Minecraft Manhunt but i "secretly" used GIANT mode..

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in today's video i'm gonna be attempting to beat minecraft while tonerviewers try to hunt me down but what they don't know yet is that i'm gonna be having access to giant mode one life one large size and a bit too many hunters welcome guys to minecraft man up but i secretly use giant mode guys we're getting so close to 1.1 million subscribers so if you're part of that 80 of people watching right now that are not subscribed join the late 20 with me right now with a click on the red button in three two one there we go welcome to the team anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this new series let's go for a nice 20 000 likes and i'll do a hunt with 100 bedrock armor hunters the thing about doing this secretly guys is it's not really a secret as soon as i use it because i'm literally going to be a giant player so with that being said minecraft mana in three two one go welcome guys to minecraft man up but i am secretly gonna be using giant mode quote unquote secretly by the way because in five seconds i am about to just show them what this manhunt is all about because right now they probably think it's just a normal manhunt with starter eyes of ender but in reality i had these mata recap laters on my hand oh wait no oh gosh okay they're kind of helping me right there by throwing the isabender oh gosh okay i'm gonna see if i can find a good spot right now i might have to go giant very soon so we can go double our size quadruple our sides eight times your size and 16 times our size let's do this guys three two one oh let's go to more size oh my gosh and the best thing about it guys is i get to be so fast when i'm double the size might as well four times the size oh my gosh this is so sick they can't keep up the bad thing about being giant is that they can hit me pretty easily while it's gonna be very hard for me to hit them let's go all the way guys 16 times the size oh my gosh and the best part is i literally one hit the things under me okay wait wait let's go back to four times the size i need to get a lot of dirt oh wait they're here oh my gosh wait look at this oh my gosh i'm literally a giant i love it okay so the eyes of under looked like they were going this way i actually feel like i can make a new record personally for getting into the end with these giant mode sizes it's kind of like minecraft man up but i get super speed but in reality i'm just a giant extra story if you guys want to be one of the hunters on the tab right now all you got to do is join my discord at x discord.ggstore and that's where we're going to find where i host the main it's literally the best manhunts in the world hopefully they're not hunting me down i think they're getting tools right now so i'm gonna take advantage right now of getting all the stuff i can i'm not gonna be going for diamond armor or anything this one i'm literally just gonna be going for iron armor and try to get to the stronghold as soon as possible okay i feel safer now oh my gosh someone's already getting an upgrade i don't like that bad thing about being giant is i'm gonna be using a lots of food way too much give me my stone sword thank you very much and all right i gotta get out of here oh gosh okay i'm going four times the size guys i'm gonna be seen from a mile away wait low key i could probably go kill someone real quick oh chickens i don't need the chickens but they're cool looking okay i'm gonna take this opportunity to get some iron oh gosh oh i feel like they're probably trying oh my gosh that was a player holy okay literally the tiniest mob there is actually that's probably the silver fish or something don't tell me i'm gonna die to the baby zombie holy okay that was a bit too close that actually made me jump more than if i found a player holy okay if i go giant in here i'm gonna take a lot of damage so i gotta be a bit careful the iron quick quick quick they're probably getting a bit too close i get too nervous in these guys i just want to get my stuff and get out all right it doesn't seem like anyone's on me yet i gotta get this iron get up do my thing skeleton no no no no no no not dealing with that not dealing with that not dealing with that oh gosh they just got acquiring hardware all right we're going giant it doesn't seem like anyone's here okay i think i'm chilling for now i'm scouting out the area it looks pretty safe i vendor where are you leading me oh look how small that eye vendor is okay we gotta go this way apparently i'm gonna get some more stuff down here real quick i do need some coal and a little bit more iron i am scared though that they're gonna find me very soon so i gotta be quick this is definitely not one of the ones where i probably kill everyone it's probably gonna be one of those ones where i just try to kill the dragon before they can even get to me and might as well because we are doing giant mode and we did do tiny mode let me know in the comments down below if you guys would like to see a tiny and giant mode of manhole where i can go both tiny and giant to confuse the hunters i feel like that would be very cool to do oh gosh guys i don't know how the shield is gonna work when i'm giant but it's definitely something i need okay shield they're probably already in full iron i'm taking forever with the stuff the bad thing is that there's like seven of them i don't know i'm gonna do this okay iron armor done with that okay iron sword i don't know if this is the right thing to get but i'm gonna grab it anyways just need some pantalones now i'm kind of curious what happens if i go size 16 in a cave i might regret this let's try this out oh what oh i did not expect this what okay well i'm definitely giving myself away here let's go back down what the heck all right that's actually kind of cool kind of reminds me of it man okay guys we are full iron now all we have to do now is get to the stronghold and hopefully this should be enough to kill the dragon i am probably gonna end up dying if they're already at the stronghold we might as well let's go side 16 guys i am literally a giant what the heck all right eyes avenger lead the way okay straight that way i can barely see that what the heck so i'm guessing it's going this way wait what if i go in this ravine wow the ravine isn't even wide enough for me that is so cool oh village oh wait i'm gonna check this out real quick oh this actually has some really good stuff oh no wait someone's been here oh no they got all the loot all right i have ender lead the way straight this way okay i'm literally the size of a tree wait look how big my shield is oh my gosh i definitely have a big lead on the hunters because i am getting here pretty early on i'm getting a bit afraid that they're getting near oh oh gosh wait where did he come from oh no wait he literally has nothing hold up how's it going buddy i don't really need to be full size for this but just in case let's go full size let's try this out oh my gosh oh this is so cool right rob i'm sorry buddy but you're about to die here oh no i forgot they have keep inventory so i don't even get their items wait wait no well that's a bit of a problem ryorama came straight from where the eye of ender's going down which is gonna be the stronghold oh no okay i have a bit of a plan though i'm gonna go to size 16 and i'm gonna see if this is gonna work i'm not sure if i'm gonna be able to survive this guys i at least got one kill while being giant but man this is going to be a tough one i only have full iron i also forgot to mention guys that this video is sponsored by bisect hosting so if you guys want to host your own manhunt or uec today you can do so by getting your first server with codexstorio for 25 off oh wait someone's here wait who is this oh look at them go oh they're so small okay one sec how's it going buddy i feel like i'm godzilla right now block you out of here oh wait no that iron oh that's not good oh karina neo okay how am i supposed to do this oh gosh okay okay oh gosh wait let me go 16 real quick let me run back i have an idea we're gonna go size two so if i go double the size i think i can probably out strafe them big man versus two little men here we go oh one wait they got goblins that's zombie okay oh gosh i'm doing so well against him oh my gosh yes let's go and yes they got stuck in the cobweb how's it going dominate oh my gosh oh this is so big guys i love being giant oh my gosh okay hopefully they didn't have a bed i am gonna start heading down to the struggle now which i'm kind of worried about because if they do have a base set up down there i am screwed okay let's go not sure where karina went but i'm guessing it's down here okay we're going down guys please don't be a lava pool okay straight down this way this is it guys okay we're here i'm really hoping no one's down here i kind of lost creed so i'm assuming he's already down in the stronghold someone's here they're here guys they are here oh no no no this bad this is bad this is bad this is real bad oh okay giant size is not working out in here oh this is bad oh this is real bad oh my gosh the jukes where is the portal room when you need it guys if i don't get this portal room soon i'm screwed oh no no no no guys i need to head back up i'm heading back up this is a bit of an issue this is definitely a big issue we're heading back up and i'm gonna replan this strategy oh gosh holy mobs holy mobs okay we are definitely heading up matter 16 let me check outside is there anyone outside it seems like i'm safe oh wait i could have just jumped oh my goodness that that was uh not the best idea guys they are definitely down there and they definitely have a lot of good stuff so how am i supposed to head down there again oh are they coming back up i'm down a fight buddy how's it going you're kind of screwed i have 16 year size buddy it's so hard to hit him when i'm up here let's do four times the size buddy i'm sorry i guess that's one way to kill him i'm trying to think if i go down there how tall am i i'm pretty tall here so could i technically jump out if i go down in there oh oh we got another competitor again okay he's gonna keep coming up block i'm sorry buddy this is such a weird fight battle of the age is right here he's doing so much damage what the heck this is okay though yes okay we're fine okay i gotta head down there somehow oh no there's so many of them down there okay i have a bit of an idea i'm gonna fall down there and go giant mid-air that might break my fall okay we're doing this okay three two one wait did that work oh that worked okay okay okay i don't know if they saw me doing that but i should be fine okay mission is find the portal room skeleton now's not the time why are you there why are you there that's not good oh my gosh okay they probably hear me by now guys i'm making a lot of noise why are there so many mobs kind of want to mine on someone and see if they're at the portal room okay guys i'm gonna risk it i'm gonna see if it's down here wait here's silverfish wait this might be it guys wait this might literally be the perfect moment oh my gosh okay i don't think that's it guys because they were in a mine shaft there where is this portal room is this it oh that's it um what they haven't found it yet wait no way no way oh this is it guys this is it hold up why am i minding that guys yes we're in we're in guys we're in yes yes oh my gosh this is it oh what no way okay we can do this we can do this wait guys can i just fight the dragon like this this is actually happening right now oh wait no this is a lot harder than i seems wait i can't the dragon am i too big size 8 might be the key oh no they're into this is gonna be the weirdest end bit yet okay let's try size 16 can i jump on this oh my gosh oh my gosh wait what that worked wait i can literally just jump from thing to thing okay we're here we're here oh oh oh my gosh oh gosh wait i might die from this okay we're good we're good wait are the endermen mad at me oh this is tough this is tough guys i literally have to parkour from pillar to pillar to break them okay we got this we got this side 16 jump jump jump oh i'm insane that's another one wait wait how do i get on this thing okay we're on the thing oh there's a dragon please don't hit me right now i am trying my best right now to just break all these dumb crystals break that we're good now we literally have to parkour to the next one for some reason this is manhunt in 2020 right here oh my gosh okay i maybe i should just bridge to that one but at the same time that's no fun we are jumping straight to it let's go all right next one can't believe i'm actually parkouring through these what the heck am i doing right now okay it looks like there's only two more we got this more more of them we're getting into the end i need to hurry up oh gosh we're setting up a defense i don't know i'm gonna kill the dragon after this but i at least can do this okay one more jump oh there we go okay and that should be the last crystal guys oh gosh okay they are definitely getting a bit more hostile right now get placing bats oh gosh okay i need to kill this dragon somehow but i can't touch it when i'm giant oh that's actually so nerfed right now oh my gosh the endermen are pushing me around maybe size four would be better wait do i go in i'm going in i'm going in i'm going in i'm going in if i gotta get out i'm literally just gonna go diet what oh my gosh no no the moment i go small guys i get immediately blown up no guys well that is gonna be it guys for minecraft mana but i quote unquote secretly use giant mode yet again just like the tiny one the hunters one again so with that being said we might have to try to get the win with both tiny and giant mode enabled 20 000 likes and i'll do that anyways hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and here's the video just like this one oh yeah subscribe bye you
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,843,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Manhunt, speedrunner vs hunter, Speedrunner vs 3 hunters, Speedrunner vs 4 hunters, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, beating minecraft, four hunters, 4 hunters, xnestorio, nestorio, Minecraft Manhunt, Minecraft manhunt but, xnestorio manhunt, speedrun, speedrunner, manhunt minecraft, speedrunner vs assassin, 30 hunters, speedrunner vs 30 hunters, tiny minecraft mod, tiny manhunt, tiny, giant, giant manhunt, giant minecraft, giant minecraft mod, giant mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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