Minecraft, But You Can't Leave The End...

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everyone knows that the end is the final part of speed running minecraft but not today in this video we installed a mod that adds loads of crazy stuff to the end and it actually means that you can beat the game without leaving the end so that's exactly what we're gonna do and we're getting really close to 4.5 million subscribers so please consider subscribing because it is completely free and you can always unsubscribe later if you change your mind and now just enjoy this video because i'm literally stuck in the end henry we are literally stuck in the end we cannot leave but there's loads of new stuff i don't like this we've gotta figure out a way because we don't need to get our vendors so we have to figure out a way to get food which is going to be our biggest issue so we need we need to get food can we kill enemies for food no they drop under we can eat enderpearls yum i don't know what they do this is like completely new usually don't have trees in the end there's also a way to get stone so we will be living off stone tools and i was thinking about it end cities we can just get really good stuff from end cities you're right you're right okay that's actually gonna be very useful okay so where's the stone at huh can i just use endstone no you can't just use endstone it looks slightly pink but i have no idea where any of it is so we're gonna have to go searching i know i'm really good at my job oh i see some we have to get there um yeah i'm not sure if you know but i'm quite the bridging connoisseur okay well whilst you do that i'm just gonna be really smart where'd you go okay i'm actually being really stupid oh i'm gonna die henry henry henry okay yep henry i'm not that smart oh you're trying to kill an end to it to get there to pull okay i see you i say i'll just keep walking on my bridge i think that's the best way to do it okay i've got my stuff back but i'm gonna check these leaves because from what i remember i've played this before i think these leaves are super easy to break are you climbing one of these trees yeah oh did i break your vine no i think i broke it or maybe i don't know there's slimes dude there's slimes on oh no there's so many slimes wait can we eat the slime no they're just slime balls no you can't eat slime balls okay i told you though this is easy blocks so we never need hard blocks ever again this is like having efficiency five and then what be careful when you get close to the edge oh okay yeah you're dead okay yeah nice right i have millions of blocks henry we're good i'm just picking all the ones up that you're missing and i have like four stacks now okay perfect oh okay i'm on two hearts welcome right so i started a bridge well now we can finish it really easily i'm not gonna be able to make this jump without food i'm gonna jump down and die and then i'll come find you okay i mean what if i jump at the makeup bridge oh no your word is gone it fell off the edge there was so much oh no did you pick up all my stuff oh ouch um yeah i got all your blogs and i've been working on getting some more words so here here's a bunch uh watch out there's a oh wait no i thought he was angry no he's angry oh you emeritus okay i've got your stuff don't worry okay i'm gonna go on a mission yeah he's angry he's angry he's angry please don't hit me yes they can't get me this is i'm a genius i see you i see you okay yeah you just keep yeah just keep killing them i'll see if they drop any food oh yeah yeah hopefully they do no just some xp and just some more xp okay okay yes we can get stone i believe this is it what is it flavor light yes stone age good what did you just call me i said flavor light yeah that's what this is i'm gonna make a flavor like pickaxe boom there you are awesome okay perfect did you look no no henry i'm right here i see him chasing you get in i made him angry oh there's water here wait there's fish henry we can eat we can eat food okay good so i have quite quite the amount of evildoers trying to kill me right now so you wanna get the fish that would be great okay good yeah i'll do whatever i can i'm gonna get you stone tools whilst you're hidden in there okay please just stay safe yeah i'm just punching away punching away in this minecraft oh sorry should i come on you're better than that and we just gotta go kill these fish okay okay okay let's do it let's do it how many fish are there there's loads oh that's just ah the jellyfish hurt you don't touch a jellyfish oh there's a lot of jellyfish in there oh the fish die really easy man yeah i'm gonna slowly pick up the jellyfish they drop anything they drop gelatin oh my don't die don't die i'm cooking up food right now we need as much as we can get oh henry there's an end city literally right oh wait a second is that chorus fruit yeah no that's course fruit that's correct fruit can we eat that yes dude okay okay sweet oh you idiot just keep on spawning dude i'm getting us loads shall we go get that chorus through or shall we shall we wait to get more fish i think it'll be good to have some food that doesn't teleport us what is that right there oh dude is that a house how do we not see that before wait what oh it's got an entrance what no way is this someone's house it's got ladders hello what is it oh there's barrels what is this i've got a shadowberry cooked can you eat shadowberries i have no idea try it oh you can eat the shadowberry okay so we're just finding loads of food now this is good i don't know how on earth we're gonna do this oh but if there's a ship we can get an electro henry oh but only one so we'll have to take turns using it right yeah that's fine well oh we can just try and find another one of these once we've found what there's a ship wait henry no no wait we can access the ship without going through and getting killed i'm going up it's literally like above the tree i'm literally going up this is so easy oh yeah i'm at the top of the tree this is so easy i'm almost up there i'm literally here you're joking i'm in ah no i got my shoulder oh no no no no no no henry this is bad it's bad you going up there kip okay i'm getting in i'm getting in henry i found all the stuff come on i'll call the shulkers on the outside so they don't mess us up on the way down i killed it i killed it yes come on boom oh full diamond pretty much oh that pickaxe is ridiculous you're kidding we're set i've got us both insane stuff you're joking henry here you are boom boom you know what as i've got a chest plate i'll take the you take the chest plate i'll take that elytra oh my goodness no you take the helmet you take the helmet okay yeah and then take that oh and then another efficiency three pickaxe for you dude we're set we're literally set you've got the potions didn't you yeah here take one oh my what is it instant health too oh yes now we can take on the rest of it right we can literally just walk over the tree over to it oh yes i can fly come on baby oh yes we've done it oh no okay i don't know yeah i don't want to die be careful don't die because if you die that would be pretty bad i'm floating oh no i'm going up henry yeah me too oh i've got an elytra oh you're fine then i can't die i'm living the dream oh for now for now okay there's so many shulkers dude let me go oh no okay it's just boots gusts here and a helmet oh no okay i'm going up okay yep i'm going up oh no make sure you have your push of healing in your hotbar just in case i've got it i've got it wait is there any other big rooms like that nah dude i think we're done let's get out of here okay well you could just jump off the top so yeah baby we nailed this and now we can just go to the chorus fruit bottom so easily yep oh dude we were right so much food and you can eat it even when you're not hungry to teleport so if we need to survive just by teleporting we can we're fine dude we're fine that was the one thing i was worried about was food and now we've got tons so we have a bunch of food we have insane armor now what we literally just have to find a portal but we're going to want to farm a load and a load of ender pearls just because that is what's going to get us everywhere you're right you're right okay oh there's a whole new biome over here it looks like a volcano okay okay wait do you have frost walker oh yes you just don't jump and you can just literally turn all the water to ice if i don't jump i can just do it all oh yes okay i can walk across water this is brilliant another end city wait that's a little lightroom for me i i see an egg ship so we're both gonna have a launchers we're both gonna have elijah's and we're gonna have even better loot oh my goodness this couldn't get any better okay i'm just gonna block up i'm gonna get to that end ship for you and grab everything in it okay i guess i'll just go through the normal way and try and find some chests don't die henry i know what you're like i'll okay i'll walk on it i'll work on it okay i'm still going up come on oh the shulker's shooting at me i don't like it the end city's right here can i make that i'm going to try oh come on come on come on i think i messed up no no no no please oh i just made it okay we're good we could be good three potions thank you yes here we go killed him no okay i'm never taking it so good okay i mean yeah you have an electric so it should be all fine that's all good i'm getting the loot oh a smite three diamond sword yes please dude so many diamonds and a bane of arthropy oh i've got swords for both of us where's that man okay well i have four diamonds and i'm nine gold that's what i got from my chest okay and i have you an elytra oh boy we are literally set i i have to get one thing as well one second i can't i can't not get this this would be just terrible of me not to get ah winning that's that's what we do here wait what do you have with your head no nothing nothing i've got nothing on my head you have nothing on your head come on down i've got something for you boom yours and boom yours okay emery let's just go let's just go so now i think we literally just have to kill enderman we have to i'm gonna put on all my good armor i'm full diamond enchanted and i'm just gonna kill enderman let's go boom nailed it wait do you have a sword for me oh yeah i do here you are boom yours perfect and now just get as many ender poles as possible whatever you say this is literally the easiest game ever starting the end is like it's so backwards i know this is amazing nice yes give me that thank you two more i've got seven ender pearls i'm just looking at millions and millions of endermen there are so many weird biomes here dude come on come on follow me boys yes dang welcome to the whisper fan club where whispers i'm just really famous right now they're all trying to swarm me why are you hitting them with a sword i kill my fans i kill them yes another one dude this is ridiculous oh my i've got 14 ender pearls how many do you have one oh okay let's fix that there you are right so we have six at the post you have i have nine and now we're going we have to find the little portal oh we need to find a portal gateway yeah portal gateway that's literally what we need to find and then we throw another player and that is how we get to the end of dragon but this is the most ridiculous video i've ever done but how are we gonna like shoot the the the pillars are we just gonna pull her up yeah that's literally the only way we're gonna need to get a bunch of blocks then okay i'm just getting a full inventory of blocks so that that way we cannot fail okay okay okay yeah because if we get to the end of dragon and then run out of blocks then that's just gonna be a problem i can't look like idiots in front of my subscribers okay otherwise they'll unsubscribe and guys if there's a red button in front of you it needs to be clicked oh my god okay okay um so i might have just leafed myself out of the tree but saved myself with an ender pearl so apparently pearls do fall faster okay perfect oh there's the slime over here i've got an idea henry i'm gonna kill this boy oh there's so many slimes i've got a really good idea henry okay this is a very come on this is the best idea i've ever had and it is just going to work there's a slime here as well so i'll kill it as well and get some slime balls i guess dude i've got so many slime balls yeah this is exactly what i'm looking for come on give me give me and then we just make this we go boom okay yes okay now i've got an idea now i don't need an elytra henry because i'm insane at the game okay okay i'm trying to think of a way to prove it okay what are you doing why are you pilling it up even higher are you gonna elijah from there no i don't need an electro i'm too good i've got a really good idea henry it's a really good idea what are you doing from there put your lighter on please henry i'm coming down i'm coming down come on come on come on come on what what is wrong with you you literally have an electric i'm big and strong i don't need it now we've gotta find then get we stop mucking around we've got an end gateway to find it okay you literally just jump whatever dude whatever oh wow now we know for a fact that the end gateway is gonna be on the edge of an island and what is these biomes are ridiculous is that another slime it's okay i don't know don't even touch that i'm leaving oh there's another end city i think it's just a solo end city oh this oh wait we found it we found it it's right here wait is it right next to the end city yeah but no but this isn't a real entity it's just i don't think there's even any chests in here what is the point is there anything in here i do not think so there is literally nothing yeah no i'm not even going up it's useless okay so where did you see this thing was oh i see it oh yeah there it is there it is so we have to bridge up i'm putting my electro back on for this in case i fall into the void that's probably a good idea come on oh no no no okay that's why okay i ran out of blocks i won't talk about it i think i can make the jump but i'm going to use some extra blocks just to make sure nah just go just go go big or go home okay easy peasy yeah you're right that was very easy okay yeah i'm not going to try and pull from far away because i'll just fail it you hit the side just plum it into the void that would be great i know that i i definitely would do that are you ready okay wait wait where is this going to send us this guy send us likes directly to the dragon or this should send us directly to where the ender dragon is okay well i'm gonna put my split back on because i'm terrified i'm not just in case i fall okay uh you go first boom i've got oh oh dude we're so far away henry be careful don't break the floor what we are so far can we pearl that or do we just go off on a light trap let's go up on our elytra i'm kind of terrified that i didn't have my allies drawn right there i'm a light shrink can i make it i've made it yeah easy peasy hello bertha we meet again why does it look so different what is going on here yeah this is insane and i've already been attacked by enderman get away oh wait she's already purging oh my goodness okay okay we need to we need to get up quick i'm gonna pull up there come on i just oh i ah i literally pulled up but you hit it with a pearl i hit it with a pearl and i've just been teleported down oh dude eating some nightmares you just get teleported down oh oh oh oh the elixir just saved my life oh my goodness okay you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna keep my electro equipped because i don't want that to happen to me yeah don't it's that was terrifying oh oh my goodness i'm not too hot i'm on two hours ah okay i'm good i'm good i think i just did the coolest thing i've ever done in my life you know henry i don't care right now okay we need to focus boom i got it that's another one oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness it's fine it's fine i'm okay i'm on two hearts i've drank both of my potions are there more pillars than usual oh nailed it i don't know but i'm getting them oh dude just get up to a high one and then elytra down that's the way to do it that's actually so smart oh okay nailed it i'm really low i've got to be so careful henry if we die by the way we're done we have not set our spawns we're gone oh nailed it okay oh that hurt the dragon there's a really tall one over there that i can see yeah i'm pairing up to the tallest one i think okay ah no no i still nearly got hit i am going over to the one next to you okay i don't think i've ever seen a tower this tall before i'm going i'm going come on i can barely see you the ground anymore i landed i'm safe boom got it okay and now i'm teleporting down with my chorus fruit okay i'm good oh there's a caged one wait i'm above it i'm gonna electro down into him yes do it do it i'm watching you go henry yes just need to make sure i land this perfectly oh yes i'm in yes okay okay okay now she just has to perch please bertha and then yeah that's nice okay and now we just wait for it this is it henry oh my goodness okay dude this is a nightmare to climb into as well this is really annoying henry she's perched she's in i'm going in come on oh she hit me me okay it's a pain to try and get in i'm putting on my chest plate i'm hitting no i'm in no oh nice you're hitting him without even being in the middle oh i got hit how low are you no i'm fine i didn't take too much damage henry let's go up so she purchased quicker and then we can just electro down or pearl down oh she's right there she's right there oh she's coming for us oh stay back stay back stay back partha don't you dare oh she's quite peaceful really when you look at her i know she's so gracious like a cigan or a wait what what did you just say a pigeon or a seagull obsidian or a piglet i don't want to talk about that mistake i just made henry this is not funny she's perching i'm going in oh my god i'm on two hearts i'm underneath oh i'm right underneath come on come on come on come on yes so many hits come on oh i thought i got launched she's pushing again henry wait back to back i'm staying underneath i'm staying underneath i'm going i'm smacking whoa whoa whoa okay i'm good i'm good i'm right below her hanging i'm getting in i'm underneath i don't want to die come on i'm getting hit yes come on please don't run yes i'm hanging right in the head oh me too oh yeah oh come on last perch birthday you've got to do it i'm going up again wait it's pushing right now no no okay i'm going i'm going come on come on i'm in i'm in i'm underneath oh no no i got lost again okay henry this is terrifying i'm back down come on come on come on if we can hit her from the outside i'm going boom yes no no oh whoa whoa whoa whoa me emery you can kill her you can kill her go go go okay okay okay and yes yes oh my goodness we actually did it let's go considering how much good stuff we had that was way too stressful how have they made this like so much harder oh my goodness yeah that was way harder defeating the ender dragon that time but you didn't defeat her with the with the get out of here
Channel: Wisp
Views: 2,699,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, speedrunner vs hunter, Speedrunner vs 3 hunters, Speedrunner vs 4 hunters, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, beating minecraft, four hunters, 4 hunters, wisp, wispexe, dream, henwy, minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt but, speedrun, speedrunner, manhunt minecraft, hacks, op items, custom, custom item, random items, there are custom, cant leave the end, without leaving the end, better end mod, the end, minecraft but you cant leave the end
Id: p3c4FneCNCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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