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hello everyone and welcome back to mind clash my name is stacy and today i am doing the jog craft challenge with grazer 10 grazer are you ready to lose okay this one i actually fear that you will probably win so this is actually the first time in both survival challenges and mine clash history that we are introducing a mod to the challenge now the mod is not big it's actually the copious dogs mod that stacy uses in her famous dog craft series i have no idea you know what the mod does you can explain that in further detail well i recently accomplished a hundred episodes of dog craft grazer so i thought that this would be a fun challenge and you actually really wanted to do it yeah i'm excited to do this because i've like you know i've watched dog craft before but i've never played it and i know you have a lot of mods going on in dog craft and this isn't necessarily the only one but they're so cute look at the little doggies they're so cute oh you know what speaking of dogs this is actually on the topic i just looked on my desk and i just purchased your shirt and i have your signature and you put a dog pot on it i did and look we have a autograph we have a little miniature puppy pond uh from my dog craft series i didn't even notice that see it was just a random pun what the heck get it grazer it's a pond p-a-w-n-d oh oh now i get it that makes sense so what's the challenge stacy explain it alright so the challenge is that you have to get a puppy dog so channel your interstacy and tame a dog so you have to make an by the way in all fairness i have sent grazer all of the crafting recipes yeah and they are easy crafting recipes so you have to make enough of the dog biscuits to tame a dog you also have to get a dog a collar a leash and a bowl yes and i've been told that you need to dye this collar and this the collar and the bowl must be dyed green green okay and then you also have to use the name tag provided to name your dog any name and it can be any breed of dog too that you find i've seen lots of dogs around here in the world someone doesn't necessarily have to be this very dog i could go out and find like a black and white dog and bring it back it doesn't really matter which one it is exactly a dog okay and then the only other thing that we didn't mention is that you also have to give your dog some food in its bowl the bowl can't be empty you have to give it any food or certain food um it can't be your starter food it's pork we gotta mention this is probably the nicest area i've ever seen oh my gosh and i just randomly teleported here we were on a map trying to find a place and i and literally grazer teleported one direction and was like no this is terrible this is ocean and i teleported this direction and i was like well i got a sunflower field or not sunflower sales i've got flowers i got planes village over there yeah this is a great spawn and it's perfect for this challenge so i'm ready to go here we go all right graser i am ready i hope you uh i hope wait a minute what is that dog down there i've never seen that dog grazer three two one go wait what what hey okay but we need we need pork so thank you for directing me in this direction there's pigs over here you're welcome no problem okay oh you know what i probably should have gone to the village you're probably already rushing there now yep no point okay so we need pork for certain things we need pork for the dog biscuit and i'm actually gonna throw up all the recipes what's that some of you might be unfamiliar with the dog craft monument she's just having fun with the villagers uh so if you're unfamiliar i'm gonna throw up the recipes now why'd you only give us 32 torches this time around uh because it's a light caving challenge okay um so i'm gonna throw up the recipes here and you can see what exactly what i have to get and make so that's why i'm getting each specific thing uh and that as you can see was a pretty good start to that specific item whoa what this is this is new this is new to me like i've never played with this mod do i need this yes i do yeah but it's not like a it's not a scary mod it's not like no it's not i was there i was like we don't want like something that's too crazy because i you know i'm not the biggest mod guy i can't do that stuff yeah like you don't have to and like the thing about this mod is that all the crafting recipes use uh regular items vanilla items yeah that's not like craft this but then that's one step to crafting right that's right that's a requisite for i don't do mods like that all right come here buddy so the one thing about playing in 1.6 is the menu is different and also you can't sprint run like there's no control run it is a little tricky i have to double tap this is really tricky okay where's that guy called oh hello oh wow i hit that creeper quickly over here creeper how are you already seeing oh it's already night on your side of the map huh my side of the map well you went the other way didn't you you're closer to that where you are well no like the moon is closer up to the oh hi uh i think you're going crazy stacey minecraft doesn't work that way it doesn't matter how close you are to the moon it's gonna be the same night everywhere no it was still sunset where i was we're not in the real world stacy oh okay well i think of minecraft as the real world i'm not doing too bad stacy i'm not doing too bad are you doing well i'm doing i'm doing pretty good actually you know what i just realized what's up oh creeper i just realized that my minecraft sounds must be like non-existent right now i'm not hearing anything oh that's the thing you switch to 1.64 so you gotta adjust your settings accordingly i did all that before that's gonna blow okay there hold on i gotta kill this zombie and then i've got to adjust my sounds i'm not hearing any zombies or anything a creeper could come down for all i know sound i like though wait a minute no my sound is at 100 grazer uh oh all right we're back we fixed stacy's sound problem she can now hear again yeah and it's a good thing i did because apparently there's lava around me well didn't you want to get like plummeted by lava that would have been awesome no that would have been bad that would be awesome you know it you know it would have been awesome because it would have helped me it would have helped me to win it um okay so i one thing i like about the 1.6 version of minecraft so far is that finding a cave wasn't too difficult uh but i can't figure out how to get out of here oh it would darn it or i entered the cave probably a horrible idea um let's go up a little bit so stacey how are you doing in this challenge so far i'm doing okay sounds are a little high actually my water's uh i'm right close to some water grazer uh am i making my way up a cave i don't i guess 32 torches was enough i don't know i think i ran out yeah i'm out i'm out of torches stacy are you kidding me well then you've got to make your own all right there we go oh hey donkey you're so cute the little dogs i'm finding brown ones i see there was little black ones over there yeah there's little black ones those are the french bulldogs the french bulldogs they look kind of like me actually let me go oh hi guys hey guys hey dudes these things are so cute look at them they look like mini mini g's little robot grazers i would want that as my dog i think uh what else do we got skeletons it's night time it's definitely night time so we'll let you know of that that is a i just got that too i thought that was just me though no oh gosh you yes yeah i'm okay just holy lag all right there are a lot of these bulldogs oh baby zombie why you always have a lot of conflicts of baby zombies for some reason always not like you i'm going to die i'm going to die don't die don't die i know well server is kind of laggy i'm going to die thank you it's really laggy oh oh my goodness what why is it lagging is it the mod it might be i gotta heal ah i'm gonna die i'm at two and a half hearts okay there we go i think i'm fine i think i'm fine leg's gone leg's gone okay don't die grazer you have you need a lot of string in this one yeah that's a lot oh geez oh geez no no skeleton no don't hit me don't hit me oh my gosh hit him hit him oh man i like you take a lot more damage in 1.6 what is that like i feel like i'm much more vulnerable to the mobs here oh my gosh i almost just got whizzed to zombie apocalypse right now it's a zombie apocalypse okay let's get this guy what are you doing oh yeah spiders are a lot stronger yeah right i remember jungles were a lot more common back in this version so i just found another one that's so rare now you found another jungle yeah they're not they're not they weren't as rare back in the day they are rare now the introduction of the new uh the new biome it's pretty cool hey pretty cool come back come here yeah yeah you die you die i'm gonna heal up i gotta heal up uh so i don't know if i went to the right desert but i found a desert oh good for you grazer i'll let you know that okay let me yeah break down all this and you know what the one thing i have not grabbed yet is any wood that's the one thing you should grab oh and i love how achievements don't show up and broadcast in the chat that's awesome yes you don't know exactly what i'm doing anymore yeah i know what did you do did you get a diamond or something no i cut down a tree you would have freaked out though thinking i would have won oh yeah i would have okay no i don't want to do that i want to make this and now we're just going to play the waiting game a little bit oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy a boy stacy you're having a good time at your own forte i'm trying here grazer i'm trying um all right come here oh did he just despawn that spider just despawned grazer just letting you know it's no longer night thanks grazer it'll be a little bit more tough to get your spiders now you said the biscuit it it's like a bone it just like it takes a random amount of times to tame a dog with a biscuit yeah where's it once okay so i'm gonna make it uh well i i'm actually not really sure when i started dark craft i'm pretty sure it took you didn't know how many you needed but the more that the series has gone on sometimes it's just the first bone works okay i don't want to give you bad information all right all right no problem we'll do that oh i'm missing some string yeah me too i think i might be missing bones as well um okay stacy side uh okay let's see here put that in and then put this the in how do you make the color oh you get a lot of strings stacy's really concentrated she's like i can't lose the dog crap i really it's pressure i can't lose the dog craft challenge that would be like horrible i've literally just learned this mod today guys so we'll see how it works out okay yeah there you go the dog dish looks so weird what if i do that oh boy here hold on what's up nothing you said hold on i'm just looking over my stuff grazer that's all yeah i didn't get any what should we call it oh my gosh all right back to uh the place this dog looks cute hey buddy what are you are you taming a dog grazer well no i'm just looking i want to figure out which one i want to take so i'm trying to figure out what i would want to name my dog this is more of like a creative challenge oh yeah i actually haven't even thought about that what do i want to name my dog if i win i want it to be something that stacy will not enjoy if she loses you know what i'm saying um french bulldogs everywhere okay whoa stacy i see you back at spawn hi i'm just hanging out you about to finish no how do you get that bone design on the dish uh it's just the direction like if you go to the side of your dish your dish probably has it how do i rotate it you can't you have to look exactly oh you can't no okay okay there you go um now go away grazer dog i need to name it and i need a collar let's see what i need did you get all of your string no okay good do you need a caller to bring a dog back or do you just need to leave to get him back uh i don't know grazer i'm gonna try leashing him you said the leash acts as a lead so i'm gonna try that take this leash and we will uh we'll see what we can do i think i want a french bulldog so we'll go find one of those and we'll use our biscuits what happens if both biscuits don't work oh my gosh i will be pretty i would be so happy if that happens to you grazer stacy i right clicked it twice i don't know if it's tamed uh is its tail wagging yes it is then it should be tamed why is it running away from me i thought you said you didn't have enough string no i had enough string for a leash how come i can't right click the guy with the leash oh yeah you do have to put the collar on first oh okay they don't despawn do they um no they shouldn't oh i just found a spawner what that doesn't seem fair hello that's not fair watch you're gonna find a name tag like legit i did are you kidding me i actually found a name tag legitimately the one time it's not required oh whoops whoops whoops whoops whoop whoops whoops whoops what's your progress on the challenge so far stacey uh i could use a little bit of ooh is that a spider where are you where are you oh uh you know what i just realized huh what i nothing my sword is uh where's this is it night oh here we go this guy gonna oh molly wait i just heard your actual dog that's the beauty of dog craft grazer sometimes you get my actual dog oh here you are here you are die please give me string daisy i oh i don't think he gave me any strings there's been a problem with my dog cece i'm unable to no it's not following me anymore a second ago stacey my dog oh that's unfortunate grazer that's unfortunate it's actually not following me though like i got one i legitimately cannot that sounds like a personal problem i literally can't i cannot okay i'm gonna have to let me just do a one last test i'm gonna go really far away it was just working a second ago yeah it's not working anymore oh and it just detached oh no it didn't detach so how long does the lead actually go on for did it stretch normally uh like a waist this weighs like like i don't know how many blocks like like you i mean 20 blocks maybe that's so weird this dog's got something else to it oh i should have just brought like it huh it was working just a second ago i swear guys you guys saw that i was leading him it's right there you just gotta work for a little ways and it won't work all right see you're going really quiet whoa i'm fine grazer oh i have to find some more pigs in this case i have no idea oh yeah was there one back there oh yes five okay come on stacey i think i need to go find another dog i think i think there are more pigs this way let me see here oh man okay yeah there are more pigs over here hello little piggies come here uh i got the bones required perfect this is like a very very very cute mod i want like something else i can't find any variety here uh but i also have to act quick because i don't want to lose but i don't i think we're good uh come upstairs so how often do these dogs spawn because i can't find any oh i don't know grazer that's unfortunate all i can wait what kind of a biome are you in i'm in a oh the dog should be spawning there oh hello oh look at these cute little dogs i want you i want you no he didn't wag his tail he didn't wake his tail stacy two dogs really that is unlucky grazer what kind of a dog is it it's like a little little one little little one do the little ones not get tamed to you what kind of a little one a chihuahua i don't know it's like i don't know how do i how do i tell it's like little beige black eyes brown nose looks like a reindeer are you kidding me are you kidding me i just killed three spiders but i like i don't i don't watch the challenge to end i'm kind of having fun exploring right grazer's into dog craft if i broke my okay hold on uh so let's see where are those pigs there we go and no this is probably the worst idea ever guys i think i just lost myself oh we didn't write down the chords like we normally do what is this guy oh that's the normal dog i think what like a wolf um i don't know this should be like a thing that tells you what these things are i see the snow bio i think i'm close i see another okay hold on come here you guys you have to come you have to you have to do it stace do it do it for dog craft okay okay yeah there we go over there there's a lot of spiders i don't really need you would it be a good time to mention that i got a ton of string from the spawner check what i think it's time to just get ourselves a dog and name it real quick and uh we'll be underway so get that pork chop here as well perfect come here little piggy and then we'll uh we'll get one of those dogs that are close ooh that that cave goes down deep boom so you're having fun caving stacy i'm having so much fun caving grazer grab that oh no i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die why is it no no i'm actually gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i've been so close to dying so many times this challenge it's unbelievable all right let's say oh i see you up there it's fun i'll save you grazer where are you i see i thought i saw you at spawn over there i'm about to head back to spawn actually um i think i might just take a default grazer i would like you to meet my dog pizza here he is oh my gosh what happened to you look at you have you seen yourself recently i didn't think why are you full hired i didn't think you were that far i'm flying because of the village if that stupid dog which dog which dog where come over here there's a stupid dog over here if i had gotten this dog right here i would have won this dog grazer look at that i've never seen that happen his tail is wagging and yet he won't move he was moving that's hilarious grazer and unfortunate because it means that i have won the dogcraft challenge which i rightfully should have won i can't believe how many string did you get from that spawner i got i have three left i got 10 total from the spotter that's ridiculous i was in the midst of making my dog biscuit when you teleported me so let's let's quickly do this i'm going to make a dog biscuit we're going to tame a dog that's there he's not wagging his tail oh grazer the dogs like me this is why i'm starting cat crap all right guys well grazer come say hi to pizza he's my best friend in the world i hit him i didn't mean to hit him i meant to hit you there he's running away now what are you doing and grazer is killed by the one thing he loves most in the world pizza hey buddy okay no he's actually gonna kill me though that's the point that's the point get him pizza get him pizza here i'll help you i'll help you paige and molly love you guys go rescue a dog pizza help pizza help dogfish
Channel: stacyplays
Views: 1,115,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Mineclash
Id: oIDvdDy1o5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2015
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