Minecraft Mod Combinations That Work Perfectly Together #2

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hey guys welcome back to another video today i'm gonna be showing you 10 more minecraft mod combinations that work perfectly together i made one of these videos back in may and you guys really enjoyed it so i decided to make another one and just like the last video i have 10 combinations for you each one contains at least two mods that in my opinion just complement each other very well so anyways let's go ahead and get into the video alright for the first combination i'm actually gonna be going back to the first combination of the previous video and for that one i combined a spider's 2.0 with the scary spider resource pack and that was already a great combination i just love that it makes spiders go from a relatively disappointing mob to a very interesting and scary one but this time around i'm gonna be replacing the scary spider resource pack with fresh animations i keep using this pack in my videos because it truly deserves it it makes pretty much every single mob it touches look absolutely amazing and the spiders are no exception most notably you'll notice that the legs will now move separately from one another plus when they sprint after you they almost just hunch down which is truly terrifying to witness and in combination with spider 2.0 which allows them to crawl pretty much everywhere and makes them a bit faster you just may find yourself actually running away from spiders so really it's up to you whether you'd like to use fresh animations or the scary spider resource pack you really just can't go wrong either way for our next combination we're going to be installing two eating related mods the first of which is a helpful mod most of you have probably heard of and this is apple skin and this mod just lets you know the exact quality of the food you're about to eat which can be very helpful if you're in a situation that you're trying to conserve your food and the other mod we'll be installing along with this is eating animation and this is a really cool mod that i came across recently which adds an animation to pretty much every food item in the game making it appear as if you're actually taking bites out of that food every type of food is animated pretty much exactly how i'd expect it to be which is definitely a good thing and i mean it makes eating food fun in the game which i would never even expect it to be normally you just eat food and get on with whatever you were doing but overall this combination just makes eating food a whole lot more satisfying next i'm going to be combining three mods that are going to make combat in your game extremely exciting and let's face it vanilla minecraft combat is pretty basic which can be a good thing but at the same time it gets a little repetitive and the first of these three mods we're going to be installing which absolutely changes that is the epic fight mod and this is just a huge mod adding new animations weapons abilities and much more to the game this mod could be fit into its own video just because it adds so many new features to the game and alone makes combat very entertaining and in addition to this we're going to be installing enhanced visuals mainly for the blood effects that it applies to your screen when you take damage along with the improved third person mod which allows you to walk in a full 360. and this is going to be very helpful with the epic fight mod because normally in combat you're stuck behind your character and this mod is going to give you a lot more flexibility when you're moving around overall these three mods combined are going to make combat a pretty amazing time in your game next up i've got a combination of four mods that are going to make villages feel just a little bit more special and these mods include a village spawn point villager names random village names and bountiful village spawn point is simply going to make it so each time you create a world you'll start off inside of a village villager names gives a random name to every single villager you'll come across random village names is going to give a random name it to the villages themselves and bountiful will allow you to complete some tasks for the villages in combination these mods will make the villages you come across feel just a little more special now for our next combination we're going to be adding some pretty cool dungeons to the game and making their inhabitants just a little bit more difficult and the mod that i'll be using to provide the dungeons this time around is young's better dungeons and as of now this mod provides three different dungeon types for you to explore and in addition to this we'll be installing the champions mod and if you've ever played with infernal mobs this is pretty much the same thing it'll occasionally give random abilities to mobs in the game and you'll know that you've ran into one of these mobs because you'll see potion particles on it and it'll have an actual name and generally these are going to be a bit more difficult to fight for you and they'll provide some additional loot so when combined this combination is going to give you some great dungeons to explore and make them a little bit more difficult next up i'm going to be combining it the travelers titles mod with pretty much any biomod you would like to use so this could be biomes aplenty oh the biomes you'll go traverse really anything you'd like and adding travelers titles to any of these mods is going to make it a little more interesting to play because each time you enter a new biome for the first time that biomes name is going to be displayed across your screen and this will be especially helpful when you're using a mod that adds new biomes to the game because you'll actually know what the biomes are called and sure you can press f3 and check what it's called in there but this just makes it feel like more of a feature for our next combination we're going to be combining two of the best physics mods that i've come across in a very long time and the first of which is the physics mod which i've made a multitude of videos covering because i just love it that much whenever you destroy blocks they'll fall apart into smaller pieces and you can configure this to work perfectly for you if you want tiny pieces you can do that if you want to make them last longer you can also do that and in addition to the physics mod we're going to be installing the drops mod and this is easily the most realistic item drop mod that you can find whenever you toss out an item it'll bounce around and collide with the environment as if it's an actual object so when you have these mods combined pretty much everything is going to have physics applied to it at this point and these kinds of mods are just always a lot of fun to play with there is one drawback however with this combination and that's the fact that the drops mod hasn't been updated in a little bit so you're gonna have to use an older version of the physics mod with this in order to use them together but even in its older versions you still get most of the main features from the physics mod so i wouldn't consider it a complete deal breaker up next i've installed a couple mods that are going to make playing in first person a little more interesting the first of these is first person model which allows you to see your own body while you're in first person and you can actually customize this mod for yourself so for example if you want to move the camera because it doesn't quite look right you can do that and in addition to this mod i've included camera overhaul and this mod makes it so as you move around your camera will kind of tilt in the direction that you're moving and this just adds a very interesting i guess immersive effect to the game it's certainly not for everyone i did get some comments when i showed this in a video before saying that it made the motion sick but personally i think it's a very interesting effect and this mod can also be customized so for example if you don't want the effect to be quite as strong you can turn it down or if for some reason you want to you can even increase this to some pretty ridiculous levels and once you have both these mods installed playing in first person is gonna be a relatively new experience now one of the last combinations i'll be showing you guys today is a combination of terraforged and optifine and more specifically a particular setting within optifine and terraforged is one of the best terrain generation mods out there because it gives you some very realistic looking terrain but one downside with it at least for me is that you need to play at a pretty high render distance in order to really get the best experience out of this mod because otherwise everything is just so big you can't really see it so you may be wondering what does it look like if we increase this to an absolutely ridiculous render distance and that's exactly what i'm doing with this combination because with optifine you can go all the way up to 60 for render distance and get the absolute most out of terraforge 64 render distance is pretty much overkill for any other terrain generation mod out there because you really usually can't even see that far but with terraforge when you're on top of some massive mountain you'll actually be able to appreciate just how amazing this land looks it's a mod that's really built for higher render distances and optifine's gonna allow you to do exactly that and now finally for the last combination today we're gonna be combining a couple mods to give you some more customization for your character and the first of these two mods is the origins mod this mod allows you to choose between a variety of presets as you create your world and from here on out you're going to have several positive and negative effects from this and some of these will completely change the way you play whether that's making it so you start in the nether or can only survive if you're underwater they really do make some pretty huge changes and in addition to this mod i've included player x and this mod adds player attributes to the game which you can use xp to level up so for example as you progress into the game you can make your character stronger or faster or several other options in order to make yourself just a little more unique and overall these two mods combined are really just gonna give you a lot more individuality and this is going to be especially noticeable if you play this on a server with other people alright that's going to do it for this video and if there's any other combinations of mods that you think i should take a look at because they work really nicely together let me know and i'll absolutely take a look at them hopefully you enjoyed the ones i provided today and if you'd like to check out any of the mods you can find them all in the description below and anyways if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like comment and subscribe and until next time thanks for watching
Channel: AsianHalfSquat
Views: 271,234
Rating: 4.976687 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, asianhalfsquat, asianhalfsquat mods, minecraft mods 2021, best minecraft mods, minecraft mod combinations, best minecraft mod combinations, more minecraft combinations, minecraft mods 1.16.5, minecraft mods 1.17.1, Minecraft Spider mod, better eating mod, minecraft combat mod, better villages minecraft, better dungeons minecraft, minecraft with physics, minecraft physics mod, minecraft camera mod, world gen mod minecraft, minecraft customization mod, 1.17.1, 1.16.5
Id: S357s42GzwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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