Minecraft: EXTREME RAINBOW DROPPER! (Custom Map)

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hi Nico hi guys today we're going to be playing The Dropper Adventure Map oh my gosh my gosh that was so fun so how do we play so first off let's set our spawn right here and now follow me onto these Gold Blocks right here it says level one Madness yup and this should be an easy level so we'll flick this and get ready to drop and should it be that hard wait what oh my gosh land in the water Nico oh no oh no oh wait what Nico you're so silly how did I already fail oh my gosh and also Nico at the end of each level there's a secret chest with a diamond in it and if we collect all the diamonds we get a surprise at the end so look for the chest it's right here oh I'm getting a cash because I love diamonds hey Nico I found that first come on fine gosh you could have it thank you okay now we can go to the end of the level okay I'm following you and each level will have an iron tunnel just like this teleport to the next level let's go all right here we go now we're gonna put the diamond in this ender chest and now we're on level two which is called fall whoa so I'm gonna flick the level oh okay I'll beat you inside but whoa what oh my gosh we're falling through trees we're sideways wait where's the water oh my gosh where's the water Nico I don't understand it's on the side of the wall it's formed like a lake oh I see it oh my gosh that's so weird this is so cool when you look at it from upwards it looks like you're playing regular Minecraft yeah that's so true but Hey where's the chest Nico oh my gosh dude how do we miss it Nico I found it it's right behind the water wall and that's my diamond nope it's mine okay now that we found the diamond we can go to the end of the level okay okay through the iron tunnel again and here we go we get to teleport to level three let's see how many damage we could fight combined cash all right here we go we'll put the second diamond in the ender chest and now we can move on to level three which is called in the middle this one's a straight door now whoa this is so weird Okay Nico have fun what oh my gosh casual why'd you push me in don't worry I'm coming down with you oh gosh land in the middle Nico land in the middle oh my gosh let's go I did it and wait I see the chest up there I saw it on my way down and that's pretty easy here I'll give you the diamond cat thank you Nico now you can put it in our e-chest but wait where's the exit now oh yeah it doesn't seem to be up here anywhere maybe it's down here whoa you just went through Nico oh my gosh this underground part leads to the iron tunnel whoa let's go all right time for level four now let's put the third diamond in our Ender Chest these levels keep getting more and more mind-blowing and this one's called cars I wonder what this is gonna look like my oh gosh where are the city oh my gosh what where's the water where's this supposed to be what the oh my gosh Nico I think I see the water what I got Tricks yes there's some blue cars that are disguised as water so look just land on one of the blue cars okay got it let's go okay oh my gosh look there's a red car for you let's go but where is that diamond chest I need to find it oh yeah let me find it it's gonna be here I think I found it Nico let's go let's go we gotta find all that diamond it was in this Cobblestone building right here now we can go to the iron tunnel again let's go and let's teleport boop boop okay let's put the fourth diamond in the ender chest and we're already on level five Nico this level is called mine yeah let's check it out this one's gonna be so easy watch whoa oh my gosh oh my gosh Dodge the railroads let's go I made it first try that was so easy you're so good at this cash I know but now I have to look for the chest before you make it down come on let's go I landed okay the chest has to be here somewhere I found it Nico it's across here but how am I supposed to make that jump oh my gosh wait over here look I'm above you oh right over there okay I'll try and make the jump Nico ready oh yeah go go let's go I made it let's go cash and I found the iron tunnel whoa where is it over here I see it okay let's try and not die and I made it and Nico if you look on the right side of the screen it shows how many times we've each failed so you have three fails and I have two oh my gosh you're so good cash thank you all right teleport to level six teleport a let's put the diamond in the ender chest and this one's called curtain curtain I wonder what this is gonna be let's go all right here we go flick the lever and oh my gosh well we're in a bathroom what the heck this is so weird I know right okay cash let's analyze the situation and think about where we have to go okay I'm gonna drop again to see okay so we're in a bathroom that we're in a shower whoa the walls are made out of water Nico oh water okay we gotta go there okay we have to land in the water of the walls so I'm gonna try and make it to that one oh gosh that's too far oh that one's way too far oh my gosh I think we have to land on the closer one so it's around this glass and then straight in let's go let's go I made it let's go guys we both did it now let's look for the chest together It's gotta be here somewhere got it whoa this bathroom is huge the chest could be anywhere in here I know I'm just gonna to explore oh my gosh cash we're so small compared to all these things I know right this is kind of scary and whoa why is there a trash can right here let's see if there's anything inside of it maybe the chest yes sir let's go and there you go that's our Diamond all right now we can go back up to the iron tunnel which I'm pretty sure is up there awesome this bathroom is so cool I know right I wish I had a bathroom this big in real life me too and Nika look we can see where we dropped from it's all the way up there whoa that is so high up I can't believe I just jumped from that high me too okay let's move on to level seven now I'm so excited to see what's next okay here we go we made it to the button again so let's TP back got it I'm coming put the diamond in the chest and Nico are you ready for level seven yup whoa what the heck does this all mean this might be a secret code but I could be wrong and level seven it says some holes are closed let's just see what it's talking about oh my gosh wait it's lava what the heck well I just fell through it oh my gosh what I made it through one Nico I did too but wait one of them I died in oh my gosh cash I think this is telling us something oh my goodness I think I know what it means too I think the zero means that it's open and the X means that it's closed so we do not want to go with the x sides okay so we gotta remember so I'm gonna remember top right top right top right and then I have to go left twice got it okay so three rights and a left so let's go here we go one two three and now left one two let's go oh my gosh I followed you and I made it guys and look see the other ones are blocked off just like we saw oh my gosh we're so smart I know right and the chest is right here next to the water oh perfect this one was very easy to find oh and a chicken oh my gosh chickens I love chickens oh my gosh we don't want to kill it oh yeah you're right okay let's just move on to the iron tunnel again let's go all right diamond in the ender chest and now we can go to the next level level eight which is just period period period I wonder what that means what the heck why does it not have a name I'm so curious whoa oh my gosh Nico we're in the bathroom again and we're so high up this time okay oh Nico you pushed me off oh gosh I'm sorry cash oh no where do I even go oh my gosh Nico I think we're supposed to land in the toilet bowl water that's so gross but let's go it has to be done come on oh gosh uh there's boats Nico I just landed on some boats I barely dodged them cash what the heck okay I have to dodge the boats let's go again come on come on let's go yes I made it and ew we're being flushed down out the side this is so gross oh my God what but now let's go look for the diamond in the chest I'm gonna check around the toilet maybe it's here somewhere oh yes I was right it's right here let's go now we can move on to the iron tunnel again this bathroom is so cool I know right I love how everything is so big we are going through these levels so quickly let's go all right Diamond number eight into the chest and now it's time for a level nine which says step by step whoa what is that gonna be I wonder what that means let's go through try to land on the web oh what which webs I think it's talking about these ones right here so I'm gonna jump on the webs oh gosh where am I supposed to go now oh gosh cash I'm coming with you Nico I don't think this is the right spot oh gosh we're falling I'm stuck wait cash we got a lid of the block come on oh gosh come on I'll hit you on there let's go oh I fell I found Nico no oh no wait Nico there's more cobwebs at the bottom I think you're right first land here okay I'm on my way let's go nice okay but now that we're on here we need to land on those cobwebs that I saw earlier so I'm just gonna jump from here and come on and I'll follow you let's make it yes I made it oh my gosh it takes so long to get out of these things I know right and we're in another huge area look at the sidewall Nico whoa this place is like a whole side sideways room this is so weird to look at these map creators love making things huge I know right and there's a sign here that says from here step by step I guess we just gotta do the same thing we were doing okay so I think we need to just land on the small things that'll make us not take too much fall damage so let's go on to this white thing right here and now down here oh yeah and that's what we have regeneration okay right here and whoa I think I see some water in the wall right there oh you're right so I'm just gonna jump from the side and land inside of it let's go we are in the water baby oh this faucet oh yeah that's smart let's go on here okay nice but now where do we go wait gosh I think I'll be later that boo thing we're gonna die so I think we gotta go on the sides right here yeah you're right I'm gonna come with let's go I'm following you Nico okay and now the blue thing and that way too now on to the toaster this is pretty easy from here and we made it Nico let's go we outsmarted this thing we're finally at the bottom and whoa this room looks so cool oh and cash look what what'd you find it's a diamond oh my gosh let's go that was so easy it would have taken so long if we looked at this whole place this is huge yeah but where's the iron tunnel at it's over here cat follow me where oh I think I see it time for the next level let's go okay now we can put the ninth diamond in the chest and now it's time for level ten rail what does that mean I don't know let's just flick the lever and find out we'll see whoa whoa there's a rail on the wall whoa I'm gonna try and fall through this oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh what the heck I think we need to go through the trades cash through the trains oh this is a railroad I get it now come on I see the water Nico I made it what the heck these were some cool train tracks I know if we picked that other trade we would have died yeah you're right but now we have to find the chest before we go through that tunnel It's gotta be around here somewhere I know it maybe it's inside this train uh I don't think it is Nico I'm gonna go back down to the the bottom and keep looking this looks weird it's got to be around here somewhere oh I found it let's go finally now we can move on to the next level let's put the diamond in the Ender Chest there we go and now it's time for level 11 which says the nether okay let's flick the lever and let's find out what this dropper is about oh gosh oh gosh Nico this is scary whoa I fell so far oh my gosh oh gosh I think these levels are getting harder and harder cash yeah let's see if we can make it this time so there's a bunch of sides that are filled with netherracks so I'm gonna Dodge it let's go yes I made it oh gosh oh I died oh my gosh Nico and you died right next to the diamond chest cash we have the Super Body deaths I have to make this a tie come on oh gosh okay and I already saw the iron tunnel underground so it's right here oh I didn't even see that cash good job yup I'm lucky I spotted it all right Next Level okay let's put the diamond in the chest and now level 12 says death I don't like the sound of that cash neither do I you go first Nico oh gosh I guess so let's go oh my gosh what the heck yes it's safe don't worry are you sure yeah whoa we just landed on glowstone this is like a huge Stone structure okay I'm just gonna fall let's go are we in a skull oh my gosh we're at a skeleton I already made it Nico I'm so good how are you doing these levels so fast because I'm so good and there's a bunch of chests at the bottom where's my diamond I found it let's go how many diamonds are we at now cash I don't know wait we have potions of speed what the heck oh my gosh what is this for I don't know but don't fall into the void Nico this is really dangerous but hey Nico stop watch out wait what did we just fall through is this a skeleton oh my gosh what and there's a bunch of flames around him this is so scary now I know why it's called Death yeah I don't like this level that much let's just get out of here and whoa it just tped us to the top of the skeleton whoa why I have no idea but where's the next level we can see the next level here Nico what the heck is that shaped out there hey that's an impossible shape what the heck that should not be possible this is like an optical illusion that is so cool okay now it's time to move on oh I already found the next level it's over here let's go cash okay let's put the diamond in this Ender Chest before we start there we go we now have 12 Diamonds oh that's a lot of diamonds we could almost take full diamond armor cash yup but this next level says the bedroom and the blocks are above us so how are we supposed to get through I have no idea let's try it out oh gosh oh what sand a staircase oh my gosh that's so smart it just came from the seal egg and where are we this whole room is upside down look there's a chair right there and a wall so right now we're underneath the bed I think whoa this is so weird to look at okay these signs say look for the webs and Vines and follow the pumpkins oh my gosh this chest has so many goodies oh my gosh and this gives us night vision so let's Splash that okay look for the webs and Vines and follow the pumpkins okay I see the first pumpkin there and I see some Vines so let's jump I made it Nico come on you got this nice okay just barely now let's go up to the pumpkin right here and I see the next one right here whoa this one also has some Vines so let's climb up these ones too that's sick and this map looks so cool oh my gosh I know right okay the next pumpkins right here this says save okay let's do that oh it gives us beds to set our spawn points and why is it just a red bed because Red's obviously the best color Nico what do you mean what the heck okay now that we set our spawn points here where do we go from here oh Nico I found where to go I see a pumpkin down there and it has webs next to it oh my gosh so I'll help you out Nico you got it oh thanks for the Boost cash you're welcome that works I'm on my way too okay now let's walk along this tight Edge gosh this is super scary look everything's upside down there's a window and some shelves and yeah you're right we were under a bed wow and hey look at what the color of the bed is light blue okay at least they give you a big light blue bed oh my gosh okay let's just keep following these pumpkins we need to escape oh my gosh Nico the pumpkins are going down to the floor what do we do now I guess we just gotta follow the pumpkins oh I see a cobweb right here let's go oh so we can just fall in there and take no fall damage it's perfect okay nice now I think we need a parkour to this pumpkin easy enough and this last pumpkin has cobwebs there and some Vines there so I'm gonna go for the vines and I'll go for the cobwebs let's go nice job Nico we made it and I'm stuck in these couples for a little bit so find the chest cash okay I'll look for it where can this chest be hmm what is this dispenser oh gosh this chest has got to be here somewhere it could be anywhere in this room though Nico I think I found it it's right there it's next to this light bulb oh my gosh this is so weird this whole room is upside down I don't like this yeah we did there let's just leave uh we need to escape okay here we are and whoa there's another entrance right here and oh my gosh it's an impossible staircase what the heck let me say look it goes for Infinity it keeps going down whoa and it's been a light blue wool so that's even better oh my gosh red would have looked so much cooler but anyways enough looking at that let's move on to the next level okay come on all right I'll put my diamond to the ender chest and we already have 13. whoa so let's move on to level 14 which is called colors colors what is that I have no idea oh my gosh Nico it's a big huge spiral let's go oh gosh what I had to make you go first I'm on my way down Nico it's just like the other level cash oh yeah it is oh and I made it into the water again oh let's find this chest all right It's gotta be up here again somewhere but how do we get up we can't go anywhere besides here speed set here somewhere oh my gosh right here you're so smart I can't believe you found it so quickly I'll give you this time of cash all right thank you and now we finally made it what there's another chest speed potions again so many speed potions I know right why do we need this many I have no idea but I don't mind neither do I we beat that level so quickly let's go to the next one okay now we seem to be on the next level whoa this looks like a street cash I know right and now let's drop in through this side let's go here we go oh my gosh oh Nico we're falling look at the road oh gosh okay I'm following the road and we landed in the water perfect this is so cool it looks like we're actually driving and Nico look there's no iron tunnel there's just another portal here whoa I think we gotta go through that cash yeah but first let's get the diamond from this chest and we get some potions of healing here I'll give you half of mine thank you cash okay now Nico are you ready to go through the portal yup all right here we go oh my my goodness what the heck is this I'm coming too whoa this is so weird how is there water in the nether whoa this side budget is so freaky and what is that supposed to be is that a heart wait let's drink the night vision oh my gosh it's all red now oh my gosh this is not good why did I drink that okay now I'm gonna step on this and drink a speed potion and let's just run through this okay I think we just need to make it to the other side oh it says human heart I knew it how did you guess that cashier's so smart oh my gosh Nico I'm falling through what the heck what my screen is all red I don't know where to go yeah same with mine oh gosh Nico let's not do that again that was so bad yeah I don't like this one neither do I let's just make it to this portal and this chest has another flint and steel for us to like the portal let's go I don't know what the point of that was but I guess it was kind of cool yeah me neither oh but that portal teleported us to the next level this is breaking my brain what the heck is happening I know right this is like an optical illusion oh my gosh wait you could go with this pressure plate to look closer oh that's not looking closer that should keeping you to the top oh gosh Nico what the heck land in the water oh and I didn't have to do anything this is such a weird level it looks like a bunch of triangles I know right but it's all just one piece of black wool wait I'm gonna do this again this is so cool look at this wow oh my gosh my eyes hurt um go back this is so cool though yeah let's go back now oh I think this takes us to the next level let's go all right let's go yes we're finally at the next level I'm gonna make sure to put my diamond away so now we have 15. and now we're on level 16. it's called blood oh I don't like that neither do I that sounds scary let's go whoa oh gosh Nico what the heck where are we oh gosh oh no I almost made it come on there's a bunch of glow soda that my face it's hard to dodge them I think we're in a bloodstream and these are a bunch of red blood cells wow oh but why would there be water in my veins that's so weird that can't be safe oh and Nico I see the chest up here yep I got you cash I'll give you the diamond thanks Nico and Nico look at the color all around us oh it's red yup which is my favorite color wow okay gosh I guess my blood is red too that would be weird if it would be blue yeah but where's the iron tunnel I want to get out of here uh oh this is not an eye Turtle it's a glowstone Tuttle oh my gosh this is so weird and there's so many torches I'm gonna break them oh what a day cash where are we now congratulations the game ends here did you find the 16 diamonds yes I did I have 15 from this ender chest and one from this level so I have 16. yup and look we can teleport to any of the 16 levels what the heck this is so cool this was so fun cash thanks for playing with me but wait Nico there's still One More Level and apparently it's called The Library map and whoa this sign here says last level so let's go oh my gosh I wonder what the last level looks like yeah me too I'm gonna drink a speed potion and let's go super Speedy okay I think we're here now and it's called the living room so let's press the button and let's see what it looks like whoa oh my gosh oh my gosh what where's the water what the heck where do we go from here I have no idea that's so confusing okay come on find the water cash oh I'm just gonna land here yeah me too I think this is where we're supposed to go oh follow the pumpkins okay let's go with that Nico follow the pumpkins oh and bunch of Parkour cash this is so much fun I'm gonna drink another speed potion find the button which buttons what the heck there's a button right here I see one here Nico it says I don't like books push the button and run oh gosh oh gosh we have to run where do I run to oh gosh oh my gosh Nico what the heck are you serious cash I think I found out where we gotta go follow me okay I'm gonna follow follow you Nico okay here we go okay first go over here okay got it now go over here okay you have to follow my lead cash we're gonna drop on a cobweb oh gosh this is gonna be hard to see where is it Nico oh I see it it's right there okay let's try this again okay try number two I think it was out here somewhere come on come on what the where was it okay let me fall over here I'll let you know okay oh my gosh that hits that direction okay let me try now you said it's over here right oh gosh I see where it is it's right next to the Cross it's so hard to see I think I know exactly where to go this time all right here we go we're gonna go right here and I'm pretty sure it's right here yes I made it let's go Nico you got this I'm standing right next to it come on cash come on and oh that's cool and look Nico there's another chest right here and it has a diamond block what the heck can I have that yeah sure you can have this one diamond blocks are my favorite cash and this living room looks so cool if you look straight trade it from here it just looks like a normal living room that's insane I know right okay well it's time to leave now and I think we have to go through this keyhole in this door and it says the end why does it say end three times what the heck because it's game over oh my gosh that was so much fun Nico we did it cash we beat all the dropper back and Nico if you look on the right side I have less fails than you oh my gosh you're so good good job cash thanks for playing with me yup that was a lot of fun if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye
Channel: Cash
Views: 3,463,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Minecraft the Dropper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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