Minecraft Mobs if they were Scary

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the mobs we know and love have changed vicious callous heartless deranged scary to approach and they want something too they'll take it from me but want it from you is this the scary mob Mansion it's got some new blocks around and TNT for some reason Erie Enderman whoa whoa hey easy dude don't you look tasty Welcome to My Haunted Mansion I think all of my friends will be dying to meet you if you'd like to come inside I'll need an offering bring me a TNT a pumpkin a dandelion and a grass block now whoa scary well I see a TNT right here he must been playing and lost his blocks nearby there's a dandelion and look at this pumpkins right here too not sure I'm gonna get a grass block but oh what do we have here hey well fair enough solves that problem grass block in hand we've got it all Erie Enderman ah a useful human what a nice change of pace very well you may enter at your own Peril scary well whoa take this mob Grabber don't mind the heads on it they're purely decorative is that a warden dude this thing looks cool now where do we need to go dead end that's all covered in Cobblestone I mean this place this place is a mess we got holes in the ceiling oh here we go creepy cow okay I don't look too creepy huh Betsy welcome to layer of hooves not too intimidating oh gosh look at that enough with it I hunger and my villagers stock and escape from their prison bring me all four you'll be next on the menu right okay I thought cows were supposed to be vegetarians well hey we can use this used to Grabber to bring any villages we happen across in the area that way we could make sure Betsy don't uh you know eat on us here's the prison hello hello and uh you're mine oh hey turned him into an item tiny in hand huge in person anyways we got another villager thank you very much but there were only two of them in the prison so there's got to be a cup whoa yo something's up with this Mansion it's a whole bunch of areas I've never seen before in here oh I hear a couple of them in here how's it going boys whoa I think they're playing pool well I hate to interrupt the party but you guys are coming with me move some room in that stomach ears Betsy I got your villagers she's thrilled oh or maybe she's just still hungry yum the taste of living creatures ooh what are you trying to do to me you know I was just an accident the first time around all right that was your last meal where did we just hello where are we oh look we got an item spooky horns interesting how can I use this maybe I can can I Ram people dude hey there's a sign here too crazy creeper ew gosh I've been stuck down here for years and finally knew face behold why all of my legs are absolutely thrilled especially Derek dick you see when I fell down here all this Rubble fell too now I can't find my way back up to the mansion but that's okay I'm fine break through the Cobblestone Rubble to help guide crazy creeper out of the sewers um I'm kind of cool with the creeper staying down here to be honest but I don't actually have a way to get back up so we may have no choice but to help this creeper and maybe we can let's see did it whoa it worked dude oh the Creeper's trying to get on through I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming let's get it yeah one more for you huh at last my weight hey what hey drop something ooh a sticky bomb sounds amazing whoa hey hey we got a way out of here beautiful I think oh it's too small I can't but how am I gonna get out of this sewer maybe the villainous villager can help us oh gosh well hello there Tyler that's right I know your name we're friends right don't you want to be my friend not particularly goodness oh oh don't like you know what friends do for each other they go and gather the balloons in the sewer find all seven balloons in the cistern and bring them you know uh let's just get out of here as soon as we can oh boy hey hey stinky bomb perfect timing come on are you gonna are you gonna work no it sure does oh cool it's actually remote control beautiful actually I think I saw hey there's something going on E down there back away all right let's get these balloons first one in hand no literally oh it looks so cute too and oh they're all over the place hey there's a lever right there what does this do huh they did something all right there's balloon number three I see the fourth one right over here yes sir but how do we get up to the top oh you get up I thought you could hide from me handled gosh look at that thing over there frightening hey that opened a hole hey look what we saw what we saw before what we saw before okay we'll press it and hopefully that yeah look we can get to the top now okay but I'm a little confused we're supposed to get seven balloons but I only found six so oh hey no way trying to hide from me behind the waterfall uh the only thing scarier than the sewer is what would happen if I didn't bring Pennywise over that all right here you go that would just let me out of the sewer perhaps but anyways villains villager that's right we all float down here and now you'll float too whoa coming for me hey just stay away come on whoa Just Desserts no really I got a cake I think a Splat pie and a bat I'm not gonna ask about that one but still seemingly no way out of this sewer maybe y'all can help me find a way out by it subscribe that doesn't make sense oh hey friends hi there you get splatted on pie to the face and look it just makes them the man would have bad one time yeah yeah only in video games children and with a home run nice nice they love it they love it actually I'm gonna hit him with a sticky bomb instead boom keep the change okay but it still doesn't look like oh hey no we did we're out of here oh we've been waiting for this moment right back into the Mansion though hey we're by the entrance actually we've got these horns now oh baby away we go ah I've been waiting for that moment but I'm not gonna be able to clear this Gap so maybe we could try uh the other direction hey here we go cannibal chicken well I mean I'd go for like some Campbell's chicken but cannibal chicken um no no this won't do you're a human your meat is way too holy moly I need something more like a chicken yes that's it human I'm hungry bring me two chicken pot pies or I'll scratch you to shreds I I kind of believe them go find some chickens down the hall we toss a pie at them they'll turn into chicken pot pies for you to bring to the cannibal chicken whoa oh they're trying to hide I just saw one disappear I'm sorry my friend your fate is already sealed hey chicken pot pie it looks delicious well there's only one chicken in that room this one doesn't seem like it has any inside hey there we go chicken don't move yes ah there's our pies the things I'll do for a chick here you go now go easy on me would you you might trade me yuck this chicken is way too tough I guess I'll have to settle for human meat after all uh yeah no no I don't think so you can just go ahead and blow up blow up I think he's eating my bombs how do you think I'll just kill you instead nice I'm a fan of wings chicken claws though it's a different story what am I even supposed to use them for the wicked witch what are we in a giant Brewing room dude whoa speaking of oh hideous hello Deary what brings you on running into my kitchen oh The Villages don't mind them I'm just trying to soften them up I'm trying to make potions from scratch and by that I need villager scratch as well as other scratches on this list that's how potion brewing Works after all so we need villager scratch Iron Golem scratch zombie pig and sheep scratch okay well don't mind if I just borrow some scratch from your already Brewing soup thank you very much ah we've got our village of scratch and uh I don't know what you're brewing in this potion stand but uh I'll be back with the rest hey zombie got stuck inside this room oh a few of them in fact well don't mind if I just oh I tried to steal my wheat as well ah well the cow would be upset of it for the fact that uh it doesn't eat wheat it eats meat speaking of this guy's beefy hey one hit wonder yeah I'm not gonna ask questions so all we need left is pig scratch and I think sheep scratch hey well how about it you two could stop trying to steal my weight Pig won't even look me in the eye Betsy you've been spared all right witch I've got all five scratches now I'll take a potion if you don't mind I I don't hit me with your cane what took you so long you'd as if I could smacking for making an old woman wait yeah just make me a drink already I've had a rough day are you gonna at least handed it to me I suppose you did come through though at least fine take this and go what do we have here this looks like a ghostly potion look he's just attracted to this anyways how does this thing work oh whoa oh I turned into effects oh oh yes he doesn't come on I'm become friendly hey I know what we could use this for the Gap in the floor right on through to the other side a beautiful thing indeed oh gosh speaking of beautiful these things are all over me why don't we eat on them new design alert Tune Time hits the ldz dot store website so grab yourself some brand new log dot zip shirts hoodies hats special sleeve prints and so much more check out the link below clear the area no there is one in fact more boom but I see a sign here the weird wolf whoa nasty looking fella are far far I'm a demon dog be terrified bark I'm talking dog that's pretty cool oh who am I kidding I just want to play fetch with my favorite Dino bone but that mean old squid threw it up high in my dirt hey the dirt room wait mean old squid okay I need to find out more from you but we gotta go get this dog is boating I thought squids were nice what could this be about all right big old bone hey there we go beautiful oh I know what we got to do we're gonna have to try and get it with the oh oh no that's we went too how about we perfect yes away we go take you thank you very much ah look at the size of this bone kind of uh humorous if you ask me because it's a cute and okay he sounds pretty hungry take your bone please don't bite my Dino both back and slobberier than ever you know I like your style I think I'll stick with you for a while uh sure we're we're friends right okay I hope he's my friend I I mean I am wearing a new cologne maybe that's what's up play oh please don't kill me oh gosh Simon Sinister squid oh you weren't kidding there's a literal squid around here hello there squid welcome to my wet room puny human I'm the Lord of this house squillian easy does it pop hear me interlopus have made a home for themselves in the next room and they possess a delicious Golden Pig bring it to me okay just that don't eat me all right oh boy there are some nasties over here just fly our way over and with any luck oh goodness gracious get him boy attack get him boy get em yeah beautiful and look the golden pig I've been waiting for you I'll grab my grab it thank you very much all right here's your golden pig enjoy ah Golden Pig to devour oh a bit small though I'm still starving oh I've heard it all before come on where's my pie good boy oh you killed him good boy what do we have here calamari not suction cups interesting how do I use this thing exactly can we oh oh whoa we can use it to climb what's that boy you see something over here okay let's check out this area and it looks like oh nasty hey we could climb this yeah cause look it's got all the different suction areas for the glass nice and we're up on the third floor oh baddies baddies get back get back get back where's my pump come on I need you there he is quick get him oh they're still firing at me I don't like and another area for us to use all right we're nice and healed but there are vexes all over the place I'm pretty sure yeah and evoker get away I gotta land mine these suckers how am I supposed to handle this oh my I guess uh killing come on hit one boom blow it up is there another [Applause] it's a nasty keep on blowing them up this good boy this upstairs floor is ridiculous oh a villager maybe we can use the village if it's something useful huh all right Mr villager what oh I'll be back hiding what is this uh oh we can use the cups on this glass beautiful and look what do we have here hey a jump scare I have an idea we could use it on our villager friend hey that mister ah might have a scare you I'm scary
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,528,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mobs, mob, new mobs, villager, new weapons, new items, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, minecraft update, mob update, hilarious, funny mobs, custom mobs, custom, meme, memes, minecraft memes, creeper, minecraft meme, enderman, squid, skeleton, zombie, wolf, new minecraft mobs, custom pet, custom wolf, custom mob, custom item, custom items, custom weapon, custom weapons, custom villager, custom enderman, custom squid, custom mansion, custom creeper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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