have numbers are there torture what do you reckon we going in oh 22 percent thank you thank you there's a lot of coal on the floor i've got four gaps how many of you got i got one golden head and i can make in the big apple all right one and two in healing nice all right i think it's time to get out of here though should we get rolls yes 100 100 we need to find some sheep let's run this way though let's get closer so we can get more people let's go there has to be someone nearby there's cobble right here for some reason i feel like there's gonna be someone here in the forest yeah there is there's gonna be a big fat trap ready for me to fall into right still no sheep oh cause entities are disabled this game right oh that's gonna be fun oh nice we have to kill for a rod in other words yeah exactly oh that's going to be very very fun oh my goodness might turn it on at 100 players maybe oh yes people in the water two team purple team nope that's earth screw that screw that up see what's nice as a person that plays this i know who's good and who is it i know who's like who's a regular those are some regulars okay i think i should eat a gap i'm three hearts down and i'm scared we're gonna see someone soon oh yeah that's completely reasonable ah come on we gotta find someone come on anybody please show yourself oh i see somebody they showed themselves who is it who is it who is it it's yours it seems like a one man kind of want to go for the one alive yeah okay if that if he has a teammate and that's a big okay this could possibly be a bad thing but who knows okay i think there might be they may be running through teams they have a raw dude that's gonna be so yucky oh gosh going through this area is gonna suck yeah also be careful of traps it's perfect yeah oh no don't you dare get in the water what is that laggy lad laggy man he's playing for mars i'm gonna make boats i'm boating up get him what the the boat he's got like five hits on him nice okay and and bye good job almost are you a pro two oh my goodness i've got two chests nice put all the extra stuff in the ti oh yeah oh the rod the rod rod who wants it oh wait i have two string we can both get rods now perfect how much is that 12 levels i need and i can make sharp four and i'm on seven that's big boy moves yeah yeah yeah whoops there's a pro two chest plate in there for you i have that thank you i'm full product too actually do you wanna split the prop too um yeah we can give each other here give me your helmet okay i'm ready what's your healing that's the person right there you're not even enchanted what what are you doing dude wait they want to scream he's shifting he's shifting five levels his name is ape hey i'm famous too you want to scream with me i don't know what to say about that one good i had to do what i had to do had to make it an even fight right right right very very overpowered it looked like he was like destroying you yeah i kind of got calm with her we're not letting him rest in peace also there's more people right there who's that right there this way right here oh hello hello i i don't know if that's like a good team or not dude i don't like this how about this can we at least make three boats before we get it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'll make three nice boats i've also uh seven levels i should probably just get full prod too you know peer pressure we got two two on the legs now we're full plot two beautiful is that a person that dude look at that oh he's just there's up there they're just up there for whatever reason but why no his name is captain candy hello captain let's get to them hello hello captain how are you today oh with you on a screen dude they just want screenies that's all they wanted can we fight you're on 47 ah they're running away now they're running away 31 thank you thank you 29 smack him come on wash your mouth out with soap next time boy my grandfather was a very wise man as well he used to tell me these nice like quotes like that like stuck with me for the rest of my life yeah one of them was like don't die and i was like yeah and ever since that day i haven't died wow there's a person right here it's toast toast man get them say something well his name's actually toast that's sick and your name is whis i know okay don't oh he just burned himself he just burned himself 30 27 18 five and you finished it off okay you got it you got it i didn't want to take the kill oh thank you poor toast hit a sharp four this is yours your ticket power one bow one bar take that sharp four yo dude he was a trapper look at those pistons oh there's a bird's eye hey who's it who's it who's it it's upg oh people oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh they're going to his teammates wait they're fighting right now okay this is unfortunate for them we can slap this boy out yo yo make sure not to like distract or or he's trying to get us to fight the other team which is not going to work simply okay oh both shot for slapping him okay you'll boost me push me with your rod okay okay okay come on keep going keep going 50 41 oh he's getting super low super low 38 he's on the vines stuck in the mines distracted just let them do the thing oh my god let life do its course it's nature i've i have another sharp for what oh my dude you're on the road to shot five oh should we do it should we just i've gotta do it do that wait what do you have so i've got a full set of spare prop two man all right right there right there right there it's a man oh come here come in my son 64 52 40 31 28. my friend 25 come on get a whis i'm pushing you towards him oh dude he wants to give up he wants to give up dude what yes you got a screening with me i own this dot wisp no no no oh look out look out this guy coming on a tree unenchanted what come here boy i know almost oh oh oh okay i'm up oh my gosh thirty sixteen [Music] okay i'm six and five and healing now we're going up baby let's go to the border we're gonna go 250 250 okay okay let's do that onwards hopefully there's no one too scary how's the kill board right now let's see oh we're kind of there there's some people that are like definitely hundred percent scary oh my gosh like like a wrapped rock is scary people people people hopping look down down what is this what is happening here you want you want to clean or something no no it's no clean on dude you're literally get out of there get out of there he's dead he's dead i'm damaging him right right right i got about 20 hits on him they just didn't register dude dude i don't like this they're they're literally the sweaty team all right fine fine i trust you oh look out look at that they're they're really good they have how many kills dude what an attempt what are the times to whisper what did it do dude we gotta go back we gotta dude we gotta go back we're gonna hit teleport now oh that team that's him come here look where's him yeah there's a clean oh my god get out of there no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm good i'm going to go wait wait for luke wait for luke hey come on come on it's all the trees come on trees oh my gosh you really you're really pushing cleans dude i didn't know you i didn't know this was your main shot yeah all right let's go for luka right here he's so low i think i get wins i'm going to try to find him myself here all right we don't mind this way he's right here [Music] what that's not even that's not even lucra that's somebody else i thought it was blue crow oh you're kind of cool all right i'm good i'm good i'm five and four i'm five i'm seven and three here take we have i dude i have sharp fours left and right three chest plate hello oh wow all right start this is the time like we're since it's like late meetup dude we gotta like keep like pieces of armor because we don't want to die yeah yeah for sure for sure like our armor's gonna start breaking stuff do you have what you call it a spare shop for i'll save it it's in the tr oh okay i think everyone's gonna max sharp four i think the law of diminishing returns are just applied on that situation man just don't get it go for like like prop three prod three okay okay yeah that's where it's at okay i understand there's a red guy here solo should we go for it oh yeah 100 careful oh he just fell he fell careful choked it smacked him nice again oh he's going down oh he's going down he's going who's going down down elon musk come here i hate your cars elon musk if you're watching this i was just kidding no what the what is that the sugar cane dough oh there's no people coming in from the side you're good we keep going yeah we keep chasing 89 he's 99 percent keep keep doing it keep running keep running dude he's on he's on the wall he's on the wall 64. yes 59 get him get him 36 25 hit me hit me more okay 24 29 18. 14 oh he's dead oh no that's not intended anymore he's on the border you messed up elon your tesla stock was too high there okay sorry that was a bit personal okay anyways oh what the oh get away from them get away from them get away from them we're in we're in the top 20 right now and that's beautiful however let's just sit back for a bit hold on who can we kill let's kill the solos there's a there's a bunch of solos right now that we could go for if we could find them that would be perfect and then just chill after don't go for any of those like team of twos it's going to be a drain oh does the andrews taken up there yeah yeah but the other team is going for them they're intimidating it's working oh this is all green get that real guy you know the one that i've never heard of before oh what the heck look out look at the calico there's a people oh really yeah yeah okay let's get back let's get back solo red solo red true that's not a solo red oh that's right dynasty that's a rain dynasty yeah yeah i'm good i'm good plot three since whatever brought three chess play what who's that up there the crossword and wreaking oh behind us find us here we go hey them he's flossing oh i've seen that guy before we've fought him before i don't want to fight him oh he's gone launched off the side holy smokes whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa 86 and 77. we brought him to freak him out here let's let's stay for a bit they might organize just just stay put for a bit let's organize our inventory let's make sure that we have at least like you know one full piece of of diamond armor that's like prop 2 or something if possible i have a full set of spare prop 2 and an extra pair of boots that are properly feed any and they're on breaking one here actually take them keep them as your spare thank you you're so welcome mother harvey just a wild goose chase then it really is andrew's really good at being solo and until now okay who are we going for you're cool man let's be a little bit more passive let's take the position of going up to the tippy top of the mountain oh wait there's people there already who's it it's cross dynasty they're not okay these people didn't seem like they've gotten a lot of kills but i think i feel like we could kill them we'll just stay here for the time being oh they're coming in they're coming in oh they are what the don't do it gap up yeah yeah okay get this off let's go let's go careful careful okay that one's down all right get that guy get that guy i got it jet i got a head okay me too oh i'm fine i'm fine did you get combo a bit oh they're still they're still wanting to fight they still want to fight come to me come to me right now okay we got to resume this fight there you are let's go let's go let's go they're going back up they want to hold it just be careful getting knocked off he got like two hits means my kb went flying so i was gaffing careful wait okay lead them down don't fight that oh my god this is terrible go down down go down go down yeah yeah yeah that border doe keep it keep it keep it keep it keep it dude they're gonna keep holding it just if you could boat them that'd be perfect i don't have any arrows okay you got any spa there's rain dynasties coming no no i ran out i ran out all right this is gross this is gross dude i have an idea i have an idea i have an idea literally do this order around no no no don't do that yeah put it around so then we can we won't fall prevent that oh they're gonna organize dude oh god if they say us that's gonna be so cursed so we're currently signing right now we're gonna have to be forced to fight certain people no matter what they say if they ask you if we should pick or sit say sit oh my god there's only five teams left five teams left we're top 10 we've made it oh my god we are actually proud of us i'm proud sam this is the first one i've been in your videos where i haven't made any major mistakes i mean i mean the game's not done but still wait we want to fight rain dynasty now oh god wait we're fighting ah okay fine we're gonna fight rain dynasty now what yeah they picked us let's get gap up get ready get ready gap up let's do that let's go i'm going to pick her i'm actually going to get wrecked no don't say that no i am i've never fought someone before i can't hit him harvey i can't hit him i suck no no no no no no dude they're insane i know they are i'm literally fiona from shrek okay okay rain okay around i've gone like okay he's running to you careful you're gonna get one v2 i gotta push them up okay okay okay i got both of them on the lot and the lava nice rain's getting even there even more here i have no more healing i ran out yeah no oh i'm gone no no sweat boy oh well if you guys want to play surf socials here no no what sorry i'd be here socials here and then it will appear on screen no i'm not doing it here if you want to play service social is here uh follow me on twitter i have no idea okay but much love and i'll talk to you soon see you later thanks bye see you later bye we got so many kills be honest oh dude we're on the kill board but there's so many kills in this game i've never seen so many people that had like 10 plus kills on the kill board this is like new to me yeah this is gonna we're gonna see the finale of this whole thing okay i'm gonna fly this ground real quick pause two and cut boom there you go oh my gosh okay maybe it's not a flat ground after all oh they're fighting at the current moment let's set it to bedrock now it's scary this is it this is the final three teams and team green is going for team red right here go go oh oh andres nope rip oh cart's going in in the corner rip as well okay well there's there's team green okay it's rain now versus team cyan this is it the final fight here they go oh let's see how this one goes oh gosh that crossword guy come on super low oh dude crossword are you okay oh uh oh no they're pushing him towards the corner that's not good uh-oh uh oh and the slams and so many transactions okay trades for days place your best shot who's gonna win team cyan or team red oh gosh oh gosh that's that's not too cash dude this is so unfortunate who's going to be the first one to pop huh oh 33 hat rip that guy lines on 21 percent come on keep running crossword you're getting one view to rip oh that's the game rip rip rip this is what the ending looks like when everyone has diamond blue from coal ore when you just switch it up easy like that look at that easy peasy product three easy peasy sharp four that's how i'll be well then i guess that is it anyways ip here twitter here discord here go check those out if you wanna see some wacky you issues in the future also if you have any uhc suggestions please comment down below be sure to look at them and maybe even do them who knows but that's pretty much it bye
Channel: TapL
Views: 1,834,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Competitive Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, TapL, UHC, Ultra Hardcore, Crazy UHC, Insane Minecraft, Minecraft Minigames, Tapple, Tapple Events, Tapple Minecraft, Tapple Server, Tapple UHC, TapL UHC
Id: vY9TEoVs_sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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