Minecraft - HermitCraft S7#13: FREE GLASS!

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Let's spread the happiness really thin.


Is this the first time Etho ever used all caps in the title for non acronym reasons?

He finally did a sped up timelapse!

Avoid getting in legal trouble by running for mayor Etho!

Absolutely amazing episode. Best prank of the season.

Actually, I watch almost all of the hermits and this was honestly the best episode of the season.

👍︎︎ 347 👤︎︎ u/notathrowaway75 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

His method for scamming the hermits is much smarter than I first expected.

👍︎︎ 246 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Shade-E-E's: Pranks as a subscription service

Etho is a genius

👍︎︎ 195 👤︎︎ u/Kysers 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

There were so many little things in this episode which were absolute highlights for me.

👍︎︎ 165 👤︎︎ u/Bigmaq 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

This Etho arc has been amazing. He's been making this quarantine so much more bearable. Thanks for the high quality work!

👍︎︎ 134 👤︎︎ u/Alfredo_0 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

That armor stand trick is genius.

👍︎︎ 121 👤︎︎ u/moonlam 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

anyone have links to the reactions of the other hermits to their free glass delivery?

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/RadiatingLight 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

I laughed super hard when he put glass in the smoker, this episode and the idea for his shop is amazing

👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/Heycanwenot 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh my goodness this is glorious, I giggled like a madwoman during the entire episode. Favourite Etho episode in years!

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/oeynhausener 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh this is so exciting everybody we're gonna head over to shady ease now today is the day we're gonna do the random drawing to figure out who won what lucky hermit won the lifetime subscription of free glass so if you're not familiar with what what's going on here says to celebrate our grand opening we will be holding a limited time one to two weeks that time is up now drawing for a lifetime supply of free glass unlimited glass more than one winner will be chosen from those who enter so I got to be really careful with how I worded this as well i means i have to pick at least two winners from those who entered so who entered we got we got a whole bunch of people here look at all these Hermits now i think the way we're gonna do this is we're just gonna put the names into a dropper and we'll hit the button and we'll pick a random name that way but there's so many so many people have entered so many participants here that not everybody's gonna fit in one dropper but that's fine because we got to pick at least two winners so we'll put half the names in one dropper and half in the other and then that's that's how we're gonna choose the winners here so yeah let's put the buttons here whatever to hermits we pick here are the two Hermits that win the lifetime subscription a free glass we're gonna pick one from each dropper oh oh this is exciting this is exciting okay first one first one first name we got you got example oh I forgot to take that out then denied oh oh darn it um okay that's that that's a bit of an issue okay let's see who won from this one we got etho wow that is incredible guys that's amazing honestly like there was no rules against late entry so I just decided to throw my name in there cuz I wanted lifetime of free glass that sounds awesome and what do you know it it came up so yeah could you imagine could you imagine guys what kind of shady shop teasing I'm running that I would do something like that I saw the comments on the last few episodes you guys are all like II thought you two just pick example and his own name or ethos should deliver the glass and then kill the person and that would end the lifetime subscription honestly though those were some great suggestions and I had a hard time not doing that I really wanted to and then I remembered we got the Steel's on the building you guys remember the scales we're kind of balance of these things you might have forgot about them because it's so dark up here but this is the shady E's business model on one side we got money every business needs to make money it's super important but then on the other side we got the ethics of business which is also super important and when those those things are in balance that means we gotta treat our customers fairly right let's do this properly we're gonna really do the drawing and we're gonna do it fairly as we should oh man it was actually a little bit tricky coming up with a randomizer for this it's not easy running a fair business guys so I was looking at this and it says more than one winner will be chosen so that doesn't necessarily mean only two either could be three could be four could be five winners I got to handle that in a fair way too so this is what I came up with here we got half the names in one dropper half in the other and then they meet in the middle here right let's just do a trial run to show you how this works so hit the button and I picked a diamond block and a sword and we got a sword so we don't have two winners yet so I would just keep going and we got one winner now and you see more names are getting added in here at random oh we got another winner and now there's still the possibility that we might get another winner right but if we get a sword at this point now that we have two chosen that would end the drawing so we got a sword so that ends the drawing then but we could have got another diamond block another name and then we could pick more winners that way so I think that's a fair way of doing it alright so hopefully that explanation made sense to you guys we're gonna do the official drawing now we got half the names in each dropper and this is it let's do it all right first up it looks like we got two diamonds chosen false is our first winner congratulations false on your lifetime subscription of free glass and then next up here we have come oh my goodness happy days wow it's nothing but diamond in there I did put the swords in yeah alright then we got XP crafted oh oh still more diamonds so if we get a sword at any point here that's when we ended we got b-dubs is our fourth winner what just going on oh my goodness impulse as our fifth winner congratulations oh thankfully we got some swords in there now we got vintage beef oh my goodness my boy beef come on sword sort no example okay that's fine I left the example in there cuz there was 11 names and I needed to split it evenly you know 16 in each so that's kind of like a dead draw oh man I just had a thought here like I think the fair thing to do at this point might be just to declare everybody the winner because everyone put in the same amount of diamond blocks and there's so many winners at this point if someone gets left out they might feel bad I don't know let's just see maybe if we get one or two more oh my goodness Jevon Wow oh my goodness Wow stress what is going on here okay and that would end it that would leave three people not chosen I feel kind of bad for those three people I think I'm just gonna give it to everybody honestly and now it's all wooden swords but okay we got one we got two and sword and it was the last last one chosen here assume I got last hit no Ellis I'm gonna give it to him anyway though wait a minute I just remember her beef is having another sale it is no actually I'm gonna go for the green button today actually it's on green I was walking by this is perfect we're we're joining it let's do it my pants were about the break the blue ones we got to get new pants Green Team pipe we can use the green waiting room and Green Team waiting room for orange button presses hashtag Oh orange I still can't go in there oh well I guess let's get to it here guys we got a lot of work to do we got we got deliveries to make we need to get some glass but I plan on holding up my end of the deal here a lifetime supply of glass for 11 Hermits what have I got myself into [Music] [Music] that's awesome so I got all this from trading with villagers a while ago and now after that sand expedition we got so much sand so much glass to be made here let's fire up our super smelter so I've just had a bit of an odd idea here why don't we make this first batch of glass we deliver kind of special that is so cool by the way let's see they have some dyes here I'm pretty sure I saw him great I think I want to go for a light gray dye I think that's the color of glass people use most it'll be like an extra value sort of thing all right because that's the color people use the most and if they don't like it they can always change it to a different color Yeah right so there's a data pack on the server like you if you don't want that you can change it to another color oh man you know I almost forgot to do this as well there was an awesome suggestion in the comments when we were building shady E's that why don't we add some money into the money side of the scale and we actually made some money at the shop now so that is perfect right be a nice decorative thing we can even add it up here and I think that's gonna look pretty cool right I like it I like it oh no I made the scale shift that can't be good guys that can't be good at all hmm you know I think we still need to deliver the glass though because there's gonna be a mayor on this server soon and I'm gonna I don't want to get into legal trouble with them yeah that's on the outs we still got to deliver on our promises right there might be some ways for us to save on money here though because technically we never said how often we deliver the glass or how how much we deliver or even what quality of glass we deliver [Music] oh this is such a bad idea I I mean yeah it's time to deliver the glass guys let's get to this oh we're gonna make so many Hermits happy today oh man ok this is great so I I realized we can save a lot more money if we don't bring our own containers what if we just use everybody else's containers right yeah like everybody's got containers look he dubs container right here B dubs another container right here right so why bother bringing our own containers we can just use theirs so let's start filling up their stuff with the glass and I think we got to make it really last though cuz eleven hermits that's a lot of people to get to so we're gonna spread it out really thin here now oh no it's actually there it is there it's this kind of hard to see because it's glass you know that's what glass does it kind of goes invisible might take a while for the hermit's to find these well what's they do once they've tried to shift-click something in here I'm sure they'll figure it out and then that'll that'll make them super happy I'm sure yeah oh that one has to and let's get rid of that we don't want that oh just one slot there I bet she's gonna want to put something in that slot and then he's gonna find the glass and get super happy that's that's the way this works now for some of these I think maybe he's gonna grow to expect it though so maybe we just want to put a couple pieces in you know just a few just a few little it's a happiness in there [Music] oh man what did I get myself into here guys I knew it was gonna be rough but wow it's taken quite a bit of time but we are down to our final hermit vintage beef here the 11th guy and I am super happy the hermit's are gonna be so excited two people already got their deliveries and they seem very happy so that is great and I actually had a lot of fun doing this I don't know if this is a weird thing about me but I absolutely love snooping around people's bases checking their chests seeing what they all have like for example I have a pretty good idea now that beef probably has the most gasp tears on the server I would have known that otherwise that's insane but yeah this is what I've been leaving it everybody's faces after the delivery it says congrats you won the lifetime subscription of free glass triple exclamation mark because beef beef loves exclamation marks I forgot my containers so I used yours enjoy more free glass deliveries coming soon now this is important here PS shave e's launched a new unsubscription service ahaha what is that about well we this is this is very tactical by the way we scare them we get them thinking uh-oh if I don't unsubscribe there's more coming soon right and then we let them know there's a way to get out of this right if it there is such a thing as to too much of a good thing right too much free glass nobody wants that so now they have a way out aha so the first round of free glass deliveries has been successfully delivered over a hundred stacks of glass panes I believe which is insane I actually kind of got like a carpal tunnel thing going on my wrist and the hermit's are discovering their free glass and it's wonderful alright guys so um with that delivery with all the glitters going out I felt I needed to update the shop as well so check this out we got some new services offered here and did a weird thing with the armorstands this is an ID yeah I had for like a fancy closet but I never build the bedrooms in this game like I made this in creative a long time ago and I've never been able to apply it to anything I was like why don't I just put that in shady E's I saw it today I was like yeah that could be a cool thing right it's but my my head on the armorstand have it bouncing back and forth here it's kind of weird kind of cool okay so unsubscription 'he's not happy with the subscription impossible but just in case unsubscribe by replacing your paper with a diamond boring we've got an example here uh-huh so these are all the people that are currently subscribed and what subscription they have the free glass this is genius guys absolutely genius right we we charge people to subscribe a diamond block and then we charge them to unsubscribe oh we double our profits that way it's amazing now here's the thing guys I thought we might get an increase flow of traffic to the store here soon there might be a wave of people unsubscribing right so you got people coming into the doors we got to offer new services right we don't want to just be a one one-shot deal although that might be what we are and if that's the case we'll redesign the store here for something else but yes I I thought I would try at least to get people hooked on a new subscription it says after an amazing response for free glass Shady's is proud to offer a new gardening subscription up option to all Hermits let's make every day birthday guys come on sign up for for gardening right so people like before they put a diamond block in to subscribe and you know I figured it might be a little bit tricky yeah people that unsubscribe might not want to get involved on a new wave of subscriptions right so we got a new service here as well it says sign up a friend by placing their name and the subscription on a piece of paper as reward take three diamonds for helping us out now have our subscription listings here that are currently available free glass or gardening and oh it looks like we made a couple here yeah so this is great you know might have trouble getting people to subscribe so other people can sign up people right and I think azuma signed cup fan up for gardening which is absolutely great cuz Cub fan lives in a desert he desperately needs some gardening help over there so that's cool side up this is a new one I didn't see that that's great I wonder who did that so people get three diamonds for signing a friend up which is which is pretty cool right and then when they unsubscribe I'll still make a six diamond profit so yeah I think we might have a successful business model here I'm not sure still in trial but like I got a good feeling about this guy's anyways I guess I'll show you guys these armorstand guys too just in case you're curious so the way this works carpets have a little bit of a collision box them like when you walk on them you go up ever so slightly right just a little bit I think armor stands are two blocks tall so we got some water up about here and since the carpet raises the armor stand just slightly the top of the armor stand is actually touching the water up there and this is flowing water and then when he gets the one end it flows one way when he gets other end it flows the other way because we got some dispensers up here with water buckets and alright so it alternates between one side and the other whenever he hits the pressure plate we put some end rods above the pressure plate here just so he doesn't get pushed off of the carpet only half of them is gonna touch that pressure plate then it stops and switches other direction and likewise on this side we got the same thing so it's actually really simple there's no clock or anything to this just when he hits the pressure plate it switches and then all we got to do here is connect to both pressure plates up to both dispensers so this is from one of the pressure plates and over here is from the other one they meet together and power both dispensers and we just alternate one of the buckets full of one of them empty and it keeps switching between the two now the thing about this as flowing water does cause a little bit of lag in the game so I didn't want this running all the time there's no real point unless people are actually in the shop so the way we stopped it I connected those pressure plates out there to like an on/off switch and when nobody's in the store this trapdoor comes down and stops the armorstands from moving and then when someone enters the building that trapdoor flips up oh hello endermite oh wait it flips up and then this thing can keep moving again all right everybody well you know I've been waiting several episodes to do this now but I finally get to check out the clubhouse here that scar made and I saw he's got a sign-up board now as well so Green Team signup board place your head on the board to join Green Team let's let's add her our face to the the place here and now we are officially green members green team only only green team can go up and enjoy the clubhouse guys oh that feels so so minty fresh taste the green amazing oh oh oh so green so I actually made a bit of a promise to the green team members I told them if I ever joined I would bring cookies to the clubhouse so we gotta get on that guys we gotta get some cookies and I just so happened to be a professional chef in this game not in real life but in this game I got my own cooking show and I I make a mean cookie right the key is you get fresh ingredients guys we live in a jungle here this is this is perfect you really need to get good cocoa though like that's key gotta at the cocoa and look at this we even got freshly grown wheat this stuff just turned ripe it's perfect for cookies now you might be wondering Etha how long do you cook your cookies for what temperature in the oven nah just straight crafting table guys straight crafting table you got a crap that with love though that's the key man and with that guys we have the chilliest most delicious cookies you could ever imagine chef etho cookies here oh the chocolate chips they melt your mouth the crunch the crunch is so crunchy oh let's do a taste test here what do you guys think all right maybe we'll go a store buy cookies just this this is one time guys in store-bought cookies are pretty good too and with that guys I think we got ourselves a perfect end to this episode it was a little bit of a goofy episode of goof around one but I just had that dumb idea I have to try out so hopefully you enjoyed it nonetheless thank you for watching and until the next one take care have a good day bye bye [Music]
Channel: EthosLab
Views: 518,128
Rating: 4.9803514 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Lets Play, Minecraft LP, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Game, Etho, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Building, HermitCraft, Game, Minecraft Multiplayer, Survival Minecraft, Mining, Hermit, Server, Season 7
Id: OilE2R-1pW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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