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hello guys and welcome back to the crazy minecraft video where today I'm gonna be showing you guys something really cool now mark my friend zombie has gone in and invites us to his awesome house in the woods where I'm not really sure he wants us to do hello mark my friend lead zombie what's going on today why have you brought me to your house in the woods is there something wrong hello Naveed thank you for visiting me at such a short notice I recently paid a lot of money to travel to outer space wait you've been to space mark that is insane can I come with you one day that'd be really cool what a star was there I took some fragments I didn't realize though that they were magical and they spawn planets I think we should see what they do and hopefully we can use them mark we marked my friend zombie you're telling me you went to the planets and you took some fragments and now you can spawn planets you were the coolest zombie ever well let's go see what Mark is talking about he's left us a rocket also a moon and Earth mark what is this you didn't tell me you have such crazy stuff around here that is so cool okay let me go outside and let me go and test out with this crazy rocket you can do I'm gonna put it right she was right in front of the door there we go okay a little bit scared I really want to see what it does though there we go wait mark mark we were going into outer space are you coming with us mark this is gonna be so cool I can't wait to go and see what Mike really has in store for us today how far up do we go mark mark I'm a little bit scared you're starting to disappear now you look like a little ant on the map this is so cool huh well if you ever want to know what it looks like to beaten out of space I guess we're gonna find out today hmm I wonder if we actually do go to outer space but I want to get out so there we go Mike this is so cool I can't believe what we've done today we've already been into a spaceship towers insane but next up we do have the crazy items that mark has left us these awesome fragments the first one is the moon wait a second this is the moon mark I thought this was gonna be like a crazy house can we like it born a house from this be really cool if you can you guys ready for this here we go I'm just gonna get off it there we go and I'm gonna right-click it three two one what would wait a second are we inside the moon mark have you been inside the moon before wait a minute it's order giant moon that is so cool okay let me go inside and let me see we can actually do something in here mark mark have you seen this crazy item this looks so cool I can't believe what it's done wow these look amazing Naveed yep they really do I can't wait to actually go ahead and actually make this a wonderful home maybe this can be Mark's house and this one over here can be my house let me go say game-mode one because I do want to go and actually put some furniture inside hmmm what should we put inside I might meet this a lovely home and let me get out the bed good and then we gonna put two beds inside one for me and one for mark good and good and then we do need some awesome furniture so I might go ahead and actually make some crazy stuff right now I'm definitely gonna get a doorbell we need a doorbell and I'm gonna make everything pretty much gray I think that'd be really cool so we need a lamp we do need some sort of cabinets and we do definitely need a bin a stone store good hmm this is definitely gonna be the perfect house we've ever lived in okay first up is the doorbell you guys will leave there we go hello can we food there we go good and another one over here perfect one over here perfect and another one there perfect hmm I don't actually go ahead and actually leave that leave this I'm gonna put a budge table right around here good and good and then put a lamp right there perfect and another one right there perfect this is really looking awesome and I do want to go and actually put some tables around here one two three and then also some awesome stone chairs one two three nice this is looking great now I do want to go ahead actually get off some TVs so where is this crazy TV mark have you seen the TVs around here ah here it is and what else should we get out I'm gonna get out a mirror also what else what else it's so hard to make a choice everything looks so awesome I'm also gonna get out an electric fence and don't forget the bin okay I'm gonna put the bin right around here there we go and then the TV right in the middle good wait it's villager news villager news I bet use about something insane man discovers circle in Minecraft it's always show in the same programs and I do want to put a mirror right around there awesome hey one side the mirror mark look we're inside the mirror that is so cool and we can never forget the electric fan good good good good and come on one on top can we put this one on top there we go and perfect ah what a wonderful place now we got to do is close this front door and we're good mark I do want to go ahead and actually spawn the next one so how do we do this let me get rid of these crazy items good good good and good because I do want to go ahead and actually spawn at this awesome planet you guys ready here we go three two one the earth wait a second this is planet Earth this is so cool can we invite this one as well we can guys look we can write a planet I'll be stuck was talked about let's go around here keep going whoa can you guys see the aliens that is so crazy I'm not sure what to do but let's get off it and let's go ahead and spawn this crazy planet three two one planet Earth yes it spawned into an awesome house this is so cool wow this looks pretty good but I do think the other moon house is actually way way way way way bigger this is a crazy this is definitely not to scale well I think it's now time to go ahead and make this a wonderful home there's gonna be out some more beds there we go some more beds good every single house always needs a bed like why would I never need a bed I'm gonna get out the grand chairs what you're gonna put in every single corner of the house some awesome candles a fire pit outside with a trampoline oh don't forget the trampoline come on good and we put the cruncher there the grants are there I'm some candles right by the chairs good and a fire pit right around here perfect this is gonna be crazy and we can never forget the trampoline every house needs a trampoline this so cool yes keep going good Wow we're jumping higher every single time I wonder if we just stay on it we actually reach the moon forget about the rocket we don't leave it anymore okay let's get off it and it's perfect and let's get her some more items I'm gonna get out we do need some like green color stuff so the jungle hedge what else do we need I'm gonna get out of birch tables with the birch chairs a computer with hmm oh the mailbox good and then some chopped logs just for outside so put this there good just gonna like check this around up here good keep going nice so if we ever want to make another fire we can and the mailbox and put it right around here then also this perfect and what else do we need I'm gonna put the budget April right inside I think it's gonna be great I might put it where should I put it huh there's not much space in here this is insane actually I'm gonna get out of the ladder so let's get out the ladder good we're gonna go right to the roof this is gonna be awesome up we go and perfect this is so cool and we can put the table right in the middle how cool is that okay chairs around the side good and perfect and then what else I might put a table right around here basically like a computer global that'll be really cool and then let's put a chair around here come on good and perfect we're on the computer my BAE what can we buy skeleton skull shadows a spawner cool we can buy so much cool stuff and bye bye bye bye bye bye bye ah that's basically me with my crazy credit card and what else should we do inside the house it looks a little bit empty so let me check all these in good and let me get out can I get out of bike that'd be really cool a red bike a blue one and also a brown one nice and then from the house medikit out stereo but you want to put right over here good and then a sofa I think it's so food just be a great addition one and two and three and four and then let's get out green to cactus greens and then also blue dye the light blue and now all we've got to do is just dye these one and two and then three and four colors this is awesome okay let me check these bikes outside and I think we're done so we do one here one here and then one there perfect of colors well guys thanks so much watching don't forget a comment down below which one's your favorite house I think mark really loves these these are so cool mark do you really love them wow these look amazing you've said that already mark well guys thanks so much for watching don't forget to comment down below which one is your favorite house the moon house or the earth house I think Mars gonna choose the earth house because he's basically earth colors I might choose Mars Mars is definitely my favorite house I'm joking well guys thanks so much watching comment down below which one is your favorite house like and subscribe and also press the notifications bell so guys peace out
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 1,389,858
Rating: 4.6693625 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, earth, moon, house, mod, mods, minecraft earth, minecraft earth mod, earth mod, earth minecraft, minecraft moon, moon minecraft, moon house, moon house minecraft, minecraft mod, mod minecraft, minecraft mods, mods minecraft, minecraft house vs house
Id: tAhy7FtBB6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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