Build To Survive POMNI.EXE in Minecraft!

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and our house is finally completed uh Jamesy I'm not going to lie but it looks kind of ugly oh don't be so negative Gracie this house perfect after our last one burned down we needed to make this one look extra cool and it's got everything that we need I missed the old one well next time don't try and bake 20 cakes in the oven at the same time Jamesy crazy I have terrible news let me in this house don't forget to take your shoes off jeez we just built it okay what's the terrible news ratha is super jealous of Ry because she has a crush on you Jamesy she's going to come here soon to kill Gracie wait pomy from The Amazing digital circus has a crush on me yep and if you don't build something to protect Gracie she's going to die oh no Gracie you're going to die I'm scared it's okay Gracie I'll work together with you to build a secure house to protect you from party.exe do you want to help us I'll help you before pomy goes on her framp page okay come on Gracie first we need to make this into a secure house okay so I think we should just make a Gracie theme cuz this basically going to be a prison for now on for you a prison I don't want to be in prison no I don't want to explode this ho out with the old and in with the new we're going to build something way better there we go all right Gracie I think that we should build the inside of your house out of a pink block otherwise you're going to hate it in there okay let me see what the best Pink block is about about P concrete wait I was already doing that oh but guys I don't think this is strong enough we need something maybe reinforced wait is pomy that strong wait a second I have an idea there's such thing as reinforc pink conrete I mean look at it it's like pink but a little bit darker Gracie try and blow this up and see what happens are you sure I don't want to break everything you just buil no no no trust me guys we first pink concrete is really strong let's see how much damage it does and it did nothing apart from the ground over here wa it only hurt the ground Yep this should keep you really secure from P that's crazy wait does this mean I can also use reinforced pink wool and it won't explode either yep that's exactly what it means but let's just stick with the concrete for now because we need to build your little room this is going to be where you stay keep safe wo wo wo you guys are going to trap me in a room are you serious at least give me some reinforced Windows do you think this is big enough you know what I'm going to make a biger Gracie we're going to need to put enough stuff inside there otherwise you're going to have nothing to do while pomy tries to hit your head off yeah and I also need a toilet and a shower okay I'm making it bigger and there we go gra this is a really nice big room for you okay you can do the windows again and now me and rager is going to try and decorate this place so to start with I think we need to put in some beds for graci yeah she's probably going to be in here a while so she might want to Red make sure it's a queen-sized bed cuz I'm a queen okay which direction is she coming from Raga well the digital circus portal is right over there look at that portal it's so scary so wait when is she attacking she's going to be here in like 20 minutes to chop Gracie's head off 20 minutes that's still a lot of time come on we need to finish this house Gracie she's going be here really fast we need to defend you as soon as possible are you serious but don't worry I'm making you a really good bed right now it's not really queensized I mean I'm really tall don't you know that's good right I put some stools at the end so you can lie down and someone can sit here and read a book to you although no one's ever going to see you again cuz you'll be locked here for the rest of your life and then I think we need to put in a headboard Gracie so I'm going to get rid of this glass okay but it has to be reinforced don't worry I put in reinforced concrete right there isn't that really good oh wait you know what I want I want some curtains so I can have some privacy like this oh okay can you guys turn off your symmetry run while we're decorating the inside here we go here we go over here so don't worry guys we're going to make sure that this house is really secure by adding some traps later on but for now we need to finish this room so I think I'm going to put in some TVs for gra hey be yes it has to be a really big one cuz I like to watch CoCo melon Coco melon oh wait and Grace you're going to need a toilet who knows how long you'll be in here oh I don't poop don't you know girls don't poop oh really H interesting it's kind of like that in the circus too cuz you know we're all digital you guys don't eat right no we don't need to eat that so sad I means you can't eat my cake and stuff I'm really good at cooking all right graey what do you think of this TV that's pretty good and it it kind of doubles as a monitor as well maybe I can play games on here wait that's a good idea let's put down a chair as well so you can watch movies on it and play video games and then when you get to bed you can just move the chair out the way and Bish bash BOS Bobs your uncle right you now I got a monitor on the side even better I'm going to get rid of that cuz it's blocking the TV stupid oh you're holding the table you're so strong Jamesy oh yeah I know it's not that heavy I'm going to put the PC down to the side like that and we can just hook it up with some cables and then I'm going to get a mouse and a keyboard I'm just putting the curtains in front of my bed still like this it's like so cute doesn't it yeah it's really coming together all right time to put down the keyboard right there and then we put down the mouse pad right there and I'll put the mouse on the left cuz Gracie's crazy there we go do you like that Gracie yeah I love the RGB wo wo wo wo wo I want it to turn to pink I want it turn to pink there we go okay that was so cool we now need to build your shower cuz you're going to be here for a long time so I'm going to build the shower in this corner Jamesy I'm surprised you know what showers are cuz you've never taken one before yes I have what are you talking about sounds like C all right I'm going to get a shower ahead we'll do a modern shower cuz Gracie is a modern lady and I'll put some curtains over the windows so you can have a little more privacy thank you guys I love it yeah we can't have anybody peeking through I can just close the curtains like this when I'm sharing and nobody will be able to see well you're not going to see how much of these windows graci cuz we're going to add a ton of layers of security that's probably going to block your view anyway but you'll be to see if you're about to die by Pony though what I don't want to see that oh no maybe I should wear a blindfold or something here I'm putting one on right now okay okay all right I think this is the good for now on the interior here we can decorate more later on next I want to add a roof to the room roof oh yeah what if hary came from above that would be bad yeah we don't want that but guys how about we put an entrance to this room as well so that we can get in and out when needed but it would have to be really secret so pomy can't find it let's put it in the roof so we can drop down okay I'll make a ladder so that you guys can get back up as well how about instead of a ladder we do a secret clamber device look watch this and we'll make it out of reinforced things like this and you see how this looks like a wall I mean isn't it just a W it looks exactly wait huh I'm inside of it and I can go up it like a ladder without creative mode that's crazy because it is a ladder and you can't tell from the outside which makes it perfect we just have to hope that pomy doesn't figure it out that's so cool I think maybe we should make a little room on top to cover it up too yeah don't worry we're going to put a ton more security so I think what we should do now is have a way to get to this room but only a way that me and Gracie and rager can get here we use a keypad door to enter I've got a good idea and it involves keypad doors don't you worry we're going to make a tunnel going this way hovering over the base you want to help me rone Gracie okay wait I think she's using the house already Grace help us oh why you going to die to pony.exe wait she's showering right now sorry guys I was just singing in the shower don't worry I'm coming back let me just turn the water off and there we go we made a little tunnel you see the hallway is right here so what we're going to do now is we're going to in some security questions wait the questions that only you guys could answer exactly pommy shouldn't be able to get P these cuz she doesn't know you very well Gracie all right you have to tell the answers to rega as well yeah don't worry we will we're going to have three different questions in this tunnel okay wait ra you wouldn't tell the answers to Palm you right I know you guys are friends oh of course not we may be friends but I think she's going too far this time all right thank you Reger all right there we go we've got the three doorways in now let's add in some keypad doors we'll do the last one first okay okay so let's get out of keypad door and place it right here now what should we put in the question ask wait maybe we could do something like what's my age only you guys would know that oh yeah what a good question I make it harder know what year was Gracie born in and guys Gracie is really old so how about you guys comment down below what year you think Gracie was born in I'll give you a clue it's between the year 2000 and the the year 2010 3 2 1 did you guys comment it yet and anyone who said 2004 would be wrong because it's 2005 baited jamy I'm not that old are you calling me an old lady you are an old lady all right guys what's the next question then you have to make the next door come through grae why you out there I didn't want to break the door you don't have to break it it's a key pad door Gracie you can just put the key in h well what's the next question it's got to be another number right yeah um the question should be oh oh oh what year did Gracie and Jamesy start dating a I don't know oh wait uh what was it again Gracie you're such a bad girlfriend the answer is 2022 wow that was a long time ago wasn't it Gracie that was way too long ago we should ask them how many subscribers we have Comey would never know that she hates our Channel true can you believe it Grazy we still haven't hit 500,000 subscribers if everyone watching right now subscribe we'd probably take past dream and not to mention if they subscribe right now if pomy checked the channel she wouldn't be able to get the right answer because it would keep going up crazy all right the real answer though is 455,000 wo that's such a big number all right put that in so it's 45500 awesome do you put the question in Gracie I'll do it how many Subs does Jamesy have question mark all right guys that's the end of our question tunnel to keep graci's house secure but I'm still worried that py might be able to answer these correctly so don't worry I have another security method planned I'm going to put down my symmetry one down here wait a second Jamesy are you making another room yep we're going to make another room now which is going to keep you secure which blocked off this room so we're going to build ourselves a little circular room like this I don't think this is very circular let me help make it more circular there we go that's better that's better it looks like an octagon well we're trying our best you can't really do circles in Minecraft so all right there we go and perfect and then take off the simetry one cuz it's just going to break things now and then we're filling the roof remember guys we're building this out of reinforced pink concrete so pom me.exe should not be able to get through but we still need to make sure that me and Gracie can get in otherwise I will never to see her again and we'll starve to death yeah I don't want to get stuck inside here you guys better make a way for me to get out after pom's taken care of too wait guys I have bad news wait what is it Raga I just got a message that pne's going to be here in 12 minutes wait what oh no come on come inside come inside F come on all right what are we going to do in this Tower we're going to make a parkour room oh okay I don't think pom's that great at parkour so they should give her a tough time and you know what I'm actually going to make it deeper cuz I don't think this is deep enough am I right guys I don't think this is enough parkour space Oh you're right I mean we don't want to hit our heads while we're jumping either that would be dangerous all right I'm going to bring it down and then we can have the entrance to this tunnel be underground making this way more secure P's going to have no idea if she's got no brains she'll never be able to figure this out all right this is looking a lot better already Jamesy yeah I'm going to do the walls uh someone start doing the parkour jumps it has to be really difficult parkour guys but not too difficult otherwise Grazy won't we have to get in and out true but where should I start it from uh just the bottom here okay just somewhere at the bottom okay I'm going to start and I'm going to also make it out of glass cuz I feel like that's hard to see what if pomy have bad eyesight cuz she's been looking at the computer devices for too long wait that's true she's stuck in a VR headset and Gracie I noticed you're making this out of reinforced glass as well I know we're just going to make sure it's super duper strong oh no I missed that one let's not make it a and to make it even harder I'm going to do some ladder jobs those are so tricky are they y he lad jumps who Jamesy you're feeling really adventurous I'm always feeling adventurous oh goodness I think we need to make it a little bit longer so it's easier for me to reach it no no no don't need to make it that hard ra there we go that's fine okay we go it's going up even further and we'll make it go all the way up to there right yeah there we go and what do you think of this raer for is that good jump oh yeah I think that works but wait you have to make it at least one more block higher right to get up to the platform no this last jump is really hard we want make sure that py can't do it but it's still possible look really and Boop there we go see I need to make sure I practice this otherwise I won't be able to do it yep it's really easy just go on the far right corner then just jump it's not that far it's only two blocks see easy I think I'm getting the hang of it it's like a secret trick you need to know you stand on the very edge and you just jump oh Raper you you did it in the hard way you did it like a Neo but it still works yep okay it looks like this parkour is pretty good yeah this should keep pum me away from Great's base really well but now we need to have the entrance to this so I think what we should do guys is we should build an underground maze under the ground that would be really tricky to get through all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to mine a passageway and I want you guys to keep going to the sides and make dead ends okay all right the way I'm mining is the real way I want you guys to do some dead ends here we go I'm going to go this way going this way careful though guys there's a bit of grav oh yeah make sure you remove all gravel I can't wait to see these dead ends you guys made up bet it's going to make it so tricky and there we go this is as far as I think it want to go and oh we're over here now on the other side of the house wo guys I think I'm lost inside of this base even I don't know where we are anymore yeah I'm just I'm just going to keep digging but um I'm going to start losing my place soon where is this W and then I'm just going to go around and I'm going to replace all the walls with pink wool just to make it look Grazy theme cuz know this is Grace's house afterward oh yeah I like that Jamesy yep you're welcome I'm giving my dead ends their own dead ends as well so there going to be so many dead ends in this one dead end all right guys we have to test out though come over here ladies over here over here all right let's jump down the hole and let's see who can make it to the pole first 3 2 1 go go go I think I remember the right route this way way was it I don't think the stone way is the right way cuz there's no wall I might not put W over there is is the right way no this is a dead end oh I made it I made it I made it wait what no way yeah uh I knew the way though so it was a lot easier but Raga has no idea where she's going yeah but guys I think I'm a little lost oh my goodness she's totally stuck but guys that meat just makes it super secure what do you guys think where you going it's this way I went the wrong way but it's pretty secure y perfect but I think we can make it more secure by putting in some traps oh that's a great idea yeah I'm going to put down some spikes and lava in there the people are going to have to jump around and through Spike lava Spike but but but you can't jump there's a block over our head you can still jump over it ready like there we go I'm going to put some mirrors down too cuz py doesn't like looking at her reflection cuz she's ugly Jamesy don't say that out loud she's jealous of you though Gracie yeah but she might be be mad if she hears you say that and show me even dating you I can't believe she has a crush on me guys am I back looking I can't believe she's killing me even though you're the problem I'm not the problem J you must have flirted with her or something why does she have such a big crush on you I'm just good-looking and I have a famous YouTube channel anyway guys that's the maze now done I think we put enough traps down there probably I don't know but we now need to work on the next security measure sh what should we do I was thinking some lasers what a good idea how about we do a laser tunnel a laser tunnel how are we going to do that we'll just build a tunnel and then we put a ton of lasers look I'm going to get myself a symmetry one and put it in horizontal mode there we go and then we're going to use more of these reinforced pink concrete and make a tunnel going this way and we'll put a tonel lasers in here making it secure got it all right you guys keep working on the walls I'm going to put pink W on the floors guys we better hurry up I don't know how much longer it's going to take pomy to get here here what is she doing is she like running here or something I think she's repping her weapons to kill Gracie ah I can't believe she's going to kill Gracie just cuz she's jealous of her guys if you're jealous of another girl or another boy then you don't have to resort to violence just try to improve yourself okay guys I'm going to start putting down some lasers oh okay W wao that's really scary do you think you could upgrade the lasers a little bit ratha I'll see what I can do I'm putting in a ceiling right now now cuz we don't want someone to sneak in over the top all right guys I've added a damage upgrade and a fire upgrade to this laser hopefully this will be able to keep pomy and her Army away from Gracie you know what I've also got another upgrade in mine it's called the mode upgrade and that means we can also make it look like a lightsaber watch this W I want to see how much damage it's going to do would it do a lot wait not yet I need to put in a pink color all right ready 3 2 1 ow ow ow fire so put me out water water water uhoh better much better you okay Jamesy no I'm a bit burnt now all right we' got these lasers we should put down a ton more going this way guys okay I'll put them down while you put the Redstone down there we go oh I do the Redstone okay there we go and I'm going to put some in a line right here like this as well but how are we going to get through these ones oh we could put one hole but it's still hard because you have to make sure don't touch it oh okay got it do you guys think this is going be possible for us to get through oh Jamesy I just had a better idea we should put this one back but put a no damage one inside of that laser specifically which means that this laser won't do any damage because it has a no damage upgrade wait are you serious let me take out that let's see if it works really wa it doesn't do any damage but walk in the other one it's going to do damage I already tried that we know it does damage but how are we going to know that this is the no damage one I'm going to forget well maybe we can can make it a different color like this I'll put a pink concrete at the back of it all right rifer anything else you think we should do to make this tunnel better oh about we put some landmines down oh okay let's extend the tunnel and do that separately cuz I don't want the landmines to blow up the lasers yeah that would kind of defeat the purpose of the lasers exactly so I'm also going to make the ground out of reinforced because I don't think the ground is going to blow up if it's made out of reinforced pink concrete cuz the mat land mines shouldn't be able to blow up cuz it's reinforced yep and we don't want pmy to be able to dig down underground and get to Gracie that would be terrible all right guys let's do this and then I'm going to start by placing down some mines but remember guys even if you touch it they're going to blow up so be careful okay we won't touch it I'm going to have really careful steps all right I'm going to put a lamb mine on every other block making this really tricky to navigate through I bet pommy's going to blow up and die wait Raga you know pomy quite well would she die to any one of these explosions I think it might wound her a bit but I don't know if it would kill her Gracie why did you just blow up that land mine well I was just testing out some of the lasers I didn't want it to destroy it in case she did blow it up and it did so I think we should place the landmines further back try this one does it still blow it up let me see ready and boom oh nope it doesn't destroy it perfect all right great and it seems to do a lot of damage Gracie so I'm really happy about that there we go all right guys we've now finished this Lite tunnel we have to now decide what the next trap is going to be any ideas how about we hire an army of guards to protect me I deserve a bodyguard wait you do deserve bodyguards come on guys I got the great idea let's get some walls not any normal walls I think there are colored walls uh Gracie there's not any pink ones is blue okay uh sure wait that's diamonds of course that's okay I love diamonds awesome we're going to put a wall around here and we're going to make a nice big cage right here so for pommy to get into your base remember she has to go through here through the lasers through through the maze down here up to the parkour through the questing room find the hidden door right here and she's in so we can employ some guards over here to block off the entrance and they shouldn't be able to get in but they'll still let us in because they know us exactly they'll like us as long as no one touches them they'll be fine but pomy she's evil pomy she's probably going to hit them well we better put a lot because I'm not going to lie guys she's planning not to just bring herself but multiples of herself a whole Clone pomy Army a clone pomy army that's so dangerous all right guys come on I'm also going to block off the mines cuz otherwise the Iron Golems are definitely going to blow up the mines so I'm going to put down a fence gate there we go so now pomy can get through there we don't have to make that too secure there we go all right guys put down a ton of iron golem statues right now I'm putting them down oh wait build all the statues first otherwise we're not going to have enough space Oh that's true okay come on like this guy guys there we go there we go boom boom boom boom Oh I can't see I can't place this one boom boom boom boom oh there we go oh and this is so good we have so many Iron Golem guards Gracie it's almost like you got your own FBI Department looking after you as I should um okay there we go do you think that's enough Gracie but I want something cooler like I don't know Diamond Golems or something Diamond Golems I mean we can try I know if that's possible though I thought you could only make golems with iron here we go Redstone Golem czy why did you sp a redstone Golem those are evil what they don't want to be friends no come on now IR is going to be hurt come on let's put down some more iron golems over here while we still can okay wait they're all cooling over there which is perfect now we have tons of space to put even more of these statues I know right it's a blessing in disguise I'm going to feed this one so he heals up yeah feed him some iron guys he's hungry it's like a dog if you beat a mistake you'll be full and heal up okay I think these are all healed up grae you did it wrong come on come on come on come I can't place them down because the Iron Golems are too bad oh they need to go on diet place it down place it down I can't he's still in way okay wo all right guys I think that's enough security for us now we putting an extra gate right here there we go we now have to do the next security measure and I know exactly what to do guys to keep our base secure by our I mean mean Gracie I still can't believe pomy is attacking me because of you it's not my fault though it's pne's fault all right look we're now going to build another tunnel going down this way okay this one's going to be extra cool what is this tunnel going to be for just help me build it guys come on I'm going to replace the fo with pink concrete too so it looks really girly cuz Gracie is a girly girl what do you mean by that is it bad to be a girly girl what why would it be bad to be a girly girl that's totally fine what are you talking about all right good and then finally we need to do this right here and boom this is perfect this room's a bit claustrophobic I don't know who but the roof so low but it's fine I'm sorry I'm going to make it higher it's okay Gracie up next is we needed to put in some walls like this not too many just a few walls like that guys okay wait a second what are these walls going to be for uh don't worry you're going to find out soon just put them in with me like that and this room isn't long enough guys come on it needs to be longer what are we slacking at oh we're making it longer there we go like this and there we go that should be long enough guys help me do the FRS as well okay okay I will perfect do you guys know what this room is going to be for yet Gracie you actually said it earlier wait was it the turrets yes it's the turrets how did you know well I was thinking that maybe these are the walls to hide from the turret for us exactly these walls are to hide the turrets that way you don't know where you're going to be shot from there we go we'll put another wall in right here here and boom Perfect all right guys now Gracie I want you to put down some turrets okay all right I'm going to get some Sentry turrets like this then I'll put them all the way behind these walls over here yeah and make sure they're set so they attack Hostile Mobs all right I beat it so that it's aggressive and it only attacks hostile mobs not players perfect I'm going to put another one over here these turrets will help a ton in taking out pom's Army so want this one over here boom there's tons of now I think that this should be enough turrets Gracie Let's test it out though I'm going to go into my creative menu and I'm going to get myself a zombie spawn egg and then let place it down and see what happens bo bo Boop he's getting shot by all the turists run run and he's about to die he's about to die and he's gone the turrets all sniffed him out that was easy we didn't even have to LIF the finger perfect this is looking really great you guys but we only have about 5 minutes until Mommy gets here oh no Gracie you need to come up the next room okay I'm out of ideas how about Raga comes up with one I'm sure she knows pom's weakness cuz she's her best friend well how about we do something like a TNT run oh wait where we put the pressure plate on the TNT and we make it fall and you stand at for too long exactly let's make a box room to put the TNT in so we'll select over here and down here and boom I'm made a huge room guys this will be way big enough for a TNT run wao this is humongous yeah so I'm going to break out these walls right here and then what we need to do next is first down here we fill this up with water cuz this is where the TNT will fall oh yeah we don't want any explosions going on to accidentally explore the base that we made exactly and then up next right here we're going to put down some sun but first we need to put some TNT wao that's a lot of TNT Grazy are you sure that's safe don't worry you'll be fine now we're putting the sand over it then we can put pressure plates that's a really good idea and to make the pressure plates even faster to place I'll use a command for that too look really we got Le one right here beat you too J oh my goodness all right I'm going do a test run ready wait I have to start on the other side what am I thinking come over here make a little doorway cuz this will be where the entrance of the room is guys all right are you ready yep oh yeah 3 2 1 go I B JY how did you fail that was hard let me try again let me try again I want to try run run run run run run you're making it you're making it it go on gra your turn my turn you're almost there well done Gracie all right let's fix this back up again guys perfect guys guys that was amazing but R for how long until pommy comes okay I think she's going to be here in about 1 minute which means Gracie should probably start getting ready I need armor yeah let's finish it off our room back here guys come on let's go inside face through the wall Boop there we go all right Gracie we need to make an armor stand thing let's do it over here okay yeah yeah yeah I'm going to put the armor stand in the corner no no no we're going to do a dispenser huh wait what that's different I've never seen that before yeah you have you just have bad memory there we go dispenser there we go dispenser and then you put a fence there and a pressure plate on top perfect now guys everyone has to fill in each of one of these dispensers with some op so I'm going to do a chest plate I'm going to do helmet I'm going to do a sword okay chest plate which one should I do I'm going to put in the hul chest plate right here perfect there we go and then I'm going to do has I done boots no I haven't done boots yet I'm going to and Hulk boots down here as well all right um so someone did a sword right weapon y I'm doing it right now I'm going to put some carrots and golden apples in there hey Jamesy what do you think about my face ew disgusting you know what py can have you what but no you can't let her kill me hey all right guys have we filled in all the dispensers I no you put a bunch of swords in there but I'm going to put in some guns Roa okay there we go guns wao um I think we're also missing some pants wait don't pants no Gracie's going to be pantsless hey I need some pants guys come on uh no you don't need pants no no no I'm going to get some pants Oh Where where wait there's no place for the pants guys um it can be fixed it can be fixed look we put it right here there you go see look there we go put it there gra oh my goodness okay okay okay you know what I'm just going to wear a bunch of cute skirts oh are you sure that's going to be secure Gracie oh yeah I'm sure it'll be fine here we go boom lots of skirts all right Perfect all right Gracie help in there and see what you look like come on what' you get what' you get what' you get look at the door it's all going to be random three two 1 go W you look like a Hulk what is this you guys made me look so ugly all right my turn ready three two one wa wo I got gun he's wearing a skirt too I'm wearing a skirt too wait you're wearing a skirt I got a gun but no bullets have my bullets all right re it for your turn okay here I go 3 2 1 who are you w I look pretty goofy but I've got a sword and a gun oh no you guys I just got a message from pomy saying she's going to be here soon if she catches me with you guys she'll be even more mad I better go oh no quickly get out of there oh gra is going to be here you guys by czy let's go to the entrance of the base so we can see where they're coming from okay we need a reconnaissance I'm going up all right we're at the entrance Gracie pum should be coming there any second now oh Gracie I'm brought by Army and I'm here to kill youzy that's a lot of PES in there coming over to eat your face off I know we're here but look they're fing they're Bor what is this they're noobs they don't know well it's a good thing I brought materials come on PES we have to go kill that girl she's cheating crazy shoot her shoot her need H we don't have a lot of time wo Jamesy we killed some of her people but she's just going to spawn in more of them it doesn't matter well we have to just try and slow her down as much as possible before she gets through this trap wait Jamesy I've got a risky idea what's the idea Gracie what if we go onto the S TNT and try to destroy the most of it that way she have to build even more all right you're too important you stand here I'll do it ready okay be fast and don't faild 2 1 go quick quick destroy as much of it as you what are you doing sorry Pony but if you can't have me then you can't have anybody wait that's not what I meant to say Jamesy oh my goodness Jamesy loves me too it just means that I really need to kill Gracie oh your mobs aren't getting anywhere near ow look at them they're like a swamp of ANS it's okay J you're doing good just bring as much of it as possible okay I'm doing it I'm doing I'm doing I'm coming back I'm coming back come on pomes we're almost there shoot them crazy nice job D you're doing good we're killing so many of them but there's so many pomies out there they just you shoot as many as you want my Clone Army is endless keep shooting them crazy they keep coming up you know what it's time to build a wall what is she we're going to make our own way across she's acting like truck crazy we can't allow this shoot her Jamesy what are you saying oh no there's even more pal now Gracie they're making their wayar acoss grae they're getting really close to us I think we might have to come on pomes we're almost there gra we need come on this way we have to come back here come you sure I don't want to give up but back get any closer all right pomes we're almost there wait Grazy I think they've made it to the end we need to keep shooting them what is this quickly everyone get inside jamy careful jamy going for manly mode man mode w't protect me clothes this the turrets they're not doing enough they're not doing enough it can't do enough damage because they're Behind the Walls we need to go back into the Iron Golems it's the Iron Golems go go go Gracy I see you I'm almost there oh no oh no she's so creepy she is a weirdo just don't shoot the the iron go back and Gracie otherwise they'll be angry at us too yeah I'm not going to hit them no matter what wait I think our Iron Golem Army is stronger than her Hy Army right it's got to be right I mean but she keeps spawning them it's like it never stops we don't have that many Golems no no no I think it'll be fine I mean there's no way she can spawn enough pomies in that they kill our Iron Golems right oh pomies what's the hold up you know what I'm going to break through this wall for you guys get in Breaking the wall she breaking the wall they're going through the iron buls are going through I can shoot them through a crack that's it pom need learn the Golems out so I can get through yes pomies we're in keep fighting the Iron Golems I bet Gracie's just on the other side of these lasers oh no wait Gracie where are oh Gracie she said know you're right behind her no oh no some of our mines have detonated Jamesy Al evacuate run run run evacuate oh oh oh how do I get through the mines ow ow ow ow ow graci dead me too that was dangerous all right let's show here which one's the fake one remember that we can't show her though there any more bullets oh I have 51 do you want half them yes please B don't worry the Iron Golems will hold them up for ages there's loads of iron golems still see D you just shot one of the Iron Golems sorry that was my bad do you think that's strong enough I don't know I hope so she's leing them to the other side hopefully she doesn't Lear them to the side and then start spawning them in front of the mods oh no all right PES we're getting closer I can feel it just take out these mines for me okay wa she's using her clothes as bodyguards to break the mines for her that's terrible wait a second gra this Iron Golems look really damaged look Oh no you're right you're right ow I just walked into one of the lasers wait I think all the Iron Golems are dead the pomies are coming after us oh and neverone just BL the mines it's fine it's fine going they coming towards us I blow up the mines wait Gracie she's literally sping in clothes to blow up the mines look I know why already said that one we have to go to the fake one JY this way are you sure Gracie I want to keep them back oh no the are definitely all dead now Jamesy you think a couple of puny mines will stop me Gracie you're going to die by the end of today no no no graci they won't get past the lasers right they won't get past the lasers right they're get past the lasers they're coming Qui the maze go go go gra I remember the way follow me follow me follow you follow you this way and then this way and then this way and then over The Lava all right what do we have here a tunnel then over here B I made it oh thank goodness okay there's no way she's going to make it through the tunnel right yeah I'm going to go into my camera mode and see where she's at okay I'll be back in a second okay please be safe what is this a maze oh Jamesy a maze can't keep you from my love Gracie I can see her in my camera mode there's like a 100 pomes in the Maze a 100 pomes and also some of them is still dying to the lasers I don't want to don't look at the mirrors you guys mirrors everywhere and uh Gracie but I don't think the pomm is that smart she won't make it through the maze I don't think I hope not help help help go go good thing we have Hulk armor we can do jump so easily come on oh my goodness oh my goodness I just got get out get get Gracie they're trying to kill you Gracie get out of there I know I know get out of there okay okay okay okay I'm going to jump up to the ladder like this do you not have J boost I do I do I do I do I'm going over here two over here two over there two over here it's okay P's really bad at parkour Gracie I don't think she'll be able to do the jumps oh py come on we have to get up there oh no Gracie look at that one there that I think that's the leader you see her it's got to be the real py everybody else is the Clone they're all acting like MPC yeah but they're not ready they're trying to kill us look they're trying they're at our toes shoot them down Oh no pomy just made the jump that she hasn't made yet oh oh no she's making it Grazy what are we do do we shoot her dad try it's not working oh no Gracie why can't I shoot this pom me she seems resistant what it's probably because she's the ring leader all right Gracie she's get close I think we should go through the questions answer them quickly quickly um um okay wait subscribe the number's different I just have to do the math and okay I did I did I did all let's stay here let's stay here CRA stay here stay here we can see her through the door guys more of you guys need to subscribe to this Channel right now so we can change the number so she won't know the real answer there's no way she gets this right right surely surely surely subscribe now oh I know exactly how many subscribers Jamesy has I watch his Channel all the time it's okay Gracie her clone army can't do the parkour jumps just us versus her okay ladies do you remember how many subscribers Jamesy has 455,000 oh crazy through here just in case wait did she get it right yeah she said for she been 5 oh no oh no don't worry grae I'm going to do the next one she doesn't know the answer to that question though do what year did Gracie and Jamesy start dating oh please I love Jamesy longer than they started dating oh I know exactly what number that is 2 years ago right huh how' she know that how did she know that you think she knows this one I don't know but I'm going to stand right next to the secret clamber so I can go down as soon as we need to wait no go down now I'll stay up here you go down you just watch the TV go watch cocoa melon just trust me it's fine fine I'm scared what year was Gracie born in well I know this date too because I wish you was never born the answer is 2005 a go down Gracie listen to me listen to me listen to me what is it a clone army is stuck down there they can't do the partic we have to do a 2v one against pomy py. exe but she's so strong are you sure we could do it if we work together as a couple okay okay okay it's going to take a few more seconds until she finds this entrance right here okay she's probably right above what this room is empty where did jamy and Gracie go no no there has to be something wait a minute this block if I shift over I can't move oh this has to be something right it's a lad where are they get you have to die so I can be with Jamesy no no no that's I do not consent I do not cons I'm going to get you Gracie he wouldn't even want to be with you Tomy jamy why you inviting me you know I'd be a way better girlfriend than Gracie really how how tell me how huh I would take you on so many days cooking you all your favorite foods and I would never call you stupid cuz you're the smartest person I know I already do that uh you know gra you could do it a little bit more often though James Z I already cook for you every day come on gy just keep it help me push pull me in the face if you need more ammo just walk into the armor face no I will not let you guys Corner me boy you're crazy it's time to meet your end I don't think so no no no no no you're about to die AR you P I'm going to the shower shower gra she showering right now no no no Gracie stop ignoring me you're going to die today right now you're not worth my time you're not worth my time I need a shower gra she just died I just got ahead it's over we killed her are you serious yes I she just died right in front of me look I love you oh well if you guys enjoy this video and are happy that we killed evil py then watch the next video on your screen let's go
Channel: Jamesy
Views: 19,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jamsey, Gracie, Jamesy and Gracie, Jamesey, Jamesie, Jamesy Minecraft, Jamesy, Minecraft roleplay, Minecraft building, Build battle, Minecraft mutant mobs, Minecrafft theme park, Nico and cash, Cash, Nico, maizen, maizen build battle, Wiederdude, MongoTv, Smirky, JJ and Mikey, House Build challange, Maize, Aphmau, Jamey, James C, Gracey, Louie, Loey
Id: 7WJBrkavwF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 9sec (2529 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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