a mod that adds ANY idea mojang rejected

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- [Skip the Tutorial] This is every small change Minecraft needs to add to Vanilla. Starting with how we interact with mobs. If Jay stands still, mobs are now solid entities. I mean, Jay's a little bouncy, but look at us. We got a nice totem pole. - [Failboat] Yeah, we're all a little bouncy. - [Jaymoji] Yay! - [Skip the Tutorial] So if you have mobs, you can just stand on them. So you can now do pig-kour. - [Jaymoji] What happens if they're on a lead? - [Skip The Tutorial] Well, let's try it out. - [Jaymoji] I can't stop crouching because Dan's unbearable weight is crushing me. - [Skip the Tutorial] Really? That's awesome. Okay, you also can't run through players anymore, so it's just like, really- It's like, "Excuse me." (all laughing) - [Jaymoji] Pardon me. I need to get through. - [Failboat] Whee! Oh my God. Oh, this works perfectly. - [Skip the Tutorial] It works? You're not walking, it just follows you? - [Failboat] No, no, no. Yeah, I'm just being guided around. - [Skip the Tutorial] I wanna show you guys a new thing with saddles, too. So if you saddle a pig, and now if you shift right click, you could take it off, you don't have to kill it. - [Failboat] Oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] It gets a little bugged with your baiting them right now, but- - [Jaymoji] You have quite a few of them, don't you? - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. You're bugging them out. I can't put saddles on all of 'em, but look, you can take them off. And same with striders too, so you don't have to kill them. - [Jaymoji] Aw. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, this one, you might have to kill something to get the saddle. (all laugh) - [Jaymoji] Ironically, another pig. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. But if you put that one on, then I can take it off. - [Jaymoji] Wait, you can take it off when it's underneath it? - [Failboat] Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I did. - [Jaymoji] Oh, cool. I guess it still rides it without, but that's neat. You can steal a saddle. - [Skip the Tutorial] Well, let me show you guys another thing that we can saddle, the sniffer. (Skip the Tutorial laughs) - [Failboat] Jay! - [Skip the Tutorial] The sniffer is my favorite Minecraft mob. But now you can ride 'em. - [Failboat] Ah! - [Jaymoji] Hey. - [Skip the Tutorial] Look at him go. - [Failboat] Look at the size of that saddle. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, this is like riding an elephant. - [Failboat] Yeah. Look at them stomp. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, let's all walk towards the camera, walk where I'm going. Okay, well, Dan's our airstrike. (all laugh) - [Failboat] Wait, wait. - [Skip the Tutorial] So if you take an ominous banner, which you get from killing a pillager, right, you can give it to the sniffer and now he's gonna go find us a pillager outpost. - -[Jaymoji] Oh, there he goes. He's going. He's gonna find it for you, any minute now. - [Skip the Tutorial] God, I sure wonder where it could be. How far can they go? - [Jaymoji] So you- Oh, I guess that answers that. Oh, you have to be on it. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay, we're back in the search. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, you gotta be on him so he can move towards it, it seems. - [Skip the Tutorial] Got it. - [Jaymoji] In about three to five business days, you should reach your destination. - [Failboat] Yeah. - [Skip the Tutorial] Anyway, if you get a nice up and close personal look at my chest, I'm giving permission, okay? - [Jaymoji] Oh yeah. No, this is real nice. Real nice. - [Skip the Tutorial] You can see that the skin is now 3D. - [Failboat] Whoa, look at that. - [Skip the Tutorial] Come check out Dan's hoodie. - [Failboat] Wait, really? - [Jaymoji] Oh yeah, it's like 3D. - [Skip The Tutorial] Dan, take off your hat. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, look at his goggles. Wow. You have real goggles, finally. That's what those are. I thought it was just ruffled hair. It's actual goggles. - [Failboat] Yeah, these are glasses. Oh yeah, your dreads. - [Jaymoji] Is my ponytail visible now? - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah dude, that's sick. Go into F4 or F5. That's awesome. Wow, that's pretty sick. - [Jaymoji] That is pretty cool. - [Failboat] Good job says Failboat. (all laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait actually, Dan, type in chat, say "Good job" in chat. - [Failboat] Good job. - [Skip the Tutorial] See now it shows your skin name or your skin next to your name. - [Jaymoji] In case you were wondering who Failboat was, here's a photo of the one and skin. Hi. This looks like a Discord chat room. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. So you can customize your skin, but I wanna show you guys something new that we can do with our Elytras. I believe, take the Elytra and you dye it. - [Jaymoji] Oh, whoa! - [Skip the Tutorial] That's a blood red sniffer. - [Jaymoji] Wow, you're wearing it as a cape. I mean, as an Elytra cape. - [Skip the Tutorial] So if we put down a loom, you can make a different banner pattern wings. - [Jaymoji] Oh, no way. - [Skip the Tutorial] And you could split the Elytra into two. So look, I can make like a half dyed Elytra. - [Failboat] Oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] It looks a little weird with my cape. It just looks like I didn't wash one side. This looks like I'm a before and after for OxiClean. (all laughing) - [Jaymoji] That's exactly what I was gonna say. And with the help of stain removers, I was able to get all of it out of this one, and none of it out of this one. Wow Dan, yours looks really good. Gimme a light show that's weirdly colored. - [Skip the Tutorial] Here you go, man. You get the slightly soaked. - [Jaymoji] Ah, oh, I like it. It's like the fall in the spring. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, yeah that is awesome. Look at that. So if we start flying with these Elytras, you're gonna notice something new. - [Failboat] Yep, yep. Oh God, Google Earth camera. Oh, we're coming in fast. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is called 'do a barrel roll' and I'm sure you can guess why. (Skip the Tutorial making airplane sounds) - [Failboat] Oh, there he goes. - [Skip the Tutorial] And that's glide side too. Let's go to an eroded mesa and show this off. Eroded Badlands. - [Jaymoji] Oh my God. This looks like Microsoft Flight Simulator. Oh my God. (Jaymoji laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, this actually does count for flight hours. - [Jaymoji] Wee! Yeah, really. - [Failboat] Oh my God. - [Skip the Tutorial] Try it in third person, it's sick. - [Jaymoji] It's like you have to pitch and then like, turn yourself up. That's insane. This rules actually. (all exclaim) - [Jaymoji] Oh snap, this is awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] Isn't it so much fun? (all making airplane sounds) - [Failboat] Imagine being seven and doing this. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay, I'm back to spawn, I died. Let's show off the next one. Let's go down to our cliff gap scene and everyone get out of the voice chat group because now we've got sound physics. - [Failboat] Oh, what the f- Hello? Can you hear me? - [Skip the Tutorial] I can hear you like you're God, dude. Jay, you gotta fall into the cliff. - [Jaymoji] Jaymoji! (all laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Jay, go in the hole. We're gonna muffle you now. We're gonna silence you for your hot takes. Jay? - [Jaymoji] Hello. Can anybody hear me? (Failboat and Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Jaymoji] I'm stuck in here. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, if we put down a trap door, can we like check in the- Hello down there! - [Jaymoji] Hey, can you hear me? - [Skip the Tutorial] I said hello down there. It works. - [Jaymoji] Okay can I have at least a little bit of food please? (Jaymoji screaming) - [Skip the Tutorial] That ought to keep him full. All right guys, sit down and lemme tell you a story. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, sure, sure. Why not? Yeah. - [Skip the Tutorial] Have a seat, Dan. (Jaymoji laughing) - [Failboat] Tell me the story. Tell me the story. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, so now you can sit on stairs, that's this feature. - [Failboat] Dude, this feature feels awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, does it? All right, lemme show you guys something cool. Both go into survival mode. - [Jaymoji] Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. - [Skip the Tutorial] Now Jay, you're gonna put on this armor. - [Jaymoji] All right, here I go. Oh, I'm safe. - [Skip the Tutorial] Hey, you're safe. - [Jaymoji] I'm safe. Hey, look at that. - [Skip the Tutorial] So now if you wear armor, you're completely safe from all berry bush damage. - [Jaymoji] Nice dude. - [Skip the Tutorial] Leave on that armor, go touch a cactus. - [Jaymoji] Okay. - [Skip the Tutorial] You're safe. - [Jaymoji] Oh, I can be friends with them. Finally. Wow. Cactus parkour. - [Skip the Tutorial] So now, all you have to do is you have to wear a chest plate to be able to touch it, and then if you wear boots, then you're fine standing on top of it. That's cool, right? That makes sense. - [Failboat] Oh, you're glimmery. You're shiny. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, you're shiny. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yes, all right. So this is one of the new things. This is a mod called Visuality, which adds new particle effects to the game. Lemme show you skeletons. They drop bones when you smite them. - [Jaymoji] Oh yeah. Look, get him, get him. Yeah, just like a real skeleton. Ow, ow. Dan, Dan, I can't. Help. Dan, stop. (Skip the Tutorial and Failboat laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm just trying to teach you to swim, son. So you guys saw when we were flying off into the distance, but you're gonna be able to see it again now. Chunks now load in a smoother way. So now chunks will fade in which is pretty cool. - [Jaymoji] It's beautiful. - [Failboat] Wow. This is really, really smooth. - [Jaymoji] It's very smooth, very satisfying. This could be in a satisfying compilation. - [Skip the Tutorial] It doesn't even matter what render distance you're playing at 'cause it just feels satisfying. Like if I go down to two. Okay maybe that's a little too low. That's low. But still, it's cool. But now six doesn't feel that bad because it's all like fading in nicely. - [Jaymoji] Yeah. This is nice. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right. And that's not just changes to how our ground looks. Look up at the sky. - [Failboat] Cube clouds! - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the better clouds. (Failboat and Jaymoji exclaim) - [Jaymoji] Oh, I love this. I feel like I'm flying in the sky. They're even 3D. Doesn't it look like you made it out of like white stained glass? I think it's really nice. - [Failboat] Yeah, absolutely. - [Skip The Tutorial] It's a good mix between like shader clouds. - [Failboat] I really appreciate if you get too close to them, they fade out. - [Jaymoji] They dissipate, yeah. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah you don't have to like turn them off. All right, fellas. Ooh, this one's fun. Everyone get a horse. Well, okay. This is mine. Get your own, square. - [Failboat] I got like a white stallion. This is awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] And now grab a boat. So normally you're not able to put horses in boats. However, comma, that now has changed. Oh, hold on. I have to maybe cut to a different perspective during this part. So look, you can now put a horse in a boat and then look at what happens when you also get in the boat. (all laughing) - [Jaymoji] Aw, that's so cute. Can I ride your horse in the boat? - [Skip the Tutorial] Probably not sideways, but you could ride 'em when it's in the boat like this - [Jaymoji] But you just can't do anything. - [Skip The Tutorial] But now you can put horses in boats. - [Failboat] Haha, what? This is awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] Isn't it great? I love the little animation for it. Oh and then get it in the water and you'll see another mod that we have. Now you have wakes to your boat. - [Jaymoji] Hold on. We're on our way. - [Failboat] That's just the boat, too. - [Jaymoji] Diving in, wee! This is so cool, look at it. - [Failboat] Look at this. - [Skip the Tutorial] This alone would make going across oceans so much more enjoyable. - [Jaymoji] So much cooler. - [Failboat] Yeah, this is so cool. - [Skip the Tutorial] You could even see like the wake from the oars as it goes in. - [Failboat] Oh, you're right. - [Jaymoji] That is so cool. All right, time to craft a diamond pickax. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yes, so now we have visual crafting benches. And not only is it visual, but it also means that it's shared. So I get to do it too. - [Jaymoji] Oh that's why someone's stealing my diamond pickax. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dan's just flashing it in and out of existence. - [Jaymoji] Not naming any names, Dan, but someone's stealing my pickax and it's in-craftable. - [Skip the Tutorial] Anyways. We do now have crafting table variants. - [Jaymoji] Oh, pink and the purples and the browns and the blues. There's no blue. But still, it's purple dude. It's cool. Oh my God, the Jaymoji crafting tables. It's Jaymoji, Failboat and kind of Skip the Tutorial. - [Skip the Tutorial] That's how we do the intro. "Hey guys, welcome back to the video. We turned ourselves in the crafting tables and this one". (all laughing) All right, everyone grab an Axe of their choice. Now axes, if we get an enchanting table, can be enchanted like weapons. So now you could enchant it with like bane of arthropods and stuff. - [Jaymoji] Lapis Lazulis. - [Skip the Tutorial] And as you can see up top here, you could also re-roll the Enchantments. And now I've got a sharpness Axe. - [Jaymoji] Oh, sharpness two. Oh yeah and looting and unbreaking. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay. That hurts a lot more when you're in survival. - [Jaymoji] That's right. Come here Skip. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, taking a swing at the old man huh? (all laughing) Wandering traders have always been useless, but now they're not because you can get enchantments from them. Oh, here you go. Frost Walker. Oh yeah also, the enchantments that we have have a different letter for them to denote it. Mending. Yeah. So now you can get mending from them. Wait, Jay, look at the chest. Mmmm. (all laughing) - [Jaymoji] Microwaves be like. (all humming and laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Now we're alive. I'm gonna switch us over to a farm scene. - [Jaymoji] Oh, beets. - [Skip the Tutorial] Jump on top of the crops. See, you're breaking it but with feather falling four, you no longer break crops when you're jumping on top or fall on top. - [Failboat] Oh, that makes sense. - [Jaymoji] Good for you. I guess I'll just be a crop ruiner for the rest of my life. - [Skip the Tutorial] No. Stop being a crop duster. Become a crop truster. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, I'm doing it. - [Skip the Tutorial] Lemme give you guys some swords. You're gonna like this one. - [Skip the Tutorial] I am? - [Skip the Tutorial] This is gonna make Dan feel like his least favorite TF2 character. - [Failboat] Okay, let's see. - [Jaymoji] Whoa. - [Skip the Tutorial] Fire aspect now works like a flint and steel. It sets everything on fire. This is like bedrock. Bedrock edition already has this. - [Jaymoji] Oh wow. Well, we don't, and now we do, so go us. - [Failboat] Wait, could you light TNT onto it? Well, you can! - [Skip the Tutorial] Absolutely. - [Jaymoji] Oh yeah, you can baby. Oh yeah, baby. Woo. - [Skip the Tutorial] Let's use this to light up our nether portal. When you go into a nether portal, you can now open up your inventory. That's just a nice thing that you can't do normally. And also, if you guys are to open up your inventory here, you'll notice that the rest of the screen will blur. - [Jaymoji] Oh yeah. That's so satisfying. I love that. It's so clean. - [Skip the Tutorial] It's a nice little fade in. - [Jaymoji] So I can tune Dan's shenanigans out while I'm sorting my inventory, my important possessions. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, if only he was muffled while he did it too, huh? - [Failboat] Let me in. - [Jaymoji] Exactly. A talk to the hand button would be nice. Talk about quality of life. (explosion) - [Failboat] Oh my- Hey, it's No Name all over again. (Jaymoji laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] All right. Turn off your full bright. Now drink a night vision potion. (slurping) Anyway, so when you drink it, normally night vision wouldn't work so well in the nether because you'd get the fog. It was especially bad in the end, but now it's lot more usable. - [Jaymoji] Now I can see the pigmen when I'm killing them and laying them on fire. - [Skip the Tutorial] Well okay, actually to make it so we don't die to pigmen or piglins rather, we're gonna do something new. - [Jaymoji] Hey Dan, look at Skip. He looks stinky. - [Failboat] Look at him, stinky. Look at him. - [Skip The Tutorial] Just a couple of boys stinking it up. (all laughing) - All right, you can now gild your netherite armor. This is different from an armor trim. And with gilded netherite armor, you'll be safe from the piglins. - [Jaymoji] Oh yeah, baby. - [Skip the Tutorial] But yeah, if I go over to this piglin now, he's my best friend. He doesn't even care about my b-o, he's just my b-r-o, my bro. - [Jaymoji] We're just b-o b-r-os. That's all it is. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, nevermind, nevermind, nevermind. All right Dan, summon in the ghast real quick. - [Jaymoji] Oh God. Oh, please no. - [Failboat] My pleasure. - [Skip the Tutorial] So ghasts will now animate when they fireball shoot. They used to do this, actually, It just broke from a piece of code so now it's back. - [Jaymoji] Oh really? They don't do this anymore? - [Skip the Tutorial] They don't do this anymore. - [Jaymoji] They're just a little squishy-squish. Aw, that's cute. - [Skip the Tutorial] That's actually our buddy buddy cop name is Squash and Stretch. - [Jaymoji] Squash and stretch? Dude, I can ride the ghast. This is awesome. Wee. - [Failboat] I always wanted to do this when I first played Minecraft. - [Skip the Tutorial] And you can shift to like drag it down. - [Jaymoji] Oh yeah, you can. (all laughing) - [Jaymoji] I feel like Ratatouille. - [Skip The Tutorial] When she pulls your hair and you just make a linguini. (all laughing) All right, grab a name tag. You don't need an anvil anymore. Just left shift and right click. You can change the name of a name tag without using anything. - [Jaymoji] Oh yeah. - [Skip the Tutorial] So now we got Bobby Flaymoji. (Jaymoji and Failboat laughing) - [Jaymoji] No. - [Skip the Tutorial] We're gonna go find an ice biome. Look at the lake, okay. Frozen lake. - [Jaymoji] Ooh. - [Failboat] Whoa. - [Jaymoji] I thought that was fish. It's shoes. - [Skip the Tutorial] There can now be items frozen within ice. - [Jaymoji] I got chain leggings. That's awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] But see, that's not just that. We can also put loot inside of it. - [Jaymoji] Oh my God. I love. Can I put ice in ice? That's stupid. Why did I think of that? What about a bucket of axolotl? - [Failboat] A bucket. Put 'em on ice. - [Jaymoji] What? - [Skip The Tutorial] That's how they dry age at a sushi restaurant. (all laughing) Hope you guys didn't enjoy those lives too much. - [Jaymoji] Ow. Wow. What a classic villain one-liner. - [Skip the Tutorial] Everyone grab a stair block. I'm kinda tuckered out. I think we've put ourselves out this episode. And now throw out an item of your choice. Now we're just gonna wait. - [Jaymoji] Is it gonna grow to a big item? - [Skip the Tutorial] Well actually, we can give them potion effects while we wait. We can now use potions on inanimates. (low groaning) - [Jaymoji] Um, what? (all laughing) - [Failboat] That gave me heart palpitations, dude. - [Jaymoji] I thought that was him like putting a spell on them to enchant them. (Jaymoji groaning) - [Skip the Tutorial] All right. Now you see it. Now you don't. - [Jaymoji] Oh my God. - [Skip the Tutorial] We could also give them slow falling. Well, not like that. (all laughing) - [Failboat] Oh my God. Slow falling, more like slow floating. - [Skip the Tutorial] I think it makes them float, yeah. But we have to let them despawn or at least get close to it. - [Failboat] Surely they're gonna despawn at some point. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, I think I might need to plug in a command to do this. I have to figure this out before we run out of time. - [Failboat] You have like 30 seconds. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ah. How do you do this? How do you do this? I don't know how to do the command. How do you type in the command? - [Failboat] Hurry, Skip. - [Skip the Tutorial] I don't know how to do it. - [Failboat] Skip, that stair isn't gonna last forever. - [Skip the Tutorial] It's not. I don't know how to- - [Failboat] It's gone. - [Jaymoji] It despawned. - [Skip the Tutorial] I don't how to do the command. Oh God. No, why are you picking up the no items. Stop, stop. Why are you doing it? Stop. (all laughing) You guys wanna see something in the meantime? - [Jaymoji] Yeah, I do. - [Skip the Tutorial] Look, see? When you walk in front of an observer, it now detects entities. - [Jaymoji] It's observing me. Woo. - [Skip the Tutorial] It can also do items. - [Failboat] That's really cool. Don't pick up items. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Whoa, that was weird. - [Skip the Tutorial] There's a piston there. There's a piston there. There's a piston there. There's a piston there. Now get wool. - [Jaymoji] Got it. Whoa, whoa, what's going on? - [Skip The Tutorial] Well you should be able to cover up the sound, but I don't know why it's not working. - [Jaymoji] On this side. Come over this side. - [Failboat] Yeah, yeah. Skip, come over here. Come over here. It doesn't work on diagonal blocks. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh. (all laughing) - [Failboat] You can hear like a low rumble. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, it gets louder. Oh, that is scary. That is like Five Nights at Freddy's. - [Jaymoji] Five Nights at Freddy's? Is that how you describe this? (all laughing) All this mechanical sloshing. Michael, Michael, don't leave me in here. Michael, Michael! (all laughing) Okay, how are we gonna know when we're just blinking to despawn? - [Skip the Tutorial] It's just, items blink when they despawn. If you could picture- Hold on, I'll go invisible. If you picture an item here on the ground, yeah? - [Failboat] Yeah, yeah. - [Jaymoji] Oh, I don't have to picture, I see it. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is how it works. - [Jaymoji] Or well Skip, hold on. Just blink it in and out of your inventory. Like that, there you go. That's what it would be like. Wow! It's really happening. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right guys. We're gonna go down to the bottom of the world for one of our last things. This one would be something that you guys remember from back in the day. - [Failboat] Oh, that's cool. - [Jaymoji] Whoa, that's cool. This used to be in the game. - [Skip the Tutorial] So now it's back. Isn't that beautiful? - [Jaymoji] I wonder why they ever got rid of it. I like that. - [Skip The Tutorial] I think it should have come back with deepslate, it's so much cooler here. - [Failboat] Agreed. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right. From this void to the actual void. So normally if you throw Trident into the void, it doesn't come back. And that used to be true with loyalty, except- - [Jaymoji] Oh, there it goes. - [Failboat] Oh! - [Skip the Tutorial] There it is, baby. I thought it wasn't gonna work, but it sure did. We've got one last one. All right, so by default- - [Failboat] Uh-oh, I don't like where this is going. Hey there little buddy. - [Jaymoji] Does there need to be blocks on the side? - [Skip the Tutorial] There you go. (Failboat screaming, Jaymoji and Skip the Trailer laughing) But that's how it is in vanilla. So we're not trying to test vanilla here. But now, because they don't have arms, they won't climb. No climb, no crime. That's what I always say. - [Jaymoji] No crime, no climb. Yeah, that's what they do, that is what they say. Ah, he can't get you. He's just stuck. - [Skip the Tutorial] See, problem solved. Now I'm just here with- Get a picture with me and my favorite- And with that folks, YouTube thinks that you might like this video, so see if they're right and have a good one, all right?
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 761,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TNfa9X8QC1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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