Minecraft | NINJA ACADEMY | Custom Mod Adventure

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The best youtuber I know is DanTDM and I loved his new video 😄

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GuineaPigLover11 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2015 🗫︎ replies
hmm so if my calculations are correct which I think they are and when I pull this lever it should happen so 3 2 1 yeah it sounds like it worked yes oh ho it worked a lot better than I thought it would what have I creators get in the room wait a second no don't go in the room just yet the doorbells gone I desperately need to collect this from Craig I'm assuming it's Craig anyway don't go in that room just yet because I've created something quite incredible Grimm make sure he doesn't go in the room but trust I've got amazing amazing surprise for you today but it Gregg please deliver surprise to me oh look at that Greg why are you holding a banjo yep I don't think I should have asked that but anyway um you could maybe start your own band or something buddy I don't know what how good you are at the banjo but anyway let me grab my a little package which is two Ninja Academy tickets yes I saw this online I thought this would be absolutely perfect Craig I'm taking showers too Ninja Academy how does that sound yeah I probably shouldn't have asked you but anyway enjoy your banjo buddy I don't know where he gets all this random items from oh oh maybe maybe he liked rummages through the lost and found at the post office you know like when people don't collect their parcels and stuff maybe that's where he gets it from but um it's it's kind of fun anyway but anyway let's go through here Travis I've got the most amazing thing whew buddy I was hoping you didn't go in there grim you did your job properly I've got two Ninja Academy tickets yeah I know it's really cool right so ever since we went to the hospital did a really cool job I didn't thinking we need tubes or more adventures so it's gas I've prepared for more adventures I thought we'd go to Ninja Academy so here's your ticket you fancy going awesome let's go ooh and here we are Troy this is looking incredible check it out buddy we're a Ninja Academy this it's amazing what do you think so far yeah I thought so it looks so good it really really does it looks all authentic and Japanese but it's in the middle of a forest it could fool absolutely everyone but I've got my tickets and I'm guessing I need I need to talk to you there's no one else here so I need to talk to you hey buddy how's it going ah-ha there you are welcome to ninja had me why thank you sir I am the head ninja and I'll be your instructor for today this is gonna be so awesome we have a busy regime laid up for you so and let us get going hi-yah is he gonna say that a lot uh yeah oh he is okay ah ha yo he's gonna keep on shouting isn't he let's start by getting you both kitted out see over there there are two ninja outfits choose which one you would like and get on with the first mission have fun but not too much he's gonna say hey again so let's get out of here and I'm guessing we need to choose one of these outfits now so so we've got a quest as well on the top right so trust you're gonna pick an outfit you know I guess you won't fit in these what are you gonna do okay you've got something sorted right then let's grab this one right here this one should look amazing actually just have a look at this one that's a little bit too boxy this one's got like cool straps and put a red bits on as well so I I'm gonna take this and put it straight on at me Ed let's have a look oh Jersey I've got something sorted out look at this oh my goodness you haven't got a full thing going on but you've got the old head ninja headband going on yours is a little bit thicker you got a little tassels at the back that looks so good let's check yourself out yes I'm in the full kit right now by guest Reyes you're not gonna be too kitted out for this are you but I'm sure it's gonna be awesome right and let's check what quest we got with a ninja agility the first task before you is a parkour course that will test your agility as a ninja pass this in an acceptable time and you'll be ready to move straight on and to complete the task bring me another star it's somewhere on the course yeah he's gonna say that a lot isn't he so be another star 0 out of 1 so we need another nether star so try us I think we should go into third person mode and complete the agility course so I'm guessing this is where we starts let's go three two one let's sprint I'm guessing you two jump over here there we go and this is like a double height one so contrast we could do this jump over this one and oh my goodness we've got a triple height one we make this I can't really get up it normally so here we go three two one go oh not almost there we go I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it yes Charles I did it right then we now need to crawl through his let's do a running dive shall we three two one here we go ah yes the running dive that looks awesome then we're gonna crawl through the rest of the course and it looks like there's some cacti there why are the cacti there okay we've got like a oh I'm guessing you do have to hang from this let's try it three two one am i hanging I think I'm hanging guys I'm doing it look I'm hanging yes there we go look I'm hanging them up the cacti and I'm not gonna die this is perfect this is so cool weathers drop here we should be safe there we go run round here trails two skipped through the cactus I saw that buddy but I guess he has got his hands tied but let's go to go back underneath here and then back round we still haven't found the nether star yet though I'm not sure where that's gonna be so we need to find that before we go back to the head the head ninja well let's finish crawling through here and oh there it is it's on the back he tricked us give me this there we go take out the item frame it pops out there we go we've got the nether star but now we need to jump over here so let's see up here we go oh no I crawled I don't need to crawl quick oh it's so hard there we go I think I can prove myself as a ninja jump over this one there we go and over this one as well and we done it yes oh that was tough churros did you find that tough I think you found that tough didn't you buddy yeah you didn't manage to climb over but you have got your hands tied together so I guess that's a little bit unfair but we've got the nether star so are we complete now yes Q well done you have proven your agility is top-notch now on to the next task meet me upstairs wait what whether you go you just disappeared oh my goodness he is seriously an incredible ninja so he said to me as upstairs it doesn't know like we can go up there you should have said meet us up ladders because that's the only thing they've got in this place not there either we come around all of the wrong ones that's got P R shall we so that's come up here and see what he's got in store for us next we proven our agility which is awesome where's he gonna be oh there he is look at ninja what are these guys doing look at these guys oh I really want to get my hands on these Charles why are you buddy you staying downstairs for a second we're just gonna come up here or just stay down there you might stay down there but anyway let's see what mission he's got for us now aha welcome here is your next task thank you very much what is the next task ninja stars we need a ninja that's interesting your second task every ninja needs skills in throwing deadly weapons fellow candidates have lined up for your challenge where you must take the ninja stars eliminate your opponents and collect the final reward report back when complete oh my goodness that's crazy so I can take these ninja stars I need to take out every single one of these students right then let's grab all of these weapons shall we grab these guys these grab these grab these I would like these honor ones bounced in there oh my goodness how many of I got I've got seven maybe eight I think two fell in there so we're gonna have to try and take those out so we've got one two three four five six to take out let's try it shall we what oh my goodness I'm so sorry buddy oh geez actually took him out so some of them are running at different speeds and stuff let's take this guy here we go but I know he went down the corner go although I'm missing oh I hit the other one behind him this one's really really fast I keep missing him oh I got the one in the back that is absolutely fine I've already got two left and he's come back oh my goodness we're gonna how did you come back oh yeah there we go I'm gonna kill you again Ryan let's go in here and see if we can get him from a closer angle boom he's so hard to hit he's so hard to hit right then here we go let's get the next one shall we already oh oh oh look he's the one that's got it he's on the squad there go and grab it oh my goodness that you survived you lucky punk and the speedy one as well but I've got the ninja head that I needs and what's this this is a katana oh oh I'm gonna chop some of you guys up real nice yeah yeah you thought you was gonna gonna get away with that didn't you but you didn't but you didn't right gonna take you guys up get out of here I can't hit this guy even when I haven't got ninja stars so I think I did okay not amazing but I did okay but let's see what I'm heading injures got to say about that I'm congratulations yet again that katana is very shiny let's see how well you handle it let's see indeed so what Oh a new quest already let's have a look at the quest I need a white katana I've got one of those behind you is a room made of pure white quartz and houses the legendary white ninja some say that the white ninja has never lost a battle in hand-to-hand combat but today you were using katanas the white ninja is the best at the academy apart from me of course very humble head very humble so good luck you'll need it report back if you're still alive all this sounds aggressive it sounds aggressive so we're gonna need to go in this room here old areas let the white ninja look at him he looks very very aggressive oh jeez I'm gonna have to to go in here I'm scared oh he's going for me oh god oh goodness oh goodness let's go let's go this guy I'll just go have to take him out is he gonna yep he's definitely gonna hit me the white ninja look at him he's speedy he's definitely speedy and he hits really hard of this katana but I'm gonna take you down buddy you're only good at hand-to-hand combat give me your sword give me a give me a I need your sword yes he dropped it look at this the white katana very cool so we got the normal katana this one's the white one from the white ninja oh yes we did it yes so he's not very good with a sword but he's good with his hands so lucky lucky chance there or or I'm just an amazing ninja which one yeah I am an amazing ninja right then head ninja I've got what you requested here we go whoa I didn't think you'd actually survive ah congratulations there's just one more test of your ability and then you can call yourself a humble Ninja Warrior follow me back downstairs this is incredible yes I took the white katana I've stuck with my normal one Wow whoa well he disappeared how does he keep doing this he's such a good ninja maybe he should be the white ninja maybe he was the white ninja oh I've just found one of these give me this give me this there we go I'm gonna take you out get outta here you little punk stay down stay down this time all right let's go downstairs and see what he's doing choice you missed the most amazing thing I am the best ninja you've ever seen in your life right now I still got my outfit on I do I'm looking so good so you try us right then come around here you remind me of something off of Street Fighter you really do right let's go around here here he is he's appeared in a completely different location I don't know how he does its but anyway head ninja how you doing Q welcome to your final task this one involves the extremely special ninja instrument to my left the climbing spikes here is your final quest enjoy so there we go look quest completes how do we complete it already we haven't completed it yet I don't know what it is the ninja climb and dive complete with head oh that's cause I'm wearing one so let's see you're climbing spikes and head out this archway then look to your left the rest is up to you when you reach the roof run and dive off the longest roof section and land in the water succeed and collect your treasure from the water fail and you oh and you die this is extreme good luck I guess he's putting me through my paces so I beat the white ninja you should have seen it Charles it was absolutely amazing right then let's grab this I want these and I have got the amazing climbing spikes so what we're gonna do is open this and he said go to the left now must be the treasure but I have to do my run and jump oh here we go look up there's nothing up here there's absolutely nothing up here oh wait a second look if you look over there there's not a piece missing but if you look over here there is so I'm guessing that can be my route up there so let's change into third person and have a look at this choice you haven't aware of other time there aren't you buddy not really the best ninja bum I'll make up for that in double doses of ninja awesome so let's go let's go up here here we go oh look at that that helps so much to literally allow a smooth ascent up the building here we go next part there we go very cool look we all trails have pinged up here as well maybe you are a ninja Wow you're definitely proving yourself buddy and now this final gap up here there we go we made it yes made it to the roof so now we need to find the longest roof tile so there's one there one there one there but this one I think is definitely longer check it out look at that it's definitely long it's hanging off the end and the pool is that way so we we need to we need to jump off the end of here it's gonna be mattress you are actually a ninja forgive me you are a ninja I didn't mean to not call you one so we need to run and dive off the top and land in the pool this is gonna be extreme ready let's go oh my goodness I'm nervous I'm nervous I'm nervous that's go here we go Oh to be clear right rarest dived as well that was incredible oh my good I have to do that again that was so cool right then let's go out the climbing spikes and then we'll grab our treasure Taurus actually did an amazing dive that was so funny Troy is your madman an absolute madman where are you are you gonna ninja up to the top you're gonna stay in the swimming pool but anyway let's go here we go let's even go off the top here we go yeah oh that was madness come let's go for one more because I was seriously it seriously fun that let's go and grab this grab this I need to do a proper dive I'm just kind of falling off the top so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna throw my climbing spikes down here and then collect them when I get to the bottom so try are you ready for this dive it should be incredible I think the climbing spikes allow me to to stick which isn't good so let's go we need to make this off the top can we do it here we go dive oh yes oh I hit the edge ow oh ow that hurt but I think I've made it I think I made it let's see what we've got in here a katana of a course so we've got two katanas in total two different ones actually very nice indeed right let's get out of here let's go report back to our buddy over here the head ninja almost at head chef some reason I don't got my climbing spikes back rather than head ninja well I am certainly impressed you have both completed the required academy training to officially call yourselves ninjas yes q yeah haha yes congratulations here is your reward oh and you can keep the outfits yes another place that oh look we've all gift jars is Katara and dantdm eschaton of our own katana this is amazing our own outfits oh thank you head ninja thank you so much this is this is incredible oh my goodness I can't believe it Russ this is the best my head is showing a little bit so I think I'm gonna head home so I hit the edge of the corner head ninja doesn't know about this but I've got this already let's go oh this was the best day ever well well well I'm very old katana this is incredible Contreras I know it's super fun in there but we need to get home oh I'm so excited to tell grim let's go well that was absolutely incredible trust what did you think it was awesome right grim look at me and Troy these guys I'm a little ninja headband on and I I'm a full-on ninja you proud of me buddy are you proud of me oh and I backed Ohno we got our own katanas but I've seems to have stolen two as well two different ones and it means to do that oh and I've got the climbing spikes as well check this out try this out grim look yes I can climb any wall with these things this is the best and I've got a ninja divers what I didn't do it properly at the academy but check me out I've done Houston Craig still they crate why are you still there I'm crazy been there the whole day guys I don't know why that is but what I thought would be awesome if we could collect all of our outfits cuz I got to keep this ninja one as well what do you think yeah we should make like a room underneath the lab or something or beside the lab where we keep all these outfits and got more adventures this is gonna be amazing oh I need a lie down though my legs are absolutely killing me there we go guys that is pretty much our Ninja Academy adventure and if you did enjoy it then please leave a big fat thumbs up for more custom a modded adventures they are really awesome and super fun as well and also if this happens to be the first video you see my me then please do subscribe and join team TDM today for daily minecraft videos that you won't find content anywhere else like this with loads of custom mods custom adventures and absolutely awesome stories like this so thank you so much I need to explain stirrers why this stone golem guy is here because he was looking him a moment ago like why is why is this guy here but I need to explain that to him so I am going to call it a day thanks again so much watching guys and we will see you in the next video good [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 30,359,795
Rating: 4.8910046 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, yt:quality=high, 1.6.4, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, Minecraft (Video Game), 1.7.10, 1.8, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, colosseum, challenge, minigame, mini-game, mini game, minecraft mod, minecraft mod showcase, minecraft mods, minecraft ninja, ninja academy
Id: rlIyCfdf69E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 29 2015
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