Minecraft PE : 7 Ways to Prank UNSPEAKABLE in Minecraft!

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so guys the footies video stars i just want to mention but i'll drop some new merch and as you can see on the screen right there we got some t-shirts different designs some hoodies that look really cool and all of that good stuff so the link is in the description down below check it out right now if you guys haven't already [Music] what's up guys welcome back to another video and today I'm gonna be showing you guys seven ways to prank unspeakable gaming so if you guys enjoyed these type of videos smash the like button right now if you do like this video you will get good luck for 10 years and if you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a video so are you guys ready to prank unspeakable gaming so he's actually inside of here we had to be quiet oh he's actually what is he doing right now I'm a little scared we have to quiet down a little bit and some of these pranks won't be so quiet hahaha but yeah we'll go ahead and do the first one so we have this chest right here which has some stuff to prank him with sorry the first prank is this right here it's called a fan now what exactly does this do well if I place onto the ground it does nothing until we use this redstone torch we can just you know place it next to it or behind it and check this out I get pushed away so even if I use like an item you can actually see that it does work like a fan that is so cool now what could we use with this let me show you guys so this is the entrance of the house we could actually place it right here and it will be very very annoying cuz let me just show you guys so I'm gonna place it there and then oh it's already pushing me alright so now let's say unspeakable gaming is you know he'd finished mining it's now nighttime anyone to get inside of his house it's gonna be very very annoying because look at this I'm gonna get pushed away it's like I'm like running into something like I'm actually pressing W on the key right now and it's doing that nothing I can sprint towards I can get you know kind of close for once I let go I get pushed all the way back so it's gonna be very annoying like check this out and then whoop there we go so that is gonna be like some kind of prank we could also you know as you can see it definitely does push it oh my goodness this thing is just insane it's like a invisible barrier because he won't know this is behind the doors so this is just one little prank it's not like the best prank but will do for now because it is like a little annoying prank so um yeah so once again there we go and then this is gonna eventually we can get in it takes a little bit of time but yeah that is the first prank let's get rid of that hopefully he doesn't know where is he right now oh why do you know watching TV the TV set oh there he goes he moved his head a little bit sorry let's move over to the second prank sorry let's just put everything back right here alright so we have this grass covering now this is by far my favorite one because this will definitely work a hundred percent so say this wasn't here so I'm just gonna quickly remove it because usually it should just be grass just like that but with this basically it looks exactly the same but we can actually drop down and he will not expect this at all so what I'm gonna do is just show you guys how it's done so I'm just gonna go kind of like this we can go let's go a few blocks down just like that and then what we can do is place lava or we can actually place the spike so that's two different traps right there so pranks and yeah so let's place the lava to begin with just like that some lovely lava oh this is gonna be awesome alright so let's place the grass and it looks exactly the same it is awesome this is by far the best one so just go event and it looks completely fine so let's put everything back in this chest and I'm gonna act like I'm unspeakable right now so I'm just gonna quickly go into survival there we go and check this out so it looks exactly the same nothing's fair right now but he will not know so he's are you know coming back home and he Sprint's and he's gonna fall into the lava and he's gonna die so that is the best prank you can use so that is one way of doing it with lava now let me just quickly get rid of this lava sorry I'm just gonna use the buckets and just kind of go like that there we go and just kind of removed that okay so now we're gonna use spikes this is another awesome trap that we can use and it's kind of the same thing but again with spikes look at these spikes visa awesome ice so let's place this down it might need actually it just works like that sweets there we go oh my goodness that looks dangerous but again this is awesome alright so let's just do this once again there we go alright so let's just actually put everything away because we're probably going to die from this so now that we're in survival let's check out this trap this awesome awesome prank so once again Unspeakables gonna you know get ready to go into his house again he's not going to know anything cuz there cuz it looks exactly like grass so there we go and then these spikes I'm pretty much gonna kill him any can't you know just jump out so unless he has blocks or tries to destroy it but as you can see you're going to die from it so it respawn and now I'm in the water let's do the next prank actually this is quickly cover this up we don't want anyone getting hurt right now there we go the spikes are still there alright so the next thing we can do is rats this one is not so much of a quiet prank because we couldn't actually just flood his house with rats why rats why not so let's go ahead and see what he's up to right now oh I can get he's definitely oh no no no don't look at me don't look at me just continue watching alright so it let's close the door city's rats don't escape and let's spawn in the first one there we go look at this rat alright come on let's put in more and more and you can flood his entire house with rats oh ho no no the rats are going up oh no he's gonna no I think one of the rats has died all right yeah so we can spawn in as many rats as you want there we go flood the house and this is one annoying prank as you can obviously tell sorry let's spawn and more okay you know what let's even though he's gonna see me oh no I'm sorry oh wait didn't mean to do that oh no I'm sorry unspeakable Oh No okay wait hang on this is upstairs as well oh okay yeah spawn some in these bedrooms alright alright wait what's this oh that's right inside of the bed what again so yes more and more rats and there we go dude he is now mad look at him alright oh my god this was way too many I think I went a little overboard but yep that's another prank you can use on unspeakable alright guys so the next prank let's see what it's going to be alright look at this a bear trap so we can place a bunch of these traps inside of his house now imagine he had a dog check out what this is gonna do sorry a wolf all right you guys ready this is just crazy alright sorry let's go inside of his house and let's just place a few traps down it is technically a bear trap but it does work on pretty much anything so even at the front door imagine him trying to get through this this would be so annoying but check this out if we spawn in a dog so once again imagine he has a dog and the dog just goes there and oh it's almost on the trap don't move buddy don't move oh he's looking at me like he's in danger alright you know what let me just hit him once and there we go as you can see the trap goes off willed the bear trap and you pretty much stuck and you die so that can be a prank you can use on unspeakable and um I'm pretty sure oh I did not mean to do that let's just do that again there we go I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm using this again sorry I can actually just let me break this place down the traps again should we try this on unspeakable right now what are the traps are here you know what let's do it let's jump into survival again it doesn't work on you because you place them down of course it's not gonna work imagine if it did that would be basically you're playing yourself but let's see unspeakable hey buddy oh he said I'm a frog okay come on come down here buddy oh he knows there's a trap well maybe he doesn't I don't know you can't see it yet okay come on come here buddy come on I know you want to wait I think he's trapped on the couch right now no don't try it oh here we go here we go here we go come on come down oh there we go oh it didn't work wait actually a finger did always trap these oh he's like going on crazy oh my goodness no you're staying in there you're staying in those traps buddy so wait oh why you sitting down unspeakable what are you doing no you can stay in there now so let's go ahead and do the next prank so check this out this thing is actually pretty brutal uh and it's awesome so let's just go ahead get the Redstone we have this which I'll explain what exactly this thing does actually let me just show you guys yeah all right so we're gonna place it down and pretty much as you can see if we do that then it's gonna ignite a little flame so we can use this to our advantage so we're gonna set this up basically hmm where should be a good spot actually I think right here imagine this all right so I'm gonna place a trap here a trap here all right and then also another one so it's gonna go on both sides and as soon as he comes I'm gonna just switch it on and then boom he's gonna go into flames sorry let's go ahead and do what a redstone with this sorry I'm just gonna go like that there we go and then we also need to kind of or this is not going to work with these stairs here all right you know what let's go this way let's go this way it might be a little bit annoying to do but it will definitely be worth it so I'm pretty sure I did that correctly now if I do this yep all right we set it up Oh yesa do is just go through the front door and he won't even expect a thing well he might because there might be like a little bit of redstone there but you know what he's not gonna think twice of it he's is gonna go in and then boom he's gonna go into flames and it's going to be great so let me just quickly show you guys so obviously you know I'm just gonna jump into survival let me just quickly put this stuff away alright so survival and of course the flames aren't gonna be there but this is just a you know a demo just to show you guys so yeah once again the flames aren't gonna be there but once he hits he out the flames that is gonna go off and then he's going to be running around crazy and is is going to ruin his day so that is a little prank you can use now if you want to hide it a little bit better you can so let's jump into creative let's turn this off alright so that thing that was put in his chest here which is this this is to increase the range so again you can kind of see like this you know on the sides right there but if you want to kind of increase it you can so let's just do that real quick let's remove all this redstone which were actually gonna place down again so what we're gonna do is place it here now instead of right near the door now as you can see it is a little harder to obviously you know see it if that makes sense so this one can go here now and again you can't see a thing until you pretty much get right here so I mean we can even do it further back let's just kind of break this we can even do it from here and as you can see now it's even more you know not as visible to see so let's actually do it right there alright this is gonna be awesome I'm sorry unspeakable I'm breaking your place a little bit but I have to show it as an example sorry let's get a lever there we go and with this increase up we can actually pretty much go inside of it and with this it's one block range so if I do that and I just go like this as you can see it increased usually you'll just go right next to it but it increased one block and we need to go two blocks for this one so let's do that so - and I'm pretty sure yeah as you can see it sets it up right there so what we need to do is actually put these or two - and this is gonna be awesome he's not even a like expect us so this is the awesome part about and then perfect all right so mm let's put this redstone again just like that now the only thing that's gonna get in a way is the redstone but what we could do is you know you can hide it so you can do it underground and all that stuff but just for a quick example we're just gonna do it this way so just like this so obviously he's gonna see this but we can obviously hide it but just for this example like I said we're not gonna hide this alright so yeah that's pretty much it so let's just close these doors and it should work so you guys ready The Doors right there obviously you can't see anything right now except for the redstone but of course you can hide it but yeah let's go ahead and try this on and three two one and there we go as you can see it lit exactly where we want it to be the entrance of the door and you can just kind of sit in his house and just wait for him to come in and and boom there we go so the next prank is um yeah this one's a little bit annoying you know what we're gonna get some sponges I think you guys know this is just a simple annoying prank to be honest and what you can do is when he's out and about just just play some water in his house literally just flood it annoying it's annoying Frank to be honest not gonna lie but you can't do that because why not and he's gonna come in here and he's going to be a very very mad but make sure you do at least give him some sponges to clean this up because you know obviously if there's no sponges this is gonna be a lot of work to I get rid of so um yeah you guys should know that prank by now I think you guys have done it on your friend before but just in case you haven't that is one way but yeah again make sure you give him sponges because that would be very very mean if you don't so that's gonna wrap up today's video hopefully you guys enjoyed those little pranks I think my favorite was flooding the place with rats let me know in the comments down below which one was the best well actually I don't think the rats are the best I definitely think this right here with the spikes and also the lava was definitely my favorite so yeah guys that's gonna wrap up today's video if you guys enjoyed smash the like button subscribe if you're new turn on notifications all that good stuff and I'll see you guys in the next video peace see ya
Channel: FuzionDroid
Views: 525,870
Rating: 4.8625188 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, FuzionDroid, fuziondroid, Redstone in mcpe, ✔️, Pocket, Edition, PE, redstone creation, mcpe, minecrtaft pe, pocket edition, DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SECRET BASE, fuziondroid don't choose the wrong, DO NOT CHOOSE, Minecraft, 3AM, wrong, do not, sonic, scary teacher 3d, unspeakablegaming, 7 ways to steal unspeakables diamonds, 7 ways to prank, 7 ways to prank unspeakable, 7 ways, prestonplayz, 7 ways to prank unspeakable in minecraft, unspeakable
Id: 8MHpPnsw8z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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