Minecraft: This Gave Me High Blood Pressure

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so you know how after almost eight years of having the same skin recently changed it added the falling Kingdom cloak to the top layer but then after that I was like oh this is all too complicated might as well just go back to being Steve and while I'm at it I'll just get rid of having any internet at all because who needs internet when you do YouTube videos and stream as your daily thing because that just sounds silly but I'll still definitely pay my monthly fee for my internet but they just they don't need to give me internet this is happening way too frequently my Internet's just going out like every week for hours at a time and I'm frustrated and you probably don't want to hear me vent but I'm angry anyway welcome to what truly doesn't belong we've added the Trulie in here by hens ID with design help from mr. bacon hens roid also made the harnessing helium maps and a few others we played in the past and so it's probably gonna be difficult and it's anything like the others I'm gonna be frustrated it's gonna be great inspired by what doesn't belong by Trevor like many of its kind however this map aims to achieve more each mistake grants you a no no points the more you have the worse you are each section gives more points per mistake so try not to mess up because we don't want no no points alright we begin with I don't know if there's increasing difficulty or if this is supposed to be a tutorial stage but here we are everything is blue but is that gonna be the red herring or is actually gonna be the color thing that's a thing so you got blue coral blue wool blue ice blue concrete powder is it with ice oh that's just called packed ice that's not actually is it called blue packed ice or is it just called packed ice oh god I can't remember on that one it might be like what doesn't actually have blue in the name of the item and are you blue or are you cyan oh boy I was second-guessing myself on every turn here and do you actually have blue in your name or is there a specific kind of coral that you're called it blue I know your blue concrete powder though so maybe you're the only one that actually has blue in the name and that's why you don't belong so I basically created a reason for every single one here so this is good that this is the first room the easiest stage I think that okay maybe you don't have blue you your cyan you're just ice and you're the only one that has blue oh god I don't know what to do with myself but also I don't think you have blue in there do you a blue in the name you have blue in the name for sure maybe you're the only one that's a no no point right there okay well then so in that case assuming it does have to do with blue it means that multiple ones here do have blue in the name so blue ice do you have it you might and you might be blue light blue something like that and maybe because not all the corals are labeled by their color I think some of them just having names right so maybe it's tube coral does not have the word blue in its name so it is blue ice and that is blue well I guess alright fancy that what do we have here animation right ferns can be animated that's animated that has the animation you don't have an animation bookshelves do not and cannot produce light well it turns out that a lot of blocks that have animations also produce light so there's that too fair enough we're good what do we got here well a pic can be used to mine the redstone and if London steel can be used to ignite the netherrack but hmm does this have to do with producing light as well like you can make light by fire you can be fire you can be stepped on and produce light and you can oh you walk up on the stage wow dude no it's very intimate I'm used to all the other maps having a barrier wall here and so it is confident with his illusions and stuff like that hmm okay I don't I don't know how items and blocks have like one thing that stands out differently and it's two and two which really makes this not helpful and there are no hints on this map so that's great too okay at least it doesn't destroy me when I get the wrong answer it just gives me a no-no point but I haven't the faintest idea here well you're the only thing that can break blocks I didn't think I had much of a chance with that one but I still wanted to go with it you are the only thing that can transform into another item okay you're the only thing that can be found of another and of course it would be the last one Clinton's field cannot be smelted that's okay yep guess that's a thing wasn't really thinking about the whole netherrack being smell table stuff like that yeah okay why are we getting blocks thrown in with items they don't like this okay so all of these have animations is the problem is there anyone that doesn't well maybe it has to do is a texture change like a dynamic texture change in which case you don't actually like you do change even though the underlying texture doesn't change there is the thing on top of it that is changing where is this there's no actual change to you I don't unless I don't know I don't know which one hmm it must have something to do with animation that's the only parallel that I can draw between all these unless that's the red herring and it has nothing to do with the animation and there's something else that's lesser thought about that connects all these things together specifically a curse of vanishing why is that important I don't know I'm just gonna go with the enchantment table because technically it's the only one where the texture doesn't change dynamically it has an animation but no change to texture enchanting tables do not have an O an inventory animation oh wow you got to take it a step further and have it in your inventory it was animation related though I mean I yeah you know fair enough cuz texture change wouldn't show up in your inventory so I kind of got it for the right reason okay he's really loving throwing items in with the blocks and it's frustrating very very frustrating okay is it oh and it's one of your six-sided logs gotta love those an emerald a six-sided log a water bottle and a piston but why do these of anything in the common at all they just they don't they have nothing in common I don't understand what are you going for what could you possibly be trying to get me to figure out here I'd rather just do parkour over the top of the blocks hold on could it have to do with villager trading as obviously this has to do with village rating I think you can do Pistons as part of the villager trade I don't know between these two though but that's the only thing I can think of that ties these items all together can you trade for a water bottle via a villager trade as either the input of the output I don't think these exist though as part of the villager trade because they're more new to the game so that's my guess jungle wood does not exist in real life okay I'm not I'm not upset that I didn't get the reason because that's not a reason that I ever would have come up with and what wait what do you mean jungle wood doesn't exist in real life jungles exist and I'm fairly certain that if you got some wood from a jungle wouldn't that be jungle wood and I think that exists in real life I don't and it's more realistic than a Minecraft looking square piston if I'm being honest with you I don't think Pistons look much the minecraft piston a little different but no we got a different that was apparently easy because it was green and things just changed so I'm assuming this is a difficulty jump so that was supposed to be an easy one real life we got it we are bring it into UK hands would appreciate you yes I do okay we have an observer block a cactus and end rod and a tripwire well hmm redstone related redstone related not redstone related so that's a bummer uh supporting blocks supporting blocks you know what i I didn't think I was super off-base on that one and that actually is a correct answer because I think all of these do need a supporting block to be placed on and observer black doesn't therefore that was a correct difference it just wasn't the one he was looking for maybe this is the only one that can be it has to be placed on a side block really okay alrighty then this is the only one that emits light and rods are not affected by what is placed next to them oh okay so it was about the block placement but it was about I see because you can't place a block around a cactus observer blocks reacts to blocks being placed around them and you need to be placed but it does react to the block placed under it as do all these so a very very fine line distinction right there so ladder sapling couple things that require blocks to be placed on and then you and you is it it's not like it drops another item like my peasant brain had difficulty with the easies so do I even stand a chance of ever getting one right in is I don't know this is medium hard there's three four difficulties that we're gonna have to do here I'm completely wrecked I'm this is the only block that I can actually climb ladders do not have a location in their name nether quartz jungle sapling sea lantern I knew that I knew that's what he was going for right there absolutely definitely for sure hundred percent okay got a got a conduit thing we've got a city and I know what that is dark oak sapling and an emerald okay alright we require a pickaxe to break all of these except for the sapling but why would the obvious one Phoebe answer it wouldn't be okay well another option is you are the only thing that can apply a status effect so obviously that would be incorrect I can't wait to get to the end of the map or it gives the chart of how many nono points you should have and I'm like triple the amount of whatever the biggest failure list it is it's gonna be just superb you are the only thing that requires a diamond pickaxe to mine okay so not that either you're the only thing that can grow and Drew the only thing that can be destroy emerald ore is not part of any multi block structures that's it that's a cheeky thing there multi-block given that you can do a two by two sapling growth I never in a million years would classify a 2 by 2 sapling as a multi block structure get out of here unless there's something else I can't think of they integrate a portal to summon Gaia or go to the twilight forest into vanilla is that what's going on all right we got stone maybe it has something to do with smelting I mean we've already done the smelting thing before but maybe it has to do with smelting again ok of course it doesn't we can't smelt a potion you'd smell that you'd smell that you smell that is that already baked no that's that's a normal potato so I was not wrong but of course why would he reuse a reason although we've had two so far that had to do with the naming of the items no location in the name and the blue in the name things so I guess he's not afraid of actually reusing reasons so it wasn't like super off-base for me to think that and you are the one that really obviously stands out but knowing that it's not you you're the only thing that's a block not wrong either both of these valid reasons I think I'm onto something but that's fair you're the only thing that's nope nope both consumable but you're the only thing that restores hunger points and of course it would be the last one wooden hoes do not have an evil counterpart item uh they do actually it's called a diamond ho because it's useless and wastes your diamonds so you're wrong diamond hoes are evil and all of these poison potato I mean this stone really have an evil counterpart does netherrack count as evil stone never heard it referred to in that fashion before evil stone alright that's what I'm gonna call it from now on and I guess that that's a healing potion so there's damaging as well I could I thought that was a strength potion honestly so and oh there's a weakness potion as well so yeah true fair enough okay so um yeah well you're the only thing that's a full block tears so that's the obvious answer that's also incorrect yay maybe it has to do with crafting this is the only one that's not craftable nope nope nope nope nope okie dokie you're the only thing that can emit a redstone signal how have I somehow managed like I'm really defying all odds here and probability that I can get it has the last answer on everything it's is actually unlikely probability why's that if I just throw out random guesses I would do as poorly as I'm doing books do not have a hidden number in their name what what do you what do you mean books don't have a hidden number then it would they've hid what what if what hidden numbers are in what what names what bone blocks have a hidden number rotten flesh as a hidden I've just always seen it as rotten flesh there's a hidden number it's name what that's news to me really is okay cool we're definitely getting more difficult now not really sure how that's possible but it's great I don't know if this is hard or hardest there's gonna be another ramp up from here but my no no points are already really through the roof I hope that we get to the end and he's like just kidding I know I made these incredibly difficult so you're no no points actually are not a big deal you're the only thing that's a block I'm getting three no no points for wrong answer now so it's going well all right and now we have more guesses to get no no points with and I will still manage to guess everything except the right answer first which is only a 20% chance of that happening but you know it's cool it's actually probably not exactly a 20% chance because of the varying probabilities as I rule out items but it's fine just estimated at about that okay so does it have to do with crafting inside of a bigger recipe or something like that try to think you're used in bigger three by threes with a piston and a slime block you are you used in any three by threes are you used in any 3m are you know think so and are you you're used in three by three with a lead hmm but you're also and you're in a okay it might actually be the only one here that he's used in three by three recipes no but the the wool the string is though isn't it with the lead does it have anything to do with the recipes or is it a mob drop thing it could also be a mob drop thing the Pistons on a mob drop paper though is not in any crafting recipes that include slime balls by the reflexive property Thank You eighth grade geometry the slime ball is in fact included in recipes that include the slime ball the more you know okay all right hey at least I didn't get into the last one so we got ourselves some dirt some coral some melon seeds a blaze man and lava of course what couldn't these items have in common I can't think of any differences between them at all items mobs liquid blocks just a little bit everything sprinkled in of course you know the redeeming part about this is that for everything I guess here I at least will have a valid explanation to back it up it just won't be the right one so you're the only thing that's a liquid and flows oh boy I'm wrong I cannot believe it you are the only thing that's a crop that grows ah dang you are the only thing here upon which crops can be grown dang it you're the only thing here that is supposed to be dead when it's out of water but has managed to not be tube coral does remain in its default state while touching water I kind of got the reason I'm I'm impressed wait oh you would you would you would make that tilt I had no idea that was told I thought it was just dirt you should have put a little sign over that being like make sure you look at the top of this thing because no one thinks to jump on the top just a double check and see what you did there mm-hmm Goodell key we have a half slab I'm gonna keep calling it a half slab by the way people have gotten mad at me and upset because the half slab would technically be a half of a slab which this is would be a quarter but it's a half slab not gonna change what I've been calling something for the last almost nine years I glad we're on the same page cake reach into TNT and a dispenser I mean again what couldn't these things have in common it's just it's just wild I guess what we need to do is if we want to look at this in an analytical way we would try to identify what a lot of these things do have in common and then figure out which one of them doesn't have that but that's gonna be difficult are any of these like comparator related no I don't think so reacting to redstone crafting recipe when it was implemented into the game I don't know at least one I'm reaching here but can mob spawn on top of TNT and dispensers because I don't think they can spawn on top of slabs half slab sorry and cake and so they obviously the only one that breaks that mold is the region 2 potion because clearly mobs would be able to spawn on a floor made of region 2 potions because that's the thing that you'd be able to make so just build your house out of dispenser floors and then you'll have storage everywhere that's incorrect okay so region 2 has something to do with three of these other blocks and I just wish that I had any sort of idea I feel like it's gonna be the most obscure reason I could ever come up with in the history of the universe but hmm let's proceed it has nothing to do with smelting I don't think and all these are normal blocks I don't have to jump one block high in order to see oh it's actually tilled soil and not dirt and what else is possibility on this one I don't know could it be crafting recipe something like that maybe you do not wait you like three by threes three by threes brewing stand you're just more of a normal stone bricks are not crafted using a dust shaped item oh boy alright you know what I consider it a win that I even identified that it was something crafting related so I'm fine with that redstone gunpowder at Redstone again and um yeah sugar cool sugar dust is used inside of cake dust shaped only has to be the shape of the item I can't I can't what obscure thing you're gonna show me this time things that I can write on and write in all these three but I can't really write oh there could be a command block inside the minecart though so this is the only average uninteresting block here yeah podzol cannot be affected by commands have been placed or removed whereas these can do other kinds of fancy things obviously and again via the reflexive property I hope that I have some audience members out there who are in the United States eighth grade doing geometry reflexive property command blocks do in fact do commands it's pretty cool oh my god it's all items this is amazing okay I can deal with this this is like defense and stuff and this is just pumpkin pie pumpkin pie is not associated with any major Greek mythological stories and therefore via the transitive property okay mythology is often violent and these items often have to do with and are used in violent situations so therefore I got the answer right via the transitive property yeah we're crushing it oh is this the final room but all the structures are very obviously different so I have to somehow find the difference between obviously different structures okay yep all right well it's uh it's a thing then well I mean this is the only one that apparently isn't using any wood in it other than the door obviously so that's kind of the obvious answer there right like that's what you want for me you want me to identify what is is different out of all these and but why why don't I think it's the sand though there's something there's something wrong okay this uses stone they all do use stone oh maybe it's the not obvious one it's the one that doesn't use anything that has the words stone in it because you don't seem to use anything related to stone this build is not a valid village house wait what I've never seen a village house that looks like this nor nor it that's an igloo before this is fair I could see this but ha and we're 1.13 this is pre village update I've never seen a house that looks like that I guess maybe I just haven't explored enough villages hey you know I actually never seen a an abandoned zombie village before when I've explored just playing the game or even in all of my time in like creative mode looking around worlds for a place to actually do a setup for a recording never found an abandoned Sami village maybe you didn't know that's the thing it's like a super low probability that an abandoned village can spawn okay so what of all these is different you have a crossed out one right there do any of the others have a crossed out one doesn't look like it hmm or am I supposed to identify actually like what kind of circuit takes place here when the piston is extended is that what goes on it's like when the piston is extended Oh which one like won't open the door maybe which is not a valid circuit okay hold on so if that piston is extended I don't think anything changes with with this one if this piston is extended because it'll just this will stay the same and therefore the door won't actually open this one I think it'll yeah it'll just run straight down the middle and open the door this part that's supposed to be hard seems to actually be the easiest okay I'll invert you invert you eight hold on you'll be inverted turn you off turn you on and door should open yeah I think wait oh no well the door not open because you turn on which causes the torch to stay off so this is like a NAND gate here both of these have to be off in order for the door to open and if you extend this forward then that will cause hold on will you turn off I'm pretty sure cuz you'll turn off and then you'll turn on and that'll be on like that's the end of that circuit you will turn on which actually hold on why are you why are you on why does this have a signal in it what if this is off why is there a signal here that's kind of confusing me and this is the only one I know this is the only one that's kind of confusing me then is this valid let's either that one or this one but I think that this would still be this would still this would always be locked there's no way for the signal here to even reach the door at all so there's got to be this one right really how does the signal even reach the door ever here cuz this thing is just blocking it then it must be this one no wait is it the opposite is it that only one of these will actually oh it's that there's only one circuit here that will actually open the door these block themselves I get it I get it so cuz these it will send a signal out here and then it just cuts it off so that means that the only one that will actually open the door is this one this bill is the only one that when the piston is pushed it will open it Oh cuz these have a delay wait why won't this one open the door ok so that one maybe I actually probably didn't oh I didn't look at this one closely enough this one Oh cuz this one breaks itself okay yeah I guess I suppose that would would cause a problem yeah that whole sticky piston thing breaking itself yeah that would that would be an issue unless of course that's already extended but still would that make a difference even cuz that would this one would turn off and then but this one would turn on so this would actually stay off dang it I didn't look at these enough this was this is totally multiple choice kind of question on a standardized test and I just completely got it wrong but this is exactly something I would do if I was taking a test back in school as I get it too quickly and I'd be like oh this is obviously the right answer but in in school it would prompt you with which of these doesn't open the door first so at least I would have been able to study it or know exactly what I was going for it first rather than trying to also figure out what the question was but anyway okay so gots a bunch of builds with flags in them trying to identify like which which flags are not like the others oh wait you're the only one that doesn't use a brick block right red nether brick brick prismarine brick cobblestone god dang it I thought it was on to something unbelievable uh well what else could it be I'm pretty sure the structures are identical or not just looking for one that has a missing block somewhere but I don't know otherwise all the flags are facing in the right direction they're going counterclockwise this one is a strange thing well this is the only one that uses blocks from the nether this builds castle is not made out of a slab a bowl how many slab holes are in slappable block I have that as a word never heard that word before but it's a good one I'm glad that you've created it man we have a lot of builds here okay so hmm what if it's like something that is not valid from a particular biome okay let's let's think so mmm are you four blocks or just three blocks I think you're three blocks it might be something like this water over here this is pretty great now I can take damage when I fall out of it I think this is valid for an ocean biome right did he actually turn them into he didn't actually set the biomes here it's all in Minecraft Plains oh man you know from that previous map that we did there was the thing where the the map creator actually set the biomes and you had to go into f3 to get the answer so I was thinking maybe it could be it doesn't say desert and that would have been cool that would have been cool if I had gotten that is it like maybe that you can't find for this particular flower in the oak forest or is it that you can't find a pool of water like this in a desert can you find a pool of water like this in the desert do Oasis Oasis Oasis exist in the desert biome I'm thinking it's either this or this due to the water or due to that flower not being something that you can find in the dark oak biome the others seem fine I'm pretty sure pretty sure this is good and that's that's probably something I seen that exists somewhere my guess is the flower is out of place never mind then it's that you can't find this in the wild because oh the cactus touching the sand block no how did I not notice that one there was even a previous room where it was based on that principle oh well anyway at least we narrowed it down to a couple for what was the correct reason oh now we've got the old which one is actually different oh I think I think oh yeah yeah can we get a different view of each of them because they're all they didn't reorient them oh boy well time to just do inspection for a little bit this isn't cool because I've spotted a difference but it's a two and two so torch here is on this side but it's not there it's on the opposite side over there and then also it's opposing between these two it's on that side there but it's on this side over here it doesn't match up so does that mean there are gonna be other differences between these builds that are also just on like two of the builds but there's only one difference that is unique to one of them or is that supposed to be the difference then there is a mistake oh god no see wait there's another one that has the grass right there grass right there that's a fern that's affirm it's another two and two this is very frustrating a very frustrating indeed so you got the orange on top orange so it's gonna be there multiple that are like shared two and two but there's only one that belongs to one of them not cool man not cool at all blue flower blue flower blue flower then what the heck hen Zoid if you're watching this I'm sorry you're kind of a dick I thought I was on to something I'm like aha it's missing a block here I knew it would be something under the chest that you can barely see and look it's there's a block there and and there's a block there and I'm like okay all it has to be is this one is also missing the block unbelievable I hate to say it but I'm thoroughly stumped and I have nothing better to do because my internet is out so I've been here for like 20 minutes trying to find something that's not just two and two it's completely unique and I can't do it so I'm just gonna gonna throw down a guess here because I actually cannot figure out which one and it's the last one this build features all three of the differences that each of the other shows one of I'm glad that I did that because I literally would have been running around for forever because this it's it's shared differences rather than unique oh this is this is fine this is this is fine everything's fine now everything's great and now oh oh yeah another section that's just the diabolical section what okay so this is this is a thing huh it's this is quite quite the map that I have decided to subject myself to are we gonna have a few stages like this or is this kind of like the the last hurrah the finale here well of all of these this is the only one that's unbreakable it's wrong there's just so many so much going on here with nine items that there's like no possible way I can really analyze all of them and it's items and armor and carrot on a stick and why is that there why is feather falling important is feather falling important for a particular reason does that have to do with something I don't see how it possibly could well the only thing here that emits light is the glowstone but that's also incorrect the only thing that is subject to gravity is this but that's also incorrect it's gotta be one of the items it's probably just the grass block like the most basic thing how many points do I get for each no no on this one five whew some harsh punishments alright we're almost at 100 can we make it even so we've guessed all except the pumpkin in terms of blocks and then boy oh boy now I mean the egg is the only thing that can spawn a mob so there's that have your points all right we got to get this one right otherwise we're going over a hundred points the only thing can like direct an animal the only thing that can protect you now these can both protect what parallel could all these have unless it's not about a parallel that they all have in common and it's just about what's a thing like what's the thing that only one of them can do that's certainly a possibility as well is it crafting like that no fountain is it something that can be found naturally in the world I was trying to think is it a version thing but different versions for tons of these things I think or is it like only one of them wasn't in the game when it fully released in 2011 could that be the case also what spawn egg is that specifically I'm not sure well we know it's not the correct answer so it doesn't really matter does it where any of these added in after don't think so we haven't chosen carrot on a stick carrot on a stick has not one but two items in its name no I thought this was gonna be the grand finale and I was gonna finish the map with exactly a hundred nono points my day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable and did I reverse those might have been the opposite to whatever it's the only thing with to two items in its name when you beta-tested this map did anyone did anyone at all get that a very curious it'd be like I feel like what's happening here is in elementary school when we once were supposed to like make a pattern just a number sequence that had a pattern I it was like I made the most obscure thing I could possibly think it was something like yeah the relationship between each of these numbers next in the sequence is like you take the number before it add it together it's like Fibonacci but then you also do some sort of logarithm to it multiplied by some constant and that's how you get the next number in the sequence how could you not know that it's like the the dumbest most impossible to get pattern that no one would ever be able to actually figure out the relationship between the two but I was like this is this is cool of me to do and that's what's happening here is it's just an impossible to recognize sequence well okay so yeah why couldn't you just let me have my hundred points why couldn't you I don't understand is it things that are naturally occurring in the world things even find out they're potentially inside of structures is that it maybe is there which one of these can't be naturally found can you find slime blocks in the wild anywhere I don't think you can can you mmm it's not the right answer though so that's disappointing what a surprise I didn't get it I can't believe it okay could be as he has a thing about names for some reason that's like really a thing I think that's a shared thing between so many of these rooms is it has to do with item names all the time I don't know why so this is acacia log I don't even know the official name that's listed in the creative menu sometimes record discs but I don't know if they're music discs I don't know which number that is if it's important note block Daisy that the oxide Daisy a nun face pumpkin quartz tears redstone lamp slime block and torch you are shoot Punk I was gonna say the only one that is a one-word answer dang it he just loves to do things with the item name so I was saying oh maybe that's it like this is one that doesn't have multiple states or multiple things that you can just a flower they find in the world I'm gonna lose track of which ones I've even answered before and I'm gonna end up choosing the same thing twice here for some reason this is the only thing that I can actually use to walk up a block not that either this is the only thing here that can't be placed on the ground okay this is the only thing here that has a variable sound no no that technically but I mean like when you hit it this is the only thing that no wait no no no blocks can be impact by redstone mm this is the only thing that can be no no blocks are mined with an axe too but they can be stripped with an axe acacia log does not follow the alphabetical order the other items are in doesn't even have to do with the items themselves but it's the names it's always the item names why is it always the item names why everything has to do with the item names there's another one okay so just all we have to do is pay attention to the item names but anyway what was it it was torch slime block redstone lamp quartz tears pumpkin oxide Daisy note block music disc m and Oh Pete I should have I actually should have noticed that but they it is all alphabetized but it's a m o p q r s all these are item names I can't believe I was reading them out in that order I should have recognized something but I was like am I saying the proper name cuz that was important to actually know the proper name girl during it well it's all okay what it is what are the item names here okay I have ender dragons breath beacon purr purr bricks alight rrah blaze powder potion of leaping brewing stand and stone one word beacons one word okay probably this has to do with the names it always has to do with the names unless it has to do with the end in this situation because these do share they are very end focused but none of them like the beacon I guess yet that doesn't really have to do with the end it does it potion of leaping that's like rabbit based so it's almost like a little bit of a decoy here doesn't have to do with the items they item names it doesn't have anything to do at the end or the nether or anything like that watch okay but hold on maybe it's oh oh okay this is probably wrong because it's too obvious but the potion of leaping I believe is the no because you need the nether wart shoot I was thinking what's the only item here that doesn't require you to have visited another dimension in order to get and you have to go to the nether have to go to the end have to go the nether to get the skulls to spawn the widow so you get the nether star have to go to the end have to go to the end never never never and oh so which one is it then shoot you couldn't just give me this one could you it's it's gonna end up being the item name some freaking this is the only one that has the item name above it incorrect alright this is the only item here that cannot be crafted nope nope okie dokie okie dokie or this is the only item here that's found naturally as a block in the world no all right this is the only item that can be thrown nope wrong okey-dokey hold on we about to throw out our knowledge that I want to be right in one of these maps at some point which is that these can be made using a variety of different crafting recipes because you can swap out different perper blocks in order to make the brick god during it that will never be the reason for anything ever it disappoints me because it's such a great little piece of knowledge to be able to draw from but no no why would it ever be that why would it ever be that okay so this is the only one that is a light you can get from the mob drop after just putting that item in the crafting table nope not that either okay the beacon is the only thing here that can get you do not have to have killed a blaze in order to obtain a beacon I see the blaze so much stems from the blaze doesn't it you have to have I see killed the blaze man in order to get the powder to get the brewing stand that's used to make this and also to get the blaze powder that's used to make this to get you to the ends to get the dragon's breath for the dragon to get you the end cities to I guess if you really wanted to just really were really a pacifist you just love blazes you can get yourself a beacon is there another oh of course there is you better believe it oh my god hey I watch this go on for infinity there's just a million rooms with nine things in them it never stops when am I gonna jump into the lava and just end it all am i back into the I'm back all the way at the beginning so maybe it's things that don't necessarily have to be crafted and I think this is the only one out of everything here the white concrete powder that actually has to be crafted because everything else you can find a piston in a jungle temple you can get a bow from a skeleton get that from an end all these are blocks found naturally except for you and of course that wouldn't be the answer even though that was I think a completely valid reason but of course why would that be a case oh maybe it's things that can do damage to you what if it's that okay cuz gravel can suffocate that hurts you by standing out of that hurts you and you throw it you can drown in that obviously that you can hit yourself with it you could push yourself into a wall how does that work anymore I care I don't know if that works anymore but did it one point you can suffocate yourself with that so this is the only one that can't actually hurt you I got one oh my god I did it I got I got a reason for one of these it's been so long there's another how is there another how many rooms how many rooms can you do in a map holy crap okay boat torch TNT red mushroom slime block painting redstone is it about like things that need to be placed on something or are affected by gravity or something like that because I think this is the only one that nope never mind never mind everything else here has to be placed on something No all right what is the painting the only one that has to be on a wall maybe maybe that's what it is or maybe it has nothing at all to do with being placed on something and it's just completely unrelated and it has to do with the names of the items except it's a bit of a red herring going on birch boats require more than one punch to destroy I mean I guess that is a symptom of it being an item that gets placed on something in the boat isn't RIT there's there's more there's there's the in-group the out-group what flip the lever up for the in-group flip it down for the out-group huh is that like Oh what belongs in which group I'm assuming so we have to do like a little oh and then step on the plate to submit the answer how oh my god well we can't trial and error this one can we now okey dokey and it's gonna be like the exact opposite of what you expect it to be isn't it ya know it's it is gonna be that I have to find a commonality between everything here and everything there okay as far as I can come up with it's gotta be a crafting thing right and there is a pretty clear distinction between the two and that all of these require would at some stage in either the recipe itself or making the items that go into the recipe and none of these ones require wood at any point I think and that seems too easy and straightforward given the rest of the map but let's try that so for flip lever up for the in group so if it does not require wood up see you're good you require would you do not require wood because that would not taste good you require wood so you're down and do you require wood because I need to fishy with a fishing rod is that is that where this would this is a tricky one because you yourself don't require wood cuz you're just a fish but maybe it's that maybe it's that incorrect okay maybe it's just keep telling correct just rub it in just rub it in incorrect incorrect okay so turns out wood is not the answer maybe there's another element to it aside from just wood could it be like stone also stone goes into these ones does stone it all go into the in which case it would be like I have to flip you down you would be out cake would still be fine you're out iron I think his irons definitely good to be over there see your flip the lever up for the in group so yeah you're down and then the only question is this fish I'll try it both with and without the fish okay and then let's try that again also incorrect all righty then oh my god I mean I'm just I'm just making sure here that I'm reading this right flip the lever up for the in group so I mean that is again assuming our reason is right everything here uses planks or wood somewhere in there and cobblestones another similarity I don't think any of the items here use cobblestones that's one like okay maybe the furnace also belongs in the out-group so flip down for the out group so furnace is down you use wood so you'd be down you don't use either so you'd be up for the in group use wood so you be down you don't see you're up and I still don't know if this is counting on the fishing rod or not so he can go either way so again they're incorrect okay try this incorrect like I've already tried this before but it's hard to remember I wonder okay what if I just have it inverted which would mean that the instructions are wrong because flip the lever up for the in group so you do belong in the in groups the lever so what if it's completely inverted and the instructions are wrong let's try that let's try that instead your instructions are incorrect the in-group features only items that are crafted without planks cobblestone or items that themselves are crafted without with planks or cobblestone oh you mean like items in the crafting recipe that are using planks or cobblestones like it uses it by proxy bro bro you sit you said flip it up dude it should be up for the in-group the in group features items that are crafted without planks or cobblestone so in group up did you get it wrong you wrote it wrong you wrote it you mixed up your instructions okay that's fine this is fine I don't know what other way I was supposed to interpret that did I interpret it wrong flop I feel like that points upwards am i wrong though like that's up and that means inc in group is up so if it uses planks or cobblestone then it should be down because it belongs to the out group I'm just losing my mind anyway I'm stressed out and that's it's okay um I hope you've enjoyed this map I'm in this strange state where I don't know if I'm an idiot or if this was just absurd hen's Lloyd thank you for putting me in this position I appreciate that greatly I'm gonna go drink some water as I or order take medicine to lower my blood pressure Wow alright I'll feel better if we can hit a million likes on this video then I feel like it will all have been worth it so thanks for helping me achieve my dreams and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSparklez
Views: 295,793
Rating: 4.9186802 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparklez, captain, sparklez, lets, play, playthrough, minecraft, minecraft map, custom map, puzzle map, minecraft puzzle map, which one's wrong, matching, minecraft matching, which truly doesn't belong
Id: 7-CpwHw791Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 12sec (3252 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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