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legend German let's play a quick game let's play spot the difference with my eyeballs what is the difference between my left eyeball and my right eyeball or my right eyeball and my left eyeball I got it one pupil is lower and one pupil is higher cool ladies and when that is exactly what we're doing in today's video we're playing spot the difference or find the button all right well which one of these buttons opens the door to start the map that is the real question okay no no no probably stone one yeah that one would make sense all right so odd one out a cool map for a cool fellow so I've actually done one of these maps about a week ago maybe two weeks ago and basically you have to pick the block that doesn't fit within these blocks but you can only pick one so we have two flowers and then a slab and a full block feel like none of these blocks go together other than the fact that these two are blocks and these two are flowers no maybe it's a slab the slab doesn't fit in every block name starts with an A with the exception of a stone slab oh my gosh okay see that's not something I would think about I'd be like oh I know the difference between all these three this flower starts with an A this one starts with an A this one starts with a but that one is a stone slab okay all right so it's getting a little bit difficult here okay so all these blocks are from different dimensions this is from the nether nether nether but this one is from the end I think this one is the different one yes there we go all right well that's not really what I was thinking but the actual reason for the difference of the blocks is every block has a function lightening water elevators slowing and fire lightning except for in stone which has none not really what I was what I was thinking but okay okay so now we got wheat sapling carrots and sugarcane I think I'm gonna go with the tree because all the other three you can eat and make into food but the tree you cannot make it as a food that's what I'm talking about every block requires water to grow except for saplings well I didn't really think of that one either but I still got it right okay so what do we got here we got a compass a bed which I feel like really doesn't fit a clock and a totem of undying I'm gonna go with the bed okay maybe it's not the Ben also guys real quick before we make our next selection I need you guys real quickly real quickly look into Matt and look look at the mask if you guys haven't clicked that subscribe button if that subscribe button is glowing red waiting for you guys to click on it I need you guys to click that subscribe button otherwise you're gonna miss out on all my content and you don't want to do that because tomorrow's video is pretty insane let's figure out what this thing is okay maybe maybe that the total of undying was it every block has a change property in another dimension except for the totem of undying beds explode others who don't work this map creator is getting very advanced okay this is some very advanced stuff I'm gonna go with the slab no it's not flat I mean hey it was an okay try every block is a full block except for the slab okay ice packed ice maybe the packed ice no it's the ice bro what it's the ice I was the ice different from all those blocks every block was introduced and 1.13 except for the packed ice that's not something I would think about I wouldn't look at these blocks you just like mmm all these blocks are new except for that one I don't know this is just not what I think about okay so now we got hey a slime block a sponge in a bed all these blocks are items have purposes except for the hey hey doesn't okay no you know the hey doesn't have a purpose sorry hey I didn't mean to hey your feelings may be the bed nope not the bad bad man it's not the Ben alright then I'm gonna have to go with a slime it's not the slime it's the sponge oh the worst thing about this map is walking all the way back through all the doors all the way back to where you were yeah there it is okay it's the sponge all right why is it sponge every block changes fall damage except for a sponge did i trick you with the yellow bed every block changes fall damage except for the sponge oh that makes sense because when you land on a slime block or hay or a bed you don't take fall damage because it's like bouncy but the sponge sponge yeah okay I see okay grass carpets cobwebs and a dead bush what do these things have in common okay well grass you can get seeds from cobwebs you can get spiderwebs with cobwebs from and then a dead bush you can get sticks from but a carpet you can't get anything from us so I think I was right about nope I was not right every block requires shears to mine the visible block structure except for carpet which can be mined by hand wow that's not what I was thinking at all next morning we have a redstone lamp a door a bed and a piston all these things can power something except for the bed never mind piston I don't know I don't know I don't know okay it's the redstone lamp the redstone lamp is different than all of them what is difference between the redstone lamp every block has wood in it except for a redstone lamp are you serious this map is so difficult okay so this one we got pumpkin pie a pumpkin a car pumpkin and a jack-o'-lantern so I'm gonna go with the pumpkin pie because every single one is a pumpkin except for the pumpkin pie but nevermind that's not the right answer okay I'm gonna go I'm gonna go with the pumpkin cuz it's the only one that's backwards okay I'm gonna go with the jack-o'-lantern cuz it's the only one that can light up is that really what's it every block has pumpkin in the name except for jack-o'-lantern that's just not something I would think about when I look at a bunch of pumpkins Congrats you completed the first section of the map that was only section one in the following section there will only be three this may make it harder to draw connections but the succession of correct guesses I'm just gonna start this I don't even know what's going on also there's three blocks this time okay that makes sense I get it now hopper and anvil and a cold room well with the anvil and the cold room you can craft things but with a hopper - can't nevermind this map is hard okay it was the anvil why isn't the anvil the hopper the hopper in the cauldron have a 2d texture and the anvil has a 3d inventory texture okay what is this so we got a bedrock obsidian and a slab okay obviously these two blocks are strong this one's not strong but it's not gonna be right because the quality of the stone slab matches the obsidian quality and therefore bedrock is the block different that's probably what signs gonna say I'm not gonna be surprised I'm really not okay obsidian bedrock and a bottom slab are not spawn Obol blocks and obsidian can spawn mobs not who's getting way too difficult for me to understand like I've been playing minecraft through six almost seven years you know I know quite a bit about the game but stuff like this like comparing the 2d textures to the 3d inventory textures of blocks and hopper what doesn't even make any sense and next one we have I think that is a kelp we have an in rod and a torch these to provide light this one doesn't that's what I'm gonna go for him oh my gosh please tell me that was right nope it was totally not right it was solely not right but I still got it in rods and torches are broken by water see pickles on the other hand are not it's not even a kelp it's a sea pickle now we got kelp a redstone repeater and that is the new wood it's the new like chiseled wood or well I forgot you call it hmm what is the difference between these three blocks okay well that's a block that's a block and that's a repeater okay let me know about the kelp is a kelp okay so the kelp is different strip blocks and ticked repeaters have to be stripped blocks and tick two repeaters have to be interacted with on the ground to get their state okay yeah cool all right we got a rail a jukebox in a powered rail okay so you would probably think the jukebox is different because that's a rail and that's a rail and that's a jukebox one plays musics and the other two do mine carts no that is not right at all let's go with the powered rail nope it's not the powered rail okay whoa probably this these two are powered by redstone and this one isn't that's probably what its gonna be no no I guarantee you it's not gonna be that jukeboxes and detector rails out put redstone signals okay so jukeboxes and detector rails output redstone signals and that one doesn't okay yeah that one was not too difficult okay this one is easy that one emits light that one also emits light and that one does not i'ma go for this one of course that's not it what could it possibly be oh it's not the in rod no it's the sea lantern why is it the sea lantern probably because the sea lantern is a block and those two are not blocks in rods and iron blocks do not take up full blocks are you serious that's probably the easiest one on the whole entire map you could have made it so much difficult by saying the N rods and sea lanterns give out light but the iron bar doesn't deny having a question okay what's the difference between these three they're all this one this one this one is Bruce wait why wait oak and dark oak each have oak in the name really really I meant to say I miss to say that was birch by the way not not spruce but anyways alright so we got to mine cards in a boat you'd probably think oh yeah the boats different cuz it goes on water yeah that is a completely wrong answer it's a minecart with the hopper probably why is it the minecart with the hopper empty mine carts and boats are writable whatever you know what it is what it is what could possibly be the difference between these we have magma block a sea lantern and a golden block I feel like the magma block in the sea lands that are kind of similar the gold block is just kind of different but you know that's not gonna be the answer so it's probably gonna be the sea lantern nope it's definitely gonna be the magnet walk it's the night malach okay why is it the micro block sea lations and gold blocks can be found in sea temples what the heck is this not to spot the difference between the structures I can do that maybe I can maybe I can't I don't know cold KFC chicken okay that's pretty savage I'm not gonna lie that is pretty savage to all of these chests have cold KFC chicken in it I want to make sure every single one of these chests have cold KFC chicken they all do okay alright so we're good it's probably gonna be something different with the slabs like look see how that is the wither I bet you if I look at some of the other ones it won't be the wither nope that one's the wither this one the wither it is okay oh my gosh I'm literally looking at every single detail and let me tell you I do not see a difference at all at least on the front of these structures wait there's a barrier block right here this one has a variable lock does this one have a barrier block oh my gosh it's where if the barrier blocks okay they all have barrier blocks okay well they also all have those two pieces of redstone every single one has slabs right here or not slabs of staircase it's my bad and every single one has a slab on this side a block right here in a slab or right there you can see the slab right there on that one and then slab you can kind of see it but it's on the one all the way down there I'm just looking at every little detail and just running between all of them even the ground is exactly the same I just checked the ground of every single one every single one has sand in the exact same positions and sand not in the exact same position oh my gosh what yeah I I don't know the difference I really don't this is this is very very difficult I've been looking at all of these structures and literally every single block that exists on the structure and I cannot tell the difference I seriously can't I'm pretty sure it's like one of these blocks are two slabs instead of a full block but you can't physically tell so let's just try to guess I'm sorry I'm sorry I would I'm sorry I'm gonna have to guess I literally have no idea okay so it's the last one the last one is different but how how is it different how what is different about it I tried to make this one hard if you didn't get it check below the chest oh my gosh okay so that block is probably different from the block that is below this one yes it is so there's sand below that chest and then there's like the hardened like clay block or hardened sand block under this chest oh my god that is literally the one place I didn't check of course all right well I think that is the end of this video yeah meter of failure slash success so a thousand XP no deaths one XP 6 plus deaths nice try and well if I have one XP so that's cool alright well I got an iron axe that can break this so let's see what does this do all of this takes us back to the intro wonderful let's play the map again welcome back to a brand new video today we aren't going to be leaving how to same fantastic as your day [Music] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 1,714,851
Rating: 4.93606 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: K4YtGlEKDhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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