Minecraft Mod Combinations That Work Perfectly Together

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hey guys welcome back to another video today i'll be showing you some minecraft mod combinations that work absolutely perfectly together what i'll do for each of these is take two or three mods and on occasion a shader or resource pack and combine them to get an even better result and first i'll show you one of the mods in that combination in particular on its own then i'll add the second one so you can see how they behave together each of these mods is currently available for the newest version of minecraft so as of now you should be able to use any of these if you're interested in downloading them you can find them all in the description below and anyways let's go ahead and get into the video alright for our first combination we're going to be improving spiders in minecraft in my opinion spiders definitely have some missing potential in vanilla minecraft and you'll probably agree with me after you see these mods and the first one we'll be installing is spiders 2.0 and this mod will allow spiders to crawl just about anywhere they can crawl on walls crawl upside down anything they need to do in order to reach you plus they're a little bit faster and overall it makes them a far more dangerous and a lot more exciting to fight against and in addition to the spiders 2.0 mod we're gonna add the scary spider resource pack and what this resource pack does is make spiders a little bit bigger and gives them actual joints and truly the difference between the vanilla model and this one can be quite shocking when you see this thing coming after you you'll probably feel actual fear and if you're playing 1.12 you could even use the mobens mod instead of this which i think is even better so if mobens becomes available for 1.16 or even newer versions of minecraft i would absolutely recommend that combination next we're going to be using a combination of mods to improve nether portals in minecraft and the first of these mods is immersive portals this is for quite a while been one of my favorite mods available for the game cause it's just truly amazing to be able to walk straight into the nether and straight back without even having a loading screen visually it just looks amazing and i consider it to be one of the most impressive mods for the game and in addition to the immersive portals mod we're going to be using another portal spread now while playing vanilla minecraft you've probably noticed around ruined portals that you can actually see netherrack coming through the portal into the overworld and this makes it seem as if the nether does in fact leak into the overworld through portals and another portal spread makes us of the portals you activate will actually do this you can customize it just how quickly the portal will spread into your world and how far and this is going to be an amazing combination with the immersive portals mod because now not only can you see into the nether but you can also see it expanding into the overworld now our next combination is one that's gonna completely change how forests look in your game it's truly a night and day difference compared to vanilla minecraft and i personally just love how it looks and the first mod we'll be installing is dynamic trees now dynamic trees on its own already completely changes how each individual tree looks with this mod installed rather than having most trees just have a trunk surrounded by leaves each individual tree has its own set of branches and it looks like a true fully grown tree the trees grow dynamically and never actually stop changing and the entire forest itself can continue to spread and shrink depending on the conditions of your world and the mod we'll be adding to this is better foliage better foliage makes us the leaves in minecraft are no longer quite just square they actually have some shape to them this makes forests feel a lot more dense than they did before and not only does it do this to leaves it also adds some shorter grass to the ground and adds some falling leaves from trees and like i already said the combination of these two mods completely changes forests it's to the point that it changes them so much it's probably not for everyone but for those of you that do like it are probably gonna love it next up we're gonna be combining a couple mods to improve a third person view in minecraft and in my opinion the third person view in the vanilla game is quite lacking it's honestly just not very good whatsoever i could personally never see actually playing with it because first person is just far superior in this game and i think these two mods do a pretty good job of changing that and the first one we'll be installing is simply titled better third person and what this mod does is allows you to actually walk in a full 360 motion when you're in third person mode no longer are you stuck just staring at the back of your character when you walk backwards you'll sprint towards the camera this gives you far more movement flexibility when using third person and is just superior in essentially every way possible i mean it makes playing in third person mode actually enjoyable and in addition to this mod we're gonna be installing a shoulder surfing reloaded this mod is gonna allow you to completely customize the camera part of third person with this mod installed not only can you play looking over your right or left shoulder you can also change how high the camera is along with how far away it is from you so now you can get the camera into the exact position that you'd like to play in and combining the better third person mod and shoulder surfing reloaded you can truly customize third person to be exactly how you would like it now for our next combination we're going to be improving the ambience of the nether and i actually already think the nether since the 1.16 update is absolutely amazing but this is just going to make it a bit better we'll be making improvements to both of the visuals and the audio and to start this one off we'll be installing it sound filters and what this will do is make it so whenever you're in the nether you'll hear echo everywhere and this makes the already awesome ambience in the nether just that much better it really just makes it feel like this big open scary place you'll hear ghasts in the distance echoing making their terrifying sounds everything's just a lot more intimidating and in addition to this i've installed the kappa shader and obviously because it's a shader it's going to completely change the visuals of the nether but the kappa shader does something i haven't really seen another shader do it adds this really crazy looking fire effect to the air it makes it look like you're gonna burn just walking around out there and the combination of these two mods makes the nether truly feel like a horrible awful place you would never want to go it's awesome next up i'll be combining a couple mods which will give you a new way to get a bunch of new tools for you to use and a good way to show them off and keep them with you and that first mod is the one and only tinker's construct this is probably the most popular tool customization mod ever created for the game and it truly allows you to create an absurd amount of variations for swords pickaxes axes really anything you'd need to use no longer are you stuck just using say diamond tools you can use whatever you'd like really and naturally when you have this mod installed you're gonna have a lot of equipment on you and you're gonna need somewhere to put all of it and what better place to put all of that equipment than on yourself and in order to do that we're gonna install the tool belt mod with the tool belt mod you can craft as you would expect a tool belt which you can add up to nine items to after upgrading two of the items you insert into the tool belt will be displayed on your waste so you can proudly show off those beautiful tinker's construct weapons and plus as i mentioned before you can carry up to nine of those tools with you so you can have one ready for really any situation possible it's a great combination of mods because with tinker's construct you're going to create a lot of different tools and with the dual belt mod well you can carry all of them with you next we'll be taking a look at a combination that'll make exploring caves quite a bit more difficult and a whole lot more terrifying first we'll be installing realistic torches what this mod does is makes it so whenever you place a torch it only lasts for a certain amount of time by default the time a torch will last is one hour but you can actually configure this to be as low as one minute so now you're gonna have to manage your torches and make sure they don't go out on you while you're exploring because that's gonna make it a lot more difficult to find your way back home and what could we do to make this far more terrible well all you have to do is simply install the total darkness mod this mod sets the minimum darkness level all the way to zero so in other words it can get pitch black in vanilla minecraft you can at least somewhat see where you are even without a torch but when you have this mod installed there is absolutely zero chance so when the torches start going out on you it's gonna get very scary very quickly this mod combination is going to add a new layer of difficulty to exploring caves and essentially change that entire experience from being quite boring to very nerve-wracking now this next combination on the list is probably the most basic but for those of you that have had issues with slabs in the past are probably gonna love it you probably know that slabs can sometimes be quite the pain to build with and these two mods are gonna go a long ways towards fixing that the first of these two is the double slabs mod and this mod gives you a variety of slab related features for example two different slab types can now be placed together you can break one half of a slab or the other rather than the entire block and you can place each and every one of these slabs vertically overall your slab building experience is going to be a lot less frustrating when you're playing with this mod installed and in addition to double slabs i've included torch slabs with this mod installed as you would expect you can now place torches on slabs and this also extends to lanterns and this isn't something that you really think about installing until you're playing and you notice how annoying it is when you try and place a torch on a slab and you simply just cannot and immediately you're gonna want this mod installed and combined with the double slabs mod there's really not much you can't do with slabs at this point you practically have a full creative freedom with them now one of the last combinations i have for you guys today is one of my favorites you've probably seen it in one of my videos before and this is what i consider to be the best way to currently upgrade caves in minecraft vanilla minecraft caves are honestly quite boring to explore and the 1.17 update just can't arrive quick enough so in the meantime we're gonna upgrade it with these mods and the first mod we'll be installing is young's better caves this is at this point the best cave generation mod available in terms of just making the cave shape actually interesting it doesn't add any new blocks or anything like that that's what the next model be for but it does add a massive amount of variety to the way caves can generate you'll come across tiny crevices giant caverns underwater caves and much more and honestly just one of these features would be more than vanilla caves and next we'll be combining the cork mod and cork is easily one of the best mods out there and it has an absurd amount of awesome features i would totally recommend playing with it but one of those amazing features is making caves far better it adds stalagmites and stalactites to the game a bunch of new stone types several different cave biomes and unique rare areas to explore you'll find that when you have this mod installed you'll actually want to spend a lot of time in caves and the third and final part to this combination is dynamic surroundings this mod like cork has a lot of features but there's a few that i'm going to be focusing on in particular first it adds a reverb to caves and in my opinion it's the best reverb that you can get from a mod and second you'll actually be able to hear water rushing and this doesn't sound like it'd be a big deal but when you are in game you will notice right away when you hear it and it sounds amazing and honestly i wonder why it's not in vanilla minecraft and there's quite a few other visual and audio changes you'll probably notice from dynamic surroundings and the combination of these three mods will completely upgrade caves to the point that waiting for the 1.17 update won't be quite as terrible now finally for the last combination i have for you guys today we're going to be making a complete drastic change that looks really nice to the world generation and the first mod we'll be using is biomes aplenty it's the most popular terrain generation mod available and i still think it's easily one of the best considering it adds over 50 new biomes to the game that are each a ton of fun to explore and the mod we're going to be combining it with is terraforged in my opinion terraforged is the best realistic terrain generation available for minecraft and when you combine it with biomes aplenty it's truly amazing most of the areas that you explore look as if they were created in world painter and it is a complete change from the regular minecraft terrain generation do keep in mind though you're going to want to play at at least 20 render distance simply because of how this terrain looks you'll want to be able to see more of it in order to get the detail there are several different generation presets you can choose between and one of them will make it so the terrain is a bit smaller and closer together so you don't have to play at quite as high of a render distance but you know if you can i would still definitely recommend it and yeah this combination is going to give you some of the best terrain generation you've ever seen in minecraft alright that's going to do it for this video i do hope you guys enjoyed and if there's any other minecraft mod combinations you think i should take a look at because they work perfectly together go ahead and let me know and i will absolutely take a look at those let me know what you thought in the comments and anyways if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like and subscribe and until next time thanks for watching
Channel: AsianHalfSquat
Views: 1,736,027
Rating: 4.9725895 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, asianhalfsquat, asianhalfsquat mods, minecraft mods 2021, best minecraft mods, minecraft mod combinations, best minecraft mod combinations, minecraft mods 1.16.5, best mods minecraft, Minecraft spiders mod, better spiders, better nether portal mod, minecraft nether mod, better forests mod, better 3rd person mod, tinkers construct, scary minecraft, better minecraft caves, better minecraft slabs, amazing minecraft world generation, improved world gen, 1.16.5, 2021 mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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