Minecraft Grocery - FUNNEH & GOLD GO TO THE GROCERY STORE! (Minecraft Roleplay)

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so who are you inviting to your slumber party goal I'm gonna invite all of our new friends ah you mean paint lunar and track oh the ones we play bowling oh yes I mean oh my gosh it's gonna be so fun yes it's gonna be a camping sleepover in my backyard oh wait I don't think I have enough tents funny maybe they could bring their own tents well how big are your tents anyway I have two so mom bought one for me and you so because we bring the only kids in the neighborhood but now we're gonna have friends so ah maybe well if it doesn't rain we could sleep under the beautiful stars that's true come on Harry we gotta go look for stuff first the fruit section do we need fruits for the sleepover potatoes candy yes we always know we need potatoes baked potatoes over the bonfire okay you get Harriet potatoes ah are we gonna grill it carrots hmmm that you are yeah I like grilled corn it's delicious do we need fruit we need some fruit let's just get a couple of fruits you can have a fruit bowl oh good idea hmm some green apples lettuce are you gonna make salad again yes or burgers burgers with lettuce are delicious yes let's get n tomatoes you need tomatoes too you get tomatoes more and what can you go wrong with grabbing more potatoes and some corn corn is the best yes get all the corn we need all the corn bread we need bread for off you don't do you think these old hamburger buns here um or do we have to improv maybe we have to improv can we get this confetti bread for the burgers so you want sprinkled confetti bread with a burger mm-hmm yeah why not hey blue there's garlic bread I think that would taste good is with or grab garlic bread chocolate bread chocolate bread and Paddy make you a chocolate red glitter dad yes Marcus - oh yes is your mom gonna be cooking the food by the way are we gonna do it we are gonna do it we're gonna be like grown-ups and cook it ourselves yup like chefs grab two of these toasts Mattos is boring I'm joking what about basic bread well you have so much fun food right fine I heard that dracco isn't much of a adventurer when it comes to food he's very basic oh yeah that's true I heard he's good with using the barbecue though I'm like you you flip the house on fire no one knows about that except you quiet do you need coconut cream funny for what I don't know even use coconut cream with what a peaceful bread what do people cook with coconut cream I don't know you can get it if you want I don't really know what to do with it but it's 24 inches it's a sale oranges we need oranges maybe we could buy one cracker can I know can we make s'mores if we stop by the aisle for candy ah yes yes we don't need any out scones I don't think we need any of this I never heard my business Keeney bread before you can buy and try it out no I'm good I'm good with my confetti bread before we go to the dairy section let's head straight down here spreads do we need spreads huh we definitely gold what what's the one thing I can't live without I know I know you but what is it yeah it's Nutella are you gonna get just one fine we'll get two for them oh there's clean of butter and again so many coconut creams I don't I heard that a paint loves almond butter she's a big fan okay look at one for her ooh soup soup um do you think she'll like almond milk I think so I don't think this place sells almond milk though and how does almond milk even work do the little elements have cutters maybe I'm joking I'm joking I know how it works instant let's get all of noodles whoo I love cooking instant food it's so easy you just put it over the fire and we need all of them we need all of it do you like tomato soup yes I'll you like tomato soup but we have this already you have instant soup that's true ooh pea and ham wait what does lunar like did you get a chance to talk with her more like texture um yeah she said that she likes I don't think she likes any of these though okay let's go get something special for dairy section we need butter I know you like some strawberries oh and she loves sweet click chocolate huh or she likes cheese whoo yeah I think Luna likes cheese let's just get a cheese all the cheese calm down you're gonna take everything from the grocery store well Oh aren't we gonna bake a cake Oh any ingredients for cake yeah cuz we're gonna bake cakes do you want one change for lunar no I don't want any yogurt do you need oh we need milk for baking oh yeah grab two of those more cheese cuz you can't go wrong with cheese are you gonna make a cheese cake I don't know how to make a cheesecake I know how to make a mud cake you this is my favorite I'll funny ha ha this is also my favorite oil it is the chip section plus pop there's no party without chips am i right you are definitely right family size chip bags only 375 what a steal ok um let's get oh I'm not sure I know that rainbow loves her basic potato chips oh yeah she never stops talking about them she's always like I love original potato Dravid one bad her and I know what does dracco like he always talks about nachos yeah you grab a bag of nachos spicy ranch will grab on it beam's guessing actually this governor was like cheese's cheese's for the rest of us yes actually I want nachos too so there I may want the basic potato chip - there we're technically buying everything ooh and soda hmm which soda do we need everyone likes the basic Cola right yeah you could grab one Cola how about one orange soda so we could make it a little fun fruit juice um I don't think so what about ended you one end you do me as someone was like we need to have some water yeah I'll just buy some waters and one water come on let's keep going we had to go through all the sections this is so fun I love shopping me too baking supplies flour we need flour who is this cocoa what is this it looks very cocoa yes wait I want to see what this is cocoa powder oh we can make chocolate that cinnamon powder all right is it cinnamon yeah it's cinnamon and spicy seasoning Oh spicy burgers would taste really you can spice it on the meat too and Grill it with our sweet bread yeah this is not weird at all garlic bread and our confection Bread Company bread and fatty bread sugar yep - you're gonna sugar to cook with we have so much stuff wait this do you have enough money to pay for all of this um I believe so your mom um your mom has a friend that works here right yes she does then you could just tell her to put it on your mom's credit card because did wait when you left the house your mom said that if we do go over the budget just use your credit card mmm-hmm or she said we could right the lady could write it on a tab and then when my mom comes in the next day she'll just pay it for us oh and then I just have to work and get allowance to pay off pretty much you could work at the grocery store no I'm gonna do chores at home I don't know if we could work at the grocery store and make real money maybe you can join me now hmm do you want cinnamon this is cinnamon cinnamon what for not I don't want any cinnamon I don't know what this is what is this more cocoa powder oh it's ground cinnamon corn flour no I don't think we need any of this let's keep going to the next aisle oh oh it's the donut aisle and the cinnamon bun aisle what's your favorite my favorite would be frosted I love frosted stuff gulps I like no I don't like I love powdered Donuts oh me too just grab one of these I'm gonna grab a powdered donut oh and we need to grab some fruit for our friends oh yeah lunar she likes the color purple a lot so let's get her a great jelly donut and Drago probably the chocolate and an mo I think she likes cinnamon cinnamon sugar classic cinnamon sugar doughnut mmm this is good awesome Oh are we planning to make s'mores yes nothing nothing is like a campfire without s'mores Oh oh and it's so cheap - it's only a dollar we need to grab all - smells miles of ice mellows and cracks oh my gosh if we go back to the store later and even buy more marshmallows we could play what chubby bunny oh my gosh that's a great idea hurry we got to get more ingredients for that challenge no gold you're going crazy you're going crazy that's too much chocolate what if we make s'mores with gummy bears oh yes yes I like that idea and taffy yes yes Orlan candy all right wait wait do you think we're going a little too crazy for this but you think it's gonna be our first backyard kaping funds we lumber party yes that's true okay candy candy candy I don't think we need any more water right are you sure you're telling me after eating all that sweet candy you're not gonna need water yeah you're right maybe I'll get two yes awesome done done and last but not least I think we raided all of you sections we need meat we need protein for the barbecue ooh all these looks so good hmm hey look it's a little cheap meat pie you can make it meat pie we could and there's eggs and sausages whoo a little truth we should buy chicken legs and then cook them over the bonfire yes come on let's talk to him hi hello look at all the meat you all have gold what can you grill Oh No a rock uh Bob I think that's easy to grow it's already got any made you're choosing the easy way I like that I'm gonna get sausage the rock Bob's boom I'm gonna get some chicken my bag is getting pretty full you know what I think we're done we've technically bought everything we're so ready for the backyard sleep I sleep on chicken drumsticks yet funny yep look did you get the pork sausage nope I didn't get but I'm gonna get that and I think we're good wait salmon patties oh wait hot dogs - oh yeah I got sausages my inventory is pretty full Gold you want baby I get hold any more bacon with your burgers I think Drock oh one time said so he really loves bacon yeah let's get a lot of that I'll grab that and then we could wrap the bacon over the chicken yeah the ultimate chicken leg are we ready to cash out let's cash out my home and start setting up for the sleepover campfire yep we're ready hi there we're ready to check out come on put your stuff on hey guys bunny here and we did it we've reached 500k subscribers thank you so much for this amazing milestone we'll be hosting an eight hour charity livestream on August 16 2016 more details about this event can be found on our Facebook page link is in the description box below thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next video hi guys
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,410,485
Rating: 4.876019 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft roleplay, roleplay, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh, funneh, minecraft, minecraft school, minecraft adventures, funny minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, playthrough, let's play, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft grocery store, minecraft shopping, going shopping, shopping spree, grocery, gorecery store, goldenglare, minecraft shopping spree, minecraft roleplay series
Id: DpI_f6fYCTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2016
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