Minecraft Story Mode 4 (Funny Animation)

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Previously on game of the year..... Jesse met some ginger goon, he made the Formidi-Bomb, which destroyed the Witherstorm, but plot twist: Just kidding. Witherstorms: RAURUHRUHRUHREYP If ya wanna skip dihs stoopid SHET, go to 1:36. if ya wanna skip dihs stoopid shet go to 1:36 Jesse: This is bullsh*t! Could've just stayed at home and had 20 w*nks and the outcome would've been exactly the same! >:( (Minus the Semen on my belly and me waddling to the bathroom, of course) GwaS (Guy with a Sword): Where am i? What's going on? What is all this? O^O Jesse: Yeah, standing there asking these questions at this moment in time not a good idea. GwaS: Who am i? Jesse: Look, we get it! You've got amnesia! GwaS: Who are you? Jesse: Please stop talking... Axel: JUSUYYY OOOOUUUUUULLLLG SUYV MUYYYYYYY Jesse: C'mon. Quick. We MIGHT be able to sneak past Axel and he MIGHT die. Axel: JESSE! Jesse: GOD DAMNIT. Axel: And, Guy with a Sword? GwaS: Who's Guy with a Sword? Jesse: We get it! Amnesia! Witherstorm: GEEBUGEEBUGEEBUGEEBUGEEBUGEEBUGOOEY Jesse: Ooookay that's not good! *kicks Axel* Axel: BROOOAAAAAAUUUUURGH *panting* Olivia: Jesse you made it! Lukas: And, Guy with a Sword? GwaS: Who's... Guy with a Sword? Angry boi: WE GET IT YOU HAVE FOCKING AMNEEJUH Witherstorm: FUWUWUWUWUWUWUWUWUWUWUW Jesse: Ah sh*t. Run mate teds! Woah! Olivia: ENDERMAN! Jesse: Please not in the face! Not the face! Um... Is my face not good enough for you!? Is THAT it!? Ginger Beard: Why are they all running towards it? Jesse: National suicide day? PLEASE tell me you're participating. Lukas: Jesse! They're falling behind! Axel: BROOOUUUURRRGGGGHHH Petra: Uuuuuuuuuuugh Jesse: Let's build a portal real quick! Olivia: We don't have the materials for it! Jesse: What do mean!? Where'd All your materials go!? Olivia: Uuuuuum... Enderman: *weird laughing* Jesse: WHY. Olivia: He let me touch the booty in exchange! DAONT JAJ MEY Jesse: Okay, fine! Let's build a minecart! Lukas: Nooo we can't do that either. Olivia: How about these convenient horses? *Wow! Free convenient Horses! *White horse for Main character/ good guys only!** Jesse: You mean "what's the point of having CHOICES in this game if they all lead to the same thing?". Lukas: Alright, I'll take Guy with a Sword. GwaS: Who's Guy with a Sword? AAAAAUUUUURRGGGHH Petra: JESSE COME GET ME! Jesse: Of course i'd be left with AIDS lady over here. Now hold on, this could be a bumpy ride! Petra: AHAAAUURGH! AUUUUUUURGH! AHAAUUuUUUUH! Jesse: Whatever you do, don't look at Petra's arm! Axel: BRAAAAAAAAAH! I looked! Zombie: I don't wanna die! Jesse: DAI U LEDL SHIRT! Petra: Was that a baby zombie riding a chicken? Jesse: I wanna say yes, but the same time, i really DON'T? Petra: Jesse jump! Jesse: Can you not with the back-seat riding? Petra: *noises of pain and stuff* R U TRAIYEENG 2 LUMP ME AHF JASEY!?!?!? Jesse: That was the plan. Yeah. Ah, bullocks! The bridge is out! >:( UGH! o0o Witherstorm: BUAUAUAULAK!!!!! Olivia: They're attacking the Witherstorm! Do you see my attraction now? Jesse: WHY are the endermen attacking the Witherstorm? Ginger Beard: 'cause they move blocks! It's what they do! :D Jesse: Yeah, well i move knives around in the kitchen but didn't see me stabbing someone's tits off. Olivia: Let's build a bridge! Jesse: Build a br- Lukas: We did it! \(^o^)/ Jesse: Woah woah woah woah! Now before we proceed, this raises several questions. We could've done this whenever we wanted to, right!? This would've solved like a million dilemmas in the previous episodes! Even Guy with a Sword is amazed! GwaS: Who's Guy with a Sword? Jesse: Oh shut the f- (suddenly cave) Petra: *noise of being drunk out of your PINGAS* Jesse: Well, would you look at that. We all made it out alive. That's... great news. Great news. Lukas: Well, Mr. Boom Boom died. Jesse: Oh yeah. Cuz now we're stuck with Ms. Bores-alot over there. Ms. Bores-alot: That's so rude! >:( (He DID say he chose "sarcastic *sshole on the character selection.) Jesse: I honestly forgot you were in the game. GwaS: WAAAAH! Who are you people!? Ginger Beard: Don't you recognize me? You used to ridicule me everyday. And roast me on the Facebooks. Jesse: To be fair, who doesn't? GwaS: You're the dude with the accent. Jesse: Well, technically we all have accents here so that's kind of racist in a way? GwaS: Tell me what's going on! Jesse: Look, just hide in that corner and do nothing. GwaS: Ugh... confused... Ginger Beard: Why, oh, why didn't the bomb kill the Witherstorm? You are the worst protagonist I've ever seen! D:< Jesse: Hey! It was YOUR formidi-bomb thing which was shit! And you call yourself an arms dealer... So, is that control block thingy controlling all three of those weird dragon... spooky things? Ginger Beard: Whyyyyyy are you asking meeeeeeee???? Jesse: Y r u toking like dat Ginger Beard: Because KOOOOOOOKYYYYYYYY! :D Jesse: Are you gonna answer my question or not!? Ginger: Am i expected to know everything in this ENTIRE UNIVERSE!?!? GwaS: Is he always like this? Jesse: SHUTUPANDGETBACKINTHECORNER GwaS: Huuuuuugh! BUT WAIT! I really like your jacket! Jesse: What'd i just say!? CORNER. NOW. Lukas: Ya like my jacket? :D GwaS: Where'd ya get it from? Lukas: Top Men. GwaS: Ew! I take back what i said! Pretty sure i saw a bunch of hipster bully kids wearing the same jackets. Lukas: M Y F R I E N D S I'M GONNA GO FIND THEM AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME! Jesse: Sounds good, man. Good luck. Lukas: I mean it....I'm gonna go.... Jesse: Go on, then. Lukas: Uh....OK. I'm brave! (Lukas dies) (Jesse think about the safety of his friend) Jesse: He'll be fine. Petra: So how am I looking? Jesse: I've never laid my eyes on something more repulsive. Petra: That's so embarrassing......I'll just stay here for a little while then. Jesse: YESSSS! Dats two companions down now. Jesse: How're you guys doin? Olivia: ENDERMAN Axel: My body weight is slightly above average due to my overeating habit. Jesse: So da usual then. Jesse: Where's that clarinet coming from? (It's definitely SpongeBob) (Darn it) Soren: H-Ha! Again! AGAIN! Jesse: WAT R U DOIN? This is no time for a late-night picnic. Actually... (Jesse pretends to eat Ginger Beard and Squiddy's picnic) Squidward: Look guys, the cloud(s) find Axel attractive. Jesse: I guess there's a first thing for everything. Ivor: So wherever he goes it'll follow. Jesse: Yeah....So if we sacrifice Axel.... Ivor: Look, the Wither Storms are invincible, so.....Ima go back to playing my clarinet now. Jesse: Well, I mean the Ender attacked it, sooo.... Soren/Ginger Beard: Yes! We can gather an enderman army! Squidward: Screw the army part. I've got a failsafe for the command block. Jesse: Oh-Now you tell us. Excellent. Wither could thingy: BLAHBULMBUMBUMBUM Jesse: another boss is here Jesse: Okay, so, we'll go on a pilgrimage to find this failsafe. Axel, you run to Soren's fortress. Axel: Anything for you, Honey Bunches of Oat. (Wait, what?) Hey Jesse, let's do our handshake again, just once more for the road. Jesse: Let's not do that, I mean look what's goin on right now. Axel: DEN FINE I WON GUH TO DA FORTRESS Jesse: Jesus Christ, fine. (Jesse and Axel do their "handshake") Jesse: UH OK THAT THING IS GETIN REALLY CLOSE NOW BYEAXELHOPEYOUDON'TDIE (Well I kinda hope you do, but at the same time I don't.) Axel: Farewell, my love. (Top 10 Anime Couples) K Ima done bye.
Channel: SmashBits Animations
Views: 5,301,842
Rating: 4.8466134 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft story mode, story mode, storymode, minecraft storymode
Id: aouCZewjQoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2017
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