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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's up dudes it's Patton welcome back to another minecraft video so Jenna I've got some very very bad news for you today what is it tell me I'm gonna rip it off like a band-aid this map is gonna be impossible we're likely gonna have to blow it off what do you mean okay so this is called unfair minecraft it is based on the game unfair Mario which is just horrible like everything's gonna be a troll we're just gonna die we're not gonna accomplish anything it said that there's actually no check points as well so good luck to us so these are the map Cooter's you actually have plain Maps my negro the pro before they're very good so I thought it would be fun to try and watch us die so I think it's gonna be amazing are you excited alright so basically this is the map creators guys oh I don't think you'll have fun it says okay so open the chest I actually I'm gonna be honest I tried to open the chest already I already know what happens try it okay are you a game Oh - I try to open the chest that is horrible wait see look it moves okay so what should we do so we just just walk by it I guess yeah let's just walk by it I think we can just walk through this whole thing without any props alright I guess it's not gonna work wait look it's right near the tree oh okay junk industry okay they're easy okay I kind of fell off the tree you fell off the tree I jump right there I think I'm there's something into acting weird okay there we go alright you made it so maybe if we just jump onto the chest and we won't fall in I'll have you go first okay oh my god it kills the other player too Oh No so if one of us dies we both die okay I'm on the chest wait how did you get over there you jumped yeah I just jump right on top of it okay okay here we go I'm gonna open the chest it moves that is not good oh wait there's two chests oh my god so what is supposed to happen that's funny because there's two of us jad jump up maybe you should spawn point yourself up in the charade okay so all we need to do is just jump onto this and then maybe we just don't worry to bare head on the wood aren't we yeah we if I open this wall I'm jumping maybe I'll make you killed us both at least Jen sporting industry okay you last time alright so what I'm big is if we jump and open the chest maybe we can land where the chest moves alright yeah yeah go for it okay okay I'm just gonna oh yes look on it yeah oh oh my god we get over the chest now oh my god this totally diamond axe can break wood and leaves oh do you want the honors no you take it are you afraid you're gonna kill us I'm afraid I'm gonna drop it in the lava or something okay so if you break wood and leaves so it can't break planks oh so that we can jump back over here oh okay and then I'm gonna I'm gonna make this jump right now huh okay teleport to me there's no checkpoints it'll all be start of terrified no well we could break would make that would hold on it gave us birth would can we bill the bridge we can it says this can be placed on chests and it can be placed on wood yes okay what I want you to do is grab all the wood for us I want you to do you make me do the dirty look I wanted it to seem like you were doing something helpful I just thought the genius idea to build a bridge you have my wisdom oh my god get them that's what you're here for all right we're gonna need all this wood so we can place it on top of that and then we should just fall in our heads wait it seems like it moves back a little bit yes got it okay good all right you just wait there okay just just teleport to me I'm just gonna make the jump okay don't mess it up all right so we need to like it grab it quick maybe you should just do it just don't get in there don't get too close all right let me get top one first cuz get off more room to run I probably should have started at the top thinking about it don't hit me oh my god there's a hundred so what we need to do is we need to get back on the chest yes let's go okay so if we jump up here before this disappears is gonna disappear because there's no one we go on this wait right there we I'm trying to put down good okay how do I leave the far away right now I can't jump on the tree are you stuck there Kerr bridge may collapse if you jump or spring teleport to you yes don't jump or sprint please oh it says that this can be placed on wood I think I can place it in the middle so we don't have to jump down yes okay oh there's a chest right down here that he grabbed know something Bad's gonna happen it's an lol is that bad wait a second what if I try to walk this way it puts me back in front of the lava trying to make me fall in oh okay teleporter back to me okay so we just need to jump onto this bro how do you stop the same kind wait if we pick up the cobblestone it says we can do nothing with it evilness our news we are back and we actually spawned pointing ourselves up here cuz I'm not doing it again okay so should I just how do i how are we gonna do this think logically about alright let me just go first I'm just gonna go crazy just go really fast wait let me smoke why on this side of the bridge okay wait hold on and then we're just gonna go like insane really jump over everything alright we have to jump in the lava alright so we're gonna be on the right side of the bridge this time though yeah here we go keep trying over and over again to 10 remake it all right Jen you don't move this night oh oh my god yeah I jumped so fast like the flash it was amazing oh good job okay so I think we need to jump over this cuz this is like a thing we can't get over there we go alright so now we don't we go over here we just parkour we go boom this is it like our specialty or anything I'm gonna give you a boost you Tober to be okay are you free yeah go no your face-planted no we're better get to this is a really hard job don't worry I'm gonna push you again and I think we're gonna get it this time push me like in an upward motion upward motion yeah you can jump back on to the other ones right behind you okay all right and then from here I'm gonna give you the push this time I think I could just know I can't make this through push me one go yes I made it we should probably spawn point like right now before something horrible happens yes this part right here guys if you play this I do recommend using spawn points unless you want to torture yourself what is this contraption up ahead if we just go underneath like a death machine it's our one two three most are one two three me it was the person's head oh look at you two our souls as we die I see the moon below us to a different dimension we're going to China you know just like the other side of the world not for the people in China okay so we may be here so I think opening door isn't opening I'm gonna tell her back to you cuz you start there honey don't panic okay so it looks like we need to go all the way at the end and then just go in like there's a hole like right here I just barely missed it coming back the water back just keep doing it until you make it oh I wonder if it's better if maybe you have to do the jump into a head on the ladder broke the ladder broke all right that must be relays I bet we have to make the jump okay let's try I can't get back up there I'm just going for it just do it doing it whoo [Music] the world again I'm slash killing myself so don't have to wait I want you to do a Chad we're both right here okay makes you trying to do the jump I'm gonna push you know just jumping I want you to win this for us oh wait we're already here we don't need to do okay okay here we go come no music I have bounced over it instead there is a hole in there somewhere I don't know how we're gonna get into that how do you get boulders gonna keep going until we just take a while this could take a couple years while you died all right we're going in dirt sergeant do it for us is there like a secret way to getting into that I jump throw opposite I know there's a death count at the end of this map oh my god you so much you're the best cuz I don't say I'm not alright there's a hole is there like something in there oh your heads in the way it's hard to tell alright you go all the way back okay I hit something wait wait wait a second wait isn't this where we just were huh no we no no yeah this wasn't here it wasn't no this this wasn't lava before you're right this is different so we have to head backward there's like a portal thing over there you see okay we can't mess this off Deportes I'm one pointing me I need like no mints I need a movements alright breathe you were the one who did that for us I'm so proud right now Oh am I gonna killed me Rachel ah no it turned it back again this poor boy didn't work I know where we need a spawn point inside the hole alright news we are back I didn't even go into creative to get here wink wink it totally did alright so there we go okay so we just climb the ladder and we have to do the parkour but remember yet I think it looks like the red blocks or the evil ones so we can't jump on that oh okay I'll just give you a little push wait let me get over here okay jump over there okay now I'm gonna push you to the grass okay we have to make it all the way in one go I don't know how anyone could play this game by themselves I was just Quist three good oh my god okay we're here yeah point it says kiss you now gosh open the chest again I shouldn't have taken it out I don't know I was trying to save its life does that make sense oh my god okay I jumped ISM there's someone attacking me are you okay I'm just going oh I can't control my body no we have to go through the doors really fast all right you can't because it puts a slowness on you in the mobs hit you okay I'm just going [Music] all right okay just get the teleporting thing ready look this is what I want you to do the jump this high I'm going wait why don't we just go around that's what I was doing the whole time oh yeah oh my god okay so we don't need to jump by the tree if you jump at the tree it triggers the mobs all right said oh right here so this is easy we just need to go quick that's it you're right yeah are you got it easy I mean fast through the middle yes we made it oh yeah did you yeah I mean it I see it in charity but how do we get over this bump oh wait wait can we like jump like this oh it's a parkour jump you're right yeah okay so we're done eat I made it yeah you don't think this snakes it owed you wait to see how the snake I know out here they legit I'm teleporting okay so what do we what do we need to do here Jen it looks like a race wait do we follow the green no because the green starts to be over wait we do the opposite all of the rib that seems easy though doesn't it no I'm the second one - oh you're right it goes red and membrane my feet are too big okay the second one I'm having it up to you do I start with purple or blue okay I'm thinking blue no no oh my god you got it wrong purple in my head but it came out blue I don't know what happened sure liar all right so we go purple yes that's not right we need to figure out what we have to do in this section okay hmm hmm I feel that this teleporter to you all right okay okay so it's not purple and it's not will not blue we're kind of running out of choices I jumped on every block okay what about what about this one yeah try over there I've tried every block what's happening I'm going to cry let's try walking backwards Oh shift walking okay that didn't work nope wait where am i oh you're gonna start I'm gonna shift there that doesn't work wait what if we what if we just have to jump oh okay nope that doesn't work either what are the other choices oh no I have an idea something we didn't try maybe if we hug the edge of the map oh okay oh my god yeah it's gonna switch halfway I'm not gonna go because I think I'll mess it up okay you just keep going we have to just hug baby won't kill us though so doesn't matter I can do it okay I'm going going but there's a problem there's three doors oh you think it's the one that's in line with the purple two or do you think it's gonna be yeah it's not that one I think it's that one no no it's not going in I'm smart point right here cuz I don't want to have to go through the maze again all right we've got this maybe we split up alright so far so good mine's a dead end nine ten and two so we both were wrong wrong I bet you this one's a dead end too oh how could they all be dead ends we know they all connect to each other through the middle what do we do now the walls see if there's any like items or something that we need to get over that maybe a boy never something we're actually not far from beating the map I know we're doing pretty good right now oh and by the way if we get completely stuck the Creator did put a walkthrough so we can actually look and see how you're supposed to do it okay because I don't know where I'm going right now and set the door and look all over that's what I've been doing I'm looking to see if there's like a hidden hole wait maybe all the doors need to be closed Oh open oh yes open them all what if there's a combination of doors this needs to be open this one seems to be a puzzle all right you two figure it out okay if we look at this I don't see any hints - a puzzle other than what we've went through so I'm gonna cry I think in the corner and close the door and sit down all right I looked at the walkthrough cuz we had no idea what to do apparently you need to parkour onto this like Genda so guys after looking at the walkthrough there's no way we're gonna make it I just quickly looked at it where he speedruns it first no way we're gonna make these guys we're gonna do one part today if you guys really really really really really want a part to meet stay at 100,000 what you might catch you nuts that's too much 100,000 likes for a park - okay Park - okay so I don't know what we do this down we've got this I think we just need a rotten oh yeah just go really quick that's when i swatched the rent so I steal yourself to the you a down the right spot okay when I watched the walkthrough he just ran so quick I couldn't even tell what you were supposed to do yeah alright here we are so we have to be small this okay how do you do this which blocks fall is it all members it's the middle ones you know what I think it's just the middle ones nah man oh man okay okay let me try to go no I'm gonna hold it for us okay I'm gonna try now okay gents earn golf here we go doing doing maybe so she need to be really quick all right okay oh good we just need to like be smart we have to be like jumping real quick quicker what if I just go like this oh my god oh my god working wait give me one shot I think I'm gonna do this thank you all right so first I'm gonna believe this then I'm gonna go all over this thing I'm gonna put my feet all over this you're gonna see watch this one more try school yeah I don't even know what that was or one more try hit event Jen's gonna beat it and I quit the math okay here we go all right mr. Jam can you just be two for us please wait I'm actually doing it I lied horribly you don't even want to know I'm just gonna watch up sitting down I can't go on anymore I'm sorry to read my other side you've got this oh you're doing good okay this is what's gonna happen this is a cheetah's did we do it at the same time yeah I thought of an idea that's completely not cheating okay tell me what is it okay so as far as I can get that's where I'm so important myself okay all right so I mean I believe guys you saw it I totally made it to the end of the course and I'm just kidding I made it to you at the third one so I'm gonna just yeah we break these you just have to get resourceful that's what I'm trying I can't even land on this block please let me land here one second okay that's perfect spawn point yeah game mode you didn't even cheat for this ready now just build a bridge [Laughter] 100,000 likes and we will continue with a part 2 I think it got rid of my block we love you I hope you guys enjoyed this if you did subscribe to our YouTube channel be amazing I literally haven't cheated at all yet because it didn't allow me to know you did cheat before though when you hadn't so creative to get into the Mousehole I know I told them I didn't do that but of ya guys hope you enjoyed the video definitely subscribe I'll be comments you'll punch me down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 10,365,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, minecraft trolling, unfair, unfair minecraft, parkour trolling, parkour, custom map, lava trap, hole trap, water trap, trapped, parkour map, puzzle, sword, weapon, armor, items, minecraft mods, modded mini-games, 1.12, noob, pro
Id: TNTEl2aGFrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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