Unlucky Snow White | Ep. 1 | Sims 4 Disney Princess Challenge

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I'll just stand on the balcony right here and I will sing oh goodness hey guys what's up el-bee shoit here and welcome to a brand new at simmers for playthrough oh that was creepy so I know it's been a while since I played The Sims 4 I'm a little bit rusty but I've decided to take on a challenge this is the Disney Princesses challenge I'll leave a link to the details of the challenge in the description below but basically the gist of it is each generation is a new princess so you start off with Snow White who I have created here I've given her snow white skin her famous black hair with the little red bow and a good hair really email look you know I just feel like if Snow White was around today she'd definitely be an emo so each princess has their own unique set of rules that are supposed to live by and it's kind of based on their Disney stories so for example with Snow White who is the first princess that was dying with she must be a female she must have seven children or dwarves and each of those seven children has to have a bad trait just like the dwarves from Snow White so for example they could be mean-spirited or a slob and they all have to have a different bad trait so we are gonna have a household full of horrible horrible children all the children also have to have the same baby daddy but Snow is only allowed to get married once the seventh child is a teenager and the final rule for Snow is that she is not allowed to answer the door to strangers or talk to elderly women because in The Snow White story an elderly woman came to her door and gave her a poisoned Apple so it's kind of understandable why she wouldn't want to open the door to strangers so hopefully we'll be able to live by these rules if you catch me breaking them and I don't notice please leave a comment below because I'm kind of forgetful and I might forget some of the rules sometimes so without further ado let me show you first of all the outfits that we have for snow and then we'll move her into a house so we've got her daily email outfit and then we've got her farm or ware which right chosen this delicate white dress you know she's got to attract the men somehow and her athletic where there weren't a lot of choices if I'm honest with you actually I might try and change this I don't think that's really athletic wear and what the heck is that let's see if there is anything Oh a little inappropriate but hella cute well that works yeah that's better and then we've got her sleepwear which is a really cute onesie with some little bunny slippers I'm addicted to these bunny slippers probably all the princess is going to be wearing them and then we're gonna have a party outfit which is maybe a little bit too formal depending on what kind of party she's going to so maybe we should make her a second outfit that is a little less formal oh that's cute oh that's almost the same same girl why are all these dresses so fancy yeah oh that's cute kind of it's a little weird but I like it you know I actually really like that can we get away with these boots yeah we can okay and then finally we have her swimwear which is just a blue bathing suit because Snow White's color scheme is very blue you know we gave us some sunglasses to protect your eyes from those harmful UV rays so that is Snow White all we have to do now is find a house for her to move into and I've chosen to live in Wyndam burg because the houses are very Disney Princess like and I've never played in this town before so everything is gonna be brand new to me so I'm going to move her into this tiny little one-bedroom house over there because that is all we can afford um let's go ahead and buy it furnished to save us some trouble and let's have a look at what it looks like yeah I hope it's good cuz I spent all my money on this oh my goodness this is tiny ah okay let's get her inside before some strangers come a-knockin so let's have a little investigate we've got a cheap looking kitchen the tiniest table you've ever seen in the plainest looking living room with no TV just a bookshelf and then what does the upstairs look like oh great just as I anticipated is that cardboard box my goodness okay this place definitely needs some work and there's definitely not enough room for Seven Dwarfs be running around but it's enough to get her started and let's start by doing a little bit of work on the house because it is just a mess right now that lamp is the most hideous thing I've ever seen it's going it's gone oh I think somewhere I downloaded some Disney Princess artworks that that one would be really cool we've got an Elsa one but I kind of want to find a snow white one it's the Snow White pinup snow oh my gosh is perfect okay this is looking a little bit nicer and now we are pretty much almost out of money I'm gonna start off making her watch the cullinary channel and try to get her culinary school up a little bit because I really don't want to have to set the kitchen on fire and end the Disney Princess legacy before it has even begun and she's gone to sleep what the heck you are not sleeping beauty it is not time to sleep yet with that she's not even tired why is she done this okay let's go ahead and make her cook some food because she's actually pretty hungry we're gonna make cut have some brunch scrambled eggs and bacon of course oh my god she's so cute oh I love it I hope she does not kill herself or anyone or set the whole fire on town okay we have breakfast oh my gosh there are people at the door and they've brought food with them but she's not allowed to open the door to answer to them because they are strangers so they're just gonna have to go away and we're just gonna have to sit here eating our breakfast in silence and loneliness she looks so sad oh it's Kushida toilet and maybe she's also stinky I'm not really sure okay eat up because you have a busy day ahead of you we need to find you a baby daddy okay we are all ready for the day so let's put ourselves in our daily outfit because there's no way I'm gonna get a man leaving the house in my pajamas and let's head out let's see if there's anyone around here actually maybe there's an eligible bachelor closer than we have a thought I don't see one though oh hang on there he is no I'm just kidding and I am looking for a real man oh my gosh she's Snow White I wonder if she like likes pigeons she's Snow White so she should be able to summon the birds and interact with them but she can't Oh sing ah maybe the pigeons will come to her when she sings something tells me the pigeons aren't gonna like that please stop okay so maybe singing isn't her strong suit we probably need to practice that if she's gonna be snow white we need to find some gentlemen oh here's a gentleman I'll give him a friendly introduction cold cash is kind of dangerous going over here this is a danger zone there's an elderly woman there and if we talk to her we've already broken one of the rules I hope she doesn't try to talk to me oh my gosh what's happening no don't touch her no how dare you it's already got terribly wrong why'd you talk to this guy she's gone straight for the old woman okay well he apparently is not interested in me which is fine oh my duck I'm just gonna run over here okay maybe we can try somebody else maybe there's somebody down here in the village square there is not but what a romantic place to meet somebody if there was anybody here oh let's visit the cafe surely there must be somebody here oh there is somebody in there a young gentleman but then there's also a gray-haired lady so I'm worried that she might be old oh that's not good okay we need to make sure we don't talk to her but I don't mind talking to this guy how's it going snow why it's very forward imagine if you just went up and sat down next to a random stranger and start talking to him people would probably think you are quite a weirdo let's see if we can build up a rapport with this guy see if he is picking up what we're putting down and hopefully no old ladies get in our way and cramp my style because it will be kind of awkward running away screaming from an old lady oh he is not on his phone what I am talking to him oh no you did it I am out of here no that is a bad sign let's see if there's anybody else okay let's talk to this guy he doesn't really look like the type of guy that snow would want to go out with but hey maybe we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover he looks I'm funny where is he going with that book he's going right over there okay I see this guy seems pretty nice he's just not exactly boyfriend material you know none of these guys are my goal is to be impregnated by the end of this video it might be a little bit of an ambitious goal but I think Jay Huntington the third can make it happen or anyone really I will literally take anyone can somebody just please impregnate me you know this cafe is pretty dead and full of old people so I think I'm just gonna leave and find somewhere else to go let's try traveling to a little Vaughn hot estate now that looks like the kind of place I want to visit let's go oh my goodness now this is the kind of place I want to live oh hang on what's this who am I talking to what's going on how did this happen so quickly where am i where am i running to I'm running to talk to this flirty woman I am just absolutely desperate to talk to her where am i running to whoa who is that oh oh is she elderly she's young adults thank goodness why is she a ghost what's happening maybe she can give me spiritual advice on how to get a man or something oh we can ask her about being dead you know we might need to do that hopefully she doesn't get offended but I'm just genuinely interested in what she's doing here and what it's like being dead apparently being dead is just like dinosaurs okay well that was weird oh my gosh where did she go the heck she just floated away yeah she doesn't even want to talk to me anymore and who some new people looks like they're married so obviously not an eligible bachelor but hey maybe if I just start the game of chess on my own my prince charming will join me two hours later who would have thought playing a solo game of chess is not a great way to meet new guys oh I know what will attract the gentleman to my vicinity I'll just stand on the balcony right here and I will sing Oh oh goodness nobody's coming that's so unusual that usually works every time let's have a nice romantic walk in the gardens a little this is pretty you can get married here it's so pretty oh my gosh Mindy's here damn she got the skills okay I really want her to be my friend it's kind of good that she's feeling flirty though I just feel really uncomfortable talking to a flirty dead person and she's floated away again that just keeps happening okay I have no luck with men oh maybe if we get lost in the maze Prince Charming will save me or maybe we'll just be lost in there forever oh maybe that's not a great idea but she's gone for it anyway even though I didn't tell her where's she going she wants to sit on this particular bench and have a nap like a homeless lady what are you doing snow oh dear are there any males oh my gosh they're here they found their way to me my prince charming in his suit of armor oh no he's an elder here he is oh he's a teen that's awkward never mind never mind I'm coming for Prince Charming let's put the flirt on extra I'm gonna confess my attraction to him in that fantastical gold suit you can tell he's like the leader of the pack cuz the rest are wearing silver suits and he's got the gold suit I only go for the best oh no I don't think you like that um let's just go home because that was definitely not a successful day oh let's go to sleep oh my gosh my sleeping schedule is ruined it's 5:00 a.m. and I'm only just going to bed what can I say Snow White is absolutely crazy okay let's see if we can find what he actually looks like oh my gosh that is him oh you know I'm kind of glad he turned me down because that's kind of scary oh dear what happened when I uncomfortable Oh from a cheap bed okay let's buy a new bed because we can definitely not afford that but I'm gonna do it anyway here we go now you better be blum and happy with this all right let's go get some breakfast to start off the day I shall have oh its lunch right of course I'll have grilled cheese please grilled cheese is some man finding food oh yeah level two I'm pretty much a professional at this point oh she always looks so sad when she eats she kind of looks like an alien why is her lip quivering it's just a cheese sandwich oh she is really upset about that bad thing see if we can cheer her up get out in the city you know what maybe there are more men in the city so maybe we should put on a nice outfit let's get on let's put on the party outfit and head out into the city wow she looks so emo today especially with that look on her face let's do something to make her happy well we could take Jack with us although I think he has a wife so maybe we shouldn't let's just take Gunther with us I'm not really into him but you know we can just be friends what do you mean everyone is coming with you Oh what have I done oh god i extremely invited both of them ah that is so awkward I did bring both of them with me and they're both thinking about elderly woman okay let's gossip with Gunther because you know we're BFFs okay let's go - straight ahead and ask him if he's single find out once and for all whether or not he has a wife oh he is single so he could be the baby daddy although I'm not sure I want him to father my children unless he was maybe the last person left on earth sorry dude I'm gone oh my gosh I can't order from this place either the barista is that love an elderly lady again oh well this has been an absolute disaster let's head over to the gym instead and see if we can find ourselves all hunky man picking a baby daddy is a very complicated process I don't just want to pick the first guy I see I want to make sure that we get the right one and we need one that is top physical form so we need to be in top physical form ourselves let's get some running done on the treadmill aha gentlemen have arrived and people have come to laugh at me on the treadmill hey what is she doing she's actually left oh my god oh my gosh she looks terrifying oh wait she's back to being normal well this is an unusual experience not what I expected from going to the gym who's that hello Shane wives why is everyone staring at me is it that weird that I'm on a treadmill I like this guy though hi how's it going you should work out too okay why is everyone coming over to talk to me and well I'm on the track oh no I'm stinky huh oh no I bought the mission I bought the mission get off the treadmill is there a shower in this place this is so embarrassing I thank goodness a shower quick before anyone sniffs you I was trying to go into the men's my bad there's just a lady on the toilet that I well I'm taking a shower and no big deal okay thank goodness for that I instinctively nobody saw oh my goodness how is it almost midnight already why am I in my swimwear what the heck can my new one oh let's go home let's get inside before somebody sees me so yet another successful day I mean unsuccessful day we didn't find the baby daddy we were looking for but we took a good night's sleep and we are now ready for the next day oh I do need to pee real bad go pee woman oh she looks I said when she pees as well oh oh no he's calling me while I'm on the toilet let's answer it hey snow it's me do you want to go out Oh a date he's taking me to a clothes store on a date hmm okay oh no I wasn't ready no I think I'm still in my pajamas oh this is a disaster oh dear oh please say I put some clothes on oh thank goodness I put clothes on but I'm really really hungry let's just enjoy the date you know for now let's have a little chat maybe he is the one we seemed pretty close you know I'm actually putting my arm through him at times so who is that what is that makeup oh no it's an elderly lady get away get away stop talking to me do not talk to me woman talk to the hand okay I'm just going to escape and go and try and find some food really quick is the food here no this is just close lesson for the future always carry around snacks and now we know oh hang on there's a grill over here Isles quickly grow myself some hamburgers and I will invite him to feast on them with me and he will love me once he sees how good I am at cooking just look at me go I am a natural bond BBQ ax dale black that's not good come on come over here would it be too soon to do something risky oh god no oh no look at that current relationship status acquaintances oh dear that's gone down I don't think this day is going very well so I think I'm just gonna end it or he's just gonna run away cool okay well you know what he is old and his bladder is probably given out so let's just disband this group that we're having right now and I think it's time to leave we have been so unsuccessful but while we're here why don't we shop for a new outfit to make me feel better oh my goodness what is this place there's a pink lady over here and then there's a green lady on the till I'm so confused ah look at his key alone no okay how much is it $200 oh my gosh look how cute they are though oh no oh no I can't afford any of them wow this one's a little ghost name okay these are adorable look I need one of these I know I don't have a lot of money but I'm gonna buy this adorable thing it's just so cute oh no was she an elder oh no he can just talk to an elder I was too busy browsing by it I bought it I was on it I didn't have to go to the tail okay I'm gonna go straight home cuz I really want to put this little figurine in my house somewhere I'm so excited I'm gonna take this up to my bedroom and I'm gonna put it up here on the cupboard ething and it's so cute let's go and ooh enable emotional aura if we go over to this and enable it I think it will put us in a playful mood which would be nice let's admire aha we have the con playful fertilize a bush oh my goodness that is my dream to fertilize a bush well heck of course I will where are some bushes that need fertilizing hmm Oh who's that hello no stop stop I will not let back Prince Charming pass me by get your butt out here and say hello he could be the one love oh hello please don't tell me you're unemployed he's a criminal Mozza oh no oh I can't do that oh well it was nice knowing you goodbye and now we go back inside my house oh okay what just happened that made these two people walk away like this I hope he doesn't live nearby because he is actually a criminal now let's fertilize that Bush to distract myself from the man troubles I am having right now ah another topiary oh yes this will bring me look and men we fertilize it oh we can I mean I guess it would be kind of weird fertilizing a llama so it's probably for the best Oh Shane wives just asked me let's go down to the karaoke bar and sing some duets I've been practicing like crazy yes Shane okay let's do it I've been waiting for a chance to show off my singing skills all day oh my goodness prepare yourself Shane you know I think Shane might be the one mostly because he's the only one left at this point I think I've talked to every guy in the entire town let's get to know him as a friend first and then it maybe we'll see if he's into me in that way oh my gosh where am I going is that toilet interesting what does it do converse Oh friendly chitchat had a friendly chat with the toilet I am actually talking to the toilet right now and I think it's being friendly to me that is unusual oh this would be perfect let's sit down together stop talking to the toilet no an old late an old lady took my spot oh she's moving in on my man and I can't even order a drink because the bartender's elderly bloomin heck and I can't even talk to her and tell her to get off the flippin stage either oh my gosh was kylie jenner doing out here with the Grim Reaper oh no some people died I wonder who it was how they died did this bin fall on them oh yes Shan okay let's encourage him yeah boy do you maybe want to do a duet that was just great now let me have a go let's sing a pop song bun tonight watch me Shane who Shane Gunn he's having a nap he's done his karaoke and now he needs a nap can you at least watch me you brought me here to sing karaoke watch the magic you know what maybe it's a good job that he is sleeveless I don't even think this person knows what to think actually you know what I think he's digging it oh he is loving it my biggest fan I'm surprised that Shane hasn't woken up yet so did this date go well then or would you call this a disaster oh my gosh look at this this is cute ah I'm gonna go get some food ah that is awesome I'm gonna go get some egg rolls it just opened whoa who is that hey there's a dude in there I'm interested what's he doing no he is not oh my gosh they're two of them what are they doing at what is wrong with them if there's actually dude in there I will I'm considering it though cuz at this rate I think I've been through every guy in town what do you look like under the suit I'm gonna ask to look at his everyday outfit I'd really love to see it maybe he's hot I don't know are you but no that's not what I was expecting never mind you can put the raccoon outfit back on now I think I'm done oh I am done trying to find a man for today come on let's go home well I hope you guys enjoyed this first episode of the series if you enjoyed it and you want to see more please remember to leave a thumbs up on the video to let me know leave a comment if you have any ideas on how to get a man because I am in desperate need of some advice and I will see you next time
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 5,190,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough, sims 4, simmer, the sims 4, playthrough, gameplay, commentary, cc, custom content, snow white, disney challenge, disney princess challenge, snow, disney legacy, ep 1
Id: liwU1uyiNgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2017
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