Minecraft (Thankmas 2021 Charity Fundraiser) | 2021-12-12

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hello hello everyone how are you it's been a while how are we doing early yeah i actually meant to be a few minutes earlier but uh my my overlay all deleted itself so i was meant to be here like 10 minutes ago how are you feeling i am feeling all right i uh i've been pretty sick if you weren't aware already but i'm feeling well enough to stream now it's just the main thing um because i really wanted to take part in this charity stream for thanks raise money to end homelessness uh there's a lot about the charity on the on the official page but there's a little blurb down below if you like to just get a little summary of what um we're raising money for today it's just underneath my channel and the the banners there uh first time catching you live well welcome i'm glad you could make it hope you feel better thank you hello anna by the way um thank you katie for that uh so yeah we will be raising money for thank miss there's a link in the the chat every now and again there as well thank you poplock for that um but there's also the banner underneath if you want to click on that uh whichever you prefer um but yeah you don't have to donate it's entirely optional of course but if uh if you feel like it the link is there and it's for a very good cause um let me see i want to bring up the [ __ ] here here there we go um god streaming feels so foreign to me it's been a little a little while it's been a minute um uh where where is the sorry i'm talking to myself um i want to bring up the ah there it is okay excellent katie thank you for a donation already by the way thank you for the ten dollars welcome everyone thank you for joining in i appreciate it it's good to see you this is your first stream well i'm glad you could make it rosie thank you for joining in you're early i know i know i was like five minutes early i'm pretty awesome thank you for that donation of 60 dollars really appreciate that thank you very much um all um money will be going to the charity of course like all the revenue from subs and whatnot as well uh today um what i will say is if you're just looking to to give money for the charity the best way to do it is through the donation page below on the the thank this little picture there you can click that it will take you there because uh twitch will take a cut out of various other ways such as sub subbing or bits and now if you have the bits already on your account and you're like i'd like to give them the charity then great i will forward them on um if you have prime subs for example you can check there if you've got a prime sub maybe consider subbing it's free and the money that i get from that will go to the charity too so that's a free way of giving some money to the charity um but the best way is definitely to donate directly to the campaign if you just have your card in your hand and like i want to give money to a good cause that is the way to do it um katie thank you for the donation again there as well and nick thank you for the donation i don't know if i can get this ah i can okay awesome uh let's see here uh mia thank you very much for the donation there as well and maddie thank you as well how come can i make this bigger oh i can make this bigger okay that's going to make it a lot easier to keep track of um there we go oh jesus thank you for all the donations everyone and thank you for joining in how you feeling today i'm all right um i was very sick i i got way more sick than i have been in quite some time it was bad but i'm glad that uh i can talk now that's good it's not too bad well it is kind of rough with videos um because it's a strain on the voice but at least you can take breaks and stuff but streams were definitely not going to happen i didn't think we're going to be able to stream this but um luckily things kind of worked out so it's uh it's good to see you all uh we'll start there shortly um where what uh where was i maddie thank you for the the tip there and my clad french frying freddy lozy karch data the android georgie uh josina a piece of chaos kayla's anonymous thanks for the 50 donation there as well uh oh jesus sorry this is moving so fast uh jose thank you so much for a hundred dollars christ almighty uh it's not much but hope this helps that is you charlie annabeth thank you very much for that glad you're feeling better i missed the streaming chilling at the call well thank you so much for that that is very very kind of you um an anonymous donation there as well uh thank you for the 50 thank you for a good cause my family is from el salvador this means a lot to me well thank you for the donation i really appreciate that and it is it is really a great cause um really uh kudos to to sean jacksepticeye for arranging this whole event he puts a lot of work into this so um kudos to him for for organizing the whole thing um and it's a pleasure to be kind of a part of it you know um hello everyone just joining in by the way i'm just giving um a few minutes before we start i'll give it another like three minutes or so just to let people join in hello liam by the way good to see you uh what does the charity do um it's aiming to end homelessness in um less fortunate areas there's there's a site thanks that you can actually read in depth about the charity but there's also a little blurb underneath my channel if you want to just see a brief kind of summary of what it is the charity does um it is it is really cool it honestly is a great cause um where was it oh my god that's a lot of donations that just came in uh katy thank you for the hundred bucks jesus christ on top of what you already gave as well thank you very much for that katie that is very kind of you thank you so much um maggie chemist jacob uh emma uh ray windy slim call uh thank you so much waffles uh listen anonymous uh donator there again thank you very much caterboy uh aaron uh atherness earth to maggie and um i'm gonna say thank you very much for the donation jesus we've already raised 724 dollars look at that that is awesome thank you everyone i appreciate it anonymous donates so much i know i know uh louise thank you for the the ten bucks there as well um marie katie thank you so much for the donations as well uh thank you so much kevin no matter how much stress i'm under how bad i feel you always mention make me smile and feel cam watch some of your videos after losing my court case and i just need thank you for allowing me to clear my head well i hope you're doing all right and thank you for the kind words and thank you for the donation um but yeah i can relate to just having a distraction you know um skelly thank you so much for the five subs i'm gonna try to keep on top of things as best i can i think the main one i'll be able to track is the the actual direct campaign donations but there's things going off everywhere so i'm sorry if i don't get to everyone um um uh i uh leo i i don't think that's a good take so i'm not even gonna read it because i think that's a bad take um i get where you're coming from a lot of problems seem insurmountable but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try uh experience may vary thank you very much for the 20 bucks uh charlotte it's yuki uh laris as zimni anonymous thank you for the 50 bucks a lot of anonymous donations i appreciate it thank you very much um uh ellis uh trexosaur uh kosh bailey safik uh chana chan uh zam it's all jesus christ hold on the the thing just [ __ ] bounced where was i zombie a loaded donation just came in at the same time brody tickle uh zoeth abashi uh laura thank you for the 50 bucks that is very kind of you jacqueline thank you for the 50 bucks as well and mary thank pastoria uh rhino sarah uh sparkle legend of ashley's joel thank you very much that that is a lot of donations already jesus christ we're up to 1200 already back in hell uh joel rosen and anonymous again thank you very much right panda thank you so much for the 20 bucks let me do a little tweet um to let people know where we are starting okay done okay that's that's a big part of my job out of the way i've done my tweet jesus christ that is a lot of donations welcome everyone just joining as well great to see you good to see you good to see you um just to reiterate because i see someone asking do subs count so just to briefly summarize the best way if you just have your card you want to donate is to go directly to the campaign that's below the stream you can see the panel there if you click on that but if you say have a prime sub or you got bits in your account and you want to give them on the stream i'll be donating it all to the charity it's just i i would advise donating directly to the charity rather than like buying a sub for example because twitch will take half the money so it makes more sense to do it directly but by all means if you got a prime sub go ahead and uh just stop right now sub right now you'll be giving money to charity that'll make you feel good you'll go to sleep with a big smile on your face tonight you're just lying in bed like yes i am an amazing person that's not a hate on um on twitch of course by the way this is something it obviously they don't know what's for charity and not it's just you know it's the best way to do it uh gifted directly um jesus okay let me catch up with some alerts uh hello dan by the way i didn't even see in there but everyone's saying hi rt so i'm gonna assume that is you otherwise we have a very popular person just called rt by coincidence so hello either you or your doppelganger uh jacqueline thank you again for the 50 bucks laura thank you for the 50 bucks as well um sarah anonymous anonymous again sparkle thank you for the 30 bucks uh legend of ashley's joelle rosendrat uh red panda thank you again an anonymous donation of a hundred dollars thank you very much a lot of anonymous donations today then i appreciate it right panda thank you for the gifted subs as well again all that uh the money that that comes to me from that will go straight to the charity so i appreciate that it's hard to keep on top of everything but thank you so much for all the the subs as well and we're nearly on 2 000 out of the goal already so that is that is awesome that's not including all the subs and all that i'll be gifting at the end of the stream at some point today um thank you anonymous for that again christina captain oblivious at trauma turkey thank you so much for a hundred dollars thank you for all your positive chaos that your content community brings to the internet your videos and streams certainly give good laughs and hard times hope really better and you and your family have a wonderful holiday thank you so much for that uh trauma that that is very very kind of you i appreciate it anonymous donation there again for 10 bucks thank you very much fo hold there uh is he strange tabby oh jesus it just went through again thank you very much um but i just lost where i am can you stop being nice for a second oh [ __ ] where was i oh my god that is so many blades jack dillon uh anonymous 50 bucks thank you there hamstring uh okay tavia uh hey blinken uh skeezy maria snacky mom thank you so much skeezy thank you for the 50 bucks that was [ __ ] huge uh savit anonymous fluffy uh cyber anonymous uh turdley cesara as switchel cheby anonymous laura logic thank you for the 50 bucks julia thank you for the 50 bucks cherry thank you for the 30 bucks john thank you for the five bucks i have been thank you for the 20 charlie thank you for the 10. rose thank you for the hundred and thank you for the kind words george thank you for the 10 uh sev thank you for the 10 uh art dan thank you very much dan just uh completed our gold forests i like that you signed it rt game the villain it's like you're throwing it back at us like oh i'm a villain am i dan thank you so much that's 3333.33 um and thank you for the message just saying haha you smell happy thank us thank you very much stan uh i hope you're well dude i'll talk to you soon i imagine um i think i was talking to you briefly but i've been super sick so i've been just kind of away from the internet um but thank you so much then that is a huge huge donation you didn't have to do that but it is massive thank you very much appreciate it dan the man his redemption eric his redemption eric was a pay to win he was just like i am the good guy now i can no longer call him dan the villain i like that dot compass blizzard let me catch up here um i'll raise the goal as well since then and all of you lovely people just decided let's just smash it um really appreciate that uh we'll we will raise it um we have raised six thousand dollars in about 11 minutes and we haven't even started um let me read out a few more names i'll raise the goal and we will jump in to a wintertime snack yeah i'm just kidding of course but um super super appreciate that then again uh blizzand daisy aaron the m mexiandian sorry i'm sorry i can't read um bethany thank you for the 50 bucks ferocious fair thank you for the 50. karina anonymous uh fandango alexis tisbeen thank you for the 50 as well and happy birthday to you as well can't donate much you give 50 bucks that is way more than you had to give you didn't have to give anything that is huge thank you very much um oh my god it keeps rolling grace october uh heather uh mordecai gamer uh ithacai has azul alias anonymous miles a bambi um thank you so much cara big gun oh jesus they keep going he just keep going tricks bandit beth is gone uh lani anna cw katy monkey uh snudge charles uh maya and lily thank you so much everyone i really appreciate it that is huge we've raised over six thousand dollars already okay let me change the goal i suppose i think um that one's a little bit outdated okay let's let's double it how about that save changes okay there we go we doubled our our initial goal what the [ __ ] [Laughter] ellie uh baxter indian joker thank you for the 50 bucks baxter thank you for the 40 rowan uh agnes runs dance moves lily i'm so sorry if i missed anyone i think i got everyone um okay let me let me show you oh my god this is insane uh rydka thank you for the 20 bucks there let me go into the the in game we still have our overlay here and i'll try my best to keep on top of everything but jesus christ this is so overwhelming i don't know how we're even going to to play but we're going to try it uh thank miss let me let me do a seed as well let's see what the actual seed thankmis is thankless let's see um is this a challenge it's not really a challenge i would have liked to have prepared some uh like just been a bit more prepared overall but as i was saying earlier i've been so sick recently i didn't think i'd even get to do it a few days ago i really didn't think this was gonna happen um i i was actually gonna reach out to sean apologize that i couldn't take part um i i went back to the doctor they they sent me to the hospital and [ __ ] and then i i don't know someone up there just decided let's just make him better and i got better i don't know they didn't like i didn't get to change my medication or anything um but yeah uh worst buy on pog yeah i like that attitude uh maximus uh pretty demented longshlong mcbong uh aaron sam anonymous right care thank you very much everyone i really appreciate it um but yeah i'm feeling i'm feeling a lot better i'm still not all the way there but it's such an improvement i couldn't like swallow and i couldn't um talk so much either um the thing this mc steed is boring hooray to be fair this looks pretty insane whatever is going on down here i think this this is due to the new update right because it's like cliffs oh it's on fire brilliant excellent thank you thank you i am feeling much better thankfully oh oh jesus christ it's only a little bit i was looking in the chat oh yes the fire is spreading um i don't even know where to start i'm a little bit overwhelmed i might just like run away from my problems and find uh find another area to settle down in is if you're saying this is the worst biome like i don't know why it's the worst biome but i'm caving to peer pressure immediately [Laughter] [Music] jump in i dare you i mean it's hardcore i would just die and lose oh jesus christ which is very possible to be honest maybe hardcore minecraft was a bad idea i think i'm going to end up just slipping and falling at some point we'll try anyway we'll do our best i don't know how there's a zombie there um an anonymous donation there thank you very much comrade anonymous again and nadi anonymous again uh mate danny anonymous again uh emma thank you very much let me get rid of this bar so we can see a little bit more sweet bejesus everyone thank you for the support uh chronic uh koala uh hoopla gemma tony the pony thank you very much focus on the game believe me i'm trying there's a lot going on unfortunately there will probably be a lot of this where i'm trying to keep on top of everything so i i apologize but you're just going to have to deal with it there's not much i can do unless i could make a clone of myself or something but knowing me if i did clone myself and forced it to just like read the chat or play the game he would revolt and try and kill me and become the the real one um keep moving you're on world record pace this is true oh i see another biome over there we can use okay excellent is that a witch okay i don't like this area i'm gonna move i'm gonna move over there to the the nicer area and honestly i think i should stay away from that pit i i feel like it'll end with with my death john thank you so much for the 50 bucks that is very very kind of you fieri thank you very much for the 20 bucks are these gonna attack me or am i okay i'm okay right to to just chill with them like if i don't lash out at them like i do with most other things in life yeah yeah i think they're okay all right we're friends excellent and lost in skyrim thank you very much for the five subs again my cut of that is gonna go right to the the charity um it's strange playing minecraft and leaving my spawn chunk it's weird having this whole open area you know run why are you making me panic you know the bees won't hurt me don't you uh eagle thank you for the five bucks debbie easily distracted very fitting name thank you very much um mulby fiery uh julia uh puck off snow vision help jim pickens kidnap me yeah green zapper thank you very much for the donations there all going to a good cause again thank you so much for the support everyone we're up to [ __ ] seven grand all right it's second insane we're scared for the bees not of them oh okay all right okay i get you i understand now um let me make a pickaxe real quick i gotta hurry up here get get some stone and whatnot and try and make some tools uh do you have any access to stone that i don't have to go digging i do excellente muy bien hot tub stream 2.0 please i could just get a bucket or something on those inflatable tubs and hop in it if it'll encourage you to help a good cause i'll like catch my death just getting over like the worst flu of my life and a throat infection and then i just hop in a cold bucket of water behind me why does fire follow me wherever i go i don't understand for once it isn't my fault i don't know go at your bathtub i mean it's in a different room so like i can if you want but then the stream will just be empty and i will be gone but i mean if that's what you want so we could have a vote in chat do you want kevin to leave overwhelmingly yes i just have to go away all right let me get the basic tools at least it's so weird playing this like with actual freedom the way it was meant to be played when i'm so used to being in one chunk immortal dear thank you so much for the 30 bucks that is huge thank you very much uh alia jada uh ray victor shannon anonymous thank you again amio uh cha chai is it thank you very much uh alexey on twitch and i get thank you very much everyone for the support hey you you want to be killed cuz you're acting like you want to be killed he's kind of jumping in around my my fist punch the nest kevin break the beehive it will give you honey you can eat how will it now never have children you're gonna lead them astray um okay i think i have enough wood there i want to get some more stone should i just start oh i might just stare i might make a little tiny box and digging down and just make myself a nice little basement where i can dig up some um some mores and whatnot i wish i had money to donate no problem buggy it's entirely optional as i said and uh even just watching along helps out you know because it it like brings in other people as well and we just appreciate you being here and having a good time don't feel like you gotta donate um having said that obviously all the donations are super appreciated um but i just don't want anyone feeling bad just because they um are not able to donate or don't feel like donating understandable if you need the money for yourself for one thing or another you know um all right this is this is my home it's not great but it's mine um is is kevin free unrestrained what does that mean i don't understand the or do you mean like just am i allowed to leave the chunk i hope that's what you mean because that out of context is kind of scary in a way is kevin real i look away for two seconds you've half a house well look away again and hopefully it'll be done next time uh a bumblebee very fitting name thank you very much for the donation lola thank you so much for the 300 bucks i very much appreciate that lola thank you very very very very very very very very very very very very very very much i appreciate it angie humble cultist uh fuzzier eliza ashley mary jacks geeky anonymous your mom and sarah thank you very much for the 50 bucks shannon thank you for the 20 bucks there again and uh lola thank you so much again um i i don't know why i decided to go with this like stripe but i kind of like it i'm digging it i'm gonna make an axe i have a bit of coal so i can throw down some torches that's probably a good idea right yeah there we go look at afro i love whoa it's just gonna fall straight down i gotta stop well i just gotta stop you know uh oh stripped house i thought you wrote stripper house and i just like i think you're i think you're playing with mods or something i don't think minecraft has strippers um i don't know what does it look like what this what does what this strip would look like i can't do it now can i i have to put down logs will this be on the archive channel yes um which version you're playing on the newest version the newest version of minecraft so it has the caves and cliffs and whatnot uh let me get some doors up in here i have been described as a bit of an interior design genius and as much as open plan is in right now i'm going to go against the grain and actually make a roof for myself uh i don't like that my my house is kind of next to this this i i would rather these go away i'll use my sword because i'll be making a better one as soon as i get iron um oh thank you very much whatever that was um skelly thank you very much for that sorry i don't i don't have i can't fit all the alerts up so yeah um i feel like kevin is going to end up dying in the weirdest way probably i wouldn't be surprised if these bees somehow end up killing me i don't know i had a bit of a premonition once i saw them okay let's uh let's do a bit of mining okay let's see this way and as soon as i hit stone here we go we break the first block all right no more swearing in the chat everyone i'm officially a miner a sour energy drink thank you very much for the one dollar i appreciate that every dollar counts and you went out of your way to do that i really really appreciate it uh hannah h for the 10 bucks it's very kindly adelphi thank you very much uh for the 50 bucks super super kind to you um gang can you stop swearing someone just said ass thank you everyone for the support i appreciate it uh braves thank you very much for the 20 bucks uh al shaddan dan thank you i'm not going to read that because it implies dan is a villain when he was actually a hero i thank you for the 10 bucks there um sour sour energy drink uh cassidy britt and al thank you very much as well all right i think we've got quite a lot of um stone so second let me see okay i'm gonna get what is it i'm gonna get up to a full stack of stone and then i'm going to leave the mine and then you can swear so get your favorite swear ready i see a few people saying poo poo there i i guess uh i guess that that's okay we'll leave you off with that for now i'll reevaluate the rules if it gets out of hand sex v1 battle droid thank you very much for the 50 bucks at the classic jww thank you as well zombie standing behind you appreciate the 20 bucks uh brit thank you as well okay we nearly have a full stack i wonder what the the cave systems are actually like now because this is my first time playing this new update caves and clips the clips caves and clips um where they have introduced a new mob that resembles clippy microsoft clippy he is uh invincible and he one shots you okay i'm no longer a miner have at it everyone if you want to say frick you go ahead and do that uh right at least i can get a roof up there now i was just a bit worried on spider was that henderson all right yeah as i said i was getting a bit worried on spiders so oh my god there's so many freaks in the chat right now what a strange statement all right we're lit up what do you think on the floor chat what do you think watch your [ __ ] language chat thank you very much i like how uh the most used word when i said use your favorite swear is soup like i guess that is offensive to me but to everyone else it's not really a swear i don't think officially uh we'll consult with the dictionary it's just it's like extremely vulgar hate speech next super uh melanoma omg kitten thanks very much for the 20 bucks surprised elf uh malin again mink uh bring back spider-man 3 videos please kev thank you for the donation there as well it's a very specific request jenna hamstring sino idol breakout mink thank you very much everyone apologies if i missed anyone as well by the way um it's a lot to keep track of god that's scary uh i want to go down and try and find iron so i can make shears and then shear the sheep give myself a um a bed it'll be nice making a bed in the normal minecraft fashion um highway roll thank you very much as well oh oh no that's copper boring red panda thank you so much for the five subs very very kindly thank you um i might need some more torches i don't have a lot of coal though i'm kind of like figuring it out as i go because i haven't i i haven't played this update and i'm like is it rarer or am i just getting unlucky or maybe it's not even unlucky i don't know i just feel like i should have more coal by now i don't know being in one chunk in those videos has just destroyed my sense of reality in minecraft i don't know what's normal anymore um oh no it's emma thank you for the tip there appreciate that um and thank you for the kind words there too as well we done swearing yeah we got all of our swears out of our systems for now we're thinking about just talking about our feelings next so if you want to just just go ahead or spawn different now okay um is copper new copper is like somewhat new but not in the newest update because i found some in my one chunk as well i can't remember what you can do with the bloody stuff though um i'm getting island madness well it's true island madness if i am getting it because i'm not even on an island so i've definitely got mad if i've gotten island madness i should have made more pickaxes i just thought i'd find iron to be honest i didn't really i didn't really think about this and now i don't want to go all the way back up and i don't have enough wood i got to go back up god damn it how you feeling today um i'm still not all the way there but i'm much better so i'm i'm happy anonymous donation there 25 bucks a gym 20 bucks round handle 20 bucks stay hydrated 10 bucks uh when is the next idle breakout video kevin five bucks thank you very much ripa paul the dog enter the ten bucks i love soup thank you for the eight bucks uh jenny thank you for the 30 bucks kid talmage thank you very much everyone uh we have raised over eight thousand dollars so that is pretty crazy uh sophie thank you so much for the 50 bucks there and an anonymous donation of 10 as well i appreciate it how's it looking out there uh the enemy is at the gate is that like that oh no he's wearing chain mail i thought it was just a really chunky skeleton jesus can i kill him anything i'm an unusual fighter i have been described as a military genius in the past um hold on what can we do here okay come back all right there you go christy listened ow imagine i died now yeah he's got chain mail it's bizarre isn't it i got to be careful when he stands back he can hit me he can take a lot of [ __ ] damage i'm trying i'm trying military genius strikes again uh peppermint tea southern fried mistake thank you for the 10 bucks yeah i just got shoes the first thing i killed and i get a shitty pair of shoes that are almost broken this is my kind of day uh let me just build up the wall again because i'm frankly terrified there i really didn't want to die there that would have been sad red panda thank you for the ten subs i appreciate it thank you so much not enough bolts one out of ten yeah we need more bolts for sure uh ain't from awfully thank you so much for the 50 bucks that's very kind yeah herlock shomes uh pixelated quality cinder thank you very much uh carrie thank you for the 25 bucks the real brand of fair share thank you for the donation sunflower mistake peppermint tea care bear uh lots of llamas thank you very much for the hundred dollars i appreciate it thank you so much for that um super super appreciate it thank you for the support everyone we are up to thousand six hundred dollars already for such a good cause i appreciate it thank you so much um right uh i don't know i kind of want to wait out oh yes okay that's fine i wanted to wait out the night a little bit um we're gonna have to try and get iron um i need some food so we can go killing some stuff um care bear thank you for the five subs lots of llamas thank you again for that yeah i know it's brandon frazier it must be real because he said he's the real brand of frasier so that's awesome even though i thought the real brandon fraser was over there behind me but he was looking a bit thin so i had my suspicions um fact soup and some good [ __ ] soup you literally donated within three seconds of each other two seconds of each other actually it was some good [ __ ] soup and then immediately afterwards fetch soup 69 thank you for the donations the drunken irish thank you for the bits as well um uh bedford fox thank you so much for the 20 bucks too uh right i'll be good i'm a little bit scared i'll just give it an extra few seconds just in case um a warning mobs with helmets don't burn in the sun thank you for that warning that that is helpful i didn't know that pop thank you so much for the donation there as well i was happy to see you kevin i hope you keep recovering yeah it's i'd seem to be on the mend thankfully um me crazy kitten uh belgruefox thank you very much i appreciate it um we are almost to our second goal already which is pretty [ __ ] crazy we smashed through the earlier one uh emery's cat thank you for the 150 bucks christ almighty i appreciate it i gotta be more careful i'm gonna kill some chickens one thing that i feel like i can take right now what the hell oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh god there's a skeleton coming out there he was willing to burn to death just to take me with him that's how much hate they have for me oh god terrifying i guess i'm the real monster here they see they see what i do in the chunk you know first goal was 5k yes it was indeed and feckin smashed it is he still in there i'm actually quite scared of that because he could probably kill me in one or two shots so let's run inside and uh get this chicken cooking i don't have any coal oh god damn it i can hear a skeleton behind me somewhere look at him fecker all right let's look at him he's just standing there just waiting to kill me ah all right i'm gonna try and find some wood to burn instead i just don't want to go near that area um all right some uh some chat service here just to to give you some some good feels right now since we're raising money for such a good cause there's a lovely floating tree for you hope you like that everyone you are welcome and it's just a simple thank you from me to you for raising so much money for this worthy cause thank you again i appreciate it and uh i really hope i don't get shot for doing that all right let me get um let me actually i might be able to do this with just like a bit of wood let me try this yeah you like that yeah good yes shoot him on the spot someone just said sarah thank you for the five bucks i appreciate that a lot alex uh fish on legs uh mott anonymous thank you for 35 bucks lonely chainmains lonely chill lonely chain male skeleton sad face thank you for the 20 bucks drink water chat thank you for the 420. uh it's me aubry thank you very much for the 50 bucks very very kind creeper behind you sad face thank you for the donation there and i'm a gem thank you very much as well you like that tree yeah yeah that's great i'm glad that i made you happy uh right let me turn all of these into um charcoal and we'll do some cooking as well 800 from 10k we are jesus christ we're closing in on our second goal already um that is [ __ ] mad thank you very much for the support everyone red panda thank you for those subs again very very kindly tree makes me sad if we hit 10k i will go destroy that tree how about that for a campaign call [Laughter] everyone just dies through their wallet oh god we got to get this tree down send help thank you for the 20 bucks with the note i don't really need help i like that you got to be careful you know it's like the boy who cried wolf that old classic story um deb deb and aaron thank you very much for the donation there messeria anonymous insert creative name here uh globe owen and lazy thank you very much everyone i appreciate it all right let's get some food with me oh but let's open and close the door slamming it repeatedly for us it's part of a tradition in our house when we gather around for a meal um i'm really scared of that skeleton he was just hanging out behind my house but there's nothing i can really do about it is there like unless he comes over here to kill me ha jesus he might come over here to kill me no what pet are you getting for this minecraft adventure i'd like to get to the stage of life where i can consider having a pet right now it's just about staying alive ah staying alive barely that's the lyrics right oh jesus the bee came down to check on me though okay let me eat my last bit of chicken i saw some coal over here we're gonna go over and grab it i have no pick god damn it am i ever going to actually leave the house i gotta make a bridge or something for that i'm gonna i'm gonna end up falling off and really hurting myself i gotta kevin proof the area it's the only way i'm gonna take two this time and we're gonna look for iron and coal that is the goal right oh max thank you for the donation uh andrew thank you for the donation i wasn't scared of the skeleton that's just a new way of talking uh emma the soup lover thank you very much uh captain butter hey julie uh thank you very much for the five bucks cyrus and softboy j thank you for the double donation there anonymous experiences may vary uh cut down the tree please thank you for the donation really appreciate that everyone thank you there's a lovely tree isn't it that honestly that tree is gonna be so annoying to go down oh there's the call i see it oh there's cold there too um i don't like this area i really really don't um illegally blonde thank you for the donation there as well art thank you uh wacky full thank you as well does the grass look greener or is it just because i'm on the other side the grass genuinely looks greener it might be me imagining it maybe maybe i'm in a different bio maybe the saying is right that like literally it actually is greener in the jungle oh it is okay so the grass is greener on the other side that's good to know ralph thank you very much for the 15 bucks um yeah yeah honestly as i was saying earlier just kudos to sean for arranging thanks like i i've done charity streams in the past just doing my own thing and actually organizing it with charities and it's it's much more work than you would think so the fact that he does a campaign on this scale like i uh full respect for it it's it is really really um a huge undertaking that he's doing uh alessia thank you very much for the donation there as well um thank you for the kind words as well i hope you're doing all right gaming with claudia thank you for the two bucks and you're saying i know it's not much but i hope this helps but that that is a big donation every dollar counts and you didn't have to give anything so i appreciate it you're gonna die you saw me fall you saw me get embarrassed you die now you're next just threatened the entire chat because i fell in minecraft it reminds me of that cut scene in gta you know trevor falls over and he just freaks out um i think did i hear some more recently that was actually improv like he actually fell i think i did um right we got a good bit of cold from that we need iron i'm just a little bit afraid of going into the actual ravine i kind of want to dig down and just you know look for it naturally there is a lava pool over there this area is kind of cool that also explains the fire from earlier um interesting i really need iron i don't know if it can still spawn like close to the surface or will i have to dig way down i don't know lava pool or hot tub you really want me to die don't you another zombie there um i better cover this up i don't like this it's too dangerous it's gonna end up in my demise there that should do just as long as like nothing can come out of there and kill me that's all i need um put on the chicken happy days um uh thank you very much for the 40 bucks uh boonte thank you very much for the 40 bucks very very kind um i'm getting motion sickness lol thank you for the five bucks oh god i hope you're okay nova i gab uh less green grass thank you for the ten bucks less green grass and sad face it's like i'm just defending all of minecraft as i play i should go on a scuba expedition in the hot tub do you mean the lava are you trying to get me to die kev picks the most dangerous place to build a house in here i really did like i picked an awful spot there are caves underneath me with monsters there's trees all around me with monsters underneath them it's just it's all around bad to be honest i don't know why i chose to build here i think i was just overwhelmed by the kindness and i just you know had a lot going on kip thank you so much for the 20 bucks thank you for working with me for four years i'm so incredibly thankful for all the opportunities you've given me and i hope you have a great thankfulness and we get to build a better world for everyone thank you very much kip it has been a pleasure working with you i can't believe it's been four years though honestly time [ __ ] flies doesn't it oh that's kind of scary in a way though like that it's been four years um for those of you that don't know in the chat kip um is an editor who's been working with me for for four years and yeah it's um uh it doesn't feel that long at all it really doesn't but thank you for the donation so kip uh nile crocodile ray against two worlds uh tricked oh god hagrid is love haggard's life uh purely tanya and and bob thank you very much for the donation jesus christ game we're nearly at the 10k mark and you know what happens then the big goal the big the big event we'll tear down the the floating tree outside yeah let's smash it i'd like to think there are people that have no interest in the charity they're just like i gotta get rid of that tree uh call me jim thank you for the four hobnob and only ghosts four at four thank you very much as well funny internet number thank you for the 69.69 jesus uh just you know praise the lord and all that sorry i'm not nervous at all i'm not even freaking out like not even a little bit this is fine okay we found a cave this is this excellent news because i'm not scared and i want doors so it's good for me it's yeah this the darker it is the better is what i always say when it comes to caves i like not being able to see at all if possible iron and look at that no danger okay iron yes more iron please no all right that'll do it it's enough to make a bed that's the important thing um oh we've almost smashed the goal let's see here we're seven dollars away can we do it lava hot tubber beans thank you for the five bucks lucid wolf thank you for the 20 hot tub stream thank you for the 10 caught that tree now thank you for the five bucks we're two dollars away gonna end the stream there thank you so much for watching well thank you very much for that i think we're going to be able to reach 10k like it's it's sank in that i think it's actually gonna happen i think there are monsters there i'm not scared i just wanted to leave anyway though um so let me just yeah yeah that's good i just want to leave that's all lord napoles thank you for the tend and that means we have reached 10. with your 10 we have reached 10. thank you very much for all the support everyone deforestation thank you for the two bucks uh grace still plays chicken reginald's thank you for the 10 bucks anonymous nate home tricks uh keratogen tree soup thank you very much everyone you're very kind 10k in like 45 minutes it's [ __ ] insane carebot uh really tree soup thank you very much space burrito thank you as well for but love everything make your tunnel taller no i'd like it that way all right i love that i have to like jump up and down and smack my head repeatedly i'm trying to undo my amnesia me hatred thank you for the 15 bucks brandy first aid um thank you so much everyone cut that tree i'm not doing it at night i'll do it first thing in the morning though uh let me see i'm gonna up the goal again i'm gonna go all the way up to 12. let's see if we can do that and if we reach 12k i'll put the tree back up so i got to try and remember the layout of the tree and we'll we'll reassemble it'll it be an endless loop i was just taking it down putting it back up uh cool in super effective neff uh mary thank miss uh awkward victor first aid me tree uh nixie thank you so much um we gotta wait out a little bit of time i'm gonna make uh in the meantime some iron because i wanna make a sheers get some wool make a bed yeah i'll have to pick up leaves with with shears i guess max wolf little hitch put the tree back up and thanks to the flying box it's not even down yet they're already protesting this is just to prove that humanity will fight over anything um oh my god an anonymous donation there are 1500 jesus you must really want that tree back up no honestly thank you so much for that christ almighty thank you so much praise the lord take some of my teeth money because i have problems with modern churches to new homes and fighting homelessness thank you so much for that you're kind stranger that is [ __ ] huge thank you so much that that is honestly going to make a big difference thank you thank you so much um there's a really cool list as well if you want to go on the website for uh thank miss um there's a little thing it's like a toolkit that you can download it's actually just a pdf that it'll open in your browser but it gives you a breakdown of like what each amount of money can actually do and it's it's really cool it's it's really cool seeing what this money can actually accomplish so thank you so much for everyone for the donations an anonymous donation there thank you very much sorry i'm just waiting out night a little bit um so let me i've got chicken um so i may as well read out some donations that's not what we want we don't want to open that door i think i'll take down some trees behind me as well so that they can stop hiding behind me fiona thank you for the 10 bucks max little hitch uh anonymous thank you again again just blown away by that donation thank you so much spiderman andrea uh anonymous uh where was i uh [Music] panda thank you very much for the 20 bucks i was going to attempt your name but i gave up and panda will do i think uh sugar space snake anonymous donation of 200 bucks there thank you so much thank you very much for that i appreciate it jesus christ oh my god we've reached our 12 000. okay so now i have to put i got to take down the tree in the morning and then rebuild it all right i guess that's my day started will i just leave it or do i actually have to take it down and rebuild it now we didn't even chop it down yet krog neck thank you so much for the 10 bucks anonymous thank you for the 10 lacking thank you for the dollar there as well i i guess i'll raise the goal again that was so fast all right well we'll add on another 2k gang thank you so much for the support that is huge again thank you so much um do i donate via qr i believe the qr does send you to the the donation page yes but you can also just click underneath there's a panel and if you click on the the picture that says thank you it'll take you right there um christ almighty uh cove thank you very much for the 19 bucks uh lacking uh sequin diamond uh blue crusher and mikhail thank you very much you just want me to eat you don't you he's running by my door and i want him to come in when you get to 40k you should take it down again the whole stream is gonna be me destroying a tree and rebuilding it i don't even know how i'm supposed to rebuild it accurately at 14k the maid outfit comes back out i left that in ireland i didn't take it with me i just i didn't think i'd need it yeah i'm so dumb just waiting for morning this will be the last day we've got gotta wait because i need um uh i need a bed and i can get one this morning oh and looks like the sun is rising cheers excellent day sucks thank you for the 10 bucks yeehaw fecked the law thank you very much for the 20 bucks jared thank you for the 10 very very kind thank you i put the sumo suit on anna's going using the sumo suit so i can't borrow the sumo soon um anna's going to be doing a thank my stream as well today and is doing just dance in a sumo suit so that's going to be good i would probably raid her towards the end of my stream and laugh at her as she raises money for charity looking like a sumo wrestler dancing suzy callous happy cisca jared do it for him anonymous bp in brackets not the oil company thank you for the 42 bucks uh taco tacos sam thank you very much everyone um sam thank you very much for the 50 bucks there came after it came across this afternoons of the major tornado i break across some of the u.s states so many people just lost everything so this really felt like a perfect time to give yeah i only i read about that earlier it's [ __ ] devastating man i i don't know it i hope everyone here in the chat and whatnot and everyone you know is okay um it's [ __ ] wild i don't know um but yeah i hope everyone's doing okay uh bye buyee thank you for the 20 bucks and granule thank you very much for the the 20 bucks as well um i don't know what could we do for 14k i think we're okay to move out for now um what are you thinking what could we do for 14k huh see the cracking creepers she's got an egg he must really want to give me that egg if he's willing to burn to death to give it to me oh did the egg oh no the egg didn't disappear right i assume it's the last one i picked up is his one so let's see if there's anything in it nope no okay he died for that i got one more egg okay um we gotta find sheep uh where are my shears we gotta find sheep and we gotta take down that tree where's the sheep there was a sheep like right outside my house yesterday wasn't it and sorry about sniffles and stuff like that i'm still not 100 so i'm just i'm just hanging in there um oh no no no no don't go near it no no no no no step back from that ledge my friend turn around come on you're gonna be okay i'm just gonna cheer you yeah that's right look at me come on yes i talked him down yay and i got enough wool for a bed excellente renovate the house at 14k to be fair the house needs a bit of a renovation all right it's it's pretty [ __ ] bad uh sing-song at 14k i should have brought my guitar down because we've so much downtime when we're in the house uh let's see i'll probably have to go up and get a drink of water anyway so maybe if we downtime um i just don't like breaking out the guitar too much because i know it's probably not for everyone and i don't want to be like well dog go to play the guitar and just start like singing over when someone's just here to like chill out and watch some minecraft and whatnot okay roof is fixed we got enough for a bed uh let's make my bed uh back i need some wood i was about to say i can go cut down that tree i suppose and get the wood from that but it doesn't matter because we have to put it back up once we take it down the tree lives the tree lives look at it where is it where is the tree where is it i said i spawned in and then i went off in a random direction i think i went this way right we crossed this area was it i don't know because i think i went in like a circle didn't i i think i would pass the lava did i i can't believe it that creeper [ __ ] got me all right this isn't spawned in so it can't be this way i can't believe it where is that tree oh there's a portal there this is actually kind of a cool seed there's a lot around the spawn it must be in this area is it but it doesn't look spawned in which way did i go uh exploding creeper tree protector thank you for the two bucks team no trees thank you for the ten bucks f thank you for the five farish meg ally hunter imogen creeper good game bro you just said thank you for the donation we'll put our differences aside for one moment just to thank you uh i don't know where the hell i've gone uh watch thank you for the five bucks very sleepy spoon cinder uh thank you so much and happy birthday to you cinder um oh god team no trees i'm so sorry to hear that i hope you're okay given the circumstances obviously you can't be doing great but i i hope i hope you're managing with you and your family and again thank you for the donation that's very very kind of you grass was greener it sure was um i i don't know i i thought it was this way but it doesn't seem to be spawning in oh wait i do is it just glitching out should it oh okay i'm guessing it's just not spawning in because i didn't go there all right well that's the end of that world i suppose the tree feken lives i think we should build a tree house in the next one and just be way up in the sky um create new world thank you thanks yeah that'll v2 okay done oh god my nose is going um okay all right we're gonna the hustle this time it's gonna be good zoe anonymous thank you very much anonymous as well uh jim pickens is a mob type kittens uh kicker and anonymous again thank you very much for the support thanks all the tanks in the chat how do i donate and there's a banner underneath stream if you want to click on the thank miss image it will take you straight there and there's also a thing in the chat there um mobot uh with a link with the donation so yeah do you play mortal kombat not really i don't mind fighting games but i usually end up just spamming like one move i'm one of those players just because i get a kick out of it whatever the worst move is usually like i was playing um super smash bros and i was just playing as uh wario and i just kept eating people and that's all i was doing and i'd lose every game but it was funny to me anyway probably not for anyone else oh my god that's so so far down jesus okay let's make ourselves a floating tree shall we yeah i'm one of those players yeah that's me i remember playing um one of them at like a an expo and i was just spamming like this ankle kick against my friend and someone in the queue looked so pissed off like just watching you play it's just spamming this like ankle kick over and over again um this is a very unusual spot it's very snowy very large um and there's like sugar cane over there i didn't know they could spawn maybe that's a different biome over there i don't know um dave is in the chat how were you was it you i was playing dave i can't remember who i was playing against i was just spamming one move and they haven't so pissed off [Music] i'm just like hey i'm here to have a good time and this is how i enjoy myself go under the ice it's very safe you guys really want me to die don't you it's impressive in a way creeper the tree saver thank you for the two bucks uh irinium charles and tanya daniel sinis nelly cult member zoe thank you very much everyone for the support none of us donation there as well thank you very much i'm trying to get away from the snow i think this will do yeah this is nice this is good i don't want to live in a snow buy them i don't mind being next to one look at that block up there is that just not spawned in i don't know why the stream only in 160 slash 380p you might want to refresh there's a slight chance it could be on my end but i think the chat would have erupted if i weren't in fully clear crystal clear hd you know try sleeping in the nether it gives you super powers some of you talk to me as if i'm like your younger brother who has never played video games like i don't know what that does if you actually do sleep in the nether but i i trust it's not good the way you're phrasing it um okay i think this is a decent area actually it's it's a lot more open there won't be any dangerous creepers hiding about i suppose i i'm honestly considering a treehouse i don't know you explode seriously you definitely do not explode i guess i'll just have to test it do you really just explode that's so weird like i would have expected like oh you'll start to burn or the bed will catch on fire or something but you just explode that is very interesting all right you know what i'm going to be more of an explorer than a homebody this time uh i'm going to need all this sheep here i don't know what to do i'm overwhelmed by my options this is why i i made two crafting benches yeah that's great i wanted to leave one there like kind of a as a symbol like humanity was here and his land was conquered no i made a mistake all right i made a mistake i'm man enough to admit that when i've realized that my lie won't work uh i'm gonna make myself a pick and i'm gonna get underground i have a bad feeling about this game i think i'm gonna die the bed explodes right so like when you put it down or when you sleep because i was to put down a bed in my um one chunk video but then i i didn't because what the hell is going on here because someone in the comments told me not to there's coal down there this is very weird oh the poor cow he's like i didn't read the patch notes i don't understand i don't think that coal is worth it i'll end up investing a lot of time and i'll probably end up dying somehow um i like to look at that area over there that's where i want to go and if nighttime comes i'll just dig my way underground it's fine when did he lose i got attacked by a creeper from behind i heard this and by then it was already too late i tried to run and jump but no luck uh there's coal up there oh bees again that's a bad sign that's bad i don't want to be near bees i you know what why don't i just kill the sheep i don't know why i'm doing a pacifist run here it goes against everything that i stand for there we go you're next that's right yep you're part of my great plan there we go and now where's your friend over here aha can i make it out oh you die i don't know if i can mix the color of wool i don't know if that'll allow me to make it better now excellent look at this what a great day huh kevin please look they have to die so that i can get a comfy night's sleep you know i'll go to bed it's like we were saying earlier and all the support for the stream you'll all go to bed with a big smile on your face i'm gonna better the big smile on my face too i'm going building up there i think that's the best option just put me way up on a cliff where there's nothing around me this biome is kind of cool like this area i suppose i should say it's just cool that i'm like in in kind of the middle of loads of biomes right let me see what i can do with this land there's not a lot of space up here what do you think should i build on a cliff or go down definitely won't be in convenient way up there you do have a point hmm maybe it'll be too annoying nothing around you but gravity yeah you have a good point i'm going down i'm gonna build over there i really need to get started before nighttime but i have a bed now anyway so it's not the end of the world in fact let me make a wooden axe i usually don't make wooden tools i go collecting stuff but i'll just get a load of um build on the ice does that even work like would it melt i don't know uh tekamek thank you very much for the five bucks jingle bells kevin smells creeper blew him up thank you for the ten bucks grania thank you for the five um magic uh eight of h anonymous banana gobath uh jack ababs thank you very much for the support everyone very much appreciate it we're nearly at our goal which is [ __ ] insane to be honest um thank you very much for all the support it's a bop what a bop yeah i know a miracle genius in the chat here whoever donated that it'd melt if you put down torches and stuff and everyone's trying to get me killed and like the previous world just showed you don't need to try and assist that it's probably just going to happen tree house yeah i think treehouse would be good corey thank you so much for the 35 subs christ almighty as i said all that money that goes to me will go straight into the charity um at some point today i i say that at some point today because sometimes twitch gives it quite late and i don't know why as in like they just won't tell you it's just delayed data so as soon as i know i'll be donating all that um did i just hear something i could have sworn i heard something but i'll be donating all that to the uh campaign as well uh august thank you for the five test subject thank you for the 25 as well you're very kind thank you for all the donations yeah i think treehouse over here in this biome i like to look at that tree like i don't actually it's really ugly but i like that it's off on its own uh see i'm a little bit concerned does anyone know how to grow like a big tree do you plant four together and then bone meal on it or something i don't know and thank you for all the subs as well everyone who subs your um the the cup that goes to me will be going straight to the charity that little bit goes to twitch of course being their system um there's a lot of food here animals here um also it's worth noting noting i should say if you have a twitch prime sub available and you're like hey i want to get rid of this thing it's free you could sub to my channel and i will be donating that money to because as well so it's a good way of getting some free money to the charity if you do want that so if anyone's sitting out there with twitch prime sub and you're like i want to go to bed and feel really good about myself tonight go ahead oh my god go ahead and click that prime sub and watch yourself just beaming go straight to the mirror and watch yourself with that big old smile on your face and say i am a good person go straight to the mirror right now thank you so much for all those everyone um thanks for that as well dave thank you everyone for the prime subs that's all we're going to charity thank you so much with just one or two clicks you just gave money to charity without having to spend a dime so thank you very much everyone um i appreciate it a lot it is huge it's great to have that option just to be like if you have it anyway like i know twitch prime is great for supporting your um favorite streamer or whatnot um but just having that option to for maybe just once off or whenever you can to give it to charity is a really cool um option i feel okay this is my house now you may not like it and i don't either wait wait for it wait and we better go up one more actually because i'm afraid i'll suffocate on my own bed hold on it's very dark hold on hold on hold on hold on give me a moment thank you for all the prime subs everyone you have given free money to charity uh peter thank you very much um or is this yeah i don't know peter pa peter oh yes peter hope you are harming any wildlife or animals right now i love your videos to watch them all the time yours peter is that when uh when i was talking about the sheep and i called them food instead of animals uh right i i can't see a thing but that's okay this is all part of the great plan okay this is what i want the stream to be like from now on okay when we reach your goal of 14 000 you're allowed to see again hold on i just need to find some um some stone i can't see either believe me i just try to find some stone to make a furnace and then okay good this is stone because i can't see and then we'll make a furnace that'll light up the house and i'll be able to make some charcoal i can't see a [ __ ] thing i don't even know what i'm thinking up right now um i know that there's some kabul at least but i think it what is it oh it's granite oh i won't take it for granted but i didn't really want granite come on give me cobble oh there's some okay ah perfect's sake i can't see a thing oh oh danger danger okay sorry everyone i know you can't see i can't either it's just a fun little experiment we're doing right now it's called blindness um okay we have enough to make this at least all right let's continue our minecraft blind speed run is that is this a fall is there a fall there i can't i can't see turn up the brightness no that would be admitting defeat i can do this i nearly have enough look at this oh yes this is all kabul i think yes okay we have four we just need four more oh god i can't believe we're actually doing this so much in my life has led up to this moment and we're actually about to complete the challenge the [ __ ] hell this is actually getting so difficult all right let's build a furnace and put that down and then there yes we can see we did it we did it everyone good job good job everyone uh right rods nice bike creeper better than kevin holy grail uh kitten sneezes leah oh that that didn't last as long as i thought it would there we go uh leah uh tenney bob and bob and steven thank you for the 40 bucks and just saying steven i shouldn't do that my troll is not good enough to be doing that creeper in the corner thank you very much uh stephen hayes thank you for the tip would you like to take a survey of your minecraft experience at shorewood military genius kevin cecil k dog august thank you very much uh mikhail thank you very much as well put down your bed i should shouldn't i we went through a lot of trouble to get this bed and now it's time to enjoy it there uh yeah i can fit that in here yeah i like it cozy i had to warm you baby that is a fire hazard my feet and a blanket are in the furnace all right excellent what a time to be alive huh [Music] let's make a door okay cool cool cool cool awesome um this is dangerous why do i insist on building in the middle of like the worst hazard zones ever just right outside my door and there's a massive fall into this ravine okay at least that that should keep me safe right i should dig a hole all the way around my house so nothing can jump out of me and surprise me that might actually not be a bad idea this is second dangerous as well it's just all around bad isn't it jump no i don't want to die yet uh okay burn these make some torches and now we're off to a pretty good start i think in fact i'd go as far as to say a hundred percent chance we're in the clear here we're not gonna die roderick thank you very much for the donation uh becky thank you so much for jesus christ thank you very much for that becky you're always such a a generous person that that is [ __ ] huge thank you very much and that puts us about 200 away from getting our our overall goal thank you so much becky jesus christ um uh aries thank you very much for the 20 bucks andrew thank you for the 10 jessie's thank you for the 20 dandelion thank you for the 10. thank you so much everyone and becky thank you again yeah after everyone's trying to get kevin to kill himself in minecraft i know right i don't know why everyone has it out for me i think it's because they've heard rumors of me being a military genius and frankly they're um all right i'm gonna take this out and put in the meat take that out too put that in there and i'm gonna make more torches and hopefully this will keep us safe that's the dream anyway let's see if my dream can become reality um i'm extremely threatened by a military genius i think you are lying and that the truth is what izzy said we find your pain entertaining god say um we are protecting you are you though there's frozen pizzas in the cake if you think that would get me to jump into my near certain depth use the water to descend safely you see i'm confident i could use the water or like jump down and survive that i'm just not confident what would happen from there on in um this is a really cool area though but like if we take a look down there look how dangerous that looks why do you want me to go down there all right look we're nearly at the goal if we can reach the goal i will jump down there and we will see what happens i guess that's the goal right now if we reach our 14k goal i will jump down jump it'll be cool you're you're so good at peer pressuring aren't you i should chop down more trees as well um do i have more cobble i don't let me dig up some more cobble yeah god so this is what it looked like down here i had no idea what i was digging into um you're so good at this game you can do it you are a military genius that's the kind of encouragement i need thank you very much i feel like it's not even encouragement it's just you've given up trying to peer pressure and now you're just trying to stroke my ego to get me to go down there it's like this will work uh ash estella thank you very much for the 20 bucks you're very kind amanda thank you very much for the 50 bucks as well kermit chan courtney and nick uh ares rorick thank you so much as well um a military genius would jump well we're almost to our goal so it might end up happening and squishy gerbil thank you for the 20 bucks all right we got a lot of cobble at least i can make some cobble stuff in fact if we're going doing that i i'm definitely going to need like i'm glad i found some coal by the way but i'm definitely gonna need some cobbled stuff like even just swords and an extra pickaxe shovel that kind of thing a cool guy would jump i'm on the way actually like caves that easily i caves to go into a cave uh anchor thank you very much for the 10 bucks i appreciate that a lot uh dude thank you very much as well i'm going to jump thank you for the two bucks mr pips is set up god that is an old reference thank you very much for the donation daisy natalie thank you very much god you must have been around my content for a long time thank you for sticking with me okay we reached 14k let me pick up the rest of this and we're going to go jump in a ravine i i wish i had the campaign goals just listed without context like 14k i will jump in a ravine excellent um i don't know i'd assume they can't spawn there can they okay let me make a box i i don't need a box i wasn't gonna say i'll put my stuff in it but if i die i'm not coming back anyway so it doesn't really matter i will make some tools though oops um all right uh sword okay i i hope i get out of this i don't i don't want to die down there um all right i i guess a shovel okay let's try all right i have all the stuff that i guess i'll need um gang thank you so much for reaching that goal that was insane make a boat and jump into it all right if you want to see me in a boat i have been known to use boats in the most unusual of ways it's like that he's just setting out to sail across the ocean he gets caught in the current and goes down i hope that doesn't kill me i don't know what a boat will do what is that what's that sparkling is that a squid what the [ __ ] all right well now we have to go down um butterfly thank you for the two bucks ravine jumper thank you for the 10 elk yeehaw yeets the kevin phillip royal fox uh it's a glow squid what what's that what's the difference it insta-kills you okay i don't want it i don't know that i don't want to go near that thing i'm molly i'm going to jump anchor thank you very much i'm going to raise it to 15k and hope that we can reach 15k which would be a pretty much a pretty huge um goal it just glows that's all it does ah oh that's not that impressive having said that i can't glow so i can do something i can't oh this is a terrible [ __ ] idea i don't know why i'm doing this all right uh-oh uh oh oh oh oh oh i can't even [ __ ] see where i'm going wrong one um f5 is it oh yeah this is wait is am i even in the boat anymore am i in the boat or not i'm not in the boat i'm not in the boat i'm not in the boat how did i fall out of the boat oh no oh no i can see spider eyes and everything oh jesus christ almighty why did you make me do this oh the glow squid's freaking out he's scared for me he's the only person that cares about me how did i fall out of the boat i don't understand is it because i got submerged and then it just kicks you out terrible idea this is terrible this is bad all right oh iron neat is there any oh my god there's so many skeletons over there i don't know if you can see it but i sure i sure as hell can um let me go up and get that iron oh god oh god oh god all right this is the rest of the stream i hope you like this view i'll light it up for you neat all right let's dig up and try and find that uh an iron ah there it is brilliant oh that's a weird block isn't it it's just iron wow so cool do you like that you like that for you that's awesome iris thank you very much for the 10 bucks anonymous thank you so much for the 20 bucks ron weasley thank you for the 20 as well butterfly thank you for the 250. i hate kevin thank you for the 1.69 and also for the comment now just kidding love you bro thank you very much my ego couldn't have handled that everyone on the internet must like me it's my overall life goal i'm getting there oh just wish these mobs would like me um i think what i might do is try to make some tools while i'm down here in the hopes that i can actually find my way out uh i don't know if i'm ever going to see the surface again but a man can dream doesn't mean it's going to come true but a man can dream okay put that down let's make a furnace and get smelting honestly this is nice with my actual house all right take a drink everyone hydrate have a big bottle of water because this is an extreme thirst i might as well just wait for the whole thing can't you just swim kind of scared i'll get shot out of the waterfall though it's the only thing um uh iris cat thank you very much for the 10 bucks i really appreciate that thank you for supporting oh god why is that bottle so large i should have been drinking from it already i have a glass here as well i don't know i kind of forgot about that and yeah that's just a full bottle of water yeah yeah i realize i can use the water to like go back up um the bottle isn't big kevin is just tiny yes that's my secret um yeah but i'm just worried i'll get shot out of it and then i'll die from the fall or just get shot and die i don't know i've been watching since the second sims vid love your content thank you so much for that um the weather in spain is better than ireland it sure is jesus christ to be fair that's not hard um i'll be going back soon for christmas though and i'm excited to see family and stuff again um anonymous uh thank you so much for the 200 bucks that is very very kind of you thank you so much for that that is very kind jesus we're we're already well on our way to 15k that is pretty amazing thank you everyone uh istra chen newton thank you very much for the 10 each there kel's belts thank you for the 10 as well um and once again anonymous donator whoever you are out there thank you very much i do appreciate it very good deed uh where is he now i'm intervened chat made me jump into a ravine i i don't know it was a combination of doing it for a good cause but also peer pressure um so yeah i jumped way down and i'll take a look out here and see if the skeleton is gone and you can take a look let's see okay all right i'm gonna go this way all right i think there's some down there as well i'm pretty sure there's one down there he's lying he didn't jump he rode in the waterfall i didn't realize you like wanted me to actually just kill myself i thought you meant like just go down people did suggest a boat in my defense um there's nothing really to do down here is the problem there's nothing to do other than fight skeletons and i don't fancy my odds i'm gonna go back up and sleep i think they can get up here the water is wide enough that it's pushing them back so i don't think they can get to me sorry if you can't see don't worry it's mutual uh avenger sdk thank you very much for the 50 bucks oh god oh god i may have spoke too soon no no no no no no no no okay all right we're fine we're fine yep this is what fine is i feel fine um oh god oh jesus come this way buddy go that way go that way yeah see you later i went on that journey myself and let me tell you i don't fancy your odds oh dear oh jesus they're trying to shoot me off okay sleepy time all right oh he's burning alive you'd love to see it well you'd love to hear it ow jesus he's gonna say is he gonna try and come over but he didn't need to he just waited for me to act stupid um didn't light up the house yeah i need to put some torches around and knock down some trees i think i might focus on that let me knock down some trees around the house so that they aren't spawning all around me and then i can throw down some lights too um i'll make some uh iron things as well uh i'll make an iron sword and an iron pick i think there we go he's just [ __ ] standing there just [ __ ] standing there like a menace uh rat boy thank you very much for the five bucks zay thank you very much for the ten bucks um and that that is a lot thank you very much for that donations a test subject thank you very much for the 25 bucks as well uh avenger thank you again for the 50 bucks uh hula ha andreas a cookie pottery three three demon docs um test subject i think i've read your name already but thank you very much for that donation very kind of y'all thank you very much what happens at 15k it's a [ __ ] mystery i don't know what what should happen at 15k uh is this just the regular minecraft it is just the regular minecraft but i'm playing hardcore mode so if i die i'm dead and it's game over um we lose the world is he not coming around to me he's just forgetting i'm here i think i think he's forgetting that i'm here all right how am i supposed to deal with him he just doesn't come over is it because it's oh it's because it's daytime isn't it he won't come out of the shade he's like me we're both as pale as each other all right how am i gonna do this thing is can i even beat him if i run at him i really don't want to run at him and just die you know at 15k kevin should burn the forest down honestly i think that would be a good idea do i have uh flint i doubt i do do i know i was thinking i i would happily burn that tree for effects sake he's camping my spawn what do i just do you won't go away should i do you should make a shield oh that's a good point yes now you're thinking um i can't actually remember how to make it but luckily with this wait oh i just need more planks that's fine there we go all right now we stand a chance okay let's try this uh at 15k kevin should up the goal to 16k that is a pretty wild and ambitious goal i like that right okay now now we're talking yes wait is he going in my house no no not like that no that's not fun i wasn't sure if i left my door open he's just gonna go inside he goes in shuts the door it's my house now all right let's get rid of some trees that's a good idea that is a pretty cool idea that if we reach 15k we raise it to 16k you know what because it's for a good cause yeah we're gonna do that that's gonna be [ __ ] insane louis thank you very much for the five bucks that's very kind here uh mclennan uh irek uh nika anonymous thank you for the donation and another anonymous donation there as well tara carr sue hates kevin penguin fun facts uh penguins live in antarctica because of their war crimes fact thank you very much for the totally legit penguin facts i really appreciate that um you made it back out of the cave yeah and we went up the water again and it actually went okay i got shot once but i didn't fault so it was all it was all good it's pretty wild planned kev i don't know i know all right i know that of raising the goal 16k as a reward for reaching 15k is a pretty wild goal um yeah i don't know how about i'll give you my best elvis impression i am struggling to come up with goals i'm sorry as i said if i wasn't so sick recently i would have had a more structured stream planned out okay good these trees are going away um but i've just been so ill oh it's been a nasty time to be fair um okay get rid of this tree and we're good are you feeling better i am feeling better i'm still not there but i feel a lot better like it was it was bad like to put it in context i was just moving around stairs was winding me um i like just walking was hurting even just showering like the water from the shower was hurting it was like flu flew like proper flu um and then after that within days of not even healing but feeling better from it i got a throat infection and i just couldn't do anything i know i took some uh tests and they all came back negative so it was just the flu but it was the worst flu of my life um it was bad uh save the president thank you for the um uh the donation there i'm confused by the the message uh venti uh sorry carriage is good anonymous johanna louie thank you very much okay this area is getting a lot safer already just not having these trees around my house i did it it took me 30 minutes to set up my twitch prime well look we appreciate it if you're going to use your twitch prime here uh and the money will go straight to the charity anyone the chat if you have a twitch prime sub go ahead and check it now you can just give yourself a little serotonin there by the subbing with twitch prime which will cost you absolutely nothing and the money that goes to me will go to charity so it's a good little way of contributing without having to spend because i understand you may not have the money available or you might want to buy yourself something nice who knows you know but it's a good way to get it thank you very much for the primes everyone silver wing tactical spaghetti nom thank you very much they're all going to the charity so thank you very much uh gravel kenny thank you very much archer and tails thank you for the twin or the two bucks thank you very much uh bambi thank you for the ten bucks the face of dave thank you very much as well very kind of y'all i appreciate it um it it is a wreck matt mendo thank you very much for it the primes as well as i said they're all going to charity so very much appreciate it give yourself an old pat on the back for that one i appreciate it folks thank you crystal uh mian uh endermist thank you for the primes multiple serotonins i know you get multiple serotonins from this it's insane honestly make sure you're sitting down when you use your twitch prime sub because the serotonin boost you're going to get is out of this world they say that it is the most intense experience that you can experience i might be overselling this a bit but it is a good it's a good cause and it's a good deed and you'll feel really nice after it all right i can tell you that much when you come back to spain i'm here i'm in spain and in pain the forgetful sloth uh twin uh skeletons uh wilkie teddy thank you very much i appreciate it wait what was the poll that i missed sorry i was i was trying to convince everyone to use their twitch prime sub come on use it i know there's one of you sitting there that hasn't used it yet come on use it it'll be so fun if you're waiting for a sign this is it use your prime sub i might be selling this a little bit too hard just a little bit all right so far so good this is this is nice i like this area uh should i build a fence of some sort i don't know um will you ever do a meet and greet in the future if things go back to normal then yes uh most likely uh loch ness thank you very much iron man fazril uh emery uh super uh crow carlo uh master super theory uh lunker and dr k pepper nerd with seven birds thank you for the prime subs uh i hope you're enjoying that serotonin it is an amazing experience isn't it can you just say in the chat how cool that was and how many serotonins you just got just just to verify for everyone you know i'm just gonna burn all these to get myself some charcoal um i mainly cut down those trees for protection rather than anything else i do need to kind of expand my house though so i might try and do that oh it's becoming italian already jesus i should make a fence yeah i definitely should all right let's expand even if it's just a little expansion for now just to give myself a little bit of breathing room because right now it's pretty stuffy in there all right oh jesus christ oh sorry i was just remembering the time that i am using my twitch prime sub to give money to charity and it's just good memories you know ah that's that's good it's very good uh i need to light up the area before night time if i can okay not bad i thought oh that's bad all right we got a little bit lit up here now it's and fine those laughing emojis they're all people who also use their twitch prime sub to give to charity they they just sit around all day just go ha ha oh i'm a good person just in pure ecstasy all day thank you for the prime subs everyone as i said they are going directly to charity i mean up your brightness i might up it a little bit it is a little bit dim isn't it much like myself um case in point i cannot find it where where is the options uh video settings sorry um brightness was on moody no wonder i knew i felt a bit moody oh i felt like i just fell down okay get rid of this wall you know what i was saying earlier about open plans well we're about to do one an open plan house boom boom um caroline thank you very much for the three bucks nick thank you for the dollar thompson thank you for the five bucks aries thank you for the 20 ifa thank you very much for the 10 bucks uh taylor uh wet reggie mr skyline regan thank you so much everyone we are almost at our 15k goal um don't forget the dopamine rewards too yeah that's true where it's not all about serotonins it's about the dopamine too um i probably should have got a different material this is going to look awful i i don't really have anything else to build it out of though we'll leave it like this for now and then we'll look to change it when i can can i make a ladder all right and then we'll just have a ladder going down it's as simple as that there no that's not bad i mean it's not good either but it's not bad like i'd give it a solid average i thought that was a massive enderman for a second but it's just a tree my brain overreacted uh alexa and leslie thank you very much for the 70 bucks bring us over a goal of 15k thank you very much i appreciate it uh foxy aiden thank you so much for the donations there as well super super appreciated thank you thank you very much did you notice there that my my thank you that was my elvis impression just did a monotone voice thank you thank you very much and the crowd goes wild simon cowell slaps the golden buzzer i'm through to the next round and the final of that um i want to build a fence i think that would be a good call uh oak ah shite where is it okay like build yeah [ __ ] it give me 21 of them whoa i swear i heard elvis for a second yeah it's pretty accurate i didn't want to spook the chat by just pulling it out of nowhere like that but you know i'm just trying to give you a good time uh there perhaps and then across look at that perfectly calculated the exact number of fences that i needed that's wild now i need a gate um how do i make it i need sticks okay ah okay excellent look at this wait don't look at this hold on wait don't look away hold on no don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look look at this wow now i feel protected wow that just looks awful doesn't it i looked no you didn't all right oh my god we're already at 15 183 holy [ __ ] homicidal phone thank you very much for the 100 christ almighty thank you very much for that i appreciate it architectural genius is it kevin proof yet no until the whole building is wrapped in bubble wrap and foam it's not kevin proved uh crystal fiori thank you very much for the ten bucks i appreciate that a lot thank you ring of fire anonymous skater boy may thorne and nikolai aiden uh foxy thank you very much i appreciate it a lot folks um right i need to kevin proof over here well as much as i can because this step is dangerous why do i insist on doing this to myself like building in the worst possible spots i just don't trust myself you know i i shouldn't be doing this like even building this out it just feels wrong it feels like this could go horribly horribly wrong okay surely i won't end up falling off there it looks awful but it'll protect me i should have grown some stuff shouldn't i i should have um but yeah thank you everyone for the donations i'm going to raise the goal to 16 000 save changes um it looks good kev is the best builder thank you for lying to make me feel better i really appreciate that i'm going to go down we're gonna try and get some kabul and we're gonna improve on this even more it's gonna be the best building you have ever seen not even just a minecraft just just ever ever um what are we donating for we are fundraising with thank miss um there is a lot of information on their site but if you want to briefly concise breakdown of where the money is going uh underneath the stream there's a panel there with the thankfulness logo that you can click on to go donate and it'll give you a brief little summary of what it is um we're raising money for today but it's a very good cause with the goal of ending homelessness so yeah i gotta be careful here i don't want to die oh let me go back to the other page as well um juliet thank you very much for the donation mills thank you as well very kind uh thank you julia for the kind words i hope you're doing all right i hope things are going well for you um let's see oh my god my inventory's full maybe i should make that box thing is i end up doing this a lot in minecraft where i just have stacks of the same thing and i just don't organize them and like i have 32 trees on me like why do i have that i think i'll collect a load of cobble and just make a safety zone around my house that nothing can get in or out of oh this could get me oh this is good i can get flint from these oh very good yeah let's try and get flint i had to check over me just in case you collapse in flint yes it's flint yes oh you know when they say only you can prevent forest fires well you can't prevent this one i'm about to go burn down some trees oh great are some time harrison time bento summer and brandon super thank you very much easy thank you very much for the support let's go burn down a forest together everyone you're all part of this yep we all agreed we would mutually take down this forest together let's get burning and it burns burns burns this fecking forest this feckin forest ah imagine i died by lighting myself on fire oh god that would be hilarious all right sorry buddy where were the bees i'm worried that i'm accidentally going to set the bee tree on fire i don't really want to kill the bees i'm afraid they'll attack me back 100 gonna set the house on fire i disagree i am very competent with fire competent and confident excellent there's no place to hide now evil doers some park ranger comes along and he's just muttering this to himself as he burns down the forest oh no more evil doers here yes this is good burn the trees yep some good old-fashioned garrison you can't beat it honestly you can't oh look at that apple yummy see this was a great idea only nature suffers today and i'm frankly fine with that the poor sheep are we burning trees to get rid of sun cover for mobs oh um yes yes we are we're doing this as a strategic choice thank you for the sub by the way jessica uh strategic choice yes all right i have cleared a lot of area around my house i may as well use out the rest of the blended steel right i think that's enough mainly just because if i need wood at any point i'm gonna have to like walk much further than i would like to if i keep burning um right some more torches i'm gonna drop some down here get the whole place lit up not that it needs it right now but at night it'll be nice and warm uh hawk thank you so much for all the gift subs all that money that is going to me will be going directly to the campaign so thank you very much for that once again if you've got prime drop your prime stop if you go to charity then you can go around to all your friends and family and go hey what'd you get up to today oh me and how much i just donated a charity that's all did you donate to charity today you know you can really get a one up on your loved ones here i'm giving you this opportunity on a silver platter i'm really trying to get those prime subs in today just any angle i can come out in front this stream is pretty lit yeah damn straight look at this the area actually looks kind of nicer after i terrorized it with fire do you agree anonymous thank you very much for the 10 bucks only kevin can prevent forest fires thank you for the uh ten bucks tree kevin burnt down thank you for the 20 bucks zero the puppet thank you so much for the 50 bucks uh it's kids thank you for the 100 bucks thank you very very much for that that's very kind kathy amanda p me warrior woman test subject thank you so much for the support you're very kind those donations are still flooding in thank you so much for the support i very much appreciated it um me to my dog did you donate to charity today that's right kiltem get him to sign up for twitch prime and then to donate his twitch prime sub okay i think i think that's bright enough all around this hole is [ __ ] terrifying it's just a massive ravine isn't it okay i think i'm pretty safe the forest isn't but i am this water is so weird i don't know i i guess is this like glitchy the way it's spawning in like is it just part of the new update and it's a little bit buggy or is that the way it's meant to be and it's just water is chaos now rebuild the forest for 16k jesus i'd be here all night christ almighty andy thank you very much for the 15 bucks uh no that is a huge donation don't be worrying about donating more that is massive every dollar counts honestly it really really adds up i mean look look at what we've done already 16k that's [ __ ] nuts um right oh that's still burning jesus and how can does anyone know how i can build a massive tree like i i swear there was a way of doing it was it planting four together and then using bone meal or what was it i know i i you have all those trees in your inventory i do to be fair uh eggy spice thank you for the 20 bucks worm hunter thank you for the 20 bucks i appreciate it four together okay i'll need bone meal though how am i gonna get a bone meal without fighting like i i want to be a coward just just so we're clear on what we're doing here um i guess could i just plant them normally will that work only dark oak and jungle okay uh that's that's not dark okay oh is this darko no that's just normal oak isn't it um ah wait no is this stair coke no that's just in the shadow oh oh you're the perfect person that i was looking for yes yes i got bones oh that was handy all right also spruce oh does it work with spruce you can do it with spruce okay uh spruce uses the force out okay all right awesome i have spruce i don't have enough i i'm amazed that i don't have enough spruce i thought that i would have loads um let me try and take down a spruce tree or at least the leaves okay there's one and one more come on ah there we go okay i it would be cool if i could have a big tree in the middle here this clearing uh let me try here so that's birch oh [ __ ] bruce says oh yeah yeah yeah you're right here right spruces spruces those isn't it i don't know why i thought that birch was spruce when i pick it up all the time i don't know at least you called me on it before i wasted my bone meal that that's spruce isn't it it's just joining to see everything's on fire seems about right yeah yeah it was a horrible accident um christmas looking trees okay awesome uh coco thank you for the ten bucks case thank you for the ten bucks as well uh dog thanks for the twenty nika uh rely crowless oh gee dog paul amazon prime thank you for the five bucks rosie thank you for the 20. again the donations are still flooding in thank you so much for all the support i very very much appreciate it it's um going to such a good cause so thank you for annie and all donations very very kind hope you're enjoying those serotonins you got for uh donating to a good cause and uh by the way amazon prime thank you for that donation again and that does kind of remind me that if you happen to have twitch prime go ahead and use it because that money will go to charity and then you'll get to brag to all your friends and family that you are a charitable person and it won't even be selfish like because i guilted you into it so it's fine um wait so the the poor sword but like it destroys it faster doesn't it i don't really mind if it destroys it faster is this bruce kevin's forest was tragically grieved we may never know the culprit sad face oh yes it is okay um yeah unfortunately it was briefed i don't know you could argue that it's a single-player world and like how could someone have done it but i'm just i'm too emotional right now to argue after the forest has brought down so i don't want to talk about it uh i'm not getting any spruce here i think it's because i'm not using my oh wait no i was just about to say it's because i'm not using my iron sword and continue to use it but i didn't get to do that because it did in fact drop that's a bit sad the house actually looks like the house looks awful don't get me wrong the house like hey looks got awful it's a piece of [ __ ] look at it but like the area looks so nice over there like the flowers and everything oh it looks lovely i'm ready for jesus yeah that's it that's it at the lorax thank you for the five bucks what the [ __ ] happened to my forest um thank you very much space burrito thank you for that i appreciate it very much dave any good thank you for the donation um crazy idea for you at 16k how about extending it again this time to 17k how crazy would that be i wouldn't have thought of that that's a [ __ ] wild idea but damn it i think we might do that now we might just do that regina character anonymous thank you so much i very much appreciate it um for the support and donations everyone thank you for the um the twitch prime subs as well everybody do i have a boat not that i would trap you or anything enderman i would never do that i'm just an innocent person who wants to build a boat i guess i'll i guess he saw through my tone just left all right fair enough um let's put this down here and let me try to use my bone meal it's weird that it looks like this brown all over the floor but the tree is [ __ ] epic look at it i even brought out the the the f-bomb there that's no fact that's a [ __ ] look at it that is that is a crazy crazy tree jesus christ that is really cool isn't it thank you for all the support the hype train as well all the money that i get from this stream uh will be going straight to the um the charity as well to the cause that is a crazy tree is that like is that normal or is that just an absolute [ __ ] unit of a tree because it it looks like an absolute unit to me we need we need to build on that thing it would be a crime to not build on that tree holy sugar did he just swear i'm sorry i'm sorry they get bigger really holy [ __ ] decorate it for christmas i don't have any lights if i could oh that would be actually kind of cool if i got like redstone and had a circuit that it was going down burn it at 17k you know what just because it'll hurt me to do yeah i will if we reach 17k i'm willing to burn down my prized possession this lovely tree just because i understand there's a lot of people in the chat that love to see me in pain you know i'm not sure thank you for the 20 bucks uh oh that's my lamb sorry soulless thank you for the dollar presonus susan zaysdog anonymous god of serotonin deficiency space burrito thank you very much um oh now you don't want it to burn okay how about this so i'm changing it i'll change the the rules so if we reach 17k your tree gets to live otherwise you get it sent to you in the mail one leaf at a time [Laughter] yeah if we don't reach 17k we're gonna burn down the tree [Laughter] instead of giving you goals i'm giving you threats now that's what you get on my channel when it comes to charity character thank you very much for the 20 bucks uh animosia thank you as well how am i going to build this i like i want a tree house i'm going to make a back door here blackmail yes giving team trees a whole new meaning right this is a very different type of campaign uh let's see ladder sticks okay uh there we go we're going right up that tree we're gonna [ __ ] build so we're very split aren't we honestly that should be the door yeah i don't know why instead of like kevin proofing this area i didn't just build a door at the back but here we are now the back door is the front door and the front door is the back door excellent and put that in there we're gonna go straight up that tree i don't know how i guess i'll just go up here oh that's a door not a ladder sorry i get those confused sometimes sometimes i get to my house and i just start climbing the front door and then i realize i'm just like god it's so silly and i go inside uh we can go up here i guess okay how am i gonna do this how can i build a treehouse again we reached the 16k goal thank you so much everyone there's a poll by the way for what you want to happen either save or burn the tree at 17k that is a [ __ ] unit look at it it's gorgeous having said that i will burn it down in an instant if i have to um can i sleep no it's not quite nice bovee thank you so much for the 35 bucks uh absolute [ __ ] unit of a tree thank you for the 10 bucks treasury tree thank you for character thank you for the 20 as well all right it's nearly a night time so i'm just waiting to sleep i don't want anything to spawn uh 1984 pontiac thank you very much for the kind words that's very kind welcome to the stream i can't see the poll oh god i hope your side wins then because you don't have long to donate you're causing global warming my man yeah my bad oops accidentally destroy the climate yolo uh right let me raise the goal to 17k we don't know what it's for but um i guess we're about to find out with this with this poll let me let me let me see light the christmas tree i'm just not sure how how i can light it i really don't know i'd need redstone wouldn't i it really does look like a christmas tree let's see all right save the tree okay i'll put a timer on it so you're it's oh god we're actually we're not we're not doing too bad to be fair i don't think we need a timer um anime rock chick thank you for the 35 bucks hi mindy thank you for the two connor thank you for the 10. rihanna thank you for the 20 bucks little legs larry thank you for the 10. some mercury thank you for the 10 as well um you can't put torches or lanterns on leaves i yeah i i realized that as well so i'm not sure how we could light it up let's go up there and start making it into a christmas tree a tree house for now anyway let's see 10 minutes you think 10 minutes is reasonable okay yeah i'll take you up on that if that's what you suggest 10 minutes because i i feel like that's quite competitive i think that'll be hard to get to in 10 minutes so you have 10 minutes uh starting wait hold on let me get you're going to get a bit extra because i need to hop in here i'm going to start a timer of 10 minutes i'm going to be working on the tree and if we don't hit the goal i'm going to burn the fecker down chaos chaos all right and the timer is starting oh that's the secret in the gif i literally hit the timer and i heard that noise i was just like uh boo thank you very much for the 20 bucks anonymous thank you for the 50 bucks as well you're very kind um hannah thank you for the two bucks as well i'm very thankful for that um i don't know what the best way to build this treehouse would be i don't have a great history with treehouses because i just kind of wing it and whatever happens happens but a lot of the time it just doesn't turn out too good and i'll try my best to make this look okay so that i can watch it burn no i think i will see we'll see um at least doesn't gain thank you for the 20 bucks save the unit hey imagine if like someone from the campaign like went through the fundraising pages saw ores which is literally called like called thank miss called campaign and it has all these weird messages on it it's just like what the hell happened here um i don't know if i have shears i don't think i do i'll make some shears for the sheer fun of it huh there we go this actually is kind of cool like it's very basic but it it should look like an actual treehouse i think you know that is kind of neat actually like you wouldn't like other than those parents i can i can fix that uh i can get up there and fix it 13 blocks is enough to get up right i'll just see if there's anywhere else i need to go um cara thank you very much tree rights activist thank you as well ferocious ferret uh colonel thank you very much for the five bucks ferocious fair thank you for the 50 by the way that was huge allison anonymous thank you very much i like how uh your your uh message alison was just go tall tree go we're actually raising a lot of money here for this tree this [ __ ] random tree that spawned with random just orangey we got a really nice tree and it ended up raising money for charity becky minecraft thank you for the donation there arson smiley face that looks kind of menacing thank you for the donation potato bear oliver grognek homelessness more like bore ragnarok thank you for the four bucks super trooper anna thank you very much um righty-o that actually looks pretty decent you can see a bit of the wood there i don't know if i should have left it one around but i can i can build onto the side a bit more with three i have left hope for the best see how it looks anything for a pixel tree god i don't even play minecraft but i would give my life for that tree just getting super passionate about it uh kevin best girl thank you for the 35 bucks holy [ __ ] we we actually might save this tree we have how much time left 6 40. and oh my god we're over halfway there i'm impressed by your insistence on saving this tree um megan a carol anonymous tree better than soup uh freddo bug tal chemist thank you very much i appreciate it i actually really like this tree house i think i'm on the side that wants the tree to live now as much as i would kind of still like to burn it down it would be kind of funny like after all this to burn it down but this is actually one of my favorite tree houses that i've ever made and it's not the nicest looking or the fanciest i've made cooler ones but i think it's just because the tree is so cool and that it looks so normal like it looks so natural because normally i have to add on a load of leaves to make it look right but this tree just looked epic from the get-go i might get rid of the top ladders burn the forest save the other trees god mulberry blues uh save the tree and natalie susan thank you very much for the support and saving the tree at the same time kelly old thank you very much um hey gamer love welcome to the stream uh this is the tree we worship no other context is given sorry you're just gonna have to fill in the blanks i'm afraid uh right that is the ravine i'd like to get um rid of this dirt and make it so it's like a nice little area here nice and open you know is it possible to use the darker wood for the ladders good question i don't know does anyone in the chat know i don't think you can but i'm not actually sure because if you could it would be really nice to get like one that blends in even though i don't really mind the contrast it's just it would be kind of a cool look you can't oh that's a shame because you can do it with so many other things like the fences and trap doors just all that kind of stuff you can usually make out of different woods uh is eating bruce the spruce an option you've named it oh now it's gonna hurt even more if i have to burn the thing down uh oh dave is a good point there you could use a vines to to go up and down it that would look pretty sick as well uh this area is nice let's see can i make i could make more fence i think i will i don't mean to cause offense but i'm going to make a fence let's just make all that into that uh let's see spruce oak come on circle through circle through let's go yep uh i might need more sticks and now let's see how much i can make that's more like it yeah that should do god my inventory's a mess it is an absolute mess but that's fine okay let's make a fenced chicken thank you for the 10 bucks team trees could never a tree with a wife and kids let's just say please save me uh dragon save the tree burn the planet brandon salem burn the tree and ill i'll become homeless out of spite t it's a mercury 10x the tree i a uh boscia trash bunk i'm nothing if not a climate activist rain bird noel elena kelly oh thanks very much bermudez bruce the spruce just saying save me thank you very much everyone you've three minutes i think you're gonna pull it off i think you have managed to save bruce the spruce i i am impressed like you raised don't get me wrong you raised a thousand dollars in the past seven minutes for an amazing charity but you also raised a thousand dollars to save this tree which is pretty hilarious bruce the spruce thank you for the dollar just saying save me please you're begging for your life all in the name of charity we appreciate it see get this down um nothing to do with donations but i love soup thanks are you trying to get me to say that from my perspective is that it with two minutes left on the clock and you reach the goal everyone you saved the tree bruce the spruce has been saved but i am not a man of my word and i'm going to [ __ ] burn it down anyway because i don't know i'm not going to do that imagine that's how i got canceled after all these years on the internet [Laughter] now i just sit back and watch the chat panic because it's on a delay oh yes just soak that in soak in the anger well seriously everyone thank you so much for the donations at tree god zero the puppet carry-ish 20k soup eating stream campaign thank you for the donation just kelly bruce's guardian um anonymous donation there tree god thank you so much everyone you're amazing thank you so much money raised to give you an idea of what we're looking at from the rest of the stream uh let me take a look on my dashboard so i can give you a rough idea of what we're looking at here um is it available here that's a lot of subscriptions thank you everyone for all the twitch prime subs and just subbing in general and at the bits everything it's all going to go for um the charity to a great cause so oh it is looking like about two grand at the moment from um all the extra income and twelve hundred dollars of that was from prime subs so just to put that in perspective all those prime subs just super they really really add up so honestly if you got your prime sub feel free to to donate it right now you can give it to the stream and i will be giving all that money to charity we might be able to reach the 20k mark overall which is just affected nuts thank you so much for all the support there's also uh 443 dollars in paid subs uh 330 in gifted subs a hundred and seventy seven dollars from cheering um and we got a lot more prime subs coming in there as well so thank you so much everyone thank you very very much um i wish i could donate don't worry about it if you can't donate right now for any reason at all do not worry about it just by being here you've helped so i appreciate it and just you know having good vibes and everything very very kind um but yeah we've raised a hell of a lot of money today so i i appreciate it and look what you get for it this lovely tree oh look at that even the sun like setting behind it the sun does not set on your life today bruce because all these people saved here it's pretty crazy like if i bring up the campaign um so let me let me take a look at this so as i said earlier there's a cost chart um so for example [Music] here i'm gonna the nearest map to a thousand dollars is 800 and it supplies clean water to a family's new home so do it doing that extra little bit at the end there and just even almost this kind of meme where we don't burn down the tree and it's all like oh we gotta save the tree you can also have like a real world impact like that so it's it's honestly just been a super cool experience um so thank you everyone for for all the support today i think i will finish up on minecraft uh here for now i'll have a little bit of a a sleep um wake up and we might we might continue on this world on stream if you're if you're interested in it um let me let me swap over to my my big camera get ready for this there we go that's not the starting soon screen anymore it's gone god my hair is a mess i just feel like so messy the past few weeks just from being sick you know you just feel run down um uh mr beast thank you for the dollar i appreciate it anonymous thank you for the 10 bucks bruce the spruce thank you very much for that i have roof rot please do the needle ron weasley thank you for the donation spud alyssa tree god zero um carrie thank you very much um all right i think we're going to um look to finish up there folks uh i gotta be honest my throat feels awful so i had a feeling this this wouldn't be a super long stream i was trying to get two hours minimum in um i'm delighted we got to actually do it because i really didn't think it was going to happen like three days ago i i was like uh honestly going to message
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 146,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: q5FumG8UWHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 10sec (8470 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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