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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's up dudes its patent welcome back to another minecraft video so today we are playing a map called sky rules I can see the Sun did you notice that this is eyeballs and a mouth wait no I didn't know I noticed that and it's beautiful and you can see the Sun right through it's kind of creepy actually so apparently today's we are playing a map called fidget Emma Belle fidget spitters and look he's pink even though the pink wasn't intentional it was so right it was the best mistake ever made okay so we have a little bit background on the story it says you watch a video titled the most I mean the world's most expensive fidget spinners after hearing about fidget em a spinner in the far depths of space you immediately set out to find it the video said it's worth an estimated one point four seven billion dollars it's not money I know with what people spend on fidget submitters and line surprise surprise it's probably just made of plastic but we're gonna go for it so we've got some amazing creators and stuff over here some goodbye dimples steel skin and Rubio - you know that's why I was avoiding the names I've no idea how to say that no no Roberto Roberto bets on scope and dimple still skids cool so we got some cool faces over there and we have some rules dudes warned no breaking blocks - no sleeping on the job Pat's three no crafting for no cheats hacks or Maz Optifine is fine stay in game OH - Jen sixth difficulty normal we have all of these things set up skips at number 10 have fun umm you didn't even want to read them did you she didn't even check to see if you did those things are you even in game mode to see if you're a bigger blocks TV ring block okay she's not even gay maybe on though she's in game-mode 0 right now so we have a star area over here and then there's a hat section Oh over here we need nitrogen where's the hat section right here looking said there's block hats and youtuber hats where are we looking this way are you in so dudes if you are new to the channel be sure to smash that subscribe button also leave a comment down below because when the video is up our planet tons of amazing people so definitely say hello and I will try to reply to as many of you awesome people as I can is it messed up on your screen too you're so good I wanna be you like lags me so hardcore when you did that oh my gosh looking like a god oh you were beautiful and once again it was there something it like totally goes with your hair - okay so I need to make it sure you know what there's a black hat section I think the hats are gonna be cooler there somebody head there okay you will be killed in order to teleport back I love how the adilyn a killing mechanism alright so black hats are over this way okay why does everything look so weird alright dudes I looked around a little bit the cactus or the grass I was gonna choose green looks like hair No thank you have a dirty face with green hair alright that's not cool I was gonna choose the chest okay so if I go with this I get horrible agony n I'm gonna be beautiful and oh my god so look a selfie can I open you you cannot open make it so I am a chest in Jannah Santa alright here we go Jen actually killed me and I guess we're ready to start the map right you're let's start this okay so welcome to fidget thumb fidget Alton it's like a land of fidget spitters these days they call that Earth okay so we probably have to find a way into this room so maybe we just smack the button okay yeah let's do that Makka Moo so we can't hit the chest that's in here Oh something came off I got a button oh okay so apparently I hit the button and then a button flew off let me do with that Brian wait in your hand you have a few spitter now oh you not see that great can you pass it yeah okay so it says Academy a place on obsidian so put it right over there okay so my button so that is the button oh my god okay so it says items to trade for the fitted spinner we need three iron and one wool equals one digit spinner items okay there's another sign on the opposite side that says the same thing okay thank you sorry okay so I think based on what I saw on the Minecraft map site this is going to be kind of like a final button map so it's gonna be a competition me guess you had to find items why do I hear like burning you do maybe I'm hearing things I'm pretty sure I know why you're hearing things why you have the ears of Santa oh I found an iron even get already you did I did oh okay okay I'm gonna go out do it did you go into the furnaces yes I did there was there was an iron in it oh we need three iron ingots at red wool for the fidgets spitter vendor which is up in the top of the bump bag oh look at the Sun in the clouds durable ooh I guess he's a parkour get over this way and then this way and this way I'm in the clouds oh I see something jad I got everything calm down Santa okay so what we need to do is we need to go up here we need to talk to this guy I guess that guy appears yeah there's a guy in the top of the bump back then we had the fidgets spinner which can be placed out of cydia but where is the next obsidian it's outside oh it's like right here I said put it down and we did it alright soo we just go through here on to level 2 let's get mining I know coming in and we are gonna do it 1-0 I am money right now but Jen can come back this level basically whoever gets the most off in the level will be the winner for that level yes are you ready one two three go oh there's the little man over here alright so does he want he wants the same thing as last time I am exacting okay so I'm looking around there's a crafting table over there you plus two equals three um you know you know just so you know you went by another furnace not an observant person ever I think that you might be what is that over here oh and that hole you were looking at also had a chest and I've got to iron and kids wait oh my gosh I got them what a pickup those are emeralds it says check the wrong one what does that mean wait what does it pick accent what do you think we can break stone and there's some like everywhere right yeah but it says check the wrong one I bet you the math thing 2 plus 2 is not equal 3 it's not equal does not equal 3 wait it doesn't oh my gosh but you if I believe it says it on a sign it's true can you break this let me see hello can you break everything with this or is this like silverfish blocks instead oh they must be yes so only some of these are actual stone only these ones over here okay that was actually pretty cool so let me give you the grass I mean the grass what is wrong grass glasses you became an old man when you put on the head okay grandpa with my brain have some of this curry okay so we put this in here and then we put that there and boom this is a beautiful yellow bed and then we are on to the next level Italy's to zero we run through here it is zero but I got I am doesn't that count for anything remember whoever gets the most of the level I found the video spinner vendor he's just down relaxing in there this is on this is already started okay it's like a rainbow is your cool level it doesn't look like there's a lot of places to hide stop where you pick up down here just I have two of the things hi okay so what we need to do is it looks like there's gonna be like platforms and stuff that we can jump down to okay maybe under here I'm gonna go over this way do you know when I fell off I think I might have actually seen something you did where did you fall off so I fell off over here but I saw like on this side maybe there was something underneath I'm probably gonna just die when I do this do you see anything either this has to be two more iron and gets in this level okay ceiling yeah you look at the ceiling I'm looking around ignore me today oh I spotted something wait a second why he hates rainbows how could anyone hate rainbows I have to kill myself to get the chest where is it it's like right next to him okay so I'm at two we just need one more iron in to get on this level okay you got nothing right so it's like hidden into the dirt on the side of the map I'm looking over here I'm checking all the dirt now see if there's anything around here there's only one left hand you can find that you know what I'm just gonna dive into the novel like a boss and find it okay tell me if you found me no I don't see anything you didn't find it I really feel like there should be something under the Rainbow Bridge because you know that's where they drove hi yes you guys aren't gonna believe it Jen actually found it it's right there how many time we walk by this chest I don't even want to talk about it you can grab it so you can make the trade with the villager and I don't know if you noticed this but it's called take a look it's in a book this is a giant book with the rainbow beautiful okay so I need to jump down here I do not want to die doing this all right now you try okay all right you'll find okay so I will put this in here and then then once again guys the way they set up the supper we must burn it is the only way to beat this level and I can't believe we walked by this little tiny balls by like a hundred times so we can finally go on to the next level to get our fidget em so we going here and we are on to our in cloud night oh my god it looks horrible [Laughter] alright we have to count down alright okay three two one go got it I think this was gonna be a tough level for you what about me I just dives right in when I try to make the jump oh here we go okay so let me just look around there's no weird little holes [Music] teleporting to each other during these levels teamwork it will teamwork teamwork it all right so I could at least do these beginning jumps and then huh oh my god I'm getting better parkour let me know what do you want me to tell power to you oh can we just fly it'd be so much easier and more fun okay let me try it again I got this you ready okay you got it go like this go like this now I want you to teleport to me because I messed up over here before oh yes so then I can make this jump no problem somehow I jumped around this before oh no elaboratory see the problem was I was switching to the W button but I I kind of miss play kind of messed up real bad it wasn't that bad alright so I go over here we go over leg miss we jump read it like a boss the men were right here huh and then we go oh why are you doing this to me level why are we doing this and won't even let me talk what you get okay here we go all right I'm just gonna do it do it to be honest I fell on purpose just to make you feel better about your jobs oh oh is that what you did that's what I didn't want to see it pronoun do it it says I was too lazy to put a fidget spinner piece here almost killed me oh is this hair spawn oh okay okay excuse me sir I'm trying over here Oh No so we have to jump on to it oh I did it wait let me wash you this is gonna be awesome oh you got this doing something wrong the answer is yes all right so we go down this way we have to look around really carefully to make sure they didn't hide any chests in any straight areas okay yeah Tober to me okay so I'm gonna go over this way okay so far we have one iron in yet oh look she's kind of a problem isn't it okay so we go over here but I definitely see a chest in the distance all right teleport to me and then there's another checkpoint over here and I see a chest so I think we can do it okay I'm coming all right step back one step go back onto that block okay it's funny cuz my minecraft character is just like me in real life whether you have the same coordination in game alright so grab this one I'm nervous okay all right I'm gonna get this somebody other somebody how do you got it okay so I just go over to this one and then we gotta make this joke yeah yes yes then it's an easy job yeah and then it's a hard job huh okay okay come over and we'll smart boy okay I'm not even a try I'm gonna try oh you brought this I think you lost okay tell board to meet and then here spawn over here yeah yeah you're here oh wait maybe didn't set it for me baby set for you Oh baby says it for both of us will be hidden okay so we go over this way don't even think about it I don't know it's working it's working it's the farthest I've ever been okay okay so I just need to jump on top of this right yeah wait there's something in there this brought me nowhere wait what there's nothing even here hold on there's like oh there's a glass that I bet have to jump onto this table or to me okay so I'm gonna make it epi jump or I want me to try to do a first maybe I can do it all right you got this your brain okay ready ran a glass here we go Oh iron ingots we've had everything that need you right here dad dad I'm just so glad to finish this level I am NOT a big parkour fan okay don't throw it off bad show do not throw it off the edge or thank you there you go we did it it is complete my friend just another parkour laughing - crying - all right there we go beast mode keep your eyes oh there's a chest up there and how do we get it we missed it what do we do your body was in the way oh let's just try the jump again oh okay okay so let's do this let me go first time I'm gonna go first all right you go and then I'm gonna keep hitting the button into one of us gets it okay I got it you got it was an easter egg oh you got nice ring I did oh I opened it that time here we go you're heading on to the next up level five you notice the last one we're supposed to be level four and they call it level three again this is that's what you were like you even mentioned it was level three last time this is the Maze Runner oh hi it's odd good luck we're in an actual maze from the movie I think yes The Maze Runner movie I've seen it before oh I got an item yeah okay I found the first one okay but you've seen the movie that has to help a little bit right yeah that's very true there's a hole over here that knocks you out of the world I'm not gonna go that way so let's go over this way the whole thing is one giant maze have you found anything yet okay that's not good no wait I've got a joke but it looks like you've already been doing okay so you found my chest a knife empty oh I found the door we need to go to to get out of here oh okay nice all right so you know what I'm actually gonna do I'm gonna spawn points to do that so that way we don't have to spell like an hour fighting all right so I'm taking every left that will hopefully bring me to every spot in this map and I will get every item for Jenny we have what I earn and get right yes we have one okay just need two more and a piece of black wolf okay so rope I found you you found me oh no you probably want to separate for vein still only at one right now how could this be I mean there's gotta be more in here the Masters like one chest it has like all the other items that's probably it oh I found the chest I got the black wall jam it okay so we you see one iron again I'm just joking that was a really horrible joke I found a real one now follow me you actually found it look it's camouflaging once again we probably walked by this like a hunch I got it I found it it was up there where's the feeder spinner dude I went to the wrong video spinner dude wait no he's over this way just go this way that we doo doo doo doo doo doo doo and throw me over what you found and I'll make the trade I have the black dragon not the ironist yes we have a chicken no not today in the card all right so we go like this in there guys remember what I did I set my swamp point so that I could do this and hopefully save us a lot of time amazing but def boom and we are through to the next as I'm looking around everywhere now and this one is called the jungle of do what do we do aren't we just kind of stuck in this hole hold on this is the worst jungle I've ever seen was this supposed to open up you think caution infested areas stay out so it's on right now you're never in the right place I think it's when we log before I'm fighting a spider right now good luck to you pickaxes help somebody all right I'm going I'm living it's all good scary in here oh yeah so oh there's all kinds of armor and stuff in here okay this is great this way all right we can break monsters portas job hitting me please just gonna get everything good while I'm fighting off the spiders I could already see it if you see a monster smarter let me know okay I will cuz I could break those okay and I'm panicking I'm scared I'm coming in I didn't go in the building up outside oh I've climbed to the time at the top of the building oh there's torches and stuff over here okay those oh this parasu I'm trying to kill the spider right now I'm trying to go on top all right dudes we have a strategy Jen is putting down the torches I am killing the mobs in the spoilers oh I thought you already had those oh I tried taking longer than the spiders cued me I'm so sorry I kind of have it where can we even put them down okay they give me a cobble sword or moss on you can't put them on the ground which is the first thing I tried to do okay yeah I'm warning the building I think it's safer in here torches we see the relax okay I feel a lot better now don't you yeah there's a door over here oh there's a door was the door right there oh why did you get in there just open it it won't open oh wait there's the spawner alright so I'm dead but I also have an iron ingot so we all need one more I didn't get to be trouble perfect it must be outside I'm thinking like in the back all right let's look around or it could be on top but I kind of looked on top before I didn't see anything we put some stuff down over here oh I see like a little hole can you beat the worg on the roof yeah look over there okay it's like the last sentence I said to you alright let's see I found it definitely it was on top of the tree so I think we have everything right all right you don't be here quickly I kind of died okay don't worry I'll fight off the mobs okay I killed the spider I'm fighting this one off just like so many spiders attacking me it's ridiculous okay okay all right I'm okay Marty sir thank you for the fidgets lighten up a little bit over here to my parents we love you and who we do em everything is final you're on to level seven platform 9 and 3/4 did you say first three quarters you mad bro look there's gossip Joe and gossip Joe's imaginary friend over here they have no trades I swear the gossip jars imaginary friend something's off about those wheels they gave us information okay at least they gave us some information didn't I was I know I said I was counting on I can't tell you is definitely where the stuffs gonna be okay I found one I'm just gonna go talk to myself and okay there was only one iron and get an area they mentioned why don't you talk to me he's all talked out apparently his name is gossip Joe you think he would never be talked about we need look around me to find some stuff okay so we have to go in here probably well there's a bunch of people there's ticket salesman here to 127 emerald blocks for a ticket come on bro Oh you notice though there's chest behind all the people in here no I do know I know is that let's see there's a bunch dad bushes and me okay got narnun get water bombs bushes okay so there probably isn't any more than I think that was probably the only thing here this has got to be something else we can get in here so far you got nothing right yes it I don't know that no I didn't know I'm sorry wait you hear small clink Oh does that mean something opened up somewhere and he must have opened up I'm looking around will you died on this level you found who no one died oh there's a way into this building how did you get it to open up before okay so I went over here and I press this button oh then I open up this giant hole over here oh it's on the floor that has everything else I got it alright so you said you saw gossip gossip Joe you found the actual guy over here right yes that is right in here no you're going the wrong way I'm sorry he's in there okay I'm coming in okay I'm coming in to the car or the Train yeah I think it's a train okay so take this in take that okay the door is all the way through here so we just go over this way okay put it down I'm wrong on I am I wrong I swear I saw a door over there before you're loosening ok the door is right here boom and dudes we're ending episode 1 here there are actually 15 levels in total we're about halfway done with this amazing map we have gained so many fidgets spinners but I'll dudes hope you enjoyed the video if you did subscribe to our YouTube channel and also leave a comment down below definitely said hello I'm gonna go find two tons of amazing people when the video goes out and guys remember right now it's 7-0 come back next time with eight more levels gen can still win you know brain feels fuzzy if you're supposed to you is that the right word yes furry no let me just pet your little brain but yeah guys we have an amazing day thank you for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 9,834,202
Rating: 4.802619 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, minecraft trolling, fidget spinner, find, hidden, secret, structures, modded mini-games, diamond trolling, ore, mining, minecraft mods, custom map, parkour, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, sword, weapon, armor, items, fake diamonds, secret entrance
Id: Y4okGoBHnjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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