Minecraft: Finding Buttons With JeromeASF

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Oh buddy what's going on everyone Jerome here along with Jordan CaptainSparklez and welcome to a classic find the button map the only thing though about it that's not classic is we're on minecraft 114 so this is sound very classic to me dude this is some new stuff out here this is 2019 and we're stuck in the 2020 minecraft not 2009 today I know I peaked in like 2011 welcome back everyone there should be a lot of fun and I think in order to begin we just go over to this button here but there are some strict rules join we don't we don't have to find a button before we begin it just gives it to us yes that so classic just means easy just puts it right in the face okay yeah don't cheat don't cheat have fun and something about render distance that's kind of not specific so we should be good nice thank you I you know I think it really complements my my I think I should change your skin to that personally but whatever alright yeah well let's do this it also said don't x-ray I don't know why that would matter but uh okay I'm not in the minds wait where are you I'm trying to click to start man it's not letting me start that's weird there we go thanks man that worked really well dude sweets totally that's not broken okay cool so let's go on see what's in the minds I have a feeling does he eat wait is there only like one button or is there are there multiple decoys because last find the button map that I played like oh oh there's always a lever had like multiple buttons some of which were decoys and only one of which was legit so what can you place him on Terra Cotta oh okay learn all these terracotta is at clay they might be different colored terracotta so we need to find like the original terracotta the one and only original terracotta is this one this one looks very original it looks I mean if you can place it then you can place it it's really all there is to it maybe we have to like go up or something is there a little bit purple we got a deal like over here good yeah okay I'm liking this is it this one no of course not maps I've never been great at finding things so I picked this out of our options in the oh good it was the only one there I thought you tried that one so no but honestly I don't think it's working what oh did I heard I heard I heard something okay you hear that it opened a passageway somewhere but I don't know which way oh nice dude it was super straightforward yeah you can hit this one oh I can hit it okay I'll see you on the other side God dang it you were you were closer okay you gotta stand further away a stand back stand clear I bet that's a fake button it's fake but yeah it's a fake one I knew it probably we're gonna be decoys but we got to try them all anyway try them all dude this one opens up trapdoors though that are right above it so it's pretty crazy that is crazy okay not there no levers and the furnaces this time dude yeah nothing in the crafting table search well in trees we have a little hints up here okay okay I should have expected that it's always like on one little like blended in piece of wood somewhere I wonder if we have to get into the trees though is there a way to do that is there a ladder is there a part oh there's a parkour path dude oh you know what's weird I thought I was about to take off the resource pack and then I was like wait there is them this is what vanilla minecraft looks like that's so good at finding buttons this time I would be closest yeah I don't use your same command okay good I was like don't tell it for me back oh gosh that would be catastrophic okay I'm all over we got here this seems important in some way but maybe later after we unlock a secret path there's something like that I don't know it could just be for you know the aesthetics I think every block was placed here in this map with a specific purpose okay so there's no pouring on this by the way yeah I know I saw some it was like not oh oh there's definitely a secret passageway down here but we got to figure out how to unlock it maybe if we go up top here can we jump off and hmm I went up top but I didn't jump off on anything look if there's a button I found a chest you got a chest yeah oh it has a lever can be placed on red Sam I knew this was important okay what oh that opened open yeah the secret well okay I wish you was down here whoa I felt like an ancient mummy crypt found here it is boom no boom go find again up go find again up that's I mean that's a sentence yeah it's words guess we gotta come back up top here there might be another button that spawned in or something perhaps maybe it's just like.how wrong one you did all that for nothing okay he said up so maybe it is actually Oh boom oh nice all right I'll see you over there there you go thanks man you're on on it with those commands cheating too cuz he said don't use commands so commands how would you it will let me go and creative and what kind of hungry I'm starving yeah me too oh so said I said that's a no you're just going creative so I gotta help me you can /give oh yeah good point I was just totally gonna kill myself with a cactus but when you put it that way forgetting about those og commands dude life has been too easy since we were given creative it's a knuckle steak anymore no it's called minecraft : well it's minecraft : stake not just stake no it's called cooked beef now I didn't know that what have they done to their great game oh wait okay in commands it's called cook beef but it's called steak in your hotbar but it honestly just looks like a really small burnt hot dog wait hot dog what like a bit of a chode yeah yeah I never looked at it that way and now you've really ruined it for me okay Wow no see I always saw it is it's like it looks like a patty it's like a very well-done ground beef patty which just I don't know you need a bun with it or something sorry for ruining that for you really you really did I'm thinking this is parkour though unless there's a there could actually be a barrier block on top of it I'm not even realizing nope I got it I got it you can well you found it well not the button but I got the parkour that I think we needed okay nice here let's see if that was it feel like it has something to do with being up here oh it definitely does yeah yeah dude hardcore parkour is at it is it through there oh man I want it to be through there was it I don't I can't see hold on I'm gonna let me sink into the cobweb oh you might have found the secrets no oh it definitely it was back an additional block but I don't know if there's a button there oh it is oh god yeah you did you know that I think so oh yeah turns out I'm like improving my ability to find things this is this is going quite well honestly I'm surprised killing the game dude I found the button okay we're behind the waterfall uh-oh found all that's where you gotta like hit all this is like this is the repository like if they lose a button this is kind of their inventory they can just run here snag one as far as you know which once I hate I hate like it sometimes we'll just roll you and the throw you in a room with like 200 buttons so I have fun it's like oh my god it's the worst it's almost as bad as mazes in general okay let's see and that's the tippity top of everything oh dang you got out there but you keep you can't really jump like they they gave you a barrier yeah that's it in any of the other trees ah not that I can see unless it's like blended in with a cocoa bean and I totally missed it or something okay I have a hunch I bet you it's got it your weight potentially I got it yeah I think it is but so come down that waterfall here and right there wait where see it so look up and over right next to Tara oh I see that one watch it not be that oh it is it was yeah I was like right next to the other one that I pushed I just missed it he's gonna hear I got a fantastic idea hey you wanna jump in a lava that sounds good I prefer eating but you can do that too yep no that didn't help anything it solved your hunger crisis though I think yes yes it did but at what cost well apparently you still have your beef so now it's just even more well done than before and it was already looking real well done have you ever had a well-done steak with ketchup mmm no why would you put ketchup on a steak oh people do that it's not a it's not an entirely unheard-of thing but why though I feel like steak you gotta throw like like a1 sauce on or I mean yeah you can do that if you you know want to have a good meal but some people don't want that and some people are going to be inherently offended at the fact that I am throwing shade at them for their well-done steak with ketchup but Gordon Ramsay would also disapprove it was any consolation there are people who put ketchup on mac and cheese and they're kind of the bottom of the totem pole Oh God oh I didn't need to hear that actually okay you know I really didn't know about the cheese on there that the yeah oh wait I keep looking go find the lava but you need question mark ah there's some stuff back here but it's so dark I can't really even see what I'm looking at it's just oh oh oh this is a one-player map is that bad well if we have one potion of fire resistant so oh that's fine so you know one of us will just uh you found it so you can do the the honors oh okay all right sure all righty here we go boys I mean you can also / give yourself a minecraft fire resistance potion that's also valid have you ever thought about like the how you're not you know you don't drown under lava isn't that kind of interesting I actually never even once thought about it till now and now it really bothers it I think we need to uh we need to write a letter to Mojang under here I was looking in the water the lava fall it's very much not water definitely not it's like waiting to fall down an extra block oh maybe it's at the top it could also be at the top why don't you scale that yeah it could be at the top there okay here we go was it the top all right cool yeah it was I was just spamming right click and then eventually I just hit it I don't mean to but I mean that's also a good strategy now I'm just gonna be on fire forever and so are you a space on fire in space even better can we fall come to the side let's see no we can't it's yeah dude I'm physical illusion I'm just standing on I'm standing on space so are you this is impressive we're just fiery stuff balls of I don't want to be on fire anymore if I'm being honest with you yeah it's getting a little old honestly uh how about we use these minecraft commands you were talking about /give eating cheating you're cheater sure anymore also how are we on fire in space like that's what's even more impressive to me is other I just I'm no longer on fire neither you isn't that nice and it's there's like no oxygen and fire needs oxygen so I'm like confused how does it work you know there's a lot more plot holes than that so I know that's the biggest plot hole ever dangit yeah almost like battles that take place in space and movies and it's like you realize explosions can't really happen if you do what are you talking about nothing I'm not trying to ruin Star Wars well you dang it which way do I go maybe there's another way we keep running into each other it's not helpful okay come on make the job there we go Oh bro I lost my food weird myspace we go oh wait mine too where did my steak go oh that's no space steak just cleared our inventories that's not very nice where's the button no I have a feeling it's like on the back of that meteor okay no so I'm not buying this meteor and I feel like I made mistakes so there isn't anything there is what you're saying not I can see but I'd hate to be wrong and then have everyone yell at me later oh I would also hate for you to be wrong I would be like no good thanks I appreciate your concern about me being wrong maybe you try not to be wrong you know I felt the world be a better place if people listened to that advice but people were just not as wrong all the time like everything would be better I agree huh so you tried hitting every button on the meteor and they all were duds yeah as far as I could tell let me hit him again I'm sure it could change something Oh yep I hit every button on the meteor except those two so a we I think I think we know where it is I think we know so it's a here's here's the deal is I'm I'm an absolute idiot okay cuz I've I've been in here and I somehow just like didn't didn't I was like in here I'm like looking around like I was it there is it there oh I'll let me just look up oh oh isn't that nice oh isn't that nice am I correct is just a newer thing 1.14 yeah oh no you could do that I hate 1:14 this was supposed to be a classic yeah I know using those brand new features this is really cool so wait did you you didn't know that did you know that you can crush yourself with a piston and a trapdoor you can crush yourself down into swimming mode on dry land and then you can do a one by one strip mine No yeah ah we got some nests dude okay so we in the ocean now okay okay hmm well this one oh we can breathe it least that's nice we're gonna have to go up every few minutes and that's tell I'm gonna hate this level I bet it's gonna be in a one-by-one area for sure I can give you that like inside of this yeah god it's a hand I'm pretty sure the one comments on the map page was I hated the ocean level and literally is that yeah so it's it's a good sign definitely at least he was nice and lit the place up and gave us breathing so it's like oh great it's gonna have no vision at all and this isn't as bad as I thought it would be no no it could be worse it could be the last well the last level should have been easy I was just dumb there's new at least didn't know that you could go in there I was in there several times and just never looked up so how long it's a Minecraft just naturally lets you go prone I don't know whenever they introduced like the Call of Duty drop shotting update maybe that's 1.16 cuz you have to piston mode into it now so yeah but and then it only holds you there as long as you're kind of you have a thing on top of you so as soon as you exit out of the one block I then you go into normal standing okay interesting and just like the water breathing thing pop-up or no no no okay others like a complete glitch that just made it think you were underwater is it could it be could you see it I'm like I'm wondering if it's up here where this fence kind of goes into the ceiling that'd be a good place to hide it what about just on top of the map I got it I didn't even see it I just like started spam clicking in there that worked oh I want to even show you that it was way to go I mean hey whatever works that was just crushed it I was the only place I could see that's like really really hidden anyway it was like so you know there's that that cave and it was inside the ceiling of the cave there was a a wall and the walls you know how they kind of go into the edge of the block but there's a little bit of space you can reach three and so I reach through and hit it is pretty cool it's pretty cool did that cold that an ass should we go underwater again I think it might be it probably is although that would be kind of redundant yeah and it also doesn't give you water breathing so I'm feeling like because the lava one gave you fire resistance that gave you water breathing this one doesn't some I have feeling like no is there any way back up her did we just like doom ourselves yeah thanks so yeah maybe is this that's not good I don't know if there's a way back up alrighty then wait no maybe over here right here you want to hit it oh you got the button yeah I thought you just found the way up oh nice go for it do it right in there hey it took us both that time won't work huh No maybe he changed to an a day instead of an @p good thinking bud good thinking look on a musician every five-year-old with a piano to be fair there are some five-year-old prodigies out there so not entirely accurate hmm oh nice finally no I got an iron hoe and some armor new life here honestly I'm stoked on that so do you know all the new blocks and villages in one point no I know where the point is I know where the button is already oh nice under that what block is that you're not allowed to hit it unless you tell me compost bin okay fair enough you got it but it looks like a beehive it kind of does can't I see yeah we got it oh that at a command now wait is it under the campfire no did you know that you can use campfires underneath another block in order to make it look like the floor is smoking no I didn't give you some some advice you know for when you're making adventure maps and stuff I feel like you just watched a tutorial video and all no I made a video about tips and tricks for 1.14 okay everybody should come over and watch it ah ah there you I like it I'll watch it myself I didn't even know you made that yeah I do this what I'm talking about sick marketing okay wait how did you get up there uh the the area like right over here oh okay yeah yeah no I shadowed oh I bet you it's over there that seems like a logical spot how many levels were there on this thing uh twelve I think so they car on the second or last one huh nothing over there found it it's just that the tippity-top of here nice you just had to do some sick parkour oh no I've made mistakes it's okay I can make it back up I just want to witness the location yep don't worry I'll wait up for you how cool dude you got whoops actually I can't hit it from that angle can you get it from yours I think the fern is in the way there we go got it okay nice I'm just gonna head back to level eight ah we haven't done this before I'm not sure if I became level eight but that's okay and it's called the end so I think this is supposed to be level twelve the ends okay I mean that that's cool too oh god I don't even throw this end rod parkour oh thanks man cool yeah I didn't even I just I hit it before I was even up here oh you didn't even make it you just flipped the lever yeah I didn't I just figured it was a good idea that works oh I'm not into the Android parkour though can I be honest with you gosh whoo yeah a bully dude there's there needs to be another checkpoint though please let me know if you hit a checkpoint again yeah I will I will but it's it's not looking great and also I don't can I make that jump there is that a okay Ken good good good oh I'm so nervous now I'm right there with you because I've made it oh I'm to check points behind it's embarrassing it's not a check point though this is you just you gotta stick it to the end I'm gonna be so mad when I mess this up because I'm gonna mess this up guaranteed no don't say that don't say that I'm ready oh gosh you know it's all you don't do this don't do this I believe in you is a really dumb jump that I messed up oh my god I almost messed it up Janet you got it you got it yes hold this one the slash jump is not easy man you got this but what does that say you need put on button I think oh my gosh we need to find the button and then parkour up no that's so aggravating seriously is that what it is I says you need put on button oh my goodness you need to put down a button you're so jump down the hole Oh like on the side you can't access yeah it looks like it'll trap me yeah definitely do it I did it and it did exactly so uh all right chick teleport that's good that's good okay so we have to find the button first so there's a chest hidden somewhere around here is it in I wouldn't have been funny if it was in our inventory the whole time and you were out there with it wasn't like if I were gonna hide it I would think it'd be on the bedrock island but yeah that's what I was thinking like or this yeah the bedrock and end Stone Island up there maybe it's around like the other side of it so we can't really see it Wow sick jumps dude I'm just so mad I sweated so hard and I got all the way up there and then it's like sorry I gotta find the button first I know this is just heartbreaking really how could I be so inept at parkour honestly dude I don't see it up here either on this island what the heck and it's definitely not in our inventories unless there's some light gray stained glass in there that doubles as a button but I ain't seeing that okay I mean it up that's exciting oh wow like where it could be I have no idea all right bro I feel really dumb cuz I was runnin oh thanks man I appreciate the carrot just throwing some character all over the place like oh I can't find anything just right here it's so obvious so hey now you're up there and I have to make it up okay one buddy good luck dude I might have my adrenaline rush here this is it this is the real deal I see before it was it was all practice now though now though is when the parkour master comes out of his shell well here I got this for you this will help with your parkour what is okay oh yeah dude at least it's not diamond I'd be pretty useless nice it's a cool way to go but no we do out here boys that's how we do okay you're doing it you're killing it killing it yeah boy I swear I messed up last time this is where I messed up this time because I over corrected oh what's that was that I don't know if it'll work but oh I stole this water bucket from an earlier level I was like maybe yeah I know can't place that down no no no no this is for my own pride I'm sorry I'm forcing you to make a longer cut here and also we'll be trimmed down in my video but this is for my own pride now how mad would you be if I just punched you off as soon as you've got I wouldn't be that mad because I at least know that I made it you know so I'm not planning anything uh-huh that's all good dude don't worry don't worry as long as I know in my heart that I made it then everything is fine exactly that's all that matters at the end of the day okay it's the best thing I've ever done in my life so how did you do that like first try that's that's what I'm confused about I'm confused too because I'm not very good at parkour really very no I'm horrible huh usually I'm the of of when I play with zine I'm usually the better the parkour people this time though I'm I'm really getting put in my place oh there you go we go again all right we go again now now knows that was the real deal last time still just practice yeah nice good work oh okay okay good work buddy last one all right play there we go boys and even did the double T prime I'm that actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be no I think we did we did pretty smart good yeah I think the worst level though by far was either the space maybe actually just the space level really that was that was really bad I didn't like that one yeah I was dumb on that one though so yeah well GG either way everyone thank you so much for joining us say we hope you had fun if you did hit that like button be sure to subscribe as well and we'll see you next time yeah see ya [Music] you
Channel: CaptainSparklez
Views: 439,980
Rating: 4.9129634 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparklez, captain, sparklez, lets, play, playthrough, minecraft, minecraft map, custom map, puzzle map, minecraft puzzle map, find the button, button, jeromeasf
Id: 6Rh9ZAAF5ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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