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hello everyone and welcome back to mineclash the three episode series i keep continuing because i have not won i am joined with grazer and hello today grazer we are going to be doing the disney challenge oh the disney challenge so when stacey brought this up i was like what do you mean this could be a million things but look in front of us stacy you have set up this cute little thing uh and basically we are doing challenges based on very past disney movies and some some pretty recent yeah so you go ahead and explain it real quick uh well i mean very past like they're classics grazer they don't yes the classics the past actually i wouldn't even consider these classics most of these are from what's called the golden age of disney the goal oh okay so okay so what i have i've come up with this challenge i was very proud of myself actually she was calling herself a genius after building this yesterday no i wasn't come on grazer this is genius i am intelligent i'm the smartest fan ever or smartest person ever did you just call me the smartest man ever i shut up i'm the smartest person ever okay i i didn't say that but i might have used you i might have used the word genius yes but that wasn't supposed to be in the recording okay okay all right listen okay so these are the items these are the items that we're supposed to get the first one is from the little mermaid okay and you have to get a puffer fish and you have to rename it flounder oh oh so i didn't know about that so yeah there's anvils over there you have to name it flounder all right gotcha so i need levels for that then okay so that's the first one the little mermaid came out in 1989 uh the second movie 1991 beauty and the beast you have to get a bookcase okay uh because belle loved reading and she went to the beast's house and there was a big library you've seen the movie right yeah i have seen the movie it was a long time ago but i do know what you're saying okay okay all right this is one of my favorites i was like i love this movie yes so aladdin you have to get a flying carpet look at this grazer oh and so does it have to be these exact colors of wool wait come back on come back on okay i can show you i'm just kidding um yeah it has to be these exact colors red purple blue and it has to be flying okay so oh oh oh oh oh you weren't going to include that i needed string okay so i know i need string now stacy trying to pass up that little detail i started what do you mean trying to pass it up i told you well you said it has to fly and i was like how am i supposed to make this fly oh there's the string right all right uh the next one 1994 i believe uh the lion king so for this one you have to get a savannah tree an acacia tree oh okay so and this could be just any type of tree like not any type but any shape right like i know you wanted a nice tree for the example but yeah it doesn't have to be it doesn't have to be a certain shape it can be any tree but it has to be full grown it can't be a sapling all right got you got you got you and the last one is from a modern disney movie obviously frozen you have to build a snowman okay so this is gonna be hard because i have no idea where i'm gonna find pumpkins yeah this is a tough challenge this is a pretty tough challenge but uh okay sounds straightforward um and by the way just fyi before anybody comments we have to keep our things intact it's not like we can steal snow to make the snowman from here oh yeah i wouldn't have even thought of that you evil person yeah i thought of it and i was like no that's not fair so everything of here needs to be intact and remain the same as it was we just had to put uh the items where they are shown on the example board over here now this time once somebody is finished they just click the button and a message will pop up saying they've won so yeah we've had some issues in the past with knowing exactly who won and so we thought that the button would be best yeah we must press the button and it will generate a message that says who has won and we get our starter uh items in here as per usual so you can just take those out if you want oh we got 64 torches this time interesting okay okay and i'm gonna beat you this time grazer i'm kind of nervous about this one stacy because this is like this is my challenge this is yours yeah all right okay so we're gonna have normal nightfall and i believe let me check the sun there it is not moving right now so as soon as we start the challenge i will initiate that if you want and i've got the coordinates to the spawn marked down in chat if you ever happen to forget uh but let me know when you want to start all right you ready grazer yeah on your mark get set go oh okay okay uh what do i do first what do i do for a second there's so much to do so much to do so little times a little time oh what's this what's this what's this um oh is this what i'm looking for this is what i need no that's an oak tree there's actually so much we need to get done in this challenge there's a lot there's a lot now did we say that we need to complete the frozen one last i did say that i i was generous and i helped you i said that you probably want to do the frozen one last because uh snowmen have a tendency to despawn so if they if so okay so you don't have your snowman there when you press the button okay then it doesn't count that you just made one okay i'm just looking around what i can get first come on whoa i'm flying this is gonna be i'm in creative mode grazer i can i can still just go into survival right now right yeah yeah no no it's fine yeah we've hardly started i'm trying to get my whereabouts here all of a sudden they just started flying okay um oh i'm actually nervous for this one stacy this is real tough okay all right hold on hold on hold on come on wait no no no i was coming over here let me grab these and okay let's get some wood enough how many do i have three here we go no more okay uh oh yeah in this challenge we can actually check on each other's progress because it's like wide open so what the heck is that flower combination over there this sprint button is not working but i'm pretty sure it is crazy get away from here this was my area i just found a bunch of random flowers in the middle of the forest what's this is this what i need could it be a flower forest wait is it magenta or purple that we need i'm not telling you yeah i'm gonna grab all these oh okay so these are worthless then um okay so let's uh stacy starting things are just like i hate starting big things like this oh my god ah so stressing i don't know why um okay so let me go this way i'm trying to figure out like what which one do i want to do first like i'm realizing now that a lot of these require actually a lot of steps um it does it does it does it does this could be like over an hour holy smokes no come on come on stace don't need that don't need that you need that you need that you need that you need that you need that yes uh what else do you need what else do you need stace um uh okay yep yep yep i know what you need but i don't see any more oh i do see one over there i benchmarked i made a benchmark i've made a crack you know what i never get enough wood for a crafting table too i always think for some reason like oh i'll go back to the other one like to the the one in the middle but that's dumb crazy no no one's ever gonna go back to that one i know i don't know why i think that um okay uh there we go grazer i've benchmarked as well nice thank you thank you i am going to have to at one point look up how to make purple dye and the other one because i don't know how to make those uh that's a funny story thank you stacy um okay hold on i need to start crossing things off i've made a list razor i am like prepared right now uh i have not made a let's see there we go i have that and do i have that yep i have that i love the survival challenges like commentary it's like let's do that let's do this let's do this let's do this too and then there we go and then there and then that okay let's get this done all right oh man okay so let's do this uh we want to make sure that this is good wait a minute what am i doing wrong what daisy you good no what am i crafting wrong here oh you're crafting something wrong obviously oh i know what i'm doing wrong i'm an idiot okay there we go all right let's uh start off with this then that should be a good one to start off with um there we go okay let's put that over there so did we like confirm that there was like all the biomes we need are around here right like pretty sure we have confirmed that okay so savannah and snow and everything okay because i already found the snow one so i'm cool with that one what i did i've already found like the snow bit like we we went through the seeds to make sure we had the ones but i have like you set up the spawn i have no idea where we are in comparison to everything wait okay this is my side so i don't think i need any of this stuff anymore but i'll keep it just in case um actually wait i know i need three oh you know what to get whoa you need sheep uh wow a lot of steps to this okay i didn't even realize what just happened why didn't that work oh did you see him no why didn't that work uh oh did she have a trick up her sleeve that didn't go the way she wanted it to oh it's only oh i'm an idiot okay uh i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good um it's only white wool that can be dyed is that what you were wondering i'm not telling you okay yeah i'm not telling you grazer because i don't have to i don't have to tell you anything crazy you don't have to tell me anything you know uh no no i didn't find pumpkins i might have found the savannah though if you find pumpkins honestly that's the one thing that we're worried about is that where no one's gonna find pumpkins and that's gonna be the last thing is that people are just gonna be looking for pumpkins so yeah and by people we mean he means us yeah yeah yeah exactly all these people just gonna be looking for pumpkins yeah stacy and grazer let me go up here i'm going to beat you all right yeah fighting words there i am i am i have to i have to i mean i'm kind of nervous because you're determined to win this one like you told me how much you wanted to win this one before we started so kind of nervous this one is this a cave oh this is okay all right cool uh what wanna speak out loud about what you had just seen because uh you know maybe i'm a viewer watching your video and i'd like to know what's going on right now you want to fill me in a bit um if you're a viewer and you're watching my video then you know what's going on right now because you found you're watching my video so you're like oh hey cool stuff i'm watching um crummy though because there's a creeper down there oh should i have gone back and put some stuff in my chest i feel like i should have like the stuff that i've already done we should probably clarify yeah uh the um keep in mind is not on so if you do die you have to go back and get all your stuff so it's a setback do we want to make a rule that there's no looking in anyone's chest yeah that's fine but you're allowed to look at people's playing ground if you want yeah of course oh so now i know your strategy you're going to get everything into your chest and you're just going to put it down all at once yes okay i should have probably done that i hate that i'm wasting all this time coming back here when you're just still out getting stuff grazer well i need like bones i need string i need a lot of stuff stacy you're we're it's gonna be a long still mid like oh no it's not it's almost night okay um oh maybe i should not cave then if it's almost night uh okay oh what is this this is a huge cave over here holy crap is that all i have so far holy crap no oh no i found a zombie spawner thinking it was a skelly spawner dang it oh that would have been so nice i'm not gonna go back to where i just was if you're watching my video because i feel as though grazer went this way and found savannah trees and i also just want to wait until night because i want to get all of my nighttime supplies because who knows how long i'm going to cave for all right oh oh did you find pumpkins no which which which which which you're canning well yes stacy it's not night yet i gotta get my stuff done you're already oh are those are those oh this is it this was it oh i found it okay wait this was it what do you mean this is where you got the savannah trees oh okay oh these are whoa i got cannot believe you're already caving well i mean i need to get my stuff here but we just passed some good stuff so i might come back and just go down who wants to mess with it was a ravine that i found earlier grazer but i feel like i don't want to mess with the ravine all right that's fine by me that is fine by me oh here's where you oh here's the sapling that grazer cut down for me excellent no no dang it thank you grazer all right fine i'll give it didn't even have to cut down a tree it's you getting a head start there all right should we go down in this one it's almost night and the desert is where we will want to be um great oh greaser's probably down here somewhere oh oh maybe maybe you'll find him oh my gosh i need to get back into like survival mode i'm just kind of down here like oh i'm mining nothing no that's what i'm debating do i want to get full iron armor or not because i don't need to be down in the caves for long like it's just getting bones and string and whatnot what please die please die are you good uh i just i i don't want to talk about what what's happening to me right now okay all right if you could just please respect that grazer you do cave spiders oh mind shaft i see how it is okay all right i don't i want to come down here and get this though okay all right and die oh i fell down i fell down this is bad uh oh this is daisy might be in trouble you might be in trouble okay so now i need to find spiders string i just want to know where the cave spiders are that's the only thing i'm kind of worried about here if they are indeed cave spiders yeah you can get poison and die see see did you know thank you i just wanted to point it out a little bit okay oh a spider over here just need to find actually oh actually i'm in a mine shaft what am i thinking i'm made what nothing made a bow right bow no what do you need a bow for not a bow a fishing pole oh thank you for the reminder stacy you're so nice no stop you knew i knew i knew that was not funny i hope you know that that was the opposite of funny okay let's get rid of this there we go let's get you yes i want you i want you i have five of those actually let's just craft it now um oh wait don't i need six i'm confused um okay oh no i don't i just need okay it's okay it's okay it's okay there we go grazer do not beat me i'm just at you i'm just uh i'm scared about the wool the aladdin one because uh i don't know how to make the the dyes i'm gonna have to look that up i'm gonna have to take a pause midway through because i really don't you probably took notes on that a like combination of like pink and and blue or something actually i just know how to do that because i play minecraft oh okay yeah get out of here zombie i don't want anything to do with you will i find lapis in a mine shaft uh lapis yeah if it's like low enough you might there's a certain height for lapis yeah it's gotta be low to the point where it's like diamond not diamond low but like gold low it's pretty low like 30 and below maybe i i really don't know zombie get out of here i don't want to die there's so many mobs on the surface am i you might have taken the best approach there are literally like 17 creepers where i'm looking right now well i mean i just got lucky okay let me grab that we will go back over here not that lucky because there are cave spiders somewhere here you're a spider whoa what k spiders key spiders can still give you string this fyi is doing something kind of weird grayson uh oh that's not good i hope i'm okay all right come on go away water go away okay so i need to make a fishing rod that's what i need to do fishing rod how the heck do you expect us to get a puffer fish stacy that is going to be difficult i'm going to be fishing for are we allowed to just fish in our pond that's around like that would work think of that yeah like that could work why not uh it's not big enough really to holy creepers batman i hope i don't die right now from your fish all right come on let's get something good here let's catch a good fish grazer will you tell me if you have something already if i tell you what it is what do you mean like an idol do you have this item will you tell me if you have it or not only if you tell me if you have it all right do you have lapis no okay i haven't i haven't even gave that far yet that's going to be later on this challenge i think for me all right i just realized that i don't have a stitch of armor on oh so you just got lapis you have to tell me now do you have it no i don't have it okay um mobs don't kill me please i'm just afraid that i've gone too far and when i get back up to the surface i'll have no idea which way i'll i mean i have the chords every time you make those like noises it scares me stacy i'm glad grazer come on catch your fish no no don't you dare i saw you i saw you what i saw what he was doing grazer and i said no you cannot do that to me what happened it was just a creeper that was uh creeping up on me oh in a mineshaft so he was like behind the wall he was just creeping grazer okay that's all you need to know all right uh just i don't think this pond is big enough for me to fish him i'm not liking the fishes i'm getting from this place how do i not have a stack of cobble really okay i have everything i need down here um oh yes possibly yes and okay ghost easy go go cece go go stacey while you're caving the intense caves i'm just sitting here fishing trying to get a puffer fish i might i should might maybe i shouldn't do this one first huh grazer i want you to do whatever you feel like doing because i'm hoping that it will be wrong okay okay is there anything else i need to take actually is there anything else i need to take advantage of at night here oh is it still night yeah it's still night oh crap you might not want to come up go cece go okay wait there's savannah here's mountains oh there's the sun i grazer i have no idea where i need to pull up coordinates okay negative what oh no where am i no no we are at negative like 3 000 out don't worry so you're not that far out don't worry i found it i found it i found it okay okay oh that was scary for a second all right okay okay okay i got this i got this i think i can stacy you're about to pass by me fishing oh hey grace how are you pretty good how are you is that an acacia tree i see over there yep it is why is it raining oh i don't see rain do you want me to toggle it oh you don't no that's right i'll talk about it there you go come on get a puffer fish all right come on so what did you just get down in the caves like oh you what i just used nine bone meal my tree didn't grow yes i think it was the sign when i was experimenting sometimes the sign doesn't i'm gonna break the sign and and cry i don't know what you're talking about but okay the sign on the wall sometimes i i don't even know what to say right now grazer um all right uh hold on come on get a puffer fish fishing for days okay and okay and okay all right stacy plays what am i doing i'm losing my mind let me come say hi to you stacy stacy stacy hello stacy hi hello hey hey these are my acacia tree why i'm gonna have to wait for another night cycle that's gonna lose me the game right there so that's why you wanted lapis was for the blue okay did you look at my chest no no no i'm looking at the example board i'm just i'm trying to find out why you would want lapis but it's for the blue wait you didn't even know that you needed lapis no no i know nothing about wool and dyes oh my gosh i'm so mad that i told you that then oh well stacy oh well head on over here i'm gonna try and find a cave and just dig down and try to find lapis real quick how much do i have yeah i've got it okay hold on hold on hold on what else do i need i'm so mad about my tree great so so you went down into a cave no iron armor at all okay well i'm better at minecraft than you sometimes probably true the do you think that you get more fish if you're fishing in like an actual ocean i don't know okay head down here is this come on oh geez i almost got blown up by creeper does it have to be a certain depth high that's oh oh my gosh this cave is just like it's not it's not pretty at all i just fished rotten flesh yeah you're able to fish random items too wow that's weird i never fished rotten flesh i know oh the normal fishing so you got a puffer fish didn't you i mean wow there we go darn darn darn darn darn and okay that cave is just ridiculously i really hope that my tree just grows magically oh another spawner cece i found another spawner on the surface no another zombie spawner like these two guys were right next to each other in the same cave paper's ridiculous okay what's in this one maybe it has an item i'll need maybe it's got lapis or something i'm such a ball of stress right now i'm really the bone mail thing has thrown me off the bone meal thing has has spooked me all right uh let's get rid of this it's just very unlucky that i used nine bone meal and couldn't get a tree to grow okay let's head on over this way come on come on okay let's sit down here i'm just going to dig down this game is too intense for me to want to dig through i'm really happy for you grazer thank you stacy it always means a lot coming from you thank you tree grow grocery grow are you kidding me you're right about a bunch of stuff though like i don't need a lot of this random junk probably throw this away get rid of that start putting stuff on i think because i just need to visualize it's hard to visualize what you have left to do you know hi chicken hello just hanging out there in my my area i love you do we need a chicken for something like why are you loving the chicken so much because he's just hanging out all right can't complain can't complain can't complain come on get me some lapis game get me some lapis i want some lapis lazuli here oh my gosh this stupid tree are you kidding me great we find more skelly's from our bones like it's gonna have to turn night again that's gonna you're gonna beat me it's not gonna turn night again and my tree won't have grown and that will cause this challenge there's five of them there's three easy ones there's two hard ones from what i've seen what do you mean there's what the tree is pretty easy puffer fish is pretty straightforward and the bookcase is pretty straightforward but the other two are pretty difficult what the carpet and the snowmen yeah the carbon and snowmen do we even know like are pumpkins completely random or is there a specific bio completely random really no idea where we're gonna find them i always feel like i i find them like nestled in trees they could be in snow biomes they could be anywhere i mean they can't be in deserts yeah uh yeah they can they can they certainly can i've seen them unless they fixed an update on that because they used to be able to be found in oh no they they they're found in snow biomes that's right not deserts no anywhere where they make a wide circle here yeah the am i really not gonna i found a dog how the irony if i had a bone well no i guess i would use the bone meal for if i had a bone i'd try to tame him no am i really not gonna find a cave here grazer i have to have another night cycle unless my tree grows that's just the dumbest thing that's ever happened to me it's this i think it was the sign when i was setting up i'm surprised that yours grew though when i was setting up the world there were a couple times that um that the tree wouldn't grow oh yeah because of the little sign that comes out and sticks out a block oh but i shouldn't have spammed the bone meal like that i should have like i should have um i guess i could just always go down in a cave again and try to find a skeleton um this is uh pretty tough i'm unable to find my lapis that i need oh boy crazy i need lapis i would like you to to dive if possible too that would be great that's not very nice cece yeah check over this way see what we got oh it's raining greasy actually no don't never mind don't toggle it don't okay oh that's right okay um i don't want to go down there i do not want to go down there stacy but at the same time that is there's an open cave that's lower than i am it's like one of those caves where it goes down into a huge room with tons of mobs i don't want to go down there razor why didn't we verify that there were pumpkins on the map uh no idea i don't know why we didn't verify i completely forgot we even needed pumpkins so that's gonna be quite the race there it's just gonna be pure luck if you find a pumpkin you win not necessarily because you would have to have completed everything else first as well oh come on can i find a casey oh i hear a mob okay i don't think i've made a wide circle but i also think i might be lost again now get rid of you guys yeah i might have gotten lost again i'm just trying to find oh zombie come here trying to find lapis come on pumpkins why can i find lava please or something at lava level usually i'm not this unlucky with caves it's just not fair grazer and actually i guess this isn't like a thunderstorm or something because there are no mobs spawning i'm going to burn through these carrots just sprinkling around the mat did i yeah i'm trying to see i think i threw out my lamb your lamb you mean your wool or your mutton oh your mutton gotcha all right let's go up here so i think i have made a wide circle i'm getting nervous stacy i don't want you to win crazy nervous i don't know if my tree is grown and i can't find pumpkins and if it gets night how am i gonna search for pumpkins at night just run around at night i'm gonna get blown up by a creeper well stacey i'm gonna tell you something i'm getting unlucky with the caves so it's not like dang man usually i get lucky with the caves usually caves are not a big deal for me what's going on this time let's uh that i don't even know where to go i wish i had a bucket of water um all right come on get down this is like not i don't think this is a smart way to go but i'm doing it still which is like why go down this way i mean if i die right now i don't i think everything i need is in my chest so i'll try this what's down here i'm traveling so far holy crud dude this is a huge crater in the in the ground this is a bad idea i'm gonna be so lost and not have to i bet pumpkins were just i should check the other side i should go back oh are you looking for pumpkins right now just so you can find them yes oh i'm getting everything else first before i even try to do that well that's also what i did wait you're done everything else the easy creeper no there's no way you're done everything else yeah i know i'm not scared oh guys got me scared there for a second i am going to be lost though and not be able to find my way back i put the chords in jet yes perfect i will never get my stuff back what do i do what do i do i don't know oh my gosh are you kidding me that's a major setback right there do you not know where you were i almost just chopped down your acacia tree for wood whoops that was totally innocent no i'll never get back to where i was i have to start over wait real did you have anything like important i don't think so i mean i had a sword which i'm about to die from another zombie gosh we're zombies oh no i did have something um but i can replicate it i think i can get it back okay i'm gonna die again this is bad grazer basically really bad dying and dying good thing i'm not up on the surface right now freezer i don't want to talk about it i i don't know why i died it was dumb of me and i'm gonna i just made two crafting tables i need it to be day this is the worst thing ever so you literally just wandered out in wherever i wandered out so far and then i just got overwhelmed by mobs at night and it was done okay it was real dumb got you okay all right just move away from you guys why am i not getting lucky with gays right now i'm so mad at myself away from me get away from me i have no food oh yeah you can do you think it would be fair if you spawned in some food no i um i mean i don't know i don't mind if you spawn in food that doesn't really give you anything it just makes it so you can play no i thought it's survival challenges i died all right um cave cave cave please okay wait i need to i might need to if i can't get food soon oh there's like an ocean here wow holy why lightning no get away from me lightning it is a huge thunderstorm right now holy cow okay i don't know where to go i don't know where to go where's the go for pumpkins or pumbaa what it was a pig a lot of this is desert stacy and i hate digging down under deserts for caves but i might have to here grazer i can't even right now where is some stone here we go grazer i can't i can't really talk about how upset i am if you're watching this if you're one of my viewers i'm so sorry i did this it was dumb of me i should have made some iron armor i don't know what i was thinking um and i'm sorry okay i'm just sorry stacy apologizes all right so we're gonna need this okay yeah we need we need to make a dump there's some of this stuff that we know let's make let's put a crafting let's make this and this should get us what we need i think um all right sorry bunny oh my gosh this is the disney challenge i'm supposed to be friends with all the woodland creatures not killing them for food that ready all right let's put on it oh and there it goes that's why i made that pick perfect all right let's try and find a cave here guys see what we can do oh my gosh oh get away from me get away from me get away from me stacy is not having luck ladies and gentlemen holy cow okay see if we can find a cave down this way so you did not find the lapis am i right wait are we playing that thing where we tell each other now or is that past i don't know that's just did you i actually yeah you did because you came out of the cave you didn't tell me why you came out of the cave yeah you must have found it so you do have lapis okay all right so stacy has lapis how did you find it so quickly i am unable to find it all right now i'm kind of nervous that you might win this stacey no not not with all these mobs on the surface and no no pumpkin grazer not really with all that pumpkin pumpkin can go both ways i can't believe i'm having to get that's a witch that's a witch um all right there we go oh what do i hear what do i hear what do i hear near me zombie i will actually kill you because i can eat brains stacy i am literally having the worst luck with caves right now that's incredible news from the razor and i could not be more proud of you not mine occasionally terrible luck i literally can't what is going on it doesn't usually take me this long to find the perfect okay um all right okay we're gonna go this way this time and hope that this is a better way to go we're also gonna need to do a bunch of more killing actually on the way yeah there's nothing down there could it be bb day because that would just be a joy in my life daylight would be my best friend oh man okay get up here yeah maybe i shouldn't go for the lapis then i'm gonna look up how to make purple purple die that is another one that we need purple holy creepers and witches batman holy creepers and witches batman you want batman to come save you oh watch out okay purple dye is made oh oh that all makes sense now stacy why you chose these three colors okay yeah well i chose them because they're the colors in the carpet from aladdin but it also makes sense in minecraft like they all tied together so because you had lapis you're done that challenge yeah is there another way to make purple dye like maybe with the right flower you'd have to find that that one flower you'd have to find a purple flower which is i think you're going to find oh no that's a light blue dye yeah i think you need lapis bud e lapis okay go away creepers go away skeleton oh don't hit me skeleton that was rude find a cave please just a cave please the pumpkin thing is a real prob we really should have uh determined where the pumpkins were maybe even just giving ourselves a pumpkin no it'll be cool at the very end when we're both looking for it no they're not but they're hard this is gonna the same thing's gonna happen where i'm just gonna get like really far out find a pumpkin and die oh so you found one already no oh okay oh no i know i didn't have one before oh okay oh i wish then i would have just tried to go back to where i was is there anywhere else you can get a pumpkin in minecraft like can you get pumpkins from like can i go to the nether kill like is there anything i think that's literally the only way you can get pumpkins is by finding them i i if i've passed one now i'm gonna be so mad can you get pumpkins at a swamp grazer yeah you can get them anywhere they can grow i think maybe this was the swamp that i went at and that is the witch's hut do witches have pumpkins no ooh dark oak forest what do you think grazer they could spawn in there by the way anytime you want to make a perma-date it's fine with me i mean if you want to make it permanent can we both agree that we have everything we need from the mobs yeah i do and i think i do so yeah here my daddies oh fantastic is that a bunny i need you to die is it daytime right now because i just paused time yeah okay come back i'm sorry to kill you and take you from your babies i can't spread anymore i'm gonna get you i keep killing i keep killing rabbits that have babies or poor rabbits get those i know i'm like really concentrated right now because i cannot find lapis and it is really bothering me i kind of want to go through this forest over there because i think that that's the way back home too oh man i'm far out now um but i kind of want to come over here too just because i feel like if there are pumpkins right by us and i just went everywhere but you come up and grab a pumpkin and beat me i i'm gonna promise you i've not found pumpkins yet no i know but what if you do and where are the animals if i do find pumpkins though i will not tell you that i found them what gotta stay sneaky stacy he didn't drop any meat the food issue the food issue is becoming my number one issue now did you ever spawn yourself back in some food no oh should i your choice i feel like that's not a then if i do win people just be like yeah but it's your choice it was a survival challenge and she spawned in food oh my gosh my texture pack did it again i was like i found pumpkins and then it was like nope that's a tree i just don't understand like they're i didn't think they were this rare they're not i guess they're yeah they're kind of rare things are kind of rare show yourself i have a huge cave system i'm not able to find any lapis come on just one thing of lapis please yeah i would say that this reflects poorly on your caving abilities well i attack i don't normally you know venture off into a cave and look for lavish so i think i've been here isn't that lava oh i don't know i don't know what if i should have gone the other way grazer right there but i didn't went this way what if this was the wrong way why a pumpkin patch grazer a pumpkin patch we're gonna like search for five hours and then uh like read a mojang update tomorrow that's like we've removed pumpkins probably i've i've traveled high and low uh-huh yeah you can uh and low grazer high and low jeez we should have thought these pumpkin things out beforehand eh pretend as if we were in a survival world and we are wanting to look for pumpkins okay that's what we should probably put the mindset in like we want to build like we're on we're on our own survival world we want to build a snow golem you're wandering out for the first time where are you going to find the pumpkins at that's what i'm my mindset is at least well i just want to find home now actually because i just don't even know where i am the home is at three o'clock i don't know where the home is but i just don't like my cords so i'm at negative 683 i need to get negative 503. do you think maybe because we're so far out pumpkins don't spawn as often oh i know i think i know where i am i think i recognize that lava flow right there i think the home might be right up here grazer i would be so happy i should turn my render distance out before i'm trying to look for these pumpkins you're about to do it aren't you you're about to win if i can find the pumpkins yeah are we both on the pumpkins and that's our only thing left you found the lapis yeah i found the lapis you found the lapis i did why i just didn't know you had so are we both on this as our last thing yes what yes yes yeah where did you find them yes yes yes yes oh flounder bookcase flying carpet savannah tree oh i told you you had to rename the puffer fish too i won i won crazer i won serious gracer where'd you finally find them where'd you finally find them i finally found them just right over on that ridge over there they were so close they were so close i got an extra one too just in case my snowman despawned i won look what i had stacy i had everything but i i've had everything forever grazer i got the bookies immediately i had the lapis like i i i can't believe it i can't believe it i want to thank paige i want to thank longest time so for the longest time you had had everything everything everything i've been it's been pumpkin quest for about an hour holy i am the disney princess all right stacy it's time to re-film what no i won i won the disney challenge even though i died grazer i died and you're full iron are you kidding me well yeah i could not find a cave like i could not find the lapis for the longest time i was making my way back trying to find a full iron and i am the disney princess hello oh my gosh grazer there's a bird with flounder are you kidding it's the seagull from the little mermaid what i'm like ariel right now look at these things isn't it neat wouldn't you think i won minecraft finally well one thing i did forget to do that i probably would have lost on is i'd never renamed the puffer fish i totally forgot about that that's unfortunate i am ariel i won the disney challenge finally thank you guys so much for watching molly love you go rescue a dog dang it
Channel: stacyplays
Views: 1,276,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Mineclash, Graser
Id: _-qnsS96M5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 52sec (2992 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 04 2015
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