Minecraft but TNT is Overpowered

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today i'll be blowing up tnts from level 1 to level 100 this is the level 1 tnt it's not very impressive but this is the level 100 tnt that i'll be exploding at the end of today's video stick around to see that one so guys my cow bestie gave me tons of tnts there's literally 100 different levels of tnts we already blew up level one that was kind of garbage the level two tnt is called tnt times five let's test this out oh my gosh and that was only level two imagine what level 100 is going to be like level three is called fire tnt it has some pretty cool particle effects going on it just set everything on fire i probably should have guessed that imagine how many pieces of bacon you could burn on there why use your imagination when we could just make it a reality the level 4 tnt is called flat tnt and i think this would be pretty good to use on top of my mountain i always thought it was a little bit too bulky so yeah this flattened it out pretty well level five is called tnt times 20. the level two was times five tnt times 20 is going to be literally four times as big um that was underwhelming even this sheep over here isn't impressed the next tnt is called sphere tnt if i had to put money on it this is probably going to create a giant circle of explosion that's actually pretty good coming up next is going to be farming tnt now i don't really have a farm in my world so i'm thinking that if we put one right next to this inconspicuous bunny rabbit we can actually have a farm and it looks like there's all different colors so maybe we can have all different sorts of crops i think it actually works look we got potatoes we got beetroots we got more potatoes take my potato sheep i'm excited for this next one it's called gravity tnt we're gonna use it next to these sheep just going to add a cup but a sheep don't mind me all right that looks good here we go three two one gravity tnt oh my gosh yo that is definitely one way to kill an entire herd of animals so guys i had a really good idea i spawned in tons of creepers and what i'm gonna do now is place down the gravity tnt and we're gonna explode it and see just how many creepers it'll suck up let's see what happens oh my gosh that is insane it makes them think that they're just going to keep going up and down but no it explodes and then everything just dies that's easily the craziest tnt that we've seen today but it is nothing compared to the level 100 tnt that you'll see at the end of today's video well if you ever needed a drill in minecraft now we have the drill tnt which is the next level of tnt that we're going to be testing out let's see jack oh all right yeah that's uh that's that did the job holy smokes it went all the way down to bedrock that is one effective tnt and now that we have a giant drill what we can do is place down the level 10 tnt which is x-ray vision tnt i have a weird feeling this is going to just carry the entire area into glass and you could use it with the drilling tnt so that now i can see every single ore in this huge radius that's a useful tnt and now that we have access to all of these ores we could use the next level tnt the firework tnt hopefully oh it rains tnt everywhere the next tnt is kind of confusing it is called walking tnt i don't know exactly what this is going to do but we're going to find out what kind of weird tnt is called walking tnt that didn't really do much what happens if i do it in survival mode i'm thinking maybe it's like a tnt that'll chase you or not this one is called the spiral tnt it's floating up into the sky right now and it is shooting out tnt everywhere okay it didn't shoot out that much tnt but it was just enough to blow up the front of my house and now we can test out this very strange looking tnt it's called swap tnt i don't know if this is going to swap other tnts or if it's going to swap me with something else dude wait it's swapping every single mob in the area it just started teleporting us like we were enderman even bessie got teleported tnt number 15 is one of my favorite tnts it's called troll tnt yeah so troll tnt actually just like doesn't have any fuse whatsoever as soon as you touch it it explodes so there's no way to get away from this tnt you see let's say that this creeper is one of your best friends and you punch them they try to come back after you come here but there you go and he immediately explodes because the troll tnt has no fuse at all or if that doesn't do the trick there's also another tnt in here level 16 that's called air strike let's just keep our eye to the sky holy smokes this tnt is erading missiles from the sky right now the tnts are definitely getting way more intense my house is still standing which means that we need more tnt and what better to use than a tnt literally called the pumpkin bomb let's see what this bad boy does oh what wait did that drop candy oh my gosh it did it drops candy that gives you night vision absorption 2 and water breathing and it's spawned in a pumpkin i think you guys are probably going to like this next tnt the texture pretty much speaks for itself this is called inverted tnt anything that it explodes i'm pretty sure it flips upside down it took the entire chunk that was down low and then brought it up here this place is starting to look like a mess i think we could make it look even more like a mess we're gonna go ahead and use this tnt which is called static tnt i don't even have any guess of what that could do it blew up one single block unless i'm missing something that was literally worse than the level one tnt i have a tnt that should do a little bit more damage and that is tnt times 100. i wonder why it's orange i'm not really sure but it's going to be literally 100 times that of the level one tnt that we spawned in at the start of today's episode oh my god my house is gone we're like not even halfway through to level 50. the next tnt we are testing out on this entire herd of mama lama jamas it's called withering tnt oh my gosh it killed all the mama pajamas and then replaced them with weather skeletons we're gonna combat this by using the next tnt called reaction tnt my brain tries to figure out what the tnt is going to be before it explodes but this one oh my gosh i honestly had no clue what this would be it is deleting everything and it's not even like it was exploding it it was just glitching out and deleting chunks after chunks below that reaction tnt block i have a feeling i'll like this next tnt it's called animal tmt and i don't know about you guys but i am a big fan of animals that is not an animal that is a giant oh guys look we got pandas if you like pandas leave a like on today's video stop the panda brutality we need another tnt i didn't even look to see what that tnt was called oh my god i think that was a meteor it uncovered my dragon cave i guess we might as well go down here for the next one this one looks like the color selector in photoshop yeah it's a it's called smoke tnt and i i don't know like is that all it does that does it explode at all it's farting all over my minecraft world this might be my least favorite tnt the next tnt kind of scares me it is called attacking tnt and there's just a sword on it so i have a weird feeling that it's going to spawn in swords that kill me okay hold on let's go try it next to some minecraft mobs yeah mr zambo see though you're a zombie i'm a zombie we can trust each other right why are you running you're supposed to come back here and get exposed whoa whoa did you guys see that dude it literally got legs or like wheels and then started to run guys i'm doing this for you guys oh my gosh oh my gosh that's what it does it chases you down and then explodes you that thing is effective next up on our list of tnts is shatter proof tnt what oh my gosh it turned everything in the area into obsidian oh you could use this to make a really secure base if you wanted to this will be a good test as well to see which tnts are powerful enough to get rid of obsidian this next one is called cubic tnt just like the sphere tnt i'm guessing that it just blows up an entire area in a cube but since we spawned it next to obsidian it's not powerful enough what about over here it did a little bit of damage not that much how about our good old friend dividing tnt what are we going to divide whoa how many tnt did that just split into whoa whoa how many times did that just multiply i don't honestly have no clue but dude it blew up the entire area around here okay this next one's going to be pretty interesting to see it's called tunneling tnt put it next to my favorite stallion all right donkey get ready oh oh wait oh it's tunneling tnt for some reason i thought it was going to dig into the ground but this is great for getting through mountains but check that out guys you could easily make it railroad track if you wanted to or you could blow up that tnt and then place down your next tnt inside called multiplying tnt it is spawning in way more tnt than it should yo make it stop there wasn't even any explosion particles it just erased all the blocks around this area i have a really nice campsite over here so i thought it'd be a good idea if we now had a floating campsite by using the floating island tnt please tell me that worked oh my gosh it actually did we now have a floating campsite and now we don't have to worry about the one below it so we could just blow it up using lightning tnt oh wait i kind of forgot lightning comes from the sky luckily the island was not affected by it what about another tnt called vaporized tnt oh there's some particle effects going with this should i be worried i guess i'm not that worried nobody got vaporized in the making of today's video hey zombie how would you feel if i summoned in an erupting tnt oh that thing looks hot and steamy whoa oh my gosh i swear these tnts keep getting crazier and crazier this next one is called the zombie apocalypse tnt oh my gosh it made it nighttime too the zombies are running rampant in this world what will i ever do it's not like i have a bunch more tnts that i can spot in this next one is called cluster bob whoa how are they still alive if you could survive a cluster ball you could survive a meteor shower is it working oh yeah it's definitely working i stand corrected all of the zombies are dying that entire area seems pretty decimated so we're gonna go ahead over to this little tiny mansion we're gonna go ahead and spawn in the next tnt the timer tnt how much time will this take to explode today hello we're on a tight schedule here i got about 70 more levels of tnts to go through keep in mind guys we have not even touched the level 50 to 100 tnts i have a weird feeling that this one's going to go forever oh never mind nevermind it did it just took a little bit of extra time sometimes you need patience it's a good life lesson ladies and gentlemen sometimes you need patience for good things to happen even though a good thing did not happen the floating tnt floated up into the sky and still somehow destroyed the entire area below it and actually kind of made a pretty cool design i'm not sure why but i have a weird feeling that this next tnt the aero tnt is gonna be really good for killing chickens all you chicken farmers out there make sure you do not watch away yeah that worked and for the chickens that survived we have the brand new easter egg tnt it looks like a carrot yeah the top of it looks like the grass and the bottom part looks like a carrot oh my gosh it didn't even spawn in carrots wait it's spawning in lots more tnt it's jumping around like the easter bunny on christmas that literally made no sense why is why is my brain so weird anyway that is what the easter tnt does i don't know why it spawns in pumpkins and melons i have no idea i'm super excited for this next one it's called phantom tnt it just disappeared am i able to find it do i is this like a scavenger hunt i don't think it is i don't even know what it's exploding i think it's just like a phantom tnt like it's not a real tnt i was not good at physics in high school but i have a weird feeling that this physics tnt is still going to be pretty darn cool that didn't correlate at all i don't know why i brought it up but dude what that was sick wait it actually gave physics to every single block in the area tnt times 500. this one's going to be probably the most destructive one yet oh my gosh this just caused a massive crater we also have a tnt called turret tnt i wonder if this is just going to shoot everything in the area let's wait for it wait for it wait for it why did that take so long it didn't even explode anything okay that one was a dud but how about this next one called pulse tnt wait this one has some really cool uh particle effects around it what's happening oh every explosion is getting bigger wait when does it stop please tell me it stops eventually is this okay okay good i had a weird feeling that that was going to continue to go on until my entire world got deleted luckily that wasn't the case i have no idea what this next tnt is going to be it's called spamming tnt oh well no that make that make sense it just filled my entire world with dirt i don't want any dirt not today i'll call up my brother dirt boy and invite him over i've never heard of a tnt that's called bouncing tnt what what the what it just keeps going wait it's not stopping when do we know if it explodes oh it oh it found the sheep it did not like the sheep it exploded the sheep it's probably for the best because our level 50 tnt is one of the more powerful ones nuclear tnt i am nervous i am still nervous i am super duper nervous oh my gosh wait wait a second dude the birch trees got deleted they all got haircuts the explosion itself honestly wasn't that big it was probably as big as the times 500 tnt but you also get wither poison and nausea from even touching any of the radiation blocks and it looks like trees for miles all got bald four literally miles i was not kidding this one's called angry miners they have dynamite what would happen if i just spawned in a zombie zombie seems to be fine what about a villager what about if i were to go into survival mode do they like me oh god oh that was rude level 52 is called meteor storm these next couple of tnts are going to be some of the most insane tnts that you've ever seen in your entire life oh my god it broke through all the way down there dude it just keeps going my world is getting deleted before my eyes i don't know about you guys but i've never seen so much destruction in one singular minecraft world you guys remember that nuclear bomb that we just exploded well this is the upgraded version of that called the sar bomb it disappeared as soon as it as soon as i lit it oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh are we safe oh we are not safe dude look at it obsidian was able to handle the impact but all of the blocks surrounding us was not this gives us a good platform for the next tnt which is called and gate this one might actually build something so i'm a little bit more excited because we've had enough destruction for today did it oh oh it just dropped enderman from the sky this next one is literally called chunk tnt by the name and by all the particles i have a weird feeling that the entire chunk is about to be deleted oh snap okay it did not go all the way down to bedrock ladies and gentlemen but it did delete a massive chunk of land look at this we have a pretty good platform for our next tnt this tnt is called compressed tnt is it a bunch of tnts compressed together into one singular tnt let's find out i guess oh well that was dumb wait wait what's this it spawned in another tnt this one's called dense tnt wait wait oh no way oh my explosion dude look at this it doesn't stop it's spotting a normal tnt i don't think i've ever seen this much tnt blow up okay we're gonna place one bastion tnt on top of the diamonds to see what happens oh what i spawned in a bastion that's crazy wait guys now we can blow it up i have no idea how to pronounce this next tnt fred fort all right well whatever it is we are about to explode it i have a weird feeling it's gonna fall from the sky oh my goodness it didn't break anything the bastion was too strong okay wait we're gonna have to try it again over here wait wait oh i take everything that i just said back i lied that was probably one of the meteors that took out the dinosaurs and started the jurassic period i have no words for this i i'm just going around the edge right now and every single block is disappearing before my two very very excitedly amused eyes okay guys we are going to have to go on a quick marathon of tnts here this next one is called the leaping tnt very similar to the bouncy tnt except the leaping tnt explodes every single time it lands use that one to troll your friends the cnc is legitimately just made out of bedrock it's called unbreakable tnt yep everything is now unbreakable here we're using a tnt called poseidon's wave oh gosh it's raining where's the wave there's there's got to be a wave right that's what it's called oh my gosh it's not as much water as i thought but dude look at that it spawned in like a mini lake and on top of the lake we can use this next cnt to summon in a mansion wait a second it's not like a woodland mansion it's literally just like a mansion it's just like a normal mansion and what we can do now that we have an actual mansion another structure to destroy is spawn in something called stone cold wait what is going on okay so the stone cold tnt turned everything in the area into ice literally all of this into ice and it even extended over there and turned those blocks into snow blocks these tnts are getting stronger and stronger okay we have to test out another tnt which we probably know what it's going to do it's called jumping tnt it's gonna jump around and i guess it multiplies two and spawns in like a leaping tnt everywhere that it goes so this one would cause a lot of destruction like all over your minecraft world so be careful with that one how about just like you know a quick solar eruption tnt yeah all right so that's just it's just shooting meteors up into the sky it's not it's not like a normal volcano it is literally a volcano made from the sun that spawns in lava yeah that's it this is this is a lot of destruction i don't think i've ever destroyed one minecraft world this much in my entire existence one knock back tnt and let's just see what happens to this llama oh what i was hoping would happen we made a llama cannon [Laughter] okay in our lava and ice the place that's yup that's what we're gonna call this place we are going to explode this tnt called a hexahedron i want you guys to comment down below what a hexahedron is so that my puny brain can understand i don't know exactly what that did but it exploded part of the house we have another fancy tnt over here called extinction now what look i mean extinction right it's just i was in creative mode we exploded one tnt called poseidon's wave this one is where poseidon lives i'm pretty sure atlantis okay it still has not fully exploded yet it like spawned in lightning as soon as we lit it on fire and caused a lot of rain to happen wait oh my gosh okay so it is a bigger version of poseidon's wave that's really all it is and it yeah it got rid of every single lava pool in the area this next one is called russian roulette what could this one possibly be is it just like a random tnt that could spawn in i think so yeah i think it has a chance of exploding and maybe a chance of not exploding there's a tnt called the wither storm i honestly did not know that up until this very second and i am terrified yeah right above its head there's particle effects that looks like the weather is it actually going to summon in the wither storm because if it does i'm going to cry oh it spawned in something oh it spawned in a wither boss okay it's just it's one singular wither boss luckily and it also spawned in like a bunch of wither skeletons and soul sand in the area it's not that bad honestly we might be able to get rid of it by spawning in a lucky tnt lucky tnt looks like it has a chance of turning into any single tnt in the mod that was just the fiery tnt which was like the level two tnt but we also have the ultimate volcano tnt pompeii they named it tnt after the volcano in pompeii oh my gosh the volcano tnts are arguably some of the most destructive tnts in the entire lucky tnt mod i kind of ran out of all the other areas to wreck this next one by the way is called heaven's gate so maybe it'll just clear everything up maybe it'll actually do some good oh i did it i have no idea if that did anything good it's oh nope it just brought all of the blocks from below all the way up here and created even more of a masterpiece i don't even know what i made but this is modern art well guys we cannot stop now we still have lots more tnts to get through this one is called lightning storm can confirm that is a lightning storm the next level tnt is called the midas tnt oh my gosh look at all the gold wait a second i got i got turned i wait minus touch what does midas touch do i think everything that i touch now turns to gold that actually looks so cool this next one is called helix tnt oh wait that is so cool it is just sending out tons of tnt and then those tnts are sending out more tnt and then those tnts are raining down even more tnt there's just so much tnt and it just keeps raining tnt can somebody please count how many times in today's video i said the words tnt oh okay i like this one next one it's uh it's called jungle tnt we could use a nice jungle in my massive tnt art i probably should have put it in the center thinking back on it but there there's really there's no turning around now it actually turned out okay it only replaced a couple of the blocks and now we're going to do the complete opposite there is a tnt called the wasteland tnt and of course because i legally speaking have to do this we are going to explode at the wasteland tnt oh my game is lagging oh no what just happened dude it got rid of all of the water okay this up here actually looks pretty sick i i kind of i just want to like see what it looks like at the end we're going to keep exploding things this next one's called city firework oh that was not explosive we now have floating houses all over this entire world and speaking of more fireworks this next dnc is called new year's eve fireworks that one went up quick oh it spawned in blocks everywhere and we could spot it this chicks club oh no guys i have a weird feeling about this one oh no oh no no no dust bowl tnt activate do your worst what does dustbowl tnt even do does anybody know what that did i have no clue we have another fun tnt it's just called random tnt so just like the lucky tnt i think anything could happen here please bring cookies there are no cookies some of the tnt's names are so weird this one's called mankind's mark what it just spawned in like houses and right above it we could try out this tnt called toxic cloud tnt okay we're gonna look up to the skies to see if there's any toxic clouds that start forming so far so good i think we're safe this next one is called hyperion what is hyperion oh i think it's a tree yeah wait that definitely looks like a tree we're about to have a massive tree in the center of our minecraft sculpture wait what i think these are the toxic clouds the next one is called village defense like we've exploded every single structure in my minecraft world and now like this is the only place that i have left okay village defense spa did i don't even know how many iron golems that is okay okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna also summon in a pillager outpost right here and then they are going to go to war good luck iron gums oh it spawned it all the way down there all right fine fine fine that's that's okay that's okay we're gonna we're gonna blow up the iron golems instead using compact tnt compact tnt did not do the trick now they're all suffering okay okay guys chill chill we're gonna use another tnt called pulsar tnt the particle effects on that look deadly um do we understand what's happening right now what the flip just happened it opened up an entire crater this looks amazing the water is so glitched out right now i've never seen water like this okay this next tnt is called mountain top removal i ideally probably yes i know what you guys are saying you should use it on a mountain but do not worry it'll work here did it work heck yeah dude look at that look at that it just leveled all this area i also walked into one of the clouds so now i'm sick this is the level 95 tnt it is a legit supernova where is it going to come from the sky the void is it just gonna blow up right here my computer i think is broken oh snap do you guys see this what the heck also i don't know what happened over here but something over here opened up the void guys that was only level 95. this next one i'm just gonna do in the center of this crate over here it's literally just called doomsday okay we're just setting the mood right now it's summoning in lightning it's summoning in hail what do we got meteors falling from the sky it's raining i don't know if it's gonna cause any actual explosions so we're gonna move over to the next one this one is called death ray oh that sounds deadly i've used this one one other time and let me tell you guys it's bad it's really bad it's it's it's bad guys that's all i can say it is terrible look at it it's like thanos snapped his fingers and exploded everything in existence oh my gosh that is the most satisfying thing ever dude look at it it's just vaporizing blocks and then it turns the edge of the blocks into lava one of the tnts is called global disaster i'm going to try out the tnt times 10000 first just to see what happens okay we're gonna go up here to like a slightly fresher area and then we're gonna place it down right here tnt times ten thousand it's so ironic that it's pink too like you would think this would be like a nice cute and cuddly tnt but no it is tnt times a thousand oh it exploded okay some of the mobs died immediately but i'm not seeing any blocks even like the the doomsday stopped do i even move oh my gosh wait i can move my computer is tweaking right now i can hear it it sounds like literally a jet engine is inside my computer what is happening is it deleting blocks like it's trying to delete box but it's not able to i have no clue i am so confused right now okay there's like explosions in the sky there's like a little explosion over here oh guys something happened oh my gosh there's one final tnt that we have to test out global disaster i don't know if my computer could handle this oh wait okay meteors are exploding things we're going for three two one i'm pretty sure my computer crashed
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 5,032,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tnt, minecraft tnt, custom tnt, minecraft but, custom, new tnt, beckbrojack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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