Nico vs Cash WATERPARK Build Challenge!

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ah do you guys have your swimsuits um nope I forgot mine yeah I'm almost Nico that's a shark costume what do you mean I'm supposed to be a dolphin do I not look like one no you have your own swimsuit why didn't you just wear that with the floaties oh well uh I try to be different today uh well I guess it does kind of look cool but whatever let's just go okay and you know what I'm gonna go change real quick because I wanna go get a swimsuit too oh actually all right y'all listen the water park is closed today I'm sorry guys but this wealthy dude just rented out the whole thing for his family so wealthy dude wait Josh got his costume I got all dressed up for this yeah man I'm sorry but yeah this wealthy dude just basically rented it out for his whole family and uh now it's gonna be occupied the whole day oh my gosh are you serious why do rich people get priority no fear hey man he paid like 500 diamonds for it though oh my gosh it'll be open tomorrow um I can't believe we can't go to the water park today what a bummer I had to fit into this old costume you know I got this when I was younger wait actually yeah well how does it still fit you I have no idea I don't think I grew oh my gosh water park day let's go yeah what sorry Shady the water park is closed closed it's open 24 7. well not today why because a wealthy business owner rented out the part for himself ah are you serious so now we can't go well guess what that wealthy business owner was me wait what no way just kidding oh my gosh I thought he rented it out for us yeah a big shower and now I can't even go to the water park and play with my friends uh guys guys look on the bright side we could just swim in this dirty Lake ew I don't like Kiara whoa this place would be good to be have a water park and look at this waterfall just make something on her own over here you mean like build our own water park yeah we've built so many things before right I guess so but wouldn't the water park be hard no no no no I can just build it right here by myself Nico no offense but I don't really trust you building the water park why I'm an excellent Builder well we all know that I could build more fun things to do yeah oh my gosh this always happens but just because I'm better doesn't mean this always happens no this definitely always happens you guys argue and then we just build something well you know what that's because I'm gonna build a better water park than this guy no you're not it's not gonna build a way better one right Shady yeah right okay Shady you've been Cash's partner I'll be with Nico okay good luck guys let's build the best water parks away yeah all right let's go time to get out of this silly costume I gotta get serious you know what silly we're gonna build the best water park yeah we sure are because I have some ideas myself wait what but first we need to figure out how to get into creative how do we guess I'm only in Creative wait uh never mind I'm in creative sorry Zoey well guys I think we're gonna need to build the big wall over here you can kind of see what we're building yeah I agree okay so let me get a wand right here Place one section like this and then one over here you should make it a water wall and you can see no no no I'm gonna set this to bed rocker on top okay fine yeah sure how are we supposed to remove this in survival Nico well that's why we're in Creative silly okay gosh Shady so silly well anyways silly what do you have planned for the water park okay stuff we should have a rainbow slide I've never seen a rainbow slide on there well I think I think that's a rainbow site but it's like we're gonna make a better one yeah okay Zoey uh I think we're gonna need to make this slide over here so let's first make the slide shape like this and let's make it out of blocks of gold but we're gonna replace this block later and it's gonna go right into the water right here but we're gonna need to make the edges and we're gonna make this thing super big and super tall basically a water slide that you've never seen in your life yeah one that's gonna be way better than cash and shadies yeah I don't know why they keep competing with us I feel like cash is initiating this but you know what whatever okay so let's keep building up like this and then go up more just like this and then wrap this around and then we're gonna have a turn right here so we look oh perfect uh can you pause at the box for me a little bit can my block placement isn't very good [Music] okay just like this keep going up and when should we stop I think we should go higher okay you know what I have the perfect idea I could take this selection right here copy it right here and then make it go however I watch it's like this whoa but it needs to be taller I'll make it taller one sec let me just make another turn right here then we could continue building this water slide is looking crazy it sure is this is gonna be amazing yep and we're gonna make it rainbow at the very end so now I go like this right here build up more just like this nice builds up more oh my gosh this is gonna be so good okay and then I could copy this like so so now I can paste it just like this oh gosh uh it's invisible wait no it's fine you know what just out of spikes I'm gonna make this go over the old water slide yeah because how dare you close today I know that's so mean right yeah no fear look how tall this is Zoey whoa this looks sick this looks like the best slide ever I know right look at this yeah way better than those slides over there yeah but mine's gonna be better than cash now I think we should make this rainbow Zoe don't you agree yeah I think it's a good idea so let's get all the wool we're gonna need we're gonna need red orange yellow green blue magenta don't forget purple okay I got purple okay and then now we can replace near two with red underscore wool just like this now we got red here then we can make the next one orange then the next one yellow then the next one green then the next one blue then the next one magenta and then the next one purple and then I'll over so red orange yellow green [Music] taking a while one second red orange yellow green blue magenta purple I've always said right after the last thing orange okay we're done let's go whoa this wow the second and I love these little pillars you're making Zoe oh thank you I'm just making sure it's safe yup this looks so good actually and you know what now we can finally place our water at the top right here look at this is actually gonna work let's see oh here comes the water wow it's flow it gets flow it gets flowing and then now when it hits this it's gonna make the turn kitchen and then now uh I'll just wait for it but why do we like this slide I think this is a 10 out of 10. it has to win yep so now I could go down here come on oh gosh uh it's kind of slow but you know what we're gonna fix that Zoe by getting boots and I'll get some diamond boots maybe get some amethyst boots for yourself and then enchanting it with depth Strider Ted now we should be able to go super fast in this water and if we combine that with speed just like this then we could go even faster wow and now yes finally we made it look with that Freddy he goes super fast underwater seal speaking of which I think we want to build a lagoon Zoe don't you agree water brush always have that let me get a command to replace grass block and stone with air then now I can just go through and then use this Commander to it whoa and I know you can do go well now you know very impressive oh you're impressed uh okay all right it's even more impressive give me a second okay you just gotta have to wait till it's done and this is gonna take a little bit so I'm just gonna do this super fast then now we gotta go around just like this and we should almost begin just like this okay we're getting those that way one second okay now we got it uh oh whoa Zoe you're making this look super good oh thank you I just added a little bit of a touch up let me do that too actually and just break some sides of the edges to help you out oh thank you Nico and that should look better well this is five blocks deep I didn't know if cash will survive five bucks deep but we'll see it's cash note how to swim please not decaded swimming but whoa this Lagoon is looking good so now I could get a wand right here select on this side and then go all the way over here go down here and you said just replace air with water wow wow Nike patches hole up right here and this will be filled with water so now we can put a chest down here then get some boats and have a bunch of boots around here they should make this look so much better so you guys have done a lot of them okay there's a little bit too many out oh I bumped into one oh gosh wow I think that's good for the Lagoon but how about making another slide because this slide looks kind of still with only one yeah we need an even bigger slime I agree but you know what let's get a one real quick right here let's just copy this one right here by copying it over a few blocks just like this and then pasting it like this oh gosh wow it's flooding but look what I did so I connected them this is crazy now someone can race and we drain this real quick and look at this they're connected that's pretty cool I'm not gonna lie sure is but the water stops right here oh wait water's disappearing oh wait no oh it's no longer a water slide it's just a slide I'll fix it I'll fix it okay okay good good good that looks good but this is still kind of looking still so you know what I'm gonna make it so you can choose your Pat and down this way I'm gonna make a loop-de-loop oh it's like a Choose Your Own Adventure yup and for this adventure I'm gonna make them twirl around okay so like this uh oh gosh the water needs to flow that way oh how do we do that I don't know it's not working I'm not a plumber I don't know how Water Works uh does that work okay that works oh gosh it's fine we'll just fix that later I'll just block the water for now yeah that would probably be the best bet you know what it's right here I'm gonna make a huge cylinder I'm gonna make a cylinder out of orange wool like this oh gosh uh oopsies I made it go all the way down here boom check this out Zoey whoa don't you think it's a little too big uh no I think this is just perfect okay and then now on this side of the water slide you could fall down into the pink them into the Lagoon let's go now let me finish adding water to the Gloom like this so now you always fall into water besides baby but you know what we'll patch it yeah I'm sure that won't happen yeah that's not gonna hurt someone at all right yeah no you know what I'll just add some water right here just in case yeah that would probably be the best batch but now we can add a little hallway and now look how cool this looks you go under a cylinder wow okay that looks cool and now let me finish building the pillars okay just like this and then going up here and going all the way down come on now we have multiple water slides and you know you know what these water slides aren't big enough why why didn't bigger like to the sky Limit Oh My Gosh do you think what I'm thinking Zoe yup mysterium or at least I hope I am is that right this is what you meant I sure did and you know what this is even higher than I thought oh my gosh okay you know what this is what we're gonna do we're gonna start off with blocks like this okay how about we just have a Sky Drop sounds like a good idea to me so I think we could just place a piston right here and then get a block like this now you flick the lever then now if we want to go down oh oh oh but this doesn't exactly align with the other water slide give me one sec one second you could fall to your death there yeah that's not good now I could simply take a one right here and a one right here and then move this two box over this way and now this should be better oh gosh oh gosh Zoey I mean I'm Invincible all right I forgot so I think I'm we're gonna need a command block that goes all the way up there don't you agree yep we sure do okay let me just clear this real quick then now let me just tie the Redstone over on this side and then find the coordinates right here copy them and then now I could give myself a command block just like this and where should we put this command box Zoe let's see what if we make a little hot dog stand and have it there wait what a hot dog stand what I'm just gonna place it right here okay I'm gonna make a pressure plate and then this will TP the nearest player to these quarters right here then I'll place a sign that says super duper huge water slide done and then now oh my gosh okay okay uh that way it works okay I see you but I think we need some ladders I think so yeah so that we can do these in survival right oh yeah you do have a good point you know what that bill doesn't look that bad Zoe yeah we're definitely gonna win yeah there's no way look we even got lazy Lagoon yeah I bet they don't have that once you finish with the hot dog stand do you think we're ready I sure do do you want to help me stop shirt what is the hot dog stand anyways that's where you're so hot dog yeah but um this doesn't look like a hot dog Zoey what does a hot dog look like again oh my gosh yeah Wow Let's do cash and Shady Zoey ah Shady hello oh I think they're done can you hear me on the other side of this wall uh sure what do you mean sure I'm right here it went yeah all that well I don't even see it wait you don't no I know you can see it I can't the water's blocking my view okay well can I come over yeah sure Shady are we done we're Shady Shady um guys I'm taking down the wall this looks uh that's kind of awkward I already peeked hey yeah whatever uh the Water sets here me that was Kesha it looks cool oh my gosh well whatever she'll be around cash okay come to the entrance I'll show you this little staircase which I built it has three levels and if you're a baby then you go on the first level but if you're a master then you go on the top one uh well I'm a master do I need to be in survival yep you do wait wait wait ah it's always a baby she's going on the first level want to talk about it I'll be a master of the give me one second we'll see about that Nico stop right there buddy stop right there I'm the Lifeguard wait should be the Lifeguard yep he is what if I do this hey Nico that's not cool now you go in oh my gosh oh wait what's this under here oh he found the tunnel oh my gosh guys Nico you're being led to the back rooms the back rooms what's that no it's not the back rooms this is just the second part of the build whoa okay when what's in this chest but let's of course you're gonna put a mangrove bow in there because it looks the coolest no that's just because it's kind of red it's not even that much red okay come on let's go oh Zoe you're in my boat gosh dumb liable for two people yeah you sure are so don't get us hurt uh cash oh that was an accident oh oh whoa that was pretty fun yeah my build had a little bit of a defect uh yeah but oh gosh this is yeah I know go stay to the water out maybe it wasn't a good idea to put concrete on a hot day yeah probably not sure water park yeah it's just the hot concrete all right buddy stop stop right there okay let's see how tall you are uh am I tall enough no you're not tall enough to ride the ride get off buddy oh yeah Zoe is tall enough they both have a combined weight of about 50 pounds I think they could go on yeah all right we'll let it slide okay let's go hey hey you went too early you went too early come back come back did I break it wait it's only one Buckeyes I'm confused oh my gosh you're supposed to do this uh oh what was Santa tactical difficulties okay now one at a time okay come on I gotta swim at the shade I broke it again oh my God move out of the way guys I'll show you how it's done just look straight down you're supposed to swim down guys come on ah okay finally I have to place a water bucket guys huh uh no you didn't but yeah that was pretty cool yeah it was a pretty cool slide but uh you kind of drowned is that okay you okay in there what I couldn't breathe that's a safety acid you just have to hold your breath well anyways you could kind of share a build from that other side but you know what I'll rate your build first okay I'm gonna give this build a hurry up hurry up my feet are burning nine out of ten oh yeah it's definitely a nine but let's get out of here yeah but that's a concrete anyways cash is Shady here is our build whoa it's so colorful yep we made rainbow slides oh my gosh I love Rainbow right here we have our lazy Lagoon and you can use the boats to get around just like this go under this area like so wow but you know uh that's pretty boring I bet you're here for the rides I am here for the rides take me up okay shady I think you want to go in the tallest one first yes I do okay Shady come on wait we could just fly wait what the fake you're gonna be in survival I'm in survival okay I'll be at survival now survival and you're not oh Zoey's picking him up here hit me I'm in survival oh gosh okay you put out the boots and the speed then you'll be faster that's super easy I'm already going whoa this is a fun water slide whoa you're going from such high places I almost fell off well you might just went off the edge yeah that was a close one okay nice now you gotta take A Hard Ride Hard Ride I did it okay and then yeah oh gosh wait no not the river oh into the dirty Lake oh oh my gosh that river water tasted like lizards what do you mean the river water is nice huh I don't know but anyways if you come up here there's a little part where you could go into the lazy Lagoon from here and then drop through the cylinder okay I'm coming me too you mean right here uh yeah go down okay let's go okay take a hard left would you wish to ride it wow I did it oh my gosh oh and then with the depth Shadow boots you could go super fast underwater boom look at me whoa okay wait or Shady faster than cash I'm gonna beat your boat no no he can't beat my boat my speed ran out what oh and I think Shady wins this hooray it turns out the boat is faster well I didn't have speed well anyways before you wait to build this one last thing I gotta show you okay what is it check this out super duper huge water slide go in there Shady whoa this is not safe uh what do you mean just stand out there why is there a hole hey what oh gosh uh Shady your turn okay oh wait how is Shady just confident what whoa oh my gosh and that means we did it that was a pretty fun water park I agree that huge water slide is so cool yeah and the colors look so awesome wow thank you cash which is why I think it deserves a 10 out of 10. what really yeah is that coming from your heart no it's coming from my foot yeah they're starting to hurt with these boots oh my gosh I think I'm gonna give it a 10 as well oh take your shady which means I win oh man which is way better than this area over here yeah true wait Nico who's at the water park entrance wait why the camera stuff we chat in the Scout wait you're this Captain got the goo cookies huh uh yeah it's my business oh it's your business so who's this oh hey what's up dude I'm um her dad oh uh hello hey uh we just saw your water park and we thought it was way cooler than the one we rented out today are you free so you're the guy that bought it away from us yeah yeah well I think if I didn't buy it then you guys wouldn't have made this masterpiece yeah but this masterpiece is for us I mean it's my birthday no private property yep uh a billion Diamonds oh okay let me just get those two really wait what okay you guys can have the water parks we're rich oh my gosh if you're not born you go catch Adventures the cookware on the screen and if you enjoyed then please subscribe subscribe bye guys subscribe bye
Channel: Nico
Views: 1,341,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: uWZoVzcK_3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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