Minecraft Dolphin helps me celebrate 6 years of YouTube!!

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today is a special day today is six years to the day that I started this a particular channel July of the 14th 2000 and late what tomorrow the 14th 2012 was when I made this channel literally from zero subscribers all the way up to now I was taken six years and that is absolutely crazy I have nothing plans last time I did like I think last time I was in America at my stream from my hotel room which is pretty random but from that day we deemed to this day not a channel birthday a channel ver sory the anniversary of my channel being born so today you know what I thought we throw it back a little bit and pay some respects celebrate celebrate yes celebrate my roots and go back to Minecraft now the specific reason for doing this is because they just updated minecraft like crazy let me show you or not someone has it all [Music] package for me anyway where are we so minecraft have made a massive update it says it's coming soon but I'm pretty sure it's out right now as a snapshot if you remember we used to do those snapshot videos which is like a preview of the proper update that's coming out for Minecraft and it's called an update aquatic and it looks pretty cool your new mobs marine life colorful a scenery most importantly they've added dolphins that they've also added turtles and some kind of like underwater sea zombie which sounds insane and the Phantom wait is that the thing from from Minecon I completely forgot about that so everyone like a line con voted for a brand new mob that must be the Phantom there's the turtle we've got new structures underneath looks like I've got coral as well ruins underwater ruins new items sweet is that a pufferfish police say they've made that an add to a mod because I know there's pufferfish is in the game but we need this is a mob that looks that looks crazy and there's also this as well which I'm pretty sure is a brand new item with brands new enchantments and stuff like that but you're not guessing let's hop into it in the title screen it was cool and kind of gives away some of the stuff that's in it I see something new over here I think that's new coral and we've got a shipwreck over here as well so only goodness row backs I have no idea what any of these are this one's the loud the new let's create a new world let's call it channel 3 let's start and create you because I want to grab all the blocks and stuff buffet what is buffing oh you can just select loads different biomes if these all the BIOS wow that's pretty this lukewarm ocean normal ocean which you've had before warm oceans they've changed a lot of stuff let's just stick to default and let's create let's see what happens we have made it who are we we are me welcome welcome to a brand new world it's gonna be laggy and looks like we have literally spawned in the middle of the ocean which is great for this bad for any kind of survival sport okay so from the get-go I can already see that something is different we've got different colors of water that actually looks pretty cool I know it's the smallest change ever but I like that does that mean we're in different yeah so the lighter blue is lukewarm ocean and blue is normal but that's not fun stuff that's boring stuff let's find the dolphins this fish there's actual fish I did not know this wow that's so different under here as well okay it moves there's what is that what is this I need some kind of night vision does that work or did they change it I think they might have changed actually how do I see on the water properly I what okay cool yes if you put a magma block under the water it creates these kind of bubble things I like that and here's the brand new zombies the drowned dude oh he's dying he's dying I'm sorry get off of that I think as well this gives you breath I'm not too sure that might just be me making it up but these are the drowned can we get baby ones okay I want to see some baby ones I don't think you can but these guys sink to the bottom of the ocean and I think they just act like normal zombies they're pretty cool though I do like them I think they're just normal zombies though if they did something special that'll be better and guessing this is a ruin as well like an underwater dungeon basically what are you guarding just normal kind of loot we got a fishing or as I might try that out in a second that's cool though we found stuff straight away there's some over here as well it's updates actually pretty cool we've got a sea lantern as well just chilling so you don't have to go to the sea Guardian place another old fishing rod with mending that's new and I guess these are more comments they have less and good loot in so you might not find golden apples and stuff and that's just much rarer and here is a shipwreck a ship that is literally crashed into the side of a mountain whoever cap this which was you know this guy you're stupid you row stupids what are these have in them they have anything I could like the water mechanics has slightly changed as well you're kind of like floating around a little bit more oh oh okay I am Nuggets what use iron nuggets for so in that we had eight emeralds nine iron Nuggets nine gold five ingots and two a gold ingots a cuellar hard way this is this is really good I'm actually surprised I like how it looks really alive I like how they've changed the way the water looks they've added fish kind of fish of these a cod oh that's cool it makes me feel really alive and gives you more kind of more options when you start getting I like it look at this it's so different oh is this this a sea temple I'm pretty sure this is a sea temple we've got like the perfect spoon for this here's a turtle what up turtle why are you doing can you get baby worms I think you can get turtle eggs you can get baby ones look at this dude it's like the guy from is it crush from Finding Nemo oh this is so cute I just get loads of baby ones in here coming out there pretty fast it looks like he's pooping about oh my goodness that's so funny look at these guys so cute do they follow each other as well it looks like they might follow each other I'm loving this look how cool this looks with the sea guardians as well I don't I still the amount of times I play Minecraft still not tackled a sea temple I don't know why probably because they're difficult and you have to get the enchantments and stuff for it but this is what they look like this is new to me right let's say that more dolphins where are the Dolphins I want this dolphin spawn egg there he is and I don't know anything about this but I'm fairly sure I've seen someone riding one of these can I ride a dolphin what can I do with you do you do nothing might just do nothing right let's try other things what is that the Papa fish has changed I like the puffer fish we've got tropical fish as well they have added a puffer fish well they've added so much cool stuff it puffs up as well when you come near it it puffs up that is that is cool we've got some different tropical fishes well they've actually this is blowing my mind this is actually the biggest Minecraft update for ages not sure why do you want a bucket of puffer fish though that's a little bit random what I wanted to do is see if I could feed a dolphin there's not even normal fish anymore there's no normal fish you just catch tropical fish do you want this hello come on I feed you this I saw sparkles I saw sparkles from something yeah he's actually he's responding to it he's definitely responding to it where are you going come here trying to make friends with you I think it's working this is kind of like his speedy oh my goodness where are you going sir I need to I want to befriend you come here I don't know how you're supposed to do this in survival I'm struggling and creative right now love me love me come here oh another shipwreck this one looks different though what is this dark oak trapdoor okay they've changed the tribals look like chocolate bars fantastic these things give you really good loot as well we've got a buried treasure map no way that's cool that's really cool I just had a thought as well really riding them to their sharks ah sharks so you can follow this to find buried treasure I don't know where we're gonna go though we might be going completely the wrong way oh let's find it we're gonna repair this map any second now what is happening here whoa okay I am I'm pretty blown away by this I had no idea this was a thing and what if I just grabbed cooked fish oh no the cod died but under waters the underwater version of a ravine which has caves and stuff I like this this is very cool I need to find this treasure map I was going the right way I think it's this way yeah here we go let's see if we can find it it's on this island some can I see in islands it's right here what's it gonna be oh it literally just shows us the location of a shipwreck this is the what we've already been in I'm pretty sure we've already around like this ship yeah we done this okay so apparently you need raw Cod to let the to let the dolphin trust you the more you feed it the more I trust you the more interacts with you and also if you feed it raw Cod they can go and find chests as well also you gain a speed boost apparently which is quite cool when you're near them so let's feed this dude and that's the trust going up apparently they also interact with thrown objects as see if it does it does oh my good does I might just notice things float as well the water physics have improved loads up there floating in mid-air that's so cool can it for a round cake you need to help me celebrate here buddy we've got lots of cake to to enjoy cake cake okay okay all right let's grab some dolphins this grab loads of dolphins I think such weird noises let's throw capes around and see what happens so I throw the cage they are they're throwing the cakes around yes the best celebration of a channel bursary ever look at these they really are throwing the cake sir I look at them moving this is kind of cool I didn't expect this to be so cool to be honest they're always burying it underneath there I need night vision they're playing with the cake so give it to me this is yours this is crazy I can't believe it this is so cool I know it's just dolphins throwing cake around but considering minecraft hasn't happen to update like this in ages it's so good right other thing I want to try is this a Trident depth Strider what is this trying to do let's try it here we go holding it nice and high well you can throw it and then pick it up again okay does it do a lot of damage though that's awesome I think you can find this or you can craft this they swim I didn't know you guys swam take this to the face a throwaway joke wait what throw a try to do something it doesn't work that maybe these guys are immune oh no they're definitely not immune they definitely are gonna die flying around I mean swimming around and stuff it does look like they're flying right I need another cool thing I need an anvil and enchanting no I don't need that I need something cool riptides so apparently this will allow you to like be flown in the same direction as the Trident which sounds crazy let's see what happens here we go and huh oh it does look okay so you could might use this as a way to get around he's had a baby one that's a baby one they do exist hey buddy so if you've got this as a riptide on witness this is actually great it's so much faster than swimming if you time it properly you can let you get around anywhere and if you've got the underwater breathing in shark man you're gonna be set you re good to go I want to see a villager swim the villages swim they just float okay that's fine at least there was a sink anymore that's better but I don't know why that's funny but it is baby dolphins baby dolphins doesn't look like there's baby dolphins look at these dudes chilling out having a good time with the dolphins see you later guys okay so these are all the new things that I found we've got a turtle egg I have no idea how these behave but I'm guessing they kind of although they are well these hats just randomly I want to see some baby turtles up in here like definitely it looks like oh you can stack them as well so they go up to four one two three four that's super cute I love that how do you get them to hatch though I'm just gonna leave them and see what happens we've also got a turtle shell which apparently you can just wear on your heads like this kind of looks like a military hat I like that bucket of puff fish so you can literally capture fish and then plop them down in a bucket as baby ones - oh my goodness and so put all the ones that just aren't puffed up Oh No you okay get back in the ocean we also have dried kelp blocks which you can you can either use for building or you can eat apparently we have the dolphin which you've already done but now I want to check out the Phantom because I just want to find out what on earth this is BAM there he is he's burning because it's daylight let's change time to nice there we go I don't need to die I don't want you to die be careful okay I think you might die these things are cool though I don't know what they do but they're like flying stingrays they even kind of fit the sea theme I'm gonna try and go into game mode survival it won't let me there we go is it gonna attack me it's doing something Wow yeah it definitely attacked me just just swooped in I need to try them I need this trident I need to hit this I can't throw it are you forming unless you dive bombs you I like this thing it's cool it's very cool but a little bit scary I think they only appear at nighttime which is understandable and they only really appear when you're by yourself I think I think I read that somewhere but they're a little bit terrifying aren't they let's see what happens when we kill what it is I want to see what they drop oh I killed it already so not massively powerful but they are kind of cool so apparently one more thing that dolphins can do is like jump other things so I would just did it did you see that come on jump oh that's so cool I need to drink the right vision so I can see it they're either gonna swim underneath it or jump over there they go I love that it will loads of different behaviours I could just block them in but jumping anyway they jump into pause that one's jumping from one point to the other or they just jump out of the sea to try to headbutt me in the face that's very cool though I like that a lot this is all about the cake I don't know what I've got water breathing from it might be the Trident I'm not too sure but let's see what they do with all this cake it's so hard to get loads of cake because they don't stack but this is a celebration guys and you need to celebrate with me it looks like they are I love that you can't like pet dolphins that play with all the objects you can have them in a little tank you can have them roaming free oh man this update is cool way better than I thought it was gonna be so I've literally read nothing about it which is why I'm super newb everything I didn't want to read stuff about it just to kind of discover it but that batting the cakes are how like crazy okay two more things I want to check out we've got the heart of the sea which you can get by fishing I think not a hundred percent sure and by killing the the underwater Undead and a conjuring because this is what it's used to craft now this apparently as the Dolphins have left all the cage just on the surface apparently this gives you like underwater breathing and you can see better underwater obviously I've got um I've got myself night-vision right now but apparently it can give you there's a lot better ways to build underwater mine underwater it takes away the minor fatigue you get when you are underwater I'm allowing this update so far I just want to ride the dolphins if there's if there's any update from this I want to ride the dolphins please also with the tropical fish apparently there's 2700 different types of tropical fish so the more right-click this the more different ones you're going to see how can you have that many different kinds of fish in the game I have no idea but it happens they they look like they bundle into schools as well they're kind of bundling together to travel around I love that these zombies do actually swim around if we can get the players to do that as well as I'm pretty sure they're not yeah we get the players to do this too that'll be great but you know what I'm loving this update it is the channel bursaries so I thought I'd hop back and celebrate my roots of being a Minecraft I guess and go back to Minecraft what do you guys think of this update it's brand new I think it's out on almost everything right now is definitely out in the snapshot on the PC I'm fairly sure it's out on console the bedrock Edition which is Windows 10 and everything else apart from Java but you can get that in a snapshot so it's pretty much out everywhere I go and check it out thank you for your artworks and stuff like I've seen on Instagram I don't have time to go through them in a video right now bye I'm going to be checking them throughout the day so thank you so much is that a skull fish that fish looks like it has a skull on the outside of its body that's pretty cool anyway yeah guys thank you so much for all your art world to support for the channel bursaries today thank you for remembering because otherwise I would have forgotten thank you for six crazy years on YouTube it's been absolutely magical and there's going to be hopefully many more to come so guys if you enjoyed it and want to only celebrate the channel ver sory please maybe felt like I mean greatly appreciated subscribe if you are brand new to the channel and I'll see you in the next one goodbye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,426,873
Rating: 4.929729 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, minecraft dantdm, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, thediamondminecart, minecraft series, minecraft aquatic update, update aquatic, aquatic update, minecraft dolphin
Id: Ql3Q5zyDbLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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