Minecraft: FIND THE TNT!!! - Custom Map

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[Music] here what could I do this pad welcome back to another minecraft video yeah so today dudes this is a new thing happening no longer will people play find a button they will play find the TNT it is so brilliant so apparently what we need to do is we need to find THC at a level and then blow it up to get to the next level oh my god this was like made for me this is me for me alright go check it out so it says find the TNT what to do by the T and T and explode it to get to the next level wait a second are you thinking what I'm thinking there's no choice I can read it here we go did I win I think you beat the map all right there's we're back I'm thinking this is gonna become a tank because people looking crazy like you I thought that what we were supposed to do why was it listening to the direction said it did they find the TNT you blow it up you found it and you blew it up not giving you any place feel no I'm going to blow everything up and you can't stop me so apparently we have stored pressure plates and Buzz in here to summon grab a stack of each of them because by the way all levels are possible the small bottom is possible to it is very hard we tested all levels and the map is created by M lick and L rug or wood yeah you can't just roll with it when I that was very good it was probably like Roger but whatever so on dudes before we get started thank you for the amazing support on the channel and if you are new to the channel definitely hit that subscribe button cool content you won't see anywhere else and also leave a comment down below saying you subscribe to know comment to at least a hundred of you dudes because I appreciate all your amazing support but let's check this out there's one last sign also check out my other map called aquapark minecraft alright we might do that so I think we just hit needs to start I'm calming now I worried a nice little village I just tried to find a cutie and there's buttons in here but we already have plenty of those right okay I'm just gonna no I didn't grab the blinds oh you didn't I only took the pressure plate oh and over here it says one point by pressing the spine I still hit that bottom okay okay so this is it yet me challenged me against you first person to blow up the TNT is the winner all right one two three go don't usually count down from three Wow don't want to three confuse me all right let's go it's got to be old maybe in the water and you know chicken maybe even the well there's like so many places it could be in the village yeah so small all right no series at a button damn same thing you're like going blind everything going blind I won't either man look in the way are you really I'm literally stuck in the well teleported me that's pretty embarrassing oh my god oh I see it wait you you look I found it it's right here are you okay I thought because you got stuck there using the corner about it villagers Oh what do we do now oh yeah oh there's a tunnel oh and there's a boy oh I get it so in case you actually blow off the button you have to put it back down oh I see all right so rods level 2 where should it be smart boy let's do that again okay and are you ready for the end ready I mean honestly looking at this it looks pretty easy right yeah all right it's lighting to smell it oh really you're gonna stand out against all these white oh the contrast on that we hear you dog thank you all right I mean one really so good for you ready begin I have potatoes because potatoes are delicious I'm not complaining they are pretty good and tasty no well you know what probably happened if when it blew up a potato probably pull out of a garden are you check over the amateur come around come on I just let myself on fire oh I saw it happen oh did you really I really did oh there's a hole here there's nothing in the hole is the fire over here well it was like a campfire Oh China I get it going you know expanding you know that it's gonna be one of the little cracks is intense definitely will be why did they have to do that to our every single time whenever there's snow you just know what they're gonna do it's gonna be so hard to actually get looking in this place let me tackle over here don't see it all right it's gonna be in the snow you could possible go the tree I don't know hey I think it might be possible but wouldn't be really obvious if it was in a tree if you publish see it yeah probably so it's going to be underneath the snow why did they do this to us we used to look for like a weird crack in the ground with a piece of red sticking out I'm probably gonna walk by it through so if I do guys as you apologize I'm obviously blind I probably already walked by it yeah I thought it was staring right attitude you're standing on it okay I don't see anything check the tree use those keen eyes yeah I'm checking the trees - about it you did up over here you're gonna be really embarrassed oh my god I see it okay it's right over I almost lit on fire accidentally I hide what to watch here we get a 1 to 1 instead involve all be flying everywhere since I hit the button first oh I won the level honey I don't think that's how that works okay ladies button since grasses very tall it's hard or is it easy let's find Alex so it might be like really easy this one I hope so there's no one let me tell you right now no way it's in a tree because all these are gonna be hidden under grab see if they exploded oh yes that's very true so I don't believe for a second it's in a tree arriving along okay although I see you from a block in this rate right now what you do I do look I didn't know why you said that we do not see it like right now look at my screen I see don't date all right bye wait let me look closer right there I still see no okay coughing I am blind right do one do your love climbing at me I think something up there thanks to you there's a command block it's a house command block it is it it's a command block so there has to be something in the tree hey but where was the t of TV that is what I'm wondering yeah alright let's climb up I can't even climb this to be too hard to climb in the death climber well they did say it might be easy I think you coming up on hitting here but there's nothing to do with them what is it it is like a troll maybe visit under that's the right word yeah and go crazy like I need water I need PAP this was actually a shrewd sure the whole time there's nothing there's nothing here to do you know that is very suspicious hole over here that is this like really upsetting Jen okay so I'm going down apparently it's not going to be in a tree like I said at the beginning it can't be in a tree yeah gotta be on the ground somewhere okay trying this one grass all right come on grass we would they even hide it on this levels when I'm wandering close you sound okay go home huh I don't even need a nerdy kid TJ I got right over here are you really here all right here we go because there will be troll command oh I got a purse for boy present but in the end it doesn't look that big all right look sprayer it doesn't look that big we're tied to - what are you ready hey three two one go [Music] nothing I do is walk into the liver the the fire and what said water the water okay it was just brilliant right there okay okay here we go when you find it it's really gonna blend in feel good there's so much red it's like a different shade though clearly is much different wait it's actually pretty largest level oh is it goes way back oh you're right it's kind of big yeah but it doesn't really look like there's that many hiding places for it but it's not going to blend in we'll find it in my three hours mechanic over here oops I jump brain trauma it's not my fault no it's because of the auto jump you know they have like the later versions of Minecraft Auto jump be right in sure just blame it on the auto jump why don't you put the blame on something all right let's run across this and let's find a hole so we don't see anything all right come on TNT I've checked almost the whole level now got it no right now yeah then we tell the board to you okay where do we go nice work where does it go for me oh there it is Oh monkeys like an actual nether area I like that one amazing I love how they set this up okay that's a whole mushroom biome Oh mom no newsroom ppq swish let me try to you better move on hmm what look a cow Moo sure all right good I feel good gotta give me some credit on that one oh yeah this is like my level and do you not see that weird hole in that mushroom right there weird hole yes three two one kill well go towards that right towards the weirdo come on shake it let me get in here thank you so much a good bite out of the mushroom all right there's nothing over there it's another troll I need to find this one so once again it might blend in with the mushroom cap yeah looking inside the mushrooms I'm feeling and I know where it's gonna be don't you think - no I think so it's not working out so far hold on does the iron look weird in this corner over here yeah it does I was just checking that out there didn't see anything it's gotta be something about this it looks a little bit strange over here could it be connected to this mushroom cap really weird I think I found something this looks very very strange look at this hole oh god no pow I know it was like teamwork there hasip okay oh you behalf of that you're actually hiding I deserve 3/4 of a point how the pulling all right fine Jen look at this there's actually can see down here out of it which is bigger right yeah okay you see this is a TT underneath the void yeah you are evil I'm sorry why is there holes here I almost fell I was jumped in the point out how are you defining and we are now in a bush oh no you should say it because you tenet Oh what no I will not say that okay sorry all right small part enough hey are you ready for that one two three go it's on I'm looking at this thing it looks weird the temple oh my god it's like a real temple be cool going out it was in there boy I'm sorry no no that was easy oh he misses Tiziano I would not fall for your shenanigans any long I just jump over I did not the tunnel maybe I break it really there's a book on water here trying to get into this deaf ears right ago it's over there oh we got it okay okay buddy I'm buddy are you in person it's really dark I don't see it just click okay and we are on - let's see let's hit these button oh this one doesn't have a sign the name on it was nameless dude even the small biz it oh it says we're going to need a pressure plate to finish the level good I remember they said the swap is really hard oh they did sit I didn't die wait a second here Jennifer why whoa you don't usually call me by my actual real long name actual real long game I need to know something that remember on that other level I found those command blocks yes we could have put a button on it to see what happened oh wait here okay the moment you guys have been waiting for do these actually do anything at all now I see why this levels hard I have blindness and no eye on me for 15 minutes I'm not even coming back oh by the way can you actually really do oh oh my god that's another way to beat the level whoa contest for now make another way that's pretty awesome okay secret way to beat that level but it is on and I don't have blindness something happy oh by the way let's get us an Electra oh it does so that means if we have to like go underneath the blocks problem okay I took grab bad try to have it there's no way you're gonna be this on that one go that means there's going to be like a little tiny space that we have to like fly underneath I'm guessing so hard when you can't really see anything I see the theaetetus right there I'm sorry I didn't blame you wait what are the wings oh I don't oh maybe we have to fly down after oh I'm sorry that was like the easiest level in the world I just like lagged so hardcore that's me really hard oh oh there it is look you have to fly in okay let's try to do this okay are these new real challenge okay ever make this first guess the pulling I'm a game of that okay I don't think it'll work is run top of each other by so that I was made it hello come on make it move your body weight a little later I'm trying to bring water to you just to see if I get under okay oh no it stopped me oh really you're going I'm going in there's nobody yeah nice job if you move down the way john i win wait where are we we're on a new level now y'all are oh you can't see yourself okay you know what just one point button inside kill yourself because it looks like the same level that's why I sent well I guess in your apply to your nauseous and you see a tree everything looks the same when you kill Mizzou do it and you about much better yeah I'm sorry you can see that what that way you know what let's not even count that is the point the last level okay no one's point okay then you have to move - yeah kind of unfair are you ready 3 2 1 do you know what's in this house it has to be right definitely alright definitely in the house I'm just gonna run in light it and we'll be done there it is Wow oh god I'm feeling oh my god I can't do it got it Oh get out of here thank you so is there like a basement hidden basement I am not kidding there it is oh there it is and it proved under water level cool there's feathers in here for some reason okay 3q1 go around um really good question are they like magical powders okay so let's go off and get air every once in a while great this one oh we can't go up how do we I don't know oh oh what does this do o 7s maybe we must what a reason yes weird nevermind what happened eight I thought maybe this pressure plate would give us what I'm cleaning or something I'm getting guys I'm small playing myself in case we die hey what do you do it was weird did you smart point at least um no okay I will do that oh my god I'm coming to you wait what is this my house going back up oh there's areas you can go in oh oh that's why they put it there okay my um spawn point was obstructing edit out like back at the beginning oh I need a jump over to this okay really this looks a little bit suspicious I see a hole over here be in here somewhere okay get my breath back what did this I promise you oh sorry I'm so sorry let's right next to this one okay you are doing really well all right so where's the tunnel because I can't see anything gnarrk oh no decent Colin I'm coming to the same spot do you see the tunnel no I don't see anything I can't oh there it is okay yeah okay I have to put down the pressure plate and then step on it around okay oh oh man we're in like the smush room in the world what'd it say this is ready for two ready for to play before to play the hardest boss map nice turbine oh I'm nervous down down down good it's really dark Jan Oh No so this is like it's like the final level this is the end right oh yes it is alright good luck to you thank you I'm sorry I'd already started okay I won't move for like three seconds there like a ball somewhere I don't know if they're counting as like there's an actual boss so this is like so hard it's like a boss level I don't know what to do I can't see anything in there I just have to like look really hard so yeah we're blinded nauseous for 16 minutes this is what happens to you on the other level yes it was horrible do you know where are you where behind is no idea being cold I'm afraid we can't be near each other we have to split up for this one definitely I'm finding nothing this place is completely massive no there's absolutely nothing okay I'm seeing these like end structures you seen those right yes do you think behind herd of sheep oh here oh hi hey we found each other which is weird I wasn't over there well I'm just going off in whatever direction now oh my god I mean it's so difficult how we're gonna find this this is why they said it is possible probably gonna take us a very long time look we're gonna get it we're not gonna miss this but yet no matter what please do not like see it and then not like it notice it because that would be so bad on this up probably happened to me keep your eyes peeled okay oh I see the Sun you see the Sun oh yeah it's the only thing we can see right now okay so if your structure it could be pretty high up in the structure too I had a look I felt it here's the oh my god I saw that good job I just wanted to go out of here I know it's awful in today horrible ok so the hole is here tell going to you jump down I see the tunnel so do you think that was the end I can't tell bad yeah it is to be and I can't even really I mean ascend I spy boy and then kill myself yeah because I'm so sorry everybody you're like being tortured right now ok - it says the end did you like this map actually one day it was so cool I'm really hoping maybe you guys agree with it to make another find the TT map that would be really cool or maybe someone else can make a find the T and T map I think it's really unique and you know what we need more things like this and hidden button that way I agree all right so just be sure to share it if you are and and youtuber yeah I am and then tuber where's the map download in the description people totally do that so if you guys want to check this out lluvia link down below the map was made by rock or wood then i read ahead and i'm really happy really exploding the map are you hearing I'm so serious okay commands and half of it blah blah blah blah blah getting give a one sticks food if you want you only have to find it in your inventory ok came over and we're just we just blow this up from here where they throw this is what you wanted right you're getting one right yeah okay it said oh it literally wants us to blow it up by taking advantage can see and doing this oh all right let's get watching this we're gonna put down some we'll be back in a minute alright there's we decided to go with the entire village not the whole map because that would probably say nothing like a half an hour to put them down so gentle and uh wait is this like really rude we're destroying the poor villages home you know the download link down below we'll be alive in don't worry guys - still alive okay yes the map traders told us to do this yeah I'm just listening to directions right now I'm just enjoying oh my god is gone dude did anything to survive no one survived and no one ten oh my guys I hope you enjoyed the map as much as we did it's so cool to see another like find the button map but with TNT I think it's super unique and if you do did enjoy it definitely subscribe to our YouTube channel and leave a comment down below saying you subscribe and I'll comments at least a hundred of you do plus a bunch of other people as well don't worry I like interacting with you guys so you don't have to show you subscribe to get a comment you know it's like lie no lie if you subscribe 20 years ago oh wait you do it I can do it I always read the comments and people say they subscribe before I even made the channel 7 years I've been so back and got appreciate every single one of you so yeah I do reply to as many comments as I possibly can every day so you don't have to save and subscribe for longer than I even been going but I love you dude thank you for watching it we'll see you do the next time guys [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 9,743,391
Rating: 4.8682804 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, find the tnt, explosion, hidden, secret, levels, modded mini-game, custom map, minecraft mods, village, nether, the end, dimension, 1.10, 1.11, buttons, fails, items, vs, fun, extreme, minecraft challenge, underwater house
Id: PyLpBszD6MI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2017
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