Minecraft: *NEVER* SLEEP DURING THE DAY!! - Living Dream - Custom Map

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's up dudes it's Pat welcome back to another minecraft video today we are playing another map chat of things we should never do in Minecraft well there's no trees how is this a forest Plains I don't know this is never asleep during the day in Minecraft you can't sleep during the day probably because you shouldn't but why I don't know why we're gonna find out today ok you'll never sleep because your body your body doesn't produce melatonin during the day how could you possibly even sleep I know so but should you sleep during the day we find out today in this map where we do things in Minecraft you should never do that really will actually make you rich this is so weird like just like thinking about it but dudes it's gonna be awesome today if you're new to the channel be sure to smash that subscribe button also smash that like button as well if ring that bell as well lets you know when new videos come out in that way you can always go see those right when they come out that's a very fist pumping no we're not Jersey Shore this pumping does not mean punch me in the face alright yes I like fist pump the air you know oh yeah pump somebody what you don't the wonder I think getting kicked out of all these places are we astronaut oh my god oh we're going to NASA I'm loving a new satellite home gym how do you like living in space oh it's so much fun but it sure does cost a lot to maintain this thing I think we need to get more treasure you're right I heard a rumor that if you sleep during the day then you can find all sorts of treasures richest people on earth we're not even in earth I mean in the universe that's a good idea I'm tired from bouncing around and weightlessness anyway could use a good nap we'll have to bring ourselves back into Earth's atmosphere again first we need to set the coordinates and then hit the thrusters then we can sleep let's do it this is our home Oh floating I'm floating mom okay okay okay let's get into you see the door oh yes you door but how do I let get down okay don't jump okay and then you should be able slowly over time oh gosh yeah all right maybe hit shift okay oh no it's working now oh there's some gravity in here when you hit them thrusters off okay whatever thruster look like oh there's our kitchen um oh look at the window we're in my bedroom a window or just a picture that's my window full thrusters full power ahead okay so what does that mean well I said we have the set coordinates oh did you pull it I pulled it so is it set now yeah now we hit the thrusters okay no one ever told us what a thruster was yeah we just save space no one told me we're not real astronauts oh we could jump up yeah we can go up oh there's some like in between us area uh-oh so if you put yourself up you go up you go up or I'm finally understanding how to so maybe we have to go more up wait what score's our set press button to engage thrusters oh don't do it yet don't do it yet okay I found the bedroom I've been looking for the bedroom this is up here this is oh yeah this is actually the smallest house you've ever had Bob coming down let me one thruster you hit one thrusters three two one thrust wait where's the other oh I thought it was just a button oh maybe this jump out of them boom now entering Earth's atmosphere current local time midday today you said mid day today yo mate ah so now is it working um I would assume so we head out over here look um I see ground ok good ok I think it's working wait a second do you not see that it looks like there's all different branches to this place like in front of us oh yeah like it's third door no there's no door OS hope ok I need to come back to you doc don't follow me it was a I made a drastic mistake I'm coming in let me just pull the thrusters are we going what's happening yeah we are on earth I believe oh yeah I'm just I'm trying to see if there's a mother room here I'm gonna jump off of it and see what happens ok do it so we can see the ground kind of right I can't see anything oh you can't man hasn't loaded alright we have to see how to make it through this alright there has to be a way to maneuver our way down you just jump off we need like a parachute or something I was gonna live alright maybe right we in jail close this is a spacesuit you sure I'm pretty sure about that okay so apparently this is not the way off um well I mean it is the way off but there has to be another way maybe there's our buns let's try to go all the way down back to this area right yeah maybe we can land it now okay maybe let's try it okay I've hit those I've hit these buttons should we put everything I hit all of these I've hit that one again alright I'm coming back up so we do know that the upper area had some thrusters maybe we need a continue thrusting our way there just keep on thrust in it I mean it's only logical thing yeah let's try that okay we come back up all right let me hit this thing up again I'm struggling to make my way back up to you all right now I'm going all the way to the top so the bedroom what is behind I might have found a secret you did maybe this looks weird what did you find I just thought I could go through this okay so are you sure we can't just jump off this thing we can't let's ride it's nighttime wait Oh cuz you thrusted it back tonight is the rusty backs it is a huge time today okay dude I talked to love Cubs Russell to jump into the world we're literally supposed to go to sleep because it's daytime now oh but it's nighttime cuz you thrusted it I made it day again oh okay okay okay are we dreaming now well I'm traditional of a desert wait you just said the exact words I'm pretty sure this is the middle of nowhere I think we meant to please damn stand against the red wool wait how do you know that because it's a dream I get sort of wait I get sort of dream feeling and I know it's - oh yeah me too look there's some sandstone wandering around over there let's catch it okay we're dreaming sleep during the day okay oh no don't run away come here come here oh I got one can you sing a song how much do you think we need oh I got one Oh do we it's a punch here we just run into it I think we just run into it oh come here I think it cats holding it but it's invisible oh wait it says tip fish might come in handy and they gave us a fishing rod okay all right took it so maybe we couldn't like fish them oh we already both got one without even doing that I hate you since the pond yeah oh I got one you did like fishing I caught it anyway so I got two okay how many do we need oh we need five I thought I caught one but you're doing good oh okay I got it you three have two alright so there's one mark can I get the fishing rod tries I caught it before but then I messed up alright so there's what I'm not a sewer you know I try a bit no there's an extra I'm saying oh oh okay I'm excited now where's the other one the other there's a bunch over here I think oh I see him okay oh maybe there's only one left yeah there's only five in total let me try to show just fishermen and then grabbing come here got you okay oh I got him so cool there's a god rule so we're actually sleeping right now and like our mind knew what to do it's kind of like beautiful we're smarter in dream-worlds I'm smarter in real life okay so we have to play C's against the red wall like you had said oh my god there's a cloud oh no no what are you suppose we have to do here make our way at the top I'm not sure but I bet the highest cloud up there is really comfy to sleep on okay so I think we have to try to get up I bet I could beat you to the top oh the clouds do it oh my god this is awesome okay okay how do we do that properly I need to get like on the cloud alright so we have to make our way up to the first one okay how do we get that high I'm so close I made it okay okay so I see what needs to be done then I must jump on the second cloud like this oh my god this is the best day right now okay let's go let's go let's go second one I just did it where does it how do I get to that one you have to jump on to the other cloud you see where it's right in front of me oh you jump onto that one you didn't get there yet oh wait this I don't feel like I jump onto this oh my god this is awesome this is the best thing I've ever played in my life you just sprint jump but it looks like too far to sprint it's nowhere near too far okay so I have to use this okay I'm so nervous so I have to get where are you lying cloud I'm scared I'm aborting from there to that okay I understand what I need to do now do you really have to pay close attention to where your next spot is all right so going on to this one alright so we go like this and then we got it ooh am i okay did it work how expect its work do you want to but it's cheating of course all right yeah that worked that worked okay all right this is so fun but so challenging you can teleport to me you're never gonna make the next jump all right so I take this one and then I have to swap on to the next cloud oh oh oh do I jump into these like effects that are just uh in the in the air yes yes they shoot you straight up all right I haven't seen you in a while you got this Chad all right everyone's watching you from here brings me back you having our spawn pointed I'm watching to see if you can make progress okay it's so easy so now you run across I have to make it to that one you basic just jump across and don't even try to stay on the tower just run across and jump okay but I have to wait for it to come down right yeah and then just run and jump keep going like that yeah that's very close though what's of it watching I'm not leaving oh all right um what do I do I'm falling back down Oh cloudy cloudy okay whoo okay so just go under this one yes I did it time perfectly okay okay okay okay and go over this one oh my god I'm so panicking they're moving the clouds are moving okay I made it to the next area [Music] why are you teleport over to be no I'm too into this right now I can't do it it's I guess when you win I'll just teleport to you but I want to keep playing from here oh no I have to jump down towards this other one minute shoot you straight up Hey so now I'm gonna jump up on Julie nothing good just happened are you proud of me I've never been more proud of anyone in my life you're lying okay no I'm actually not it's kind of sad here we go yes I know it's getting so much harder doesn't it this is nuts I jump into the air yeah no you have this car I haven't seen you in forever just calm okay fine all right there's a new thing over here look at this whatever that is let's see oh you're getting pretty close though what's it do okay so the next clouds are a bit higher up as you can tell yes I don't know what that one is Oh we I think it's supposed to bring you down so you can land I miss you you up oh then you in on this one and then you go up but you don't go very much oh so babe my head on it I have to go forward I literally just drooled all over my face but my whole face is wet after that all right so I know it needs to happen we need to go down like this and then I just open my inventory yeah all right how are you are you gonna try yeah I'm just watching you to see you I'm supposed to do before I try uh-huh so we have to reach that somehow right let me see this all right how do we reach this thing all right so we need you have to go more like four I did it oh my god I'm so high up I'm I I'm feeling nauseous all right this is how you do it you go like this oh wait I'm so high up it's unbeliev how did you do that I'm just extremely talented and everything Oh like that okay so what we need to do from there you need to get to the opposite side it looks like right yes I did not do that so okay I understand now how we're supposed to do this yeah we go down like this and then we go up like this and then we have to catch these clouds needs to come back down so I don't think we can catch this run oh can we yeah we can okay we can't okay I caught that one I'm on my way up all right and there's the smoke and it shoots you up even higher oh I'm panicking let it hit me again okay okay where to go oh no all right this is actually it sound a different place so I need to teleport you I'm very sorry all right so I left you is I have to hit this one and then shoot myself forward but this yeah okay okay all right the cop is right there we jump to this have to go up there jump to that one jump up um it's just even that one then it's just into that one I did it oh my god do the same thing is easy oh I'm so tired I do hear about good job on that oh no every nightmare okay this place doesn't look nearly as nice as the last place I have a bad feeling like I'm in a nightmare well don't ever do they scare run that's the wrong way this way why would you run towards the monster to test it hahahahahaha let me look behind myself oh it's terrifying oh my god it is so terrifying it's like a wither squid man yes it is oh okay oh no I slowed down a little bit so a huge ad oh um oh God Oh you know I really don't like being chased I feel like someone's chasing me and realized no you don't see the end and it's very far away from what's in the jack oh this is horrible I see that it's a wall though make sure those maybe there's beds we might have to just get right into bed okay I've done that in nightmares before left I went right oh it's all part of me to you okay this will end how do we escape I don't know maybe it won't come into the sunlight oh I do beg your pardon I had something my name is Kevin I heard about your spiffing adventure to sleep during the day and I was just wondering if you would care for some soothing chamomile tea to help you sleep it's a trap he's trying to kill us there's no such thing as a camera mile you're right it's chamomile we don't trust you I'm thinking it are we again what do you think we have to do this time I think the door on our side yeah II don't feel well I've got termites can you guys help of course we're here to squash termites aren't we Dave oh oh don't mind him he's always contrary hop on and let's get squishing okay all right let's just squish the tournaments when they come out [Music] this is one of the best Maps I've ever played step through me and I'll take you to some beds okay here's the bed all right good night hmm oh it's your gym is it we are you remember you've got that big test today I don't want to do a test I haven't studied for any test oh no we need to find each other quickly where are you in stay out of sight of the big test police okay I got caught we need to escape the the areas we ran without getting caught but these guys it looks like okay look like they're just like dudes oh all right all right we need to find each other okay open up the stairs all right me too oh dude oh this is bad am I not supposed to be going upstairs have you laid down all the way down like in the basement okay we need to find each other they said so come Oh police found me okay try to make your way all the way down okay okay right click with key in hand to get downstairs oh you need to find the key oh that must be in the basement I mean this attic okay okay I'm going up all right the key what do you need to do I don't know I'm looking for a keys right there what do I do I'm going through all his chest right now oh god I got stuck in a web okay I'm stuck in a while he's looking at me dude I know it needs to happen now I figured it out okay what I just need to get past him I know we're um well it's literally possible if we need to get past this dude he's just waiting for me I just go there's only one there's one and I can't get past him oh my god I'm so bad at this okay so why don't you two do then I need a time this perfectly so he looks everywhere in this room okay then he goes over this I see the key did you you okay good how do I get to him though wait so you go something looks that way okay I have to get up there before he looks this way all right so he goes this way I don't even right now I got caught again I have no idea having a pass this guy but I know where the key is and that's all that matters wait look at me too me too me too I just need to grab the key wait when you guys oh I know how to do it I can't get a super key okay I have to find the key to to go up the stairs so we both need to get keys to see each other Oh No I can't get past him where's the key at least I found like people are insane I took my mana take the TAS I decided it's just mana you see it on the ground oh he's guarding it like I'm immensely all right I don't know his eyesight is impeccable it really is impressive I'm trying to see how to get packed I think I know how to get past him I know what I need you I need to stand on the chest there I go until he goes mine oh wait what's use this way I'm gonna go over to the chest I can go through here I'm gonna hide right here I figured it out okay now I can go through here got it I got the key I'm stuck in a web oh my I lose the key I get stuck oh no I'm gonna puke I'm puking the key I can't knock down the key it just so you know I have the key I'm about to head downstairs okay over this way got it I'm on my way down okay wait I'm going around I see two guys way out you got the key you got the key alright so now I can go upstairs I'm waiting at the doorway for you by the way there the guys coming right now alright I think we both need to go through the second floor together okay I was part of this fine you don't lose the key I noticed it before so now I'm just waiting for the guy to come back around and then I will make my way to you all right because I'm literally waiting at your side I'm pretty sure he's coming I can go now okay okay hey hey we did it okay this floor we both haven't done it must be this floor right all right yes though there's the beds oh this your bed where's my bed oh there's my man Rochelle a paintbrush what do we do now so any dream feelings about this one well we have paint brushes and these blocks on the floor look like our paints you're right I bet we have to paint the same picture that's on the back wall oh okay so it says right click to select color right click to paint oh we repeat this portion of our beds all right um do you I'm gonna do the grass I'll do the sky okay oh not a problem oh we can do from here wait we can do it all the way from over here yes no I supposed to do oh I supposed to do dirt first oh that's okay okay dirt how do I get rid of that I accidentally just wrong drawn for it baby but they don't have to block that that's over there wait what supplies don't they have you know there's grass right there oh I mean that's not important that's not part of the picture anyways it's fine let me do the grass no you're a Picasso is this like timed I hope not okay all right so the one that we need the wood so there's a piece of wood right here okay this is going man one two and then right there okay the pink bed is smaller I'm noticing we need some of this right there right that's perfect right like death and pink let me do the pillows um sure I will get one pillow for you the one pillow for and then you will need i'll get the blue wall i'll do the blue wall okay i'll do good for you all right there we go so easy oh I forgot you just need some of this some more sky and wow we are artis are we done maybe it's it's drew in because of the green thing over there oh this is healing oh right oh yeah you're right when you do the ceiling oh right that's no problem you want to do the light part of it and I'll do umm I'll do the blue around it yes sure oh my god this is so much ceiling we have to paint okay all right yeah I just painted the wall too just like you did all right so it starts like there yeah it's coming along pretty well I just how many is it like that right I made you do the harder part I'm just gonna be honest okay so if I line mine up here okay let's get these all done I think so if anything I'll just paint over it if you mess up okay just need to keep doing it until it looks right okay I think so as well there's supposed to be even with the room I don't know alright so I think so alright I'm gonna get the one over there okay so it looks like wait it's too long alright don't worry you need to color it in I'm working on the edges right now alright give those like that perfectly I'll help you and this one doesn't seem right either weight-wise are our rooms way longer than the other room so doesn't this have to be way way over on the other side yes so all this I have to pay it over because the whole thing is messed up all right all right let me just paint the whole thing right there I think I can do it I just needed to make it longer that's all oh so you get that I'm gonna get the glowstone I'm gonna help you out so you meet me in the middle I'm gonna do the glowstone that's like here here does that look right and then you have to make it no it has to be longer I'm lost on how to do this and then I think we just make it like bigger now no this isn't right all we're doing sure it has to be near the picture you how there's this drawn against the picture yours is drawn on the opposite place oh no but I'm making it that way I'm God you can sell anything like the one that's over there okay dudes pretty sure I just fill in the rest of it yes there we go Armani oh my god this is the best never map we've ever played oh my god this is one of the best nights I've ever played oh my god watch it come down insane good it was really fun oh man I had to come up with another sleep idea I love dream maps there's so much fun but off gaddy's hope you do it this video if you did definitely smash that subscribe button also smash that like button while am ring the bell that would be amazing thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 1,503,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, never sleep during the day, minecraft never, dreams, minecraft dreams, minecraft map, minecraft maps, minecraft mods, minecraft mod, 1.15, minecraft 1.15, flying, ace, chasing, parkour, running, minecraft minigames
Id: pU5Sm9n8L1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 40sec (1840 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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