Minecraft Manhunt, But I Confuse My Hunter...

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dev i see you no please leave me alone leave me alone come here dad please please please please please please please i'm going inside i'm going in this house oh crap what the what the hell wait what [Music] where the hell are you why am i in the jungle here who's here oh my god what i'm patrick i have returned i have returned and i've hit the gym but this isn't podrick this is remember they changed me on the space station long ago oh my god hold up why do you sound like that i just realized i'm very sick it's not fun yeah me too don't take sick i'm not faking you're fake you're faking you're faking i'm not thinking you're faking yo what the see you're faking okay you're right i can't even talk loud this is so bad oh my god oh wait what's this wait what the hell is this oh i just fell is this is this sky island sky islands what what's the sky island bro oh crap wait is this just sky islands dev please please leave me alone wait come here come here please leave me alone it's just skylands until you're dead die oh yes i caught myself oh yeah no no no please don't hit me off please please please please please dev wait i won i won oh yes yes oh my god i landed it i landed it zebra landed what yes there's a village okay this is actually perfect wait let me go down there wait the crap wait wait what was that the ground what wait so this is wait so i'm gonna scout we're on a sky up wait so we just wait wait what am i waiting for i don't know what's happening why am i here right now i'm not ready for this bro oh my god here i landed it i landed and i landed it oh nice well welcome to the world man okay i honestly just need one thing or two items and i can basically start doing the twist so oh no oh no wait how'd you get a sword uh what can i say what the heck dev i see you you're literally not even like you're so obvious oh i'm not hiding okay nice nice nice no please leave me alone leave me alone come here dad please please please please please please please i'm going inside i'm going to this house oh crap what the what the hell what the wait what wow that house is weird actually wait they have blast furnaces oh let me grab these that's interesting i never knew these houses came with three blast furnaces but this is good to know what it was like bigger on the inside than the outside no it wasn't bro what is this vid what is what nothing has happened yet wait oh i just realized are you feeling okay you're not feeling okay right bro you're probably like just seeing things what did you think you saw i just saw a big room what what did you see i just saw a normal village house what are you talking about now okay then cut some you gotta cut to my pov just just to be safe because i i swear i'm not tripping if you're feeling sick too sick to do this recording like just let me know obviously like okay i'm going back there and if it's the same i'm gonna scream at you all right anyways okay i need two things i need two things i'm gonna be mining this for days oh my god yes yes yes okay this is the last thing i need let's go wait can i even do what this twist is oh absolutely what is it then bro i haven't even done the twist yet then what has happened happening to me nothing shut up don't piss me off right now you're really gonna piss off a sick purse and you're nice i'm not forcing you to be here okay yes you are i am there's a gun to my head everyone everyone right no okay who's gonna believe that we're in different houses right now because i'm beside you right now and you have a gun on a timer set up if i leave my chair it'll shoot me what how do you come up with this stuff come up with it i couldn't come up with that that's how you know it's real because i can't come up with stuff like that okay you literally have me stuck bro i'm stuck i'm stuck bro okay chill oh i think you're sneaky huh oh you're underground right here oh i thought you were waiting here sneaky huh all right here we go here we go here we go oh okay here we go this is actually gonna be insane oh hey man bro i had a shield too like i was ready to fight you oh this time thanks man all right here we go here we go you find a good spot for this okay i think i think this is good okay i think i can do it here all right guys i just muted myself so basically what i want to try and do here is if i put two portals one at the beginning of this cave entrance and then one at the other side and then link them i can basically lure dev into the cave have him chase me around and i can literally trap him in an infinite cave loop until he notices okay that's good that's good that's good and then perfect perfect perfect and then if you do this and then do this oh my god chill why are you so happy bro okay this is actually okay to chill out are you quiet bro um no reason why are you shifting bro not i would never shift no yes yes yes yeah oh you can't run forever here you can't run forever oh i'm out of here bro bro oh my god go what the hell what bro where the like where'd you go what are you talking about like i can't see you i'm just running up the cave what are you talking about the hell why is this so perfect this cave it just keeps going bro i don't know it's it's going all the way up bro it hasn't ended bro what do you mean i'm just i haven't stopped i'm just still running i mean either i'm literally going up i don't know i think we're in a mountain i think i dropped you though but i didn't miss a jump yeah me neither bro this no no no no this is looking awfully familiar bro like i'm just like it's the same it's like over and over again bro are you good actually let me know like i'm trying to help you as a friend i'm still trying to run up this and it's nothing's happened wait what wait wait what are my chords 14 wait 14 i've been running up for 20 minutes oh wait is this the village right here oh perfect let's just get some more food awesome how are you time to go to the nether shut up shut up so if i if i technically go up five blocks like this and if i check my chords it's still like okay yep this is i don't know how you got me and i'm just like okay i'm just gonna go up what the bro what is this what is what i'm not going up i'm not moving was i just running in a circle like an idiot bro what like how am i supposed to know that like you're acting like i'm supposed to know that's happening i'm not acting like nothing happened i don't know what you're talking about you're acting like a like you i'm laughing because like an idiot coming up with all these theories for why i dropped you okay how come i was running for five minutes straight and i checked my cords and it's still 14. bro answer me that you're sick i don't know maybe maybe you're dizzy maybe your head is weird maybe like i don't know how being sick feels like you just at the start of this video said you're all so sick maybe not as bad as you cause you clearly are like you're hallucinating i'm so unhappy right now why i'm not of course you're not because you're bullying a sick person all right time for the nether let me just go down on me bro okay oh my god okay yep i was actually looking for one of those i just need two more and then i can make another portal i think i'm gonna build another portal the old-fashioned way today with a diamond pick bro shut up no seriously why are you wasting my time i just want to go to the nether and i forgot how to make it with a bucket bro oh my god okay this is perfect this is exactly what i need okay i got the diamond pick dev pick diamond pickaxe me up oh okay nice all right off to another wait do i even need obsidian what do you have a lava pool then do i even need a lava pool either then what the what are you talking about i think i'll just go this way to be honest with you bro like how do you expect me to know what that means like let's go i'm in the nether wait how the hell did you go to the nether without getting the obsidian achievement or hot stuff i mind you mind the nether well i'm about to join you because this portal's completable so suck my dick what is happening to this portal what the hell what the what why can i wait it's not purple i can see the nether through it wait bro okay what wait this is sick if you need me to call a doctor i will no no this is so much better i could just run in and out of the portal okay guys i just muted myself i wanna explain this as i do it because this is gonna be really tricky but basically i'm gonna build a portal horizontally over the lava and then make another one like in there or something and then with dev chasing me i'll literally just light it last minute and then he'll fall into the lava i really hope that works oh and there's a freaking fortress right there what the hell all right i think i'm gonna do it through here hoping this doesn't look too obvious okay so these should link now and hopefully the side i want falls into the lava or else i'll have to lure him in from this side which will be a lot harder yes okay perfect now if he falls in here he'll literally just his gravity will flip and he'll just fall in the lava oh my okay this he's gonna be so mad okay now i'm gonna break it and i guess it's just time to wait for dev this is crazy i don't even know what i'm looking at nice would you look at that a fortress right next to the spawn bro what is this blade spawner this is so bad so anyways what do you think the twist is because i still haven't even done it on you i have to craft a weapon then what has been happening no i didn't want to get that no i was trying to avoid that sir oh hey man oh no oh no hey man let me alone let me leave me alone come here come on come here come here please please please please please come here bro okay i'm out of here here the hell out of here oh please please please i think bro bro what the what the oh my god did you fall in did you actually fall in okay wait i think i know what's happening now because yes bro the thing is i don't think you understand i saw it i saw it too and i stopped moving and i was like what the hell is that but it somehow still sucked me into it and i flew up it just wait yeah i'm like because i saw it last second i was like what the hell i'm like stopping and i can see myself i just lost all my stuff i just realized the hell nah but that has nothing to do with what happened earlier what happened earlier is all you this is the first twist i've done in the video oh my god is this just a troll is this like a freaking troll video i don't troll i roll you roll to the freaking bathroom to shoot your pants i don't know what i don't know like why would you roll it's not a diss like i'm just trying to figure out why would you roll up in my pants who doesn't exactly so how's that at dennis i never said it was a dis did you know they found dinosaur footprints somewhere in mexico i don't know if it was in mexico or somewhere but it was down why'd you leave it's true i actually i saw that but stop talking to me like we're friends bro like how is that friends apologize and i'll join i'm sorry for talking about dinosaurs hitting a nerf damn right you're sorry holy crap finally i went through like four axes i didn't ask i'm not gonna lie all right cure now where did you go in the nether um getting these freaking pearls i don't have a boat so it's like insanely annoying you're insanely annoying oh okay all right oh okay perfect let's go oh you don't even know what's happening dev all right okay wait a minute oh my god wait i just thought of something i just thought of something i just thought of something yeah if you had a thought then you're thinking and your brain's working backwards in time nice nice bro nice let me just do this oh my if this works dev i'm sorry i'm just depressed don't talk to me this works i'm sorry okay i have a plan but i don't know how i'm gonna do it wait is that what i think it is okay okay i know what to do now i know what to do now this is actually perfect what oh okay just stressed me out for absolutely zero reason okay i got it i got it i know exactly what to do bro where the hell are you in the nether all i'm saying is oh my god you're not even in the freaking nether all i'm saying is bro that's a rule by the way you're supposed to tell me when you're not in the nether you doesn't the compass tell you bro this new compass literally doesn't tell me when you're out of the nether like well how is that my fault oh my just don't even talk shut up what okay guys i'm i just made myself again so basically anything i drop in here since this is a one by one and this is a ten by ten anything i drop through here should basically just multiply it by ten in size oh my god okay so can you guys see this okay so let me show an example so if i drop let's say a torch oh my god do you see that okay dev might get suspicious uh okay let's just hope dev doesn't see those uh okay okay oh my look how big it is nah this is crazy this is actually crazy okay dev i'm back i'm back dev we're gone oh i mean sorry i was just talking to the viewers again i've been running to the stronghold forever three hours later okay guys off camera i made some adjustments because i realized that if i do it with the portal blocks there it will get trapped so hopefully this works oh hey dev hey dev def dev uh stop stop where you are real quick why uh and real quick just maybe uh look up what what oh yes wait nothing happened what wait what the hell was that nothing happened it's just a freaking tnt was on my head and then nothing happened it didn't explode no what what the hell was that wait they didn't explode no nothing explained it literally looked up like you said there was something on my head and that and then that's it oh crap were you trying to blow me up hey man i don't even have a weapon this is so bad oh no oh no oh no we even have a weapon okay uh i was kind of hoping that would work i don't know why they didn't explode when i tested it it blew up a whole area um that is what like what am i honestly just pearl no way yeah screw it i don't care you're a scumbag you're a scumbag i'm going for another one just take me to the stronghold scumbag oh wait i have an idea oh my god okay come on come on come on work work work yes oh my god yes yes oh my god i see you dev i'm gone what does that mean i'm absolutely gone you're acting like i know what that means was this spawn oh the portal's behind me okay wait this is perfect okay so i think it's right here i think it's right here bro no bro no no no okay you know what i don't want to fight i don't want to fight i promise i don't want to fight i actually don't want to fight just find the room just don't come because then i'll literally go back to spawn don't kill me actually please i have no armor you're going to kill me bro bro why is this a freaking size changer rematch bro it's not a size changer i just figured out that you could do it with the portals so i was like oh really bro i just need to get something first don't even want to play just you can kill me i don't care i don't want to play this game don't worry you can hate this one shut up don't talk like this is bro this isn't even how is this even how can you ever say my twister op this last twist was a duel bro we were doing duels that was the most fair thing ever this is the most bull thing ever stop don't talk don't talk actually don't you've lost your rights to talk to me what oh finally i'm back to normal size are you a pillager why bro 1.17 is so much better it's so much easier to get the strongest oh don't keep that in i don't have to sound like stupid as soon as you find something okay i have one last plan i have one last plan because there's no way i'm beating you in the end okay uh i think this should be good oh yeah okay this is gonna work perfectly uh do that oh my god yes yes about that time oh hey man hey i was eating i was eating something hey hey man what's up man what the hey man oh my god i'm lagging i'm lagging i can't see anything i'm lagging get me out of here oh my god i literally can't see anything who are you hitting bro who are you hitting where are you who are you hitting bro what did you try to hit the wall no this is too laggy i can't even i can't do it i can't do anything i can't do anything no [Music] let me out we're going where are you going here okay that was supposed to work bro i didn't know it would be that laggy that that was so laggy bro i can't even craft an axe what situation did i put myself in bro i've been spending this whole time trying to do traps i was trying to like make it so you didn't know who you're hitting but like it worked for a second though i'm not gonna lie it was way too laggy that's so annoying why are you there's so many silver fish bro they literally they're breaking out i'm just going in i don't give a i'm just going in track track trying try try try try try truck truck truck oh oh you actually are going in oh i forgot about that um that was scary oh no you'll see when you join i'm so why do i not want to jump in there why do you come in oh my if i die i'm just gonna quit i'm not gonna lie what the what the hell is this oh that was supposed to kill you i'm so bad at this game whoa what the hell oh no this is just so dumb this is great this is really great this is just so bad this is really good this is very good like this is actually so bad you don't understand oh you missed nice mist bro you're so low where are you going here you have nowhere to go bro you have nowhere to go bro up uh voluntary win i guess thank you all right um gg right is it over hello yeah sure why did you not die then it's over like if you want it to be over bro is it like the sky island it's up to you if you want it to be over i'm not making any decisions for you [Music] all right i got it my axe again i really appreciate you being patient with me yeah i'm totally happy as well make some pants while i'm at it don't worry dev too i won't be long i'll be right back bro i'm not going to lie this should be the way it always is imagine falling off in the end and not dying like that i do that all the time really yeah yeah holding the light okay you know what i mean all right dev i'm coming back man bro this is insane do you remember where the stronghold is by the way records nope oh crap i'm gonna have to get freaking eyes again i'm not gonna lie to you i'm leaving right now if you say that again i'm serious how else am i supposed to know where to go have fun all right what i'm not kidding i'm too i'm sick bro you put me through three hours of nothing i'm going to bed i don't give a i'm going to bed actually if you're serious right now and you have to go do all that again i'm going to bed i don't care but we're having fun no you're having fun i'm having the time of my life this might be one of the worst recordings ever it's actually maybe one of the worst days ever but i didn't ask yeah i'm out of here i'm kidding don't worry i'll be quick though i'll be quick getting these pearls bro can you just no you're not getting the pearls shut the wait what the hey man wait you only have pants okay i can fight you can you can you fight me you want to keep fighting me again i'm just going to jump back off bro you jump back please chase me now drop it back off chase me and i'm jumping back off bro you're such a if you if you if that's your strategy i'm if you do that one more time i didn't think you'd care so much about me jumping off well because it's going to take forever that's the problem i'm dropping off i'm going to jump off i'm going to jump off holy crap bro is that another golden apple i had like seven hit me dev go i don't even care get the hell out of here no leave my island please please this isn't your island please i beg bro you're just chugging gaps what the hell is this fight this isn't fair for me oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh i mean i probably should have got armor i honestly thought you wouldn't okay this is this is [Music] yes [Music] bro okay really oh nice aiming bro oh miami so bad okay thank god we didn't do that beau duel then oh no enderman [Music] what are you doing nothing what does that do do i need to come up there and stop you what the hell are those [Music] happened no i tried to go into the small one to turn big but i turned small no way i just lost like that
Channel: KIER and DEV
Views: 1,432,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs assassin, minecraft manhunt but i secretly used, minecraft manhunt but, minecraft manhunt with a twist, extreme minecraft manhunt, dream manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs mage, minecraft speedrunner vs 5 hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs 4 hunters, dream 4 hunters finale, dream 5 hunters, minecraft challenge, speedrunner vs hunter, 4 hunters, tapl uhc, minecraft but lava rises every minute, redstone, VR
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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