Minecraft PE : DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG ALEX HEAD! (Alex, Alexbrine & Alex.EXE)

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guys before this video starts go ahead follow my Instagram and is that fusion droid as you can see on the screen right now and yeah let's go ahead and continue the video this is supposed to be fusions videos so you guys know what that means right no see this in front of us the same the chess what is that what do you mean this is Alex right here finally be rage yeah but it is hey don't you oh my god Brendan yeah okay you know what give me some you're gonna kill Brandon we're gonna kill Brennen good so nice okay all right all right before we do we're gonna do one thing what the guessing game dude we just no no no no that's a bad one no that's terrible [Music] let's hear your guess yeah if you're so smart okay now I'm on this foot I can the first one this one would have to be Stevie that's all right all right which one which one should we choose first okay you know what Pennywise is in here going I don't know which one should we get let's change let's change this one since it's actually like he looks like Alex my knee no okay okay oh okay coming coming coming Oh Alex I know Steve isn't here I just wanted to say hi to you don't hit him whatever you do ranged turn Oh same thing wait wait wait wait wait um listen what was in the chest I don't know Oh God Oh open who open the chest Brendan did you repin the chest yeah what is it Brandon what what was intense yeah but those other stuff Oh flowers give me that I'm giving you flowers I want it I'm gonna give it to I want to give it to Alex you have a crush on Alex wants me look see Alex only wants me my first one is on me Oh do that what do you mean guys dropped it three cuter wait where's Alex did I kill Alex do the zombie kill it Alex yeah you're a zombie [Laughter] okay wait is anything else are you nothing else there's a button right here hey yeah wait I'm sure oh yeah see I don't know what do you guys think I feel like red might be like a bad color I don't know yeah we gotta kill both of these guys because they're not red breaded green see what I'm dying I'm gonna die all right no no you can't get me Oh get out of here really creepy there's blood all over the floor wait listen is oh wait guys to go something guys guys guys guys guys guys something just happened what what happened come with me let's get out of here what oh I don't know what this is I got something out that Jess I got this what is that wait let me see what you guys hold it spawn Alex it can't be that bad what do you like Alex Brian like showing up literally out of nowhere there being TNT and lightning bolts do you like any of that come on we've been through this multiple times everybody stay away from me I mean we've been through this before I didn't think it would be this bad but wait teachers come out of nothing kickin happen hey wait wait wait this is weird it took my armor armor go she took it I don't even have a sword I have nothing nothing nothing wait to get tough from know a lot about Alex product that's all Ellen wait that wasn't that's all that's all it's the exe I'm pretty sure I've never even heard of that before here we go Oh kill it kill it kill it now we can we can hit that guys wait where's Alex oh my life please please please wait killer oh let's everything again no my armor is gone dude this is okay wait everyone run run back in run back in the blue Brennan did you shoot me no no stay away from rage since brady's what it's funded I was just playing around uh I think he's over here I think he's over it wait wait what oh yeah I see the particles what she's right there she's right there guys kill us how do we get in I want to get in let me in oh oh oh no I'm gonna die I'm gonna die oh my god what what happened Oh what why would you block me out here [Laughter] nothing right inside okay everyone everyone everyone follow me follow me follow me okay okay should we go to no no no no get back in here coming in here what why I don't think she can come in here don't think I don't know what's in here there's nothing else now populated where's Brandon Lucy Dinah what he's the reason there's Bonnie why do you bring him with us you get outraged Brandon you can come in here you think you rage get out get out rage this is all you this is all you accidentally kissed a pig not a cow wait chicken that's nice you know what you die you hear that what that sound yeah yeah it's actually raised it's a low I can't ever leave ever leave Leave leave Leave leave Leave get out you know all right guys wait did everything son did everything have nothing we don't have our weapons again we've been just running around doing nothing I take all my weapons right oh my all right guys this I need this thing let's enter then the last one all right red go go go everyone chill chill chill chill chill chill chill what is this you'll I just got golden apples and a totem of a dying why aren't you sharing them and a diamond sword wait what's explaining wait wait who wants guys guys guys oh my Damon hit her what are you doing Oh oh my god that's Alex Bryan yeah I I thought it was the same as that Alex TXU or whatever you guys say no Bryan what you see him right this is Alex friend what the thank you thank you what are you guys doing down there well yeah I think she's gone was that the same one up there maybe that's what a night no no I didn't do anything the same rage I swear nothing yes what it's time and so if it's out there no one can kill me right now all right let's leave let's leave is it out there oh don't blame me I have all the power right now everybody quite don't you go actually I'm gonna go back listen quietly wait does anyone have a pickaxe uh no I know oh yeah I do uh where are you guys all right give it to me give it to me no give it before no you don't even need it I'm using it for dirt don't fight hey guys please I'm gonna have to kill him for it Oh oh my god why is dead what that oh yes wait what it didn't even let me pick it up we grab the big guys I'm so dead he has a very good okay well anyways wedded where's she good I get my boy dig over here I'll dig where dig where yeah think again wait what do you got sit she's out once again something's wrong with this world you know something this world is cursed there we are I want to run you guys okay let's just hope that's the last we see of her them I mean the sounds are you uh close oh oh oh Killa Killa Killa Killa Oh weak on well uh dude you can't even hit her I'm gonna die I said wait wait I didn't get her I didn't get her hey guys we should make a run for it just keep running keep running follow me follow me see particles I see particles 51 guys guys guys you right there was a talk I don't know I know I know I know but like maybe it was Gary knows the weapons oh my she's still it she's still putting away okay oh whoa I'm almost dead almost oh my god oh I don't like this what the heck is going on this is actually bad leaving guys all gone oh she's blowing up fusion right now oh my god like it's following us it's tracing us down oh my gosh right I think I know I know how to fix this house we have to go back in here we have to get back yeah we're we're gonna press the button how do we get back in yeah this is the way out okay are we safe I think we might be good okay we might be safe but I don't know about double a 12 and Brennan yeah right in there no I think Alex Bryan might be chasing dumb down yeah I think they arranged a good I think you guys are screwed
Channel: FuzionDroid
Views: 720,536
Rating: 4.7846317 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, FuzionDroid, fuziondroid, Redstone in mcpe, ✔️, Pocket, Edition, PE, redstone creation, mcpe, minecrtaft pe, pocket edition, DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SECRET BASE, DO NOT CHOOSE, wrong potion, minecraft secret base, do not choose the wrong minecart, 3AM, wrong axe, mutant creeper, Jeb sheep, marshmello, wrong steve head, wrong alex head, wrong sheep, wrong pig, alexbrine, alex.exe, do not choose the wrong farm
Id: B7sAcOvOBFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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