Minecraft: DO NOT JUMP - THE PAIN OF JUMPING - Custom Map

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[Music] hey what's going on dudes it's pat and welcome back to another minecraft video hey guys before we get started I did want to apologize for no videos yesterday we both actually got like really horrible food poisoning I actually was sort of okay because I woke Jen up in the middle that night and I was like Jen I think I have poison in my stomach and then I puked for like an hour then I was feeling a little better the next day Jen she still was dying yes so a tickle wouldn't so anyways guys we're sorry for no videos yesterday we're actually really sick I I'm never eating anything again that doesn't come from my own house seriously but anyways let's get started here so we are playing something called the pain of jumping in Jen order by the way you can't move I just can't jump that's what Liz okay so just jump No see what happens oh no I was hoping it would happen on video second she logs on instantly dies you don't detect it and when you job it kills me so please please don't oh my god slowly walk no jumping you know what hon even a little bit hold shift but the whole episode of keep it down so basically in oh my god I did it I'm not gonna move so basically we have to get through levels by beating them without jumping we just can't jump so we have to find a way to beat them jump all the time I'm always jumping how am I gonna do this actually you know what because auto jumps on in like 1.10 go to your options Jen okay and then go to controls auto jump set it to off okay because that way you won't accidentally jump by walking into a block okay good all right so we got some books here please don't get me killed while I'm reading these this we got the rules are 1 do not jump to fine and stand on the diamond block to continue so parent we have to find a diamond block playing easy if you started a peaceful restart your map and easy we already have it out easy so don't worry and regarding music there will be music from minecraft play if for some reason you want that turned off turn down your block volume you got that job yes and finally says read me it says do not jump now that's now that that's out of the way welcome to the map I guess if you have not realized you were not allowed to jump go ahead try gonna be so hard do you think anyone actually didn't realize by the time they read this book everyone jumps if for some reason you did not die from that whoops just pinkie promise not to jump please ok so yes I hope you enjoyed this video if you do definitely hit that subscribe button we have a lot of fun come to the channel hopefully we won't get sick and miss videos so press a button to continue things will start off easy things will start off easy I didn't make it hard but you'll be ok unless you drop I can't even a cool voice of right oh I may also hand-deliver notes to you every now and then because I'm so nice is that it we're here yeah ok so we need to find a diamond block I'm in blue get on top and no jumping it's just like find the button I found gold in a chest where is the diamond block I mean this room is really tiny so it shouldn't be that difficult to find good on you for looking but gold won't save you it Lisa looks nice right yeah oh yeah we're in a really tiny tiny there's nice music going on I'm liking it nice don't fall in these holes cuz if you actually fall in this hole you won't be able to get out so let's do attempted to jump oh my god ok oh oh wait Oh what happened you see this open over here yeah let me know do to get oh there we go all right go through and hit this lever right here so dark I can't see anything I know it's so dark in here wait you open back up to the previous room oh you see there's a room over here oh yeah oh no what do you just you have to jump you have to get out maybe if you do it quick enough I sort go back in here when we hit the lever open back up to this room again did it open anything else there has to be a way to get to the other room right there has to be something open oh oh right next to me right here okay all right so get ready to run through it right now all right no my house I'm coming is there a diamond block that open right here Oh oh god you we just like rotten okay okay we made it all right yes oh my god cuz we poked me just like a lot don't like keeps killing you over and over again oh wait I'm gonna put my gold in this ender chest I'm gonna store it here go this way so remember we cannot jump no jump II have a feeling you're gonna do it accidentally one of these right I definitely will oh hello there's a note in here how party in the lobby is fine alright um okay something I should've done that wait so we were I was listening to what the dude said all right so wait I can't jump but do you think if I just went really quick it'd be ok wait let me let me know come come if you just wait there's a pressure plate over there yeah we need to get over there just sprint good like you've never separated before yes just do it oh my god I don't think so oh wait I found oh my god you were supposed to jump in the lava nothing this blank step on the pressure place Rapids no this time it says wait this isn't Diamont step on it and see if it does anything okay nothing that's do anything alright you gotta jump in the oh you walk into the lava okay I'm coming and it's right here wasn't that bad I mean I I meant to do I mean he was right the lavas fine I mean this time I know you don't jump into the falling part of it I learned that this actually looks cool it looks beautiful look it's a lucky well Chad what did you do I promise I did not jump you know you jumped eyes oh my god you jumped again I didn't I Tom hey I need a job I'm watching you this time I'm watching you why are you jumping okay no hands oh my god I'm in after what's happening did we break the map oh my god okay alright this is gonna be fine now right yeah alright so you just come back on sound like nothing happened is everything okay you died the incident came on but it might be fine oh okay no I broke a I shouldn't do ending the water I'm sorry you broke a six-month Gophers swim on the bow alright dudes we are back Jen broke the map to restart from the beginning but we knew what to do this time and we are back here again alright let's do this it's fine a diamond block alright so there's a lucky well over here but I don't see any way that we can actually jump into this thing so there's nothing we can do about that all right over here there is a storage shed which also we can't do anything with all right so there's a little house right there has to be a way we can get into this yeah let's see oh there's a gold block over here where there's a nice bridge right over here I wonder if this means anything right go up here but I can't wait wait I've got an idea but let me just check over here first okay all right so it looks like wait what if I go order the bridge oh wait how many had all the water no wait there's a chest storage key oh so we could use that for that storage shed I found but how am I gonna stop wait the boat I can use the boat to get out okay alright so if I take this I think I have a plan Jen all right so so we need to get up on the other side of the bridge right yes so if I go like close enough to this and then I get off maybe it'll like bring me up to the top he's gonna work now come on yes telephone Brooks yeah I hope this doesn't make you job doubting you why would you doubt do the house ow that hurt you Oh a smiley face Oh check it out it says hi me again just wanted to say that it is highly recommended to turn your block volume up we could hear right now if you already had a lot cool keep doing cool things like that and you'll be even cooler Wow that thank you come on the diamond block you jump it looks like your ID oh you just climbed up there wait the diamonds right there wait I'm upset because I wanted to see what to do with the storage key I'm gonna reset the map I'm not even joking I can't not know what this is doing what if there was some rad stuff nothing even in there it's probably empty what if there's the best stuff you've ever seen like one time ins all right guys we are back again and Jen teleport to me and then you stay over here I will go to the shed and figure it out all right so all I have to do just you know follow this nice bridge back and I should be able to check out what's in the storage sureit's all right so it says this can be placed on a redstone lamp and there's one right there perfect this could be more important than anything oh there's lots of chests in there I think we're rich let's hope so there's gold nice I mean I don't I hope we can spend this later oh my god you know it's gonna be very disappointing for a net with tons of gold in this and there's like absolutely nothing we can do take it empty oh my goodness jackpot mother lode right here dudes this is the best thing it's ever happened so exciting right so that 64 I don't I'm just like all day all day we're gonna have like two sacks of gold and Jen are you near the diamond thing so I'll tell you when to step on it no but I'll go near now don't die all right just kidding that's not I am i suffocated oh remember you took damage before when you went in the house yeah all right this is the last of the gold you can step on in three two one to it yeah that was totally worth it I mean look at all this much we could bathe in it yeah just don't jump in excitement okay cuz that would be very bad security station oh the students over here again oh and there's a pufferfish with a little smiley face on it oh you grab that okay I'm gonna put this gold in here why you know why you know this was one lucky coin we have oh oh no I bet we have to throw that in Milwaukee well remember the well oh I need to know I need to know oh my god I know everybody's been waiting for this moment does the lucky well actually do anything at all let's see looks broken I'm thinking it's gonna do nothing what do you think all right do you hear something I heard redstone you did I've been really heard redstone hear anything that's cuz you're so far away something happens what happens Oh can't be placed on block of gold wait so you weren't supposed to use the boat to get up there oh my god this is this is the way that other people were supposed to do it oh my god so that's the actual way to do it but we figured out a bug to use the boat to get on top of it oh my god it's cool all right so we did the proper way now guys anything else we do here oh wait the fence back here oh my god Weems or meme hey did anything else back yet oh my god there's so much weird stuff that they're like heading to this map it's pretty cool isn't it oh yes an old tissue slime balls or grab those I was just like conscious I know wait don't end it yeah yeah there could be good stuff on the other side wait we gotta go back to the other levels we might have missed a boring ping no remember I found the gold blocks in the other one and you went all the way to the end on the other level okay so this probably is that one here if so what I got coal truffle alright I don't wanna miss bang Digga song alright you can't buy now alright are you sure yeah please do it not coming back here again okay I'm doing it okay alright we need a second what if we just no all right so we already talked to this dude I'm grabbing that puffer fish again I want to store all my stuff in here and I'm swear the first time I missed the normal coin but not absolutely everything that I need in my treasure chest please you stairs by the way Jen I found a glass bottle in here I don't know if that's gonna help us or not okay oh here's the stairway alright so these buttons do nothing and I think that you're going the only way we can possibly go right now there's a chest with the redstone torch do not be placed on block of them room do not leave pressure plates lying around management so they took it off the diamond block okay alright so what was in here a redstone torch here I'm gonna throw it at ya alright thank you go you can place it right over here where's this block of emerald that you're speaking of I'm so lost okay so this opened the door yes so this is human resources oh yeah curry you you work here bro you don't look like you work here alright Oh chest up here Jan wait it's got the way to pressure please can we play some spawns oh this is so cool isn't it wait Jen come here I think I found a secret you did why would they have this year unless there was something behind this but you can climb up it right yeah oh my god I was right nothing really was to say that's disappointing it says Zachary's chest don't stare staring at dude alright so check in for little secret so they add a lot of like little things in the map so I can put this on the sponge right yeah look the diamond block is right there I know they took the thing off me no put it right there okay you know all right there's a lot of rooms here there's tons of rooms I'm checking like absolutely everything these forecasts oh my god Madison's a witch Oh Heather Heather the cast is there anything else in here I don't think so wait under the chest underneath Greg I know these things I've got good always and you're blowing a sandwich oh hi honey it's Heather the CEO this is the CEOs room see us for cat know she's the cat yeah oh my god this is cool all right so there's just bread in that room okay so in this room Jen there is a witch named Madison but it looks like there might be hidden rooms or something yeah oh there is and then I'll break you into another room straight Jen turn red oh that makes sense they don't have any actual trades these people anyways no why did you say that oh you're reading the wall see what's wrong with you Nollan all right so we keep that open but I'm noticing yeah Norton was here all right there's a redstone torch right here and it says like that we need it no spin it because there's arrows pointing at it yeah we need it so I got it this can be placed on emerald so we can open up with other animal toys how do we get out of here though all right the doors whoa oh no oh my god we can't get up this we're gonna die again make a run for it that is so sad isn't it yeah really sorry right here just put it down right on that emerald block where did you go over here okay so we put it on this one right there then we can go into hunters room yeah hello you are through miss cool he's so scary looking all right if you go down here what's going on dude you are the scariest looking skeleton I've ever just Joe hit that button be careful for some reason sneaking Plus climbing is not considered as jumping Oh oh that was a hint boy yeah I'm sneaking and I'm climbing and what are you seeing try to get on top of this I did okay we know it's there okay all right everything up here and then I'm just gonna go like that oh my god it didn't count that time it was actually fine all right good okay so here's a real know bean so you going here let's check them out all right be really careful with the heads is apparently when you step on those guy there's got to be like a pressure plate in one of these right yeah wait maybe in the dispensers yes can we play some block of diamonds yeah all right just walk by Sony yeah we did it all right this is probably be a lot harder isn't it who's talking all right so we're in a big place right now okay it's actually raining right now music it's really creepy and there's no weird person head on the ground there's been weird people's heads on the grip way you see anything your blinds this darkness let me let me check okay I think you're actually right I think it's just darkness okay I'm still clicking it it's got to be a reason looking for secrets oh man this love was weird there's a big cave over here I'm putting a glass bottle that I got in here it's massive really yeah Oh God we're never gonna get out of here I'm not going that way I'm going this way oh yay all right you tell me if you find anything cool I'll let you know all right so I'm looking at all the holes just make sure you don't jump jack there's that yeah sure oh my god maybe we need to ride him till I do something right Oh maybe he won't let me ride all right there's an undead minion or okay maybe we need to reunite them that would be beautiful there's a room the mess hall I feel like you're making better progress than I am right now I'm just gonna keep walking through this I'll let you know when I get to the end and I'll teleport to you if you're like an air cooler soft okay there's just so much around here it's so incredibly dark I don't know if there's buttons or what in here I just I really can't see you and I don't think there is all that practice from find the part in this helping Jan good so I can't jump up here there's a lot of holes I'm probably gonna fall in one I found another undead minion all right let's see what's over here yeah if you fold the hole you're actually like you're gonna die there's nothing you can do about it oh there's tea oh I hope you get to blow things up that would be amazing I hope I'll see you again this place is huge [Music] all right all I see are people's heads like Todd oh no I don't want to climb over the head because I'm ever what happened last time yeah do I have to don't do it what if there's something behind this tree okay just do it wait didn't count okay okay good like nothing back in I see darkness so much dog buddy but the bug doesn't work what if something happen what happens oh it was a jump scare Oh get it jump scared oh I knew it life I've been much worse scared before it mess like when Slenderman pops out at me for no reason oh I love when that happens to you why doesn't that happen multiple times it's so weird everyone - - can I hear something creepy I don't know what it is oh that's my stomach I'm gone oh but there's nothing around oh I have my sandwich oh wait police break in case of emergency or in case of Stourbridge grabby all right so this can be used on stone bricks perfect all right so can't break ones that are like this Oh oh my god oh but these ones aren't stone bricks right just like cobblestones eggs wait no these are like these are way to break this oh yeah oh my god I think my mommy win oh my god yay I'm getting in they sauce through the room you found maybe maybe not teleport to me Jen okay I don't want to be alone I just heard a growling noise it looks like she's a little shop like you sells potatoes and stuff wait this is probably important this lever right probably work or not at all nothing in the furnace teleport it's the only way if you died an iodine and then please don't fall in there again oh there's a chest up here with the staff it's a stick but it says staff oh all right so we're probably gonna need that for something right oh there's a year boom will you do it opened up the door so maybe this is the room I found the floor okay so that's probably the way out right oh this way wait so we can go on top of this all right you know what yeah don't leave because it looks like there's a couple spots that might have rooms behind us probably I'm check-in over here all right what about this one maybe no it has to be something in here well we got the stick I bet we have to do something with this stick maybe combine it with something else okay I mean other than that I don't think there's anything else we could do in here you can get potatoes they were need those you might need them you never know better to be prepared all right let's just grab all this stuff okay I'm not evil I'm gonna get everything look at rotten flesh poisonous potatoes because what if we get to a spot it's like I can't reach them because I can't jump all right let me grab what I can so we can't trade with the dude and I guess we'll go out the way that we just opened on okay let's go maybe there's a room or something you missed I'm sure I missed a lot of things I'm pretty blind all right oh there's a little house room over here lake up there you see oh yeah just a fool me I have a staff that's what that means how do we get up there wait follow follow me okay I can barely see I can see that oh this must be the way out of there but we need to get in how do we get in there has to be a way up good question Oh No Oh are we stuck wait no I don't want to die maybe they will notice wait a second I think I've found the way up you found it teleport to me alright I know you're right over here I see him all right we could just climb up the CNT Oh cuz they're like little heads yeah alright okay Retta coming I have the staff all right perfect wait so what is this over here though this thing's like on fire it's burning it doesn't look good looks very strange all right I'm just looking absolutely everywhere this is actually a really cool puzzle map I know I love this map all right so wait and then we can climb up here - can't wait yes we can I don't know way it's gonna like leave me but wait if I go all the way to the top of this alright from back here is there anything back there's like nothing back here I don't see anything there's so many weird things in this map they can hide little secrets anywhere when they set it up like this alright so I have the staff do you think I just like click it with the staff maybe try it this is so embarrassing we have static I don't know it literally says I'm gonna throw the staff wait I bet I get it I bet you under here is one of those you know dispenser thingamajig yeah one of that redstone thing yes okay okay so I was actually right I threw it in the fan you don't come down here wait but this has to mean something this room right what do we do I'm gonna teleport to you well I can break storm bricks okay I can't break the ceiling I thought maybe why do we know so why are we in here no there has to be a reason all right dudes after about ten minutes I figured out that I can climb up here if I broke some of these blue okay some of these blocks all right so we're gonna do not jump bail oh all right so I can go over here and then I see that there is a chest we have to get to that chest Chad alright you could do this so I don't think I could just run across Lincoln crazy brutal Ken I'm pretty sure I can just go over here okay I said I go like this like that yes oh my god oh my god you're making progress just took us so long where's that chest right there I could like feel it I really want to get that chest how can I click it I'm not close enough wait I can bring these right oh yes please no please be information what do we do we can't figure it out did you know you could right click furnace minecarts to move them well you do now right alright quick ok brothers help us beat the map maybe wait maybe I'll have to do is just keep bringing this down this way maybe oh my god we don't lead you to the diamond block maybe this will run over a diamond block or something like in there it's gonna hit red stone you think that had to wait Oh back in there oh my god I don't know what's happening but I have a feeling that this was really important you think so oh my god you came out with the key can we play some redstone lamp ok alright so there has to be redstone lamp somewhere that we saw whoa we've been running around this place for a long time I'm gonna go look for it I'm kind of trapped in the hole actually we have finally made it guys we are back in the staff room all we have to do is put this down and then hopefully I'm thinking this is gonna open up ok so where are we now it's just really creepy Hey look at this distraction oh I like it it's a nice what can I go in here Oh My Damn so do you think this is a level 2 guest oh wait no please do wait you go around it oh ok dot dot dot lights on jump correction system shutting down oh my god we saved the world yes now we can jump again so you try jumping why why did you turn it off I put so much time into making that program and now it can never be turned back on you've doomed yourself to the pain of jumping whatever just leave already teleporting flares to jump land oh my god Jen this actually may be the best editing area I've ever seen in the map before room jump leg all right let me sign saying are these the true da Taurus of the map it's off alright so yep this is one of them had a head on right there and over here let's check it out this says he's sulking map design 7 to 0 Z alright I did eat my sandwich before you can't my rotten flesh alright thank you oh my God look this guy he just choked he did Abigail it's a lady they just Joe I swear to you I saw them job whoa come on that's pretty cool isn't it Oh another oh the guy who was soaking he's over here sad actually oh because we stopped this jump machine I think immersion simulator I don't know what it does exactly I thought it was gonna like change the way we jumped and stuff oh I turned backyard but yeah dudes this map was absolutely amazing I really hope that you guys enjoyed it it was so cool I haven't played anything like it where I wasn't allowed to jump Manor at first it was really hard to do because for some reason I constantly jumping meat filling every when Jen logged on it was hilarious because she's like what let I die second she logged on logged on doo-doo-doo-doo and dice is silly oh yeah guys I really hope you didn't definitely crush that like button subscribe that would be absolutely amazing and we'll see you dudes next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 7,839,109
Rating: 4.894351 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, do not jump, custom, mini-game, map, challenge, hidden, secret, cave, house, trolling, traps, boat, minigame, games, game, find the button, chef, mine, ore, lets play, funny, moments, do not jump challenge, structure, build, building, parkour, lucky, well, office, roleplay, creation, 1.10, minecraft 1.10, popularmmos, gamingwithjen, playthrough, minecraft mini-game, puzzle, puzzle map, minecraft challenges, custom map, adventure, minecraft map, how to, tutorial, fun, epic, crazy, minecraft puzzles
Id: lWMtAyFEkms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2016
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