Minecraft Iceberg 3: The Final Entries

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[Music] well here we are again another minecraft iceberg video if you haven't seen my previous two minecraft iceberg videos then check them out using the link below or else the following might not make a whole lot of sense the minecraft iceberg format has become so popular that people continue to release new icebergs i'm aware of at least three or four that have come out since the last two videos and as a result i have a bunch more things to add i should say that this video is most likely going to be the final minecraft iceberg video i do once we're done with this we will have covered just about everything that could possibly go on an iceberg with that being said let's get started i've created a new image which includes the things that i'm going to talk about that weren't in my previous videos once again there aren't any jokes on this list all of these entries have some element of truth join me for a deep dive beneath the waves [Music] end credits okay this one is kind of the low-hanging fruit and i'm sure many of you were surprised that it wasn't in the previous videos the final stage of minecraft is killing the ender dragon which opens up a portal back to the overworld when the player jumps in the end credits roll if you've done this before you'll understand when i say that what follows is pretty bizarre before showing the names of the creators as would happen with a traditional credit sequence there's a poem often referred to as the in poem the structure is a conversation between two characters blue and green they claim to be self-aware and that the player is reading their thoughts on the screen who are they humans have called them by many names god angels aliens leptons quarks some of their words are not understandable and they show up as gibberish these beings use the metaphor of the game of minecraft being a dream and they extend that metaphor into life being a dream in some ways perhaps minecraft is no less real than life itself whether on a molten rock of the earth or the infinite flat world of minecraft both are dreams the player creates meaning in minecraft they can make whatever they want in the sandbox similarly humans create their own meaning in the dream of the universe the poem ends with a command wake up when i first read this back in 2012 i had no idea was going on and it felt very out of place why would a game like minecraft that does almost all of its storytelling through background elements in the world have such a long section of pseudo-philosophical text it really felt like something out of left field and i'm not sure i read through it again after the first time i think there are a few ways to look at this first you could try and understand the poem for what it is and the metaphor about creating meaning in a dream i do think that what i said earlier is the point minecraft is not so different from real life another option would be to interpret the poem as an elaborate way of saying stop playing the game and go do something in life hence the wake up at the very end there's a famous quote about how future versions of yourself will be disappointed by what you didn't do maybe the message is that we shouldn't waste so much time playing games so how should we decide the best way to interpret this examining the history of how the poem came to be will help in 2011 notch tweeted a call for a silly over the top out of nowhere text to be added to the end of the game to me this says that we shouldn't try to overanalyze how the in poem fits in with the rest of minecraft i think that it's there if you're willing to open yourself up to some philosophical ideas but choosing to ignore it as i've usually done is also a valid option of course there will be many people with many different ideas about this so i don't claim that this is absolutely the correct way of looking at it lightning and mobs lightning has several possible effects depending on the mob it strikes the charge creeper is pretty well known this variant has a much more powerful explosion which can cause other mobs to drop their head in java version however there are different effects for different mobs a struck pig turns into a zombified piglen and a villager becomes a witch it also turns mooshrooms back and forth between red and brown variants if it strikes a turtle it dies and drops a bowl maybe we shouldn't think about where that bull came from when we use it to make stew lightning also has the chance to spawn a skeleton trap which looks like a skeleton horse when the player approaches it lightning strikes causing it to split into a few skeleton horsemen it's possible to ride this horse if you kill the skeleton on top it's already tamed joke languages there are several unconventional and joke languages in the language selection screen there's an upside down version of british english i'm a little surprised this wasn't called australian english there's also pirate speak join me on a lonely voyage for a game of swashbuckler with no lifeboats we'll make a crafting table and mine some pebbles to craft a pickaxe or rock watch out for that molten rock we need to get orders of steel and make a cutlass and peg leg let's go sail in with your best matey on an oaken vessel another one is shakespearean english join me on a soliloquy in an extra hot state we'll make at the crafts table and mine some cobble to cuttle a stone spade a gunpowder cask shall clear the grain stone post haste this alchemy table shall enable the creation of a potion or grounds forbearance allow thus observe a music plate upon a music box and locate a male halbeck there are even more options fling on the whole is the klingon language from star trek and kenya is an elvish language from lord of the rings there are also a few constructed languages including lojban english is a flavor of english with fewer borrowed words and esperanto was created in the late 1800s in order to foster world peace and international understanding if that doesn't interest you perhaps lol cat is more your style icon has friends reverse easter eggs in 2011 the april fool's update added a naturally generated block called a locked chest when the player tried to open it they were informed that they needed a steve company supply crate key which could apparently be purchased from the minecraft store this is a reference to team fortress 2 where the player could get an item called a manco supply crate purchasing a key from the manco store opened the crate this is one of the early examples of a loot box in gaming the cosmetic aspect is a huge part of team fortress 2 and these supply crates were one of the ways players could find items like hats interestingly tf2 added a minecraft easter egg called top notch it was only given to notch whose minecraft's creator and it makes the player aware a fedora and have notches avatar for a head it's a nice little counter easter egg while we're on the subject there's a hidden pickaxe in the elder scrolls 5 skyrim called the notched pickaxe it's kind of ironic considering that bethesda sued notch for calling his new game scrolls although they eventually settle out of court other games with minecraft easter eggs include borderlands 2 and the binding of isaac my personal favorite is from the stanley parable which if you haven't played it is a tremendous game although it's not for everyone zombie villages there's a 1 in 50 chance that a village spawns as an abandoned village this village is decrepit with broken blocks and cobwebs all villagers that spawn here are zombie villagers [Music] glowing obsidian i mentioned in the first episode that minecraft pocket edition used to not have the nether instead the player could activate another reactor which would generate a structure and spawn pigment in various items the reactor itself would eventually become glowing obsidian which had a dark red tint if it wasn't mined it would eventually turn into regular obsidian glowing obsidian was removed with another reactor mobs controlled by the moon a few mobs are directly affected by the moon slimes can spawn underground in specific chunks called slime chunks which constitute just a tenth of all chunks however they also spawn above ground in swamp biomes the phase of the moon determines the likelihood of them spawning they spawn most often during a full moon and never during a new moon as the moon becomes fuller skeletons and zombies are more likely to spawn with weapons or armor it also increases the potential enchantment level of their gear spiders are also more likely to spawn with status effects such as invisibility finally during a full moon half of all spawned cats are black [Music] minecraft crash log messages when minecraft crashes a bunch of data is dumped to the crash log this will usually be hidden from the user however if you dig into the files you can read the dump there are a bunch of possible witty comments about the crash from the simplest oops and i feel sad now to much more complex messages such as hi i'm minecraft and i'm a crashaholic sometimes the game offers to make you feel better this is a token for one free hug redeem at your nearest mojangsta hug and don't be sad i'll do better next time i promise perhaps this is a sign that minecraft is becoming sentient although quite honestly i wouldn't worry myself about that there may be other games that crash less often the crash log even suggests one you should try our sister game mince raft if you don't get that reference check out the first what i like about this easter egg is that most people won't ever see it especially since crashes aren't supposed to happen but when it does occur sometimes all you can say is well this is awkward hidden nether portal the legacy console edition of minecraft comes with a tutorial world there's a castle and several other interesting places to explore there's also a giant minecraft logo in the sky if you travel up there a hidden nether portal is deep inside it's not that creepy but it's a cool little detail world border the far lanes were removed from java edition after beta 1.8 they were replaced by the world border and world boundary the world border is a giant striped wall that the player cannot walk through however there are a few ways to get to the other side the easiest being an ender pearl but you won't get far if you're playing survival you'll take constant damage there's also an invisible wall a few blocks outside of the border that cannot be passed without the use of hacks and if you go far enough out chunks just stop generating enderman in all three dimensions there are a lot of strange things about the endermen they're arguably one of the most mysterious of all the mobs as they're large and vaguely humanoid although with crucial differences they're one of the few mobs that can teleport naturally the only other mob being the shulker i'll mention this because i know someone's going to bring it up but tamed animals can also teleport to the player however i don't see this as natural teleportation rather it's a mechanic to make the game more playable intermittent also hold the distinction of being the only mob that can spawn in all three dimensions we can break this down pretty easily it's obvious that the end is the home of the enderman i mean just look around it's all you see and the dimension name is end for crying out loud so we can assume that all endermen come from the end to get to the overworld perhaps they were able to make a portal the technology clearly exists in the end although it seems that the ender dragon is guarding the exit however the fact that in ships have dragon heads imply that sometimes the dragon dies and some of the inner men leave for the overworld using the newly opened portal the nether is harder to explain although obsidian exists in the end endermen are incapable of picking it up and it wouldn't matter anyways because a nether portal cannot be lit in the end so the only path to the nether is through the overworld the ruined portals scattered about imply that at one point there were many connections back and forth and the intermen could have simply used these another possibility is that some interment can teleport across dimensions although there's not really any evidence for this enderman sounds while we're on the topic the endermen have some interesting sounds compared to other mobs many of their ambient noises sound remarkably similar to human language even villagers which are another humanoid mod don't have sounds like this the implication is that endermen are the most similar mob to the player they're also the only mob that can build structures the fact that they're neutral mobs that only attack if provoked also shows that they're more similar to humans than other overworld mobs this is another one where matpat is a pretty fully developed theory although it disagrees with some of the stuff i suggested earlier namely he thinks that endermen started in the overworld as humans before escaping to the end and eventually evolving to their current form it would take me more time than we have in this video for me to fully explain my counter theory maybe i'll make it a separate video if you guys are interested ghast sounds speaking of sounds the ghast is another enemy with some unique noises i mentioned in the last video how they have an unused affectionate sound check out the card above to learn about that the gas sounds actually came from the cat of c418 who composed the music in a reddit ama he said that his cat has this interesting behavior of sounding very human if you disturb him while he's sleeping it just so happens that a microphone was next to him when he complained listening from that perspective the noises really do sound like a cat some people have theorized that the ghast itself has a secret cat connection but i just don't see it it doesn't seem like the real-life cat noises were recorded with lore in mind removed c418 tracks the two main minecraft soundtracks are minecraft volume alpha released in 2011 and minecraft volume beta released in 2013 both by c418 nearly all the tracks in minecraft come from these two albums however what's interesting is that there are some songs in the albums that do not exist in the game in fact there are quite a few of them 15 across both albums by my count it's a little strange if you think about it why call it a soundtrack if so many of the songs aren't even there the explanation is pretty simple c418 explains i like to add more stuff to the songs that are in the game because i feel like players are probably not as interested in buying music that's already in the game so extending the album into a more cohesive piece that can be played on its own feels better than just taking all the sound files and slapping them onto an album that makes sense to me although it's a shame that some of these great songs didn't make it into minecraft the soundtrack albums have a few more strange things about them though but we'll get to those further down in the iceberg notch drops an apple if a player is named notch they will drop an apple upon death in addition to their inventory obviously this would only happen in extremely rare situations but we can look at the code to see that it would occur there does exist video evidence in early 2020 the speedrunner dream did a collaboration with notch himself at the end he is killed by a pig man and he clearly drops an apple next to his inventory it's pretty cool that we have a recording of such an obscure easter egg i couldn't believe it at first to be honest but there it is sarge says this one is pretty simple at one point instructing a command block to run the slash help command would cause it to output various easter egg messages it would always start with sarg says followed by text such as yolo ask for help on twitter scoreboard deleted commands blocked slash test for move at player and slash d op at player i'm not sure why they got rid of this one since no one would ever need to use command blocks to ask for help anyways might as well do something interesting with it the salt delta is radioactivity there are some ambiance files from the basalt delta's nether biome that sound very similar to a geiger counter which detects ionizing radiation this implies that this biome is radioactive some real world rock types are known to be naturally radioactive such as granite the salt does have measurable radioactivity but not at an abnormal level compared to other rock types still the sound connection seems obvious perhaps magma cubes are irradiated slimes [Music] pigment blood before the nether update the nether was full of zombie pigmen instead of zombified piglens one of their distinctive features was green blood on the edges of their skin exposing the skull and bones however this wasn't always the case initially they had red blood which makes them look quite a bit scarier in my opinion not said that he changed the texture because he wanted minecraft to be a game that's scary without blood that's fair enough one of the reasons the old texture was so shocking is because it felt out of place compared to the rest of the game and minecraft certainly has its scary moments old water physics this one's not so much creepy as it is strange nowadays water has a limited reach even if you place a bucket on flat ground it will eventually spread out and stop flowing that wasn't the case in alpha instead water would fill whatever space it touched to the same level this was sometimes referred to as tsunami physics because the water could easily dominate an entire area all by accidentally releasing the floodgates water sources truly were infinite and far more destructive than lava ever could be peta minecraft server okay this entry is kind of off topic but i found it interesting so i decided to include it peta or people for the ethical treatment of animals is an animal rights advocacy group that sometimes uses controversial tactics to get their message across in 2014 they opened a minecraft server as an animal utopia where no animals not even digital ones could be harmed they even created their own resource pack before it was simple to install in vanilla i'll leave the judgment or lack thereof about peta to the viewer but i do find it humorous that they tried to use such a wholesome game as a platform for their message i suppose it's better than some of their other attempts like pokemon black and blue but i don't know something about the situation makes me laugh painting seed minecraft includes several different paintings that could be hung up in the world some of these are references to famous real life paintings some of them refer to other video games and others are just standard still lifes and the like almost all of them were made in real life by the artist christopher zetterstrand who transformed his paintings into the digital versions one such painting is known as burning skull and includes a fiery skull in a nighttime minecraft world amazingly the seat for this world has been found using some similar techniques to the pack.png hunt that makes three seeds from in-game images that have been discovered pretty amazing while we're talking about paintings there are four unused paintings in bedrock edition they're all 2x2 blocks and 32x32 pixels each shows an elemental image including earth fire water and wind there's really not a lot of information about these we don't even know who the original artist is also why not in java my best guess is that these were intended to be used in a bedrock exclusive feature such as the marketplace or the skin creator but ultimately were never added obsidian axis very old versions of minecraft included obsidian walls that started at the origin and extended along the cardinal directions forever they only existed for about two weeks these were most likely debugging structures similar to the glass towers that used to spawn above strongholds monoliths old world generation had some strange artifacts that could be created one such instance was the monolith which was a huge chunk of land that was raised up to the height limit like a plateau underneath was a vast hollow space that could sometimes be filled with water they're pretty imposing when seen from a distance and although it's not strictly realistic i'd like to see them return as the tiny biome that sometimes spawns i just love how cool they looked dirt slabs dirt slabs are exactly what they sound like half height slabs with a dirt texture they were mentioned once by not in 2009 with an accompanying screenshot it didn't seem to work too well since the terrain looks very unnatural i'm only mentioning this one because brushes were announced in the 1.17 update video these allow a player to remove layers of dirt from a block resulting in what is essentially a dirt slab 10 years later we finally have them kind of cool skis in late 2012 data miners discovered a new texture in minecraft called skis.png this set off a flurry of speculation about whether this was going to be a new mode of transportation unfortunately dinner bone confirmed that these were added as a red herring to troll people thanks dinner bone i was really looking forward to pulling off some sick jumps but i guess that won't happen farther lands in the first icebreak video i mentioned the farlands which were a bizarre terrain generation glitch that would occur far away from spawn in earlier java versions of minecraft i alluded to it but there's actually a far lands of the far lands called the farther lands this occurs about 4 billion times further away than the farlands the terrain looks like a stretched out version of the farlands however since this occurs past the block rendering limit it can only be accessed through mods or modifying the noise scale there are apparently some farthest lands but it seems as though the differences are minor shrubs in certain biomes the players can find these dead bushes when broken they drop sticks or the whole plant if shears are used they're not super interesting however there's a bit of a strange quirk that happened during the updates at one point instead of dead bushes there were shrubs they look very similar although they're pixels shorter there was also no way to pick it up without using commands and it didn't even show up in the creative menu for a while both existed in the game until they were emerged in 2017. it was weird i remember wondering why was there this worthless block that was unobtainable and didn't even drop anything it was just kind of there i don't know mine shafts ignore ores abandoned mine shafts are a generated structure found deep underground they include chests railways and structural supports however the strange thing is that they're still exposed ores on the walls for whoever made the mine shafts why wouldn't they mine them isn't that the whole point of a mine shaft one theory states that mine shafts serve a different purpose perhaps for transportation or even as an escape route from the overworld even that doesn't really make sense as there's typically no connection to the surface honestly this probably boils down to programming it would be much more challenging to create a generated structure that dynamically modified the ore generation also from a gameplay perspective mine chats would be much less interesting if there were no oars to be found minecraft china appeasement minecraft has a version that's exclusive to china it has to be downloaded from a different website than mojang called mc.163.com it can be downloaded for free as it's run by a company called netease unfortunately you must live in mainland china in order to make an account so i wasn't able to get into a game myself it's tough to find concrete information about this game but there are some people who have videos uploaded it seems to be a few version behind the latest updates and it has some unique features with a different ui and friend support china is famous for its censorship and the great firewall blocks much of the outside internet from reaching china this censorship extends to video games the government also requires licenses for video games to be sold this is one of the reasons that many games have separate chinese versions some of this censorship extends to the chinese minecraft certain words are banned turning into stars in the chat these include typical curse words but also political words such as the president's name i don't know for sure if this is server side or client side but either way even minecraft is not free from chinese censorship some people have also theorized that the reason that dolphins were not made rideable is to appease china the chinese river dolphin is a critically endangered species that garnered international attention from a campaign to raise awareness there are so few of them that they were declared extinct until a few more were discovered perhaps mojang was trying to avoid getting their game banned in china for encouraging messing with dolphins a similar reason may be why sharks were never added in order to discourage overfishing in real life cave sound 14. i mentioned in the first video how there are many creepy noises that play when deep underground the game refers to these as ambiance and there's a big list of sounds it chooses from one of these is cave sound 14 [Music] it sounds otherworldly like a strange computer noise we can look at the spectrogram in the same way that we did for disc 11. the result is a creeper face hidden in the audio i don't think this has any deeper meaning besides it being an easter egg villagers were pigmen before villagers were implemented they were apparently planned to be pigmen notch posted on twitter that it was very likely that the town's people would be pigmen of course that didn't happen they were eventually implemented as zombie pigmen until the nether update where they were replaced with piglens minecraft 4k no this isn't a high resolution rtx minecraft in fact it's quite the opposite minecraft 4k is a version developed by notch in 2009 for the java 4k contest the goal was to write a game that was less than 4 kilobytes in size it's obviously pretty limited with no ui in a small world still it's playable and you can download it using an archive link in the description it resembles very early versions of minecraft and it's pretty impressive if you ask me hell world the two main world types are default and super flat java includes several more such as amplified large biomes and single biome caves spawns the player deep underground with an impenetrable bedrock sky and floating islands is the closest we've got to the sky dimension of course there's also the debug world bedrock players might be surprised to hear about these world types but there are even more in java that have been removed specifically indev included a feature called the map theme which would dramatically change how the world would generate the most memorable of these was hell which replaced all water with lava there were gameplay effects as well overall lighting was reduced and mobs would spawn at any time other types included paradise where the sun never set and woods where it was constantly overcast on the opposite end of the spectrum in alpha there was a chance that a map could spawn in winter mode where it was constantly snowing and the water was frozen this was removed with the addition of biomes although it could be seen as minecraft's very first biome netherrack is flesh netherrack is a minecraft block that unlike stone or wood doesn't exist in real life as a result people have tried to figure out what it is exactly we know that it gets mined much more quickly than stone which implies that it's not as hard one theory is that netherrack is flesh the older texture had a section that looks a little bit like a face and the colors would match up however that was removed with the texture change even so one could still argue that it looks like flesh although netherrack was initially called bloodstone i don't think there's a lot of evidence nowadays first it can be smelted creating another brick flesh wouldn't react in this way also netherrack burns indefinitely again something flesh wouldn't do i suppose this theory is possible but i would need to see a really good piece of evidence to believe it infiniminer infiniminer was a game released back in 2009 it was a voxel-based multiplayer game where players could search for minerals in a procedurally generated map infiniminer suffered a major source code leak exposing vulnerabilities to hackers afterwards notch began work on a new project the very first we see of it is in a video called cave game tech test the description reads this is a very early test of an infinite minor clone i'm working on it will have more research management and materials if i ever get around to finishing it unfortunately that game never amounted to much there are of course theorists who claim that notch leaked the source code and stole it for his own use that doesn't really hold up since infiniminer was written in c sharp and minecraft is in java still the inspiration is obvious and it's corroborated by notch himself monster under the bed a bed allows a player to skip the night or a thunderstorm awakening the next morning however if there happens to be an enemy nearby the game reads you may not rest now there are monsters nearby nowadays once the player falls asleep they are safe for the night that wasn't always the case however in beta 1.4 a player could sleep at any time a sleeping player in an exposed area could suddenly be awoken in the middle of the night by a skeleton or zombie this is akin to the monster under the bed once you go to sleep it comes out to attack you [Music] a special seed you're interested in starting a new game of minecraft you've heard about this mysterious seed so you used it in the world generation you spawn on an island in the ocean survival island great but there are no trees so you start swimming until you find a small forest you get some wood make a crafting table and make a boat sailing to the mainland after a while you begin to build a house and before you know it you've completely forgotten that you used a special seed the game continues as normal and you enjoy yourself as you build a new world and that's maybe the creepiest thing about the seed most people will never discover its secret most people will never realize that deep below the surface something strange is happening even in creative it's hard to see but once we switch to spectator the secret of this world is revealed deep beneath the surface there's a bizarre system of repeating caves the same patterns repeat over and over forever this is one of a series of seeds with this type of property it was first discovered by a youtube channel called azolef as a seed with infinitely many repeated mine shafts the reason for this has to do with how random number generation in java works it's not truly random but rather pseudorandom which means that numbers will eventually repeat themselves this seed happens to accomplish that on the x-axis there's also a seed which does this on the z-axis furthermore there's a great one that works on the diagonal in the overworld which is probably my favorite of the bunch a great video by matthew bowlen explains how this works there's a lot of depth with regards to the technical side of minecraft and seat hunting exploitation is a huge part of that 72 dakwa accounts namemc is a database of minecraft users about a year ago it was discovered that there were 72 accounts with the name dokwa this is obviously pretty bizarre minecraft usernames are unique so multiple accounts can't have the same name much less 72 of them there were many theories as to what these were did 72 people make an account at the exact same time was the database showing deleted accounts a plausible idea was that dakwa stood for developer account quality assurance and that these were mojang accounts up until very recently that's what i had assumed however a comment on my channel led me to a video which offered evidence i hadn't seen before as you may or may not know initially buying minecraft gave the player a minecraft account and they would sign into the launcher using their username however in 2012 all new accounts became mojang accounts and the players could migrate their old minecraft accounts to mozing accounts in 2018 mojing accidentally deleted about a hundred minecraft accounts before they were migrated this freed up the usernames for mojang accounts when the error was discovered the deleted accounts were reinstated however some players had used the same usernames to make new mosing accounts resulting in duplicate account names that's one of the reasons that some names have two different accounts however this mystery is referring to 72 duplicate accounts all with the name dokwa a youtuber called the mr epic believes he has found the answer he was in contact with the owner of dokwa who explained his process if you spam the minecraft account creation with a gift code such as from a physical card multiple accounts of the same name could be created the owner of dokwa claims that he was the one who did this to create the duplicate accounts however the exploit was patched and the duplicate accounts were then removed do i believe this the mr epic claims to have evidence and it seems plausible enough to me however i'd like to talk to the owner of dockwall to get some more information if you're watching this comment or send me an email let's get in contact tend to the sea tin to the sea was a game that notch began developing as a successor to minecraft the premise was that astronauts in the 80s went to a spaceship to hibernate for a few years however due to a bug the computer woke them up after 281 trillion years this is ox10c and hexadecimal hence the name of the game the gameplay was going to have some very interesting ideas the game was in first person and had some shooter elements the ship had a 16-bit computer on board and players could use it to write programs to control various elements of their ship the game could also be played in multiplayer and players could find others and fight or trade additionally notch hoped to eventually add planets that could be explored watching videos of the game i start to get pretty excited it's a really cool idea that i think has a lot of potential unfortunately notchpaw's development in 2013 citing a creative block this was right around the time he sold minecraft to microsoft for 2.5 billion dollars a tweet by c418 confirmed 10 to the seas cancellation my best guess is this has something to do with his depression from his sudden fame which i talked about in the last video he has several tweets that mention these struggles speaking of his tweets not just tweets not just tweeted some opinions that have been controversial this includes topics such as gender relations sexuality and race all topics that have had an increased amount of discussion in recent years notch has also voiced his support for a certain organization that shall remain nameless for now since youtube is demonetizing videos that so much as mention it there are many people who have a negative view of notch microsoft has sought to distance themselves removing references to him from the splash screen and declining to invite him to minecraft's 10th anniversary event if you choose to look up more about this you'll find a lot of vitriol from both sides don't say i didn't warn you droopy likes your face droopy likes your face is another track from minecraft volume alpha that is not included in the game it starts out as a pretty normal song but as it continues strange vocal noises are heard in the background c418 gives us some more information on what this meant according to a tweet there's this droopy toy that spouts random sentences makes for good samples what he's referring to is the droopy dragon a children's book from the 80s that came with a texas instrument magic wand speaking reader device it's a barcode reader which can read words in the book aloud as this video shows i am your magic wand reader come read with me [Music] c418 used these samples in the track this is pretty obscure and i'm not sure we would have figured it out if it weren't for the song title and his helpful tweet air.ogg i mentioned the infinity update in the first video which was an april fool's update that allowed players to travel to infinite dimensions some of these dimensions were named and had specific generation rules players quickly identified 42 of these however it soon came to light that bach the creator of the snapshot had actually coded 43 hidden dimensions on a discord chat he gave out a few hints including the fact that the name was not a single word then he released a link to a mysterious sound file from his website called air.ogg take a listen [Music] foreign two five seven two five seven two five seven it's some strange stuff to be sure if you pay attention long enough you'll discover that there are various different tracks that eventually repeat themselves one such track begins with the minecraft music we know and love followed by something that's a little bit less [Music] welcoming the community tried all sorts of similar techniques that had been performed on other sound files including making a spectrogram although this proved fruitless the solution was something completely different altogether use the file as if it were an sstv signal i tried this for an hour and i was unable to do it although the audio is clearly sstv i could never get a clear image so i'm taking their word here if someone has the specifics of how this was done let me know the discord user neko food was successful however and here is the image this is a very long phrase that is hopefully not in any dictionary is the word phrase typing it in we teleport to a world with a strange message hello only purpose of this message was to troll completionists and to put my name somewhere in minecraft again i hope it wasn't cracked by accident it was obviously supposed to take more time than other phrases written during time of plague by bach yes lowercase because symmetry all these worlds are yours except europa use them together use them in peace europa the moon sold separately this may just be the most interesting minecraft easter egg yet the process was some cicada3301 type stuff and without the hints i'm confident that this never would have been discovered thanks to bach for putting your name in the game and creating a fascinating part of minecraft history and with that we have finished the minecraft iceberg trilogy i had a ton of fun making these videos and i hope you enjoyed watching them i'm still deciding what to do next but i think that there were some items on these icebergs that have so much to them that they deserve a full length video i thought it might be interesting to start a series called deep dive with videos such as a deep dive into herobrine or a deep dive into the april fool's updates if this is interesting to you let me know or if you have other ideas i'd love to hear them thanks for watching this video and have a great day
Channel: RetroGamingNow
Views: 587,904
Rating: 4.934906 out of 5
Keywords: Retro, Gaming, Now, RetroGamingNow, RGN, Let's, Play
Id: 4rHECyrd1AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 42sec (2382 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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