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hello everyone and welcome back to the crazy Minecraft video where today I'm gonna be showing you guys something really cool mark has invited us to his wonderful farm where I don't really know what he wants us to do he's always got a mission for us hello mark my friend zombie I've been told you have a wonderful mission can you tell us what it is hello Naveed I need your help my friend has an out of world experience for you he recently broke his leg and his whole mission will be aborted if you don't help thanks mark wait so this whole thing is down to me ah you better come and help us mark it'll be so cool and I do love the whole idea of an out of world experience I can't wait I wonder who it is guys can you guess down below who's gonna be its an astronaut hello astronauts are we going to outer space is that what Mark men about an out of world experience this is so cool are you the new astronaut Marcus sent thank goodness I broke my leg and my team are relying on you get ready to be an astronaut for the day go and explore a few planets and come and tell me what you found get geared up you're all set to leave in about two minutes thanks again we're leaving in only two minutes we've really got to hurry up so let's see what we have inside they've given us a full space kit are you guys ready here we go Wow look at that we even have like an antenna on our head that is so cool and yep we are definitely ready for space I actually love this so much so let's check this back in let's get out a full breathable aluminum outfit and also some oxygen and also power shoot you never know when that could come in handy astronaut I am ready to leave let's go here we go good oh it is gonna be so exciting Oh 20 seconds get ready 19 18 17 sixteen fifteen fourteen this is so exciting whoa it's gonna be crazy ten nine eight seven six five four three and here we go goodbye mark I wonder if we can see mark if you guys see mark there he is oh I is probably gonna think we're gonna be out of space for years but this is a very fast rocket so we'd probably be back even in like a few minutes whoa better be not going to the Sun that'll be crazy okay so where should we go I've been told there are hundreds and hundreds of planets so this is the Milky Way we even have like an asteroid that is crazy but I don't actually want to go to that one so let's get out good and let's zoom out and I do want to go to this crazy place this is gonna be awesome lozenger star we also have the kalos what is this place Nibiru should we go there I think Nibiru is awesome let's zoom in and this looks really cool one giant leap whoa here we go what would walk the entry is too fast good slow down slow down slow down we're doing well no no no no slow down good we have to do this really slowly we really don't want to die here this could be like life and death okay what you have we might be going a bit too fast fifteen sixteen I can't see anything so far I think well here we go here we go here we go good slow down good this looks amazing okay here we go let's turn a little bit turn a little bit here we go good good good whoa watch out we won we landed we have absolutely made it whoa this place is crazy and everything looks amazing here okay let's go and explore I heard a chicken so there must be some chickens nearby mmm wait hello chicken you look a lot like the chickens on planet earth this is the weirdest planet I've ever been in hmm keep on looking around there might be some weird in somewhere I do want her if there are any hostile mobs wait wait look there are as something is killing us no no no no no no no I'm game-mode 1 wha-what is this this zombie filled with space wash Sun okay this is really weird and also our oxygen is depleting so we've got to be very careful and look at these skeletons hello skeletons you guys look really mad hmm keep on looking there's something weird going on around here which I really want to have a look whoa okay and look there's a village over here there must be like aliens on this planet no wonder mark told us to be very careful because this is definitely and out of world experience even like the Sun looks really weird guys there's a creeper over there oxygen masks on let's have a quick look to see what we can find around here so this is some sort of local village whether you spider webs to keep everyone else let's go inside good hello villagers the trading weird Nibiru stuff cool look infected weed everything must be so poisonous here okay I'm a little bit scared I really want to get away from this place well let's get out of here I am ready to make it back to a crazy spaceship keep going keep going there we go lighting up our way excuse me everyone we're coming through I never thought we'd become an astronaut today because we've become a policeman we've become a doctor we have been so many crazy things and today being an astronaut adds to that list should we try and be like a fireman in a few days I think that'd be really cool as well so let's keep on going and let's make it back to our spaceship because I am ready to fly to the next place keep going keep going good job good and here we go lift off can we lift off so let's take our launch pads and also our pocket which is super heavy this waste so much and where should we place it I'm gonna place it right here I think we're only needs three by three which is going to be good there we go perfect let's put a bucket down and let's chug that one away in case anyone ever gets stuck here which is very likely to be fair and here we go liftoff in 15 seconds what what this planning was amazing to be fair I was really excited here we go goodbye everyone this is going to be insane this planet was definitely the craziest thing I've ever seen wait wait wait wait 1 and here we go keep mode 1 whoa this is the craziest thing ever I've never been in so many spaceships in one day I do wonder what planet we can go to next I am really excited hmm should we try to go to what is this planet kylos should we try this planet I think that would be awesome here we go taking one giant leap warning hold space to slow down but I really want to learn super quickly here we go good ah landing on so many weird planets can be so dangerous but also really exciting and I do love this little spacecraft we have because it's so crazy slow down good let's go around to here let's have a quick look hmm this is definitely really cool and here we go good we made it ha nice huh and this is water okay this is really weird and look even the Entenmann's have some weird stuff going on cool okay this is some sort of sponge planet which I've never seen before where's all the like the chickens the cows I'm not sure if I actually want to live in these places all I see is dangerous mobs I would probably come here polite to collect some wheat and stuff get some infected bacteria I don't know but this is definitely really cool we can probably take one of these actually a cheese spore flower nice probably get a limited cheese should we take this home and see what happens yes I think so okay let's go ahead and get out our spacecraft so it's get this out good there we go oops no let's get this good and let's get out of here come on come on come on come on before we die and I do want to make it back to Planet Earth so let's do this good keep going I do miss mark so much which I'm really scared about so let's just lift off goodbye crazy planet goodbye everyone it was so nice meeting you all I'm shaky here we go I do love travelling space guys if you can travel space what planet would you go to I would probably go to the Sun I think the Sun will be but we do need to make it back and tell the astronaut what we have found in all these crazy planets so let's go back to Planet Earth and let's get exploring here we go so planet Earth it is and a space station can be created here hmm should create one see what happens good should we go to the space station see what happens there here we go nice so this is a space station oh wait we have a chest get back get back a back good and land let's see what's inside this chest nice cool we can probably build this on top here we go keep going down we go should we try and build one right here so one two three good perfect put the rocket there throw the bucket away and not four guys huh it keeps on going until we stop it and let's make it back to Planet Earth good bye everyone there was absolutely no one in the spaceship which is really cool here we go I do really feel sorry for everyone that was on that spacecraft but we do have to make it back to Canada thing happens to us so here we go let's go to Planet Earth and tell mark everything yes we have a power shoot this is awesome wait a chest huh I won that chest stop my bow shoot I want to get out so let's go to mug where where's mark Mark's around here somewhere so if we keep on going we should be able to make it and there are so many dangerous mobs on our little planet no but we do we need to land so let's go let's go into game-mode 0 and let's go tell Mike all the great news keep going keep going how do we get out I want to get out excuse me quickly pray this block played this spot before some dangerous mobs tranquille us well this has been the coolest day ever I never till we've become an astronaut so here we go just breaking through for another giant step mark this was awesome we've made it so far wait there's so many dangerous mobs let me just go and tell the astronaut exactly what happened and then we can finish this video astronaut we went to two very weird planets it was the coolest thing ever though and I will be so happy to do it again so here's all your outfits and keep it all I gotta run there's so many dangerous mobs after me well guys thank you so much for watching and don't forget give this video a huge thumbs up and subscribe and who would you want me to be next time should I try to be a firefighter I think that'd be really cool so guys peace out you
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 1,672,452
Rating: 4.7323618 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, astronaut, mod, mods, space, minecraft astronaut, minecraft astronaut mod, astronaut mod, minecraft space, minecraft space mod, minecraft spaceship, spaceship, minecraft spaceship mod, minecraft mods, astronaut minecraft, space mod, space mod minecraft, space minecraft, spaceship minecraft
Id: dOM_XknmZ64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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