Minecraft Eternal Ep. 6 - Whatidoos

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of minecraft eternals brought to you by our sponsor mc pro hosting uh providing the server that we are playing on and so can you if you check out the links in the description the stream the youtube video you'll find a place where you can get an mc pro hosting server for 25 off your first month you give it a try see how you like it and um play some vanilla minecraft with your friends or you can uh load up a mod pack you can load up mc turtles you load up the vault hunters season one mod pack if you want cuisine is an echo hunter on there which is pretty cool so um yeah thanks to them for sponsoring and um what's up in your world i used my new pickaxe to go and get more cobalt so we have cobalt for you if you happen to want to fashion a pickaxe of your own oh that sounds very nice and uh then that's about as far as i've gotten i did i did allocate more memory because uh i forgot why but i i needed to okay cool because you were skipping around and stuff yeah no i mean the the i forgot why was just you know because like more memory i forgot hello oh i get it i get it again it was a joke yep it was it was a gem of a joke and you just destroyed it but regardless uh yeah no i uh i i did allocate more memory hopefully that does resolve that but uh we'll see how we do um and so i'm thinking this today i'm gonna look into a little bit of our options for power and yeah that would be good probably see what i can figure out for that and then i also wanted to create a uh runic catalyst for britannia so that i can convert stuff and uh get that going so that's kind of my angle what are you working on i had nothing specific in mind power actually seems like a good idea i could help you with that because it'd be good to get our emmy system fairly stable and also uh we might need more storage i'd like to get to a point where i can just throw everything in the emmy system i'm still a little bit worried because our fourth drive is a third of the way full so i would probably say uh work to you know you work on getting another drive put together or drives and i'm going to look through our generators and whatnot and see what uh what jumps out at me okay okay uh do i the question is do i even have enough resources to be able to make more of the things uh okay so i need more sertis and redstone and silicone i don't have much service i'm gonna have to go and find some more service it looks like okay and possibly more osmium quartz is good uh we might have a little nope not in there all right i gotta go find some certis okey-dokey yeah you should uh make a mechanism fusion reactor if possible okay i'll i'll whip one up real quick okay good good good we'll get underway with that oh wait i need more food definitely need more food why not throw it away okay so nuclear craft what is it okay i need to try and figure out where osmium would be i mean usually just underground does it not tell you in jei like the approximate y ranges and stuff sometimes it will but not normally let's see dimension 10 the beneath oh it ha it's only in the beneath wait really how do i even get to the beneath that's a good question we probably have to go beneath something yes yes yes i see what you did there where's my book and that is confirmed by somebody in chat osmium is only available in the beneath dimension all right i know that in case we didn't well i'm just saying in case you didn't believe your eyes i can't believe mine eyes oh hey there's some certus where's my akashi wait what how did i put lose my akashic tome i don't know dude that's kind of lame i can't believe you do that i this is this is what i'm agreeing with here okay where did i where did i go in order to find all the things last time what's a unique flavor you've gained too hot wait really like a permanent two hearts no oh you've had that happen before yeah it's like here there we are okay it's like here and then it takes them away and you're all like oh yeah a all bummer that's disappointing mentions midnight if we can get a digital miner that would be pretty big plays for us the beneath the beneath is a massive mining convention ruled by dragons and cursed by darkness i'd suggest bringing a torch perhaps the darkness can manifest itself creatures here are four times stronger than their overworld counterparts that's fun what do you know that sounds pretty cool so it doesn't tell me how i get there though what is this beneath that was apparently regular stone oh i i've acquired a moonstone i also didn't bring any torches that wasn't smart biome crystal beneath teleporter that seems possible it needs another star okay we're close uh are we definitely huh i didn't think we were close but now that you say that we are you're incorrect we're actually exceedingly close other than the part where i forgot to bring wood underground and i'm now kind of in a place where i can't oh hello dracar the merciless okay so goodbye dracar the merciless where do i get this stuff forged disarm he gets into the atomic reconstructor the atomic reconstruction is made using iron and iron casings and black horse i think we have black quartz i'm pretty sure we've seen black quartz yeah uh yeah there's a lot of black quartz underground do you need that uh no i've got some okay cool so and then do we have batteries well i guess i'm gonna need to come on back and bring some torches down like a smart person i always forget just how impossible it is to see down here without them okay so everything about this is like making a bajillion using a brazilian iron hi hello how's life it's all right cool so i like to hear i did get a lot more coal okay iron boom so i have i need wood there we go atomic redstone boom boom boom did i read this i had the strangest stream last night in the dream i took three of those strange crystals i've been finding and ground them with a handful of redstone in a bowl using a piece of flint did i read this to spring a mill uh yes that does that's how uh you get started on thumbic oh okay right right right right right oh you're doing the empowering huh the atomic molecular reconstructive rooney all the redstone first toggle oh i need it not i don't i need a lever not a just a button but yes i am rooting it up is he in power needed in order to get into the uh dark deep beneath um i can't remember why i wanted to do this it was a a there's a different uh solar or battery or something like that that i was kind of looking at got it yeah and i actually addition solar panel uh advanced coil basic coil restonia crystals do we have restonia okay so that's redstone so yeah like a lot of it seems to be after we convert it using that so if i take this and throw that down well i ever stoned you nice if i do that now i have the stars the nori crystals you're a star to me baby so sweet sometimes so if you run any sandy vaults yet i have not i'm going to be on after this i'm sorry to have eliminated the cheese strap so early yeah yeah you you did your best and that's what's important oh you mean trouble with the boys oh man it's like it's like season one all over again you get nerfed yeah dude it's so exciting i'm really excited finally you know i've been off my game on season two so to actually be back to the nerf age it's the first time i've been excited to have been nerfed yeah they they specifically requested that you not think of it as a nerf though but you know it's whatevs but let's be honest it kind of was i mean it was like it was like a just a request to so how about don't do that yeah yeah basically so diamond is diamond makes sense diamond is diamond whoa dude that's crazy i know right thank god oh god you're stupid stupid evil squid stupid evil squid man okay so this is where this is where the vampire area was i think okay there we go certain i'm just going to try to get as much certus as i can what but why okay so we're there yeah there are more vampire fangs in here if we want them um actually i should take these up with me do you know what the altar of inscription does with vampire blood and stuff like that i'm gonna talk about this empire and a stuff nope that's all uh for you to figure out all right so this thing just drained all that power and then i needed diamonds cool so now with the solar i need to get the empower for these pieces but otherwise i can make everything iron casing with the stick twigs and the iron let's get this smelting whoa whoa whoa are you mad at me are we chilling we're good no nope he's mad at me why are you mad at me bro i'm not mad at it i literally didn't stand a chance you fool we could have been friends it was a goblin this goblin started attacking me for no reason it all honestly the goblin looked super cool and then he was just like no i am going to try to punch you and it was like that's not a good idea because i'm gonna attack you whoa wait a minute yo is this like some omega dungeon because there is a lot of cobblestone here all right double battery or sonia and two iron casings iron casings i need to make several of at least three never mind just a wall of cobblestone that exists for no reason huh bro why why do you just throw yourself away your life is valuable stop just destroying it like this you poor goblin you poor poor goblin yeah why is there nothing along here i i figure this is going to be like a massive dungeon or something like that because you know cobblestone generally only appears when you've got some spawners around but there's nothing just nothing it's just nothing just emptiness yeah emptiness like the void in my heart that got grim but true [Music] casings whoa this is some just some cray cray are you a poison boy double battery yeah you're a poison boy no you're not a boy you are single battery okay so i may have found the place where bad guys are okay what's it's a spider it's a spider jockey but it's like a spider and a spider it's a it's a spider it's a we've got a spooner another advanced quite a pathetic green block okay so that's chiseled quartz that only supports the only two uh i cannot hit anything with this lag right now just block reports so i need three and three sorry you're having problems ah ah there's a lot of stuff happening here seems like it'd be it but you know also the goblin dude makes such a sad sound when he goes down is that what he wants this place is creepy sorry that you're having to deal with it we out here in uh caves and cliffs update apparently yikes yikes did i put the thing we had most of where's the laser or the atomic boom boom boom go oh no we gotta want to do we got the what to do in the in the overworld we got a what to do yeah dude okay so i think i just need the advanced coil right yeah advanced coil is a basic coil makes ground nuggets i can do that i can get the nuggets get an advanced coil boom make this boom make this boom now we have the which i believe is used to empower the nori blocks yes so in order to do that i need oh no that's not gonna be crystal block cobbles uh oh i can't hit it when it turns into lava no bad cobweb bad cobweb bad robot make your block be used to empower consumers okay let's play stand oh gosh darn it i hate it we're gonna do that come back okay okay so the empower is made out okay chill freaking frick bro really you're freaking freak bro hack me my show i need you to stop mr bookman oh god you go there okay all right we gucci we gucci there we go as long as you're good yeah bro my iron armor is going down that was a mad focus sash right there trying to make sure i didn't get burned to a crisp inside of a cobweb that just came out of nowhere i'm telling you man these cobwebs they come out of nowhere that's uh it's quite the cobweb it is i just feel super badly about these goblins bro it's just completely unnecessary they just throw their lives away like this and for what for who for for spirit for honor maybe you just don't understand their culture no i i don't think that i do you you are right about that all right well think about that for a minute okay i thought about it cool did you have a follow-up that's what i was looking for no that's not what i wanted i wanted this so let's see i have managed to get three dude there's like no certain courts in here this is terrible no service it's very hard to find service i'm trying to be very assertive about about my position and location in here and tell everything that it needs to give me some good stuff but it's not working plague you would say you're trying to assert yourself yes plague bringer three that's an interesting effect oh i have no lead what i got i got another ligament here's lead an alivamend all right whoa oh my god dude my my unalignment leggings are actually in really bad shape bro bro that's not good that's not good gross we do not have enough unalive oven to go around oh dear oh dear let's strip mining continue then i need to find more so this i want to be there and you have for dinner tonight i have not had dinner tonight but i do have a uh i i'm thinking a a whiskey barbecue burger from red robin on on order here what is a whiskey barbecue like is there actually whiskey in it i think it's a like you know kind of i don't i i if it's either burned off or it's just part of the flavoring i don't know it's just barbecue burger like a fancy barbecue got it okay but you're not like you're not just ordering a whiskey i'm not adding a whiskey and a bar and a burger no it sounds like a pretty good combo honestly you can't you can't order uh food remotely or alcohol remotely in utah like oh right utah yeah yeah yeah yeah like they don't they don't even want you having any alcohol but but uh you certainly can't have it delivered to you oh there's actually courts in the overworld huh it's actually i mean it only became a thing during the crown here in california or i don't know if it's a state thing or if it's a local city thing but either way la it only started back last year and before that you could very much not do that but yeah utah that seems like a pretty um yeah that fruitless attempt to ever do okay this is very dark okay that suddenly went crazy and i was like oh i'm so much faster hey i'm livemans you went alive to normsums this thing goes ham on regular dirt it's pretty slow in grass regular dirt can't handle it found an abandoned mine shaft oh more service heck yeah here's finding all the good stuff i am i'm trying to finding cursed tools and stuff oh that's spooky so i watched a movie recently it was so cursed i can't i can't it was one of those like it was just it was just cursed it was it was a cursed movie what does that even mean it was uh so it was called bad trip okay and uh it's kind of like borat-esque in that a lot of the scenes if not like all of them but a significant number of the scenes like they had the uh the actors who knew what was going on but like it was hidden camera and all the people around like kind of no idea jackass kind of show yeah and uh it was oh my god like it made it kind of interesting because it was like it was cool because people just kept trying to help them and do stuff but you know it was fairly cringe you know like the like the like secondhand embarrassment is very very very strong yes yes it is i i'm sitting here like oh my god i can't believe it you know but uh they're uh one scene will we live rent free in my head for a while and i i hope that i can you know is this a show that i would be able to watch on netflix or something uh yeah i think i saw it on netflix who's who's in it uh i don't even know their names it was like i was thinking okay here's a random comedy i like to laugh okay good times you know and then it was just like so it's eric andre this makes a lot of sense now i don't know who eric andre is but well apparently he's the guy who's in the show that you watched and i'm just that makes a lot of sense he does it yeah so uh i mean like this the the uh a standout scene if you will uh was was that him and his best friend accidentally took some drugs and uh wake up in the morning and uh they find that their personal parts are are connected via like a a finger trap situation but this this is the this is the scripted setup yeah yeah yeah and then they go they they panic and they're outside and they don't know what's going on so they're running around trying like like with with the connection still connected they're running around in public on a golf course trying to get someone to help them and uh it i i mean there was a moment man i was just like i don't know about this but it like i i'm not i'm not regretful that okay at the beginning i was like i'm going to i might uh you know like like wrap this up like i i don't know if i need to finish this and i was like i'll stick it out a little bit and i don't know that i fully regret sticking it out but i don't know that i fully agree with my decision either you know like it was it was a lot there was a lot and uh so anyway but it was i was just you know so it was very cursed i i mean you know like a cursed image it was a very cursed film you're just like no no no no no no no uh so sorry you had to experience that man but you know hopefully it's a it's an experience you will live to remember and use it use it as a lesson i will use it as a life lesson make sure that you do not go to sleep with your friends around chinese finger torture traps yes and well while uh well hi off of what you thought were mints but clearly we're not and well yes but obviously that part is scripted it's the like it sounds like they do a scripted setup to then bring it into into a public setting right yes basically right at one point he's at a bar and he's like you know acting really drunk and he has like uh uh you know he's simulating urinating while walking around trying to ask people where the bathroom is and you're just like oh my god and they're they're i think that was the only scene where they showed in the like outtakes that like they had to have security come in and stuff because one guy was not about it he's like you better get away from me right now and he's like i'm just trying to find the bathroom and he's like i guess you're not gonna learn and stands up and then the security was like uh sir okay settle down you don't want to go to jail over this by doing it on camera um yeah so but it was it was certainly a a ow it was certainly a show you know it sounds like it was certainly a show yes yeah i uh i also recently watched uh um okay i got a broken ancient sword uh i also recently watched bo burnham's inside i have not caught that but i've heard good things so again i you know i like comedy i like laughing i'm looking for laughter you know and oh this did not make you laugh this was art in comedic form uh-huh it was it was very artistic and very existential it made you think and i'm very glad that i watched it i just don't ever want to see it again like it it made you think and it and it's because the whole thing is basically he does it alone like he i don't know whether he genuinely like locked himself in his room or you know what what how it worked it was basically where's the quartz i swear to god i got quartz okay sorry but like do during during the pandemic it rather than you know like waste his time or whatever he he decides to record this special just him doing all the production all of everything you know there's no sets was it like 100 like it was on tripods and everything oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and uh and uh like you know at one point he's but he sings songs and so it's very much in musical form uh and at one point it's like he's got a a bright light that he's just holding behind his back and uh like like tight against him so it's dark and then every time he'd hit the bass note or whatever he'd flash it out and it was like he was actually doing like kind of a cool effect and and then during the chorus he's swirling it around with his hand just again and it like it was really it was very impressive art and how he put it together how he portrayed it like the loneliness that's brought about like it was existential but it was done yeah like i'm just like man i i i don't regret that but i'm just trying to find like something to giggle at you know like i just want to laugh a little bit so it was not funny it was just funny it made you reflect and be sad yeah yeah it's it's very very reflective and existential like that's you know if you ever wonder what existential is then watch that because that is the definition of existential like dear god so one two three four so do you feel just overall sadder currently no no no no like it was again it's not saturn is not the correct term but i don't know what to call it it was it was confu like again it's it's as with anything that's existential like it makes you question things it makes you reflect on on the world as it is and you realize like uh so what are you what did it make you think about that you weren't previously how alone we all are how nothing matters how we are just a speck of dust in the universe that exists on a bigger floating speck of dust in a sea with nothing around it for light years in every which way it's less astrological and more uh like it's not astrological at all astronomical whatever um but it's uh it's more like social like it makes you look at like the the the behaviors we have uh the the the culture classes and things that we've done i mean and this is very uh like modern american kind of you know centric um but just the privileges we have and what we do and how what we take for granted and stuff so uh i mean he has a he has a song like called welcome to the internet and it's basically you know you can find anything but his song goes on that's like talks about how you know the the the curse of the world is boredom and and we can't be bored we always have to be doing something finding something you know getting something bigger better and just like he i i think that's the song that he did a uh he's talking about things you can find and he's doing it at an accelerating bpm so and and it's just like you know like it's a perfect rendition of how the internet is and kind of what it's done and um i don't know does this mean that i i spend too much i should be more bored i shouldn't be obsessive about spending every waking hour while i'm at home doing something productive well there's a difference between productive and browsing the internet necessarily and uh but he's talking about just browsing the internet absolutely mindedly i don't i mean i'm not here to say what he was or wasn't talking about but that was my like it's not just oh you use the internet you're bad but it's more about like who what have we become that we need to constantly be filling our our lives and and our social structures with this never-ending ceaseless like constant assault of information and perspective and and stuff that like it's just i don't it's very difficult to describe obviously by the way i'm having a difficult describing it but um yeah i mean it kind of is that broader theme like you're talking about of just you know maybe we maybe we don't just go outside anymore maybe we we just constantly gotta be looking up and finding and checking i don't feel like i'm doing a great job of explaining it but i don't know how to do any better no i do feel like i can't well i maybe the difference here though is i'm i'm i need to be i need to feel like i'm being productive at all times this is more of just a like constantly feeling the need to have something at your fingertips that you're consuming which i think there's a slight difference there yeah like it's not about working it's about you know just the the the consumption of it basically um but it was it was neat it was just a lot got it [Music] we've moved on from the stonks talk to the thoughts talk yeah well you know again i i'm sorry i didn't i wasn't like hey you know what i'll bring into the conversation today is existentialism uh no that's what you did that's what you did okay that's what i did it's all zine um rip stonks i mean we can talk about stunts too apparently amc is still doing fantastic and i was in and and like basically doubled my money and then got out and oh you made profit so congratulations yeah no no like i may it's and that's the thing is it's like i gotta remind myself like i made profit like i did good but it's like but if i i could have done better you know there's always that part in your head that you're like you know sure sure but you know what would have been better if you hadn't done that um so yeah it so oh my god dude if i was looking at it i i was looking at it what was it early last week when it was at like 12 and i was like there's no way this isn't this isn't gonna go anywhere yeah i was thinking it would go down uh right and i was just watching it and i'm like if i had just decided you know what i'll i'll put just like hundred bucks yeah into calls let's just throw this in if i had put 500 bucks into like 15 calls that 500 would probably be like 50 000 right now i don't think it's gone up quite that much but yeah no it has it's at 37. holy cow okay i bought it at 22 and got out i mean i don't know that i doubled my money but i got into 22 and uh you know made a pretty decent little number off of it so okay um but yeah i i it did it basically i just put a stop loss on and then it had a dip just enough to trigger the stop loss and went back up and you know as is always the case um so yeah it but i it's tough because there's a lot of like memey stuff going on and it's it's not a lot of these it's not hard to retail favorites are um they're they're pumping right now yeah so i just i have no faith in it so it's like it seems like a terrible idea to actually like go for it you know but yeah so i'm in a i'm in a tough spot currently right now because i i had a long-term play on blackberry because blackberry actually has a fairly promising future as a cyber security slash um like car uh uh infrastructure for that you know cars are all moving more and more electronic and they have the automation and all this stuff and they are doing a lot to provide the software for that okay and so they they pumped a little bit like in january with gamestop and amc but then it cooled off and they've been hovering around like eight nine dollars for a few months and so i bought a lot of calls for the furthest data like 2023 and i was like this should hopefully just be if it works out it should just slowly you know over time kind of work its way up now it's pumping again and i'm like god dang it i'm gonna have to time this exit or something and then enter later on and i hate that i hate that i'm gonna have to stress looking at it every day it's like a really first world problem because obviously the value is going up but i'm making money but how do i make the most money no but it's just it's stressful because it's like it wasn't supposed to be this way you guys this was supposed to be slow and gradual based on fundamentals and not just pumping for because amc is pumping right god damn man goddamn tough that is a tough one it wasn't it was not this is not how the play was supposed to go this is not how you go yeah i was i'm and now i'm like i don't know i don't know how to oh god but yeah it went up 30 percent today in the after hours um wow so i just made 30 extra money damn no it's a lot more than that because they're calls yeah yeah yeah yeah um but darn i made more than 30 boo boy i mean like i'm sure that everybody's feeling pretty bad for you but no i get what you're saying it because i don't like to honestly i've gotten my fill of having to monitor day to day and like time and exit and it's a lot of stress and it occupies a large portion of your mind when you're trying to work and like record videos and stream and it sucks it sucks for content to have that lingering at the back your head because it's going to impact your focus so that's why i i'd much prefer for it to just kind of be a longer term play where i i don't need to check it day to day it's very it's very stressful to monitor things day to day sure i don't like that okay there we go i was like i'm in the nether but nothing's moving which means that at some point it's gonna all warp forward and start moving oh that's how you get those okay so we have a little bit more room in our me system now how's the power going is it all osmium really uh no i'm i'm kind of trying to work towards an actually edition's uh solar panel and you know but i gotta get as with almost all of these you've got to get the uh the fundamental like supporting pieces together in order for it to uh uh you know in order for you to make anything from it so i'm working on supporting pieces which is why there's so many like i have that area kind of that i just leveled um that uh i'm putting stuff into what i got this i got the reward why is there oh that's a different exclamation point hmm [Music] there is um nuclear furnace i bet that generates power yes i bet it does too okay so osmium in the beneath i see you dude yeah if we could get the digital miner that would also be absolutely swick another bounty oh you got a bounty for collecting the blazing oh ooh blazing o's that just sounds dangerous really that looks like a cool chest plate oh that's why it's oh now i realized why my diamond leggings and diamond chestblade are wait no is that no that is normal durability i thought the durability was less but i was thinking of the sword yo this is pretty cool we can hey you can collect a molten chestplate if you want okay well i'll uh look into that in a minute people keep saying that vampires are good and i should be a vampire but like what about day time day time exists day time is valid yeah guys what are we gonna do about the whole daytime situation i'm gonna make us diamond boots okay i mean unalive them into boots okay did you just wince because it hurt to hear that no i i winced because you had gone so far off the range with that where are you i'm in the nether oh okay well i guess i will i will put the boots in the me system you can grab them whenever okay thank you i appreciate it oh i got a mob imprisonment tool that's pretty exciting i like that okay cool cool so um really like bee lined over there so how do we get to the uh beneath oh uh we needed another star ah okay well i mean we actually get a pretty cool no we don't actually get a pretty cool thing the only one that gets this cool something is blazing juggernaut god dang it there is a bounty on wither skeletons though what we might want to work on is getting an enchantment table so we get looting and stuff um i mean we have well with tinker's isn't that a modifier that we want to get oh yeah we should just tinker it up shouldn't we yeah true that true dab all right well we do do we have we have cobalt nardite right or do we do in fact i've just gathered more cobalt and i'm gathering more rdi right now all right very sweet yeah we should make some tinkers stuff i have that's what i'm using well yeah but what what tinker stuff do you are you your pickaxe yeah right i have a pickaxe and a shovel but yes we need a sword we need a swift sword all right do you have a pickaxe that can actually mine the stuff before you come in no i don't but um i am probably going to need quartz anyway so i'm just coming in to grab some course what the hell are you okay you're a big boy oh no no no no no no that's a i have made the pigs angry oh it's all gone to crap why did you do that oh my god this is just the worst it seems like a silly thing to do bro i spawn in and showman the wandering nightmare just gets in my face and it's lagging as heck so i can't swing at anything without accidentally hitting something else i run into the pigs oh my god so uh yesterday in vault hunters we were showing pete around a little bit i was in my base and the i've had uh um uh because of my villaging you know trying to get villagers i've had a couple iron golems spawn in my base and uh i was running through and picked up some chicken and eggs and was like just toss them what the frick is this what why why why why why okay continue i i think the the timing of the story is a little lost but anyway i i uh i i managed to accidentally tag a uh golem with a chicken egg as i was just running by and so i had to abandon my base for a while until the columns were no longer mad at me it was like oopsie daisy i didn't even realize that uh hitting a golem with an egg is enough to set it off oh yeah yeah it was not happy it was not happy with me it was like oh you're my little uh anyway it was not happening what he was like what nothing how you doing this seriously stop oh my heckman is gone bro i need more enlivens really badly did you just call a helmet a hekmat yes okay you know there's there's lines buddy there's lines also my mouse is breaking i have frame drops my stomach hurts is anything going my way tonight i got 24 cobalt so you can make some stuff we should make some tinkery armor too yeah for sure for sure does this have the uh armor the tinker armor stuff in it probably does it does yeah it seems to have it seems to have everything else in it you do it dude it feels great coming here and being able to use applied energistics did you see the skull clip i did the infomercial it was educational yeah what do you think i'm curious to hear your take on it uh i think that it's a better option than nothing i think that it'll be a little frustrating not having it work the way expected and wanted but it is uh but but it did seem it worked better than i thought from what i saw when i originally did it you know if that makes any sense iron and cobalt don't combine right i do not believe so no okay cool are we are we just pouring it out we're not going to do um any manual well i'm pouring some of it out because i didn't want to i'll do all manulin but we can do some manulin is good for the swords and so here i'll throw in or you take i should do a cobalt pickaxe though shouldn't i yes uh yeah well have we have we done any casts yet yes okay because that's how i got it you know there you have it cool cool tool i remember it is pickaxe head tool rod and binding uh what else did you use on it uh mine is like uh i think i just i have a cobalt handle a cobalt head and an iron binding but i didn't put you know i didn't do paper or something yeah i didn't go down the whole route of you know what's the best uh modifier i was just like here i want a pickaxe right now and this got it uh electrum is good isn't it electrum does the like shocking thing electrum is on uh yeah it does it builds up and then does the best yeah yeah you dig really fast it's like the haste so electron is silver and gold iron is i believe magnetic um what does livingwood do i don't just brought up living wood do we even have paper or sugarcane we don't know we haven't i don't think we found sugarcane so i need 12 of each i believe so it's 24 and i only got enough service so did there's some all right i'll do i'll get a cobalt going damn it no wait that's one extra k cool so and then with this you take this and do that do we have any silver silver and gold all right and then you guys go here and you guys go oh we do have some manual nice all right yeah i just made some for you all right yeah i'll do electrum tool rod and then i feel like paper binding would be good if we can find any stuff okay so now on the display bottom pieces and so i need four advanced coils just four basic coils which is that living wood but how do you do what does living would do i mean so you you have that my mouse is being an idiot right now you have the the living wood set up right yes oh that's right but tanya always had really good uh modifiers that's true i don't actually know what it does um well grab your you grab your akashi tome and look at look it up in your materials and you guide okay let's see where's my akashic tome i don't even know where my akashic dome is can i just access that in my inventory i can't remember i think i'm doing this right now i just don't know whether i need to get power to it i'd assume thanks chad i appreciate the poll that's very nice i appreciate your love much love that every display case or just to the power where the frick is the akashic tome i threw it out is there a way to get a replacement of concrete film again is there wait what i get another akashic comment yeah they were pretty easy to make was it like put a stick in the crafting table yeah basically yeah it's literally a stick all right here we go uh materials and you so the solar needed four stars and then i'm gonna need two more advanced coils which i don't know that i have these stars oh my god my mouse is just destroyed your mouse is destroyed yes oh boy this goes here and i don't then if it's any difference to that you need a snowball button and gray dye huh this is very interesting i don't know what where's living when i don't see living wood back oh tool materials oh right right tool material botanical three and ecological i don't know what those do [Music] increases the amount of modifier slots oh that's good yeah renewable resources are so good they regenerate by themselves so uh meaning that it repairs itself i guess yeah okay cool well that's a good call that's a good call i like that oh my god um do we have any living wood in the uh it would be in these chests over here uh yeah there's plenty we do have something cool there is plenty where did that come from giant mountain no snow cool cool all right let's assemble this boy dude boy dude okay durability 880 mining level cobalt mining speed 14 attack 4.1 modifier four four modifiers oh seems pretty good okay that's nice probably some luck yeah wouldn't you say i found a way stone my mouse is it is just given up on life yep it's what you said oh my god it's just happening more frequently than it ever has before uh all right see you let me see here i am going to get do we have much like we do at least about lappies let's see let's get some luck on there dude i've been digging up lappies as i've seen it this is a big boy so like one success should i go all the way should i go all the way unlock i wonder i mean more fortune better fortune yeah it's just like i'm wondering as far as modifiers go but i guess we'll level it up and we'll get more modifiers it's only one as i recall like it's 450 but it only takes one modifier oh really i believe so let's see um modifiers three modifiers three yeah you are right you are right true dat true dat no snow on the mountain top do any sort of blades there's a cast we don't um no i haven't made any weapons as a cast the only cast pieces we have is a pickaxe and shovel okay uh i'm gonna put some gold in and i'm gonna make some weapons cass okey that sounds like a thing to do yeah dude i'm here i'm here i'm here for it okay um i don't feel like one yeah we need more lappies yeah it's like 454 one piece i could do not helpful what frost flower frozen core snow do you matter centrifuge machine output block drops glacial precipitator piston copper gears we could do invar is nickel which i don't know what do we have an iron and a tin gear do we have nickel i i started down actually additions and now i'm ending up in thermal uh 10 we do not have ten and nickel we'd have two nickel tunica i'm going regular sword here okay so manual and sword blade what else do we usually do when it comes to swords i'm trying to remember swords you get no either certain scorch or another quartz onto that's the modifier yeah oh as far as components go manulin is usually uh one sometimes i don't know it's been i i always figured out a second time electron one block two ingots but okay what none you stole my cast what i didn't mean to steal oh i'm sorry ain't it cast i didn't even see the thing was blank it was blank i must have done it like just the tick after you put it in i went click and then walked it out okay well you know ladies first it's fine um oh that's i should do the living wood binding would actually be a good idea okay it's a living would wide guard also see if uh livingstone is anything that's what i'm doing yeah living with white guard for the modifiers well i'm saying living stone not wood you know dr livingstone i presume what is what is this stone there's there's a stone in addition to the living into the living wood and so i was just thinking it might have things too or there might be uh some some of the we can get inferium so you can make an imperium ingot i think we have that um tara still we might have pieces too uh no i there is there is no stone it's not looking like mantis we have access to man of steel so that would be modifier 17.4 durability like man of steel looks pretty good man of steel it repairs okay i mean i feel like we're not going to really be lacking manual and likely and we can use that in order to repair so i'm less concerned about the repairs i guess okay um let's see there yeah there is an overwhelming amount of potential materials to try to consider here oh my god well that's why i don't ever it's living rock that i was thinking of but uh that's why like i just kind of build something and go is because you can get like totally like vapor locked trying to find the max min max the thing and if you want to go for it like you know you know like bone bone that was it bone is the one that you need to isn't bone the one where you need to like have it be like minimal durability in order for that to count no no that's prismarine bone is just extra damage okay yeah prismarine is like you you hack the uh with the shuriken that was the shuriken hack yeah okay uh bone is your tools is increased and then ye nice do you have any bone we do okay so we'll do that and then we'll do tool rod out of bone there we go let's give this a try and see how it looks it might have absolutely terrible durability oh actually not yo attack damage 10 10 off the bat no changes to it that's really actually pretty good and then we can add a but we have four modifiers on it uh that's actually a pretty good start i think so you're doing it you you ended up what did you end up doing livingwood manulin okay uh supremium is good too yeah uh we might be a little ways away from supreme yeah so premium's a little down the line okay there's all the invar well this means i need to go a little quartz hunting expedition come on jesus 65 you ball sack that's those are my words you've been hanging around me too much i you know like i think that's fair i i really have i don't know that i've heard too many people actually utilize that so i'm honored you know you're a trendsetter man i try to be i was at least in my heyday back when you were relevant yeah yeah back in the old days in the old days all right [Music] joel rod sword blade cross guard and we have now the other pickaxe is only fortune one so these these pickaxes are rolling down that's sword grade sword blade there and that's manulin okay yo i can i can collect cobalt [Music] oh you love to see it let's hope i don't accidentally end up clicking some tiberium that would be bad it blows up just be careful it blows up yeah that'd be uh unfortunate for my health hmm where be the courts oh there'd be some courts next to yo blaze juggernauts come at me boys i got this sick sword you have no idea what's even coming try me though try me done he done okay if i could like hit you though that'd be helpful jesus they dude they they wild out on me they wild out oh you know what to do thanks how do you get this though what do you get bad kitty nice kitty bad robot dude what the frick is so fast you like teleporting holy crap sometimes the do be that way get wrecked oh they're actually pretty not that strong they're actually pretty not that strong yeah exactly you heard me i did hear you and i'm judging you a little the binding there we go get something going so this would be bone there and then it was the but actually oh no oh no it's a bad guy he's oh he's so fast what the freak what the freak oh god oh god oh god oh geez oh gee willikers what did i get from his companion you cannot put down water in this nether i was hoping maybe it would be like the other nether oh hey lapis you like this oh hey loppies i don't know why uh introduction to applied energistics i wonder whether and and you did uh manulin and bone and living wood right yeah okay interesting what's yours quite a bit lower but i'm uh i did a rape here instead of uh oh well that would be why because i did a regular sword yeah rapiers because their armor piercing they uh they do a lot less but they swing fast okay um well we're just about at the oh swing batter on the fastball uh we are just about pretty much almost there yeah you are right about that swing better on the fastball he says uh is there anything you want before we conclude i want super omega damage from quartz any final words you want to say and i want lapies and i want i want success i want large amounts of success with this sword i want this sword to be the very best sword there ever was okay can you make that happen i'll uh i'll see what i can't manifest for you but in the meantime guys we appreciate you guys watching thank you for tuning in and be sure to hit uh the subscribe and the like button and all those fun things and then check out our sponsor mc pro hosting they've provided the server that we are playing on the day and they can provide you with one to play with your friends as well check out the link in our description you'll save 25 off on your first month and you will help support us in what we do and we appreciate that same description as a link to the playlist you can catch up on all the previous episodes in any of the future episodes and uh even this episode because it'll probably be in there too uh and and you know re-watch as you so desire and finally we're here doing it live you can see it as it happens twitch.tv captain sparkles and twitch.tv zine we would love to have you come by and be a part of it and uh there's a lot more content and things that happen that uh you can only see if you're here live so you know turn on notifications and come say howdy hey anything for you sir i just ran into a lizard turtle with a tank turret on top so i've decided to slash home all right sounds good bye guys yep farewell see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 52,356
Rating: 4.9749742 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, x33n, mc eternal, minecraft eternal, modpack
Id: 7zeynhgfxmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 46sec (4246 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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