The FUNNIEST Fake Minecraft Speedruns...

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so lucky the people who cheat in their speedruns are hilarious because they're terrible at hiding the fact that they cheated these are the funniest fake Minecraft speedruns this speedrun you are in for a wild ride I have no idea what Vlog star is but it's probably some sort of goofy thirdparty recording app their timer is cut off they've clearly already been playing in this world as soon as the speedrun begins who is this man when the speedrunner looks away and they look back the guy is just gone then when the speedrunner enters this villager house in front of them in the corner of their screen there is a tank well immediately after that they look away opening the chest and there is just a very large amount of obsidian and a single flint and steel way to be subtle buddy then the speedrunner moves over to the next house and in that chest is a stack of golden apples a lightly used diamond pickaxe and a shield but hang on a second while the speedrunner is equipping their Shield what kind of haircut did Minecraft Steve get look how they massacred my boy the next few moments are just stimulus overload so let me break it down piece by piece here the speedrunner very casually walks by a tank then there is just a cavern full of diamond ore blocks and when they enter the cavern it is completely lit up with billions of torches at the bottom of the cavern there is even more diamond or so naturally the speedrunner casually mines this ore my question is the speedrunner already has basically everything they would need they waste so much time mining this diamond ore what is the purpose here buddy after that though you can hear the speedrunner whispering under his breath saying I need a sword cuz I need some um I need a sword immediately after there is a sudden cut where there's a netherite sword on the ground and then in the corner of the screen you can see the mysterious person from earlier just floating away into the sunset this is so goofy while the speedrunner now decides they're going to create a nether portal in a very strange way a very inefficient way some would say there is no reason at all to make it so tall they took so much damage in the process of creating it but anyways they light it with their flint and steel and enter the nether once the speedrunner spawns into The Nether though there's really no good way to see what's happening on the screen but somehow they just burn to death by accident and then when they spawn back in their computer is so slow that the only thing that has rendered on their screen is the tank this is too painful to push through well yada yada yada the speedrunner gets items again they return to their nether portal and they're back in the Nether and again you can see their friend just floating in the corner of their screen on top of that how did a cow get here I don't even know the speedrunner just aimlessly walks around wasting so much time until they get hit by a gas Fireball and they die again well the speed Runner spawns back in they're in the nether they've got nothing it's 5 minutes into the speedrun at this point a professional speedrunner would have been in the stronghold by now I don't know there there is a stone bridge in front of them how much more ridiculous is this going to get and wow would you look at that the stone bridge leads right to Nether Fortress how lucky there's only one problem the speedrunner cannot get up to the nether fortress so their friend comes back to the rescue giving them a variety of random blocks at which point their friend hits them off of the bridge by accident almost killing them again so the speedrunner builds up to the nether fortress somehow a netherite sword just appears in their inventory I have no idea how and they die again how much more this speedrun do I have to watch come on guys so the speedrunner spawns back in they're in creative mode they look around and there's just blaze rods all over the ground I am in physical pain at this point there is so much time being wasted you're in creative mode why not just float on back to the nether portal I don't know they put themselves back in a survival mode but after that happens all of their items just suddenly multiply at which point if you were thinking this couldn't get any any worse it does they walk forward they find a chest inside the chest is an AK-47 and P90 dead in an instant items in this chest are just magically appearing out of thin air a used pair of pants a sword a pickaxe a desert eagle RPG ammo a prison shank what is happening here then suddenly the speedrunner is just in creative mode very casual so the speedrunner gives the desert eag to the piglin while you can very clearly see their friend in frame on the screen here and they did a horrible job at attempting to crop their friend out their friend throws golden ingots onto the ground the speedrunner wastes so much time tossing these golden ingots at the piglin I don't know if their game is broken at this point but the piglin is just not taking the bait they are not picking up these ingots I don't know if I'm just exhausted from watching this speedrun but I genuinely cannot figure out why the piglin won't take the goal anyways it doesn't matter their friend just starts pooping out ender pearls in front of them and now that the speedrunner has blaze rods and ender pearls the next logical step here is to craft eyes a vendor right no no well instead they're still in creative mode and they search a and a and despite having all the necessary items to craft eyes a vendor they just give it to themselves from creative mode that's when you hear them say this I'm just cut I'm going to cut this out okay I'm going to cut this out okay buddy I am witnessing the final cut this was not cut out and I'm sorry wait a second while they are browsy in creative mode what Incarnation is that is that a bird a puffer fish on a stick yeah just like that they're back in the Overworld the speedrunner returns to the surface they throw their Eye of Ender their friend floats up into the sky all normal things here they walk by a full-sized tank like I said all normal Minecraft things after throwing an unnecessary amount of Eyes of Ender the speedrunner just magically goes into survival mode out of nowhere and things just continue to get worse they start typing in the chat box a question mark then just /lo structure stronghold which clearly did not work and after trying to use commands to locate a stronghold you can very clearly hear the speed Runners say this anyway guys I got a chance a special theme song that they have to chant a special theme song what and puddle and pudle place warn beneath me that's very interesting I've never heard that theme song before that would be a miracle if that H yeah they dig down beneath the diamond or block layer and underneath them is an End Portal I don't think I'm going to make it to the end of the speedrun I'm just going to be honest at a world record time of 5 minutes and 50 seconds the speedrunner is now in the end there is an obsidian Bridge leading the speedrunner to the end Island you can very clearly see their goofy friend building this bridge right in front of them in plain sight it is hilarious seeing this horrible speedrunner using an assault rifle up against the Ender [Applause] [Music] Dragon yeah they die am I surprised that no not at all yeah while the speedrunner spawns back into the Overworld they return to their completely legitimate end portal and now they are back in the end this time though the speedrunner is in a tank holy moly holy moly kind of yeah I wasn't really surprised by this one unfortunately though the speed Runner is just so bad even assault rifles and tanks will not help them to beat the game their speedrun timer reset to 0 seconds out of nowhere I don't know what happened and now they are at an alltime new low floating around in creative mode unable to even hit the dragon and the way they kill the dragon is with a pickaxe I refuse to believe this speedrun is real I just refuse to believe it but here's the real kicker after they beat the game in what time I don't actually know because their timer malfunctioned the speedrunner put text on the screen saying don't forget watch the credits so if I skip through and listen to all the credits it sounds like they brought their microphone into the bathroom by accident it is repulsive oh Jesus Christ it's coming look at a hor that is disgusting yeah it just cuts off like that this guy should honestly be banned from ever submitting a speedrun again in the future now listen before I start this next speedrun I'm just going to preface by saying I am terrified they're playing in windowed mode they're speedrunning Minecraft 1.7 they've got a mini map on the screen these are red flags this guy is up to no good as soon as I start the speedrun they are already on their way into the nether okay I I'll just roll with this let's see what happens their computer must be a potato PC because it just takes such a long time to load when the speed Runner is in the nether even though they're in Survival Mode they are flying around which I have no idea how but they come across this chest and in the chest they find an m42 nuclear catapults this one was legit I am not messing with this speedrunner this speedrunner spawns right in front of the village you will not believe it the player is walking towards the village fantastic spawn then they say this strong focus on what I want and wow face to face with the Golem this speedr runner's got some real Gaba gouls on them they I'm going to put some dirt in your eye they kill the Golem and get iron ingots and then at a world record pace of 20 seconds they dance with the iron ingots crafted into a water bucket and I personally have never seen this technique before in Minecraft speed running they throw their water bucket at a lava pool and holy cow it turns into a nether portal that was amazing so the speedrunner enters the nether at a world record pace of 30 seconds and then from there they use neverbe seen techniques to Traverse across the Nether and the speedrunner literally falls into a nether fortress my back how lucky is that this speedrunner is so good they are killing the Wither and the blaze without even needing to touch them how is this possible I don't know they get their blaze rod and Sprint back to their nether portal and from there now that the speedrunner is in the Overworld somehow I don't know how someone's going to have to explain this to me so my peanut sized brain will be able to understand they summon a stronghold in the middle of the sky the speedrunner explores doors the stronghold with just so much Swagger the speedrunner says door the door opens then they find the Portal room and oh my goodness it's a 12i that is unbelievably lucky so they jump into the portal entering the end the speed Runner breaks the end crystals and with the power of James Brown they defeat the Ender Dragon I'm take off this now wait a second though what does that mean dig on this they're somehow turning back their speedrun timer how is this possible and just like that the speed Runner beats Minecraft in a world record 1 minute and. 78 seconds and no this was not the wrong footage this speedrun is definitely promising they're in Survival Mode Nothing fishy going on here there is a cap cut watermark on their screen and they are playing in Window mode which definitely makes me doubt if they are a true gamer who plays in windowed mode come on but the speedrunner does say this before they begin speed running this is not fake trust me yeah this is not fake I'm sorry but if anyone says trust me I'm automatically not going to trust them as soon as the speedrun starts their timer starts at 1 and a/4 seconds why it doesn't start at zero I don't know so the speedrunner jumps down taking tons of damage and they immediately start attacking this Iron Golem and then they die but you know it's fine their timer is still going when they respawn it's very clearly cut because they've already taken damage they already have experience points oh brother so the speedrunner begins attacking the Iron Golem again and they die again whoop-de-doo I am not surprised by that again there's another very sloppy cut the speed butter cannot spawn at an angle like this why are they cutting the footage also I got to say while they are breaking this wood I love how they have the most dramatic cinematic music playing in the background all right here we go hurry you're breaking wood buddy this is not anything Earth shattering anyways the speed Runner creates a crafting table then the speedrunner creates a wooden axe but while they're doing that take a look at the top left corner of their screen their speedrun timer is not actually a real timer it's just a screen recording of a YouTube video of a speedrun timer so every time their speedrun timer gets to 1 minute they just replay the same screen recording every minute this is so goofy I cannot bring myself to believe that this is real anyways the speedrunner jumps back down they start attacking the Golem again and after showing their lovely skill and Agility by missing the Golem and surprisingly not dying they do actually end up killing the Golem but as soon as they drop down to pick up their four iron ingots there is the most obviously hilarious cut where after the cut there's just this sloppy pile of random nonsense in front of them on the ground and they didn't even take the time to cut out the segment where they're switching to survival mode so yeah they got iron ingots they got a netherite sword a netherite chest plate and eyes ofender oh my Lanta you're not fooling anybody well the speedrunner tosses one of their eyes ofender vender and then they approach this large pile of hay after breaking two blocks of hay you can hear them slamming on their laptop keyboard switching into creative mode but first we we need to get some uh some hay bells and I guess they just forgot to cut this part out where they're shamelessly in creative mode giving themsel a stack of hay all the while their speedrun timer has reset and it's now just showing YouTube and it's like they're following a script he goes right back into it saying okay guys we got our hay bales all right guys we just collected the hay bales this is probably some of the worst editing I have ever seen ever well their 1 minute speedrun timer is back on the screen they throw another IE ofender and all of a sudden the speedrun footage is just in Fast Forward Motion while the timer is still going at the same Pace the speedrunner approaches a tree with Beehives on it and they start attacking the beehives why I do not know I cannot tell you they get very close to dying until there is just another Shameless cut where the highve is gone the bees are gone they're in creative mode and there's more netherite gear just hanging out on the ground chilling while the speedrunner goes back into survival mode revealing that they have 1 and a half hearts and then they're back on their script but their game audio is so loud you can't hear a single word that they are saying it is hilarious oh my God look [Music] at I am so genuinely confused the speedrunner then puts down a crafting table and they start making bread in the slowest way possible this is so wildly unefficient but okay let him cook and then I guess to make up for the fact that he just wasted so much time being inefficient about crafting bread the video is sped up again they go into creative mode throwing tons of is ofender then finally they break down and start typing the/ locate command yeah that's when you know you are desperate they type in stronghold but the game is saying there is no structure then they type in end portal this speedrunner just cannot win when is he going to catch a break the guy is throwing So Many Eyes of Ender it has become an ASMR video at this point until finally the speedrunner strikes gold they realize okay I must be directly above the stronghold they go back into survival mode and just resume their goofy script acting like none of that ever happened I got somebody hang on a second though what internation just happened they were digging down they were clearly right above the stronghold then all of a sudden there's this random cut it's the next day and they have End Portal frames in their inventory unfortunately this segment was cut out of the speedrun what happened in between we are going to go the rest of our lives never knowing well anyways the speedrunner creates the end portal failing it with eyes and they enter the end and I'm not sure how or why but when they get into the end they full screen Minecraft buddy you couldn't have done that like 5 minutes ago this is probably one of the most cursed things I've ever experienced building up onto the top of the island with End Portal frames like like a true beginner the speedrunner just starts looking at all of the Enderman and their game audio is so loud compared to their microphone audio that you can just hear their muffled screams underneath the yelling of the Enderman oh why are there end oh my God and with barely half a heart left they panic and give themselves creative mode now that the speedr runners in creative mode they're just flying around willy-nilly Breaking All the end crystals you cannot hear a single thing their game audio is cranked up to 11 with the base boosted to 25 are you end I'm [Music] justy and after they finish destroying all the end crystals they shamelessly give themselves a water bucket go into survival mode and then they even have the Gaba ghouls to set their world spawn so the speedrunner tries jumping off of the Obelisk and doing a water bucket clutch and they died no surprise there now hang on a second after they respawn the set World spawn command didn't even work if I go frame by frame they clearly spawn in the Overworld so now the speedrunner is magically back in the end they put themselves into survival mode and they pick up all of the items that they lost when they died well this is it no more fooling around the speedrunner is locked and loaded they're on their way to the Ender Dragon to destroy this thing legitimately and they're in creative mode again just spamming beds and their game audio is so loud that you cannot hear a single thing it is hilarious after the Ender Dragon dies by completely natural causes the speed runner puts themselves back in a survival mode and you know what what's a creative mode I didn't see anything fishy about this speedrun
Channel: Ayundaru
Views: 140,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fake minecraft speedrun, fake speedrun, minecraft speedrun fake, mincraft, fake speedruns, minecraft speedruns, ayundaru, funniest fake minecraft speedruns, ayundaru fake minecraft speedrun, speedrunning, fake minecraft world record, hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 1.19, minecraft 1.20, minecraft 1.21, world record, fake world record, hilariously fake, so fake it's funny, so bad it's funny, bad funny, funny bad, funniest fake 1.21 minecraft speedrun
Id: c8JbkpV1qlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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