NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER Christmas Present Build Battle Challenge!

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today we're checking out noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft christmas house edition that's right guys merry christmas and happy holidays this is going to be a crazy noob versus pro versus hacker minecraft house battle be sure to leave a like and click that subscribe button because it took hundreds of hours to make these houses for this video so that's all unspeakable once for christmas is for you guys to click that like button and click that subscribe button thank you very much and let's check out the first house so this right here is our first house this is the noob house you got to be kidding me this is the noob house guys imagine what the hacker house looks like first off i give it a 5 out of 10 just because santa with his reindeer is flying right over the house that's a nice touch but other than that the decorations are kind of poor there's you know kind of candy cane like ish okay let's go inside let's see what we got okay right when you walk inside there's just a table there's literally a table with a cake on it a kitchen we got some nice decorations on the wall random pieces of string i don't really know what's going on here i will say the table is kind of nice but let's go upstairs we got a bed we got a santa we got a christmas tree there we go i was wondering where the christmas tree was there's not even any presents you can't even open this one okay i'm gonna take that spruce sapling with me i'm just gonna throw it outside and i'm also gonna take uh that one yeah you don't deserve any spruce saplings okay well that is the noob house literally that's the entire house wait does it have a backyard though it does not have a backyard kinda it's just snow now we're in the front yard of the pro house and i gotta say massive snowman and a massive christmas tree before you even get up to the house and then the house is tucked away behind it with massive candy canes all over it i mean this just blows the noob house out of like proportion i don't even know sick and front door what not this door it has a secret button you go up here you hit the box and then it opens the front door automatically yeah that's how we do it in provill you walk in and you are greeted with a beautiful christmas tree and a gift dispenser right when you walk in how nice is that we can hit the box again to close the front door as well dude this absolutely blows the noob house literally out of the water over here to the left we have a beautiful kitchen a beautiful kitchen table we got some drinks on the table as well and then more of the kitchen over here we also have a button we can press that just gives us raw chicken and then we can put the raw chicken in this chest and it will be smelted and put in this dress just like that look at that now we got our cooked chicken hold on i'm missing something there's a button over here that says secret room if you press this button it opens up the staircase and you can go into a secret room what but i'm not going to show you guys that just yet i'm going to show you guys the upstairs first all right let's go upstairs upstairs we have a beautiful fireplace and we can actually switch the fireplace over to a blue fireplace you've got to be kidding me how can the hacker house top this i really don't know and also the amount of detail that's in this house like all all the leaves and the ceiling and the books and the little decorations on the table like look there's a little snowman on there and a christmas tree if we walk through here we have a little show on the wall it's like banners that are like connecting themselves it's kind of like a giant christmas calendar and there's a button on the ceiling where if we press it it will bring down a staircase if we step on this one it'll bring up that staircase and then we can walk up here and we are presented with another secret room bro what flip this lever right here and we have tons of chest that was so satisfying the way all of that opened and closed what and then over here we have a pop-up crafting table up it i standing on it my bad i can press that button again and goodbye crafting table we have an automatic shulker changer all you got to do is just go through the colors and you can pretty much have different shulker boxes what does this button do you're telling me it just gives me a bunch of tables that's pretty cool that is super unnecessary but also so fancy all right well let's go back downstairs here let's go ahead and press the ceiling button and then the staircase just disappears and then in here we have a light oh the bedroom and guess what christmas lights i didn't think christmas lights were possible to make in vanilla minecraft but look at that we have a beautiful bed and we can press this button and it'll actually switch out our armor stance so now we have netherride armor and maybe i'm feeling like i want some iron armor or nah i feel like today i want some gold armor oh that's the santa suit my bad guys this house is so cool and the attention to detail is absolutely crazy now let's check out that secret room that we've been waiting to see press this button open up the stairs and walk down into the secret room that is presented with a beautiful enchantment table but it's not just the enchantment table we can press this button and it brings up the books on the wall we can press this button and it removes part of the stairs and presents us with a nether portal there's so many secrets in this house it's crazy all right let's go ahead and close out that portal let's press this button so i can get the stairs back let's run upstairs press this button so no one knows where my secret room is and then hit the box open the door and we're gonna go over to the hacker christmas house because if this house blew your mind wait till you see the hacker one it's over there look how big it is look at that dude what just walking up to this house is crazy dude like what there's also a massive snow globe over here can we just take a moment to realize how huge this house is like it is ridiculous and not only how huge it is but look at all the detail going down the side of it like what walking up to the front of this house the door is made of diamonds and gold if we press this button right here it's gonna open up the front door oh my gosh what this is crazy this place is huge now this one has a big table at the front but i mean this is a big table and it's really decorated like the amount of detail that went into this table like look there's actual plates with meals in the plates that's pretty crazy we also have massive santa clause over here and apparently he does ho ho ho ho ho oh oh his beard moves and his mouth moves press to calculate all the good and bad kids okay so this is a giant globe and it's wow it's scanning the system of how many good kids and how many bad kids there are okay this is pretty advanced 98 99 100 there are 1.1 billion good kids and a 187 million bad kids that's a lot of bad kids over here we have a little hangout area we have like what is this a little living room over here is this a fireplace oh fancy but can it turn blue i don't think it can turn blue oh that's kind of sad we do however have a massive christmas tree very decorated and we can even turn on tree particles that's so cool i've never seen that before over here we have a conveyor belt of food you know you're living a fancy life when you have a conveyor belt for food in your house like what that is just absurd okay now guys i haven't even begun the second story yet it's gonna take me a while to get up to the second story just because there's so much in this house we have a fireplace right here we have a massive furnace right here that's actually gonna cook a lot of the food in the house another furnace over here we have a milk station over here so basically this entire room is the kitchen we have massive furnace over here that pretty much cooks everything and runs the farms if we flick this lever right here it's pretty much gonna start pushing things down the conveyor belt and start cooking them so look there's some cocoa beans we also have some bear wheat before look at this and then it presses it what and we have a cookie it's making cookies it's a cookie machine and then it adds milk to the cookies look at that ah that's crazy it's gonna keep going hold on cookie's still going now the cookie is going to be cooked into the furnace there we go look at that it's being cooked right now oh look at that that's how you make a real good cookie in minecraft that's what i'm talking about and then the cookie is going to pretty much gonna go up there and in all of these barrels where it is full of cookies what we have a cookie machine it's a cooking machine that is crazy i'm gonna turn it off for now because we have like three chests full of cookies we have water for the sink wow it's so fancy we have an automatic grill that cooks food check this out throw the raw meat on there and it's cooked what we also have a coffee machine of course who doesn't like their coffee thank you that's enough all right cool we have another cookie machine and then of course we have a milk machine that makes me a glass of milk with my cookie this is this is too fancy and then in the middle we have a giant gingerbread man which seems very happy all right continuing on there's even more guys this is literally just the beginning of the house we have two awesome christmas trees right here and then this is where we can change the color of the fire now we're talking what do we got in here oh it's kind of steamy in here and this is like a giant sauna okay we can open and close all the trap doors we can also i i don't know exactly what this does oh my gosh this is crazy this is the craziest sauna ever it is so hot in here you guys don't even know i'm sweating already oh my gosh it's insane all right turn off turn off the lava all right we need to take a chill pill it's on here all right i'm getting out of there this room right here is all about armor and what i'm gonna wear today we got some crazy crazy options we also have a material generator so i can literally generate any material i want i know i know i know it doesn't make much sense but look at that i just generated an entire stack of iron over here we have a wall of armor we can simply just press a button and we'll instantly wear it look at that now i'm wearing blue now i'm wearing pink now i'm wearing green it's like magic like i don't understand this is crazy we also have a button that gives us a stack of ender pearls thank you very much now it's time to head upstairs and look at the staircases they are just giant candy canes this is crazy this is also like the longest staircase i have ever walked up in a minecraft house i i almost feel like you could literally race up it like you could actually host a race that is insane also we have a massive snow globe up here that has an entire house in it look who lives there it's market margaret lives in this house this is marga's house this is where market belongs and for those of you curious this is where margaret has been for all of those times that we haven't seen margaret margaret has been gone for a while but he's been big chilling in his snow globe which is where he belongs we also have some giant presents sitting over here just like the amount of stuff that's in here is crazy like this giant bow like what like the detail in this place is insane if we walk in here we are presented with pretty much the library and what is this was aswd a good boy this year i'm gonna say very bad oh was shark a good boy this year um i'm gonna say good was preston a good boy this year yeah i'll say good was moosecraft a good boy this year fine i'll say good here we go i submitted my answers hopefully you guys get good presents if you don't it's not my problem the good kids list unspeakable yeah that's it oh what i've been waiting for this is the bed but the best part about it is i can change the sheets with the click of a button look at that what you've got to be kidding me that is so cool we can also swap out our armor we have like a conveyor belt for our armor so oh there's the gold armor that's what i'm talking about that's what i want yeah i want the gold armor give me that stuff guys this is so crazy i don't even know what to say this massive library this crazy bedroom and look how tall the ceilings are in this place we have giant jingle bells going all up into the ceiling there's a giant like chandelier up there this is just crazy this is definitely the coolest christmas house i've ever been in like this definitely blows the other houses way out of the water with that being said thank you guys so much for watching noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft christmas house edition thank you guys so much for watching my videos throughout the entire year and i'm wishing you all a merry christmas happy holidays and a happy new year there's gonna be tons of awesome content coming in the new year so be sure to click that subscribe button guys but thank you guys so much and i'll see you soon in a brand new video peace
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 573,658
Rating: 4.9345999 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: EECV24GuPcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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