Minecraft PE : DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG DOUBLE CHEST! (PrestonPlayz, Noob1234's & Harley Quinn)

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so guys the footies video stars i just want to mention but i'll drop some new merch and as you can see on the screen right there we got some t-shirts different designs some hoodies that look really cool and all of that good stuff so the link is in the description down below check it out right now if you guys haven't already what's up guys welcome back to another video and today as you see we are back with a novelty dog treats if you guys enjoy these type of videos smash that like button right now if you do like it you will get good luck for ten years and if you're new to channel be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a video so guys I've actually been sick and I'm just only starting to feel better so that's why I'm recording and hopefully I can get free to recording I'm pretty sure I can but yeah let's go ahead and do V subscriber war let's see who it is for today look at all these beautiful names alright let's see who it is gonna be for today let's go to the awesome awesome persistence that never stops dancing let's see um are you feeling ok buddy like up to this day I don't think he ever stops anyways let's check it out in three two one add cool pop 132 the war alright now this comment says I liked subscribe and turned on post notifications and I love your videos thank you for all of that that is awesome now guys if you want to get added to the subscriber wall make sure you turn on notifications and let me know it in the comments down below and I'll pick someone at random now this is getting kind of long right here so you know what I think I might go from the top right here so let's put in cool pop 130 pretty cool name not gonna lie I think I spelt that all correctly let me just double check yep that's that's good that is good all right now let's see who it is for next time in the next video I really do not like being sick it is horrible and being a youtuber it's even worse because I've been coughing a lot and that's why I haven't been recording though until today I've been sick for I don't know two to three days I think now so yeah anyways let's see oh the cookies have now been filled up you know all the weights of jar let's get one of that just in case we get hungry and also in the fridge or we actually have more cookies there okay I might take half of the cooked chicken we have a toaster now which is pretty cool it's got bread it's even cooked I don't want that alright well anyways let's go ahead and see what today is going to be um oh wait hang on do not choose the wrong double chest but this time it is actually colored so we have red blue and pink I guess we can kind of play two guessing game since we do have two colors this time alright so red I'm gonna think maybe Pennywise and that one so I might have to leave that to last blue could be Oh actually Sonic ah and pink hmm pink pink pink I don't know ah maybe Patrick from spongebob let's see which one should I pick first I might go with the pink actually and then we'll go blue then leave the red to last because I have a bad feeling about it I think it's maybe Pennywise sorry let's go in here okay we're just going through some pressure plates and oh okay this was in the last double chest oh okay this is Harley Quinn this time she's actually a lot more taller this time so that's a little concerning this room is still awesome there I like it it's really well designed but I don't know what she's gonna do with that sword right there it looks a little bit dangerous now if I gone Vesta kind of lights off which is pretty cool like a little dance floor I guess hey Harley look out tall she is compared to me that is insane I'm like a little small ant compared to her alright let's see if she's gonna attacked oh boy she said let's party I remember this this is what she was saying last time and this is exactly where I got stuck last time in a place that burger right there so I can step on it to get out oh no I'm getting flashbacks right now okay let's pick this fruit might have to eat the enchanted apple let's do that alright wooden sword it's not the best weapon but it's what we have to deal with wait What's Wrong you scared yes I am scared look at the size it was like huge compared to me you're very tall alright let's just fly I guess oh okay yeah we can see the health bar which is awesome actually has she increased the help I don't know from last time this is weird all right ah bad it's bad I really need to get better items like seriously a wooden sword it's like the worst item you can get oh wait no no no no no can she swim wait wait what is this why is there like a little pool area here okay well that was a little bit annoying but anyways let's just keep on fighting I guess well health is almost down halfway but dude this is actually I don't know if it's the worst one yeah I mean we still have two more chests to go free don't do it Holly no no this kind of hide in here this is kind of cheating but hey I'm scared she is right What's Wrong you scared yes a hundred percent actually do you want the cookie no you don't want the cookie alright okay look she doesn't want it okay we get that uh-oh actually my swords about to break so let's quickly go back oh this is awful I might actually just keep it not gonna put it back actually we have two more all right sweet should have maybe gotten be enchanted apple but I think maybe I can do it without it's probably not uh okay there's the cookie I want it back because you are being very just worried about it oh wait why don't you just stop there all right interesting very very interesting you know what I think I have to just do it from here it's legit the only way because she can't attack me so maybe not I was just lying she can somehow how were you able to hit me free here that's so random all right come on come on I can't see a health oh there we go alright solo come on come over here I can't wait hang on maybe not let me just eat this chicken all right this sword about to break any second now okay I'm gonna die again just watch oh no no no no stop no don't do it I knew that was gonna happen I got stuck alright this time 100 thank guys I will do this trust me oh man okay come on Harley I only need like a few more hits all right and there we go what you're gonna drop nothing are you serious just like a deejay place up here this is where we were last time but oh my goodness she dropped to nothing all of that for absolutely no reason but at least I got rid of first so let's go ahead and choose B next double chest which is blue actually I said Sonic now could also be here O'Brien so I'm a little bit scared let's just actually do that because Lucas it's about to break I actually don't even eat it ah let's put the cookie there and there all right so blue all right who's in here oh okay see dirt cobblestone I think that was cobweb all right all right uh who lives here Oh what happened here wait what is that who is that I'm so confused are you gonna attack me that's not herobrine obviously you can see by the face what is that oh wait newb one two three four who are you um I'm fusion droid who are you like new one two three four I don't know how to play this game well he is a noob uh you can see this place is shocking it's awful I don't know maybe he thinks this is good it's not I have to be honest it might be a little bit mean but honestly look at this place it's a mess all right um is this game kind of like Call of Duty wait what like Call of Duty this game is nothing like that and and then he just said who are you I I just told you who I was oh my goodness we have an urban here now I think I've actually seen this name before but I'm trying to think where I can't oh don't know I'm really don't know but we're gonna dribble from the mouth that's hilarious now I want to see oh my goodness is like a TV and flooded here what is going on you need to like fix up your placement but this is not how this should work I don't even know how you have a TVs to be honest anyways I want to see if um what would happen if I hit him like a 1v1 like is he gonna be scared is he gonna fight back oh okay he's gonna fight back okay wait guys look at my health right now he's barely doing any damage alright angle let's just quickly see what happens oh my good yo look at his health it's going down so quick oh it was very easy no he just dropped dirt wait he's alive again y'all this is jokes this is so weird I don't even know what to say I can't hang on so he can just keep on respawning it's not what's going on here ah and he just keeps on dropping dirt yo look at my inventory guys haha what and he's back to again okay this is funny and weird at the same time ah this might be the best one honestly wait what are you okay buddy she's going down very slowly on that cobweb alright let me just quickly see did you want a sword to find me like look he's barely doing any damage I can legit fight him with this cookie and I would still win like look it's actually going down a lot more quicker than Harley Quinn so Holly Quinn must have found like I don't know like 200 health this person right here barely has anything now if I was to die to noob 1 2 3 4 that would be very very embarrassing and I'll probably cut that out but as you can see no cuts this is you know the real footage right here of nothing is happening yeah this is a really strange place but honestly you're really got to work but hey look at me when I'm talking to you wait is that actually like Frede coming out that's so weird um okay yeah we get it you don't know how to play it again you're gonna have my sword that does he pick up I don't know maybe he doesn't even know how to do that even though it's Auto pick I don't know let's just leave this place we might be maybe not I don't know oh wait there's toast in it wait do you have anything in the fridge nope can we put dirt in here no okay that would be a little bit weird but we have so much dirt but let's go to oh there's more there let's go to the next one alright so this is the last one now I said that uh it could be penny wise maybe Mario actually let's see boom okay what is this huh wait no one's here press the button house okay I think we had this last time we have slow guy man so it could be that again but I would think it's I don't know hang on it say anything in this chess all right all right all right no and I'm not even gonna look in that it just seems like it's empty all right so this person is currently not inside of the double chess maybe he's just wandering around his actual house maybe this is like just where he sleeps sometimes but let's go here oh oh well okay um huh who lives here is it on speaker what no that would be green what's red I don't know it long find out why don't you about this pressure place I can just curl like that alright who lives here show yourself we're gonna TV okay nice I liked his place all right hmm oh wait there's a button okay oh it's Preston wait what assignees hands he is like cooked me cooked pork chop okay I love this place is he gonna find me okay it doesn't look like wait a sec I just remembered something isn't Preston I swear he has something to do with noob one two three four is that why he was in the double chest next to you that makes a lot of sense now yo he said hey hey man how you doing I cannot tell you something um sure yeah why not okay promise to not tell anyone okay I promise I won't tell anyone what do you what do you think not about all right here it goes all right I don't like minecraft pigs what they make a lot of noise okay very interesting I was not expecting that is that why you oh wait a second it's not what you have to book shop in your hands because you don't like pigs and you cooked in your kitchen here all right well let's see what's in oh this is a little concerning Preston yo he's looking at me straight away why do you have pigs in here afford you didn't like them yup the 64 of them oh wait what if I do a little prank he said he doesn't like pigs right what would happen if I spawn one okay oh oh okay oh wow that what what just happened I can't we get it you don't like pigs that was really quick hang on see if he does that again oh wow okay what if I spawn in a ton surely he can't get rid of all of them oh my goodness he is Preston what did these pigs treat okay I can kind of see it they are loud to like Lincoln everywhere but dude look at him go wait he's not getting rid of these one oh wait oh never mind this is so weird what i ah maybe he got killed by a pig one time even though it's not possible but maybe a zombie pigman that's possible everything like getting rid of often that is crazy all right let's just quickly see what else we have for you oh this is like the bathroom okay got like a bathtub here alright alright got a toilet oh that's cool alright now did he get rid of all the pigs yeah he did Wow that is crazy um let's see Oh doesn't upstairs okay let me just quickly check out the place I don't think that even in English alright a little bit strange oh we got a bedrock TV a little weird alright well this place is looking pretty fresh I like this place like I couldn't easily move in here Oh what oh this is like the lounge room oh we can just kind of wait if I draw oh oh I can't fall that's gonna like burn oh that would be bad wait a sec is that what's happening Preston if anything happens to your house I am sorry all right Preston sorry he doesn't like pigs but let's see if he wants like a little 1v1 uh I feel like he's actually gonna win because as you can see he's pretty good at getting rid of pigs like if I was to try like I mean he doesn't have dinosaur oh wait no I accidentally hit him oh okay I guess we have to fight oh no oh oh this is bad this is bad kick I think it's time to run think it's time to run Kenny swim maybe not maybe he can't swim no you can yo he just dived in okay what if I spawn pigs around then maybe he will attack them and not me it's not how that works I don't know okay oh this is actually kind of a UH an advantage I guess all right Oh actually his self is over halfway all right sweet sweet sweet he doesn't seem to be attacking the pigs think he got a little bit mad that I hit him I'm sorry but I mean we were gonna do a 1v1 anyways oh okay here we go boom no II said GG oh wow he dropped a ton of cooked meat especially it being from these pigs over here yo that is a little bit insane actually I'm getting a little bit hungry and I'm getting sick of chicken let's eat the pork chop I guess alright that was pretty interesting ah let's get out of here sorry I think the best one was definitely no but one two free full look he's still just there and even without this wooden sword we can literally take him on with a 1v1 he barely does any damage like look at him he's struggling all right well anyway these guys uh let me just is he gonna come out oh come on can I don't think you knows how to escape yeah all right let's get out of here so well I'm Gabe that's gonna wrap up today's video if you guys want to get on the subscriber wall once again make sure you guys subscribe turn on notifications and let me know in the comments down below I pick someone at random and if you guys enjoyed this video smash the like button and yeah I'll see you guys in the next video peace see you
Channel: FuzionDroid
Views: 652,507
Rating: 4.9049172 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, FuzionDroid, fuziondroid, Redstone in mcpe, ✔️, Pocket, Edition, PE, redstone creation, mcpe, minecrtaft pe, pocket edition, DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SECRET BASE, fuziondroid don't choose the wrong, DO NOT CHOOSE, Minecraft, 3AM, minecraft do not choose the wrong, wrong, do not, sonic, scary teacher, Do not choose the wrong zombie, noob1234's, noob1234 preston, prestonplayz, harley quinn, do not choose the wrong double chest, preston noob1234, noob1234 prank
Id: Dfh6tJ-0Vb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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