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i'm recording options video settings full screen and i am ready to win i'm going to win this time i know it hello everyone my name is stacy and welcome back to mineclash i am here with grazer and we are doing the disney challenge part four grazer are you ready to lose grazer you might want to exit f1 mode what do you mean yeah you see the chat no i'm not ready oh i didn't see the chat i was in f1 grazer i'm always in f1 for my intros look at the mickey mouse grazer look at this set guys this has got to be the best set of my clash yo look at that it's pretty cool it's pretty cool the mickey mouse was built by ekko and nathan and they also helped me make tiny little dioramas for each of the five movies which stacy you're going to go ahead and explain cause i don't think i've seen any of these movies so go ahead i'm sure you have okay so the first one is toy story obviously we've got andy's bedroom see like the wallpaper with the clouds and you have to get leather boots and that is an item for woody when he's like there's a snake in my boots okay right right yeah yay can't tell you for sure i remember the line yeah when he pulls the string on the back of him there's a snake in my boots oh no zoinks all right brother all right so the next one is the goofy movie i was really proud of this i came up with it so it's the waterfall that they go off of in the movie and the item is a fishing rod for the perfect cast do the perfect cast dance crazer dusk donut see i know the song i don't know what the freaking name is tasty i don't know what the difference is power line okay yeah mary poppins obviously sugar oh no rained out rained out end of mine clash bye all right no i'm back i'm back you don't win i don't forfeit i don't forfeit okay so obviously this is a chimney uh i'm gonna sing this whole challenge grazer um i'm gonna start with power line no way i'm gonna start with you've got a friend in me then i'm going to transition to a couple of power line songs i might go a little bit like a max too like you know uh after today okay so mary poppins spoon full of sugar just a as okay anyway uh and then uh we've got a jungle sapling in the item frame uh by the way did you know that vines can grow over item frames no that didn't look i'm climbing on the item frame look at this that looks really weird crazy don't do that this is stacy's favorite one this is one of my favorite disney movies i mean it's right it's probably in my top five stacy was gonna do a whole challenge on this she would not stop talking about the jungle book so because because grazer you said you've never seen it yeah i've never seen it and that's not okay anyway so you have to get a jungle sapling what do we got over here the are still cats the aristocats it's time to practice our scales and our arpeggios hello crazer grazer did you lag out or are you making fun of me for saying arpeggios oh i disappeared and came back do you like my magical powers stacy so when i was rudely interrupted by my magical powers you were talking about some pistachios or whatever i don't know what you're talking about i was talking about scales and arpeggios grazer do you not know have you never seen the aristocats either no okay so this is grazer this is marie this is toulouse and this is berlioz they're not named i would have thought you named them cecilia oh i should have oh speaking of naming we don't have to name any of these items you don't have to name any of the items so grazer this is an arpeggio it's notes played in succession either uh going up or down so that's an arpeggio i saw you at the mall against the wall you were tall oh yeah you were about to fall though i called let's do this okay oh no i'm stuck on the anvil all right i'm sick so you can't make me laugh that harder i will go to the hospital i just love the disney mouse it looks like a little sumo character what daisy how do you do that i don't like that i don't like that i'm gonna play the challenge with this head-on can you see yeah i can see all right do it all right so we have to get the four items that go in the item frame so like you have item frames here like one two three four and then you put the oh wait is that wool or carpet it must be carpet i mean it must be wool you put the note block on the piece of wool and then you press the button if you win knowing mine clash grazer please pay attention this is the button that you'll be pressing what oh yeah yes but that wasn't my question knowing uh that these are like item frame where does my items go where your items go well it's split down the middle see so like this is the middle so he put four for two for you on each side but one for me on each one oh that's a mistake that's a mistake we're gonna fix this air in just a moment we'll be right back ladies and gentlemen okay so is that it is that everything oh you put your armor on i'm gonna put my armor on uh i put that i put your boots on that's it uh uh you can take my bad it's fine no i keep giving these stupid arguments okay i got it back there we go there we go yeah you can put the arm on if you want boom all right so the leather boot okay so i'm gonna have to okay never mind i'm being quiet i'm not helping you at all um all right ready ready ready yeah okay count it down you count it down three two one go i'm going this way bye-bye no you can't come this way no no no go away wanted to go that way okay um all right i gotta find so i'm actually no i'm not gonna share my strategy with you grazer you do what you want stacy but i was so obsessed with the actual set of the challenge that i didn't take note on what we actually had to get so leather boots what do you need me to pause sugar no no i'm good i'm good i got i needed to find a tree that was like isolated like this is so okay so jungle sapling sugar oh these are pretty easy items stacy they are so hopefully i don't lose hopefully i don't lose i need a wind grazer oh you know it's been hard it's been really hard first days oh no don't feel good you're not by me are you was that me that broke that maybe no i no i went the complete opposite way of you okay i thought you went back to spawn or something no i i did go back to spawn but i went the i saw it the same way i'm trying to get my juggles badly this might not take all that long i might actually win in a record time this time around here you go no get this get it you can't win it's not allowed if you haven't seen all of the disney movies it's not okay but i've won challenges that i haven't been allowed to win before so i think i've already broken that law does sugarcane spawn in jungles uh i want to say i know but i have no idea i don't experiment enough with jungles they're so rare um by the way i would like to mention gorgeous seeds stacy that you've chosen out for this challenge oh i loved it right i love it so much okay so jungle trees why'd you make it a jungle sapling so that i could waste 30 minutes cutting down one tree oh my goodness oh that's unfortunate um where am i gonna find i need to go high where am i gonna find cows and by the way i'd like to also ask the order that the items go in on the item frames doesn't matter right they just need to be there because they didn't really specify that it doesn't matter do you see any cows okay cool cows oh oh i forgot about leather leather that's it never mind no no no leather no leather no leather i'll spend my uh my 30 minutes trying to get my jungle sapling so you can save that one for last because this isn't gonna be difficult all right oh darn it i don't i didn't mean to do that why did you make us have to get a job both okay first of all they're rare they're one in 40 drop i don't know that like mount everest get up to this thing i knew that it was hard to get a jungle sapling just purely because it's hard to cut down a jungle tree um i mean grazer i'll give you a little bit of help like you just need to pick a small one that's like kind of by itself but they're so rare oh yeah i didn't know that i had no idea i just thought oh it takes forever to cut down a tree i didn't realize that there are actually rare drops yeah they are here we go stacy's really concentrating so after two weeks of no mind clash you really want to take this one home don't you you don't want it to resume on the same page of course oh my gosh oh my gosh nothing what nothing am i gonna spend my whole day breaking down trees i know i hope so i mean my sapling i hope so this is a jungle tree right how do i yeah variant jungle leaves okay i found melons um i'm scared about i guess actually no i don't think keep inventory is on and i think that's i think that's okay oh now that we now that we have armor on no i don't i don't think we should it's not a survival challenge but i just need to be very very careful um in fact i should get blocks on my inventory probably literally they are so rare stacy 1 in 40 is less of a chance than i thought holy cow it really is one in 40. yeah one in 40 chance that you're going to get one i don't want to eat leaves no idea sorry i think i might just uh have you gotten one already uh no not telling where did i cut down other trees oh gosh i'm kind of laggy i should probably go for that yeah i'm really laggy oh yeah stacy lagoon daisy lagging that gives me a little bit of an advantage i don't think this was a horrible cave this was a this was a terrible life decision crazy you're already caving they have all your stuff oh my gosh no no guys i really want this oh oh how long have i had that before guys don't yell at me let me guess grazers had a sapling this whole time i hope i haven't cause i didn't see it guys we'll blame it on my laser eye surgery that's why i'm kind of lost okay i don't know if this is the way oh i don't want to just go blindly into this jungle if this isn't the way you put the chords in yeah they are in chat so if you do need to go back to spawn you can find that in the chat there i might need to look that up because i don't want to i want to find a cave but oh i need to eat i love being you every time i go into my inventory i see your little head your little silly head there not cool grazer i love it okay this the way and we need leather boots fishing rod oh i see mesa i see mesa okay so let's find a cave mesa is everywhere what are you talking about oh well i had to go pretty far out to if you've already found cows i'm gonna be pretty mad because i can't find any at all oh is this cave this is really cool like i i really do like this seed because there's like a lot of like little mesa-e kids oh my god i accidentally killed a bat i mean i'm okay with that because i hate bats so why is why does it matter then oh my gosh this is like i'm sorry this is just a little intense grazer oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh i am i'm like yoloing this like i okay i'm being really reckless right now i need to not be this reckless i just want to win i feel like i i never win because i'm always reckless you know what i mean i mean i'm never reckless and you're just like no that's how i never do that so this time i'm trying to just go crazy oh no this isn't like a thing this isn't a cave grazer oh stacy's having trouble with her that just caught on fire oh it was hit by a skeleton or it flew in the fire either way works okay i gotta find my leather here i have no idea where i'm gonna find brother oh gosh i'm being so reckless right now i hate it daisy keep being reckless it helps your boy g yeah let me go up here no no there's gold oh yeah that is a creeper down there where did he come from does that make you happy stace no i don't want a creeper down there i need like a bow and arrow up here a little bit i'm gonna i'm still alive i'm still alive you know what i might as well wait for this lava to go away because maybe there's like red stone underneath it hey maybe i'm uh this this top round mason mountain looks really promising oh i found gold just digging okay leave me alone grazer does redstone only spawn at a certain height uh yes it's around diamond level i know it can spawn a little higher than diamond level that's around there i think i think of course if you don't quote me on that oh there's a here this is a bad idea i need to go find a cave like an actual cave razor you could always try the g method and dig down i don't think that that's a good method yeah okay like i think that you think that that's a good method it works for me about that's the thing it has worked for you a bunch so maybe maybe it's not no but the ratio is pretty off like there's a two out of five chance you'll probably you know die and lose all your stuff so oh i don't like that grazer stacy is unlucky a lot dc i can't find any cows oh that's what i like to quote grazer that's what i like to hear everything i don't think they spawn i i don't think any mob spawns in a mesa are you sure you want to know how i know that because when i started cube i was like oh i'm gonna um you know i'm gonna build my home in the mesa it's gonna be great and then as soon as i got out there to the mesa it was like i have no food and i kept starving to actual death because i was such a minecraft noob too oh yeah oh but why did i go this way then yeah that's just a tip there oh my gosh i've totally forgot about something yes it gives me more time oh my gosh i feel like such a loser is it okay well hostile mobs spawn in the mesa so yes they do that i can confirm oh now i'm really nervous is it i'm really nervous i forgot something grazer you know if they spawn like in between like oh stacy what the heck was that it's a skeleton shooting me that's all what if i died right there of a heart attack but i win okay i'm sorry to anybody watching this that was scary oh my goodness no it was not that was one of your scarier screams in a while that was scary what that actually made me jump oh geez so you said diamond level huh oh my what gosh what just gosh oh here we go a normal violin probably with cows here we go come here biome are you good say see you i'm good i'm just really tense right now grazer oh gosh that wasn't good dig in stacy digging digging digging digging in it's currently raining would you like me to toggle down fall uh sure okay all done stacey i'm worried now for my safety i am too know that you found something that you're not revealing no i'm worried for my safety graze are you sure how could you be so like in danger by mobs in a cave it wasn't it wasn't mobs it was lava oh did lava get the best of these tastes did lava get the best city i'm not telling you grazer oh my gosh i can't find anything of what i need i am what is this a bad idea i'm like pillaring up somewhere and i think i'm probably just going to like pillar straight up into a creeper and that's what you want to do that's i'd prefer not to that's what's on your mind you're like yes creeper please okay fine all right i think i got what i needed there this is so dangerous oh oh get away from the creeps get away from the creeps are you outside i am i still got to get some outside stuff done is it nighttime it is night time yes like like when in the night cycle is it i have no idea let me check okay it is midnight literally like the it's like midway through the sky it's coming down a little bit oh no it's a little like more so that it just began night so we won't be seeing sunlight for a while unfortunately all right good to know grazer great to know thank you for the intel okay so you might not want to come to the service because you definitely don't need any hostile mobs for anything in this challenge so just ignore them wait did i put this torch here are you here is this really oh did i really find my wow okay oh nothing kill the bat kill the bat um oh here we go oh hello what is that oh sandstone i didn't did i do wait what do we need again oh i'm laggy i'm laggy and it's night and there's creepers and i'm lagging i'm gonna blow up my creeper stacy blowback creeper no don't blow by a creeper oh no this is like my worst nightmare again mesa at night i have had nightmares about this grazer the armor that we have will not support this now i gotta find my way back to spawn i have no idea where it is i went over really far out i think it's over these cells actually actually i'm having the same problem right now i thought i knew where spawn was oh no baby zombie why baby zombie why ah baby zombie guys no i outsmarted him i outsmarted him grace i need to eat though i really need to eat okay i think i'm lost oh no i'm not i see mickey i see mickey oh okay well i don't see mickey so there's a problem here i think it's this way if not i've put the coordinates in okay okay okay oh no witch no no thank you witch no thank you witch yeah it's this way i don't know i hope i torched up this area enough grazer because i feel as though a creeper could just come and derail all of what i'm trying to accomplish well don't worry because they can't grief any of the spawn i've already turned mob creeping off so they won't destroy it thanks grazer don't worry okay okay how do you not notice you've already been blown up by multiple creepers they didn't do any damage to the ground i thought he did i don't think so pretty sure they didn't i'm pretty sure they didn't oh my god okay where am i this is where i am am i close yeah it's just this way okay stacy i'm uh i'm in a good position right now are you i'm in a pretty good position are you coming are you where are you i have no idea i'm trying to get back to spawn we'll see how it works out okay here we go so did you find redstone or because that's something we need right for the noteblock i will tell you i found a ravine been a little laggy grazer i'm not gonna lie oh i've not had any trouble with lag yeah i think it's just me daisy's lagging guys that's gonna be the cause of my victory ha ha razor you i don't like how cocky you are you get really cocky that's going to be the cause of your victory and then i win the cockiness pays off okay wait where did i where am i going the spawn is this way oh are you trying to get to spawn yes i'll help you oh wow you win already that was so quick oh my gosh grazer hey listen to this are you serious i'm practicing my skills and my arpeggios do it's kind of dark here how did you do that so quickly what the heck look i got everything but the noteblock i want i want a one i want i want a one i wanted one i got really lucky i ran into like 20 cows that actually scared me like i had a heart like a heart attack oh grazer i'm gonna take a nap in uh i'm gonna have a little sleep in uh in the andy's bed i think can i where can i breathe i can't do it okay now shy that's okay i think i'm just gonna bask in my uh my win grazer ah are you serious i won the disney challenge part four i won the disney challenge part four bye grazer have a nice time it's been fun everyone thanks for watching oh sunrise on the mesa grazer they're not doing damage to you really not too much damage oh okay my mistake my mistake okay all right guys thanks so much for watching this video agent molly love you go rescue a dog
Channel: stacyplays
Views: 735,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Mineclash
Id: bARq3bZIaRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2015
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