Minecraft: VIRTUAL REALITY - THE VIRUS - Custom Map

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[Music] hey what's going on dudes it's Pat and how do i watch think Oh welcome back to another minecraft video today we are playing the virus I was in there for too long dudes Oh too long so I'm just glad to be out and using my computer again alright so this is like a map where we have to complete levels where we have to do tasks I know it doesn't really miss a very descriptive but it's gonna be really cool really excited for this hope you guys enjoy if you do definitely subscribe but check it out we have all the requirements set right now and it really doesn't say much other than this really sad sign in the bottom right do not blow up the map I mean oh please I love to do that alright so are we hitting start alright let's do it okay oh oh hello hello you must be the new volunteers really close together right now I've been looking forward to testing another volunteer let's get started right away virtual world this one is a sip or you might have teleported a okay this one is a simple test hello all you have to you resend a lot really quick quiet down all you have to do is get to that template over there you must be the new volunteer too bad there's an invulnerable zombie guarding the door I've been looking forward to testing another volunteer it's been like it's a good thing the zombies can be lured with cake virtual world why do we have cake if you get started right away okay let's go I don't want to follow the path alright so this is a virtual world we're in right now wait there's a chest this is like a maze oh yeah it looks like a maze I said it does alright so how do we get to this chest you do we got to it there's play cake in there let's go this way okay so we go over here and yes I want to eat the cake though wait oh we're gonna be crafting a cake the first one and I'm gonna be like how to grab the cake yes I do it wrong every time Oh Chet it's another chest Oh a ping tree oh you've got another chef yeah but I'll think we can get to it from there okay tree I look around there could be there could be whoa it's in the water oh my god there is sugar and there's an egg in the water Oh perfect all right so all we need to do is get the materials to me cake and then we can lure the zombie away you need a crafting table all right so we didn't go this way and yeah she was aam be oh you do yo the chances right here okay there's a diamond axe oh I bet we have to chop down the tree oh okay it says that it can break wood so we should be able to do that but you're lost right now teleport wait I see you I see you through the vines how do I get to you I think you took a wrong turn you know I'm just gonna teleport oh and you can you see if you could somehow go over to the zombie maybe hit that button maybe we have no cake but you look like laughing happily happen I'm I put a piece of ice down my shirt like five minutes ago I get myself walking up I should take it out I was so cold I thought approximately hello I think he's dead you know what let's make this cake wait there's another button behind him it did nothing see because we need to get rid of him all right so we need to make the cake he's guarding area lucky this is Mike attack us or anything all right so we have this right here a diamond axe oh we can cut through this in England how they have those dudes guarding like I mean that's like him he's just oh my God we're in a virtual reality England right because if you were to punch them they would actually I'll shoot you but who knows all right let's see you crafting ta what can I place this down I just randomly got a crafting table and it can be placed on dirt it can be placed on grass blocks or dirt so that means when you craft this is supposed to give you a crafty different kind it didn't give it to me but Jen Kyle apparently I said now we have the crafting table nice craft the cake alright are you ready for me to do this properly yes I'm ready do it alright so I usually do this wrong but I have a fit plate I know I'm second-guessing and that's the right way to do everything in life that looks good yes there we go so oft was given the key ya know me abused all you have to do is just go over there and be like hey zombie gear did you want to smell this cake wait Tom Jokers why did the cake cross the road get to the zombie where he died what it must've been poison he killed him good job you got the good job you got the zombie out of the way it was a poisonous kick go ahead inside and complete the course let's do this and we're house don't do you this test is even more simple you only have to find three pressure switches in this maze once they are activated it will open up a door on the other side of the maze be careful though the maze is full of surprises alright what do you not like birthday thanks birthdays I mean I'm sure we just need to find three right I hit some buttons but they said pressure plates right creepy room yes oh they're skeletons stop remember yet if you die in virtual reality okay so confusing I know there's so many doors all right I'm going this way I'm going this way I got one god yes okay we just need one more one who are activated I'll race you to the final one if you are okay got it Oh challenge what how do we like where's need or I don't mean there's so many which one is the right one all right so these are all activated there's just seven thousand there's so many doors what kind of mazes this place it's so different than any maze I've seen before usually it's not this cool actually no it's really cool there's like so many doors confusing we have no idea where to go right now clue there's weird holes I wish I could jump through the ceiling the door will look different I'm hoping we're gonna find possibly an iron door or like a diamond golden door Aria dudes I found the door and so did you had a pair of them yeah okay so we go with yes wait where's the door though you just step on the thing but there's no door that is the door is not a door don't you argue with the virus oh you're still alive congratulations you made it to your first boss we don't have time to read this Oh God oh he looks like to do to be killed alright so we did not kill him that was oh man he was already dead though like that boom it's done my virtue over warrior just kidding honestly I hear less about that warrior well you beat this stage but only gets harder from here is amazin was answer correctly the door opens it's or incorrectly be eaten by spiders actually the door just won't open oh they lied here's the riddle ok can I read everything because this guy's going so quick alright we didn't even read all the other stuff before the fight he said all you do is beat the warrior don't worry his patterns are very easy to follow good luck and then we old him I'm gonna teleport to you oh yeah I just typed in yo sort of compliment I promise you promise you'll be there right there you are I've wrapped the top I'm wrapped up but I'm not a gift I've been preserved but you shouldn't eat me he's out of date um that's strawberry sauce wait I'm wrapped up but a hotdog you know those little hot dogs things you wrap them up in the the crescent rolls okay I'm just gonna I'm gonna keep breathing they preserve those things they're like in a can are they often depicted as undead if you're not careful I'll eat your head maybe maybe what am i one word no caps or punctuation dog use me the Sufis in your inventory okay all right so I have bottle o enchanting in paper all right so we need to really think this through okay okay so he's wrapped up but he's not a gift we're really bad at riddles so we may never finish this just so you guys know I'm really sorry preserving kami often depicted as Undead oh he's old like a zombie okay you're not careful I'll eat your head hey it's one word absolutely no idea what this is I'm wrapped up but I'm not a gift I've been preserved but you shouldn't eat me often depicted as undead if you're not careful I'll eat your head what am i let's try that thing all right Jen's got two pieces of paper hot dog and mummy those are her guesses yes toss that in we know that's wrong all right try mommy I have a good feeling about this one I really think you might be right come on yeah oh my goodness I solved your riddle oh you've never done this before this is them Oh guys please subscribe to gents to the monumental moment is that the right word yes it is you just you know words now I'm proud of you thank you I guess is where vampire zombie and skeleton I was going minecraft southern us like we've empires no vampires good you're not really wrapped up but I wrap up my vampires wolf trap door and water are all types of what's one word okay a wolf how are they anything similar and although idea the whole types of got it items things there are things nouns person oh my god a funny mad person place or thing right yeah I need wait can you splash somebody's up oh goodness me I'm fairly hard right now I got so excited type in this hint I accidentally closed out of the recording clearly they're all now know a wolf in a trapdoor in water what do they all have in common absolutely nothing they're all evil you can drown in water trap doors are just brood and wolves can bite you yeah alright dudes we have some guesses this is the best we could come up with all right so I'm going with death because a wolf can kill you a trapdoor can kill you and water can do you all right so put it all right let's do this here we go all right I think you that you don't have it but I did we go so what I went with was gored because they can all like protect you and I also went with protection cuz water like a water moat a trapdoor you could hide in the show we have this no why don't you believe in us why don't you believe in ours I don't believe come on come on protection not guard this one is so hard I feel bad saying it guys but we actually had to look this one up there is absolutely no way we ever would have gotten this go away so the answer is actually spiders I don't want a trapdoor spider is apparently all right please be easier I beg of you all right what I am metal or wood and help you get home when I am flesh and blood in the darkness I roam what am i one word okay okay give me a zombie what are they metal or wood metal or wood I help you get home when I am flesh and blood in the darkness I roam I'm seriously going jambe with it I do it alright so the other one it was spider so baby maybe it's on bees help you get home and they're like cyborg type nobody but it's all amazing if that'll fit tell them the truth Jen we cheating again we're so bad at this this is impossible stuff right here alright so we do have some good guesses we came up with but they were sadly very very very wrong alright so first I came up with car oh that means since it mean yeah because always state flesh and blood horse no come on horse kinda makes sense because the armor you know could be metal or wood no in general with that then I was like wait zombie horse has got to be it because they're like sedation and then your undead horse right yes I do all right so it's kind of two words who really guess Bullen none of these are gonna open it guys this is actually a tricky one they meant because I actually understand this when the answer is bad because they mean like a baseball bat and bring you home they mean hold on make sense it makes sense if you have like four hours to think about it I would never actually find it I might actually be stuck here for the rest of my life I know like let's say this was real life and some like crazy dude trap me here and it's like to get food you must answer my door what is so sad you think there are wait we put this in open I know you cheated super girl me we both did just type in the chat I treated my fantastic I'm joking I don't know if you cheated or not oh my god I mean everybody cheated guys let's be if you watch any other youtuber play this and all of a sudden they caught some footage and say oh I think I figured a cheat Halon they lied to you just weird it's me and honest here please subscribe for our honesty there is absolute least we got the first one right can we just type it I just want to type it if you like it's the diet or something I cheated cheated I'm very sorry I hope you're taking forever okay this'll help there we go oh my god oops didn't mean to wink out of oh I'm gonna go I'm very sorry this is just a simple redstone puzzle oh I love these ones where you like push the blocks you have to get the red sand to the golden block in the door will open this is simple no these are so easy every time you just don't know how to do alright so all you have to do this is all you alright they said get it cute it's a golden block is that what they said oh me sick Leah to us it says you have to get the red sam to the golden block and the door will open oh is that the golden block where is this golden block do you see the golden block Jack looking I don't see any golden book Thanks alright so I need to push this forward but we don't know where we're bringing this you know what very weird maybe they just met in like here it's not a golden block but it looks like a spot where I go with that alright so yeah oh no it's right there I see it you see the golden block well it is right down in that hole oh yeah there it is okay so what we need to do is just get this thing moving oh this will be so easy for you alright so what do we do alright so what we need to do is we need oh let me have this lever okay that's in the way right now alright then let's just that way oh yeah making progress okay then oh let me at the lever again alright so pushed it forwards oh you're doing this doing so good right now alright so how do we move it from here is what I'm trying to figure out oh are you even looking at straight what game all right I'm just making sure that you're with me here all right I'm looking wait a second oh I think we need to do is maybe hit this one all right that's actually okay wait no I turn off this one okay okay let me let me see what these things do oh I got a power this push it over there okay so that one's off now I can pull this in yes okay so we just need to move this forward hey the doors Oh baby all right there we go it's a shame I don't have another task in this stage oh wait I do have another task the boss battle all right that was that was pure luck Chad it was pure luck are you ready for this if you thought that warrior was hard I would like to see you get past this guy all those patterns are still predictable the Pharaoh has a few tricks up his sleeve I don't think he has any sleeves you'll need that Oh let's do it okay two of us yeah but I'm pretty sure the Pharaohs the dude on the spider yeah yes yeah oh my god no oh oh oh god we can't do that parently he's summoned back in zombies okay he's burning those hammers yes let's just do it again oh he's going in okay he's onto like the third stage wherever okay it's fine my bones are really strong I drank a lot of milk perfect all right here he comes get ready what is he doing on the ceiling you could tell it the guy's cheating this is actually really difficult get ready for him the ferry is down wait hold on no that was gonna work didn't you Oh really all right so let's look around oh I see your liar you lied to me all right need something was wrong but I got it to work so next up it says you beat him well I hope you're ready for the next stage you made it to the amusement park don't be shy go in the funhouse sounds like there'll be another test at the other side okay let's go does that look happy dawn maybe a sort of dies he looks happy to me alright so we're just gonna go inside his mouth yeah let's go into the funhouse alright so there'll be a test oh it's amazing and it's really dark oh that's going on okay oh why went on oh yes okay so it's another maze alright so there must be multiple things we have to step on okay so it's turning lights on as I'm going through this okay I made it yeah I did yay oh my god this is so cool now we're going to a haunted house you're in his mouth alright so Kay if you teleport over so we can just in you I'm gonna do that alright so we're at a haunted house in front of us cool what'd you say I'm three keys to open secret passage let's do this alright I'm looking behind the paintings these guys you know they're gonna have something yes I found the keys okay good alright this is gonna be simple that right alright says keys go here alright so first key is inside any two more keys okay and this is a challenge so it's me against Jen who can find a key first yes alright is there a way that I open the toilet with one of these things cuz that would be completely awesome if we could Oh found another secret one Jen oh my god that is awesome alright there's just one left yeah there's just one more that we need to find so it looks like they set every single one up is like a secret so there's got to be like a certain way to find this okay I'm messing with a grandfather clock right now it can't really be anywhere that's what's so cool about this you're so good at finding these things Oh open the secret in the fireplace No so Jackie found all three all I had to do was do this with his head and it opened up good job all right so we got three of those who want to have some no problem yes it opened up over here we did it keep going all right here we are I know there aren't generally castles in a music box but I put one in anyway you have to restore all five valuable blocks to the slot simple right sounds simple enough oh we can do that no problem all right so what are the oh it says right there we need a lapis block a redstone block a gold block an emerald block and a diamond block okay so we just need to find those we can make this a little challenge again yeah let's do it all right so we need to find some cool blocks around here how hard could that be I see the diamond block you do I don't know how we get it though I wonder if you have to do it like a certain order and it will open up the other areas all right so let's see what we could find here oh there's the villager in here in jail oh I found an emerald Jan all right good I don't know that's gonna do it this must open that up hello hello all right so down here another lever this place is actually really cool oh if we give him the Emerald then he gives us the block of gold how perfect did you get it all right I got it so we got one of the blocks all right all right we'll put it in we'll see if this somehow like opens up the diamond section or some others item frames up here one of them has a lever the other one has a piece of redstone all right this you see we need those I have no idea but first let's I'm gonna grab them oh yeah Gold block collected okay all right so you want to you oh you got both around grab some yeah all right let's see so we need a bunch more stiff I mean honestly is there really oh there was an upstairs I think there's an upstairs yeah there's like stairs to go up yeah okay I'm coming so this has to be the way that we go all right there we go I see chess up here again I'm coming up alright there's like a huge storage area so there's got to be at least one weight to the right how do we get it I have absolutely no idea considering we don't have a pickaxe wait so I can go back here oh my pickaxe to mine me it says oh it's on what do you mean oh all right you can find it for us right here right here so blinds go that way okay so we can grab that and then we can put it downstairs so Jen go do that okay I'm gonna go alright so that means that we have two things collected and maybe this is gonna open up different areas like there's weight there's a way up but we can't go in there there we maybe that's gonna open it up you know I mean maybe how do I get back downstairs you've totally got this alright guys I think I figured something out I didn't realize you can actually still move these when there's a torch there if you click on the side so please open please come on come on timeand I really thought it was it open yet so far no it's like right in front of our faces alright so I actually did notice something that's gonna be pretty helpful I think guys let me just just move some of these okay if we hear anything it's good news so we put these back down and I realize that this actually controls this beam over here when we turn this the beam on the wall actually will turn as well see you look at and I heard some redstone but we looked everywhere we just couldn't figure out what it actually did yeah also we can control this door with the lever over here but we went outside there actually isn't nothing there's nothing absolutely nothing and you can see I messed around with all these so there has to be something somewhere we have the gold we have the Emerald we see the diamond everything else is a mystery why do guys I was so upset for so long thinking we would never figure this out but eventually when we messed around with a redstone something actually opened up over and there is a chance with the block of redstone diamond shovel which can break stained glass panes okay so all I have to do is just put it here we can go back downstairs right let's go alright so let me just do it redstone block has been collected and guys there's so much we could break into now let's go down here we can get this down and block tidally how are we gonna - that's gonna be a problem isn't it yeah alright so Jen break all the glass okay let's see it wasn't there more over here plus guys this opened up too so all we have to do is just break this elaborate can use can be placed on bricks oh okay wait there's bricks right here oh did anything happen you something wait this opened up Oh lapis walk and this Canberra break blocks of diamond all right you get the block of diamonds okay wait was that every block I think so I think we actually did this oh my god this is gonna be able to do it yeah honestly guys and I thought we were a goner on this one okay so all you do is we have to just put these down okay and then mattress block like a final one oh you want to do it okay you've got this two tries diamond block has been cool eh oh this opened up oh oh cool you go through the throne okay noise so this looks cool congratulations you made it to the final boss hopefully you've already figured out that I'm the final boss now die oh god Jen has the weapon it's all you oh my god are you making out you killed it oh no we can't get strong all right let's see how you handle three of me oh there's much I can do oh my god no no you're gonna win Ross I'm Tay or you better really come back and save me I'll just run around the circle wait throw the weapon I'll do it okay I got this I got this oh no all right yes yes one of them died all right I'm back in this you more you can do it all right so we just have to get these guys down the virus is so evil just one yes you did it okay it's about time for you to die oh oh oh my god he hit so hard and in 1.10 he really how how did you beat me well you can finally leave this virtual world I hope you're happy we don't talk your ever that was a really cool map wasn't it is so cool so we're in the virtual reality right now but you kind of did say we could leave oh I'm coming okay this is nice so we just take one battle room that we just have to stay here for eternity this is even worse than the virtual world there was cake since thought truth by maneki-neko won and their YouTube channel is right there guys we will Wow we got a ghost to sleep that was tough wasn't it that's really hard this is actually a really cool puzzle map there were so many different things we had to do to get through it blood dudes we did it I hope you guys enjoy this video if you did definitely crush the like button subscribe that would be awesome guys and we will see you next time hey guys [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 5,137,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft virutal reality, minecraft, mini-game, custom, puzzle, map, adventure, virtual, reality, virus, cake, maze, zombie, crafting, weapon, boss, roleplay, roleplaying, games, game, mods, mod, clown, park, build, building, haunted, house, modded mini-game, challenge, minecraft mini-games, castle, blocks, minecraft challenges, puzzle map, custom map, redstone, redstone puzzle, funny, moments, popularmmos, gamingwithjen, 1.10, lets play, the virus, minecraft roleplay, survive, structure, trapped, escape
Id: DVCxB_g4pz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2016
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